Famous rock groups foreign modern. These musical groups are recognized as the best in the world

Most popular rock- all-time world bands

The 20 most successful bands in the history of world rock music can be identified by the number of discs sold with their albums.

So, in 20th place the group Journey(Journey). Since 1973, the San Francisco rock band has sold over 75 million albums worldwide.

#19 American hard rock band Van Halen founded in 1972 in California by Dutch-born brothers Edward and Alex Van Halen. Over the entire history of the existence of this group, 80 million albums have been sold.

Legendary American rock band The Doors(Doors), established in 1965 in Los Angeles, has sold over 100 million albums worldwide. The Doors became the first American group to release 8 gold albums in a row.

Def Leppard(can be translated as, deaf leopard) - British rock band, formed in 1977. To date, more than 100 million albums by this group have been sold.

One of the most outrageous rock bands - KISS founded in 1973 in New York. Thanks to the insane make-up and stage costumes, even a person who is not interested in rock music will recognize the musicians of this group. Kiss has forty-five gold and platinum albums and over 100 million records sold.

Guns N' Roses(trunks and roses or guns and roses), a group from Los Angeles, formed in 1985. Over 100 million discs with albums of this group have been sold worldwide. This is the youngest group on this list. Nevertheless, their circulation of records is comparable to the grandfathers of rock and roll.

The Who(Who) is a British rock band formed in 1964. They were the first to break instruments on stage after a performance. Over 100 million discs with albums of this group have been sold worldwide.

legendary Metallica- the only group in history that performed on all seven continents of the Earth, including Antarctica, and in one year 2013. Sold about 110 million albums around the world.

Bruce Springsteen, american rock and folk musician from New Jersey is one of the highest paid rock artists in the world. A 20-time Grammy Award winner, Oscar and Golden Globe cinematic award winner for Best Songs for Philadelphia and The Wrestler, Bruce has sold 120 million discs of his songs worldwide.

Forever young and energetic Jon Bon Jovi, vocalist of the American rock band Bon Jovi from New Jersey, which was formed in 1983, has released 12 studio albums, five collections and two live albums. In total, the albums of this group have sold 130 million copies.

Eagles(The Eagles) is an American rock band that performs melodic, guitar-driven country rock and soft rock. Even people who are far from rock music have probably heard their immortal hit “Hotel California” more than once. Their greatest hits compilation, Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975, released in 1976, sold 29 million copies (branded diamond) and remains the best-selling album in US history to this day. In total, about 150 million of their albums have been sold.

Aerosmith is an American rock band from Boston. 150 million albums sold. In terms of the number of gold, platinum and multi-platinum albums, Aerosmith is the first among American bands.

U2(pronounced "Yu Tu") is a rock band from Dublin, Ireland, formed in 1976. About 180 million copies of this group's albums have been sold. They have twenty-two Grammy Awards to their credit, more than any other band in the world.

AC/DC(translation - AC / DC) - Australian rock band, from Sydney (Australia), founded in 1973 by immigrants from Scotland, brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. One of the pioneers of hard rock and heavy metal. The total circulation of discs with their albums is 200 million copies.

Group Queen(Queen) - cult British group 70-90 years of the last century. The group has released fifteen studio albums, five live albums and numerous compilations. Many compositions performed by Freddie Mercury have long become classics. So the six-minute composition Bohemian Rhapsody, which combines the features of rock, pop music and opera, is today called the song of the millennium in the UK. Over 200 million albums sold in total Queen Worldwide.

Another legendary English rock group The Rolling Stones(rolling stones or tumbleweed) was founded in 1962. The Rolling Stones have sold more than 250 million albums worldwide.

Pink Floyd - British rock band, founded in 1965, is famous for its philosophical lyrics, acoustic experiments, album art innovations and grandiose shows. The global circulation of Pink Floyd albums has exceeded 250 million.

Once again, the British are a British rock band founded in 1968 - Led Zeppelin . Led Zeppelin is #1 on VH1's "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock" list. In total, their albums have sold 300 million copies.

King of rock and roll american singer and an actor Elvis Presley(Elvis Presley) ranks second in the number of discs sold - 600 million copies!

Obviously, the first place is occupied by the immortal Liverpool four Beatles ( The Beatles- Beetles). Just imagine: in total, 2.3 billion of their discs have been sold in the world!

Thus, the most commercially successful and popular groups appeared in England, not in America. Indeed, with the exception of Elvis, the leaders of this ranking come from the UK. Although there are no comrades for the taste and color.

Silence, drumsticks counting down, lights flashing, guitars begin to howl... Let the show begin!

Rock lovers are familiar with these inexpressible sensations when goosebumps begin to excite the body and you are ready to surrender to musical passion.

Below are the most fiery american bands. Go!


Rock music (translated as "to swing") is a genre of song that emerged from the intonations of the blues. The first types of rock that came out as an independent style were rock and roll, as well as its early variety, rockabilly.

There is one interesting opinion: experts believe that rock is more than music, more than songs. Rock is a lifestyle and a separate subcultural trend.

American rock bands and their beginnings

American rock came out in the 60s of the XX century. The USA is one of the brightest suppliers of this genre, the songs of which are sung in all corners of the world.

American musicians definitely had a hand in the development of the parent genre (rock and roll), but who did it first is unknown.

  • In 1950, the Fat Man track was released, performed by Fats Domino, one of the founders and best performers rock and roll.
  • A year later, in 1951, the Rocket 88 single was written under the direction of Jackie Branston.
  • Chuck Berry (one of the most respected musicians) introduces the rock genre already into the textual sphere, as well as into the style of the person in general and, of course, into the guitar performance.

Early rock 'n' roll belonged to African-American figures, but later this interest was shared by Europeans ("whites").

  • One of the very first performers was William Haley, he performed a song, translated into Russian meaning "Round the Clock Rock".

However, any of us knows who was and is still considered the "king of rock and roll":

  • Elvis Presley is the first to rise to the same level as African-American performers. He put the highest bar, which they could not outgrow.

Border 60s

In 1957, a recording of Rumble by American guitarist Link Ray was created, in which they already sound character traits hard rock.

The prominent American rock bands of this time are:

  • Blind Boys of Alabama - was formed already in 1939 (just think about it) and exists to this day. She was awarded five times the most prestigious award - Grammy. Interesting fact- the group was created by blind young people.

  • The Ventures - the date of creation falls on 1958, they play to this day in the style of instrumental and surf rock.
  • The Beaches Boys was formed in 1961.


The time belongs to the "British Invasion", when talented artists from England penetrated all doors.

The most striking examples that cannot be ignored:

  • The Beatles - the "British Four" and the standard of groups of all time;
  • The Zombies - 1961;
  • The Kinks with their rocky start from 1963;
  • The Who was famous for its unusual performances, worked since 1964, opened the power pop genre;
  • The Rolling Stones have been one of the most successful and respected bands since 1962.

However, along with Britain, such popular American bands crowded the stage:

  • The Turtles - played pop rock with folk waves, 1963.
  • The Velvet Underground are one of the first alternative artists and have been experimenting since 1964.
  • The Byrds - The band dates back to 1964. Known for her covers, she was also able to enter the list of the 50 best performers of all time.
  • The Monkees are a famous 1964 quartet.

  • The Doors are one of the most mystical and paradoxical bands of their time, founded in 1965.
  • Love was a 1965 American rock band that combined psychedelic styles with garage rock and folk.
  • Buffalo Springfield - the band that laid the foundations of country music, formed in 1966.


In this decade, the following genres are popular:

  • progressive rock;
  • Hard rock;
  • glam rock.

The previous styles (folk, pop, brit) go behind the back of a prosperous youth and undergo changes.

List of American rock bands of this time:

  • Grand Funk - has been playing since 1969. They stood at the origins of stoner rock. In the 70s, 25 million albums were sold.
  • Aerosmith - the group's activity began in 1970 in the style of heavy music (hard). They are among the top 100 musicians of all time.
  • Van Halen - belongs to 1972, was created by two brothers. Albums reached the top of the hit charts.
  • Kiss is a legendary American rock band from 1973. The participants had their characteristic style- concert make-up and interesting performances with fireworks. Played in the genres of hard, shock and glam.

  • Ramones - the beginning of a career leads to 1974, the group stood at the origins of punk rock.
  • Talking Heads - formed in 1975, a group that includes, probably, maximum amount genres: post, alternative, experimental, dance, art, funk, post and new wave. The composition was unusual in that it included a girl - bassist Tina Weymouth.

  • Boston - Founded in 1976. Debut album sold 20 million records.
  • The Misfits - formed in 1977, is considered the ancestor of horror punk.


During this period, the rock genre flourished. Styles are born: glam metal, thrash metal, power metal, speed metal, black metal, ska punk, hardcore, psychobilly, post-punk, gothic rock, alternative and many others.

List of famous American rock bands of the 80s:

  • Manowar - formed in 1980, famous for its military theme.
  • Metallica is the most famous of all metal bands. Collects huge audiences to this day and is one of the big four of metal. The team was founded in 1981.

  • Slayer - bright representatives of thrash metal in 1981.
  • Motley Crue is a glam metal band formed in 1981.
  • Bon Jovi - the group was born in 1983, fame came to the middle of the decade. The most famous composition is the song It "s my life, which was loved by several generations at once.
  • Dio - played vocalist until death (2010) in heavy metal and hard rock genres.
  • Dream Theater - founded in 1985. Relate to the primary sources of progressive metal.
  • Guns N "Roses - has been performing since 1985 in the style of hard and heavy metal.

90s and 2000s

New genres are emerging

  • grunge, and then its subspecies - post-grunge;
  • Britpop;
  • indie and electronic rock;
  • pop punk;
  • stoner rock
  • and, of course, nu metal.

Popular American rock bands:

  • the famous grunge band Nirvana;
  • Alice in Chains;
  • sound garden;
  • Stone Temple Pilots;
  • Pearl Jam;
  • Third Eye Blind - the first representatives of post-grunge;
  • green day- famous band to this day, playing in the pop-punk genre;
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers - supporters of alternative rock;
  • Disturbed;
  • Evanescence is a popular gothic rock band to date, famous for its vocalist with an incredible mesmerizing voice;
  • Linkin Park- a group that combined rap and rock was one of the most famous in the 21st century, unfortunately, in 2018, the permanent vocalist Chester committed suicide;
  • Limp Bizkit is a thriving rapcore band;
  • System of a Down - all 5 albums went platinum;
  • slipknot band, calling card which is her image (terrifying masks);
  • Papa Roach.

And another great amount teams.


Of course, listing all the best American rock bands that have existed and still exist today is a difficult task that requires more than one day.

The direction of rock is one of the most popular in music world It lives in the hearts of millions of people.

The emergence of this genre opened up countless masterpieces that are alive to this day.

They touched the strings of the soul, played on the nerves, on emotions, on feelings. They sang with anguish about the eternal - about immortal love, about friendship, about finding yourself, your place in the world, about the fact that in the end you never need to give up, but the show .. The show must go on!

But what is the best rock band of all time? And is it that easy to find out? Music magazines and other media have repeatedly compiled their lists of the 10 best rock bands of all time. They included a limited number of performers. So they later expanded to become the top 100 rock bands of all time. But sometimes it seems that this is not enough.

Why is it so interesting?

Rock music is an amazing layer of audio art. So many words have already been said about what freedom it generates in the soul of the listener, what a storm of emotions you can experience when listening to a hit. In addition, rock musicians themselves are quite interesting personalities - their biographies are full of myths and legends, they are full of retellings about the ups and downs of geniuses. Alice Cooper, for example, himself wondered how the rockers leading a rather wild life could compose something so heartfelt? Scandals associated with them - do not list. And representatives of especially heavy genres, in principle, scare some people either with their appearance or antics.

Are there good ratings?

The question of who is better, of course, is always put squarely, but it is at this moment that it is, I must say, quite acute. History has more than one or two bands that deserve the title of "the best rock band of all time." By what criteria to choose? It is not known how much effort was spent on this, but at one time Rolling Stone compiled several such lists. Having achieved wide distribution and fame, the magazine is the first to come to mind when talking about all sorts of large-scale music ratings. Let's start with him.

According to Rolling Stone

The famous music magazine loves to delight fans with all sorts of ratings. On his account, not only the list of the best rock bands of all time, but also the best rock guitarists (by the way, he was also headed by the 500 most best songs, made up Rolling Stone and the list best films about rock bands. And, of course, the magazine annually publishes a list of the best, in its opinion, albums. More global ratings (some of which are listed above) are usually assigned to some significant date, anniversary, jubilee. They can contain from 10 to 500 positions.

So, the best rock band of all time according to the magazine is the incomparable The Beatles. And who's to say that these geniuses of rock music do not deserve a high title? What is true is true - the magazine compiled a list not only of rock bands, but also of performers in principle, which, by the way, is also significant - since music of this particular style turned out to be in the first place. The British had a huge impact on the development of rock and forever remained the pioneers of the genre.

By the way, when choosing the best among progressive rock bands, Rolling Stone especially noted Rush, a trio from Canada, and John Astville, in his opinion, became the best bass player (voting was conducted among magazine readers). You can list the rest of the leading positions in the ratings of this magazine endlessly - many of these lists have been released there.

According to Hit Parader magazine

Compiling a list of the top 100 rock bands, hardrock and heavy metal magazine Hit Parader declared KISS the best rock band of all time. Glam rockers, apparently, quite impressed the editors with their talent, and at the same time with their memorable appearance.

The top three also included Van Halen and Guns`n`Roses, second and third respectively.

Led Zeppelin and Queen are fourth and fifth. AC/DC and Metallica can be seen in seventh and eighth - surprisingly they were overtaken in sixth place by Slipknot.

The list abounds as already become legendary bands, and well-known modern ones - for example, Evanescense, whose soloist Amy Lee cannot but be remembered for her magnificent vocals, took the 52nd place.

What is surprising?

Evanescense in the eyes of Hit Parader turned out to be so good that they overtook them by one position. controversial decision- both are quite talented and have a huge number of fans, and John's much earlier fame, as we see, did not help him gain an advantage over Amy.

In turn, she took 10th place thanks to the multifaceted creative nature of the vocalist. The musician is known not only as a colorful member of the group of the same name, but also as an amazing watercolor artist. Merlin's amusing achievements were appreciated by Hit Parader, allowing Manson to get ahead of Ozzy Osbourne by many positions and deep purple. Apparently, the glam performed by Marilyn Manson impressed the magazine more than the scandalous episodes with Ozzy's participation and his heartfelt ballads. However, the fact that the latter was on the solo list does him a great honor.

According to Classic Rock

Classic Rock approached the issue more creatively than its predecessors, and in 2009 published a list of the best vocalists in rock bands. The rating includes fifty lines, which housed the best of the best. The leader in it is the legendary Freddie Mercury, allowing Queen to call the title of "the best rock band of all time" rightfully theirs.

Opinion Classic Rock

By the way, Classic Rock named Angus Young (AC \ DC) the best rock band guitarist.

The best drummer was named from Led Zeppelin.

According to VH1

The music channel VH1 could not pass by such a huge layer of talents, opportunities and masterpieces, and therefore immediately presented its rating to the readers and fans. The title of "best rock band of all time" went to Led Zeppelin.

The list starts off pretty old school, with Black Sabbath in second place, Jimy Hendrix in third, and AC/DC, Metallica and Nirvana in the next three positions.

How fair are the ratings?

Of course, every fan will stand up for their favorite artist. Nobody argues with this.

It is easy to see that some of the groups in a different order always end up at the top of the lists. They are called " best rock-groups of all time". Among them, Beatles, Queen, AC / DC, Led Zeppelin, Metallica are guaranteed to be present. But speaking of old school, which has been pleasing with music for a very long time, and, most likely, will delight with long-released albums for the same amount of time (considering that some of the "oldies" are still in great shape, and just recently released a couple more hits), it's worth mentioning the classic rock ballads Scorpions and the unfairly relegated Bon Jovi ratings. Ramones, Pink Floyd and red hot Chilli peppers.

And The Doors and Steppenwolf released hits that are heard even by the regulars of pop radio stations and not fans of hardrock at all.

What about modern?

It can be seen that some of the music magazines, when compiling their ratings, leaned in favor of rock, already time-tested, and some were happy to include new projects, somewhere even noting their advantage over the "good old". Even now, some of them delight with high-quality music and dare to give hope that they will remain in the hearts of fans for a long time, and, perhaps, become legends just like their predecessors. After all, right, fans, which include up to three generations, cannot but admire idols.

Who knows, maybe in fifty years 30 Seconds To Mars, My Chemical Romance will still be appreciated, green day, The Pretty Reckless, The Rasmus, Linkin Park. Some of them have already celebrated their 15th anniversary, others have ceased to exist, and still others are completely green, they are no more than five years old. All of them are associated with the rock idols of the new time, new trends, new ideas and solutions. Perhaps they are worth mentioning, if only because they have to compete with the legends.

Dozens appear every year musical groups who preach rock. Many of them, having achieved popularity, gather an army of thousands of fans at concerts and sell their discs in enviable numbers. True, only a few of these teams become truly legendary. We bring to your attention our top. It's called The Greatest Rock Bands of All Time.


Among the best rock bands of the XX-XXI centuries, the musicians from Nirvana deservedly deserved the right to be in this top. The team appeared in the late 80s in Seattle. And wide popularity came to him in 1991. That is, when a landmark album called “Smells Like Teen Spirit” appeared on the shelves of music stores. Thanks to him, the group managed to change the face of music itself, creating a completely new musical style. It's about about grunge. Thus, Nirvana became not just another formation that preaches rock, but a real symbol of the generation, and the leader of the group, Kurt Cobain, became its voice. In 1994, Cobain committed suicide and the group went out of business. But Nirvana albums are still very popular. In total, the group recorded three studio releases. All of them sold in huge numbers.


One of the best rock formations of all time is the British band Queen. It appeared in the late 60s. The group never followed musical trends and certain stylistic standards. finest hour for "Queen" was the appearance of the record "A Night at the Opera". It was released in 1975, after which the team received a truly cult status. In subsequent years, the group boldly continued to experiment, creating controversial compositions and albums. One of the most iconic releases at that time was "The Works", "Innuendo", etc. In general, the group's creative baggage includes 16 studio releases.

Black Sabbath

The Birmingham band Black Sabbath is rightfully in the rank of outstanding rock bands that are not subject to time. After all, it was this formation that, at least, became the founder of such a style as “heavy metal” and, thereby, had big influence on further development all rock music. Black Sabbath was formed in the late 60s. Ten of the band's releases were in the top ten of British chats. By 2000, the total circulation of the band's records had already approached 70 million. In 2011, the band decided to reunite with the original line-up and two years later recorded a new album, "13", having conducted a large-scale world tour.

The Pink Floyd team is not only one of the best rock bands of all time, but also one of the most influential in the entire history of world music. The formation was created in the mid-60s in the capital of Great Britain. Quite bold musical experiments, philosophical texts and grandiose shows. Over time, the team became the real embodiment of all psychedelia in music. The epochal record of the group is "The Dark Side Of The Moon", dated 1973. For fifteen years it was in the top 200 of the best releases in the United States. Pink Floyd has released 15 studio albums with over 300 million copies sold.

The Doors was formed in 1965 in Los Angeles. The group was a symbol of the era of the late 60s and gave out compositions with deep lyrics to the mountain. The debut album immediately became a bestseller. She is still considered one of the best and most interesting in the world of rock. In 1971, after the death of Jim Morrison, the team actually ceased to exist. In all, The Doors have released nine studio releases. At the moment, their total circulation is 100 million pieces. The band's discs are still in enviable demand, and therefore the fact that The Doors appeared in the top of the best rock bands of all time is, in our opinion, self-evident and more than justified.

This British quartet, which appeared in the late 60s, brought together four unique musicians with colossal creative potential. In almost one decade of existence, the group has released ten studio records (circulation - more than 300 million copies). And all of them, without exception, had a platinum status. And the composition "Stairway to Heaven" is now considered one of the most popular in the whole world. A well-deserved fifth place in the top of the best rock-oriented bands of all time seems to be more than deserved.

deep purple

The Deep Purple quintet still exists and for its fans is not only a real "living legend", but also the best and most influential rock band, whose compositions are already considered "imperishable". Shark pen and music experts highly appreciate the contribution of the group to the development of hard rock and progressive music. Deep Purple was formed in 1968 in England. The members of the "classic" composition of this formation are rightfully recognized as virtuoso instrumentalists. The band's musical background includes the magnificent "live" album "Made in Japan" and the legendary rock anthem "Smoke on The Water".

The American-British band "The Jimi Hendrix Experience" appeared in the mid-60s. The soul of this musical formation was Jimi Hendrix. It was he who managed to create a whole direction in rock. Both on stage and in the studio, he constantly experimented with his favorite instrument. There has never been anything like it in rock music. Therefore, he is rightfully considered the "God of the guitar", and his team - " best rock band for all time." And although the band, before the death of Hendrix, managed to release only three studio records, all of them eventually became "classics", which are still sold in huge numbers.

The Rolling Stones appeared in the capital of Foggy Albion at the very beginning of 1962. Until now, it is considered the best and greatest "fatal" formation, which is not subject to time. In terms of the number of fans and popularity, the Rolling Stones can only compete with The Beatles. The team has released more than two dozen studio records. Of these, at one time eight releases in a row were recognized as No. 1 worldwide. The group became a world star when they released a single called "Satisfaction". He stayed at the top of the US charts for four whole weeks.

The legendary Liverpool quartet "The Beatles" existed for almost only one decade. But during this time, the names of the participants, in fact, have become household names. The music of The Beatles became truly incredible phenomenon throughout the history of world music. Their albums still diverge in enviable circulation. Therefore, this group can rightly be considered not only the best-selling, but also the best rock band. Moreover, not only of all times, but also of peoples.

Today, few people imagine their life without music, especially young people. One of the most popular modern trends is rock. It has repeatedly declared itself as the music of rebels, which impresses the young public. It is not the first generation that chooses heavy genres.

Rock combines lyrics with deep meaning and virtuoso instrumental performance. It is because of this that the direction has many fans around the world. The history of rock originates in the UK and the USA and spans several decades. During this time, hundreds of groups and subspecies of the direction itself were formed. What bands have made history and remained popular among rock fans in the 21st century?

The legendary band, which was formed in the UK in 1968 and is recognized the best team 70s. It was they who began to mix rock with different musical directions and gave rise to new trends, although they lasted only 12 years. Their albums are still sold all over the world.

We can safely say that this is one of the most successful rock bands, which today is considered a recognized classic of its direction.

Another popular band comes from Hartford(England), which appeared in the 70s. The team managed to conquer not only rock fans, but also music critics, who rank the participants as virtuosos of their craft and associates in the creation of heavy metal.

Their composition has changed so many times that fans have come up with their own designation for each. Despite the constant change of musicians, the group is engaged in creativity at the present time, and also receives new awards.

Famous and scandalous American rock band, created famous musician Kurt Cobain. " Smells like Teen Spirit”heard every self-respecting fan of this direction. The history of the group turned out to be very short, but bright (a total of 7 years).

The team ceased to exist due to a sudden and mysterious death Kurt Cobain in 1994. But this only increased the popularity of rock performers.

A musical group that originated in Los Angeles in 1985. The name was created from the names of the participants themselves. The group rapidly gained popularity and several times almost completely changed its composition. Despite the fact that Guns N' Roses was appreciated and loved by the fans, the musicians created in complete poverty. For a while, the musicians had to play in a barn, and they thought of selling drugs for a living. It was at this time that the group created their hits, which actually saved the rock direction from the dominance of pop music in the 80s. Today it is a well-known and sought-after band in the world of heavy music.

An Australian band formed by young musicians from Scotland (brothers Malcolm and Young). The team received its first successes on the green continent. vigorous activity The group starts in the second half of the 70s.

At this time, they are actively recording albums and traveling with concerts around Europe. However, in 1980 one of the band members dies. a little later group resumes its activities and reaches new musical heights. In the US today they are the 5th most popular rock performer.

The world-famous German rock band, which was formed back in 1965. Among the works of all famous heavy metal bands, Scorpions stand out due to the melodiousness of their ballads.

During their half-century history, they have repeatedly changed the composition. The group is recognized by both fans of the classic "heavy" genres and lovers of fashionable new trends. Their work continues to contribute to the history and development of rock.


The undisputed leader among rock music performers, whose name speaks for itself. The team is considered the most successful in the history of the existence of this direction. Queen has one performance feature that distinguishes them from other bands - the members sing in chorus.

The peak of fame for representatives of glam rock fell on the 70s and 90s. The group received their star on the Walk of Fame. Until now, Queen is considered a cult band, and vocalist Freddie Mercury is a recognized figure in the world of rock music.


One of the most popular rock bands in America in the 70s and 80s. It originates in New York, where it was born in 1973. They were remembered by the public thanks to their specific make-up and unusual pyrotechnic techniques at concerts.

In music, they repeatedly experimented with different styles, including pop-rock and even grunge. Despite all the specificity, fans of heavy music continue to listen to them, and drawn KISS characters often appear in animated series.

Cambridge rock is a group that differs from others in the special depth of texts and unusual performance. The team was founded in the UK in 1965 by student architects. In their work, they combined many areas, including blues, electronic and even folk music.

Pink Floyd is still recognized as one of the most influential and financially successful rock bands that has existed for about 30 years. In terms of popularity in the US, performers take 7th place.

For real cult group which everyone knows without exception. The Fab Four from Liverpool, which included: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison. It was from their work in the 60s that groups from the UK began to be recognized all over the world. Two of the band are no longer alive, but the music of the Beatles still inspires their fans.

Complete antagonists bands The Beatles with no less fans. Unlike the Beatles, The Rolling Stones represent the original "hooligan" rock. The music of the group is distinguished by simplicity and at the same time originality.

They rework all the fashion trends of their time and reflect them in their compositions. If you listen to The Rolling Stones once, you won't confuse them with another band. One of the group's albums was twice awarded the Grammy Award.

British rock band that began their career in 1986. Billie Joe Armstrong founded it while still a school student. Over the entire period of creativity, Green Day has collected almost all the awards in the music field, thanks to their famous album " american idiot". Now the group continues to create compositions and delight their fans.