How to use artistic acrylic paints correctly. How to paint with acrylic paints

Watercolors, pencils, felt-tip pens - all this is familiar to us since childhood. But acrylic paints for painting appeared on sale relatively recently, and not everyone knows how to paint with them correctly. This article will help you understand this issue.

A little about acrylic paints

Acrylic paints for painting are a universal option: they can be used to paint on a wide variety of surfaces. Paper, cardboard, glass, wood, plastic, canvas and even metal - all these materials are excellent for painting and decorative works with acrylic paints. Great creative scope, the opportunity to realize your ideas and imagination - that’s why many people love this type of paint.

For painting with them, both natural and synthetic brushes are suitable, as well as a palette knife and, if the paint is properly diluted with water, an airbrush. For those who have painted with gouache or watercolor before, painting with acrylic paints will be easier than ever. If you purchase a set of acrylic paints for painting, you will receive a number of advantages over other types of paints: they do not spread, do not fade, do not crack, and dry quickly.

Painting with acrylic paints for beginners: instructions

If you learn to paint with acrylic paints, you can achieve excellent results. For example, if you mix paint with water, you can achieve a watercolor effect. If you use a palette knife or a rough bristle brush for painting, you will get the effect of a painting painted with oil paint. So, let's talk about the process itself in more detail.

Working condition of paint

Due to the fact that acrylic paints dry incredibly quickly, you should squeeze them out of the tube very little at a time. And you should definitely purchase a sprayer to moisten the paint if you are using a regular, non-wet palette.

Wipe your brush

Every time you wash your brushes, you need to dry them with a cloth or paper towel. In this case, drops flowing from the brush will not fall on the drawing and leave unsightly marks on it.

Color transparency

If you paint with acrylic paints in a thick layer directly from the tube or just dilute them slightly with water on the palette, the color will be rich and opaque. And if diluted with water, the color transparency will be the same as that of watercolor paints.

The difference between acrylic washes and watercolor washes

Unlike watercolor, acrylic wash dries quickly, is fixed on the surface and becomes insoluble. And this allows you to apply new layers to the dried ones without fear of damaging the previous ones.


If you need glaze in several translucent layers, then the layers need to be applied very thinly so that the bottom layer is visible. That is, acrylic paint must be applied to the surface very carefully, evenly, thinly.


You can improve the fluidity so that the color intensity does not change with a special thinner, but not with water.

Mixing colors

Since acrylic paints dry very quickly, the colors need to be mixed quickly. If mixing occurs not on the palette, but on paper, it is worth moistening it first - this will increase the speed.

Edge Sharpness

To make the corners sharp and sharply defined, you can stick masking masking tape onto the dried paint without harming the design. But you need to make sure that the edges fit tightly. Also, don't draw too quickly along the edges of the tape.

Painting with acrylic paints on canvas: features

In order to give the canvas whiteness, it should be coated with an acrylic primer. But if you want to add contrast to your work, you can also use dark acrylic emulsion. You can apply the primer using a brush in one or two layers. But if the surface is large, then this is not very convenient. In this case, the canvas should be placed horizontally and the primer should be poured onto it, while using a scraper to distribute it in a thin layer over the entire area of ​​the canvas.

Proper lighting for working with acrylic paints

Skillful organization of the workplace has a positive effect on the creative process. It is worth following some rules to make your work more comfortable and faster. Lighting should be even and diffused, the same throughout the entire work process. The light should be to the left of the canvas and in no case should blind the creator.

Acrylic paint is becoming more and more popular every year. It is easy to use and environmentally friendly. Today it is used in many fields of activity: construction, nail services, and creativity. The technique for performing work using this paint can be different. We'll talk about how to use acrylic paints in this article.


This paint has a number of advantages over other paints and varnishes.

She is appreciated for:

  • versatility;
  • practicality in application;
  • practicality in operation;
  • efficiency;
  • environmental friendliness.

How to choose?

The choice of paint begins with determining how it will be used: interior, decorative or applied. There are two types of paint composition: organic and synthetic. Each of them is based on artificial resins. Dyes are used to create coloring pigment. Artificial pigments appear in bright and rich colors, and the natural base appears in pastel colors.

As already mentioned, acrylic is a universal type of paint and varnish materials. It can be used in any room. Acrylic dye is not afraid of moisture. You don't have to be a master to carefully cover any surface with it. First of all, buyers choose a material by color, then turn to information about the purpose. It can be found on the packaging. There is permanent paint, for ceilings, for facades or for interior work.

So, there are usually several types of acrylic paints:

  • Wear-resistant the paint is recommended for rooms with high levels of humidity.
  • Deep matte and matte paints are suitable for walls and ceilings in dry rooms. They hide small and insignificant irregularities, are easy to apply and have breathable properties. Before this, you need to remove the whitewash from the ceiling.
  • Glossy the paint does not hide unevenness and visually enhances the texture.

The color range of paints is wide. It is possible to make the shade yourself; for this, colors are used. They interfere with the white color and create the desired shade. Kohler is a concentrated paint. It can be thick or liquid.

White paint is divided into milky white, white and super white. For a purer shade, it is better to use the last two colors.

It is enough to follow the following points to properly mix the paint with the color:

  • carefully read the instructions and color chart;
  • use paint and colors from the same manufacturer;
  • mix them in a separate container;
  • You only need to mix the amount that needs to be used for painting at the moment.

Paint for outdoor use used to cover house facades and other outdoor items. There are two types of paint for facade work: water-based and based on organic compounds. The second is especially good for working at low temperatures in winter. It lays flat and dries quickly at sub-zero temperatures. Acrylic paint is highly wear-resistant, highly protective and durable, making it suitable for concrete products. The paint protects concrete from the influence of weather conditions and mechanical stress.

Acrylic-based coating is also chosen for wooden products. It has the following properties:

  • resistance to changes in temperature and moisture;
  • wear resistance prevents cracks from forming on the wooden surface;
  • retains color for ten years;
  • it is characterized by vapor permeability;
  • dries quickly;
  • easy to use;
  • no need to scrape off the old layer to apply a new coat of paint.

Artists and designers use acrylic for painting furniture, creating patterns on glass, drawings on fabric and for painting. There is acrylic for children's creativity - this paint is brighter and easier to wash off. It is non-toxic and is stored in plastic jars. There are also paints that have special properties, such as glow in the dark, fluorescent and pearlescent.

Paint for decorative works Available in jars and tubes. Both forms of storage are convenient to use. Paint in tubes can be purchased individually. It is worth noting that jars and tubes of paint come in different sizes. Acrylic fabric paints are distinguished by their elastic properties. When heated with an iron, they acquire a plastic structure and penetrate into the fabric. After dyeing, it is recommended to wash items by hand.

Acrylic paint for nails It is also stored in jars and tubes. The material in the jars is necessary to create a pattern with a brush or using other tools. If necessary, the paint can be diluted with water. Thanks to the narrow spout at the end of the tube, the paints are ready for use immediately. Tubes can also be purchased individually.

Types of surfaces

As already mentioned, acrylic paint has a universal property - it is used on different types of surfaces. Acrylic is “friendly” even with previously painted surfaces. The material can be applied to water-based paint without any problems, since both coatings are created on the same base. Acrylic paint can be used over oil paint. In this case, it is necessary to sand the area to be painted to increase adhesion. Acrylic paint also applies smoothly to latex coatings, since they have a similar composition.

The painted surface does not need to be specially prepared. In this case, sanding is only needed to level the walls. Alkyd and acrylic paints are completely different in composition, so it is not recommended to use one coating over the other. It is better to clean off the alkyd paint, prime the surface and apply a new color.

This cleaning process is also suitable for enamel paint. The enamel should be removed from the surface, the wall should be cleaned and the prepared area should be painted with acrylic paint.

Preparation usually involves sanding and coating with various types of primers. The soil plays the role of a compactor; it penetrates into surface cracks, creating a more dense structure of the product. Preparing plywood for painting occurs in several stages:

  • sanding - at this stage, defects and unevenness are removed using sandpaper, it is important to create a smooth top layer;
  • coating with the first layer of primer;
  • after drying, it is sanded again to remove small and insignificant irregularities and dust is removed;
  • coating with a second layer of primer;
  • After complete drying, the plywood is ready for painting

The plastic is prepared as follows:

  • removal of dirt and dust;
  • grinding - the surface should be rough to increase adhesion;
  • Before applying the primer layer, the plastic is degreased with alcohol;
  • primer;
  • the surface is ready for painting.

Chipboard is prepared in several stages:

  • if the chipboard product is a piece of furniture, then it is necessary to unscrew all the fittings;
  • if necessary, you need to remove the old layer of paint and varnish material and sand it;
  • remove contaminants;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • if there are cracks, putty, sand the uneven areas again, remove dirt, and then prime;
  • After the primer has completely dried, you can begin painting.

To create a creative room interior, you can paint the wallpaper. For proper application, several important points should be observed:

  • Choose wallpaper for painting. They come in different types. Glass wallpaper is best suited for acrylic dyes.
  • The color of the wallpaper can vary, but it is better to choose white wallpaper for brighter shades of paint.
  • You can paint the wallpaper only after the glue has completely dried.
  • You can paint using a brush or roller. For textured wallpaper, a spray bottle is more suitable, as it completely paints the wall.

When painting wallpaper, the same rule applies: matte paints hide imperfections, while glossy paints visually enhance the structure.

To prepare for painting concrete, you need to follow several points:

  • Check the moisture content of the concrete. If the concrete product is relatively new (less than a month from the date of manufacture), then it is not worth painting. Humidity will cause paint to crack and fall off. You can check the humidity level as follows: stick a 1 m2 plastic bag to the wall using tape. If condensation remains on the film during the day, then such concrete should not be painted.
  • If necessary, you need to level the wall using putty in two layers. The second layer should be thin and as even as possible.
  • Then you need to sand the walls with sandpaper.
  • Apply 2-3 layers of concrete primer, waiting for each layer to dry completely.
  • Paint it.

Polystyrene foam is a universal insulation material. Sometimes it acts as a finishing surface. This type of plane is not so easy to paint with any paint, but acrylic compositions are very suitable for this. The foam coating must be properly prepared for good adhesion and even painting:

  • Clean from dirt and accumulated dust.
  • Cover with acrylic primer.
  • The foam has a very smooth surface, so the primer will flow and create a textured surface. Hence, the point of sanding is very important. Be sure to wait until the primer coat has completely dried.
  • The foam is ready for painting.

As described earlier, acrylic paint is not afraid of temperature changes, therefore, it is suitable for painting hot radiators. Such metal products are prepared in compliance with the following rules:

  • choose acrylic paint with rust protection or metal paint;
  • remove old coating using a wire brush;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • Apply primer to the entire area to be painted;
  • the surface is ready for painting.

Painting brick walls does not require any special skills. The acrylic coating does not bubble or crack when the warm brick structure is exposed to the cold. Brick preparation proceeds as follows:

  • clean the surface from dirt;
  • You need to grind not only the surface of the bricks, but also between them;
  • prime with acrylic primer;
  • Check the surface for unevenness and begin painting.

There are special acrylic paints for glass. Glass products are prepared as follows:

  • cleaned of contaminants and degreased using alcohol or special solutions;
  • then a thin layer of paint is applied;
  • to create stained glass, you can use stencils - they are placed under the glass and outlined along the lines with contour acrylic paints;
  • The outline dries in 25-30 minutes, after which you can paint it with colored paints. They dry in about 24 hours.

Fibreboard has a porous structure. Therefore, the stages of preparing such material will be as follows:

  • clean from dirt;
  • polish;
  • degrease with white spirit;
  • saturate the surface with drying oil (using a paint brush);
  • After drying, you can apply paint.

Wooden surfaces are porous materials. When preparing for painting, the following rules should be observed:

  • remove the old layer of paint;
  • clean from dirt and dust;
  • remove all fittings;
  • sand with sandpaper or a special tool;
  • fill all cracks and irregularities and sand again;
  • apply 1-2 layers of primer;
  • The wooden product is ready for painting.

Plaster is suitable as a base for wall painting. When painting this surface, you should follow the basic rules of painting: cleaning, sanding, priming, coating.

Required Tools

Acrylic dyes are universal in use. Thanks to its water-based composition, acrylic can be given a more liquid consistency without special solutions. This requires the simplest tools that are found in every home.

What to paint with?

A brush is a universal tool for painting and creating designs. Use wide flat paint brushes to create a solid color. For more complex surfaces (pipe, battery) use a round brush. For drawing, you can use both paint brushes and art brushes. A line brush is a flat brush with short bristles. It is suitable for creating straight lines.

It should be remembered that art brushes for acrylic should be chosen from synthetic or bristles.

There are brushes for manicure. It is recommended to work with such tools in bright light and with a palette. Large flat areas are painted with a roller. It is chosen according to the length and composition of the fur coat. The longer the pile of the fur coat, the more textured the coating will be. For a smooth finish, use felt or nylon rollers. Mini rollers are used when painting corners, joints or transferring a design using a stencil. When working with a roller, use a special tray.

The paint from the spray gun is sprayed widely, so you should use a protective mask and protective clothing when working.

How to paint?

Regular surface painting is feasible for anyone. In this case, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • You should cover all areas that cannot be painted with paper or masking tape (windows, floors, baseboards).
  • You can prepare the surface and cover it with acrylic paint using a simple pattern from the corners and openings to the center. The corners are painted with a brush or a small roller; for the rest of the area it is better to use a large roller.
  • The spray gun is used for painting large surfaces, for example, the roof of a house, the facade of a building. A spray gun nozzle with a smaller spray angle is used in the room. Water-based paint can be diluted with water in an amount of 10-15% of the total volume.
  • Working with color is difficult, it is quite labor-intensive work. Mix paint and colors in a separate container. First, the main color is poured in, and then the color is added in small quantities, portionwise. It is necessary to thoroughly mix the composition until the color is uniform so that streaks do not form.

Facade acrylic paint is best suited for painting facades. The coloring rules are as follows:

  • Before painting the facade, you should prepare the surface depending on its type (concrete, wood). Then all places that must be protected from paint are covered. It is better to paint large areas with a roller or spray gun.
  • The choice of facade color depends on the color of the roof of the house. Landscape designers recommend using a combination of brown and green colors to visually create a cozy house made of wood. Experts advise painting the blind area of ​​the house and doors in a dark color. It should be remembered that the house will appear larger if its color is light.

Furniture painting: master class for beginners

Using acrylic paint you can turn an old cabinet into a beautiful piece of furniture. To do this you need to follow these simple rules:

  • After thorough sanding, it is necessary to prime the surface with white acrylic paint.
  • We paint the carved inserts on the doors in a contrasting color, for example, black. You can do the carving yourself.
  • On the tabletop of the cabinet we draw the design with a roller using a stencil. For people who have a lot of experience with paint, you can sketch the sketch in pencil and color it by hand.

Correct use of manicure paints

Using acrylic paint you can create an individual design on your nails. It's very easy to do this:

  • after a cosmetic manicure, the nail is covered with the main color of gel polish;
  • then the design is applied with acrylic using a special manicure brush;
  • After 3 minutes of drying, the surface can be coated with transparent gel nail polish.

The color of the varnish depends on the desired pattern. But there are several basic rules that nail service technicians follow:

  • for short nails, dark and bright colors of varnish are suitable: red, black, burgundy, purple and others;
  • for long nails it is better to choose delicate colors and shades: beige, white, pink, milky, etc.


Paint consumption is calculated only for painting work. In other cases, these points are not relevant (artwork, nail coating). Consumption is indicated on the packaging. It all depends on the type of paint and manufacturer. You can calculate the required volume by determining the area that needs to be painted. What is important is paint consumption, surface porosity and the number of layers (usually 1-2).

The packaging may indicate a value of 1 l/m2. This means that one liter of paint can cover one square meter of area. As a rule, the error is indicated based on the porosity of the surface - 0.1-0.25 l/m2. 0.1/m2 – for a smooth and dense surface, 0.25/m2 – for an absorbent and porous surface.

You should not skimp on paint by diluting it with water. The composition will have a liquid structure, which will create additional layers of stains.

How long does it take to dry?

The coating dries depending on the thickness of the layer, but not for long - most often from several minutes to a day. The paint takes 24 hours to dry when applied extensively and thickly. Paint can dry faster with minimal humidity, warm temperatures and in a ventilated area. The paints take a few minutes to dry.

Painting with acrylic paints is working with plastic, generally speaking. The process of applying the composition itself is similar to working with watercolors, but after drying, a waterproof surface is formed. Therefore, it is important to know how to use acrylic paints correctly in order to get good results.

First of all, you need to make sure that the material is always in working condition. This composition dries very quickly, so you need to squeeze acrylic paints out of the tube in small portions. If you use a plastic palette to mix colors, it is better to prepare a spray bottle with water in advance to spray the surface without allowing the material to dry out prematurely. If you are using a damp surface, such as wax paper, you will not need a spray bottle.

It is very important to dry your brush regularly. To do this, you need to keep paper towels or rags on hand and blot the instrument on it after each wash. This way you can prevent water from getting into the drawing.

Paint should be squeezed onto the palette in small portions, but the main thing is to keep the brushes clean at all times.

On a note! Acrylic paints will dry opaque if applied in thick layers. If you dilute the material with water, you can use it like regular watercolor.

It is important to remember that after drying, a waterproof pattern is formed, so you can safely apply subsequent layers without the risk of dissolving the previous ones. The colors on the top layers will optically blend with those below, resulting in an interesting visual effect. You should also take into account the fact that the glaze must be really thin. If one of the layers is made thicker than the others, then the pattern below will be almost invisible. Therefore, it is better to carefully stretch the material over the surface with a working tool.

To increase the fluidity of acrylic material without loss of color, it is necessary to use special solvents rather than ordinary water. It is also very important to work quickly when mixing paints of different tones. To create sharp and clear lines, it is recommended to use adhesive tape. It can be pasted onto a drawing without consequences, the next layer can be applied, and then removed.

Clearly demarcated lines are easier to apply using masking tape, while the paints themselves are diluted only with special compounds

To paint over masking fluid properly, you need to make sure it is completely dry. This substance is suitable for any base, but before using it, you need to get used to it a little. Do not apply a thick layer of material and do not leave the brush unwashed after use. If the masking fluid dries on the instrument, it will be easier to throw it away than to wash it. Therefore, immediately after application, the brush should be treated with a solvent.

Advice! Acrylic paint can be used as a regular glue. If the objects are not very heavy, it is enough to apply the material to the surface, then press the object and leave for a few minutes.

Various drawing techniques

To begin with, a set of 6 colors is enough, then a master who constantly works with this material gradually buys other colors. Ideally, the palette should consist of 18 shades. In addition, you will need some tools and consumables.

As a base on which the drawing will be applied, you can use wooden boards, glass or plastic surfaces, canvases, metal sheets, paper and cardboard products. Working tools can be synthetic or natural brushes of various sizes. If the material is properly diluted, it is permissible to use an airbrush.

For beginners, a small set of brushes is enough; only well-trained artists can work with professional sets and airbrushes

When using acrylic paints, it is important to remember that to achieve the desired visual effect you need to mix different colors (see). For these purposes, plastic or paper palettes are used, and water and solvents are used for dilution. If you plan to use pure acrylic, then you can use synthetic flat and wide brushes as a tool. You should work with such material as quickly as possible.

Before you start using acrylic paint, you need to learn about painting techniques:

  1. The simplest drawing method is called "wet". A paper canvas, which is pre-moistened with water, is suitable as a base. Paints are also diluted and applied to the surface. The advantage of this method is that the drawing is very wet, so there is time to apply details and correct mistakes.
  2. A technique that requires several brushes is called “dry”. In this case, we are talking about a dry canvas onto which diluted paints are applied. The material dries quickly, so it is important to work with several clean tools.
  3. The glazing technique is used quite often. First, a thick layer of acrylic paint or masking fluid is applied to the base, and after drying, paint on it with diluted materials.
  4. The “impasto” technique involves the use of wide, thick brushes. In this case, the strokes are thick, and the picture itself resembles an oil painting.

Working with a wide brush gives an interesting artistic effect.

Features of painting various materials

Working with acrylic paint may differ in some nuances depending on the base on which the drawing is applied. But there is one general instruction for preparing for work:

  • The first step is to choose a basis for the drawing.
  • Then you should familiarize yourself with the range of materials and choose the one that suits the chosen base. When using acrylic paints, it is important to follow the manufacturers' recommendations, which are indicated on the packaging.
  • Next, you need to decide on the technique in order to prepare brushes and additional consumables in advance. It is recommended to use felt-tip pens, markers and ink for finishing work.

The most difficult thing for a beginning artist is to decide on a theme, and only after that, through trial and error, does the style come

On paper

For painting with acrylic, a sheet of thick paper, which is intended for watercolors, is suitable. It is inexpensive, so it is perfect for a beginner. In addition, the material has shallow embossing, making it very easy to apply paint. Both individual sheets and albums are available for sale. To work you will need a palette, a base, a container of water and several brushes.

It is advisable to do the first simple work on paper

The simplest and cheapest acrylic compositions can be used as a working material. First, a sketch is drawn, after which a background is created using paint and a wide brush. You need to work as quickly as possible so that the composition does not have time to set. If you want to create a watercolor effect, you need to wet the base. For an oil effect, dry sheets should be used.

On canvas

After practicing on paper, you can begin a more complex technique of painting canvas. To begin with, it is better to use a small product. First of all, you need to transfer the sketch to canvas using a photograph of the intended drawing. The application technique is the same as when working with paper, only the canvas needs to be regularly sprayed with water from a spray bottle - this will ensure smooth transitions.

On fabric

Cotton or silk can be used as a base. Before starting work, you need to prepare the fabric: wash it, dry it and iron it. The material is then stretched on a special frame. Next, you should follow this algorithm: use a marker or pencil to apply a design to the fabric, paint using artistic brushes of various sizes, and leave the fabric to dry for 2 days. After this, wash the fabric and iron it using a slightly heated iron.

On glass

The most original way of making decorative interior elements is painting glass or mirrors. To do this you need to prepare:

  • contours for drawing;
  • acrylic paint and solvent;
  • brushes of different sizes;
  • palette;
  • cotton buds.

Instructions for painting glass:

  1. First you need to clean the base. To do this, the glass is immersed in warm water for half an hour and then treated with alcohol.
  2. Then you should transfer the drawing to the workpiece.
  3. Use an outline to trace the lines.
  4. Apply acrylic paint in layers with breaks to allow the material to dry.
  5. Finally, the resulting product must be varnished.

Acrylic compounds are so durable that you can safely paint dishes and stained glass windows with them.

Important nuances of working with acrylic paint

With the help of products painted with acrylic, you can create a truly unique interior. Fabric canvases will look great instead of wallpaper on the walls or ceiling. Glass inserts will decorate plasterboard niches. In addition, such canvases can be used as paintings. The main thing is to follow the above instructions and remember the recommendations of the material manufacturers. And, of course, give free rein to your imagination and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Acrylic paint is a versatile and vibrant medium that allows you to create any style of painting. But before you can create beautiful paintings, you need to learn how to use acrylic paint.

If you've never used acrylic paint before, it may seem difficult to learn. But as you will see in this article, it is one of the most accessible drawing methods for beginners.
Let's explore the wonderful world of acrylic painting so you can start creating your own paintings.

Acrylic tools

What do you need to get started with acrylic paint? Actually, not much. Here are some of the things you'll need.

Acrylic paint

Acrylic paint comes in a dizzying array of colors and textures. Which one is right for you? In general, you will find two different types of acrylic paint:
  1. Liquid - it will flow out of the tube
  2. Hard – High viscosity, more like soft butter.
There are no bad and good ones. It all depends on the acrylic painting technique used. If you eventually want to move on to thick Van Gogh-style pieces, use hard acrylic. If you want to create light, magical landscapes, try liquid acrylic.
In terms of colors, for a beginner, it's good to start with mostly red, blue, yellow, black and white paint from tubes. Using these colors, you can blend any color from skin tones to natural scenes.
Not only is choosing a minimal number of colors the most economical way to get started with acrylic paint, it will also help you learn how to mix colors so you can achieve the shade you want and can understand the meaning of each color in the mixtures.

Acrylic brush

Before you begin, you will need several brushes suitable for acrylic paint. Acrylic brushes tend to be longer and sturdier than watercolor brushes because they are often pressed harder against the work surface while painting.
To start, use a minimal set: one large and one small round brush, or maybe one large and one small flat brush are ideal.

Palette for acrylic

You need a surface to mix different paint colors. Paper is too absorbent and your paint will stick to it. You want a non-stick surface. You can use palette paper, a professional palette, or even a porcelain plate.

Palette knife

A palette knife is an inexpensive and invaluable tool for working with acrylic paint. It will help you mix paint colors as efficiently as possible. You can use a palette knife not only to mix colors, but also to apply paint to the surface - this will give a special effect to your paintings.
Technically, you can mix colors using a brush. But you'll quickly realize that the paint soaks into the brush and eventually gets lost and doesn't mix properly. Additionally, vigorous stirring can damage the bristles, so using a brush is not recommended for blending colors.

Acrylic canvas

What surface do you like to paint on? If you enjoy painting on canvas, then paper canvas is a great choice to start with. It is not expensive and has the texture of stretched canvas. Board, wood and plywood are also great options.
Depending on your work surface, you may find it easier to use an easel. However, the easel is not suitable for paper or more flexible work surfaces.


Place a cup of water to wash your brush and thin the paint. If you are using a drinking cup, use it only for acrylic painting.

Paper scraps

Scraps are ideal for wiping excess paint from the brush or checking the quality of the paint. This could be a simple piece of printer paper.


By properly arranging your workspace, you will simplify the drawing process.

Preparing the palette

Once you have your workspace ready, you can prepare your palette. No matter what you want to paint, it can be helpful to have a portion of each primary color plus black and white.
Leave a little space between portions to allow for color mixing.

Preparing the surface for drawing

If you're painting on canvas, you'll need to treat it before you begin. Priming with plaster is excellent for acrylic painting. But not all surfaces require treatment. First, find out more about the surface you will be working with.

Mixing acrylic

Mix the colors you would like to use.

Painting with acrylic

Start drawing! Adjust the paint consistency to your desired consistency using a small amount of water. Start with simple shapes, gradually moving to complex ones.

Don't be afraid to experiment

You need to get better at it and come up with your own drawing style. Experiment with different styles, surfaces and tools, including painting with a palette knife. These tips will help you succeed in acrylic painting.

Cover the acrylic between jobs.

Acrylic paint cannot be repaired once it dries, so if you need to take a break, seal your paint in an airtight container to keep it moist. For a short break, you can simply cover the palette with a plastic bag, cling film, or wet wipe; for a longer break, you can place the entire palette in an airtight storage container or use a palette knife to transfer individual colors into airtight containers.

Let the painting dry

Once your painting is completed, allow it to dry completely before placing it in a frame. There is nothing worse for an artist to screw up his work after creating a masterpiece.

Enjoy the process

You won't be able to create masterpieces right away, but with practice you will begin to develop skill and confidence in your work. It's a wonderful process - enjoy it.

Acrylic paints for painting appeared relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. They were created by the founders of Bocour Artists Colors, Leonard Bocour and Sam Golden, specifically for painting, but it quickly became clear that the scope of the product was much wider. Today they are used in construction, automotive, and the beauty industry.

Acrylic paints are classified as water-dispersion paints, are made from polymers and derivatives of acrylic or methacrylic acids. Depending on their purpose, they often contain various additives that increase plasticity, hardness, heat resistance or frost resistance, and regulate density and fluidity.

Painting paints are made from polyacrylic resins, water and pigments. But today painting is not limited to paintings, written on canvas, cardboard or paper:

But the various spheres of painting are not the only What can acrylic paints be used for? They are widely used:

At the same time, the paint is considered environmentally friendly and does not harm health even with frequent and close contact.

Acrylic painting

As soon as paints made from acrylic polymers appeared, they immediately gained popularity not only among artists, displacing oil and watercolor, but also among clothing and interior designers, creators of stained glass and tableware. In children's art and development centers, acrylic is also often used as a material for painting. This is largely due to the absence of an unpleasant odor, ease of rinsing and a wide range of applications.

You can paint with acrylic using natural or synthetic brushes, a palette knife, squeezing it directly from the tube, dots, or a sponge. If you dilute it heavily with water, you can even use an airbrush.

Painting pictures

Paints from different manufacturers differ in consistency. The thickest ones are usually produced in plastic or iron tubes. They are used when painting canvases using a technique similar to oil painting. Liquid ones, which are much cheaper, can be “fixed” with special thickeners if necessary.

If you dilute them with water before using acrylic paints for painting, they can replace watercolors. Glazing with acrylic is easy to do - it dries quickly, the colors do not mix, the main thing is to adapt to applying a thin layer.

Recently, impasto or structural painting has gained great popularity. It is considered the opposite of glazing and consists of applying thick, opaque strokes with a palette knife, a hard wide brush or the artist’s fingers.

In impasto painting, expensive thick paints are used, and in large quantities. Therefore, each artist has his own recipe for special additives. Beginning painters often use starch or putty. Craftsmen prepare complex compositions, sometimes containing more than a dozen ingredients, including marble dust and bleached beeswax.

Acrylic dries very quickly, so before painting you need to stock up on an ordinary household spray bottle filled with clean water to periodically moisten the canvas. You can purchase a special drying retardant at art stores and dilute the paint with it.

Point to point

Spot painting is used to decorate dishes, interior items, including furniture, and any leather, plastic, glass, wood and metal items. An unwanted empty bottle or burnt teapot can be turned into a work of art. Using dot painting, they create paintings and panels.

The point to point technique involves creating a pattern from dots. For this, contours or glitters are most often used - small-volume metal or plastic tubes with a long spout. Dots are placed by squeezing paint directly onto the surface of the craft. Some craftswomen use regular thick acrylic from jars, and use dots, toothpicks, and an awl as tools.

Sometimes a flight of fancy requires the use of a brush, and paint is squeezed out of tubes not only in dots, but also in fancy lines. This mixed media technique is simply called acrylic painting.

Stained glass painting

It is believed that the technique originated in the 11th century in France during the construction of religious buildings. With the advent of acrylic, stained glass painting “came to the masses” and is used to decorate any glass surfaces. With its help you can create a stained glass window, a picture or decorate a window, glasses, or a vase.

First, the design is applied to the glass and then painted with special stained glass paints. The painting can be fixed either by firing or drying under natural conditions. Often, varnish is applied on top for greater preservation.

Cookware for firing

When dotted or regular painting, the dishes are used as decorative or only the outer surface is painted; they can be washed with hot water, but it is not recommended to place them on the stove. There are paints and contours specially created for firing. They are used to paint dishes that may be exposed to high temperatures.

It must be remembered that the requirements for baking conditions for paints from different manufacturers may differ. For each product, you should take products of the same brand and carefully read the recommendations written in the instructions or on the label.

Batik and textiles

Any art store offers a large selection of dyes labeled “batik” or “textiles”. With their help, craftswomen create masterpieces on fabric. These could be paintings for interior decoration, bedding or exclusive clothing.

The dye is applied to the fabric, and a fixative is used to separate the colors and fix the border of the design. It is called reserve and is made on a water basis, sometimes from gasoline, paraffin. Textile paints are characterized by increased flexibility, durability and moisture resistance. Products decorated with them are machine washable at temperatures below 60 degrees.

Features of work

Paints created on the basis of acrylic can be considered the most trouble-free, but they must be used wisely. There are several rules that should not be neglected.

Product preparation

Before starting painting, the work surface must be degreased, textiles must be washed, and hands must be washed with soap. Glass, wood, and metal products are wiped with alcohol or acetone. Any greasy stain will cause the paint to peel off.

In order for the creation to be durable, the appropriate primer must be applied to the surface. The exception is textiles and stained glass. For canvas, a special artistic primer is used; in handmade, a universal primer is most often used. Before purchasing, be sure to read the label. The word "universal" does not guarantee that the product is suitable for any surface.

Care of materials and tools

Acrylic dyes dry quickly; if there is no need to mix colors, it is better to take them directly from the jar or squeeze a tube onto a brush or palette knife. The instrument is constantly wiped with a cloth or napkin and rinsed in a glass of water. Paints are placed on the palette little by little, mixed and used quickly. Jars and tubes should not be left open.

Immediately after work, brushes, palette knives and hands should be washed under running water. Dried acrylic is difficult to remove. But if this happens, you can use alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover.

Dried paints

When painting is done infrequently, sooner or later the question arises of how to dissolve acrylic paint for drawing. If it just becomes thick, you can use plain water. You just need to pour a little at a time, mixing thoroughly. For heavily thickened paint, special solvents are used., sold in art stores.

You can dilute paints with boiling water, adding and draining hot water several times. This operation leads to success only if the acrylic has not completely dried, but it will not be possible to obtain high-quality paint. It will be lumpy and will not fit well on the work surface. It's better to throw away this paint and buy new one.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic

Everything has strengths and weaknesses. Dyes based on acrylic polymers are a rare product that has many advantages and few disadvantages, all of which are insignificant.

Benefits include:

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • Acrylic dyes are usually poorly compatible with others.
  • Sometimes a faster drying speed can be a disadvantage.
  • High price.

Acrylic based paint is universal. It can be used by both seasoned artists, advanced designers, handmade masters, and novice painters or children.