Why do women dream of high boots. Why dream of Boots Measure New

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

solid - faithful helpers; new ones - good luck in business.

The meaning of sleep about boots

according to Freud's dream book

Wearing boots in a dream - a trip out of town awaits you along with a person dear to you. Perhaps this time, in an unusual setting, you will be able to see in a new way a person whom you thought you already knew very well. Rubber boots are a sign that you should be careful about the acquaintances you make. And if this is not done, then there is a risk of experiencing an unpleasant chill of jealousy.

Why dream of shoes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

new place or new relationship; unusual shoes - unusual affairs or relationships; buy - a new novel; you lose - you will be let down; torn - a disease of loved ones; shoot - failure, breakup; shoes (in general) - help, someone's services.

Why do galoshes dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

put on - caution; to buy is a nuisance.

Why dream of putting on shoes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

someone - to take revenge or deceive someone (it’s not for nothing that they say “you were shod”); to losses (it’s not for nothing that they say, they say, “they shod me”); shod himself - disappointments, blunders in business or personal.

Why is the shoemaker dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

works - an incredible and unexpected business proposal; to be a shoemaker - high income or position; a woman sees her husband as a shoemaker - money worries will recede; to see a shoemaker - a change of boss or patron; talking with a shoemaker is a new business or promotion.

Dreamed of a shoemaker

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a shoemaker, it means that circumstances will not favor your success. If a woman dreams that her husband or lover is a shoemaker, then all her desires will be satisfied.

Expert Answers


I dreamed that I was in a very large spacious room, some girl left me her boots, not new, sort of like selling me. I have to consider them, try them on, think about them. At first they just stood on the sidelines, and then I noticed that it would be nice to clean them, I have a brush and laundry soap and I wipe them off. What does this mean? (K, Svetlana)

Other people's boots, especially from a girl in a dream, mean that in reality a situation awaits you when you hang other people's problems on yourself by starting a relationship with an unfree man. There is a chance that you will be drawn into this relationship despite the fact that much will not suit you..

In dream books, shoes are a symbol of the road, travel. But not everything is so simple. Because for a correct interpretation of night vision, you need to take into account the type of shoe, its style, color, condition.

If you want to know why you dream of wearing boots, be sure to remember all these details of the dream.

What does Miller say?

According to the famous American psychologist Gustav Miller, a person who puts on, upon awakening, expects grandiose changes in fate. For example, for a man, such a vision prophesies an increase in the ranks, an increase in salary, or the opening of unprecedented business prospects.

Why did the woman dream that she was wearing brand new, fashionable boots? Miller assures that such a plot prophesies the embodiment of the dreamer's desires. She will have a devoted admirer, ready to indulge all the whims of the sleeping beauty.

Chic, shine, beauty!

Aesop's dream book explains in a rather original way: why did you dream about how you put on boots. It turns out that this plot prophesies to the dreamer prosperity, the ability to follow, follow fashion trends, and afford luxurious branded items.

Young people: girls and boys are promised the fulfillment of cherished desires. But if the same dream fell to the lot of a married adult, then he will have troubles associated with the household.

alien couple

Did you put on other people's boots in a dream? According to the Modern Dream Book, someone else's shoes are a symbol of the problems and worries of strangers. Therefore, if you happened to try on someone else's pair in a dream, then in reality, immerse yourself in the worries of colleagues, acquaintances, relatives.

The esoteric dream book interprets a similar plot in a different way, suggesting that the dreamer risks in reality becoming a victim of liars, scammers, adventurers. Therefore, in the near future you should not participate in gambling, dubious events, be frank with random fellow travelers or unfamiliar people.

Snow-white cherevichki

Money, luck in business, that's what I dreamed about wearing white clothes! However, dream books give such a forecast to male dreamers. And if such a vision fell to the lot of a woman, then she urgently needs to “clean her feathers”, because soon after waking up she will be invited on a date, a romantic rendezvous.

True, the General Dream Book interprets the same vision pragmatically: the dreamer will suddenly meet a very impressive, respectable, wealthy man. Alas, the dream interpreter does not specify what further communication with this character will result in.

Style, heel and color

In the Universal Dream Book, the emphasis is on the type of wearable. So, if a man puts on black boots in a dream, then he will get a somewhat grouchy, grumpy lady as his wife. But the one who sleeps, but tries on a pair with zippers, in reality will be known as a very efficient, energetic, efficient, sociable person.

Dressed up in a midnight slumber in stunning over the knee boots with huge heels? Then think three times before opening your wallet in reality, because dream books prophesy waste, stupid expenses.

What to think of someone who, during sleep, put on obviously old-fashioned boots? It's time to seriously think about the need to broaden your horizons, learn to follow modern trends, and study.

Can you guess what characterization the Avestan psychoanalyst Freud gives to someone who, in night dreams, put on high brutal black leather boots? It is easy to imagine that such a dream is a continuation of the sexual fantasies of a character prone to experiments during intimacy.

If in a dream you are shod in rough kirzachs, then during wakefulness you will notice how representatives of the opposite sex look at you with interest. But keep in mind, signs of attention from former lovers should be treated with caution, the dream book instructs.

Narrowed, mummers?

Now about the most interesting: why did the woman dream about how she puts on the boots of a stranger. This vision precedes the appearance of a lover in the fate of a lady.

If the shoe pair was dirty, not suitable in size or with holes, then the dreamer will meet a handsome, but rather amorphous young man who is more like a gigolo, and will always beg for money or besiege with requests, whining, whims. And if, well-groomed, new, then the sleeping woman will get acquainted with a very courageous and noble character, but, unfortunately, the relationship will not last long.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...

Often we can see anything in a dream. It could be people. We dream of relatives, friends, long-dead faces. In the world of sleep, we can see various animals. And sometimes we may even dream of any inanimate objects.

General interpretation

And if we attach special importance to dreams in which animate beings appear before us, then, having seen boots in a dream, for example, we often do not pay much attention to this. But such dreams can tell us a lot and even warn against committing rash actions. As you probably guessed, we will talk about why we dream of boots.

In a general sense, a dream in which boots are present indicates that a series of changes is coming in a person's life. But how successful or unsuccessful these changes will become depends on what kind of boots a person dreamed of.

What do old, strange boots mean

So, for example, old, worn and torn boots in a dream do not bode well for a person. It can be poverty, failure and deceit by other people. If in a dream a person wears other people's boots, then in real life he will have to carry other people's problems and worries.

And if in a dream a person experiences discomfort because the boot rubs his leg, then such a dream serves as a signal that something in life is worth paying attention to and rethinking the events that are taking place. Throwing boots in a dream is considered the worst sign.

Why dream of new boots

Most dream books interpret dreams in which we see new boots as a good sign. Seeing new boots in a dream means success in all endeavors and deeds. Moreover, such success will affect not only the material side of things, but will also affect your relationships with relatives and friends.

New boots in a dream may mean that a gift or a new purchase is waiting for you soon. However, not all dream books unambiguously interpret such dreams. So, for example, the Eastern Women's Dream Book indicates that seeing new boots in a dream means any changes in life, both good and not so good.

Rubber boots in a dream

Many dream books say that dreams in which a person sees or puts on children's, men's or women's rubber boots warn him against new dubious acquaintances. Such a dream indicates that a person is especially vulnerable in the face of the danger that comes from ill-wishers, and he should be more careful in communicating with new acquaintances.

Why dream of black boots

Dreams in which a person dreams of black boots are interpreted in different ways. Much depends on who they dreamed about. For a man, such a dream does not bode well, since it is believed that if he dreamed of black boots, then his future family life would not work out. For a woman, such a dream predicts household chores and caring for children.

A young girl's dream in which she sees black boots can predict a meeting with a man. An important detail of the success of such a meeting is what kind of boot she dreamed of. If he is handsome and good in quality, then the man will meet a handsome, kind and decent man.

Putting on black boots in a dream can mean that in real life a person will be constantly accompanied by good luck and success in all endeavors. Black boots in a dream can also contribute to the fact that in reality a person will plunge headlong into memories of the past.

Some dream books, with the exact opposite, argue that seeing black boots in a dream means the inevitability of some kind of failure.

White boots in a dream

A dream about white boots usually brings good luck in business. Quite often, such a dream becomes a harbinger of a long trip. Unlike dreams where a person dreams of beautiful black boots, dreams where he sees beautiful and solid white boots warn him against excessive spending and throwing money to the wind.

White boots seen in a dream promise women a lot of attention from the opposite sex. And if such boots also have a high top, then a woman will have rough sex. This opinion is shared by various love and erotic dream books.

A man who sees white boots in a dream can expect to meet a beautiful girl who will become his wife. White boots in a dream in a number of dream books are interpreted as an omen of overall success in business.

Red boots in a dream

Red boots in a dream are a kind of symbol of desires and ambitions. A person who sees bright red boots in a dream is clearly dreaming of something distant and often unrealizable.

The red color of the boots indicates that a person has any experiences, worries and irritation in real life. But for people aged, such dreams portend care for children and memories of the years of youth.

Some dream books indicate that red boots in a dream promise a person a possible career growth. Another part of the dream books interprets red boots in a dream as a high probability of getting involved in some dark deeds.

That you should be careful about the acquaintances you make. And if this is not done, then there is a risk of experiencing an unpleasant chill of jealousy.

Aesop's dream book

Boots- this symbol means wealth, beauty, panache, following fashion. Among the people, the symbol is associated with the craft of a shoemaker, with service people, that is, soldiers and red fashionistas.

red boots- an attribute of fairy tales, songs, boots are the embodiment of the dreams of girls and young unmarried guys.

Seeing in a dream a barefoot shoemaker who is repairing red boots- a person will appear in your circle who will constantly demand help from you, although he himself may well do without it.

To dream of luxurious boots, at the sight of which your heart stops beating- to extravagance; your dreams are far from reality, so do not expect changes in business and improvement of life; wild fantasy will bring you disappointment, because your projects have no real basis.

Seeing red boots in a dream- to take care of children; to memories.

To dream that you buy bread in a shoe shop, and when you come to the store, you hand over your boots to the food department for repair- to illness, fatigue, big problems in life; to many profitable offers that will confuse your head and complicate life to the point of weakening your health; to confusion in business; to the move.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Boots are new and good- help, success in business; responsible travel.

With high tops- imperiousness, arrogance, a dominant role in relationships; long, troublesome business trips.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Boots (boots)- turn; put on shoes- well, wealth; take off- bad, to poverty, illness; lose both boots- bad, loss in the economy; new- joy, profit, success in business / unfamiliar road; old- familiar road / trouble; different boots on the feet- poverty; heads from old boots Do something that makes you look like a fool.

Erotic dream book Danilova

If you dream of high leather boots- innovations in sexual life await you. You should try to overcome excessive shyness, which prevents both you and your partner from relaxing and enjoying the joys of non-traditional sex.

Esoteric dream book

Boots- new, beautiful for successful purchases. The best time to buy something.

Trampled, dirty- unsuccessful purchases, do not be tempted by offers to purchase something.

Pure- to shopping, but you need to determine exactly what you want to buy. Otherwise, the money will be wasted.

Buy, try, choose- you can be fooled, deceived. Do not play lotteries, do not be overly gullible.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream of boots, boots- there will be some road, a trip.

New boots- news, and old- shame.

old- the old, well-known road.

torn boots- it's evil.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Boots are solid- faithful assistants; new- good luck in business.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

According to most interpreters, dreaming of new boots promises an excellent start to everything planned. But in order to understand exactly what the new boots are dreaming of, try to remember exactly what they were. What material were they made from? Did you buy them or receive them as a gift?

Interpretation of Miller's dream book

As this well-known interpreter says, new boots in a dream promise quick life changes. And for the better, the dream book is encouraging.

Why dream of boots above the knee? Soon you will be promoted or change your job to a more prestigious and highly paid one. And if you see how you are trying on comfortable leather boots, in reality, expect a significant improvement in your financial situation.

Boots material

If you want to interpret the dream as accurately as possible, try to remember - what material did you dream of boots from?

  • Were they leather? Expect profit.
  • Dreamed of rubber boots? You can become a victim of deception.
  • Were the boots made of leatherette? You will be very disappointed.
  • Did you see the suede material? Go on an interesting journey.
  • Did you see fur boots in a dream? Relationships with someone are filled with warmth and comfort.
  • Felt? Your detractors are too tough for you.

White is the color of problems

For men, this shade promises difficulties in family relationships. But on the dream of women should dwell in more detail.

According to the Modern Dream Book, if the sleeping woman could not decide to buy white boots in any way, this indicates her self-doubt. And if she had a dream in which she bought shoes without even trying them on, in reality she will meet an interesting man, but, unfortunately, not free.

Was the color of the purchased boots milky white? According to the dream book, you do not tell your friends the whole truth about yourself, but only because you do not want to dump your difficulties on them.

Black promises success

Why dream of buying black boots? According to most dream books, luck awaits you in the professional field.

And what does the vision in which you bought high-heeled boots mean? As Longo's dream book says, you earn a lot, but you also spend a lot. Try to keep track of your budget.

Red is associated with emotions

Did you dream that you bought red boots? As Hasse's dream book says, you are a person with inflated ambitions.

Of considerable importance for what red boots are dreaming of is what you bought them for.

Did you have a dream in which you bought similar shoes in order to go to work or sit in the office? If in your dreams your colleagues envied the new thing, in reality the situation is exactly the opposite - you yourself do not stand out against the background of your colleagues, and such a situation is depressing.

Red boots were bought for a walk? You lack sharpness in life, and with all your heart you strive to diversify it, the interpreter explains.

What does the dream in which you happened to wear burgundy rubber boots mean? Try to stay away from dubious cases - the retribution for them may be too high.

Other shades

If you dreamed that you were trying on or seeing brown boots on someone, in reality you were very worried about something. But you should not worry, the Gypsy dream book is encouraging, the excitement is in vain.

In a dream, they saw one on one on a friend like your blue boots? It is possible that you are not being told the whole truth. But if you saw a dream in which you try on boots of this color, in reality you will be overwhelmed with joy.

What does a dream mean in which you see a lot of yellow boots on store shelves? The Eastern dream book explains such a vision with imminent joy and good luck. In a dream, were you lucky enough to try on sunny shoes? Everything that is planned is easily realized.

And why dream if pink boots are on your feet? In reality, you will have to make a decision that will affect your personal life.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...