Mota's wife gave birth: photos, latest news. Russian singer married Ukrainian: photos published Why, for what reason Mot is divorcing his wife Maria Gural

Every rapper should have a muse. Your muse, and at the same time the love of your life label artist Black Star Mot, he's Matvey Melnikov already found. I found it three years ago and did everything so that the story of their love not only formed the basis of his songs, but also became the leitmotif of his life. Last weekend, April 23, Matvey and his beloved Maria Melnikova (before marriage - Gural) got married and had a magnificent wedding in Moscow, after which they flew away for a short Honeymoon to Greece. Details - in the report HELLO.RU.

When Mot had just arrived in Moscow from Krasnodar, he had one goal in front of him - to conquer the capital. I had to move sharply and rapidly, the texts of his first songs sounded just as impetuous. The ice has broken, the goal has succumbed: a contract with label Black Star, duets with famous artists, tours and thousands of fans ... And in 2016, the rapper released a new, unexpected-sounding album, as he calls it himself - chamber, about love. "That's all I could think about then," the musician admitted, and then presented the one that occupied his thoughts. The artist's lover, Maria Gural, starred in the video "Kapkan".

In the first two days alone, the video collected a million views, and now there are more than fifty million of them. A year has passed, the plot of the song has not lost its relevance. On the contrary, it has acquired new meanings. On the eve of the release of the video, in January 2016, Mot proposed to Masha, in August they signed in the registry office - in sneakers and jeans, and in April 2017, on the anniversary of their acquaintance, they decided to get married, arranging a big celebration.

The history of their relationship did not develop rapidly, but naturally. How it all began, Maria told HELLO.RU:

We met on Instagram, I then lived in Kyiv, where I moved from Lviv to study. Matvey followed me, "liked" my photos along, across, horizontally and sideways (laughs), then we began to correspond. They decided to see each other for the first time when I came to Moscow to visit my friend. I was scared to go on a date - still alone, in a foreign city. I took my girlfriend with me. Everything spun quickly, and now we are building relationships at a distance. After I graduated from the university, Matvey moved me to Moscow. And after - on the Old New Year- made an offer. It was in Thailand, during an excursion to the island of Tachai. We walked for a long time, swam, and when we had to leave, my beloved unexpectedly asked me to dive. I obeyed, and when I surfaced, I saw a worried Matvey, who was holding a ring in his hand.
Wedding guests of Mot and Maria - Dmitry Tarasov with a girl Anastasia Kostenko, T-Killah with a girl Maria Lichtenfeld

Artem Kacharyan (participant of the show "Voice")

At first, Mot and Maria wanted to get married in Greece, on the island of Santorini. Everything was already carefully planned, but as they themselves note, they did not take into account "some moments", and the celebration had to be reformatted - moved to Russia. Here, in the Moscow Elokhov Cathedral, the couple decided to get married.

The desire to get married came to us mutually, we understood the seriousness of this sacrament and prepared for it with all responsibility, - says Maria HELLO.RU.

It was on the occasion of the wedding that the lovers decided to arrange a big celebration, to which they invited their relatives, friends and colleagues of Mot in show business - Yegor Creed, Kristina Si, Misha Marvin, T-Killah and others. Preparations were carried out on all fronts: the development of the concept was entrusted to the organizer of the celebrations, Anna Gorodzhaya, decor and decoration - to Yulia Shakirova, and the spouses themselves, leaving logistics and calculations to professionals, indulged in creative reflections: what song to perform the first dance, in what outfits to appear before the guests.

They solved these pleasant questions during a romantic weekend in the Maldives - in a relaxed atmosphere, to the sound of the ocean.

While on holiday in the Maldives, I flipped through what seemed to be a million pictures looking for inspiration for my future outfit. Thoughts swirled, there were a lot of options, but in the end I decided to come up with own design, which was brought to life by masters from the Minsk salon "Courage". And the second dress that I wore to the wedding was created by the Dubai brand Humariff. Matvey's tuxedo was made in the workshop of classic tailoring Master Suit. In the same place, in the Maldives, together with Matvey, we chose a song - we decided to perform a dance under Anthony Hamilton called Dear Life. I took over the setting of the number,

Maria tells HELLO.RU.

Immediately after the celebration, which, according to all the rules of show business, was celebrated for a long time, loudly and almost until the morning, Mot and Masha went on a trip. The day after the wedding and the wedding, the couple went to Greece, where they were expected ... no, not quite full Honeymoon, but a few days of complete relaxation definitely.

We stayed at the beautiful Miraggio Thermal Spa Resort. Due to dense tour schedule Matvey could afford only 4 days, but I'm sure they will be enough to reboot. And in August we will continue our journey. We have not yet decided where to go, but it will definitely be a calm place. Rest, rest and more rest. Relax as much as possible, eat up, sleep off - that's what we now dream of more than anything in the world.

Click on photo to view gallery Immediately after the wedding and the wedding celebration, Mot and Maria went on a trip to Greece

Maria and Mot
Mot and Maria (dress, Yanina Couture)
Mot and Maria in Greece
Journey of Matthew and Mary
In Greece, Maria proved that she is not in vain the face of IMEDEEN in Russia: Maria knows very well how to look flawless on vacation with the help of the brand's product - "Tan Optimizer"

Matvey Melnikov - famous Russian actor and rap artist, ex-participant of the popular project Soul Kitchen. Since 2013 he has been an artist of Black Star Inc. He is known to the public under the pseudonym Mot.

Mota's childhood and school years

The future rapper Mot was born on March 2, 1990 in the small town of Krymsk. In 1995, Matvey Melnikov moved to Krasnodar, where he lived for 10 years. From an early age, his parents instilled in him not only a desire for knowledge, but also a love for creativity. Matthew, being from small town, since childhood I wanted to stand out. Music went hand in hand with him from early childhood.

At the age of 5, Matvey began to study ballroom, then folk dances. At the age of 10, he became a member of the Krasnodar studio of Alla Dukhova "Todes", which at that time seemed to his parents a considerable achievement.

Despite this, Matvey was not an exemplary and assiduous child. As a child, he often disappeared from home for several days. Loved spending time with friends. He devoted a lot of time to sports.

At the age of 15, Matvey Melnikov moved to Moscow, where his passion for hip-hop began. While dancing, Matvey felt an irresistible desire not only to move to the rhythm of the music, but also to impose his own recitative on top of this music. And so began his career as a rap artist.

Student years Mota

Thanks to the craving for knowledge, in 2007 Matvey Melnikov graduated high school with a gold medal, as a result of which he easily entered the Moscow State University at the Faculty of Economics. In 2012, he successfully defended his diploma, he entered graduate school, continuing to pursue his career hard.

At first, Mot wrote lyrics solely for his own pleasure. Over time at talented guy there was a desire to record something more serious, not on a recorder, but in a professional studio. This happened in 2006. Cooperation with the GLSS recording studio ended with the fact that Mot became its official artist.

Mota's career

At the age of 19, Matvey took part in the Battle for Respect competition for the first time. As a result of a successful demonstration of his talent, he got into the TOP 40 out of several thousand participants. At this time, on the advice of Legalize, Matvey Melnikov changed his old nickname (BthaMoT2bdabot) to the current one - Mot.

2 years later, he brilliantly performed at the First International Hip-Hop Summit. Celebrities such as Raekwon and Onyx took part in the event held at Luzhniki.

At the same time, his first relaxation album was recorded, produced by lvsngh and Mikkey Vall. The album "Remote" consisted of 12 tracks, one of which was soon filmed a clip "Millions of Stars". He took part in the recording of one of the songs of the album (“Cats and Mice”) famous musician Ilya Kireev.

The tracks of the "Remote" album were as harmonious and calm as possible. Mot sought to "hook" his fans with light, soulful lyrics. After the release of the album, the rap artist got a lot of fans.

Mot and Bianca - Absolutely Everything (Track premiere)

In early 2012, the artist's second album was recorded under original name"Repair". It consisted of 11 tracks, which were created by Ilya Kireev, L'One, Katya Nova, LIYA.

The video for one of the album's songs ("To the Shores") was filmed in hometown Matthew Melnikov. After the presentation on October 5, 2012, the clip took one of the leading positions among Russian clips of this year, according to a survey conducted on one of the popular sites. The track "To the Shores" can be heard in documentary « Fair game: hitchhiking.

Mota's personal life

Being an avid fan of the Spice Girls, since childhood, Matvey dreamed of marrying one of the group's soloists. His idol was the unsurpassed Emma Bunton. Matvey's personal life develops quite calmly and measuredly. Since 2014, he has been dating a girl named Maria Gural. On August 5, 2016, the lovers were married.

Now Mot has a huge number of fans. Some even guard the guy at the entrance, which Matvey tries to treat with maximum understanding. The guy believes that the crowd of fans is just the cost of the profession.

Mot today

Regularly attending Soul Kitchen parties, Mot met many of the performers from Black Star Inc. Therefore, the invitation in 2013 to their office did not come as a surprise to him. As a result of their cooperation in the same year, the unforgettable single “#MotSteletChoSeli” was born. Later, an equally spectacular video was shot for this track. Half a year later, another album was recorded - "Dash".

Mot (Matvey Alexandrovich Melnikov) - Russian rap artist, since 2013 joined the label "Black Star Inc", the author and performer of the hits "Soprano", "Solo", "Kapkan".

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born on March 2, 1990 in the city of Krymsk Krasnodar Territory. The boy's maternal grandfather was Greek by nationality.

When Matvey was 5 years old, the Melnikov family moved to Krasnodar. Parents paid much attention to the development of their son: in early age sent him to school folk dance and then Latin American. At the age of 10, Matvey becomes a student of the Todes studio.

It is dances, and not music lessons, that become the real hobby of young Matvey. When the boy finished 9th grade, his parents moved to the capital. Melnikov finishes high school with an excellent result: along with a diploma, the young man receives gold medal and becomes a student at Moscow State University with a degree in economics.

While still a student, at rehearsals for modern dance and hip-hop in the studio DJ MEG "Mainstream" Matvey felt an irresistible desire to move and rap under sounding music. This is how it started creative biography singer. In 2006, Melnikov turned to the GLSS studio to record the first tracks. While studying at the university, the rapper does not leave the occupation, which he still considers as a hobby.


At the age of 19, Melnikov passed the casting of the Battle for Respect competition on the MUZ-TV channel, which was dedicated to the promotion of hip-hop culture and healthy lifestyle life. As a result of several battles, Melnikov managed to take one of the top 40 places. After the competition, a new nickname of the singer Mot appears to replace the old one BthaMoT2bdabot.

While studying at the 3rd year of Moscow State University, Matvey takes part in the First International Summit of Rap Artists, which was held at the Luzhniki Arena.

On stage so significant event foreign pop stars Raekwon and Onyx performed and Russian performers And . In 2011, Mot released the album "Remote", the tracks of which were written in a relaxed style, which bribed many hip-hop fans. Short (165 cm), the singer captivated fans with lyrical love compositions. The disc was produced by lvsngh and Mikkey Vall. A video is being shot for the hit "Millions of Stars".

Mot - "Millions of Stars"

Appears a year later new job rapper - the disc "Repair", which included 11 songs. The track "To the Shores" was used in the author's documentary film "The Black Game: Hitchhiking", a clip was created for it, the shooting of which took place in Krymsk. The artist creates both albums under the Soul Kitchen label, which was more focused on the funk and soul roots of hip-hop.

Mot - "To the shores"

In 2013, Motu receives an offer from the Black Star Inc. project, and without thinking twice, he leaves a highly paid job in his main specialty and begins cooperation with a leading rap label. In parallel with the work on the new album "Dash", Matvey Melnikov enters the graduate school of Moscow State University. In the same year, the musician releases the video "In a dress of a beautiful color", which becomes a hit. In 2014, the Azbuka Morze disc appears, in the creation of which rappers, Nel and Timati helped Matvey.

Melnikov is invited to work in the cinema. The singer played a role in the short film "Capsule", filmed by Timati. In a film about the processes taking place in the head creative person at the time of the creation of the masterpiece, Pavel Murashov, Andrey Zakursky took part. The hits of 2014 performed by rapper Melnikov are the works "Mom, I'm in Dubai" and a duet with the group "Oxygen".

2015 was marked by creative career singer with the appearance of the album "Absolutely Everything", which included not only Mot's solo compositions, but also duets with (the hit "You're Near"), " VIA Groy". With the participation of a football player and Melnikov, he shoots a video for the song "Day and Night". The hit became one of the tracks of the rapper's next collection "92 Days", which was attended by musicians, Dj Philchansky, Cvpellv and others.

Mot - "Day and Night"

The songs of the album "Dad, give her money", "At the bottom", "92 days" were included in the ratings of popular songs on the MUZ-TV channel. Together with a member of the label "Black Star Inc." Melnikov becomes the winner of the "Breakthrough of the Year" award and " Best duet at the annual music channel awards. Melnikov received a prize for the clip "Oxygen" (9 million video views on the You Tube channel), and Creed - for the song "The Most, Most" (100 million views).

In 2016, Mot's album "Inside Out" appears, on which the singer worked together with Bianca and. The collection includes hits "Talisman", "Goosebumps", "Monsoons". Clips "Kapkan", "Wake me up with a whisper" appear. At the concert dedicated to the annual presentation of the Golden Gramophone-16 award, Mot, together with Bianca, performs in a duet with the song "Absolutely Everything".

Mot feat. Ani Lorak - "Soprano"

At the beginning of 2017, the duet of the rapper and popular singer"Soprano". The video for this song on the Internet has collected more than 58 million views.

In March, the presentation of the hit “Sleep, baby”, which Mot performed together with rapper Egor Creed, took place. Another novelty of the season is the hit "Dallas Spiteful Club", the number of views of which exceeded several million.

Personal life

The rapper's personal life has developed happily. In 2016, on August 5, the wedding ceremony of Matvey Melnikov and Maria Gural took place. Young people met on the Internet in 2014. Maria, a fashion model from Ukraine, was invited by Matvey to become a member of his public in "Instagram". Girl added popular singer without knowing who it is. In 2016, the first meeting of the couple took place in real life. Maria came to Moscow to shoot Mota's video "Kapkan". The performer immediately liked the girl. Maria responded to Matvey with mutual sympathy.

In June 2016, the couple began to live together in the singer's apartment in Moscow. Matvey made a marriage proposal to Maria on vacation in Thailand, while swimming together at a waterfall. Six months after the registry office, in April 2017, the young people played a real wedding and even got married. On the occasion of the celebration, Matvey presented his wife with the song "Wedding" as a gift, in the video of which he used footage of the solemn ceremony.

The Melnikov family appears at concerts and secular parties together, Maria each time appears before reporters in new evening dresses. Numerous photos of the couple can then be seen in the press. True family happiness, according to Matvey in an interview, lies in children. The singer dreams of several offspring at once: a son who can become an older brother to his little sister.

In October 2017, it became known that the couple was expecting their first child. In the video for the track "When the Word Disappears", Mota's wife showed a changed figure. In January 2018, the singer informed fans about the birth of his son. The boy was given the name Solomon.

Matvey Melnikov now

Now Matvey Melnikov continues to delight fans with new hits. The premiere took place in the winter of 2018 musical composition"Solo", which gained 21 million views in six months.

Mot - "Solo" (video premiere 2018)

In June, the performers of the Black Star label - Timati, Mot, Yegor Creed, Nazima & Terry - starred in the video for the song "Rocket". At the end of summer, the rapper presented a video for the track "Shamans".

Mot - "Shamans" Mot in the show" Evening Urgant"

Matvey Melnikov does not bypass his attention and television. Popular rappers and friends Mot and Yegor Creed became participants in a humorous music show"Studio "Soyuz"". Also, the singer was on the air of the program "Evening Urgant".


  • 2011 - "Remote"
  • 2012 - "Repair"
  • 2013 - "Dash"
  • 2014 - Azbuka Morze
  • 2016 - "Inside Out"
  • 2016 - "92 days"
  • 2017 - "Kind keyboard music"
  • 2018 - "What kind of people are in Hollywood"

Matvey and Maria Melnikov signed in August last year, but they decided to get married only now

Photo: Dmitry Zhuravlev

Today, April 23, the most romantic member of Black Star, Mot, is getting married. With his beloved Matvey almost a year ago.

Registration was modest: the Melnikovs arrived at the registry office in jeans and identical white T-shirts. Due to the rapper's busy touring schedule, the grand ceremony had to be postponed. The stars said that the wedding date was not chosen by chance, they have a lot to do with the number 23.

“We immediately chose this date, without even knowing what day of the week it was. They just wanted the 23rd, since I am from the Krasnodar Territory, the 23rd region, I played football at number 23, and at the age of 23 I met Masha. April is a good month. Spring, everything is blooming, a beautiful time. In May they toil - it is no longer suitable, but in March it is too early. Then we already learned that April 23 is Krasnaya Gorka, the first Sunday after Easter, which means that the best and most suitable Sunday for a wedding of the year, ”said Matvey.

During the preparation for wedding ceremony the spouses became stronger in their desire to go through the wedding ceremony. Mot and Masha are sure that fate itself brought them together, so the union should be fixed in heaven.

The first photos from the wedding and a few shots from the wedding party have already appeared on the Web. The couple decided to confess their love to each other not only in the presence of witnesses, but also in front of the subscribers of their Instagram profiles.