Soviet television announcers are a treasure of national culture. Back to the USSR: the most famous female TV presenters TV presenter of the USSR

On January 1, 1968, a pilot episode was released on the first channel of the then Central Television of the USSR information program"Time". Even in the last century, they learned about the main things from it, and they used it to set their watches. Today, the Vremya program is a modern broadcast complex that meets the latest trends in television fashion, technology that allows you to quickly respond to events anywhere in the world, and, of course, people.

Clown Oleg Popov and CT announcer Olga Zyuzina during the filming of the TV show “Blue Light”. April 12, 1978. Photo by I. Stepanychev /TASS photo chronicle/

Eldar Ryazanov and Zinovy ​​Gerdt during the recording of the Kinopanorama program. December 19, 1982. Photo by Anatoly Morkovkin /TASS photo chronicle/

Recording of the TV show “Cinema Travel Club” at the Ostankino Television Center: the program is hosted by Yu. Senkevich, Moscow. (RGAKFD)

Artists Y. Nikulin, V. Lanovoy, L. Khityaeva and others on " Blue light", Moscow city. (RGAKFD)

Director and presenter of the entertainment television program “Musical Ring” Vladimir and Tamara Maksimov. January 20, 1987. Photo by Ivan Kurtov/TASS Photo Chronicle

Boris Egorov, Nikolai Kamanin, Pavel Popovich, German Titov, Yuri Gagarin and Alexey Leonov in the studio during the “Star Relay” program. March 27, 1965. Photo by Valentin Cheredintsev /TASS photo chronicle/

Popular game television program-competition “Come on, girls!” Presenter Kira Proshutinskaya during filming of the program. February 18, 1973. Photo by Viktor Velikzhanin /TASS photo chronicle/

Announcer of Central Television and presenter of the children's television program “Alarm Clock” Angelina Vovk. May 17, 1969. Photo by Viktor Velikzhanin /TASS photo chronicle/

Recording of a TV show about chess. Commenting on the next chess game at an ongoing tournament. February 1, 1964. TASS photo chronicle

The first game broadcast of Central Television in live"Auction". In the photo: the author of the project and the host of the TV show, Vladimir Voroshilov. April 6, 1969. Photo by V. Richter /TASS Photo Chronicle/

Concert program "Moskvichka". Sung by Evgeny Martynov. October 20, 1978. Photo by I. Stepanychev /TASS photo chronicle/

Announcers Svetlana Zhiltsova, Igor Kirillov and Aza Likhitchenko, February 15, 1970. Photo by Vasily Egorov and Alexey Stuzhin /TASS photo chronicle/

The musical editors of CT are filming New Year's holiday popular program " New year's night" TV show participants Vladimir Spivakov and Sati Spivakova. December 19, 1986. Photo by Vitaly Sozinov /TASS photo chronicle/

Gennady Khazanov with his daughter Alisa during the recording of the children's TV show "Alarm Clock". 1979 Photo by I. Stepanychev /TASS photo chronicle/

In one of the control rooms of the Olympic Television and Radio Center. July 26, 1980. Photo by Viktor Velikzhanin and Alexander Chumichev /TASS Photo Chronicle/

Broadcast of the program “What? Where? When?". 1986 Photo by Igor Zotin / ITAR-TASS

The creative team of the creators of the program “Before and After Midnight.” Left - Chief Editor The main editorial office of the Central Television and Radio Broadcasting Center of the USSR Olvar Kakuchaya, on the right is the author and presenter of the TV show Vladimir Molchanov. March 17, 1989. Photo by Vladimir Musaelyan /TASS Photo Chronicle/


Founder Soviet school sports radio report became, of course, Sinyavsky Vadim Svyatoslavovich. It was he who once taught the first gymnastics lesson on the All-Union radio. In 1935, he voiced the first foreign report in the history of the Union from the USSR-Turkey match. However, Sinyavsky covered not only sporting events. His voice sounded at the moment when, in November 1941, Soviet troops were leaving Red Square for the front line. In 1942, Vadim Svyatoslavovich almost died. "Sevastopol speaking!" – the legendary announcer only managed to say on air. A moment later, he was hit by a shell from a mine that exploded nearby.

Vladimir Borisovich Gertsik The war also took its toll. From 1941 to 1943, the artist and presenter served as commander of the chemical company of the Latvian Rifle Division. In the last war years he worked as an announcer, making dangerous flights behind enemy lines with propaganda about surrender and with messages for German troops.

Olga Sergeevna Vysotskaya was rightfully considered one of the brightest presenters of the mid-20th century. Her track record includes radio news from the fronts, live broadcasts from the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, and tragic reports from the Sovinformburo. Olga Sergeevna was distinguished by the precision and clarity of her speech, as well as her unique talent for winning over her listeners.

The most famous announcer of the USSR hardly needs a separate introduction. It's hard to believe, but once a 17-year-old Yuri Levitan made me laugh admissions committee capital university with its “finding” Vladimir dialect. It was then that he came across an advertisement for a group of radio announcers. The stubborn young man decided to try his luck again. Fortunately, Vasily Kachalov himself was present at the audition, and he was not embarrassed by the peculiarities of Levitan’s speech.

Igor Leonidovich Kirillov He was the announcer of the Vremya program for more than 30 years. From 1965 to the early 80s, it was he who broadcast live parades from Red Square. The legendary presenter covered the broadcast of the May 9 celebrations even longer – until 2006. Today Kirillov appears on television, periodically participating in the programs “Guess the Melody”, “Our Time”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” and many others.

Shatilova Anna Once upon a time, quite by chance, I read an advertisement for recruitment into a group of announcers at the All-Union Radio "Gosteleradio USSR" and decided to try my hand. A few years later she was invited to work for Central television. It was Anna Nikolaevna who, in 1963, read live an urgent TASS message about the assassination of John Kennedy.

Khoroshevtsev Evgeniy Alexandrovich Today he is one of the most popular announcers modern Russia. He is called the "Official Voice of the Kremlin" and he informs us about the most important political events.

Valentina Mikhailovna came to work for television in 1954 as an assistant director; she became an announcer later. And by the end of the 60s, not a single issue of the festive “Ogonyok” could do without it, and “ Good night, kids" and "Alarm Clock" were watched with pleasure not only by children, but also by adults. The most important and most personal program in her life was the program “With all my heart,” which is called the prototype of modern talk shows. On this program, old friends and relatives separated by the war met, and the whole country cried with the heroes of the program. Aunt Valya never got married, although Bulat Okudzhava himself asked for her hand. Her only love What's left is television.

Today we decided to remember which other Soviet TV presenters gathered the whole family in front of the screens.

Yuri Nikolaev began his career as an artist in Moscow, as an actor at the Pushkin Theater. But acting did not bring him much fame or popularity. People began to recognize Yuri Alexandrovich by sight only when he became the host of one of the most popular programs on Soviet television - “Morning Mail”. And then things went on: they began to invite him to host “Blue Light”, “Song of the Year”. And later, during perestroika, Yuri Nikolaev created his own production company “UNICS”, which produced the weekly program “ morning Star" Many famous artists today started with this television competition: Yulia Nachalova, Alexey Chumakov, Valeria and many others.

Yulia Vasilyevna hosted one of the first programs on medical topics on domestic TV - the popular science program “Health”. Moreover, by profession she is not an artist or a TV presenter, but a doctor. That is why her program was still scientific, and the program gained popularity thanks to the personal charm of Yulia Belyanchikova. She remained the permanent host of the program for more than twenty years. During this time, the flow of letters for transmission increased from 60 thousand per year to 160 thousand. Moreover, the audience’s questions were answered not only on air, but also by correspondence. For this purpose, the program employed four qualified doctors.

Alexander Vasilyevich is the founder of humor on domestic television. We say “Maslyakov”, we mean “Club of the cheerful and resourceful” and vice versa. Alexander Maslyakov has been working on television since 1964 and even now, despite his advanced age - he is 71 years old - he remains the permanent presenter, director and director of KVN. And “The Club” itself, in turn, remains one of the most popular programs on TV. In addition, Alexander Vasilyevich hosted “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Jolly guys”, “12th floor”, reports from World festivals youth and students, was a leader for several years international festivals songs in Sochi. And now Alexander Vasilyevich also presides over the jury at the “Minute of Fame”.

Alexander Evgenievich, in general, did not aspire to television. He studied at the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University, completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, and became a candidate of philosophical sciences. After graduating from graduate school, he got involved in big politics and was even a speechwriter for Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev. On TV, Alexander Bovin was also far from entertaining programs - he was a serious publicist. Bovin gained national fame during his time as the host of the TV magazine “International Panorama”, which had very high ratings among viewers. The program, which attracted an audience of millions, was even called a “window to the world” - it included reports about Western culture and art, here you could see footage from luxury cars, unprecedented architecture and interiors. And Alexander Bovin himself looked unconventional - shaggy, mustachioed, without a tie, and broadcast as if he was talking to the audience like a neighbor, sitting in the kitchen.

Igor Leonidovich Kirillov is rightfully considered a legend of Russian television. It can be called a real star news. In 2001, he even received the honorary title “Man of the Epoch.” In addition, his award list includes three orders: the Red Banner of Labor, “For Services to the Fatherland” of the 3rd and 4th degree. Igor Kirillov has a theater education; before coming to television, he played at the Taganka Theater. In July 1957, he began working at the Shabolovsky Television Center as an assistant director of the music editorial office of the Central Television. And two and a half months later he won the announcer competition and went on air for the first time. Igor Kirillov was the announcer of the Vremya program for more than 30 years, becoming the face of the news program, and his signature timbre was recognized from the first words and is still recognized today. He was even trusted to give New Year's addresses to the residents of the country instead of the leadership of the USSR. By the way, Igor Kirillov still broadcasts the annual parades in honor of Victory Day on Red Square.

Actually, Alexander Ivanov is not a professional TV presenter at all. He is a teacher, graduated from the Faculty of Drawing and Drawing at the Moscow Correspondence Institute and worked as a teacher of drawing and descriptive geometry. He gained fame, of course, not as a teacher, but also not as a TV presenter. Popularity came to him even before TV, when he became interested in writing poetic parodies. His first book, Love and Mustard, was published in 1968. He was accepted into the Writers' Union, performed a lot on stage and even played a couple of small roles in films. He came to television in 1978 and hosted the humorous program “Around Laughter” for 12 years, although at first it was planned that he would be a guest in one of the first episodes. San Sanych, as he was affectionately called, turned out to be so natural in the role of presenter that they decided to leave him. And not in vain - he made millions of TV viewers laugh.

Son of the laureate Nobel Prize Petra Kapitsa was born in Cambridge. It was destined for him to study science and, indeed, he became an outstanding physicist and was vice president Russian Academy natural sciences. But his merit is not only research work, but also in the fact that he brought science to people. And he did it in such an accessible form that the magazine “In the World of Science,” where he was editor-in-chief, became one of the most popular periodicals in the country, and episodes of the TV show “Obvious - Incredible” are still shown on the “Retro” channel. For his achievements in popularization and propaganda scientific knowledge was awarded with a prize RAS and the RAS gold medal.

Remember the children's TV show "ABVGDeyka"? Surely you remember. And remember its presenter Tatyana Kirillovna, the teacher, too. She said that “ABVGDeyka” is the only non-politicized program on Soviet television. And she spoke with knowledge of the matter, because she managed not only to host a fun educational program for children, but also to manage the editorial office of children's programs. Tatyana Chernyaeva is a certified journalist, graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University and has achieved considerable success in the journalistic field. In particular, she is a laureate of the journalistic prize “ The best feathers Russia" and member of the Academy Russian television. Tatyana Kirillovna has always advocated and still advocates for increasing the share of children's programs on Russian television. All the best goes to children.

The first association with the name of this TV presenter is the “Song of the Year” festival, the broadcast of which was not missed in any family. After all, “Song” was the main event in the world of Russian pop music, and later pop music. You could say that this is oldest show on our TV, because “Song” is still on today, starting in 1971. Together with Evgeny Menshov, Angelina Vovk hosted the festival 18 times, until 2006. In 2007, a scandal broke out: Alla Pugacheva ousted the presenters from the program, turning “Song” into her benefit performance. Now Angelina Mikhailovna hosts the “Good Health” program on First together with Gennady Malakhov.

The TV show “Travelers Club,” which Yuri Alexandrovich hosted for 30 years, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as oldest show on Russian television. It aired weekly for 43 years and closed only after the death of Yuri Senkevich in 2003. Yuri Alexandrovich – military doctor, candidate of medical sciences and colonel medical service. And also - famous traveler, President of the Russian Travelers Association. He took part in the Soviet Antarctic expedition "Vostok", together with the famous Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl

Broadcast area All-Union and regional, broadcasting
went through 5 zones (1990) Broadcast start date Key dates in the history of USSR TV are:
  • 1951- the Central Television Studio of the USSR was created
    (prototype of the 1st program)
  • November 4, 1967- The 1st CT program of the USSR becomes all-Union
Founder State Television and Radio of the USSR, Government of the USSR Owner state Managers Vladimir Spiridonovich Osminin
Georgy Alexandrovich Ivanov



The first television broadcasts began in Moscow in 1935. In -1945 television did not work. The broadcasts were resumed on May 7, 1945, and on December 15, Muscovites were the first in Europe to switch to regular broadcasting. The main television programs of those years were devoted to the life of the Soviet Union, cultural events, science, sports.

In December 1948, the Moscow Television Center suspended transmissions during reconstruction. On June 16, 1949, broadcasting using the 625 line standard began from Shabolovka. On March 22, 1951, the television center was transformed into the Central Television Studio. The program did not have a clearly defined theme, broadcasting both news and musical programms and films, cartoons from the Soyuzmultfilm film studio, as well as educational programs. Since January 1, 1955 it has been open daily.


  • 1953. Ministry of Culture.
  • May 16, 1957. Committee on Radio Broadcasting and Television under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
  • April 18, 1962. State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Radio Broadcasting and Television.
  • October 9, 1965. Committee on Radio Broadcasting and Television under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
  • July 12, 1970. Union-Republican State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on television and radio broadcasting.
  • July 5, 1978. USSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting.
  • March 7, 1991. All-Union State Television and Radio Company.
  • May 13, 1991. Russian television and radio company (Second Channel CT).
  • December 22, 1991. Russian state television and radio company Ostankino.

List of programs

  • The obvious is the incredible
  • Person and law
  • Perestroika spotlight
  • Commonwealth
  • Hello, we are looking for talents!
  • Music kiosk
  • Under the sign "Pi"
  • Funny boys
  • Walt Disney Presents
  • Up to 16 and older
  • Serving the Soviet Union
  • Rural hour
  • Anu ka, girls
  • Turn
  • Autograph
  • International panorama
  • Cinema panorama
  • Wider circle
  • Heartily
  • Ninth studio

DH announcers

  • Evgeniy Arbenin
  • Natalya Andreeva since 1982 (graduated from VTU named after B. Shchukin in 1979 (?))
  • Nikolay Arsentiev
  • Alisher Badalov since 1990
  • Victor Balashov
  • Valentina Barteneva since 1992
  • Vladimir Berezin since 1990
  • Irina Beskopskaya since 1992
  • Maria Bulychova since the 1960s
  • Alexandra Burataeva since 1992
  • Marina Burtseva since 1977 (graduated from VTU named after B. Shchukin in 1978 (?))
  • Boris Vassin
  • Larisa Verbitskaya since 1986
  • Lev Viktorov
  • Galina Vlasenok since 1990
  • Dina Grigorieva since 1975 (graduate of Moscow state institute culture)
  • Natalya Grigorieva since 1988
  • Ekaterina Gritsenko since 1984
  • Alla Danko since 1974 (graduate of the First Moscow Medical Institute)
  • Alexey Dmitriev (Shilov)
  • Galina Dorovskaya (graduated from the VTU named after B. Shchukin in 1974 (?))
  • Alexey Druzhinin since 1990?
  • Gennady Dubko
  • Larisa Dykina
  • Inna Ermilova since 1977 (MGPI graduate)
  • Shamil Zakirov???
  • Galina Zimenkova since 1969 (graduated from Kazan University in 1963 and Leningrad Institute of Culture)
  • Elena Zubareva
  • Olga Zyuzina since 1977 (GITIS graduate)
  • Tatyana Ivanova
  • Oleg Izmailov since 1967
  • Irina Illarionova
  • Elena Kovalenko since 1977 (MSPI graduate)
  • Yuri Kovelenov since 1972?
  • Natalya Kozelkova since 1984 (graduated from VTU named after Shchepkin in 1984)
  • Octavian Kornich (graduated from VTU named after B. Shchukin in 1967)
  • Vera Kotsyuba since 1988
  • Evgeny Kochergin since 1975? (graduated from the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute in 1972)
  • Tatiana Krasuskaya
  • Olga Kuleshova (graduated from the Institute of Culture)
  • Valentina Lanovaya since 1967
  • Andrey Leonov since 1984 (graduated from Moscow Higher Technical School in 1979)
  • Valentina Leontyeva since 1954
  • Irina Martynova since 1984
  • Valery Mironov since 1972
  • Maria Mitroshina
  • Vlad Mozhaeva since 1992
  • Alla Music since 1967? (graduated from VTU named after B. Shchukin in 1966)
  • Margarita Myrikova-Kudryashova since 1992
  • Aida Nevskaya since 1992
  • Elena Nefedova since 1990
  • Yuri Nikolaev since 1975 (graduated from GITIS in 1970)
  • Irina Pauzina since 1977
  • Yuri Petrov since 1982
  • Valentina Pechorina since 1967 (graduated from GITIS in 1965 and the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University)
  • Dmitry Poletaev since 1982 (graduated from VTU named after Shchepkin in 1982)
  • Sergey Polyansky since 1980
  • Valeria Rizhskaya since 1984
  • Tatyana Romashina since 1982 (graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School in 1981)
  • Maya Sidorova since 1982 (graduated from VTU named after Shchepkin in 1982 (?))
  • Anatoly Silin since the 1960s
  • Svetlana Skryabina (Ershova) since 1962
  • Evgeny Smirnov from 1967 to 1974
  • Lyudmila Sokolova since 1957 (GITIS graduate)
  • Alla Stakhanova since 1967 (graduated from GITIS in 1965 (?))
  • Tatyana Sudets (Grushina) since 1972 (graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute)
  • Evgeny Suslov since 1962
  • Irina Titova since 1992
  • Victor Tkachenko since 1970? to 1981
  • Svetlana Tokareva (graduate of the Moscow Conservatory)
  • Vladimir Ukhin since 1962 (graduate of the variety department of GITIS, 1960)
  • Yuri Fedotov since 1982
  • Natalya Fufacheva since 1972
  • Andrey Khlebnikov 1956-1957? (graduated from VTU named after B. Shchukin, 1955)
  • Natalya Chelobova since 1972
  • Olga Chepurova in the 1950s (VGIK graduate)
  • Gennady Chertov since 1967 (graduated from GITIS)
  • Leonid Chuchin (graduated from GITIS)

All the best for children

Tatyana Kirillovna Chernyaeva, a teacher from the entertainment and educational children's television program “ABVGDeyka,” always worked under this motto. Her personal charm brought her the love of Soviet schoolchildren and preschoolers, but behind the scenes Chernyaeva worked even more: she headed the editorial office of children's programs, did a lot of journalism, and Tatyana Kirillovna’s merits were marked by such awards and titles as a member of the Academy of Russian Television and laureate of the “Best Pens of Russia” award "

Around the world

Yuri Aleksandrovich Senkevich hosted his own program “Travellers Club” for 43 years. During this time, the audience managed to discover even the most remote corners of our planet with him. However, this program should not be considered purely entertaining, because Yuri Aleksandrovich put into it all the facets of his talent: a military doctor by training, colonel of the medical service and candidate of medical sciences, he approached travel with the same professionalism. Among other things, he took part in several expeditions, for example to Antarctica and Everest. The brainchild could not outlive its father, and after the death of Yuri Senkevich, the Travelers Club was closed.

Music has tied us

Permanent co-host music festival“Song of the Year” for 18 years (from 1988 to 2006) was Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk. But her track record includes much more programs in which she managed to work as a presenter: among musical ones there are “Morning Mail”, “Music Kiosk”, “Blue Light”, various concerts, evenings classical music, festivals and competitions, for children - “Alarm Clock”, “Good Night, Kids”, “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, and many others.

Angelina Mikhailovna is “in the mix” to this day as a radio announcer and TV presenter, and her professional activity awarded the titles “Honored Artist of the RSFSR”, “ People's Artist RF" and many public awards.

Angelina Vovk continues to remain energetic thanks to healthy image life and numerous hobbies, including winter swimming, alpine skiing, growing crops and many others.

Of course, today we haven’t talked about everything outstanding announcers and TV presenters from the times of the USSR, but we will definitely dedicate our publications to them in the future. Stay tuned, as they say, it will be interesting!

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