Download a presentation about the history of the Bolshoi Theatre. Bolshoi Theater State Academic Bolshoi Theater the main national theater of the country

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Bolshoi Theater The opening of the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theater on January 6, 1825 was arranged very solemnly.

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On the opening day of the theater, the prologue "The Triumph of the Muses" by A. Alyabyev and A. Verstovsky was shown, allegorically depicting how the Genius of Russia, with the help of muses from the ruins of the burnt theater, created a new beautiful temple of art - the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theater. The best actors of the troupe were engaged in the prologue: the famous tragedian Pavel Mochalov performed the Genius of Russia, the god of the arts Apollo - the singer Nikolai Lavrov, the muses of Terpsichore - the leading dancer Felicity Virginia Güllen-Sor. After the intermission, Ferdinand Sor's ballet "Sandrillon" was shown. “The brilliance of the costumes, the beauty of the scenery, in a word, all the theatrical splendor is combined here, as well as in the prologue,” wrote the music critic V. Odoevsky. In order to give “equal pleasure to all residents of Moscow,” the theater management decided to repeat this performance the next day.

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On a cloudy frosty morning on March 11, 1853, for some unknown reason, a fire started in the theater. The flame instantly engulfed the entire building, but with the greatest force the fire raged on the stage and in the auditorium. “It was terrible to look at this giant on fire,” an eyewitness described the fire. “When it burned, it seemed to us that before our eyes a dear person was dying, endowing us with the most beautiful thoughts and feelings ...” Muscovites fought the flames for two days, and on the third, the theater building resembled the ruins of the Roman Colosseum. The remains of the building smoldered for about a week. Theatrical costumes collected since the end of the 18th century, excellent stage sets, the archive of the troupe, part of the musical library, and rare musical instruments perished irrevocably in the fire.

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On August 20, 1856, the Bolshoi Theater restored by A. Cavos was opened in the presence of the royal family and representatives of all states with V. Bellini's opera "Puritani" performed by an Italian troupe. The Moscow ballet of this period owes its success to the talent of the Frenchman Marius Petipa, who settled in St. Petersburg. The choreographer repeatedly came to Moscow to stage performances. The most significant of his Moscow works was "Don Quixote" by L. Minkus, first shown in 1869. Subsequently, Petipa transferred the Moscow edition of this ballet to the St. Petersburg stage.

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The alabaster group of Apollo, which adorned the Beauvais Theatre, perished in a fire. To create a new Cavos, he invited the famous Russian sculptor Pyotr Klodt (1805-1867), the author of the famous four equestrian groups on the Anichkov Bridge across the Fontanka River in St. Petersburg. Klodt created the now world-famous sculptural group with Apollo. It was cast at the factories of the Duke of Lichtenberg from a metal alloy, electroplated with red copper. The size of the group has become one and a half meters higher than before and reaches 6.5 meters in height. It is pushed forward and placed on a pedestal along the ridge of the roof of the portico. ... Four horses, located in one row, rushes at a gallop, dragging along a quadriga - an ancient chariot on two wheels. The god Apollo controls them, his head is crowned with a wreath, in his left hand is a lyre ... During the reconstruction of the auditorium, Kavos changed the shape of the hall, narrowing it to the stage, deepening the orchestra pit. Behind the seats of the parterre, where there used to be a gallery, he arranged an amphitheater.

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The dimensions of the auditorium became: almost equal depth and width - about 30 meters, height - about 20 meters. The auditorium began to accommodate over 2000 spectators. In this form, the Bolshoi Theater has survived to this day, with the exception of small internal and external reconstructions.

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1941 was very difficult for the Bolshoi Theatre. On October 14, 1941, the government, showing special concern for the preservation of creative personnel and artistic values, evacuated the workers of the Bolshoi Theater with their families to the city of Kuibyshev (Samara). The theater building in Moscow was empty... The team spent a year and nine months in the evacuation. In the early days, only concerts of artists, the opera La Traviata and the ballet Swan Lake were given on the stage of the Kuibyshev Palace of Culture, and at the end of 1942 premieres were shown: on November 8, the opera Wilhelm Tell by D. Rossini, awarded the State Prize, and December 30 ballet "Scarlet Sails" by V. Yurovsky. In 1943, the theater showed 9 opera and 5 ballet performances in Kuibyshev, not counting numerous concerts.

"Petrushka Theatre" - The main stages of the project: Balakhninsky with theatrical performances and performance. Stage 5 - Preparation of reporting documentation for the project. MDOU kindergarten of the combined type No. 5 "Brusnichka". Z stage. Organization of a theater group for preschoolers. Making gifts - souvenirs, theatrical characters for fairy tales.

"Music and theater" - XX century. - theater, where the main type of musical and theatrical art is opera. K.S.Stanislavsky. “The theater is by no means a trifle and not at all an empty thing. Theater as a special kind of performing arts. People's Theatre. Home performances were played in Ancient Greece and Rome. Prima ballerina - the main ballerina.

"The Emergence of the Theater" - One of the most popular plays was "Anti-Gone" written by Sophocles. An episode from the play "Antigone". - Skene, the wall behind the orchestra, on which the decor was hung. 3. Tragedy. 4. Comedy. Another popular theatrical genre was comedy, from "ko-mos" - a merry procession. Why do you think Antigone was popular in Athens?

"Theater" - There were usually no more than three lyceums. Everything is fine here - gestures, masks, costumes, music, game. At the end of the performance, Petrushka was often overtaken by “heavenly punishment”. Balagan. It's good to have a theatre! The history of the creation of the Khorovod theater. Theater begins with play. . Parsley is the favorite hero of the audience. The artist and the spectacle.

"The Role of the Theater" - Theater of the Enlightenment. Name the authors of the first Russian plays. Problem questions: With what historical event is the creation of the first national theater connected? What myth could be a prologue to the history of the Greek theater? Name the time of the creation of the first Russian theater. Why did Pushkin, Ostrovsky, Chekhov write for the theater?

"Theaters of Russia" - Orchestra - 40 people. In the 1930s, the leading theme in the repertoire was the heroic-romantic theme. Two new performances are being prepared - the comedy Fortinbras Drunk Drunk and Puss in Boots. The theater team consists of 247 people. The repertoire includes 26 performances from classics to modern dramaturgy. Novosibirsk State Drama Theater "Theatre on the Left Bank". (st.

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The State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia (GABT), or simply the Bolshoi Theater, is one of the largest in Russia and one of the most significant opera and ballet theaters in the world. An object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia of federal significance.

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History of creation The Bolshoi Theater began as a private theater of the provincial prosecutor Prince Peter Urusov. On March 28, 1776, Empress Catherine II signed a “privilege” to the prince for the maintenance of performances, masquerades, balls and other amusements for a period of ten years. This date is considered the founding day of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. At the first stage of the existence of the Bolshoi Theater, the opera and drama troupes formed a single whole. The composition was the most diverse: from serf artists to stars invited from abroad.

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In 1816, the Commission on the Construction of Moscow announced a competition for the construction of a new theater building, the obligatory condition of which was the inclusion of the charred wall of the Maddox Theater in the construction. L. Dubuis, D. Gilardi, F. Camporesi, P. Gonzago, A. N. Bakarev and other architects took part in the competition, but not a single project was accepted. The project of Professor of the Imperial Academy of Arts A. A. Mikhailov was recognized as the winner of the repeated competition. However, Mikhailov's project was considered too expensive, besides, the theater building he had conceived, in its scale, excessively large, did not correspond to the surrounding buildings. The revision of the project was entrusted to the architect O. I. Bove, who completely preserved the basics of Mikhailov’s composition, but significantly changed the proportions of the building, reducing its height from 41 to 37 meters, and also made significant adjustments to its exterior and interior decoration.

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Since 1919, the Bolshoi Theater began to be called academic. For several years after the October Revolution, disputes about the fate of the theater did not stop; many were in favor of its closure. In 1922, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decided to consider the closure of the theater economically inexpedient. In 1921, the theater building was examined by a commission, including prominent Moscow architects A. V. Shchusev, I. P. Mashkov, S. F. Voskresensky and I. V. Zholtovsky; the commission came to the conclusion about the catastrophic condition of the semi-circular wall of the auditorium, which served as a support for the vaults of the corridors and the entire auditorium. Work to strengthen the wall under the leadership of I. I. Rerberg began in August-September 1921 and continued for two years. In 1928, in order to eliminate the rank hierarchy of visitors, the architect P. A. Tolstykh re-planned a number of stairs and other rooms of the building. In the mid-1920s, the old curtain depicting Apollo's quadriga was replaced by a new one, made according to a drawing by F. F. Fedorovsky

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The New Stage On November 29, 2002, the New Stage of the Bolshoi Theater opened with the premiere of Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Snow Maiden. During the reconstruction of the Main Stage, from 2005 to 2011, the entire opera and ballet repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater was performed on it. Currently, performances from the repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater are performed on the New Stage, and tours of Russian and foreign theater groups are held.

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Since 2009, after the departure of Alexander Vedernikov from the post of chief conductor, composer Leonid Desyatnikov (2009-2010) and conductor Vasily Sinaisky (2010-2013) have been the musical directors of the theater. In January 2014, Tugan Sokhiev became the chief conductor and musical director of the theater. Since July 2013, Vladimir Urin has been the General Director of the Bolshoi Theatre. In 2013, a new, fourth in the history of the theatre, wind organ produced by the German organ building company Glatter-Götz was installed at the Bolshoi Theatre.

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In July 2016, the Bolshoi Theater, with the support of the Summa group and the Department of Culture of the Moscow Government, launched a series of street broadcasts of its performances. The broadcasts were carried out on a special all-weather screen mounted on the main facade of the theater and were timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the completion of the restoration. On July 1 and 2, Rimsky-Korsakov's opera The Tsar's Bride was shown; on July 8 and 9, George Balanchine's ballet Jewels was shown.

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Repertoire Over 800 works have been staged here since the theatre's existence. The first production created by the theater troupe was D. Zorin's opera "Rebirth" (1777). Great success with the public, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, had the premiere of M. Sokolovsky's opera "The Miller - a sorcerer, a deceiver and a matchmaker" (1779). During this period of the theater's existence, the repertoire was quite varied: operas by Russian and Italian composers, dance scenes from Russian folk life, divertissement ballets, and performances based on mythological subjects.

On the opening day of the theater, the prologue "The Triumph of the Muses" by A. Alyabyev and A. Verstovsky was shown, allegorically depicting how the Genius of Russia, with the help of muses from the ruins of the burnt theater, created a new beautiful temple of art - the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theater. The best actors of the troupe were engaged in the prologue: the famous tragedian Pavel Mochalov performed the Genius of Russia, the god of the arts Apollo - the singer Nikolai Lavrov, the muses of Terpsichore - the leading dancer Felicity Virginia Güllen-Sor. After the intermission, Ferdinand Sor's ballet "Sandrillon" was shown. “The brilliance of the costumes, the beauty of the scenery, in a word, all the theatrical splendor is combined here, as well as in the prologue,” wrote the music critic V. Odoevsky. In order to give “equal pleasure to all residents of Moscow,” the theater management decided to repeat this performance the next day.

On a cloudy frosty morning on March 11, 1853, for some unknown reason, a fire started in the theater. The flame instantly engulfed the entire building, but with the greatest force the fire raged on the stage and in the auditorium. “It was terrible to look at this giant on fire,” an eyewitness described the fire. “When it burned, it seemed to us that before our eyes a dear person was dying, endowing us with the most beautiful thoughts and feelings ...” Muscovites fought the flames for two days, and on the third, the theater building resembled the ruins of the Roman Colosseum. The remains of the building smoldered for about a week. Theatrical costumes collected since the end of the 18th century, excellent stage sets, the archive of the troupe, part of the musical library, and rare musical instruments perished irrevocably in the fire.

On August 20, 1856, the Bolshoi Theater restored by A. Cavos was opened in the presence of the royal family and representatives of all states with V. Bellini's opera "Puritani" performed by an Italian troupe. The Moscow ballet of this period owes its success to the talent of the Frenchman Marius Petipa, who settled in St. Petersburg. The choreographer repeatedly came to Moscow to stage performances. The most significant of his Moscow works was "Don Quixote" by L. Minkus, first shown in 1869. Subsequently, Petipa transferred the Moscow edition of this ballet to the St. Petersburg stage.

The alabaster group of Apollo, which adorned the Beauvais Theatre, perished in a fire. To create a new Cavos, he invited the famous Russian sculptor Pyotr Klodt (), the author of the famous four equestrian groups on the Anichkov Bridge across the Fontanka River in St. Petersburg. Klodt created the now world-famous sculptural group with Apollo. It was cast at the factories of the Duke of Lichtenberg from a metal alloy, electroplated with red copper. The size of the group has become one and a half meters higher than before and reaches 6.5 meters in height. It is pushed forward and placed on a pedestal along the ridge of the roof of the portico .... Four horses, arranged in one row, rush at a gallop, dragging along a quadriga - an ancient chariot on two wheels. The god Apollo controls them, his head is crowned with a wreath, in his left hand is a lyre ... During the reconstruction of the auditorium, Kavos changed the shape of the hall, narrowing it to the stage, deepening the orchestra pit. Behind the seats of the parterre, where there used to be a gallery, he arranged an amphitheater.

The dimensions of the auditorium became: almost equal depth and width - about 30 meters, height - about 20 meters. The auditorium began to accommodate over 2000 spectators. In this form, the Bolshoi Theater has survived to this day, with the exception of small internal and external reconstructions.

1941 was very difficult for the Bolshoi Theatre. On October 14, 1941, the government, showing special concern for the preservation of creative personnel and artistic values, evacuated the workers of the Bolshoi Theater with their families to the city of Kuibyshev (Samara). The theater building in Moscow was empty... The team spent a year and nine months in the evacuation. In the early days, only concerts of artists, the opera La Traviata and the ballet Swan Lake were given on the stage of the Kuibyshev Palace of Culture, and at the end of 1942 premieres were shown: on November 8, the opera Wilhelm Tell by D. Rossini, awarded the State Prize, and December 30 ballet "Scarlet Sails" by V. Yurovsky. In 1943, the theater showed 9 opera and 5 ballet performances in Kuibyshev, not counting numerous concerts.

The main foyer of the theater hosts exhibitions of contemporary artists and photographers - M. Shemyakin, V. Maslov, M. Logvinov and others. At present, the main concern of the theater has become the completion of the construction of the branch and preparations for the closure of the main building for reconstruction.

The Bolshoi Theater was closed for renovation on July 2, 2005. Re-opened in October After the reconstruction, the theater more than doubled to 80,000 square meters and acquired large underground spaces.

The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow is the most important Russian opera and ballet theater. He is known not only in his native open spaces, but also far beyond the borders of Russia. To enjoy performances of a truly high level performed by talented leading artists of our time, you need to visit the Bolshoi Theater.

The Bolshoi Theater originated as the private theater of Pyotr Urusov - a well-known provincial prosecutor, prince. He received permission to maintain masquerades, performances, balls and other entertainment events from Empress Catherine II.

At the initial stage of its formation, the Bolshoi Theater had a single opera and drama troupe. And its composition was diverse - from serf artists to foreign stars. Moscow University and the gymnasiums at its court made a huge contribution to the formation of the opera and drama troupe. It is worth emphasizing that in these schools one could get an excellent musical education. The first theater classes were organized at the Moscow Orphanage.

On the third try

The origin of this theater dates back to 1776. Initially, there were two more structures on the site of the current Bolshoi, but both burned to the ground in strong fires. The modern building of the theater was erected in 1856 according to the design of Albert Cavos. During the construction of the Bolshoi Theater, a magnificent quadriga made of bronze by the famous and talented Pyotr Klodt was installed above the entrance portico. But, at the very beginning of World War II, a bomb fell on the building, which caused severe damage. During the Soviet era, the Bolshoi Theater became a traditional venue for the All-Russian Congresses of Soviets, congresses of the Comintern, meetings of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and other equally important state and party events.

Throughout its existence, the Bolshoi Theater has been under reconstruction many times. The last restoration work began in 2005. The changes affected almost every little thing. It is worth noting that after the restoration the theater building has expanded almost twice. This was achieved by building underground tiers. The interior of the renovated Bolshoi Theater boasts silk walls, gilded mirror frames and much more. But the main "star" of the interior - a grandiose chandelier - attracts the greatest attention. Its weight is 2.3 tons, its height reaches 8 meters, and its diameter is 6.5 meters. Such parameters are simply impressive.

The Bolshoi Theater is not only a historical, stunningly beautiful building, but also the most important stage in Russia in the classical style.