Signs that a man is cheating. Clear signs that a guy is cheating

We talked to women who have experienced infidelity more than once, and made our own conclusions! You can only observe your soul mate and analyze his actions or "misconducts":

1. Unexpected change of interests. Your boyfriend has always been indifferent to figure skating - and then he became a specialist in this field. Every Saturday he looks forward to the program" glacial period"and even during advertising he doesn't run to the refrigerator for a" beer "... In addition, he has already bought skates this coming weekend
going to the skating rink with friends... Be more vigilant!

2. New image. He suddenly cut his hair and even dared to highlight! I bought a scale and went on a diet, telling you: "EVERYTHING! No more pasta and meat pies!" In the mornings, he does exercises, takes a contrast shower, and after work, his free time spending on a run!? I have already lost two sizes and, under this pretext, spent my entire salary on updating my wardrobe ... It smelled of fried!

3. Positive attitude. You are strained by its unusual revival and steady good mood!? Why is he so happy if you haven’t dusted his beloved computer for three months (especially since he is allergic to dust!) How can you sneeze fifty times while playing solitaire, and even sing while doing it ... Take a closer look even more carefully!

4. Sudden outbursts of love for you and caring about you - not motivated by anything and you clearly do not deserve it. Things are bad!

Of course, all of these symptoms are not yet a sign of infidelity. This is just "readiness number one" - falling in love. And if you do not really rely on one chance in a thousand, then you can even figure out who exactly. Remember if someone's name pops up every now and then in her stories?

And here are the other symptoms:

5. Late coming home. Then he stopped by his mother for borscht, a press conference outside work time, then the boss detained ... And where is the truth !? You can, of course, call your mother and ask how long ago her son visited her, but 90 percent he already called her and warned her about your possible call!

6. Frequent mood swings. I used to be convinced that frequent mood swings were a sign of pregnancy! But since your boyfriend suffers from this, the reason, of course, is not pregnancy ...

7. Increased interest in phone calls. The phone rings and he runs out of the shower covered in foam... Strange! Before, you argued for a long time and decided whose turn it was to answer the phone. But now everything has changed, and you don’t even have time to understand whose phone is ringing ...

8. main object attention - new swimming trunks. You always made fun of him by looking at his panties, how to put it mildly "family type"! And now he got rid of them and bought himself a bunch of sexy swimming trunks from his salary ... And he continues to do this almost every week ...

9. Loss of appetite. Yes, we have already mentioned about scales and exercises in the morning! But the matter did not end there. Now he does not sit for hours at the TV with chips and German sausages, but prefers not to eat at all!? Doesn't look like him, does it?

10. Increased interest in jewelry stores(although your birthday is not soon) ... Yes, and on your birthday, you can’t wait for an expensive gift from him. But the other day a friend called you - a sales assistant in a jewelry store on the corner of the house and mockingly said: "Your gold earrings are chosen with a diamond, have you pierced your ears !?" Yes perishing. News so news! Can these "friends" knock the ground out from under their feet with just one phrase ..

11. For no apparent reason, he brought home a bouquet of flowers ... And so ridiculously "handed" it to you. At the same time, no smile, no kind words ... Only silence in response to your bewilderment! One thought - she did not come on a date! And he was so prepared, he even bought flowers, and what kind! Lilies.. You can't stand them!

12. He began to look like a cat!? It is very difficult to catch his eyes on you.. Yes, the time when you could sit for hours in silence, looking into each other's eyes, is over! Is it all gone forever?

13. Does he suffer from insomnia? Walks from corner to corner all night like a tiger in a cage! Neither you rest, nor him ... Maybe add valerian to his tea, they say it helps with insomnia and calms the nerves.

14. Yesterday he suddenly smelled of Coco Chanel? You, like a true woman, noticed, but didn’t show it! But this fragrance reminds me of something! Oh, exactly, this smell adores your best friend! I should call her and ask how she spent the evening.

15. Last sex was three weeks ago... And before, he "didn't get off" with you! And this, too, only remains in the memories! It's sad how it all works out.

And, finally, the most compelling sign of his betrayal is an intimate haircut!

New Year is coming soon, no one has been walking top-less on the beach for a long time, but he still shaves off all the hairs in the bikini area!? But last winter he walked like King Kong ...

Of course, much more can be added to this list, but fifteen points are enough for a diagnosis. Just please don't make sudden movements! So what if all fifteen matched? Life did not end there - there are new horizons ahead that you have to conquer with someone else, more faithful than this (I hope already "former") March cat!


December 5, 2007

I am against cheating, but the obsessive jealousy of a partner is annoying to the extreme

Catherine September 19, 2009

I almost agree with the article after 4 points. But I want to try to find the roots of this betrayal. So, your man often watches TV, drinks beer and does nothing at all around the house, is only able to sometimes take you to some restaurant on the corner, do you talk heart to heart less often? the reason is you!!! dear girls, if you yourself have ever cheated, then remember why:
- new emotions, impressions
- to understand, if not a lover treats me better than my boyfriend?
- prove to yourself that men are interested in you, not like this one .......
- etc
for sure, you get tired of doing the same thing, and so does your boyfriend, that's the point - "SOMETHING NEW" is what you need to bring into his life. Be a mystery to him, which is difficult to solve, but you really want to. Every man has a goal that he is trying to achieve, and when he succeeds, new desires “to conquer the mountains higher” appear from somewhere, but not with you anymore. To avoid such a desire, show all the versatility of your nature.

10 signs your man is cheating on you


Every married man at least once thought about treason. Experienced psychologists say that even the thought of adultery affects behavior.

A rare man manages to hide his infidelity from his wife. Many have an acquaintance who pays a lot of attention to his wife, shows concern and does not even look in the direction of other representatives of the fair sex - that is, he behaves as he should behave good husband, and when she is not around (she often goes on business trips), she sleeps with other women.

He himself motivates his behavior with the confidence that everything in his family life exactly as it should be. The man does not worry about his infidelity, therefore he does not allow various annoying mistakes, and there are no problems in the family - the spouse does not even suspect that her faithful "goes to the left."

If a man is well aware that infidelity is bad, that cheating in family life should be avoided, he begins to worry about his adultery. As a result, hiding one's infidelity becomes a problematic occupation, and a man (it has been scientifically proven that representatives of the strong half of humanity do not know how to lie as masterfully and believably as ladies) "gives himself away with his head."

A smart wife will always notice treason. To do this, she will not at all need to have such irrefutable physical evidence as the smell of someone else's perfume, traces of lipstick on her shirt and daily delays at work.

A man's eyes give out! True, it is worth noting that in some cases they "do not even hint" about his campaigns to the left. Then 10 signs of treason come to the rescue. After all, a man will not be able to hide everything in any case!

1. Forgetfulness and fatigue

He suddenly began to forget your memorable dates: dating day, wedding. He even remembers your birthday only after a corresponding reminder from the electronic diary. He stopped wearing the ring, putting it somewhere on the far shelf of the closet or hiding it in his jacket pocket. He constantly complains about fatigue, explaining by this the reluctance to have sex or go to the cinema together (restaurant, theater, etc.).

In principle, his lack of sexual desire is the first sign of infidelity. Even if its cause is in him, and not in you. Also, one of the bright signs is that sex has turned into a banal input-output process: no foreplay and tenderness, a record speed of sexual intercourse. In general, if previously multiple orgasm was the norm for you, and now a single one has become a holiday.

2. Unusual behavior

Depending on the nature of the man and the reasons why he walks to the left, his behavior becomes different from what you are used to. A sharp change in behavior is also a clear sign of betrayal. It should be noted that the behavior changes as if from the inside - outwardly he tries to show that everything between you is the same as before.

There are two options here. If the wife is to blame for the betrayal (at least if the spouse thinks so), then the husband behaves extremely irritably. But if betrayal is entirely on his conscience and, in principle, there is no one to blame but himself, then the spouse, on the contrary, becomes unusually caring, gentle and loving. Let's consider both.

He's soft and fluffy...

So he became a little distant, thoughtful, very considerate and kind. Not a day passes without him giving you some nice trinket or flowers, arguing for his unusual extravagance by saying that he simply "wanted to do something nice." So a man tries to pay off, to compensate for his adventures with increased attention, even if of a material nature.

...then angry and irritable

On the other hand, he can become harsh and rude. If earlier during quarrels he was the first to reconcile, trying in every possible way to smooth out the conflict, now he doesn’t even think about correctness and gentleness. This often indicates that you annoy him, do not suit him sexually. In other words, it simply puts all the blame on you.

3. Distrust

If earlier you had a common profile on your computer, one email account for two, now he created his own profile and mail, putting clever passwords on both. He argues that he receives important documentation from work - he is afraid that you might accidentally delete it.

If before his phone was lying around, and often he asked you to answer the call, now even in his soul he has conversations with business partners. He does not let go of his mobile phone, even takes it to the toilet, afraid to leave the phone unattended, "alone" with you.

The reasons for such behavior does not explain or gives dubious arguments in their favor. He tries not to answer calls and SMS messages in front of you - for example, he goes out into the corridor or simply turns away, covering the phone screen with his hand from your curious or even indifferent looks. At each call, he shudders anxiously.

He began to react inadequately to jokes, to perceive jokes about adultery badly. Any playful hint (for example, "dear, what is that long woman's hair on your jacket, I have short hair") confuses him.

He looks with frightened eyes and rather stupidly tries to get out of unpleasant situation, "hush" her. He became thoughtful. Often he just sits or lies, thinking about something, silent, not hearing anyone and not seeing anything in front of him.

5. New things in bed

He uses new, unexpected poses for you, and he does it confidently and skillfully. To your "who taught you this?" he replies with annoyance that he saw something like that in a movie.

Maybe the opposite - a complete loss of interest in bed. The husband no longer hugs you when he wakes up in the morning, for example. He makes remarks about unshaven legs or a "not so" intimate haircut that hasn't been seen before.

6. The smell of another woman

He smells like someone else's perfume. It works only if the "alien smell" has been noticed repeatedly. This includes taking a shower immediately after work. He also didn’t have time to say hello to you in a human way, but he already went to wash, isn’t it strange? Previously, this was not observed in family practice.

Women's hair appears on his clothes, scratches and traces of lipstick appear on his body. By the way, because of the scratches, he goes to bed in a T-shirt, hiding his body from you in every possible way. Allegedly because he is cold.

7. Changes in the car

He painted the car and began to wash it more often, buy new accessories for it. The front seat of the car is moved away in a different way than you are used to, there are cigarette butts from thin cigarettes in the ashtray (you do not smoke or smoke cigarettes of a different brand).

His expenses have increased dramatically, but he argues this with frequent breakdowns of the car. Because of these breakdowns, he is supposedly late home.

8. Image change

If earlier he went to work in jeans and a sweater, not adhering to business style, now he began to wear expensive suits. He became interested in fashion for men's shoes, buys bright shirts, new watches and purses.

He began to take care of his appearance. Enrolled in Gym, to the pool, sometimes runs in the morning, started doing manicures and pedicures, changes her hair. He reacts nervously to your remarks that you like him the way he is, and nothing needs to be changed.

9. New habits

He changed the brand of cigarettes to a more expensive one, buys another shampoo, toilet water, aftershave gel, etc. New words appear in the lexicon, and more characteristic of women, sometimes copying the accent characteristic of his mistress. He became more relaxed in public, often flirting.

10. Jealousy and calculation

The husband became jealous and picky. He constantly looks through your diary, meticulously reads sms. He is looking for something to complain about, so as not to be guilty himself. Moreover, if it allows you to do the same, then the list of messages and calls is often empty. New phone numbers of men with names close to women appear in the phone book (for example, Victor, Alexander), but no new women's numbers appear.

In the evening, he warns that he will be late and will be later, but he tries to agree on everything - for example, that he will buy such and such products on the way home. He does this so that you do not disturb him every minute with calls.

The stronger the relationship, the more subtle you feel any changes in mood. Everything is individual. After all, a woman feels everything, simply, even if she suspects betrayal, she can pretend that nothing is happening, that she does not notice anything. It all depends on the man who is around.

If the relationship suits her - both morally and materially (after all, one must think about the family future with children) - and if she really wants to build relationships with this particular man in the future, then she will pretend that she knows nothing. Of course, what does it cost...

Well, if the relationship has exhausted itself and you want to finally put an end to it, then betrayal is a great reason to leave. In a relationship, it all depends on the woman.

A smart woman feels everything, notices everything - and if she wants something, she always gets it. The main thing is to be wise and far-sighted. And don't live on impulses.

There are situations when a girl meets a guy, spends a lot of time with him, and then he disappears somewhere without reporting anything. And it doesn't show up again. Most likely, he has, which appeared much earlier. And it is still unknown who cheated whom. The guy cheated his girlfriend, and then changed his mind and left his new girlfriend. How not to be in the place of that same abandoned new girlfriend? What steps should be taken in order not to end up in such an inglorious and at the same time vicious place in his life? It remains to be carefully observed whether there are signs that he already has a girlfriend.

public places

No, of course, he will take his new girlfriend, but only to those places where he himself has never been before or just on the other side of the city. boyfriend cheating with a girl who will never be taken to places where someone can see them, whom he knows well. And this is a clear sign that he already has a girlfriend, or maybe even a wife and children. So, it's time to carefully understand the current situation.

His house

The new girl with whom guy is cheating his girlfriend, probably won't bother to see the place where he lives. A guy who doesn't have any skeletons in his closet in the form of wardrobe items and cute heart photos won't mind bringing a girl home. Perhaps not immediately, but after some time it will be necessary to hint at this and see his reaction.

Phone calls

If a guy does not pick up the phone and when a girl calls him not on a set schedule, then it is unlikely that he is now very busy at work or sleeping or bathing in the bathroom. Just in this moment he can't talk guy is cheating with his permanent girlfriend. If he calls back the next day or a few hours later, then there is reason to think seriously and deeply. Especially if this is repeated with particular regularity.


As a rule, after some time, the guy should introduce his girlfriend to his friends. And if so far such a landmark meeting has not happened, then he clearly has something to hide. And he is going to hide it not only from his new girlfriend, but also from the constant, as well as from their friends. For those who like to be minor roles you can continue the relationship. Others hardly make sense.


Of course, it is believed that if a guy introduces a girl to his parents, then she is perceived as his bride. It is not necessary after the first date to insist on a fatal meeting. However, after a certain time, you can think about whether he is going to introduce him to his family at all. After all, it may turn out that this is not included in his plans, since his real girl I already know my parents.

Overnight stays

So, the two have already become quite close, but he never stays at night, referring to the fact that tomorrow he has to get up early for work, or his mother does not allow, or he needs to walk the dog. In general, there may be a myriad of reasons not to stay overnight with your mistress. If a guy accidentally falls asleep, and then jumps up like a stung in the middle of the night and starts to quickly get ready, then most likely there is someone who is waiting for him at home now.

Photo for memory

He still carries a photo of his "ex" girlfriend in his wallet. Who said she was his ex? In the end, if he has already begun to get acquainted with other girls, it means that his feelings have weakened, and a photograph of another, albeit a former one, should actually already be gathering dust in the closet. This is basic respect.

Secret phone

He will never let you climb into his phone. Nowadays, many men do not like it when girls get into their phones. Especially without asking. However, if you try honest man will not hide anything and together will offer to view the list of subscribers.

Let's discard the classic signs of a guy's betrayal, such as lipstick on the collar of his shirt, love letters, intimate items in his jacket pocket, and so on. Many young people have learned to conspire well ... How to recognize that a guy is cheating? Here are the most obvious signs of a guy's infidelity.

1. Reverent attitude to the phone on the part of the beloved to such an extent that he tries never to part with him, he starts to get nervous when you touch him.

2. Sharp change in tone during a telephone conversation. A minute ago, the guy was very courtesy, but noticing you, he suddenly changed his polite tone to an official one and, right there, ended the conversation with “Ivan Ivanovich”. And if a question arises on your part about who called him, the traitor will throw dryly that he is at work, while looking away.

3. Increased attention to your own figure. Your loved one was never interested in sports, and then he suddenly enrolled in gym? Worth considering! After all, there is a possibility that he began to walk "to the left."

4. If your loved one is suddenly caring changing your wardrobe and began to gravitate towards bright things, which was not observed for him before, this may be evidence of his betrayals. Perhaps, in this way, the young man is trying to assert himself and prove to himself that he can be successful with the representatives of the opposite sex.

5. Your boyfriend's habits have changed dramatically.. For example, a sharp change in perfume, a sudden love for sushi, although until recently he simply adored homemade dumplings. It is possible that he is given such master classes ...

6. Became suddenly present expensive gifts , for example, a fur coat natural fur. In other words, incredible stinginess has become unprecedented generosity. Perhaps he is not indifferent to how you look, but it is possible that in this way he buys indulgence for treason in the future.

7. Changed the password on my computer And, of course, he didn't tell you about it. This may be something to think about, because it is possible that the World Wide Web has set the stage for a serious hobby.

8. Everything about you annoys him. The habit of kissing him on the cheek and calling him "bunny" - especially, although he even liked it so far. And you, according to your beloved, began to look bad, cook not tasty, and so on ...

9. Scratches on the guy's back. If you do not have a cat, if the young man is not a fan of climbing trees in a half-naked form, then, unfortunately, this sign of treason is undeniable.

10. You noticed in your young man sharp mood swings just like you do during your period. Either he is cheerful, then thoughtful, then attentive, then he steps back and thinks. Probably, the young man has problems of a working nature. But it is also a sign of passion on the side.

11. If a guy is always condemns his friends who cheat on their soul mates, then he is probably trying to make you think that he is not like that, hiding his interest, while relationships on the side are attractive to him.

12. Your boyfriend often goes on business trips? There is reason to think about change. Perhaps the mistress lives in another city, which is convenient. In addition, the possibility of exposure is reduced to a minimum.

13. Do you have practically no sex? Has he lost interest in you? It is possible that he is very tired. But, perhaps, he receives increased attention from his mistress. Pay attention to his behavior in bed. If his caresses have changed, he offers positions that you have not tried before, most likely, this is the influence of another lady. And he only introduces borrowed innovations into your sex with him.

14. If your loved one has become take a shower more often than usual he has other cosmetics for men and personal care products, then, most likely, he does all this not for you.

If a girl is attentive to her beloved, a lot of household trifles can tell about the infidelity of her young man. Having found undeniable signs of infidelity, ask yourself: is the truth important to you or is it important to maintain a relationship? After all, cheating is not always a break in relationships. Life is full of various challenges, and there are ways to resolve any situation. All in your hands!