Business plan: opening a boxing school. How to open a sports section correctly

The popularization of football in our country allows you to earn good money in any area related to playing a football. Many parents dream of their children becoming real football stars. Many parents encourage playing sports as it has a positive effect on the child's development. A private football club for children is just what is needed to meet these goals. How to open your own football club for children and make money from it?

The whole difficulty in organizing a club comes down to three main points: finding premises for classes, selecting qualified trainers and promoting the club’s services. With the right approach, a children's football club breaks even within the fourth month of operation.

Organizational matters

The first thing you need to do to open a club is to rent a room (gym) for training in the winter and a football field for training in the summer. Almost every city has at least one health and fitness center suitable for mini-football. And there are even more artificial fields and stadiums. Renting one hour of play on an artificial field or in a sports and recreation center in the regions costs no more than 1000 rubles.

Not every field is suitable for activities with children. It is necessary to have a safety surface, good lighting for classes in the evening (many parents find it more convenient to bring their children after work), as well as changing rooms with lockers for clothes. It is also worth considering the issue of placing parents on the field (benches and chairs), and attracting a nurse on duty in case the child becomes ill. The same applies to indoor spaces, where, in addition to the above parameters, good ventilation and temperature conditions are necessary (both heat and cold are harmful to young children).

Investments - how much does it cost to open a club?

The costs of opening a football school consist of the costs of purchasing equipment and equipment, the costs of developing training methods, training coaching staff and advertising.

Equipment and equipment include football uniforms, balls, training hurdles, and flags. In some cases, you will have to spend money on buying a football goal (if the gym does not have one). Depending on the size of the school, at least 150,000 rubles will be required for these purposes.

The next cost item is the development of training methods and training of coaching staff. In order for parents to trust their children, the staff needs to have the appropriate certificates and diplomas. Training can be completed on the basis of existing sports schools in Moscow or purchased a franchise. The most famous football schools promoting their franchises are Junior and Champion.

After the club opens, advertising costs will also appear. In the first month after opening, it will require up to 50,000 rubles. The 100% option would be to create a bright video clip and launch it on local television. A good effect will also come from holding an event in honor of the opening of the club (for example, a free tournament for a boarding school) with the involvement of the media. They will write about you in the newspapers, talk about you on the news.

A reliable way to quickly recruit a group of young students is to conduct trial games. Many parents are not sure that their children will enjoy studying at a football school, so it is unreasonable to ask the client to pay on the first day of training. Let them try it for free for the first time, and if they like it, they will definitely sign up for the group and even become regular customers.

How much can you earn?

The club's main clients are children aged 4 to 10 years. In the city, for every 100,000 residents there are approximately 7,000 children in this age group. Of these, about 3,500 are boys. If we assume that only every tenth person can train in a private football club (parents’ income level, personal desire, state of health, etc.), then the potential base is 350 people. And this is not so little.

It turns out that in a city with a million people, there are at least 3.5 thousand potential clients.

School tuition costs parents 4,000 rubles. per month (in Moscow 7000 rub.). Classes are held approximately 2 times a week or 8 times a month. Children are sorted by age and divided into groups of 15 people. If you recruit at least 5 groups of 15 children, then the potential income will be: 15 * 5 * 4000 rub. = 300,000 rub. per month.

From this amount should be subtracted:

  • Salary for a trainer (for such a number of children there must be at least three) – from 100,000 rubles.
  • Rent of a field or hall - from 60,000 rubles. (~60 hours per month)
  • Pay for the “on duty” nurse – from 5000 rubles.
  • Consumables (water, clothing, equipment, etc.) – from 10,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – from 5000 rub.
  • Advertising expenses – from 15,000 rubles.

Total – 195,000 rub.

Net profit will be: 300,000 – 195,000 = 105,000 rub. And this is only taking into account the training of 5 groups of children. In fact, there may be much more of them.

Brief investment memorandum

Championika is a football school for children aged 3 to 7 years, using unique teaching methods specially designed for preschoolers.

Football school for young children belongs to the market of educational services for preschoolers, which has demonstrated active development in Russia over the past 15 years. The total volume of the educational services market in 2014 amounted to 27.6 billion rubles.

The potential number of consumers of football school services is determined by the number of children living in the city, aged 3 to 7 years. The total number of children of this age in Russia is 5.5 million people, of which 11% live in Moscow, 20% in cities with a population of over a million.

The potential for opening a football school business is determined by the demand for classes at the Champions football schools operating in Moscow.

The competitive advantages of Championika are:

  • Methods of teaching children,
  • Methods of training trainers.

The target audience is women from 25 to 40 years old with children aged from 3 to 7 years. The family income of the target group is 120,000 rubles for Moscow, and 60,000 rubles for the regions. The football school's services are designed for a mass audience, so the price for one lesson is set at 700-750 rubles for Moscow, and 350-450 rubles for the regions. There are subscriptions for a period of 4, 8, 12 weeks, which are sold with discounts ranging from 5-10%.

To begin providing services, a minimum number of employees will be required - an administrator and a trainer.

The main distribution channels for the services of the Championika football school:

  • Champion Center
  • Sport halls
  • Kindergartens and clubs

The initial investment depends on the distribution channel.

On average, the Championika Center pays for itself within 6 months, football clubs for preschoolers in gyms - within 5 months, and in kindergartens and clubs - within 4 months.

2. Business idea: football school

Description of business, product or service

Championika is the first football club in Russia for preschoolers. Championa includes a unique series of game exercises with a soccer ball for children from 3 to 7 years old. The company actively cooperates with the international company SoccerShots, which was one of the first in the world to conduct football classes for preschoolers. The Champion exercises are based on an international methodology tested on more than 500 thousand children in 2013 alone. “Champions” classes are aimed not only at introducing the basics of playing football, but also at developing character, the ability to work in a team and help each other - suitable for both boys and girls.


  • Methodology tested abroad (more than 10 years)
  • Operates in Russia since 2013
  • More than 1,500 preschoolers have already been trained and continue to attend classes
  • Cooperation with the largest international and Russian partners (Skolkovo, Spartak Academy, FC Zenit, FC Arsenal Tula, Soccer Shots, Baby Club, Kroshka Ru,
  • The project was created with the support of the Moscow Center for Innovative Development and API Moscow Skolkovo.


  • The child will show dynamics in sports performance (health)
  • The child will like it - he will be happy (happiness)
  • The child will acquire a healthy habit (not an iPad) (success)
  • Parents don't waste time on the road (time)

3. Market for additional education services for children

Description of the sales market

In a general sense, Championika operates in the market of educational services for preschoolers, which actively began to develop in Russia approximately 15 years ago.

However, more recently, a special niche has appeared in this market - sporting events for preschoolers. This niche is large enough to stand out as a separate industry. This is where the company is actively developing. At the moment, there are about 5-6 million children aged 3 to 7 years in Russia, and most of them are potential clients of the company.

The volume of the market for children's educational services in Russia is 27.5 billion rubles in 2014 and is growing steadily over time. In 2015, according to analysts’ forecasts, it will amount to 32.7 billion rubles. The industry is actively developing, so even a crisis does not have a big impact on the company’s activities.

If we talk about the services that can be found on the market, the most basic of them is providing classes for children in various sports, the most popular of which is football. This is justified by the fact that football itself is a game, that is, other game elements that are understandable and interesting to children can be easily added to it. Another reason is the low demand of the game for equipment: ball, uniform, goal and hall. All this can be found at any time, anywhere, at any time of the year at an affordable price, which gives an undoubted advantage over other sports (hockey, tennis, figure skating and others).

Martial arts can compete with football, but recently parents prefer to send their children to football sections, as they believe that this sport is less dangerous and also teaches teamwork rather than rigidity and individualism.

The potential number of service consumers (the number of children living in Russian cities, aged from 3 to 7 years) is 5.5 million people. At the same time, 11% live in Moscow and another 20% in cities with a population of over a million.

Relevance of the project

Despite the demand for activities, this segment in Russia is practically empty, because there are no methods for playing sports with such young children on the Russian market.

Therefore, to promote a product on the market, the main key point is the method of training with children and the method of training trainers.

4. Marketing strategy

Sales and Marketing

The target audience

Despite the fact that “Championika” is a class for preschoolers, the target audience is parents. Focus - mothers from 25 to 40 years old. Family income is average and above average (Moscow - 120,000 rubles per family, regions - 60,000 rubles). Parents are focused on the development and long-term success of their children. Mom most likely returned from maternity leave and is working again, so time is very important for her, which is in short supply. At the same time, she wants to give her child the best that is possible and available to her. Main goals: healthy and happy child, successful family, self-confidence.

Distribution channels

The distribution point is the place where the consumer can receive the service (paid sports activity). A distribution channel is a group of points united by a common feature that helps formulate the correct trade policy in relation to the channel.

Currently the following channels are allocated:

  • State and private kindergartens (classes are held on the territory of kindergartens, which are paid a commission for classes),
  • Freestanding gyms (classes are held on the territory of sports grounds, which are rented by the hour),
  • Children's CENTERS Champions (classes are held on the territory of our own center, taken on permanent lease).


Championika suggests setting the price for classes above the market average. The company's services are high quality, united by one idea, offering unique knowledge and experience. Championa is not aimed at elitism and exclusivity; on the contrary, we expect the widest distribution. Currently the recommended price is 700-750 rubles. for a lesson in Moscow (350-450 rubles in the region). Price monitoring is carried out annually to update the recommended price per lesson. To motivate long-term relationships, it is proposed to sell subscriptions for 4, 8, 12 weeks, in which you can include a small discount (5-10%), but limit their validity period.

5. Production plan

There are differences in the production plan for opening a football club for preschoolers depending on distribution channels:

A. Center Champions
B. Gyms
C. Kindergartens and clubs

Plan for opening a children's football club under the Champion franchise:

1. Conclusion of a franchise agreement with the franchisor company

2. Receiving all necessary instructions for running a business

3. Completing business training at Championiki Management Company

4. Selection of trainers

5. Training of trainers in Moscow at the Champions Academy (weekly program - free for franchisees)

6. Search for points by distribution channels and/or:

A. search for premises for the center

B. search for gyms

C. search for kindergartens and centers

7. Purchase of inventory and POS materials

8. Conclusion of contracts

9. Repair of premises.

10. Attracting clients.

11. Conducting the first trial classes

12. Start of Sales of Subscriptions.

6. Organizational structure

To start a football school you will need a minimum number of employees - an administrator and a coach. However, this business involves rapid development through the opening of football clubs in different parts of the city. Based on this, the organizational structure will look like this:

7. Financial plan

The main items of initial costs will be inventory, POS materials, other operating expenses, as well as a lump-sum fee for the Championika franchise.

In financial terms, there are differences depending on distribution channels:

  1. Champion Center
  2. Sport halls
  3. Kindergartens and clubs

Champion Center

Sport halls

Kindergartens and clubs

Lump sum payment


Coach uniform

Chips and other equipment

POS materials

You will be able only under the patronage of state and municipal departments and register it only as a non-profit organization or non-profit partnership with the justice authorities. By opening an LLC with the tax authorities as a form of ownership that involves making a profit, you will only be able to organize a sports section.

Familiarize yourself with the Rospotrebnadzor standards for organizing premises for sections and sports schools. Find a suitable premises, preferably on the territory of existing sports complexes or close to them, since almost all sports require a professional training base. Conclude an agreement with the administration of the complex or the Roskomsport department to provide premises for theoretical classes and training.

Purchase all the necessary sports equipment and purchase or rent equipment. If you need educational literature, you can also borrow it from the library of the sports complex. Draw up a curriculum, guided by additional educational programs recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, the estimated level of occupancy of groups, premises and an approximate class schedule agreed with the management of Roskomsport or the sports complex. Invite fire and sanitation personnel to inspect the premises.

Announce a competition to fill vacant positions of trainers and teachers. Do not forget to invite qualified medical personnel to work. Of course, it’s not easy to find professional trainers, and not all of them will agree to change jobs, even if you offer them double the salary, but it’s not worth it. It is better to first spend a little on renting a room that is currently empty, than to spend your entire life paying fines and compensation to the parents of children who were maimed by an incompetent coach.

Contact your local Department of Education for a license. To do this you will need the following documents:

Application indicating the name of the organization, its contact details and the full name of the head;
- certified copies of statutory documents;
- certificate of registration issued by the justice authorities or tax authorities;
- list of educational programs and curriculum;
- information about the planned number of students;
- staffing table and information about teachers;
- a certified copy of the purchase and sale or rental agreement for premises;
- positive conclusions from the sanitary and fire services about the condition of the premises.

Within 20 days from the date of submission of documents, the Department of Education will be required to form an expert commission consisting of administration officials and representatives of Roskomsport.

Place advertisements in the media and on the Internet about the enrollment of students in a children's and youth sports school.

A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among various segments of the population. Teenagers and adults, young and old, head to the nearest sports or fitness club and... leave after a few minutes, looking at the price list. And the next place they will go is small sports sections organized by several coaches - individual entrepreneurs.


Decide on the sport that will be taught in the section. To do this, research possible consumer requests. In a small city it will not be as popular as a martial arts section or. It is also necessary to calculate which age and social categories the section will be aimed at: children, teenagers, young people, only adults and the elderly, etc.; low-income, middle-income or only wealthy segments of the population.

Select a room for section. You can find out a list of available premises from your local housing and communal services or city administration. Take the time to go to each of the properties and inspect them with your own eyes: sellers often omit information that the premises require repairs and/or are generally unsuitable for use; in fact, only land is being sold. If the section is oriented towards, then next to the room there should be empty space for parents’ personal cars. Or the location of the training venue should be easily accessible in terms of how to get to it by public transport.

Form client groups if all age categories of visitors from different segments of the population have been selected. For some, additional paid services may be provided, for others - a separate room and less equipment. Children will need a teacher with a pedagogical education. Group sizes will depend on the number of employees and the size of the rented/purchased premises.

Before opening, complete the documents of an individual entrepreneur. Contact the tax office in your city. Correctly executed documents are necessary, since you will have to regularly make reports on the work done, pay taxes, etc.

Video on the topic

Opening a private school is not the most profitable business idea, but it is useful. Often, private schools are opened by parents primarily for their children and their peers, because they are dissatisfied with the quality of education in public schools.

A sports society (sports club) is one of the types of physical culture and sports organizations that can be created in Russia in accordance with the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation.”

The provisions of this law also apply to individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of physical culture and sports.

Forms in which a sports club (legal entity) can be registered:

  1. Non-profit organization.

In this case, the sports club operates on the basis of the Charter of a non-profit organization and is guided by the laws:

  • Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations”
  • Federal Law of January 12, 1996 No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”
  1. Commercial organization.

In this case, the club can be organized in any form permitted by law. Most often, such clubs exist in the form of Limited Liability Companies. In their activities they are guided by the Charter of the company and Federal Law dated 02/08/1998 No. 14-FZ “On Limited Liability Companies”.

Sports club – non-profit organization (NPO)

The main activity of such an organization is the development of a certain type (types) of sports, its popularization, and attracting citizens to play sports. Making profit with subsequent distribution between participants cannot be the main goal of a sports society created as a non-profit organization.

Registration of such an organization occurs as a legal entity in the same manner as other non-profit organizations.

When registering, you will need to select the NPO form. The following types of NPOs are suitable for a sports society (club):

  • public organization (public association)
  • non-commercial partnership
  • autonomous non-profit organization
  • association or union.

It should be taken into account that public associations, in turn, are divided into:

  • public organization
  • social movement
  • public fund
  • public institution
  • some others (not suitable for a sports club).

All-Russian, interregional, regional and local public associations can be created in the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as an NPO:

  1. Decide on the type of NPO
  2. Decide on the name of the sports club and its legal address.
  3. Make a decision to create an NPO and prepare constituent documents. The founders of the club are usually initiative persons (at least three people). They convene a general meeting of future club members. It is at the general meeting of the club that the decision on its creation is made, the club’s charter, the governing bodies of the club and the control and audit commission are elected.
  4. Submit the prepared documents (together with a receipt for payment of the state duty for registration of an NPO) to the registration authority. Documents must be submitted for registration no later than three months from the date of the decision to create the club. The registration authority in this case is the regional branch of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

The following must be submitted for registration:

1) application for registration of an NPO in form P11001;

2) constituent documents of the NPO in three copies;

3) a decision on the creation of a non-profit organization and on the approval of its constituent documents indicating the composition of the executive bodies in two copies;

4) information about the founders in two copies;

5) document confirming payment of state duty;

6) information about the address (location) of the permanent executive body of the NPO;

7) when using symbols protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of intellectual property in the name of an NPO - documents confirming the authority to use them;

  1. If the registration decision is positive, you will receive:
  • NPO registration certificates
  • entry sheet in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

Step-by-step instructions for registering a Sports Club as a commercial organization.

To register a sports club as a commercial organization, it is necessary to carry out all the standard steps for registering a legal entity:

  1. Decide on the name and legal address of the company
  2. Prepare a package of statutory documents
  3. Conduct a general meeting of founders, at which to adopt / approve the constituent documents of the company, and appoint the executive body of the company.
  4. Submit to the registration authority (authorized body of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation):
  • Application for registration of a company
  • Constituent documents of the company
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (Read also article ⇒).

A sports club is created by an individual entrepreneur (IP)

In this case, an individual simply needs to register as an individual entrepreneur by submitting to the registration authority:

  1. Application for registration as an individual entrepreneur
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Choosing a taxation system when registering a sports club

For any of the chosen forms of organizing a sports club, it is necessary to decide on the choice of taxation system. If you plan to use the Simplified Taxation System (STS), then it is better to submit a notification about the transition to the STS simultaneously with the submission of documents for registration.

Answers to common questions

Question #1:

Can a sports club operate without registration?

Yes, the provisions of Article 3 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations” allow citizens to create public associations that carry out their activities without state registration and acquiring the rights of a legal entity.

Question #2:

Does a sports club created to teach children to play football need to obtain a license?

If the main activity is teaching children sports, then the organization must be created in the form of an NGO and have a license (Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”). A license is not required if the name “Sports Club” is used by an individual entrepreneur who carries out training independently, without the involvement of other specialists.

If simply sports activities are chosen as the main activity, then a license is not required and the form of organization can be any.

Question #3:

Can an individual entrepreneur organize a sports club to teach martial arts if he does not have special education?

If the activity of a sports club is educational and an individual entrepreneur plans to conduct classes independently, without the involvement of other sports specialists, in accordance with Article 46 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation,” such an entrepreneur must have a secondary vocational or higher education education in the field of sports.

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The article is a comparison of private sports clubs for children and children's youth sports schools. What should parents and children choose? Where can you get the best results? And what is considered a good result?

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Opening a martial arts club: business idea

Today, sports clubs are not just halls with a variety of exercise equipment; they provide many additional services, for example, halls for martial arts, independent training, and for training other sports programs. The better these services are provided, the more visitors such an institution will have. To open your own successful martial arts club, you first need to think through a business plan.

Today, various types of martial arts are extremely popular among both young people and more mature men. Even the female half of society cannot resist this sport. Opening your own martial arts section can subsequently bring in good money, especially in small towns with weak competition. To organize a business in this direction does not require huge capital investments. And the business project itself is not only commercial, but also beneficial to the health of society.

Analysis of the situation in the market for the provision of sports services

Most often, this type of business is formed on the basis of educational institutions, when their gyms are rented for training.

Before opening your own business in this area, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of similar institutions already existing in the region, find out their focus, and assess demand. Based on the results of the analysis, it will be possible to determine which types of martial arts are most profitable to provide services for. If you yourself are proficient in any type of martial arts, then the direction of your activity is naturally predetermined.

Children's sports club or youth sports school. What is the difference?

But, if there are no such skills, then, of course, you will have to hire experienced martial arts masters.

To select coaches, it is worth making a strict selection process based on the following criteria:

  • First of all, his reputation as a coach.
  • Teaching style.
  • Achievements of students of each individual candidate for the position of coach.

A special teaching style, qualifications and positive reputation of a trainer are the key to business success in this area!

Demand for sports clubs

The market for sports services: sports clubs, martial arts sections, fitness clubs is in great demand. Despite the huge number of already opened institutions, the demand for these services in full is currently unsatisfied. Therefore, the sports business is quite in demand and has good payback rates.

Business registration

There is more than one option for registering a sports business. First you need to decide:

  • open your own independent martial arts institution;
  • be part of the sports federation of this sport.

Each of these options has its own advantages. Everything will depend on the purpose of opening a sports section:

  • open your own business to make a profit;
  • The main goal is to promote the chosen type of martial arts and prepare students for large-scale competitions.

If you decide to open an individual sports club, then you need to register the business as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In this case, it will be possible to make a profit from training legally. Regarding the choice of taxation system, it is recommended to seek detailed advice from an experienced lawyer. In this type of activity, the services of a lawyer may be needed more than once, since sports are always associated with an increased risk of injury to students.

If you join a sports federation or a children's and youth sports school, you can register the business as a non-profit NGO and form a non-profit partnership. In this situation, the state provides established tax benefits.

If you are an individual entrepreneur, you will definitely have to register with the tax authority; if you join a youth sports school or sports federation, you will have to register only with the local justice authorities.

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, the registration period may be limited to five working days. To register a non-profit enterprise, the registration period is up to one month.

Choosing a section location

When choosing premises to open your own martial arts sports club, you need to understand that the prospect of standing in traffic for several hours while getting to training does not suit anyone today. Therefore, the club should be located in a place where it could be quite easily and quickly reached by shuttle bus, metro, etc.

Renting a space in the very center of the city is, of course, very good, but the price is not affordable for everyone. The best option for opening a sports section is a residential area. Here are the most affordable rental prices, plus a constant influx of customers.

When choosing a location, it is also worth considering the availability of parking areas for vehicles, so that the client has the opportunity to park his own car near the sports club.


To recruit students into an organized sports section, you must, of course, make yourself known. For a small martial arts club located in a residential area, this type of advertising, such as distributing leaflets, works well. One leaflet will approximately cost up to 2 rubles. The price depends on the leaflet format, the complexity of the sketch, and the circulation.

A simplified version of leaflets are business cards with contact details of a sports club. You can make them yourself at home on a printer using colored paper.

You can distribute business cards and leaflets yourself, or you can hire a specialized advertising agency. In the second case, the cost of services will be about 5 rubles. for one leaflet.


How much does it cost to open your own successful martial arts establishment? The price can be influenced by various factors.

Approximate investment:

  • rental of premises – 60,000 rub.
  • renovation of the premises, equipment - 400,000 rubles.
  • salary of 10 employees - 200,000 rubles.
  • advertising – 100,000 rub.
  • additional expenses - 100,000 rubles.

The total amount is about 900,000 rubles.

The profit from such a sports institution will consist of several parts: permanent + temporary.

  • A subscription can be purchased for several months at once - this is a permanent income. The average cost of a monthly subscription is 1,500 rubles. Therefore, in order to make a good profit from this business, you need to attract at least about 100 similar clients every month.
  • Temporary income is when a client visits a sports club several times a month, making one-time payments. One such visit is approximately estimated at 150 rubles.

In total, you can receive up to 200,000 rubles monthly from a small sports club. arrived. Business payback is from 6 months.

Sport is not only the physical development and strengthening of a child’s health, but also active recreation, here you can make friends and like-minded people. For many guys since its founding in 2014 children's sports school "New History" became a place that changed their lives for the better.
Children can correctly assess their own amount of resources only together with mentors who have a long professional path behind them.
In sports schools in St. Petersburg, the optimal age for learning and mastering the chosen sport is 3 years. But in our school, teachers work with children from 1 year old. This kind of work with babies cannot be done without the participation of mothers. Joint exercises with babies help every mother to better understand the abilities and interests of her child.

Selected directions

We offer training from professionals in many areas:

  • learn to play chess or tennis,
  • master the martial arts of wushu and taekwondo,
  • try yourself in rhythmic gymnastics or aerobics,
  • learn roller skating,
  • take up ballroom dancing or break dancing professionally.

We also have sections for fencing, football and capoeira.

Coaching staff

The key to success in sports is the joint work of two people: the coach and the athlete. The teachers working with us are true professionals. If they have the appropriate coaching and pedagogical education, they have the qualification titles “CMS” or “Master of Sports”. Many of the teachers are active athletes, European and world champions. These people gained their experience of defeats and small victories on the way to the Big Victory in sports.
But the collection of achievements of our coaches is only part of their capabilities. The ability to find a common language with everyone, to be able to inspire and set up their students to win is the main advantage of our teachers.
Unique programs developed by these specialists help raise true champions. And help those who are still deciding on their choice to find their way in sports.

Halls, equipment, equipment

According to SanPin standards and methodological requirements, additional equipment and specially prepared halls are required to conduct classes at a sports school. The average area of ​​our school halls is about 50 m2. Studying in separate rooms equipped with special equipment for each area, children can concentrate on specific tasks and not be distracted by anything. To perform the exercises, we have everything you need: fitballs, balls, hoops, jump ropes, gymnastic sticks, soft modules. Gymnastic mats on the floor in each room will help avoid possible injuries and bruises during training.

What will your child receive during classes?

Sports schools in St. Petersburg are designed to teach professional skills.

6 schools for athletes

“New History” is also an opportunity to educate a leader and develop individual character traits. For example, by playing chess, you can learn perseverance, flexibility of thinking, and also improve your analytical skills.
Girls usually learn to feel the rhythm and develop their motor activity in dancing, grace and flexibility in rhythmic gymnastics classes, and attention and coordination in tennis.
Boys will be interested in martial arts, where they can develop the ability to quickly make decisions, respond in a timely manner to an attack, and also learn key self-defense techniques.
It is important for parents not to forget that each child must choose the type of sport or mental activity he likes, based on his own character traits and, of course, interests.

Open days and open lessons

To introduce you to the training format and teachers, we regularly hold Open Days. For parents, this format of the event allows them to attend a training session and evaluate the methods of work of the coaches, and for children, it allows them to understand which sport is closest to them.
Training in children's sports schools in St. Petersburg involves participation in competitions in the city and region. Our athletes are happy to go to regional competitions to fight for a place on the podium, demonstrating their acquired skills and abilities. But most of all they worry during the demonstration performances that we organize and conduct twice a year for the parents and friends of our charges.

What do graduates receive?

The most important thing that children receive within the walls of “New History” is experience, knowledge and useful habits that will allow them to continue their sports career or simply remain in excellent physical shape and with excellent immunity for many years.

Why us?

Many families choose US because here:

  • modern special equipment and comfortable premises;
  • professionals with experience (at least 5 years) with children;
  • participation in various competitions at various levels;
  • personal approach to each student;
  • “openness” to parents: they can attend training at any time;
  • strict control of teachers;
  • ability to work both in a team and independently (optional, individual lessons are provided for each student);
  • reporting lessons, concerts;
  • prospects for future success.

Place and schedule of classes