Robbie Williams with his wife. Robbie Williams

Footballer Dmitry Tarasov, still one of the most discussed topics on social networks. Fans are surprised: how is it that they were happy for four years and fled in one day. The intrigue is also that Tarasov and Buzova do not name the reason for the breakup.

We do not confirm or comment on this story. So far, no interviews with Olga are planned, - Olga Buzova's press secretary Anton Bogoslavsky told KP.

After last week Buzova released a single“To the sound of kisses” and changed her image, dyed from blonde to brown-haired, many again thought: maybe the news about the divorce is just PR? But Buzova's friends assured KP: Tarasov really left the family.

She didn’t even tell the management of the Dom-2 project why she was divorcing her husband, ”said one of the friends of the TV presenter.

Plus, recently, congratulating the participants of the beauty contest “Miss VClub-TV St. Petersburg -2016”, Buzova, after on-duty wishes addressed to them, unexpectedly added at the end of her speech: “Do not take your husbands away from the family!”

They say that Olya reacted so sharply because her marriage broke up because of the winner of the Moscow Beauty 2016 contest Anna Ushakova. Fans of the TV presenter are sure of this, sarcastically remarking: Tarasov buys for a new girlfriend exact copies bouquets that he recently gave to his wife. Like, he could have changed the florist for decency. Anna even posted a video with Tarasov on her Instagram. In addition, the couple is often seen together in restaurants.

Friends talk about new girlfriend Tarasova: the girl loves the company of stars and parties full of rich and famous gentlemen. For example, she was recently seen backstage at the Golden Gramophone award.

Anna for this event ordered from us very Nice dress- told "KP" designer Irina Stepanova. - Similar outfits of my brand cost from 65 thousand rubles.

- And Anna herself can tell why she chose this particular dress?

No, she doesn't want to talk to reporters.

- Because of Tarasov?


Komsomolskaya Pravda has been calling Anna on her mobile for several days. The girl picks up the phone and, without saying a word, hangs up the call.

In secular parties, Ushakova has been known for a long time.

Anna always liked famous and wealthy men, secular gossips shared with KP. - Ushakova was seen a couple of times with Valeria's eldest son Artemy. But their appearances did not end in anything serious.


“Dima began to treat his wife as an obsessive fan”

I idealized their union, I thought that Dima was carrying Olya in her arms, - Buzova's close friend, host of the Trolls show Rustam Solntsev, comments on the situation. - Then I accidentally saw excerpts from the video broadcasts of Olya Buzova in Periscope ( mobile app, which allows you to transfer video in real time. - Ed.). I was stunned, to be honest, from Dmitry's rudeness towards Olga. I hear Tarasov saying to Buzova: “Step back! Tie up! I want - I champ, I want - I don’t champ! Dima cooled off towards Olya and began to treat her as an obsessive fan, and not as a beloved wife. I didn't notice this before.


“My husband was lying with a broken ankle, and she did not get out of social networks”

Olya could not always be with her husband because of the filming, - Mikhail Terekhin, a member of Doma-2 and ex-boyfriend of TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, voices his version of the divorce of the "gibberish". - On the eve of the break, Tarasov was injured, he wanted attention, but his wife was not at home. And if she is nearby, then she sits on Instagram for days. Think for yourself: a husband is at home with a broken ankle, while his wife reads comments on social networks at this time. All household chores were performed by a housekeeper. And Tarasov wanted Olya to do something for him.


Olga Buzova spoke about the betrayal of loved ones

The TV presenter admitted that she had a “revaluation of values”

Olga Buzova is going through a difficult period: recent weeks were very difficult for her. Although Olya does not talk about what is happening in her life, the environment of the TV presenter hints: she left her husband, football player Dmitry Tarasov, and is trying to get used to a new life alone. When the passions subsided a little, Buzova decided to break the silence and frankly shared what was going on in her soul. According to Olya, she experienced a reassessment of values. She realized who was really her friend and who was her enemy. The TV presenter admitted that she lost the support of many of those people whom she considered her friends. Buzova addressed warm words to her subscribers - and she has as many as seven million of them.

It became known what happened to Olga Buzova, and in what condition she is now. IN currently TV presenter and singer is under the supervision of doctors. She lies under a drip after the injury.

As it turned out, shortly before the performance, Buzova was injured in the cervical vertebrae. During the unsuccessful performance of the trick, when falling from a height of three meters, she pinched her neck. It happened during the filming of the video. And although doctors strongly recommended to adhere to bed rest and cancel performances, Buzova refused. After all, she would let the audience down, and she herself put a lot of effort into preparing for it. Many colleagues in the creative workshop supported Olga and wished to get better as soon as possible.

After the singer nearly fainted during the concert and was carried away by one of the dancers, fans wondered what had happened to Olga Buzova. After all, even before the start of the concert, she complained on Instagram that she had uncomfortable shoes and her palms were sweating from excitement. It is quite possible that nervous overstrain, combined with a neck injury, played a cruel joke on the singer, not allowing her to finish her performance.