Every Good Has Its Merchant: Museum Collections of Russian Entrepreneurs. The history of appearance and the most famous necklaces The largest collections in the world

April 9, 2015, 08:35

Among the stars there are many true connoisseurs of art who are willing to pay big money for the right to own rare creations. For example, Madonna is a fan of the avant-garde. She collects paintings by Léger and Picasso.

Brad Pitt collects antiques. Of particular interest to him are jewelry, paintings and rare dishes.

Barbara Streisand is proud of her collection of exclusive furniture made in the Art Deco style of the 1930s.

Bill Gates is the owner of the world's largest private collection of books. His collection includes very rare publications, including the most expensive book in the world - "The Leicester Code", a handwritten diary of Leonardo da Vinci. Bill Gates paid $30.8 million for the rarity.



Roman Abramovich is considered the most influential collector in Russia and is included in the global list of influential collectors. The billionaire collects mostly paintings by famous modernist artists. His collection includes works by Alberto Giacometti, Francis Bacon, Lusien Freud and many other eminent painters.

Abramovich bought paintings by Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon at auction at Christie's and Sotheby's in New York for $120 million, in addition, he got Alberto Giacometti's sculpture The Venetian for $14 million in his collection. As it turned out later, Roman bought the works of art as a gift for his beloved Daria Zhukova and her art gallery "Garage".



When it comes to quirky collections, Penélope Cruz could easily take the top spot. The beautiful, rich and famous actress collects hangers. She is said to have collected at least 500 coat hangers. At the same time, the star often replenishes her huge collection.



The famous Hollywood actor Johnny Depp has several collections at once, and very original ones. First of all, Depp collects hats. He already has so many hats that they do not fit in the two large rooms allocated for them. The actor buys the items he likes for his collection everywhere. There is a case when he bought a headdress from a homeless man, paying him an obscene amount of money. However, Depp's largest collection is figurines of clowns, but not simple ones, but evil ones.


cars "Hummer"

Iron Arnie collects cars and all-terrain vehicles of the Hammer brand. Schwarzenegger literally became obsessed with these cars after he saw an SUV created by AM General for the US military. At first, they refused to sell him a miracle of automotive technology, explaining that it was developed exclusively for the Pentagon. But the actor stood his ground.

After negotiations that lasted several months, the concern gave up. Since then, as soon as Hammer released a new product, it immediately ended up in Schwarzenegger's garage. Today, the actor's collection already has more than 80 copies, ranging from a tank to environmentally friendly models that run on electric fuel; Arnold acquired them when, following the advice of his image makers, he became a fighter for the cleanliness of the environment.


Board games

The creator of "Pulp Fiction" collects old board games. He not only plays them in his spare time, but also keeps them in perfect order. All copies of the collection are systematized by titles and genres and are listed in the catalog, so that the owner always knows what and where he has. In addition, Tarantino collects vinyl records and movie rentals.

“For a film lover, collecting videos is like smoking weed. Laser discs are definitely cocaine. And the rolling copies are pure heroin. It's like you're high all the time. I have a good collection, I'm proud of it," Quentin admitted in an interview.


Teddy bears

Dustin Hoffman's hobby is no less touching than Tarantino's - he collects Teddy teddy bears (the toy got its name in honor of US President Theodore Roosevelt, who refused to shoot a tethered bear cub while hunting), the actor already has several thousand of them. Hoffman keeps his collection in special cabinets with glass doors, which allow a good view of the exhibits exhibited in them.



But Tom Hanks collects vintage typewriters with keyboards in different languages. So the actor knows absolutely everything about the ancestors of modern computers. Moreover, he can easily disassemble and then assemble any, even the most complex instance. But Hanks has no order in his collection - friends say that both models of cars and their individual elements are always scattered around his house, like toys in a nursery.


textile products

Legally Blonde Reese Witherspoon collects antique lingerie, vintage fabrics and vintage embroidery, mostly on tablecloths. Reese already has a huge collection of really unique things. The actress buys copies for her at auctions and sales, in specialized antique stores, she does not disdain flea markets - if you're lucky, you can find real works of art there.

Witherspoon loves sorting through the exhibits of her collection - she says that the contemplation of beautiful handmade things not only brings her pleasure, but also inspires her.



Top model Heidi Klum collects shoes. Working in the modeling industry, mother of two daughters Heidi has accumulated many pairs of shoes. According to conservative estimates, there are already 2,000 pairs in her collection. The model explains this by the fact that she is a very thrifty person. The girl saves and saves something all the time. For things she even has a separate storage at home. Now the model dreams of one thing: that the feet of her beautiful daughters grow to the right size. Only then will they be able to wear out all those boots, sandals, sandals and shoes.



Angelina Jolie does not have a women's collection - she loves to collect rare daggers and knives. The first dagger was presented to her at the age of 11 by the dearest person on earth. She passed on this love to her children. Her husband Brad Pitt is fond of much more peaceful objects - his passion is collecting furniture and coins, which can be of artistic value.



The most talented British rock singer, musician and composer is a well-known collector. Along with rare cars, of which he already has 26 pieces, Elton John collects glasses.

He has over 250,000 different glasses in his collection. There are so many of them that on tour in Brazil in March 2013, the artist, as expected, took off numbers for himself and his assistants, but also took off a separate number for his glasses! Lenses of all colors of the rainbow, glasses with antennas, headlights and other devices. In his collection there are even glasses with wiper blades, like on a car windshield.


bakelite jewelry

If you're too young to remember the Bakelite craziness, then know that in the 1970s, Bakelite (a type of plastic) became popular as a material for making toys, buttons, household items, and even jewelry. It is this type of jewelry that Goldberg collects. She has been known to wear her Bakelite jewelry to various events and to The Today Show. She even wore some of them to the Oscars. Other bakelite lovers are Barbra Streisand, Diane Keaton and Lily Tomlin.


porcelain dolls

The Striptease star may not seem like someone who would be interested in dolls, but Moore doesn't just collect new and vintage dolls, she also collects them in very large numbers. She has so many of them that ex-husband Bruce Willis bought her a second house just so she could keep her collection there. Her collection consists mainly of realistic dolls and bisque porcelain dolls. Unglazed porcelain dolls are famous for their matte skin-like finish and large size (sometimes as large as a baby). These are exactly the kind of dolls that can often be seen in horror films. The value of her collection? Over a million dollars.


train models

When it comes to model trains, Stewart can easily be the most ardent collector. In fact, he's so addicted to them that the third floor of his home in Beverly Hills has been turned into a huge model of a 1940s Chicago train, measuring 7 by 37 meters. The model is complemented by terminals, parks, warehouses and more. Stewart has described his train collection as "very soothing" and often leaves to play with it. He even takes some models with him on tour, or builds some of the elements of the models himself. Oh yeah, Stuart is not alone in his love of trains. His fondness for model railroad trains is also shared or shared by Phil Collins, Family Ties star Michael Gross, Frank Sinatra, Patrick Stewart, and Neil Young.


McDonald's toys

Just because you're a rich celebrity doesn't mean you have to collect very expensive things, and Rosie proved that when she started collecting toys from McDonald's and eventually turned her entire office into a colorful display. Rosie started her collection the old fashioned way: going to McDonald's and buying their food to get toys. At one point, she visited McDonald's every day to collect 101 tiny Dalmatians from the famous movie. Of course, McDonald's heard about it and decided to send her the entire collection. Her decision? Continue to collect more Mickey D toys. Rosie's collection includes over 2,500 pieces and is constantly growing. When asked why she chose the Happy Meals toys, the comedian said that they are simply a reminder of her childhood.

Claudia Schiffer


The image of the model does not fit at all with the collection of insects, nevertheless it is so. German model Claudia Schiffer is the owner of a large collection of various insects.


beetle collection

The oldest member of the Rockefeller family has a taste for bugs. Insects, not cars. In fact, David Rockefeller Sr. started collecting beetles when he was under 10 years old (now in his 90s) and even discovered some rare species.


snow globes

Popular singer Taylor Swift loves snow globes! The girl regularly replenishes the collection with new items and shares their photos on the social network.



The extravagant dancer holds her own when it comes to collecting. In an interview, Dita admitted that she collects stuffed animals: “Antique or “ethical” stuffed animals - I mean stuffed animals that died a natural death. I think they are very beautiful." For the sake of a hobby, von Teese even had to re-equip the apartment in a special way: change the wallpaper throughout the house and make special rooms with the ideal temperature for storing exhibits. Storage for the furry collection was converted from two bedrooms.

Kiefer Sutherland

Gibson guitars

Kiefer can be considered one of the most ardent collectors of Gibson guitars. At last count, he has 38 guitars in his possession, which he keeps in his studio. He has had a love for these musical instruments ever since he first heard about Jimmy Page and Angus Young.


Jewish coins

When Nicole is not filming or playing consoles, she can be found looking at her collection of ancient Jewish coins.

luxlux, wday, newrezume, plitkar, bugaga

Loved collecting postcards, stamps, or chewing gum inserts? Surely these hobbies have passed over the years ... But these people have devoted more than one year to their hobby - collecting, and this is not the limit. Dimitris Pistiolas from Athens owns the largest collection of camcorders, with a total of 937 models ranging from vintage to modern.
Since 2003, Chinese collector Wang Guohua has been collecting cigarette packs, some of which he keeps in his room in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. The collection includes 30,000 cigarette packs from more than 100 companies from 10 countries.
Lisa Courtney's Pokémon collection has made it into the Guinness Book of Records. There are 12,113 toys in the collection.
The basement of Ron Hood, who lives in Leviston, Maine, has been converted into a real PEZ candy museum. He now has over 3,000 PEZ toys in his collection, although he considers them “small.”
Farmer Heinrich Kath displays some of his 20,000 beer mugs in Cuxhaven. He does not drink beer himself, but he has been collecting mugs since 1997.
The Wally Hammer collection of rubber ducks was not the largest in the world, although there is not a single duplicate duck in the collection. Her collection of 2,469 ducks was only a few hundred short of the world record set by one California woman.
The Guinness Book of Records recognized Pam Barker's collection of owls from Leeds as the largest in the world. She has 18,000 owls in her collection.
Mary Ann Sell of Cincinnati owns a View-Master film collection of 40,000.
The keychain, bought in Vietnam (where he served as a helicopter gunner), was Ron Tyler, 41, the first in his now massive collection.
Sharon Badgley's collection of Santa Clauses is so large (6,000) that it took her three weeks to put them all together.

Today we can safely say that collecting is the most popular hobby in the world - more than 20% of the world's population is engaged in it. We present the most famous collections of the world from A to Z.

The Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah owns the largest collection of cars. It has more than 5000 of the most expensive cars from all over the world in its collection. For their storage, the Sultan maintains four huge garages, the total area of ​​​​which is 1 km².

Among them is a fleet of the rarest Ferrari, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes, Jaguar and Bentley cars. In addition, Hassanal Bolkiah's garage has a collection of Formula 1 winning cars dating back to 1980.

Literature and love for butterflies have always been inseparable in the life of the famous writer. Vladimir Nabokov caught his first butterfly at the age of 6, and wrote his first poem at 8. Butterflies are mentioned in almost every of his works.

The collections assembled by Nabokov are kept in several museums around the world. More than twenty species of butterflies, most of which he discovered himself, are named after the writer and his literary characters.

Collecting ties has a scientific name - "grabatology". This term was coined by the Guild of British Tie Makers specifically for the collection of Tom Holmes from Walsall, UK. More than 10,000 different ties from different parts of the world are collected in his house. Tom Holmes acquired the first copy of his collection almost 70 years ago.

The main repository of precious stones in our country is the Gokhran of Russia. There are many unique items in his collection. For example, the world's largest emerald weighing 136 carats. Another amazing stone is a bluish-blue sapphire of 260 carats. It is considered the best representative of Ceylon gems in terms of color and fine cut.

Last winter, Sotheby's auctioned a unique collection of toys, consisting of 35,000 vintage toys and trains collected by American collector Jerry Green over 50 years. The age of the exhibits, among which there are extremely rare, made by hand and of exceptional value, varies from 70 to 160 years.

Now, few people remember that the first man in space, the legendary Yuri Gagarin, was fond of collecting cacti. The modest home collection of the idol of millions impressed the whole state: after Gagarin, the entire Soviet

The Union began to collect outlandish succulents. Huge queues lined up in florist shops for specimens similar to those that the astronaut had.

The largest collection of coins is in the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg. To date, it includes 63,360 antique, 220,000 eastern, 360,000 Western European and 300,000 Russian coins. The collection contains such masterpieces of ancient coinage as the famous Syracusan decadrachms. They were minted in honor of the victory of the Syracusans over the Athenians in 413 BC.

On May 9, 1995, the Bath Shoe Museum opened its doors to the public for the first time in Toronto. Here is the largest collection of shoes in the world, numbering 10,000 pairs, including Pablo Picasso, Marilyn Monroe and John Lennon.

It all started with a small private collection of "shoe fan" Sonia Bath. Since 1940, she has traveled all over the world, bringing different samples of shoes from every country. Over time, the Bata Family Museum Foundation emerged from this private collection, giving rise to the Shoe Museum in its present form.

British postman Alan Roy is the owner of the largest collection of stamps in the world. For 70 years, all members of his family, day after day, carefully soaked envelopes in water, removing postage stamps from the surface with tweezers. Mr. Roy would then dry the stamps and stack them in his house. As a result, the collection turned out to be so huge that it was housed in 40 wooden boxes, which, if placed one on top of the other, reach the size of a two-story house.

An unusual collection of gold sculptures was released by the luxury mosaic brand Bisazza in collaboration with designer Alessandro Mendini. Mobili per Uomo (Things for Man) is a limited collection of items created between 1997 and 2008. To date, it consists of nine giant items covered with mosaic plates of 24 carat gold. The collection includes a golden jacket, glove, shoe, head, lamp, cup, star, hat and bag.

American pensioner Jack Schoff owns the largest collection of watches in the world. Its collection includes 1509 items and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

There is not a single square meter on the walls in the house of the "owner of time" where there is no clock, but Jack Schoff is not going to stop there.

Faberge eggs - the legendary series of Easter jewelry by Carl Faberge. In total, about the creation of 71 precious eggs, of which 62 have survived to this day.

The largest collection (10 eggs) is kept in the Kremlin Armory and belongs to the state. The largest of the private collectors is the Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, who owns 9 precious Faberge eggs.

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Alexander "Samodelkin" Ustinov has been collecting old Soviet toys for over 15 years. At school, he was engaged in a car modeling circle at the Club of Young Technicians at the Krasny Oktyabr machine-building plant - he built various models of cars, reworked and improved various toys, and assembled new ones from broken old ones. Even then, he had a fairly large collection of various equipment and models, but in the early 2000s the club was closed, and his personal collection was destroyed along with the club property.

This was the impetus for the creation of a new collection, but this time Alexander decided to collect not car models, but toy cars, and always in their original form, without any alterations. At the same time, the main principle of the collection was laid, which Alexander adheres to this day: the maximum desire for the original, the minimum of new interventions. The collection grew quite quickly, Alexander learned a lot of new things. A separate joy was to find exactly the same cars that he had in childhood. And, although now Alexander has a huge collection, it still does not have all the toys that were in his childhood.

Initially, the format of the collection assumed only a technical, transport toy. But later, seeing with what speed the toys, which until recently were massive, disappear, it was decided to expand the format of the collection. One of the first to be added to the collection were October-Pioneer symbols, constructors, and toy books. At that moment, the collection already began to claim the title of a museum and Alexander began to hold the first traveling exhibitions. A little later, dolls, animals, rubber, polyethylene, celluloid toys, and board games appeared in the collection.

2. At the moment, Alexander is especially passionate about filling the newest, puppet part of the collection. As Alexander admits, “All my life I have been completely indifferent to dolls, but now they have completely captured me and for the last two years they have been a serious competitor to technology in my soul.”

3. The collection covers the period of the USSR until 1990 and a little later, if the development of the produced toy was carried out back in the days of the USSR. It is impossible to establish the exact number of exhibits in the collection. there is no way to take an inventory, but according to rough estimates, Alexander managed to collect more than 1000 toys of various years of manufacture and condition. The main part of the collection lies packed and inaccessible for any inspection, moreover, in not the best conditions (an unheated garage with a leaking roof). And the most valuable exhibits are in an ordinary one-room apartment, occupying almost all the free space in it, which is also completely inconvenient for viewing.

4. Alexander's dream is to open a real museum with free access for everyone. In his opinion, the collection should be available to a wide range of visitors: only then does it live. At a minimum, you need a bright and heated room in which you can place the exhibits of the collection and conduct excursions. Alexander is trying to negotiate with the administration of his district, but no positive decisions have been made yet.

This report shows the general scale of the collection and Alexander asks to be treated with understanding - this is not an exhibition or a museum, this is a forced measure to keep the exhibits in this form for lack of other options. Therefore, do not pay attention to the dust, I quite spontaneously came to visit Alexander and he had the opportunity to prepare for my arrival.

So, let's get acquainted with some exhibits of the collection:

5. The only articulated doll in the Soviet Union. She can be planted and she will sit normally.

6. Doll with tracking eyes.

7. Horse on wheels. The exhibit is interesting because it is a home-made, not a mass-produced toy made from improvised materials.

8. Pinocchio wooden cars, such were usually in kindergartens - RAFiki and dump trucks. And on top of the LTZ GAZ-52 dump truck with metal wheels.

9. Electronic board game Shooter, this is already the beginning of the 1990s.

10. Very interesting exhibits from the same collection of wooden toys. Pay attention to the style and design - this is a real muscle car!

11. A huge collection of Soviet dolls: celluloid, polyethylene, play and decorative.

12. Various models of wheeled vehicles.

13. Exclusive and one of the most expensive exhibits in the collection is the electric railway manufactured by the Moskabel plant. With transformer, lighting, semaphores and arrows. Released 60 years ago. In a complete set, such a railway in our time costs almost 100 thousand rubles.

14. Planet rover Elektronika IM-11. It was produced in the 1980s, and the BIG TRAK developed in the USA was taken as the basis. It has memory and can perform a programmed algorithm of actions. Perhaps one of the most technologically advanced toys in the USSR.

15. A series of developing designers Youth.

16. Cult toy of the 1960s - Lunokhod with remote wired control. Able to drive back and forth, turn and open the cover with a solar battery.

17. Toys take up all the free space in the apartment. ZILs with semi-trailers of different years of manufacture and a collection of ZIS-150s of different years of manufacture.

18. Animals - rubber, polyethylene, celluloid - have taken shelter on a shelf in the kitchen.

19. Racing cars of the Estonian factory Norma, a well-known manufacturer of seat belts for cars.

20. And most of the collection is stored in the garage and is completely inaccessible for inspection.

21. Numerous board games.

22. Pedal children's car Orenburg.

23. Alexander shows how the design of the chassis of manufactured toys changed over time - at first the design was finalized to increase detail, and in recent years of production, on the contrary, they simplified it in order to reduce the cost of production.

24. Most Soviet toys died like this. After which she was thrown away.

25. More dolls.

Have you found toys that were in your childhood?

Alexander with great joy will accept as a gift, buy or exchange any old toys from the times of the USSR. And it does not matter what condition they are in, perhaps this toy is very lacking in the lineup of the collection. Take your part in the preservation of historical heritage! You can contact Alexander through LiveJournal -