Scenario of the holiday "village gatherings". Scenario of the holiday "village gatherings

Municipal educational budgetary institution

"Secondary school No. 2"

urban district Roshal, Moscow region

extracurricular activity

folklore holiday

"Village gatherings"

Compiled by: Sycheva Natalia Valerievna

Class: 4


Purpose of the event: introducing children to the cultural heritage of their native people, respect for their native language, respect for folk traditions and customs

Event objectives:

    deepen students' knowledge of Russian folklore;

    arouse interest in oral folk art, the culture of the Russian people;

    to teach collective interaction, improve communication skills;

    develop coherent speech, memory, creative abilities of students;

    to cultivate patriotism, to form the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual;

    expand the horizons of children, enrich the vocabulary of children;

    develop the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the lessons of literary reading in extracurricular time;

    continue to work to unite the team of parents and children; improve communication through involvement in joint activities

Equipment: multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, laptop, presentation, musical accompaniment (recordings of Russian folk music, songs).

Decor: a village hut with a Russian stove, a table, a tablecloth, a samovar, balalaikas, figurines of Dymkovo toys, Russian folk instruments, painted dishes, cups, bundles of bagels, sunflowers, the sun, embroidered towels, pastries on the table.

Suits: Russian folk sundresses, shirts, kokoshniks.

Members: 4th grade students, parents and guests.

Characters: Varvara, Skomorokhs (Proshka and Fedul, Foma and Erema), Egor and Nikodim

1. Introduction about folklore

2. Nursery rhymes

3. Riddles

4. Chastushki

5. Tongue twisters (competition "Tryndychikha")

7. Fables in faces. Scene "Egor and Nikodim"

8. Fables (Thomas and Erem on balalaikas)

9. Noise orchestra (Russian folk song “Viburnum on the mountain”)

10. Teasers

11. Rhythm

12. Folk games "Boyars", "Ring"

13. Boring fairy tales

14. Fairy tale "Golden Egg". (About Ryaba Chicken in a new way)

15. Round dance "In the field there was a birch", "Quadrille"

16. Proverbs, sayings

17. End of the holiday. (Tea drinking.)

Event progress:

1. Introduction

Leading: Welcome, dear guests, to our folk festival.

From time immemorial in Rus' - mother

Friendly people live

Keeps old fairy tales

Games, fun different,

Ditties, sly choruses,

Wise sayings and riddles.

Folk wisdom is passed down from generation to generation. If we are interested in folklore, then we are interested in our history.

Mistress: Please, dear guests, please!

Master: Fun and joy to you!

Mistress: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting, the holiday does not start without you.

Master: We have a place and a word for everyone.

Mistress: We have in store for you fun for every taste, for someone - a fairy tale, for someone - the truth, for someone - a song.

(Guests, class students pass, give a Russian bow, sit down on chairs).

Master: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, hear everyone, is there enough space for everyone?

Guest: The guests, of course, had enough space, but not, isn't it a bit cramped for the owners?

Master: In crowded but not mad!

Mistress: We came here to disperse boredom,

We came to have fun, to play,

Sing songs with you in chorus,

For fun, for fun to see.

Master: What a glorious day!

We are not lazy to have fun.

Let's joke jokes

Yes, entertain guests.

(The hosts sit down among the guests).

2. nursery rhymes

(Two buffoons run out).

1st buffoon: Buffoons were sitting under a bush near the path.

2nd buffoon: I am a buffoon Proshka.

1st buffoon: And I - Fedul - a buffoon.

2nd buffoon:

I have a buffoon Proshka,
Games and fun full basket!

1st buffoon:

Hey, come on people

Get into a round dance

No hustle, no rush

Together: Russian nursery rhymes await you today!

(Students come out and act out dialogues, accompanying with game movements).

1) Two students:

What are your girls doing?
- They sew and sing.
- What about mothers?
- They swear and cry.

2) Girl and boy:

Son, go to the river for some water.
- My stomach hurts.
- Son, go eat porridge.
- Well, well, since the mother is calling, we must go.

3) Two boys:

What are you carrying?
- Hay.
- So it's wood!
- And if you see, what do you ask?

4) Girl and boy:

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?
- I caught the bear.
- So bring him here!
- He's not coming.
- Well, go ahead.
- He won't let me.

5) Two boys:

Where are you, brother Ivan?

In the mountain.

What are you doing?

I help Peter.

And what does Peter do?

Yes, it's on the stove.

6) Two boys:

Fedul, why pouted his lips?

Yes, the caftan burned through.

Can you sew?

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

7) Two boys:

Foma, is it warm in your hut?

Warm. You can warm up on the stove in a fur coat.

3. Riddles

1st girl: Wait, people

Get some rest

Varvarushka is coming to us

Entertain a little.

(Varvara enters to the music.)

Leading: Well, let's get acquainted!

Her name, guys, is Barbara-beauty,

And the main sign is a long braid.

For a long time, the beauty of the girl -

Not blush, not eyelashes,

Everywhere Russian beauty -

With a ribbon long braid!

Barbara: I sit on the mound in the spring.

And in winter I lie down in the upper room,

I sit, I look at the people,

I always remember everything

And I put it in the basket.

I sit next to the bench

I will sit with you,

I'll tell you riddles

Who will look smarter!

Riddles about the house.

1. There is a back, but not lying,

Four legs, not walking

But always worth it

And he tells everyone to sit, lie down. (Shop.)

2. Grandmother gray - white,

In winter, everyone is sweet,

And how summer comes

Forget about grandma. (Bake.)

3. Made from linden

Leaky trough.

On the road goes

Places cells. (bast shoes.)

4. Horned - but not a bull,

Enough - but not full,

Gives to people

He goes on vacation. (Grip.)

5. He walks in the hallway, but will not enter the house. (Door)

6. Daria and Marya see each other, but do not converge. (Walls)

7. What is higher than the roof, more dexterous than a mouse? (Smoke)

8. Stands in the corner of Arina,

Long mouth open

The mouth opens

What they give - swallows.

In winter she eats and snorts

And in the summer the hungry sleeps. (Bake)

9. Everyone who comes, gives a hand. (Door knob)

10. The tail is in the yard, the nose is in the kennel,

Whoever turns his tail will enter the house. (Lock and key)

11. The dish is glass, the edges are wooden. (Window frames and glass)

12. In a wide yard,

On a flat field

There are four priests

under one hat. (Table)

13. The nightingale's nest is not in a hut, not on the street. (Door hinges)

14. Little Erofeiko is belted short,

The coat is green.

On the floor lope, on the benches lope, lope,

And he sat in a corner - he would not stir. (Broom)

15. Top hole and bottom hole,

And in the middle - fire and water. (Samovar)

16. A new vessel, but all in holes (sieve, sieve).

17. Wet, beat, tore, twisted and put on the table (tablecloth).

18. The bull is horned, clutched in his hands. There is enough food, but he is starving (grip).

19. Flexible forest climbed onto the shoulders (rocker).

20. I will sit on a horse and ride into the fire (pot on the grip).

21. A crooked horse climbs into the fire (poker).

22. Four legs, two ears, one nose, and a belly (samovar).

23. I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless (spoon)

24. Steep mountain, like a step-

Either a pit or a hole. (Ladder)

4. Chastushki

Presenter: Who said - ditties like

Is it out of fashion these days?

And is it a matter of fashion,

If people love them!


Hey chick girls

Sing ditties,

Sing it fast

To please your guests!


Hey guys, well done

Naughty bastards!

Come dance

Long evening to pass.

Presenter: Well, well, you have to compete in the ability to perform ditties.

(Children perform wall-to-wall ditties, boys and girls take turns)


1. I start the chorus

First, initial.

I want to cheer

The audience is sad.


2. For a fun walk

I came without a strap.

I know ninety songs

There are two more bags at home.


3. I dressed up today

In a sundress with a needle.

Enjoy it guys

For my updates!


4. The samovar shines, boiling,

Black tea foams in it!

Take a look at yourself

Well, a reflection!


5. I walked through the village

And Vanyushka saw -

Sitting under a bush and crying:

The chicken hurt.


6. And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm barefoot from the stove,

Thought they were girlfriends.


7. Let's sing ditties for you,
Dear public,
Don't hold on to your pockets
We won't take a ruble.


8. From girlfriends - laughter

So much noise.

Like a hundred rattles

Even a million.


9. For ditties, my dear friend,

I will give you three rubles

You can see in your eyes,

What did you like about us.


And the kitten - in the tarantass,
I'll take my girlfriend

Show to all the neighbors!


11. Everyone came, everyone came,

Everyone sat down on the benches!

My darling is gone

The wolves must have eaten it!


You sang ditties to us
And I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart
Your ditties are good
And you are good too.

Presenter: And who do you like more?

5. Tongue twisters(competition "Tryndychikha")

Allow us to begin.

Let someone speak quickly

The rest please be silent.

Guest: We repeat the tongue twister to catch a mosquito.

Mistress: Listen, memorize, and repeat quickly.

Leading: The next test is Competition "Tryndychikha".Children and parents participate. Teams receive cards with tongue twisters, you need to say 3 times without getting lost.

Bristles at the pig, scales at the pike.

Weavers wove fabrics for Tanya's dress.

All purchases at the counter are packed in bags.

Mother gave Romasha whey from yogurt.

Chatterbox chatted until she chatted.

Arkhip Osip, Osip hoarse.

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Prokop, stole the dill.

Arkhip got up, the cock was hoarse.

Senya wears hay in the canopy.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Three yard cutters cut firewood in three yards.

Leading: The winners of the competition are…..

6. Songs

Where the song flows

Life is easier there!

There are talents in Rus',

I speak confidently.

Since the people are still singing -

Know that all is not lost.

(Singing a song "I walk with loach" with circular movements)

I walk with loach, I walk with gold,

I don't know where to put the loach,

I don't know where to put the loach.

I'll put the vine, I'll put the vine

I will put the loach on my right shoulder,

I will put the loach on my right shoulder.

And from the right, and from the right,

And I'll put it from right to left,

And I'll put it from right to left.

(Children stage a Ukrainian folk song "Merry Geese"

1. Lived with a grandmother

Two cheerful geese:

one grey,

Other white-

Two cheerful geese.

2. Washed geese paws

In a puddle by the canal.

one grey,

Other white-

They hid in a ditch.

3.Here the grandmother screams:

“Oh, the geese are gone!

one grey,

Other white-

My geese, geese!"

4. Geese came out,

They bowed to the grandmother.

one grey,

Other white-

They bowed to the grandmother.

(Children act out the song "Seeds")

1. That is not ducks quacking,

Frogs don't croak.

This is with a cute two

We chew the seeds loudly.

Seeds, seeds

Senechka brought them in a bag.

In summer the night is short

We only ate half a bag.

2. The sun is already rising,

I chew and he chews.

It's time to milk the goat

He chews and I chew.

seeds, seeds,

Why am I wasting my time.

From such a groom

There is only husk in the heart.

3. Our guys are great,

They give cute candy.

I'm unhappy, alone

The seeds should husk.

seeds, seeds,

I use a broom from the porch.

I see Senya from the gate

Bringing seeds again.

4. And recently Senya to me

Made an offer:

"Come as a mistress to the house,

We legally gnaw"

Seeds?!! Seeds.

And I said: "Senechka,

I'd rather be alone

But without a husband - a rodent.

7. Fables in faces.

Barbara: Well, let's sit side by side

Let's talk nice.

Fables in faces

They sit in the lights

cracking nuts

Let them make laughs.

Do you want to know which ones?

And here are…

(Children stage fables.)

Drove the village

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking.

He grabbed a club

Broke the ax

And for our cat

Ran the fence.

The roofs were scared

Sit on a raven

The horse is chasing

A man with a whip.

Scene "Egor and Nikodim"

Egor:- Hello, Nicodemus!

Nicodemus:- Hello, Yegor!

Where are you going from?

Egor: - From the Kudykin mountains.

Nicodemus:- And how are you, Egor, doing?

Egor: - They put an ax on their bare feet,

They mow the grass with a boot,

They carry water in a sieve.

Our sleighs go by themselves

And our horses - with mustaches,

Run underground for mice.

Nicodemus:- Yes, they are cats!

Egor: - A mosquito in your basket!

Our cats live in a nest

They fly everywhere.

Arrived in the yard

Started a conversation:

"Kar, kar!"

Nicodemus:- Yes, it's crows!

Egor: - Boiled fly agaric for you!

Our crow is big-eared,

Often roams in the garden

Skok yes skok

across the bridge,

White speck - tail.

Nicodemus:- Yes, it's a bunny!

Egor: - A spruce cone is in your nose!

Our hare

All animals are afraid.

Last winter in the bitter cold

The gray hare of the ram carried away.

Nicodemus:- Yes, it's a wolf!

Egor: - Click on your forehead!

Have you never heard

That our wolves are horned?

The wolf shakes his beard

I ate swan.

Nicodemus:- Yes, it's a goat!

Egor: - A thousand clicks for you!

Our goat

Gone under the snag

Tail moves,

It does not order to set up nets.

Nicodemus:- Yes, it's burbot!

Egor: - No, not burbot.

We are not talking about burbot.

Halim Nicodemus

Proud of himself

Halim Nicodemus

Wears a sable hat

Doesn't take it off in front of anyone

And he doesn't understand jokes either.

8. Fables (Buffoons Foma and Yeryoma)

Leading: And what kind of gatherings are there without merry mercenaries, without merry fellows and scoffers? And here they are!

(Thomas and Yeryoma run out to the music.)

buffoons: Hello guys! And here we are both!

Thomas: I am Thomas.

Yerema: I am Erema.

Thomas: They bowed low.

Yerema: The caps fell off.

(Bow to the audience.)

Thomas: We wear a cap.

Yerema: We start again.

buffoons: We came to you both - Foma da Yerema!

Thomas: Laughter was heard

They ran to you.

Yerema: We are remote guys.

Thomas: We are mischievous guys.

Thomas: Overall

We live great.

Yerema: Come on, Thomas, sit down at the gate,

Let's entertain the people.

Thomas: Today we will tell you in the faces of funny fables.

Hey honest people!

Open wide your mouth!

We will cheer you up

Open wide your eyes!

Yerema: (pushing Foma) Start!

Thomas: No, you start.

buffoons: Let's start together, and you sing along.

(Foma and Yerema play the balalaikas)


1. You listen guys

I will sing nonsense:

A pig grazes on an oak

A bear is steaming in the bath.


2. Early in the morning in the evening,

Late at dawn

Grandma was walking

In a chintz carriage.


3. And our grandfather Ivan

Put the cat in my pocket

The cat is crying and crying

Loudly scolds grandfather.


4. Nonsense on the fence

fried jam,

Chickens ate the rooster

One Sunday.


5. A hedgehog sits on a birch,

new shirt,

On the head - a boot,

On the leg is a cap.


6. There is a cart on the mountain,

Tears drip from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain

Puts on boots.


7. Between heaven and earth

Piglet burrowed.

And accidentally tail

Caught up to the sky.


8. In the autumn meadow

A mosquito bit a flea.
A hare sits on a birch

Dies with laughter.


Oh, Erema, you are an eccentric!

You say everything wrong.

That's fun, that's fun

People fall down laughing.


Devils ate with a pitchfork

From lamb ear.

Isn't it time for us guys

Finish the fluff.

Thomas: Who's got a frown there?

The music plays again.

9. Noise Orchestra

Presenter: Guys, did you recognize the musical instrument that was in the hands of Foma and Yeryoma? (balalaika) And what else did the Russian people play?

Like ours at the gate

The people are gathering.

Anything with spoons

Yes with ratchet.

Hey gay! Honest people.

Look out your gate

Look here soon

And you will see spoons!

Dear guests, we present you our "Noise Orchestra".

(Children accompany the Russian folk song "On the mountain, viburnum" by playing noise instruments)

1. On the mountain, viburnum,

Raspberry under the mountain.

Well, well, who cares, viburnum,

Well, who cares, raspberry.

2. There the girls walked,

The Reds were out there.

Well, well, who cares, walked,

Yes, well, who cares, we were walking.

3. Kalinushka was broken,

Knitted in bunches.

Well, well, who cares, they knitted,

Well, who cares, knitted.

4. Knitted in bundles,

They threw it on the track.

Well, well, who cares, they threw it away,

Well, who cares, they threw it away.

10. Teasers

Presenter: And how many teasers were invented by our ancestors. Perhaps there is not a single name that our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers would have ignored in early childhood.

Alyoshka is a cake.

Andrew is a sparrow.

Antoshka is a potato.

1. Vanya, Vanya - simplicity.

Bought a horse without a tail.

Sat back to front

And went to the garden.

2. Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai,

Stay at home, don't play.

Clean the potatoes

Eat a little.

3. Fedya - copper, tripe,

Ate a cow and a bull

And fifteen pigs

Only tails hang.

4.-You bow sent.

Which Masha?

Our pig.

5.-Senka, you have dirt under your feet!

Where? (Leans down to look.)

Don't bow, I'm not your prince!


Dear guests, why not tease us too? Let me pronounce

phrase, and you add "And I."

I will go to the forest.

I'll chop wood.

I'll cut the deck.

I'll mix the pigs.

They will eat.

Presenter: If someone didn’t like the teasers, it’s not necessary: ​​there are other games, both useful and completely harmless.

11. A rhyme.

Presenter: Isn't it time for us to play? And who among you will remember Russian folk rhymes?

(Readers exit.)

1. The counting rhyme begins
A jackdaw sat on a birch
Two crows, a sparrow,
Three magpies, nightingale.

2. Containers - bars! Rastabars!
Varvara's chickens are old!

3. Tu-tu-tu, tu-ru-ru!
The shepherd lost his pipe
Lost and not found.
And he came to me again.

4. The dog was walking across the bridge.
Four paws, one tail.
If the bridge fails
The dog will fall off.

5. One two three four!
The mice lived in the apartment.
They drank tea, broke cups,
They paid three bucks.
Who doesn't want to pay
That's why you drive!

12. Folk games (Boyars, Kolechko)

Game "Boyars"

Boyars, and we came to you, young, and we came to you.

Boyars, why did you come, young people, why did you come?

Boyars, we need a bride, young people, we need a bride.

Boyars, how sweet are you, young people, how sweet are you?

Boyars, this is dear to us, young people, this is dear to us.

Boyars, she is a fool with us, young people, she is a fool with us.

Boyars, and we are her whip, young, and we are her whip.

Boyars, she is afraid of whips, young, she is afraid of whips.

Boyars, we will give her a gingerbread, young people, we will give her a gingerbread.

Boyars, her teeth hurt, young, her teeth hurt.

Boyars, and we will take you to the doctor, young people, and we will take you to the doctor.

Boyars, she is afraid of the doctor, young, she is afraid of the doctor.

Boyars, open the gates, give us the bride forever.

Game "Ring"

Before playing, you need to choose a driver with the help of a rhyme. Then all the guys sit in a row or in a semicircle. You can play the game while standing. The leader puts his palms together and places a ring in this “boat” of his palms. The rest of the children fold their hands in the same way. The driver goes around in turn all the participants in the game, pretending to put a ring in each palm. To one player, he really should put a ring, but do it, attracting as little attention as possible! The one who receives the ring should also try not to give himself away.

When the driver has finished his “detour”, he moves a little to the side and shouts: “Ring-ring, go out on the porch!”. And the one who got the ring should quickly run to the driver. The rest of the players should try to guess who they put the ring on, and “lock”, detain him. If the owner of the ring managed to escape and run to the leader, now he is driving. And if it was not possible, then he passes the ring to the old leader and he leads again.

13. Boring fairy tales

Mistress. Will you listen again, guests, to boring tales. Don't you know these? Listen...

1.-Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a courtyard, there was a stake in the courtyard, a bast on the stake: why not say first?

2.-Yes, well, I'd rather say: there was an old man. I went to the mill to grind flour ...

- Well, he beckoned, but you don’t tell ... if only he arrived, told, and he, maybe, will pass a week!

3.- My turn has come: once upon a time there were two brothers - a sandpiper and a crane. They mowed down a stack of hay and placed it among the Poles. Can't you tell the tale again from the end?

- How long did they live?

- They lived for a long time - the old people did not tell me.

- I knew about that one kolobrod cat that was sitting at the gate - yes, the cat ran into the oats, the end of the tale was taken away at the end!

4. Once upon a time there were two peacocks

That's half the story!

Once upon a time there were two ruffs

That's the whole story.

5. Once upon a time there was a grandfather with an old woman.

They had a hut.

And in the hut there was a tub.

And in the tub - bast.

Don't tell you now

Story first?

6. Raven flew

Sat on the deck

Yes, splash into the water!

He's wet, wet

He's a kitty, kitty

Wet, vykis, got out, dried up ...

Sat on the deck

Yes, splash into the water ... (etc.)

7. Lived - there was a grandmother

Right next to the river

Grandma wanted

Swim in the river

Grandma bought

Wash yourself.

This story is good

Start over!

Leading. With such tales, gullible people were deliberately played. These are boring tales, from the word to bother: the listeners bothered the storyteller, and the storyteller bothered the listeners.

14. Staging of the fairy tale "Golden Egg" from the series "An old fairy tale in a new way."

Barbara: And it was, my dears, in the old days.

When grandfather Arkhip decided to climb the moon.

Then fairy tales flew through the air,

They grabbed each other by the wings.

And I rode after them on a golden horse,

Yes, I collected these fairy tales in a bag.

I adopted one and brought it to you.

And this fairy tale is called "Golden Egg".

(A staging of the fairy tale "The Golden Egg" from the series "An Old Fairy Tale in a New Way".)

Leading: Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

They had a chicken ryaba.

The hen laid an egg

Not simple - gold.

Woman: Hey old man, wake up quick!

Grandfather: Are there wolves at the door?

What are you talking about, old woman?

Woman: Yes, look what I found:

Our chicken Pied

She laid an egg under a bush.

Grandfather: Well, I took it down, what a deal!

What are you, baba, stunned?

Woman: Yes, the egg is not simple,

Oh, look, gold.

Grandfather: Golden, really?

You and I got rich.

Woman: Look, it's burning like fire!

Grandfather: There would be no fire.

Woman: Oh, it burns, blinds the eyes.

Grandfather: Miracles!

Woman: Oh, miracles!

Grandfather: You lock him in a chest.

(There is a knock on the door.)

Woman: There is no one at home!

Look, neighbors, as luck would have it,

Unintentionally brought.

Grandfather: You go, lock the bolt.

Yes, it would be necessary to lower the dogs.


On Wednesday I will go to the city.

There is a market on Wednesday.

There are many rich people there.

I will sell them an egg.

How will they give me a pile of money,

They give me rubles.

I'll get myself a coat

I am a Siberian sable.

Here I will buy new things,

Forty different skirts.

Blue floral shawl.

I'll fill the chest to the brim.

Grandfather: What are you talking nonsense?

Look, a young lady was found

Dress up in different rubbish.

No, if we are rich,

I will build instead of a hut

Three-story chambers

And gazebos in the corners.

Woman: Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old, do not be blissful!

We live no worse than others

We don't need floors.

And for these gazebos

Your neighbors will laugh at you.

Grandfather: Let them laugh, I'm not sorry.

Woman: Come on, don't scream.

Here the rolling pin fell to the floor,

Cast iron rattles in the furnace.

Oh, the white light is not dear to me!

Grandfather: Am I the owner or not?

Woman: Oh, the egg rolled

Rolled and broke

And there was no shell left.

Everything has gone somewhere.

Grandfather: Well, what are we up to?

Miracles are a disaster.

Let's live as we used to live

And work as usual.

Woman: And you can do a fur coat

And you can fix the house.

Grandfather: Only that, you see, is reliable,

What is hard for us.

Open the door, old woman.

What do we have to hide now?

Hey neighbor!

Woman: Hey neighbor!

Forgetting friends is not a trace.

Come in for a moment

I have good kvass

And jams and pickles.

grandfather and grandmother(together): Come in without hesitation!

14. Dance-round dance “In the field there was a birch”, “Quadrille”

Yerema: Get it together people

Dance is waiting for you!

Leading: At village gatherings, they not only sang songs, but also danced round dances. (A round dance is performed to the Russian folk song “There was a birch in the field.”)

1 student: We know a lot of dances

We love to dance them.

And at these gatherings

They would like to dance a quadrille.

2 student: I don't understand what's wrong with the legs.

Right and left are worn,

They don't stand still

So they ask for a quadrille! (Dance "Quadrille" is performed.)

16. Proverbs.

Presenter 1: It is time to remember folk wisdom. And how accurate is the Russian language in proverbs, sayings, sayings.

Following test “A proverb is not said in vain”. The teams are given cards on which proverbs are written in parts or the beginning of proverbs. You need to connect proverbs, finish them and explain the meaning.

Measure seven times ... ( cut once).

Easily … ( you can't even pull a fish out of the pond).

Gift horse ... ( don't look in the teeth).

Alone in the field ... ( not a warrior).

With whom will you lead, ... ( from that you will gain).

The word is not a sparrow ... ( fly out - do not catch).

Better a tit in the hands ... ( than a pie in the sky).

Don't have a hundred rubles, ... ( and have a hundred friends).

Do you like to ride ... ( love to carry sleds).

Hurry up...( make people laugh).

On someone else's side, I'm glad (of my funnel.)

That bird is stupid, which (its nest is not cute.)

A small deed is better (a big idleness.)

A bad world is better (a good quarrel.)

Die yourself, but (rescue a comrade.)

Appreciate the tree in its fruits, and (people in deeds.)

If you lie today, you will not (they will believe tomorrow.)

They do not write with a pen, but (with their mind.)

Good start - (half the job.)

Labor feeds, but (laziness spoils.)

Do you like to swear, (love and put up.)

Make new friends, but (don't forget the old ones.)

Take on everything - do nothing (do nothing.)

Golden hands on (you can't buy silver.)

A good son is joy to his father, and a bad son is sadness.
The bird is glad of spring, and the child is glad of the mother.
A strong friendship cannot be cut with an ax.
A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.
The lazy Yegorka will always have excuses.
If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.
It is not the place of the person that paints, but the person the place.
Love to ride, love to drive.
Sheep's tears will be poured out to the wolf.

Friend is known in trouble.

17. The end of the holiday. Tea drinking.

Barbara: We shared the news

We tried to entertain you

We say goodbye to guests

Saying: "See you again!"


Here are the jokes, the jokes are over,
And who was here, but listened to us - well done!

Master. You won't be full of games and dancing. Our people are famous
hospitality and great food. We invite you to tea.
“Tea never hurts!” ­
That's what the people say.
Tea is health, everyone knows
Drink at least five hours in a row.
Tarybars, rastabars!
Let's drink tea from a samovar
With shangs, cheesecakes
And delicious pancakes.
Bon appetit!
Everyone drinks tea.

Municipal state educational institution
"Markov secondary school"
Glushkovsky district, Kursk region

Prepared and conducted
head of the school
local history museum
Yakimova G.K.
201213 academic year

"Village Gatherings"
(Gatherings are held after the tour of the museum)
 Acquaintance with the ancient customs and traditions of the Russian people;
 Formation of interest and respect for traditions in Rus':
 Activation of students' interest in the origins and history of their people:
 Education of the moral qualities of the individual
 to acquaint students with Russian rituals that existed in the old days;
 to cultivate love for their big and small Motherland,
 instill interest in the history of the Russian people.
Event progress
Lead 1: And now we invite you to a village hut for gatherings. In the old
times there was a custom in Rus': when people finished their work, they arranged
gatherings to see people, to show themselves. Who sits behind the embroidery, who
knitting, who sharpen wooden spoons, who sew, and the youth sing and dance. Everyone was
The main feature of the gatherings was laughter and fun. I thought the more fun
gatherings, the more fertile and fruitful the year will be. Therefore, unbridled fun
became the most important thing at village gatherings.
2 host:
Very often behind events
And behind the hustle and bustle of days
We don't remember our old days
We forget about her.
Although more familiar
We fly to the moon,
Let's remember Russian customs
Let's remember our past.
1 host:

We gathered to have fun
joke! play,
Laughter and fun!
Hostess: Please, dear guests, please. Do not pass by, go into the hut.
Owner: Have fun and joy!
Hostess: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting, the holiday does not start without you!
Guest: I drove by, turned up to the smoke.
Hostess: Please go to the hut. Red guest - red place.
Host: We have a place and a word for everyone.
Hostess: We have prepared some fun for you. For every taste: to whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth,
who a song.
Host: Are you comfortable, dear guests! Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Does everyone
enough space?
Guest: It’s a well-known business for guests, there was enough space, but isn’t it a bit crowded for the hosts?
Owner: In tight quarters - but not offended.
Hostess: Fables in their faces, they sit in the towers of the light rooms, they crack nuts, yes
make fun of
The song "Zavalinka". Participants come out and sit on the bench
Owner: Like our neighbor
The conversation was fun.
I brought sundresses to my wife,
Mishka brought a little dog to his granddaughter:
Upright nose, crochet tail,
He also brought fun
For fun - all the glory!
But where are they funny?
Foma and Yerema come out.
And here we are both: Thomas and Yerema.
They bowed low - the caps fell off.
We put on the cap - we start again.
We have come to you both: Foma and Yerema.
Thomas: See people.
Yerema: Show yourself.
Foma: Yes, tell you fables.
Yerema: Move over.

Thomas: No, move over.
Yerema: Harmful Thomas, copper voice,
Himself with a jug, head with arshin.
You love a joke on Thomas,
So love over yourself
They lifted Yerema, tore their stomachs.
They turn away from each other.
Thomas: start
Yerema: No, you start
Like our Danila
The cattle played.
Foma: Sheep in the Donets,
Yerema: Cockroaches - in drums,
Foma: Ducks - in pipes,
Yerema: Crickets - in bows,
Foma: Mosquitoes - in boilers,
Yerema: The goat is dancing - waving its leg
The cranes went dancing
Show long legs
Boom, boom, boom, boom
Captured, brothers spirit.
Uh, uh, uh, uh.
Yerema: Dance, Thomas, for two.
Now let's sit side by side
Let's talk nice.
I went to the bast, to tear the mountain.
I saw the lake floating on ducks.
I threw three sticks:
One is spruce, the other is birch.
The third is rowan.
Threw spruce - did not do good,
Threw a birch tree - threw it,
The lake fluttered, flew,
But the ducks remained.
Eh! What's this! And it happened to me!
A bullet flies - buzzes.

I'm to the side - she's behind me,
I am in another - she is behind me,
I fell into the bushes - she grabs me in the forehead,
I tsap hand, and this is a beetle.
1 presenter: Oh, and you are jokers! Come visit us, we always welcome guests.
Hostess:: Nuka, girls and well done, who is the most savvy among us?
(Making riddles).
1. Two mothers have five sons. One name for all (Fingers).
2. I'm sitting on horseback, I don't know on whom,
meeting a friend,
I’ll jump off - I’ll welcome (Hat).
3. A little black dog, curled up, lies,
He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house (Castle).
4. The black horse gallops into the fire (Kocherga).
5. Little black,
She jumped up in a dress.
I woke up the king. (Flea).
6. Two bellies,
Four ears (Pillow).
7. They don’t eat me alone,
And without me they eat little (Salt).
8. Not fire, but it burns (Nettle).
9. Mother is fat,
Daughter is red
Son is a falcon
Gone to heaven. (Stove, fire, smoke).
10. Three brothers
Let's go swimming,
Two are swimming
The third is lying on the shore.
Bathed, went out
They hung on the third. (buckets, yoke)

Hey hoot girls,
Sing ditties.
Sing it fast
To please your guests!
1. I start the chorus
First, initial
I want to cheer
The audience is sad.
I know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad
It's good to listen to
Who doesn't know any.
Don't look at me
Break your eyes.
I'm not from your village -
You do not know me.
I danced on three legs
Lost boots.
I looked back -
My boots are on.
On my sundress
Clubfoot roosters.
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfoot groomsmen!
We are funny guys
We won't get lost anywhere.
If necessary, we will dance
If necessary, we will sing.
My friend, oh, good,
Yes, the sprout is very small,
Walked me home
I sneezed - he fell!
On the edge of two flowers,
Blue and scarlet,

I'm a fighting boy
Although small in stature.
For ditties, my dear friend,
I will give you three rubles.
You can see in your eyes,
What did you like about us.
Hostess: And this thing was, my dears, in the old days.
When grandfather Arkhip decided to climb the moon.
Then fairy tales flew through the air,
They grabbed each other by the wings.
And I rode after them on a golden horse,
Yes, I collected these fairy tales in a bag.
I adopted one, but I brought it to you
Fairy tale "Turnip"
I planted a turnip in a soft, warm bed,
Watered to the full with tasty water.
The sun fell in love with our turnip,
A turnip made friends with a clear star.
The turnip grew - it became higher than the beds,
The turnip grew up to my waist.
Turnip small garden!
The turnip reaches the sky! (pulls)
I'll drag! I'll drag!
I'll feed the whole village!
Rooster: Chickens, chickens, crow!
Look, they are pulling turnips!
Chickens! Chickens! Cococo!
I wonder who wins?
People: Pull pull...
Can't pull out!
Grandma is younger!
Grandma will help!
Grandmother: Wait a minute, cockerel!
Pray, my friend!
We'll see who wins.
I'm a grandmother - wow!
Instead of morning exercise
I weed the beds
And I can for my granddaughter
Sew fashionable trousers.

Let me put on a scarf
Let me fire up the kerosene. (pulls)
Turnip I in a single moment ...
Toto will be happy old man!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...
Can't pull out.
Younger granddaughter!
Granddaughter will help!
Granddaughter: Wait, Grandma!
Wait, Grandpa!
Wait for me too
In the garden, turnip!
I'll roll up my trousers
shoes shoes,
I will smear the hands with cream -
Okay, I'll help!
How sweet is
Steamed turnip! (pulls)
That's right, Grandma!
Train, Grandpa!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...
Can't pull out.
Younger beetle!
The bug will help!
Bug: What's the noise and what's the fight?
I'm tired as a dog!
I hit my neighbor
And a neighbor's hen.
There is so much to do in the yard:
I've been wagging my tail all day!
Now right under your nose
The turnip has grown without demand!
Who let turnip
From the earth grew to the sky? (pulls)
What is this riot?
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...

Can't pull out.
Younger cat!
The cat will help!
Cat: I'm Kat or Katze
Late - Cat.
All languages
I murmur a little.
'Cause I'm doing science
And don't meow against me! Meow!
I don't catch mice
I'm afraid I'll be tired.
I like to study milk and sour cream.
Your nails with manicure
I love showing chickens! Meow!
People like me are extremely rare.
What do I care about grandfather's turnip? (pulls)
I will tell you a secret -
I love fish! Not a turnip! Meow!
(same words)
People: Pull, pull...
Can't pull out.
The mouse is younger!
The mouse will help!
Mouse: I'm Mouse! I am Mouse! I am very strong!
Stronger than a bear! Stronger than an elephant!
Do you want me to pull out the turnip alone?
And I don't need your help.
Nuka, Dedka, grab the turnip!
Nuka, Grandma, hold on to Grandpa!
Granddaughter, don't be lazy! Take hold of Grandma!
Bug - for Granddaughter, Cat - for Bug ...
Chur, don't bite! I'll give you a blast!
Do you want turnips? Pull together!!
Hey, let's go!
Grandma: Hey, wow!
Granddaughter: Hey, wow!
Bug: Hey, bark!
Cat: Meow!
Mouse: Hey, squeak!
Rooster: Chickens! Chickens! Crow!
The mouse pulled out a turnip!
Hey Mouse! Cococo!
There is no one stronger!

People: They threw the turnip on its side,
Destroyed ten beds,
She occupied the whole yard,
Knocked down the fence!
In the yard, neither stand nor sit,
You can't eat it alone!
Mouse: I pulled the turnip!
Effortlessly, in an instant!
Turnip, it would be mine!
I invite you all for a meal!
Glory to the mouse! Well strong!
Grandmother: You really are stronger than an elephant!
Granddaughter: I overcame our turnip ...
Bug: Apparently, she ate a lot of porridge ...
Mouse: I will fight with the Cat!
Cat: I'm afraid of this Mouse!
People: Happy harvest!
Mouse: And there will be more!
We invite everyone to the turnip!
Everyone will get it!
Hostess: Well, guys, who listened to the fairy tale - he ate honey. And who did not listen, yes
yawned, he licked an empty dish!
Owner: Have fun, have fun, it's time and honor to know.
Leading: And after the end of the holiday, the whole crowd walked through the village. Guys
escorted the girls home. And the next week they gathered in another hut on
Site materials,
Magazines "Leisure at school", "Pedagogical Council"
Used resources

Larisa Nikishina
Scenario of entertainment "Village gatherings"

The stage is brightly decorated. A stove and bright colorful figures are drawn in the background. toys: all kinds of nesting dolls and ducks, as well as the sun. in the middle scene table covered with a bright tablecloth, on the table a samovar, painted dishes.

Scrap mock-up with a heap. mirror, embroidered towel, wooden utensils, Russian oven (drawing, students' drawings for the exhibition, table, hoop, spinning wheel, musical instruments, poster with the proverb "The hut is not red with corners, but with pies", sweets and pancakes for treats, Russian folk costumes.

Leading (against the background of music).

Where are you from, Russian, music originated?

Whether in an open field, or in a mossy forest?

Is it in joy?

In pain? Or bird whistle?

You tell me, where does the sadness in you and the prowess come from?

Whose heart were you beating from the very beginning?

How did you come? How did you sound?

Ducks flew by - they dropped their pipes.

Geese flew by - dropped the harp.

They were sometimes found with spring, they were not surprised.

Well, what about the song? Born with a song in Rus'!

Children sing a song "My Russia has long pigtails"

My Russia has long pigtails.

My Russia has light eyelashes.

My Russia has blue eyes.

On me, Russia, you are very similar.

P / w. The sun is shining. The winds are blowing.

Downpours pour over Russia.

Colored rainbow in the sky.

There is no more beautiful land.

For me, Russia is white birches.

For me, Russia is morning dew.

For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing.

How much you look like my mother.

P / in 2 times.

You, my Russia, will warm everyone with warmth.

You, my Russia, know how to sing songs.

You, my Russia, are inseparable from us,

After all, our Russia is me and my friends.

P / in 2 times.

In the old days there was such a custom among the Russian people; how they finished the field work (they harvested, and put bread in the bins, whiled away the autumn days and evenings together, arranged gatherings. As they say in Russian proverb: "Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands." So we spent time doing our favorite needlework. It was fun. That song will be tightened, then a joke will be thrown. Here is the work they argued. And today we have gathered for gatherings.

hostess: Please, dear guests, please!

Master: Have fun and joy!

hostess: We have been waiting for you for a long time, waiting, the holiday does not start without you!

Master: We have a place and a word for everyone!

hostess: We have in store for you fun for every taste, to whom - a fairy tale, to whom - the truth, to whom - a song.

On guests enter the stage. Girls in colorful blouses and long skirts made of red cotton, and beautiful colored shawls on their shoulders. Boys in loose-fitting shirts trimmed with bright braid. The guests bow to the hosts, sit down.

Master: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see? And can everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?

One of the guests: The guests, of course, had enough space, but isn't it a bit cramped for the owners?

Master: In close quarters - no offense.

The hosts are seated.

hostess: Fables in their faces, they sit in tower-rooms, crack nuts and make mockery.

The guests perform various humorous dialogues:

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

You can sew.

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?

Yes, I caught a bear!

So lead here!

He doesn't go!

So go yourself!

Yes, he won't let me!

Son, go to the river for some water!

Belly hurts!

Son, go eat porridge!

Well, since the mother orders - we must go!

Hostess - Fables - Fables

They lie in the grandmother's room,

Wrapped in rags, in a copper chest,

On an oak stand.

Amuse whoever you want, and put the casket in its place!

Four children run out.

1-: Because of the forest, because of the mountains, Uncle Yegor rode out.

He is on a gray wagon,

On a creaky horse!

(All four)

2-: He smeared the wheels with oats, watered the horses with tar,

He girded himself with an ax, chopped wood with a sash.

(All four, surprised)- Unbelievable - unheard of!

3-: Here Yegor enters the yard,

He unharnesses his Daria,

And he takes a horse, leads him straight to the upper room!

(All four)- Unbelievable - unheard of!

4-: A duck sits on the fence, sings a sonorous song,

And Egor's old woman chews fresh hay.

All - Unbelievable - unheard of!

The owner - They amused themselves with Never-Being, it's time to sing a song.

sing a song "We were in the round dance"

(each line of the song is repeated 2 times)

1. We were in a round dance

We were, we were

2. Who should be seen

seen, seen

3. Beauty - a girl,

Girl, girl

4. Get up girl, cheer up

Cheer up, cheer up

5. Turn right, turn left

Turn around, turn around

6. Come on, come on, dance.

Dance, dance.

7. You walk in a round dance,

Walk, you walk.

8. To whom you want to bow,

Bow down, bow down

9. We were in a round dance,

We were, we were.

10. Who should be seen

Seen, seen.

The guests continue the dialogue.

What are your girls doing?

They sew and sing.

And mothers?

They spit and cry.

Foma, is it warm in your hut?

Warm. You can warm up on the stove in a fur coat!

Two girls read ditties before dancing.

Eh, stamp your foot, stamp your right hand.

I'm going to dance, even though I'm small.

I'm going to dance on the straw

Reach out to the people on the sidelines!

Four girls come out to dance, perform ditties.

1st girl

Wider circle, wider circle.

Give me a wider circle.

I don't go dancing alone.

There are four of us.

2nd girl

I didn't want to dance.

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist.

3rd girl

And in our yard

frogs croaked,

And I'm barefoot from the stove,

Thought it was girlfriends.

4th girl

By I went to the village

And I saw Vanyushka -

Sitting under a bush and crying:

The chicken hurt.

1st girl

I danced with three legs

Lost my boots

looked back:

My boots are on.

2nd girl

Balalaika - beep

Knows his business

She is in Vanya's hands

Plays well.

3rd girl

Hedgehog sits on a birch -

White shirt,

On the head - a boot,

Cap on the leg.

4th girl

If there were no water

There would be no mug

If there were no girls

Who would sing ditties?

1st girl

There is a cart on the mountain

Tears drip from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain

Puts on boots.

Two guests are busy: one knits, the other embroiders. Condemning the dancers, they turn to each other.

1st guest: A loafer and a loafer - they have a holiday on Monday.

2nd guest: Now goulash, tomorrow goulash - you are without a shirt.

One of the guests addresses grumblers:

Shark, why don't you sew from the back?

2nd guest: And I, father, will still flog.

Let's play the folk game “Sit, sit, Yasha…”

Children, holding hands, walk around the person sitting in the center and sing:

- Sit, sit, Yasha,

You are our fun.

nibble nuts

For your amusement.

Yasha pretends to be eating nuts. At the word "fun" the children stop and clap their hands, and Yasha gets up and spins around with his eyes closed.

- Put your hands on

Say the name correctly.

At the end of the song, Yasha with closed eyes approaches one of the players, touches, guesses who it is. If he guesses correctly, he becomes the leader, i.e. Yasha, and the game continues.


We got a little tired of something.

We sit side by side on a bench.

Together with you let's sit down.

Let's all guess riddles.

Who is smarter - let's see!

Is the barin walking around the yard?

Picks on everything.

red head,

Double beard. (Rooster).

Furry, mustachioed,

Sit down and sing a song. (Cat)

small, white,

On the path jump-jump,

On the snow poke-poke. (Hare)

A bird-girl in a red fur coat came from the forest - to count the chickens. (Fox)

Stroking - caressing. Teasing - biting. (Dog)

Master: And now, dear guests, taste our pies!

Guest: We played, we had fun. It's time and honor to know!

1st: Thank you, the owner with the hostess, for the bread, for the salt!

2nd: Your pies are good, your hearts are friendly!

3rd: Good luck to you!

4th: Good health!

1st guest: (referring to the audience)

For a new summer for you,

For your red summer,

Where is the horse's tail,

There and living bush.

2nd guest:

Where is the goat's horn,

There is a stack of hay.

3rd guest:

Who loves to work

That's why it's not sitting idle.

Where there is work, there is happiness

fables, songs, a fairy tale for students of grade 2.

Scenario of an extracurricular event

"Village gatherings" for grade 2

To acquaint with Russian oral folk art;

to attach to the origins of the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia;
to cultivate love and respect for traditions and folk art;

learn friendship, be able to work in an organized manner.


folk costumes for children, decorative elements in the Russian folk style, costumes and attributes for performances, a samovar, wooden spoons, gingerbread, pancakes and pies.

Event progress:
The song sounds "Oh, you canopy, my canopy"

Presenter: In the good old days, red girls and good fellows gathered together to while away the long winter evenings. They spent time doing their favorite pastime: some were spinning, some embroidered, some knitted, some sculpted dishes from clay, some made spoons and various toys from wood. And then they put aside their affairs for a while and begin to have fun: sing songs and dance, start different games, tell jokes and jokes.


1. On the rubble, in the light room,
Ile on logs, what.
Gatherings were going
The elderly and the young.

2. Did they sit by the torch,

Ile under the bright sky -
They talked, they sang songs
Yes, they led a round dance.

3. We were treated to good tea

With honey, obviously without sweets.
As now we talked, -
There is no life without communication.

4. How did you play? Into the burners!

Ah, the burners are good,
In a word, these gatherings
They were a celebration of the soul.

Presenter: The Russian people have many wonderful melodious songs, beautiful incendiary dances, ancient customs and traditions. And in what people you live - you keep such customs. Perhaps the most beautiful and interesting of them are village gatherings!
Would you like to visit such gatherings and see with your own eyes? Well then close your eyes and count everything to 10...

Host: We ended up in a Russian wooden hut. And here is the owner and the hostess. Every house is kept by the owner and hostess.
(The scenery of the Russian village is on stage. The hostess is doing homework, her daughter is engaged in needlework, father and son are weaving bast shoes).
Hostess: Hello dear guests, please come in.
Host: We have been waiting for you for a long time, we are waiting, the holiday does not start without you.
Hostess: We invited you for fun for every taste, for someone a song, for someone a fairy tale, and for someone the truth.
Host: We have a place and a word for everyone.
Hostess: Are you dear guests comfortable? Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?
Owner: In cramped conditions, but not offended.
Hostess: Fables in their faces, they sit in towers, rooms, crack nuts, and make mockery.
Hostess: Lead the house - do not shake your head, Everything must be saved.

Shark, Shark, what are you sewing on the back?

Daughter: Yes, I, mother, will still flog.
Hostess: Hurry - you will make people laugh.
Daughter: I know, mother, I know. Seven times measure cut once!
Owner: To live at home - you have to grieve about everything. (Weaves bast shoes, teaches his son Fedyusha).
Son: Tyatenka, and tyatenka, let's play rhymes with you.
Owner: And what is it - rhymes?
Son: And this is how it should be said, so that it is smooth. Tell me, what was your father's name?
Owner: My dad's name was Kuzma.
Son: Here I will take your Kuzma by the beard!
Owner: Why are you going to take my dad by the beard?
Son: Auntie, well, this is a joke. So for the rhyme they say.
Owner: I'll tell you a rhyme myself! What is your name?
Son: Fedya!
Owner: If you are Fedya, then you caught a bear in the forest. Climb on the bear, and get off my bench!
Hostess: You will swear and quarrel.

The neighbors are running.

Neighbors: Did you hear? Have you heard about the fire? Oh what happened!
Hostess: Oh, neighbors, do not rush, take a break, really tell us everything.
1 neighbor: Water caught fire near Ivanov's yard. The fire was extinguished throughout the village, but the fire was not extinguished.
2 neighbor: Grandfather Foma came, spreading his beard. He drove the people into the barn, extinguished the fire alone.

3 neighbor: How Foma put out the fire, he did not say about it. You can only hear it from the side, he extinguished it with his beard!
Owner: Oh, you can't keep up with your tongue barefoot.
Hostess: You can’t listen to all the speeches! Stay, neighbors, we will have guests today.
1 neighbor: Today goulash, tomorrow goulash, you will be left without a shirt.
2 neighbor: Loafer and loafer - they have a holiday on Monday too!
Mistress: Stay, and you need to rest.

Guys, why are such meetings called "gatherings"?

Where could they gather for gatherings?

At such gatherings, the tongue and mouth sang, but did the hands sit idle? What can girls and boys do?

Don't sit, don't be bored, rather play the Brook.
Host: Are you comfortable, dear guests? Is it visible to everyone? Does everyone hear? Is there enough space for everyone?
Guest: There was enough space for the guests, as you know, but isn't it a bit cramped for the hosts?

Owner: In tight quarters - no offense!

Hostess: Fables in their faces are sitting in tower-rooms, cracking nuts and making mockery.
Boy: The village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

Layut gate

All: Wow!
Girl: A stick ran out

With a boy in hand

And behind him is a sheepskin coat

With a grandmother on my shoulders

All: It can't be!
Boy: The village screamed: Sundresses with women Hurry to the fire!
All: Really?
Boy: True.
Girl: The roofs were scared

Sit on a raven

Horse urged

A man with a whip.

All: Oh-oh-oh!

Boy: The horse ate porridge,

And the man is an oat.

The horse sat in the sleigh

And the man took it.
All: Fables, Fables!

One girl to a boy

Girl: Fedul, did you pout your lips?

Boy: Yes, the caftan burned through.
Girl: You can make it!
Boy: No needles.
Girl: Is the hole big?
Boy: Yes, one gate remained.

Another girl to another boy

Girl: Where are you, brother Ivan?
Boy: In the upper room.

Girl: What are you doing?

Boy: Helping Peter.

Girl: What is Peter doing?

Boy: Yes, it lies on the stove.
Hostess: Look, guys, there are envelopes with tongue twisters on your tables. Try reading them quickly.

1. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the floor.

2. Prokop stole the dill.

3. Makar was bitten by a mosquito. Killed the mosquito Makar.

4. Half a cellar of turnips, half a cap of peas.

Presenter: Something we got a little tired. We sit side by side on a bench. We will sit with you. Let's all guess riddles. Who is smarter - let's see!

1. Does the master walk around the yard? Picks on everything. Red head, double beard. (Rooster).

2. Shaggy, mustachioed, Sit down - sings a song. (Cat)

3. Small, white, Jump-jump along the path, Tyk-tyk along the snow. (Hare)

4. A bird-woman in a red coat came from the forest - to count the chickens. (Fox)

5. Stroking - caresses. Teasing - biting. (Dog)

6. The fat one will beat the thin one, the thin one will beat something. (Hammer and nail)

7. Small, round, And you can’t catch it by the tail. (Clew)

8. Born in water, but afraid of water. (Salt)

Host: Dear guests, would you like to eat sweets and listen to a fairy tale. (treats everyone with sweets)

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

They had a chicken.
The hen laid an egg
Not simple - gold.

The staging of the fairy tale by O. Vysotskaya “The Golden Egg” begins

Baba: Oh, old man, wake up soon!
Grandfather: Wolves, perhaps, at the door?
Baba: Yes, look what I found:

Our chicken is pied
She laid an egg under a bush.

Well, I took it down, what a deal!

What are you, baba, stunned?

Baba: Yes, the egg is not easy,

Oh, look, gold.
Grandfather: Golden, really?

You and I got rich!
Baba: Look, it burns like a fever.
Grandfather: There would be no fire!

Baba: Oh, it burns, it blinds your eyes!

Grandfather: Miracles!

Baba: Miracles!

Grandfather: Lock him in a chest.

There is a knock on the door.

There is no one at home!

Look, neighbors, as luck would have it,
Unintentionally brought.

You go, lock the bolt

Yes, it would be necessary to lower the dogs.

Baba: (returning)

On Wednesday I will go to the city,

There is a market on Wednesday.
There are a lot of rich people there!
I will sell them an egg.
How will they give me a pile of money,
Throw me rubles
I'll get myself a salop
I am a Siberian sable.
Here I will buy new things,
Forty different skirts.
blue floral shawl
I'll fill the chest to the brim.

What are you talking nonsense!

Look, a young lady was found
Dress up in different rubbish.
No, if we are rich,
I will build instead of a hut
Three-story chambers
And gazebos in the corners.

Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old, do not be blissful!
We live no worse than others
We don't need floors!
And for these gazebos
Your neighbors will laugh at you.

Grandfather: Let them laugh, I'm not sorry!

Come on, don't scream!

A rolling pin fell to the floor,
Cast iron rattles in the furnace.
Oh, the white light is not dear to me!

Grandfather: Am I the owner or not?!

Oh, the egg rolled

Rolled and broke.
And the shell is gone
Everything has gone somewhere!

Well, what are we up to?

Miracles are a disaster.
Let's live as we used to live
And work as usual.

And you can do a fur coat

And you can fix the house.

Only that, you see, is reliable,

What is hard for us.
Open the door, old woman,
What can we hide now!
Hey neighbor!

Hey neighbor! Don't forget your friends.
Come in for a moment
I have good kvass
And jams and pickles.

Grandfather and grandmother: Come in without hesitation!

Hey chick girls

Sing ditties.

Sing it fast

To please people!


We will sing ditties to you,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here

We can get lost!


Let's stand, girls, in a row,

Let's sing ditties!


Yes, and we, perhaps, will rise.

Let's not leave our friends!

(chastushkas are performed)

1. Eh, stomp, leg,

Stomp, right,

I'm going to dance

Though small,

2. I will go dancing

By the straw

Come on people

On the side!

3. I stood barefoot,

Looked all around.

looked back -

My boots are on.

4. I didn't want to dance

She stood and hesitated.

And the harmonica played -

I couldn't resist.

5. A hedgehog sits on a birch -

White shirt,

On the head - a boot,

On the leg is a cap.

6. There is a cart on the mountain,

Tears drip from the arc.

There is a cow under the mountain

Puts on boots

7. Balalaika-beep

Knows his business

She is in Vanya's hands

Plays well.

8. If Masha did not stare

In the keyhole

That on the forehead would not have

Large-block cone.

9. I walked through the village

And I saw Vanyusha.

Sitting under a bush and crying -

The chicken hurt!

10. If there were no water, there would be no mug,

If there were no girls, Who would sing ditties?

Today we will sing and dance round dances, which our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers used to dance when they were young.

The girls lead the round dance to the song “There was a birch in the field”, and the boys sing.

Performance of the Russian folk song "Pancakes".

(At the last verse of the song, the girl passes through the hall and treats the guests with pancakes.)

Owner: The corners of the hut are not red,

And red with pies!

Hostess: Like Marfusha for Peter

Boiled, baked:

Two troughs of jelly,

Ninety-two pancakes.

Owner with Mistress:

Come on, come on!

Take a treat!

Drink tea.

Remember us with a kind word!

Pass through the class and treat all the guests with pies.

General bow.

The holiday ends with tea.

Decoration: The hall is decorated like a Russian room. Towels are hung on the walls. There is a table covered with a tablecloth. On the table is a Russian painted samovar, a vase with dryers.

For players:
Chairs, 2 tables.
Matryoshka silhouettes - 2 pcs.
Skeins of thread - 2 pcs.
Baskets for balls - 2 pcs.
Letters (artist's name)
Trays for letters (tree name)
Khokhloma bowls - 2 pcs.

Russian folk tunes sound.
Guests enter the hall.

Barkers: (Two boys dressed in Russian folk costume).
From all doors, from all gates,
Come out quickly, hurry up people!

The gates open
Come out who wants to.
Who cares, come out too!

Presenter: Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests!
Hello winches,
Hello youngsters!

Guys, well done, funny daredevils.

We invited guests from all volosts.

I am glad to see you in my sitting room!
I am glad to see guests as good news.
We gathered to have fun, but to have fun!
Joke, play, laugh!
So, laugh to you, yes fun!

Presenter: And to make our gatherings more interesting, incendiary, let's give them a spirit of competition, i.e. Let's split into two teams. Come up with a name for your team.
So, two teams compete: (approximate names)
"Large circles" and "Small checks".
Zavalinka and Outskirts.
Well, now let's choose the wisest judges. They will judge our undertakings.
All our ideas will be evaluated on a three-point scale. The earned point is equal to one candy. Whoever has more of them in the bowl by the end of the gatherings, that team will be the winner.

Let's choose the ringleader, i.e. commander in your team.
Teams greet each other. It can be poems, a song, a joke, a joke. As they say, who is what much!
(Teams greet each other)

Please follow with attention - here is the first task for you!
We start our gathering competitions with a small intellectual workout. Question to the team
Who among us does not like pancakes - lush, ruddy, round. And who will say why pancakes are round?
Answer: They were baked at Shrovetide in the likeness of the sun.

Why were flowers embroidered on pillows in the old days?
Answer: To have good dreams.

Why were roosters embroidered on towels?
Answer: This is a symbol of the morning. To get up in the morning with the crowing of roosters.
Our craftsmen were known far beyond the borders of Russia. Tula craftsmen even shod a flea. Who remembers in which work it was written?
Answer: "Lefty" Leskov.

Many of us have Palekh caskets at home. Why are they called that?
Answer: It was made by masters from Palekh.
Famous masters of glassware. There is a city in Russia where people have been blowing glass products for a long time. What's the name of this town?
Answer: Goose-Crystal.

Rustic boats, spoons, bowls delight the eye with bright colors and delicate patterns. What city is this dish from?
Answer: This is a Khokhloma painting from the city of Semyonov, Nizhny Novgorod Region.
Host: And now let's count the candy points. (Jury announces score)
Presenter: Next, we will talk about one wonderful toy that has become famous throughout the world. Guess which one?
scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright floral sundress.
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And inside there are secrets:
Maybe three, maybe six.
Broken up a bit...
This is Russian... (Matryoshka)
In the 19th century there lived - there was one Russian artist. While traveling around Japan, he saw many funny toys. And when he returned to Russia, he went to the craftsmen: “Is it possible to carve such a funny doll?” They carved, painted and called the Russian name Matryoshka. And since then they began to make these amazing toys in Rus', but in each locality in its own way. They were especially carried away by the toy in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

So who is the artist? You must guess his last name. Now we are going to play"Field of Dreams".

The name of the artist is hidden on the scoreboard with patterned squares. You take turns calling the letter, guess - the letter opens - you candy. And if you immediately name the surname, then you earn 3 sweets. (M A L YU T I N).

Presenter: We have riddles for you:
Not bitter, not sour, not sweet.
Who will guess everything now
He will not know worries all year.
Riddles were present at all parties, festivities, gatherings in our city. People loved to add and guess them. Try and guess some of them. For correctly guessing the riddle you get candy.
The first riddle! Please do not listen to those who are nervous.
And caustic and nostril, and softly,
And brittle and sweeter of all! (Bread).

The second riddle is the funniest one.
"Sheep in a cow" (Sock in a boot).

Okay, the third riddle. Answer it (at least)!
3. In the belly - a bath,
A sieve in the nose, a button on the head.
Only one hand, and that one on the back! (Kettle)
4. They carry it into the oven - liquid,
From the oven they carry - firmly! (Porridge).
Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail. (Clew).
Five closets - one door. (Glove)
A new vessel, and all in holes. (Sieve)
Everything is in plain sight. (Box)
Small, humpbacked, dug the whole field. (Plow)
The young lady is small, but the whole world dresses her. (Needle)


Presenter: And we again turn to the Russian nesting dolls. The competition is attended by 5 people from the team.
Get a silhouette of a nesting doll cut out of cardboard. Your task is to dress up the doll. The 1st person holds the matryoshka, sticking his face into the neckline, the 2nd - attaches a handkerchief, 3-4 - sleeves, 5th - an apron.
Attention! Get ready! Started!
(Music sounds. Competition begins)
The jury announces the winner.
Host: The next competition is called "MAKE A WORD".

Bogorodsk craftsmen were famous in Rus' for their craft. Toys were good - little animals made of wood. They knew how to cut - they knew how to pick up a tree.
The name of this tree is on everyone's lips. (Linden)
(The team receives a tray with the word "front garden" on it.
The trays have the word "Front Garden" written on them.
From this word, you need to select the desired letters and add one more word - the name of the tree.
Whoever chooses the right letters first and puts the word together earns 3 candies.
(Folk tunes sound. Teams get to work).


Presenter: Vases are replenished with sweets. And there are many more competitions ahead.
Russian proverbs, like Russian products, are famous all over the world.
The proverb is the soul and mind of the people.
She has love for her country.
It contains the wise experience of many generations.
Praise for work in it and contempt for laziness.
Proverb - by the way they say.
A good proverb is not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

Next task: I name two words from the proverb. And you name the whole proverb. They called it right - they got candy.

1. Labor is a pond (Without labor, you cannot pull a fish out of a pond.)
2. The word is a sparrow. (The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you won’t catch it.)
3. Crane - a tit (Better a tit in the hands than a crane in the sky.)
4. Wolf - forest. (To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.)
5. Beauty is smart. (The house is kept not by a beauty, but by a clever girl.)
6. We do not store - we cry. (What we have - we do not store, having lost - we cry.)
7. Again - from a young age. (Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age.)
8. Rotok - a scarf. (You can’t put a scarf on someone else’s mouth.)

Many foreign proverbs are very similar to ours in meaning.
I will tell you a foreign proverb, and you will answer me - Russian.
Vietnamese: "Before you speak, turn your tongue seven times"
"Seven times measure cut once"
Afghan: "Bitten by a snake, afraid of a colorful ribbon"
"Whoever gets burned in milk blows water."
Finnish: "There is a lot of noise, but little wool - the devil said, cutting the cat."
"Much Ado About Nothing"
African: "The son of a leopard is also a leopard."
- "The apple never falls far from the tree".
Presenter: And the next competition is called (FASHION - RETRO).
Easter is coming soon. It wouldn't hurt to buy a new one. We're not going to the fair. We sew the dress ourselves. But first you need to choose a style.
TASK: Draw a model of a dress in the RETRO style (or a skirt with a blouse).
(Teams receive felt-tip pens., Whatman paper. The whole team draws a dress model, in turn. Whoever has the most original one gets sweets.
Presenter: In the old days, gatherings were arranged not only for the sake of entertainment. Women and girls gathered in separate huts and spun, knitted and sewed. Are there craftswomen among you? Come out one from each team!
(Girls receive a skein of thread.)
Your task: In a certain time, you must wind the threads into a ball. Whoever has the ball will be more, but more carefully - that team gets candy.

Presenter: And the work argued well to the song. The song is the soul of the people. Without it, a person can not do either in the field, or at home, and even more so at festivities and holidays. Winter is over, spring has come. How quickly the seasons change. Years fly - but the songs remain.
Now we will remember the songs that mention spring and winter.
Teams choose their time of year. (Lots are drawn).
So, before you are two teams of singers. One recalls songs about Winter, and the other about Spring. Sing along a verse or a few lines from the song.
So let's start with winter.
A blizzard is blowing along the street. - (men)
When spring comes I don’t know .. - (women)
At the edge of the forest, winter lived in a hut.
Wait for spring, wait for spring, wait for spring, be sure to wait.
Oh frost, frost...
Lilies of the valley, lilies of the valley - bright May hello ...
Snow swirls, flies, flies ...
Streams run, rooks cry, and the snow melts and the heart melts,
If there was no winter in cities and villages ....
Snow-white cherry blossomed under the window ...
The rivers froze and the earth froze, but I am not afraid of frost.
Apple trees in bloom - spring creation, Apple trees in bloom - whirling love.
A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it grew in the forest ...
By being late, we are punished that the words of love were spoken before ...
We will go, we will rush on deer in the early morning and desperately rush straight into the snowy dawn.
Flowers bloomed in the garden in spring, Girls in spring are even better.
Presenter: Dear guests, dear colleagues! We are all DO workers, but sometimes we can be doctors. We ourselves diagnose ourselves, our children, husbands and relatives.

And now we offer to play the game, "Diagnose", using the lines from the songs. All together we sing a verse of a famous song, and then we diagnose the disease to the hero of the song.
The first team to answer wins candy.


Participants guess what diagnosis can be made to the hero of the song.
judge people, judge god
How I loved.
Barefoot in the cold
I went to my dear. (ORZ)

I got drunk drunk
I won't get home (Alcoholism)
Everything froze again until dawn,
The door doesn't creak. no fire will flare up.
Only heard on the street somewhere
The accordion wanders alone. (Insomnia)
A guy walks at sunset
near my house.
Blinks my eyes
And he won't say anything. (nervous tick)
They tore the sweet berry together.
I'm the only bitter berry. (poisoning)
The bird cherry blossomed.
Dressed up as a bride.
So lonely at heart.
I won’t find a place for myself ... (Allergy)
I see a wonderful pleasure
I see fields and fields.
This is Russian expanse
This is my homeland. (farsightedness)
Comrade, I can't keep watch.
The stoker said to the stoker.
The lights in my points are not lit at all.
I can't keep a couple in the cauldrons. (Prostration)
I traveled all over the universe
Couldn't find a cute one anywhere. (Vagabondage. Or the roof has gone)
In a low light room, a light burns.
A young spinner is sitting by the window. (Vision problems will occur.)
What are you looking sideways, my dear,
Tilt your head low.
It's hard to say and not to say.
All that is in my heart. (Stuttering)
Saturday is a rainy day
You can't work in the field.
Do not harrow, do not plow,

Let's go for a walk in the green garden. (Chronic laziness) (Simulation)
And again I was young.
Again, I didn't sleep the whole night.
The whole night I couldn't sleep.
The handsome gentleman dreamed of me all night. (Eternal youth)
Host: Well done! Applaud each other!
Sleep well, friends! There are no winners or losers in this competition.
Host: Do you want to win a girlfriend,
Sing a fun ditty!
My dears, I'm just sure that among you there are lovers of funny and perky Russian ditties.
Now you will receive cards with ditties. Check out the text. If you know yours, sing them.
Here on such a major note and finish our gatherings.
Presenter: NOW WE COUNT OUR SWEETS. - i.e. points
And judging by the number, the winning team is ______________________________
Applause for the winning team. Well, I say goodbye to you. Thank you for visiting my hut, and amused the hostess with joys.
Host: And goodbye to all of you
With all my heart I wish:
May you have a fun time.
May illness not come to you.
(Guys wish good friends)
And live - do not grieve!
All of you up to a hundred years in - happiness to live!