Seeing a heart in a dream Compression of the abdominal cavity and chest


Whose heart did you see in a dream?

I dreamed of a human heart ▼

I dreamed of a human heart - the appearance of a reason for unrest and worries. Perhaps this will be caused by an event or circumstance, an incident beyond your control that will leave an emotional one.

What did they do with the heart in a dream?

Listen to the heartbeat in a dream▼

Listening to a heartbeat in a dream is the need to be active in order to achieve the desired results. Things left to chance will not be effective, it is better to introduce hard and constantly behind the implementation of processes.

Cling to your heart in a dream ▼

To the heart - the dream book regards such an action as a manifestation of feelings in relation to a particular person, his problems worry you, because of this you transfer all his experiences to yourself.

How did the heart behave in a dream?

Had a cardiac arrest▼

The dream interpretation interprets hearts as overcoming difficulties in reality. Now is the time to finish what you started, to decide on what you have long wanted. Not to hear your heartbeat is to experience pleasure.

What heart did you dream about?

I dreamed of a drawn heart ▼

A dream about a painted heart warns of lies, unjustified hopes and unfulfilled dreams. It is in your power to change everything, it is enough just to move from dreams to real actions, and then the desired will be realized.

Where was the heart in the dream?

Seeing a heart in the sky in a dream▼

I dreamed of a heart in the sky - a good sign. Happiness and health will not leave you, but will always be, his feelings will never cool. In relationships, there is complete harmony and mutual understanding.

How do other dream books interpret?

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I dreamed of a Heart, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Heart is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    • Anton, perhaps a dream about replacing a heart with a chicken speaks of some vain chores.

      i dreamed that I was carrying a human heart on a saucer, it was in the blood and there was also blood on the dish, I went to the sink and washed the heart and then I saw the dish without a heart and I put this dish under a stream of cold water and try to wash off the blood from it, whose heart is it was not clear, but I think my ...

      • nick, the fact that you had such a heart in your dream probably indicates that an illness awaits you.

        I dreamed that my dad comes to me with sad news about the death of my grandfather (he died 13 years ago) and in his hands he brought his beating heart without blood, wrapping it in a cap, put it carefully on the floor and left. I heard strange sounds and saw that a cat or a small dog was eating it champing and growling, I took the heart away and left it in my hands.
        Thank you.

        • Elena, such a dream probably means that you cherish the memory of your late grandfather.

          Hello! I had a very strange dream today. I wanted to know what it means. I dreamed that they gave me an injection right in the heart, with such a long and thin needle. But I didn’t feel pain or fear. I just felt like it started during the injection knocking strongly as if from adrenaline. I also said that it began to knock strongly ... ..

          I dreamed that I was going into my room, it is so bright, I immediately feel good in my soul) And I understand that my room has been renovated. And my ex-young man did the renovation ... Pink wallpaper in a floral pattern, fabric somewhere it is beautifully draped on the wall ... In general, the design approach and hearts cut out of plywood and covered with red fabric hang from the ceiling ... And there are so many of them, and everything is so tastefully done ... I am standing on the threshold of the room, I am in a great mood, and the former young man seems to be waiting reaction from me, he expects me to praise him, kiss him, but I only admire what he did for me, but I can’t reciprocate what he expects from me, since I have a husband ... And I love my husband, but there’s not much it’s not smart what he did for me ... He practically confessed his love for this repair ...
          Why such a dream?

          • Such a dream in which you saw your room after renovation, most likely indicates that you are waiting for a serious change in views.

            In reality, I met a young man a couple of times, I like him and I don’t mind starting a relationship with him. After the last meeting, I had a dream that they told me by phone that he had died, although it was so colorful around - summer, grass and green trees. Then a heart stands before my eyes, and it is so beautiful, but not alive - silver with rhinestones. And I think the heart is his. What is it for? Thank you in advance!

            • The dream in which you received such news most likely indicates that you may lose contact with this person.

              Good evening! Help understand the dream. worries me a lot. I dreamed that I open a book and there is a picture in which there are a lot of women and they are witches, and next to the picture there is text, but as soon as I start reading it, I immediately find myself in their midst. Around the water is about waist-deep, and somewhere knee-deep, and these female witches want to recruit me and put one condition - to cut out my heart. There are two choices - cut and discard permanently or cut and freeze. Without any fear, I cut out my heart and carry it to the freezer, but then I look, and it is already a little frozen and I felt so sorry for my heart ... that I already woke up and felt pain on the left side, where the heart is ... So that all this could to mean?

              • The dream that you described most likely indicates that you may fall under the bad influence of the advice of self-serving women.


                • Your dream most likely indicates that you better not take everything too emotionally.

                  Good afternoon
                  Perhaps you can tell the meaning of my dream (I don’t know why, but I’m 100% sure that this dream means something important):
                  I am standing on the street, next to a wooden table ... some person (I don’t know exactly who) tells me “find it, find it, otherwise it will die.”
                  I start looking for something, then the realization comes that I am looking for a human heart (I don’t know whose), and now it is found, I pick it up, it is all dirty in the dust and barely beats, and now it will die. Immediately thought that he must be saved. I start washing it with water, wiping it, and I see that an electric cord is coming from the heart. After washing the heart, I plug this cord into an outlet to save this heart - and it starts to come to life little by little (it starts to beat more often).
                  I would be very grateful if you write the meaning of my dream!
                  THANK YOU!

                  • Your dream, most likely, indicates that you can find out that you are required to take quick decisive action.

                  • Good day!!!
                    This has never been dreamed of before....
                    Tell me what it can mean?
                    I take my heart out (I don’t see how it happened, I don’t feel blood, I don’t feel pain), I hold my heart in my palm, and then a new one appears (in what way, I don’t see again), and I am this new I put my heart back in its original place .... I woke up with a distinct thought - “I performed the operation on myself” ....))

                    • Your dream most likely indicates that it is you who can contribute to your own enrichment in the near future.


                      I dreamed that some young man or guy was chasing me. All this happened in flight (i.e. I flew high from the ground and he also flew - he was chasing me). When I realized that I couldn’t fly away from him, I stopped. He gouged out my heart, cut it into pieces and ate it right in front of me. But for some reason I did not die and sat on the ground alive without a heart inside and it seemed to me that I was about to die, but this did not happen. I practically did not feel pain, only a little bit with a sigh and there was no blood. This man was nearby. Then we parted and I went somewhere without a heart, told my sister about what happened to me. Next, I woke up.
                      What could it be? Thank you.

                      • Your dream most likely indicates that you may find yourself in a difficult situation in which you will have to take non-standard measures.

                        I saw that they were carrying a woman I did not know (but in a dream I talked with her), on a stretcher, in her hands she held her heart, which was beating and was in blood, her sheet was also in blood, and then she saw that this heart was sewn into her (it turns out like a heart transplant done). Why might this be a dream? Thank you.

                        I dreamed of a newborn in my kitchen, but the woman in labor was not around. He appeared out of nowhere and the priest cut his umbilical cord right with a kitchen knife. Then he gave me to hold, but not the baby, but his heart. It lay warm in my hand and beat. The priest said, “The child is alive. Everything is fine." What could such a dream mean?

                        Hello! Today I dreamed that I was eating the meatloaf I cooked and a woman came up to me and really wanted to try it, I share it with her. We were very tasty. Then I show that I still have a heart, though only boiled. The heart in the dream was of some kind of animal and very large in size, like a ball. I cut this heart with a knife, felt how I was cutting it and ate it, but the stranger did not try it. What could be this dream?

                        Hello! Today I dreamed that I was winning a huge amount of money and spending it on buying a heart. I want to run to the hospital and give it to any person in need, but something knocks me down, pushes me as soon as I get up. then I woke up.

                        Good afternoon. Today I dreamed that I had a heart replacement surgery. At that moment when they got mine, life seemed to be cut short and the soul began to leave the body. Then they put a new one and life returned to me. And throughout the whole dream, the thought was in my head: What does a person love? Heart or brain. And I was afraid that the new heart would not be able to love my wife.

                        It's summer outside, I'm standing on a hill. Then I start to go down and I see a small house. I go into it on the steps and see a mess in the form of scattered things and children's toys. A plump woman stands in the middle and asks me to find her an electric heart. It appears in front of me in space in the form in which it is drawn, and electric discharges emanated from it in different directions.
                        Please tell me what does this mean?

                        I dreamed that I was at school (yes, I'm in the 10th grade now) .. I'm at recess, meeting girls .. And then I see a guy who I really like, but I don't have any feelings for him .. I called him, asked what the lesson would be now .. He said that algebra and went on .. I turned to those girls and one of them, who was standing close, tells me that my heart is beating very strongly .. I look and the truth is pounding how crazy .. Can you tell me what this dream is for? Thank you)

                        Good day!
                        In a dream, I think “I wish I had a new heart,” and then I understand that in me it is no longer my heart, but a new one. I began to feel completely new, as if I had been born again. At first I didn’t understand, then I started running because I had never run, and I only go along this road to my girlfriend (I’m not indifferent to her). I woke up at the moment when I almost ran. What could this mean? Thank you in advance!

                        Hello! I dreamed of a piece of meat from which I make a heart, add veins, arteries. When everything is ready, they tell me this is your new heart. I understand that it is not real. As a result, the operation did not happen. Thank you in advance!

                        Good afternoon I dreamed that I had a heart operation without anesthesia. I didn’t feel anything, and then they took my heart out of my chest and let me hold it in my hands. It beat. But I didn't feel bad. What does this mean?

                        I dreamed that two young men were standing and then a dead woman appeared, she was the girl of one of the guys. Her boyfriend asks her: "Which organ dies in the dead?" She rips out another's heart and shows it to him.

                        i dreamed that they dismembered me and took out my heart. after which I washed it under running water. half a dream, I carried it in my hands. it beat. it was very unusual and strange. I felt empty inside myself. I couldn’t understand why I was still breathing, living? I took big breaths of air, but I’m alive. everything is fine. I can. I looked for doctors, but none of them sewed. they said that some kind of valve should be connected ... they ground the garbage in short. good morning.
                        I have my own version, but what do you think?
                        Thank you

                        I am standing on the bank of the river, all in a long white shirt, I hold my own heart in my hands, and I say to him: “my little one, you suffered for life, it was in the mud and lies, now I will throw you clean water” And I throw it away by the river , I try to have clean water, I throw clean water, but it is carried over again by the algae, by the swamp. I run after him trying to save him, but I can't do anything.

                        I had a secret dream: I'm in the hospital, doctors are over me, suddenly they start to fuss. It turned out that my heart had stopped. They immediately give me a discharge and the first time my heart started. I watched the actions in a dream as if from the side. Then I lay and was afraid that it was about to stop again.

                        i dreamed that I was in our house of officers - it was as if a wealthy person bought it and finished it for his house - we walk around the rooms with him, I admire the new renovation, I remember the library - I ask where it is - he says everything is in place, everything is just done in a new way I myself go along the familiar path to the library, I find my favorite books, I am delighted! We are dancing a waltz with this person, why did I dream about this?

                        i dreamed that some person in a hood couldn’t see his face, and then it seemed like it turned out that the woman cut out the heart of some person, then she came up to me. painfully, I even took out a little of my heart and covered it so that it would not fall out ... it was very scary in a dream, why is this?

                        i dreamed that my heart ached, I hold my hand on it here, my grandmother’s sister says something, I fall into the abyss, more precisely, I fall through and I’m scared, I think I’m dying, I think 1 2 3 I say, God forgive me ... and I wake up abruptly, my heart really hurts and beats strongly

                        I had a dream where I saw a man whom I love at the carnival, then I found myself at home, and I understood that this man should come today, but despite my feelings for him, I was afraid of his arrival, since he had to cut out my heart when he when I came, I hid in a corner with my eyes closed because I didn’t want to see him (I don’t know why). After that, I don’t remember what happened, but I remember how he sat on the bed, and I stood in another part of the room, apparently he DID NOT DO that for what came, I remained alive. Help me figure it out!

                        My mother called me at chera and told me that she had a dream, as if I was in the hospital, and she came to me and said, “What’s wrong with you, and I look and lift my T-shirt and she sees a hole in my chest from where you can see beating heart. And as if I’m telling her - The doctor said until the fifth heart grows, I won’t be cured ... ... .. these are the dreams my Mom has

                        I accidentally crushed the spider, unfolded the towel to look at it, shook it out, and it turned out to be huge, black, sharp paws, then carefully began to approach it (it was already standing on the floor, was cut in half, the second half was missing), approached slowly, looked into it, there was a human heart, dark ... I don’t really remember further ... ..

                        Standing at the window, she pulled her heart out of her chest and examined it, but not bloodied, but as if the color of boiled, then she tried to scratch it with something and realized that it was alive and could be damaged, and the thought also came that since I separated it from myself , which means she could cut off some connecting tissues and began to check whether everything was intact, although it did not connect with me in any way. Then, feeling how it beats in my hand and taking on the color of a living heart, she calmly put it in its place, deciding that nothing terrible had happened, but told the people who were nearby and watched this to call an ambulance just in case. A very unusual dream for me - usually I easily understand whether a dream is good or bad, but then I was confused. So I decided to find out its meaning.

                        To dream that a man offers me and two other people to kill ourselves. we pretend to kill ourselves with a knife. we lie on the bed. The man tells me, get up, go get something in the other room. I go and understand that I pierced. because I have to kill myself. he came up to me and with all his strength hit me in the chest and took out my heart. I saw my heart beat in his hands. started wheezing. I remember that after that I was still alive ...

                        Hello. I dreamed that I was holding my heart in my hands in my chest, red wires were sticking out of my chest, some kind of needle was attached, I stuffed it all back into my chest and pulled it out again and stuffed it again, it hurt. Then I felt bad. Then I pulled it out and disconnected the needle and pushed his heart with wires back into his chest. He climbed around the factory in the village with a heart and wires in his hands.

                        Suddenly they had a heart operation, it hurt and there was no anesthesia, then every day I had to come to the hospital and they put another heart in me again, wash it from an animal, they said that I would need to repeat the procedure regularly, I tore off the patch and pulled out the heart, half of the lower was cut off and secreted an ichor, and the beat was not right, then my husband and I moved to Moscow, we were looking for an apartment, we found a house, but the owner made a condition, to sell alcohol, I wanted to stay, but my husband was against it, we saw a madman inside the house, and even before I put in a new heart, it was subjected to heat treatment, I even tried a piece of mine

                        I had a dream. The man threatened to kill me with a blow to the heart. I fell. I was taken to the doctor. The doctor gave me two injections in the heart. And I came to life. In a dream, I saw myself from the outside and directly in the process. There was no fear.

                        My own brother dreamed with a severed head, and a living heart was beating from his chest, which I saw, but there was no blood anywhere, I did artificial respiration with my hands over a living pulsating heart. She screamed very loudly to the sky that he could be saved, but their head had already been cut off, crying and asking for it to be a dream.

                        I was sitting on an armchair and a woman, already aged and a little plump, came up to me and her face was so not pleasant, she pulled her hand to me and put it on her chest and at the same time uttered the words “you are too happy and it doesn’t suit you” well, I don’t remember exactly, but it makes sense I was like that in her and right there my heart began to hurt a lot and then two men appeared behind that woman and one tall second low one that looked straight into my eyes and then I shouted no need and woke up in a cold sweat!

                        I cooked the bird in the oven. when she got it she was ready. but inside she had a heart. I took it out and it was very big. barely fit in my hand. and it was alive... I stood there and didn't know what to do with it...

                        Hello. My husband dreamed that our little son's heart was cut out and conjured over him (from any damage), I held him in my hands, then they inserted him back and sewed him up. why this dream, what does it portend?

                        i dreamed that my friend was seriously ill and would die in a day, she was already lying in something like a coffin and we were talking to her, but then her parents arrived, gave her a lot of flowers and sweets, and also brought a heart that should save sick, they hug and give me a heart so that I can carry it until we come to the doctor, I take the heart and it throbs strongly in my hands, it became unpleasant for me and I asked a friend to take it, but she refused and I still carried the heart, however, is already calmer

                        Hello, my name is Victor, I am 40 years old, a year ago I had two heart stent surgeries. Today I had a dream about a doctor's appointment and was told that I had two months to live. I asked if this was related to the operation, they told me that it was not, that my heart would simply stop ...

                        I dreamed of a room where there were two (I don’t remember one other man), I wanted to walk past a man (dark-skinned, but very pleasant) and sit on a table away, but the man took me in his knees. And I'm sitting, even began to hug him and sit. I felt his warmth, heartbeat and breath. He didn't hurt me, he just took me and I tumbled in his arms. I felt very good. The man was shirtless.

                        Hello. I dreamed that some vessel in my heart broke and it began to bleed. then I took it out of my chest and carried it in my arms. I was with a friend and we went to a doctor who could not do the operation and a friend took me to cardiac surgery. I periodically lost consciousness for a couple of seconds but did not feel pain. although only one vessel connected me with my heart….. why all this???

                        Hello! I dreamed that I was participating in an expedition somewhere in the north. We found a UFO in the ice. A woman in a beautiful suit came out of there and said not to ask too many questions otherwise everyone would die. Then she told us to break the ice from the ship. I could not stand it and begged to answer at least one question - why did they come to earth. She got angry and lashed out at me. She began to press her fist on my heart area. I could feel my chest tightening and my heart starting to beat slowly. I begged her to stop. She kept pushing and punching straight to the heart. I was terribly scared, I woke up abruptly from fear that I was really being killed.

                        Good evening! on the night of Thursday to Friday I had a dream, I don’t remember for what reason, my whole chest went somewhere, and I saw my heart and other insides, and inside I saw some kind of worms, they crawled inside me, but one of me was pulled out and it was a green snake, we pierced it in the area of ​​​​her head and neck, she died, at that moment I was for some reason in my sister's house (she lives in another country) and began to wait for an ambulance, but I wanted the rest of the snakes got out of me...

                        There was a baby, very small (a little more than a palm) something happened to him and it was necessary to do a special exercise for him (bend / unbend) so that his heart would beat. Then the heart somehow fell out (as if it wasn’t there at all), then some kind of water, and as if they put a child with a heart into this water (his chest was already open, and they tried to put it carefully, but it didn’t work out). The strangest thing is that the dream did not have a bright negative or nasty connotation (there was an experience, but a small one). Thank you Tatiana.

                        In a dream, my grandparents cut out my heart, everything was yellow around, a river flowed nearby, and there was a bridge across the river. When my heart was cut out, I took it and felt how it contracted two more times. After that, I ran and woke up.

                        i dreamed that I cut out my heart - everything was without pain and blood, if not strange. And then she put it back in. And every time (and I did it more than once) - it became easier for me.

                        Hello Tatyana, I dreamed that I was running after someone, and I see a store that rents out bicycles. I thought that this way I would get somewhere faster. I go there, and there, in order to get it for rent, you need to pick up special shoes, in general, they picked me up and sent me to a female seller, although her name sounded like a man’s, to be more precise, I don’t remember it at all. I come to another department and ask this seller, she starts picking up shoes for me, I remember exactly that I didn’t like any of them, and somehow the seller looked at me briefly - the guy smiled and came up to me and hugged me a little, I felt in seconds 2 as his heart began to beat sharply, I removed his hand from my shoulder and looked at him, he looked at me and I decided to check, I hugged him and my heart beat as hard as his. And I woke up.

                        Hello Tatiana! Today I dreamed that my heart stopped 4 times. I didn't feel pain, it just stopped beating. I was also brought back to life with a defibrillator 4 times. My mother was the doctor. I stayed alive. At the end of the dream, I ended up on the sea and in front of me was a man.

                        Theater. It's dark, you can't see anything but the stage. In front of me are 2 figures in black. The blond-haired man explains with gestures that the murder scene needs to be rehearsed and that this will not bring any harm to the dark-haired guy. The young man in question is standing with his back to me. I plunge the knife into his back, carefully and effortlessly crack open his ribs and take out his heart, warm and beating. The boy falls to his knees and begins to sob. The fair-haired one indifferently throws me: “Great. So, rehearsed and will be! Stand up, now it's your turn." Then I put my feet on the wall of the coffin.

                        Hello! My name is Anna, today in the morning at 5.00, 6.00 in the morning I dreamed that my heart stopped ... the dream was unprepossessing calm, the feeling that in a dream I understand that my heart will stop now .. later I woke up from heavy breathing, for the first time I see this dream, my heart never bothered me. but on the eve there were small experiences.

                        in a dream, I hide in the bushes at night, and my husband looks like a man - the horror of their comics comes up to me, and instead of his heart, a hole has been torn out where the heart should be, but not out of the way, and instead of the chest in the chest cavity, you can see either the lungs or the liver cracked. He calls me and wants to hug me, but I'm hysterical and I woke up in tears from screaming. Why these horrors in a dream, please tell me. Thanks for the answer

                        hello, I dreamed of something like an egg, it was broken or damaged and I took it in my hands and it turned out that there was a living heart that was beating, then the heart began to beat more slowly and stopped

                        Good afternoon

                        From Thursday to Friday, I dreamed that I was at work. The day ends and before the weekend everyone goes home. I'm in a hurry to deliver.
                        And one of my colleagues is a zombie. Not in the literal sense, but simply inanimate (walks, talks, but there is nothing negative and dangerous from her). The most vivid vision is that she is lying on her back, her chest has been opened, there are no internal organs, only her heart. And I cut this heart with a knife. I cut it into small pieces, like a pie. and I see only my hands in blood and a knife. At the same time, I think that she is still not alive, and it will be better that way. the only thing that worries me is will the body be gone before Monday?
                        Then I go to the toilet, wash my hands and run away to the delivery.

                        / the dream began with me holding my heart in my hands, not bloody, some kind of gray color, I walk around the school where I once studied and ask everyone to sew it back on me, I have a vertical incision on my chest, like from it got my heart

                        i dreamed that I was holding a dead heart in my hands, then I started to massage it so that it would come to life, it comes to life, I got scared and I want to stop it, I started cutting roofing felts to stop it. such a dream

                        I dreamed that I was holding a beating human heart in my hand. I pierce it with a knife, but it keeps beating. I tried to stop him several times, but unsuccessfully ... at the same time, the veins on my arms were cut

                        Hello! 10 minutes ago my strange dream ended. I was in it in an unequipped hospital, there were a lot of people there. I walked for a long time, looked at everyone, some tried to hang themselves on medical equipment ... And then they cut out my heart. I clearly felt these sensations, and this heart was given to me in my hands. Now I went everywhere with my heart in my hands, sometimes I left it on the tables ... .I was not afraid, but interesting. Then I ended up at my grandmother's house, saw my mother there and asked, "How long can you live without a heart?" and she answered "2 days" I thought it was strange. “on the second day” I, with thoughts of a wonderful suicide (this is a rather interesting idea, cut out the heart and no one will understand why you died), I myself, in anticipation of a new operation, cut myself with a knife the place where the heart was actually pulled out, then nothing happened, but I They said that the operation will be tomorrow! Then I moved home, into the corridor, and there were spiders (the only thing I am very much afraid of in reality) I woke up from this) in a dream I clearly felt my pulse, and now I am writing this to you and often feel my neck (because only a little pulse is heard)

                        in a dream, I felt my child’s heart beating. The dream was that I was pregnant, stroked my stomach and felt the child’s heart beating. It was very scary. I was afraid ……… I’m 22. Not married. Not pregnant. Today I feel pain in my lower abdomen

                        Good afternoon
                        In a dream, I held in my hands a heart that stopped and tried to start it, as it were. In the end, I succeeded, in a dream, and it began to beat. At that moment I had a feeling of joy, my heart was beating very strongly. Almost all of me was, as it were, in the trench, hands, face

                        I’m standing at some house, it looks like a hut .. inside, relatives sit and look at me with horror through the window .. and after that I turn around to my back .. and there is a big shadow .. looks like a bear .. and for some reason I looked on my hands .. and there is a bloodied heart in them .. and I eat it with hungry horror .. after that I again turn around at the window and my relatives begin to hide from me .. and I don’t understand why this dream .. I don’t even feel comfortable ... there were dreams like I spend the day but in fragments .. and a day or a month later, for some reason, similar days happened .. but I remembered the current when that fragment of the dream happened .. thanks in advance

                        I walked along the road and held my heart in my hands. it was alive and beat, and I played with it, and then I got scared and wanted to return it to its place and did not know what to do and thought that I was already dead.

                        I’m talking with my girlfriend for a long time I haven’t been bachelor Rozmova in my house Rozmova herself go about her about her life and do it right now

                        i dreamed that my friend gave birth to a child, but he was no more than 10 cm, she did not look after him, she was afraid to come up for a couple of days, and I came to visit her, and I see that he is crying, I want to take him, and he is rotting in my chest, I took it in my hands, I look at my hands and I have his heart in my hands, very small, and I felt how it was beating, then my sister came in and asked what was there, I said that he died

                        I dreamed that I see my heart in a computer monitor. It beats, then it gets stronger and then it turns red, it blinks, then it returns to its previous state again. The most interesting thing is that I vividly feel all the changes in a dream. It even became bad when the heart was red.

                        I dream that I put my hand on my lower abdomen and felt my heart beating, I was so happy that I went up to my mother, took her hand and put it on my stomach so that she could feel it too

                        my heart was in a container on the wall. like a big oval. I cut off exactly half and began to chew, tasteless and there was almost no blood. doctors were sitting next to the table and said that everything was very serious, some kind of hole

                        Hello Tatiana.
                        Today I dreamed that the doctors told me that I needed to urgently have a heart operation, but I didn’t have any pain and I was completely calm, I agreed to the operation. The doctors pulled out my heart and let me hold it in my hands, then put it back in and said the operation was a success.

                        Good afternoon
                        I dreamed that my boyfriend was kissing another girl and I began to run away. I was very angry and decided to tear out my heart, and as soon as I thought about it, it was in my hand. From the side, I saw a lot of bulls and decided to throw my heart out to them so that they would eat it. But as soon as I threw it away and saw that they were starting to trample on it (or tear it, I don’t remember what exactly), I felt some strange sensations inside me, as if I understand that I can’t live without a heart and now I can die if they deal with him to the end. And I knew that there was a second heart, but I was afraid that I would not have time to start it.
                        Why such a dream? Thanks in advance!

                        I dreamed that my father squeezed my heart out of my leg, and when he pulled it out it felt like I was starting to choke, but then when he put it back everything became fine, it became easier to breathe and my heart began to beat normally

                        I cut out my little brother's heart and put something else in its place, some kind of object, as I considered it necessary and right. Then my drunk father came and took this thing out of my brother's chest, brother died. Then my father began to rush with a sharp piece of iron, trying to kill my mother, the dream ended with me on my knees, sobbing and begging my father not to kill my mother.

                        Hello. i dreamed that the doctor took out my heart and I feel how it stops and it is so real that when I woke up I breathed for a long time and could not understand if I was really breathing. very real dream.

                        My mother-in-law died a couple of months ago. She dreamed of the deceased in a hospital bed (I did not have time to visit her before my death). And in a dream, not wanting to believe in her death, I asked to bring me hearts (organs). Her son replied that they were lifeless and he threw them in the trash. I insisted that he find them. And I saw in a dream how I got one heart, it was no longer alive and I put it aside. And when I took out the second one, I saw that it was beating. And I gave it to the doctors so that they transplanted this heart to the mother-in-law. In continuation of the dream, they tell me that it turned out to reanimate the mother-in-law. I open the door with the keys and see her completely revived. I sit down on her bed and she, with the words that she knows how I helped, hugs me tightly. And he says that her son buried her early. I woke up immediately afterwards in tears.

                        the late grandmother, my husband and I sleep in the same room, I felt cold and I woke up and began to cover myself and my husband, my mother is sleeping, and my grandmother gets up and leaves, my husband and I begin to make love and suddenly I feel bad, I move away from the place where we slept, I see a hole into which it starts to vomit and I burped some bloody pieces, not large and a heart, but it is cut into two parts and dry without blood, it is old, I look at it and tell my husband this is my heart, how will I live without it ... ..

                        I dug very deep into the ground and found a strange object, then, after cleaning it, it turned out to be a human heart. In a panic, I ran somewhere and began to dig up a grave, there lay the body of a young man (already half decomposed), I put his heart in him and he began to come to life, and became young again

                        Good afternoon Today I dreamed that my chest was cut, from the neck to the stomach (without blood and other abominations), and I hold my heart in my hands and try to insert an artery into it so that it continues to beat. I managed to do this and I put it back in my chest and, holding it with my hand so that it wouldn’t fall out, I tried to reach the point of help, which still didn’t exist. I didn’t feel pain, but my heart was constantly threatening to fall somewhere, as if I had a huge empty hole inside me and it was constantly rolling inside, and I felt how it was beating. The dream left a very strong aftertaste. What is it for?

                        I had a heart operation, I was lying on a chair, I saw myself, but I could walk, communicate with people, talked with the surgeon, he cut the chest, took out the heart, it was all in some kind of worms, then he cleaned it off, it was black, I asked if it can be treated, he said no, I need a new heart, injected me with something, and said, you have 12 hours to find a new heart, and before my operation, a girl with the same disease lay next to me, she underwent surgery and everything went well. I have no health problems in my life)

                        I have to bring a man his heart, it looks like some kind of bag, but I know that it is a heart. And if I don't bring it in time, this man will die. I wander all over the corridors and I can't find this person. But in the end, I open the next door and see a person lying down and I know it's him. I am giving this package. And joy fills my mind. I managed and saved him

                        The dream itself - we celebrated something at home, in the circle of relatives and friends. I don't remember exactly what. Suddenly something is wrong in the heart area. As if he is being strongly pressed, or vice versa, as if he is about to jump out. It was not painful, but a strong tension in that area, like the tension of an ordinary muscle. These feelings were real! I checked my pulse. He was not there, then he appeared again after 5-6 seconds. He also worked somewhere for 3-4 seconds and disappeared again. And so in a circle. At the same time, I was conscious, I could walk and talk calmly. I told my family that they were there about my problem, but they said it was nothing, despite my attempts to convince them otherwise. As a result, after 10 minutes I was already lying on the floor in an attempt to say "call an ambulance." It is worth noting that there was no pain, although I can feel it in various dreams. That's all. Thank you in advance.

                        I had such a dream that I lost my cross, I kind of asked my parents to buy a new one, then I walked and went into the church there was a little girl and they read a prayer near her, she was crying, I put my hand on her heart and it was beating very hard, I I stood near the icon and began to pray that everything would be fine with her, like this, tell me what it is for ???

                        my friend had 6 drawn hearts. I and a woman I didn’t know yet. he was not offered a choice between us women. to whom will he give these hearts. and my friend preferred to give it to another woman, but not to me!

                        I had a dream that psychics tell me take care of my heart, ordered a few and one said you wear it under your heart, then as if I were swimming and wanted to sleep, rolled over on my back and closed my eyes, then abruptly ended up on the shore

                        Hello! I dreamed that my heart suddenly began to beat strongly and often. Moreover, in a dream there was a feeling that this was all happening in reality, because in a dream I even lay on the bed, on which, in fact, I sleep. Only in the morning I realized that it was a dream. I was diagnosed, the heart can at any time, for no reason, start to beat often. But I'm still wondering what it could dream of? Thank you in advance!

                        Hello! My name is Irina.
                        I don't always focus on dreams, but if I do, then the dream means something (it always has!). Today I had a dream that haunts me.
                        It’s like I’m in my parents’ apartment with two women in their forties I don’t know (I’m now 34 years old). One of them calls me "mom", the other one is like our victim (we have to eat her). I bite her on the neck, she starts to bleed, but she does not scream, does not cry, although she is conscious ... After that, I explain to the woman who calls me “mother” what exactly we will eat (from neck to chest) ... But I do not eat, but go to another room and lie down on the sofa. After a while, my “daughter” comes and brings me the raw heart of that woman on a plate with the words: “Mom, this is for you.” And we start eating it. I only ate a couple of bites. While we were eating, she told how hard it was for her to get it (I had to cut her chest .. and there were also ribs) ... While we were eating, my younger sister came (she forgot some documents) I tried to distract her, and my The "daughter" imperceptibly closed the door to the room where the corpse was. The sister did not suspect anything. After my sister left, we agreed to wipe the blood off the floor and destroy the corpse... I woke up...

                        I dreamed that I received an SMS from a man whom I knew in real life. Some time ago this man told me that he liked me. He offered to meet me, although both he and I have families. I then refused him. So in the message in the dream were the words: "Hi, honey." In fact, no one has ever called me that. Even further there was a text, which for some reason I did not immediately read. My attention was attracted by a lot of red hearts, which are scattered like a stream around these words of SMS messages and seem to come out of the phone and hover in the air. I didn't expect this in my dream. And she began to call a friend to tell. In the present, we recently had a not very pleasant conversation with this man, which we postponed for a while, I think not quite a certain time. In my heart I expect news from him, but to be honest I expect bad things.

                        i’m on the operating table, the doctor (my gynecologist is a woman doctor) took out a huge heart for me and gave it to me in my hands, ordered me to take a walk with it a little and warned me to be very careful. I go outside with my heart and immediately found myself in some sheds. a wooden shed, sort of like a table, was dug in. I put my heart on the table and began to examine it. It is very large, the size of a five-kilogram cat. One of my careless touches - and some kind of white cone on my heart was blown away, I panicked and at that moment two boys of a teenager of 16-17 years old came up and began to joke about the heart. I asked him not to touch and leave, but one guy, the one that is braver, took it and tore it to smithereens with his hands. The guys really thought that it was not my heart, but a cow’s and were horrified when they saw my hysteria and realized that my heart. They fled. I went hysterically to the hospital crying hysterically and thinking what to do, I the mother of the guy who broke his heart came to the meeting, the guy told her everything. my mother reassured me in every possible way and together we came to the doctor's office. And there a bunch of my relatives were waiting for me. They brought me my one-month-old daughter, as she began to act up and asks me. I held my daughter in my arms, handed her over and went further along the corridor. Wandering along the bright hospital corridor, I watched what was happening in the offices, the buffet (all the doors were open, everything was lively colorful, bright) and then I saw someone sitting on an armchair husband, with tears in my eyes, I told him what had happened, and the doctor was about to call me to continue the operation, and I didn’t know how to tell him that there was no heart. , it’s okay to live without a heart (in the sense of having one kidney, you will have to constantly be under the supervision of doctors on a pill with a heart box instead of a heart), but we will cope with this, everything will be fine and the dream ended.

                        Hello. Had a strange dream. there were many guests in the house, everyone was in a good mood. And I had a problem with one of the guests, left the house, throwing him a couple of harsh phrases. When I went outside, I felt that something was preventing me from breathing. She began to clear her throat, and something incomprehensible appeared in her mouth. I called my parents. it turned out that I took out a small beating heart from my mouth, which connected with my body through veins and arteries (in general, the heart hung from my mouth on these veins and arteries). The sight is terrible. I got hysterical. In a dream, mom told dad where to call, and he dialed a number. Here is such a dream. something is not right now.

                        I dreamed that I had a heart transplant. Moreover, it took place almost at home, painlessly and unexpectedly. After that, I felt good, although I heard how it beats differently from my previous one.

                        Hello Tatiana! I saw myself in the ward with a breathing heart in my hands. I waited until the doctors again put my heart back in place and sew it up. There are two more young women in the ward, one answered my question rudely, Then I found out from the nurse who will operate on me, she clearly called me Inessa Anatolyevna, she is the head of the maternity ward in our hospital, but I’m already 55. To mean this dream?

                        i dreamed of a big heart how to fold 3 female fists, of course, some kind of bret) it was like mine, I held it in my hand with some kind of long plexus at the end, there were some organs of horror, as if my late mother pulled it out of me, I tell her to put it back to me faster I'm afraid to die, she tells me you can live without him for 3 days, I put her faster like this (

                        We went to the father (actually dead) to the clinic to run tests. During anesthesia, I would have talked to a dead mother (she is alive) and at that time she fed me. I saw a skeleton with the remains of meat and when I ate small hearts she said that you eat my heart - I'm worried about you.

                        Hello. I dreamed that an artificial heart was transplanted to me, but I did not agree and said that I should have a real heart transplanted back. I didn’t see the operation itself, but I was worried about how the operation to transplant a real heart back would go. Thank you in advance.

                        Hello, this morning I had a dream - my husband runs with a frightened face through the market and shouts - Nastya, I don’t understand anything, I run after him with our child (2 and a half years old), please stop and don’t do this, we run past the cafe, they sing his song on stage, he screams this is my song (he actually writes for me), the guard does not let him in and hits him hard on the head, breaks his head, but the husband breaks through and runs up the stairs to the second floor of the institution, I am with the child behind him, but I stop near the burnt aladiks in a large cauldron, a woman and a man run in with a hammer, they break his head, he falls down the stairs, I try to hold him, his hand comes off and remains in my hand, he falls and the brain flows out of it, the heart falls out, and all the organs, I see separately the empty skin and his heart still beating nearby, I fall on the floor with the child and sob ... A month ago I dreamed that my son (2.5 years old) had been falling out of the window since the 10th floor, and a week later he really fell out, only thank God from the first he remained alive, broke his arms and smashed his face, after I dreamed that my voice was waking me up, get up, I woke up and in our apartment the carpet from the heater began to smolder, it could get warm , in general, now I am very worried about how to understand my dream

                        I was in some kind of estate and in expensive clothes of the 17th-18th century.
                        My heart stopped, but I didn't die.
                        I continued to live the same way .. but my body no longer circulated blood ..
                        I became cold and gloomy, like a corpse.
                        The body began the process of decomposition, I began to stink.
                        Decay wounds began to appear on the body.
                        I began to think about how to avoid this ..
                        All the doctors of the family helped me and could not help me in any way..
                        Then some sorcerer gave me some blood to drink. I felt better and the body began to show signs of life again (but the heart did not work).
                        Healed wounds, etc. The blood in the body still did not move, but so that I would not die, I had to drink blood. I got tired of this and decided to revive my heart with a charge of electricity. It worked again. But not for long .. (a couple of days), then it stopped again.
                        And I realized that I could not avoid the fate of bloody drinking and a half-dead state. I didn’t have the joy of life and those beautiful green eyes as before .. I became empty inside, but there was a realization in my head that it was forever and my soul was firmly attached to the body .. And that if I drink blood, I won’t die. Everything was gloomy everywhere.. Beloved from my condition and the blood of drinking, she was frightened of me.. and left me. This dream scared me a lot, I really ask for your help. Thank you in advance.

                        The dream began with the fact that I was in the village visiting my grandmother with my boyfriend and friends. There were a lot of people at home, they are all my grandmother's guests. Then some guys and girls came by car and started calling my boyfriend to go have fun with them and we agreed, BUT my boyfriend flatly refused to take me and we had a big fight. Then I fought with those girls who had recently arrived, and how strangely I won and it didn’t make me a lot of work. After that, I went into the room where my friends were and everyone was happy and cheerful all my dream from start to finish. I was very worried that no one in the house understood my experiences. I screamed and cried a lot. Then, when it was already light outside and my boyfriend nevertheless left, my two aunts and I went somewhere on the street. One of my aunts was pregnant in her sleep, but she gave birth to her youngest daughter just a year ago. We went out, and a man comes to meet us, outwardly I don’t know him, but I understand that this is my grandfather. He has a human heart in his hands and it beats. In my dream, it was the heart of some child, and he saved him when he said that everything went well, everyone was happy that the child was saved from some difficult situation. This is where the dream ended, I woke up in tears and was trembling all over. It was all so realistic!

                        i dreamed that we were lying with my boyfriend (he doesn’t exist in life and I don’t know this person) and at one time our heart stops for a few seconds, it was such a real feeling, after that, in a dream, he began to avoid me and he said something like we can no longer be together (I remember this moment very badly, he was somehow blurry), but the guy could see that he didn’t want this and it hurt him

                        She began to feel bad, her heart ached and she lost consciousness. Then the man did me something like a heart massage. Just don't remember direct massage or not. Everyone was stressed. And I, seeing myself from the outside, was very worried that I woke up. And I woke up.

                        I dreamed that I did not have a right lung and my heart seemed to be outside, only covered with skin. then I saw how my parents chose a place for me in the cemetery. when I saw this I was 10-11 years old

                        hello, I dreamed that I tore the heart out of my chest from a living man, after which it fell and disappeared ... somewhere in the middle of a dream, I took out a heart from some kind of bag, put it in my palm, touched it, stroked it .... it was not bloody, but large in size .... I dreamed this at night, after which I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning, and then fell asleep again ...
                        i already had another dream .... I don’t remember the beginning, but I remember exactly the moment when they shoot me straight into the heart from a gun from a distance of less than a meter .... I see blood, I feel severe weakness in a dream, as if I’m about to fall .... with me there was someone, but I don’t know who ... and this person asked a question in a dream, for whom I try so hard and hold on .... I answered that for the sake of a guy (note: we broke up with him a long time ago, but I still love him) and that I should help him .... I saw all this from the side, but I felt as if it was happening live .... in the end I woke up ..
                        explain these two dreams to me, please. All actions were as if forced, and it seemed to me that I was naked. Thank you in advance.

                        I felt bad, my teeth began to loosen, I was afraid to completely close my mouth, because I felt that they would fall out, my teeth stuck out from under my lip, a couple of pieces still fell out, then I saw some kind of swelling on my arm, near my palm, it looked like a very a big pimple, and a small hole, I started to press and something like a gut came out from there, and it started to hang somewhere about 10 cm came out, I was very scared and called an ambulance, looked at the rukk, and it all dragged on back and remained normal swelling, then I put my palm up and all my teeth fall out, I say, Lord, I
                        I had such a dream (the fact that teeth fall out, I really dream often and more than a year) an ambulance arrives, they start saying that everything is fine with me and I made it up, I say I have no teeth, he looks, only molars remained, he started them pull but they didn’t fall out, showed her hand, he again said it’s okay, and said that I needed a heart transplant, then I don’t remember anything and I’m already standing with my heart in my hands, it’s beating, I examined it for a long time, and the doctor says , tomorrow you will come for a transplant, and take my heart, I say, but how do I live without my heart, he usually talks, just don’t strain too much, otherwise you will die

                        In a dream, I cut my heart with scissors and held it in my hand. I lay on my bed in the room. Then my mother came in, I asked her to help me die. But she started putting the heart back in and sewing it back in place. Then another woman came, she sewed up the incision on my skin.
                        After that, I went with someone to the hospital (I understood that they had inserted my heart at home and this was not good). My heart did not hurt, but I felt that it was somehow knocking incorrectly.
                        When I came to the hospital, the doctor said that they would not put me in and that everything was fine with me, I just needed to take care of the stitches. Then he asked me who cut out my heart. I said myself. He asked why. I said I wanted to die.
                        Then we left the hospital and an old woman approached me, she said that I didn’t die, because she cut out only one heart and pointed her finger at my right hypochondrium, they say there is a second one.
                        After that, I came to some kind of cliff and cut out both my hearts, and died. Both times when I cut out the heart of the blood there was no pain either.

                        Dream: The enemy (from real life) turns out to be a friend. While at his house, he asks to be relieved of his suffering, and I cut out his heart with scissors and hold it in my hands. It was red, cold, not beating even before his death. I felt sorry for that moment.

Dream interpretation heart

The heart is the most important organ in the body. It is involved in pumping blood, and we tend to endow it with spiritual features. No wonder such phrases are often said: “Listen to your heart”, “Do as your heart tells you”. This means that it is worth acting according to conscience, not being led by mercantile considerations. When a person is described to you, they may notice that he has a heart of stone. This means that he is not capable of feelings, empty in his soul, cruel and prudent.

You can often hear that a person died because his heart could not stand it. This is how they explain death as a result of emotional experiences. If a person fell in love sincerely, then he says that his heart was broken.

As you can see, this human organ is endowed with a special symbolism. And if you dreamed of a heart, what can you expect from such a night vision?


First of all, we will consider a dream in which it was the organ that was dreamed of, and not, for example, an ornament or decor element. Initially, it is worth looking at the interpretations provided by dream predictors.

Interpreters' predictions

Feel tingly in a dream

Often dream books talk about what to feel in a dream, that the heart is acting up - to problems with this organ. In reality, you are not yet aware of this, but the subconscious gives you possible signals. Do not ignore them, consult a doctor, or at least take care of your heart - do not be nervous over trifles.

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of a heart that starts to tingle, do you experience discomfort in a dream? This means that troubles, hitches, difficulties are planned in business. You cannot avoid them, but you can prepare for them and endure them with minimal losses. Miller believes that it is you who will become the cause of this hitch, a mistake that you made earlier, left to chance, will come up.

To see your heart in a dream - you will get sick. This will happen due to the fact that you will lose a lot of vital energy. To avoid this, try to take a break from work and bustle.

According to this dream book, the heart of an animal symbolizes the beginning of the fight against enemies. It will be quite spectacular and will attract the views of many. Become a winner - gain the support of the right people.

Esoteric dream book

Seeing a person's heart that is beating, for example, during an operation - you are in trouble with the cardiovascular system. You urgently need to take action before it's too late.

Dreamed of a decor or piece of furniture

What can the heart of a dead animal dream of? You will yearn, be in a state of apathy and depression. The main thing is to make sure that this condition is not too long, as it can adversely affect physical health.

This dream book also considers such a dream in which there was an artificial heart or just a decorative element in this form. It is believed that such a thing is dreamed of before a deception occurs in the love sphere. To give or present it to someone in a dream - you will have to deceive. Perhaps you will talk to someone about feelings that you do not experience.

If an artificial heart is presented to you, then it is you who will be faced with the fact that you will not be treated quite honestly.

In a dream, your heart rhythm is disturbed - you will have health problems.

Velesov dream book

This source gives brief interpretations of some plots that may arise in a dream:

  • hear or see how the heart beats - you will find yourself in a rather difficult position;
  • to understand that he is not there - to death, a more positive interpretation - the dreamer will be able to deal with his enemies;
  • wounded - in trouble;
  • hurts - to an early illness.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Seeing a bloody organ in a dream

What is the dream of the heart? Large size - luck is on the side of a sleeping person.

Seeing bloody - get ready for separation, disappointment, experience. In the near future, your heart will, as the people say, “bleed”.

According to the dream book, if a woman’s heart hurts, then she will have to worry about her close male relative, father, spouse, son or brother.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

The spouses considered this symbol as a prediction of upcoming worries and unrest. There will be events that will take you out of your comfort zone and make you worry.

This dream book draws attention to whose heart you saw in your dream:

  • dog - you will be drawn into a conflict situation;
  • lion - an event will occur during which you will have to show all your endurance and courage;
  • beef, pork - you have to worry a little about material well-being.

Dreams about the heart in different nationalities

Problems with an important organ in a dream

Gypsies are people who are endowed with the opportunity to lift the veil of the future. It is this people that everyone associates with divination and predictions. They should be listened to first.

According to the gypsy dream book, if in a dream you had a heart problem, it threatened to stop, then in reality you will become very seriously ill. A slight tingling in the chest area for the elderly promises unpleasant news, but for young people it predicts imminent love.

According to the Ukrainian dream book, watching a bloodied heart means getting into a rather unpleasant situation due to negligence and neglect of immediate duties.

Actions in a dream

Listening in a dream to how your heart beats - in order to achieve your goal, it is worth taking some steps. Without effort, you will not achieve anything, things will remain in the same place.

Cling to the heart of another person - in reality, he is not indifferent to you, you sincerely worry about him and rejoice at his success.

They cut out your heart, tear it out - there will be a serious quarrel with your soulmate. Pull yourself together, otherwise you will part forever.

Also, such a vision may indicate that you will part with your loved one for a long time, experience mental suffering.

Listen to the beat in a dream

How is your health?

Pain in the heart in night vision can be a signal that you are starting to have trouble in the material sphere. Review your finances before it's too late. The stronger the pain, the more cautious in real life a sleeping person should be.

According to the dream book, cardiac arrest means that you have come to the line when it is worth finally finishing your old business and starting a new stage in life. Also, you can finally take on what you have long desired, but could not decide.

Feel that your body has gone haywire - think about your friends. Among them, a hypocrite lurks, who periodically puts sticks in your wheels. The sooner you figure it out, the easier and more joyful your life will become.

Other interpretations

Seeing a drawing with a heart - your plans will not come true. Alas, dreams will remain dreams, but only if you continue to sit back. To achieve the goal, you need to work and move forward.

Seeing some thing in the shape of a red heart - a period of romance is coming, you will have a great time with your loved one or loved one.

According to the dream book, the heart in the hands promises reprisals against their enemies. You have the necessary strength, you will forever get rid of ill-wishers.

If you hold the heart of a loved one in your hands, then the dream book believes that he really loves you with all his heart.

Organ transplant - you are unrequitedly in love with a person who is absolutely indifferent to your feelings.

A knife in the heart - alas, you will encounter the most disgusting human vices. It is sad that this will not be a stranger, but one of close friends.

The heart, if dreamed at night, means that one should expect changes in love affairs, expect romantic meetings and other amenities.

Since this is the most important organ that is responsible for blood circulation in our human body, we already know that we are talking about very close ones. After all, everything that is connected with, in dreams, tells us about the people with whom we have a connection or spiritual relationship. Therefore, any good dream book connects the heart with the family (with spouses), already existing or future.

So, what is the dream of the heart for? By the way, if in your dreams you see this miraculous organ taken from some one, know that this beast is your patron, a totem. Make something with your own hands with the image of an animal protector (embroidery, drawing, toy is very suitable). This will become your amulet and talisman.

The dimensions of the "flaming motor" in a dream

  • If in a dream you happened to hold an ordinary heart of standard human sizes in your hands, the vision predicts that soon someone's love will be in your power. If at the same time the heart is alive and beating, then the person has a stable and reliable feeling for you.
  • Did you dream of a heart greatly enlarged in size? Somewhere near you there is a secret admirer experiencing genuine fiery passion. Such emotions can be compared to a real avalanche or a full-flowing river. Do not push away the person who opens his heart to you, this is probably your destiny.
  • When you see your heart unnaturally compressed, small, it means that in reality you are afraid to love in full power. This happens when our feelings in the past were not entirely mutual. And now you are afraid to become strongly attached to someone. But we must overcome this fear in ourselves and make efforts to open our hearts to “fresh” love.
  • The absence of a heart in a dream indicates that you clearly lack love in life. Do not expect the first steps from someone, start with yourself - take care of your family and friends, spend all your free time with them, indulge in pleasant gifts and interesting events.

Heart pain

What do you think, what is the dream of the heart, which? Firstly, the reason may be psychosomatic - there is a possibility that the body sends you a signal about the need to save your heart. That is, remember our active lifestyle, proper and healthy nutrition, good deeds.

But, most likely, a real love adventure awaits you ahead with incredible dates, chest languor, insomnia at night, dreams and passionate hugs. Are you ready for a dizzying love? If not, it's time to start putting yourself and your thoughts in order.

Are you talking about another person?

Did you happen to hold a donor heart before surgery? The happiness of another person is completely entrusted to you. You can create an excellent strong family if you accept the hand and heart of a person who dreams of you.

To know in a dream that another person’s heart hurts is to be drawn into the story of someone else’s love in the circle of your family. Perhaps someone will reveal their romantic secret to you. You need to understand that advice in matters of the heart is sometimes a thankless task, so beware of giving recommendations and impulses to action.

To know and understand in a dream that your spouse’s heart hurts means to give free rein to your jealousy in reality. You have to beware of this, keep your emotions in your hands. Be reasonably aware of whether there is a real reason for such a feeling, and even if there is, the conversation should be calm. Author: Maria Serova

To dream that your heart hurts and you experience suffocation portends trouble in business. Some of your own mistake will cause a great loss, unless you correct it in time. To see your heart - predicts illness, loss of energy. To see the heart of an animal portends you a fight with opponents in which you will become a winner, attracting the attention of many.

Modern dream book Heart

If you dream that your heart hurts and you are suffocating, then in reality expect failures in business affairs. Mistakes you make can lead to losses if you do not correct them in time. Seeing your heart in a dream predicts illness and a decline in vitality. A dream in which you see the heart of an animal predicts that you will defeat all enemies and earn universal respect. Eating a chicken heart means that strange desires will force you to take on difficult projects that will help you move forward.

Esoteric dream book Heart

During the operation, alive - you may have problems with the cardiovascular system. Dead, animal - bouts of longing await you, which must be overcome, otherwise they will affect your health. A dummy, artificial, an object in the shape of a heart - a deception in love, for materialistic reasons: you, if you give, give, do: you, if they give you, give, you find.

Your personal dream book Heart

If you dream that you have a heart ache, then in reality you need to be more careful in order not to make mistakes that may cost you dearly. A dream where you saw your own heart portends an illness or a decline in your vitality. The seen heart of cattle is a victory over enemies. If you eat the heart of some poultry in a dream, then in real life you will not strive for easy ways, as a result you can achieve a lot

Muslim dream book Heart

It means the courage of a person, his gentleness and courage, his insight and generosity, his condescension and good disposition. And if he sees fear, fear in his heart, then he will take the path of truth, for Allah says ... and when fear is removed from their hearts, they will say What God told you. They will answer the Truth And whoever sees his heart black, he is a lost and sinful person who does not see the truth and has lost his reason. A dream about how the heart breaks out of the chest testifies to the righteous life, mercy and sincerity of the dreamer. He who feels longing in his heart will repent of his deed. If a heart break occurs, then the dreamer will be completely cured of illness and get rid of grief. Feeling pain in your heart in a dream is a harbinger of hypocrisy and doubt in faith. The Qur'an says In the hearts of their hypocrites there is a disease... They say that if a man dreamed of a heart, it means that a certain woman manages his affairs and influences him.

Ukrainian dream book Heart

It is a dream that you hear the beating of your own heart - you will find yourself in a difficult situation. A bloody, wounded heart is a neglect, an unpleasant adventure.