Contests with alcohol for noisy companies. Alcohol contests for birthday and new year

This fun game is best played at a time when guests are still sitting at the table. You need to prepare for the game in advance. On small pieces of paper it is written what the participant in the game should drink from. (The phrase begins with the word "Drink"). The leaflets are prepared according to the number of those present and put in a separate box so that the inscription is not visible. In another box there are leaflets with inscriptions beginning with the words: "Eat ..." (they say how the participant in the game should have a bite). Then the guests take out one piece of paper from each box. Players thus choose what they will drink from and how to eat. Variants of notes for the game "Drink and Snack": Drink: 1) from the spout of the kettle, 2) from the palm of your hand, 3) from the saucepan, 4) from the palm of your neighbor, 5) from the lid, 6) from the jar (three-liter), 7) from plates, 8.) from a thimble, 9) from a paper bag, 10) standing on a chair with one foot. Snack: 1) Have you drunk? And there will be no appetizers! 2) An apple hanging on a thread, 3) instead of a snack, jump on one leg, 4) with the words: “You need to drink less”, 5) without touching the food with your hands, 6) sniff the neighbor’s sleeve, 7) kiss the neighbor, 8.) licking a large spoon, 9) choosing a snack with your eyes closed, 10) a song on your lips.

Schumacher. Formula 1 - game (competition) for adults

You will need 2 dice, a large cardboard box (or pan), alcohol (choice - at your discretion), "stop" (a stack of vodka, 1 pc - at least, better in terms of the number of players)
The "race" begins, consisting of several circles (by agreement). All "pilots" in turn (the first is determined by the principle of who has thrown more points, and then clockwise) roll the die. After all the “pilots” have rolled the die once, one lap is considered completed.
If dropped:
2 - "Right Stop". 1 "stop" drinks the pilot on the right.
3 - "Left Stop". 1 "stop" drinks the pilot on the left.
4 - "Right Strip". The pilot on the right takes off one thing.
5 - "Left Strip". The pilot on the left takes off one thing.
6 - "Pit Stop". Thrower drinks 1 "stop".

Throats - game (competition) for adults

The game is very simple and perfect for a quick and efficient warm-up for further celebrations. Everyone sits in a circle and takes one drink, preferably a lot. The first one to start takes one sip. The next clockwise is 2 sips. Then 3, 4, 5, .... Sips are made without leaving the bottle and stopping. Usually, at 40, the people are already ready and everyone feels good. Most importantly, do not try to drink ice-cold beer! It's very hard)))

Let's drink - game (competition) for adults

You will need gymnastic hoops (preferably plastic), beer (cola, sprite, etc.), preferably in glasses (this will be more original), but it can also be in jars or bottles. The number of participants at the same time depends on the number of props. It is necessary to twist the hoop on the belt (arm, leg, neck) and at the same time drink (try to drink) beer (cola, sprite, etc.). The winner can be determined by several parameters: who will drink faster, who will not spill, who will be able to drink at all. Well, and so on.

TCP/IP - game (competition) for adults

Several people gather around a large table. There is a poster hanging on the wall of the room: "Ping, don't ping, you'll still get an e-mail." A bottle of vodka is launched around the circle. The first person to whom the bottle has fallen stands up and is solemnly assigned a dynamic IP address, which is written on the label of the bottle. The person then takes a sip from the bottle, pings the neighbor, and sends the bottle to him as an attachment to the UUE. If the neighbor does not ping, the bottle is sent to the server (in the sense - to the bar), from where it tries to go every few minutes ...

Drink and snack - game (competition) for adults

This fun game is best played at a time when guests are still sitting at the table.
You need to prepare for the game in advance. On small pieces of paper you write: "Drink ..." (from which the participant in the game should drink). You prepare leaflets according to the number of those present, fold them so that the inscription is not visible. Put the folded leaves in a separate box. In another box, put leaflets with inscriptions beginning with the words: "Eat ..." (how the participant in the game should have a bite).
Then you distribute one leaflet from each box to the guests. Players thus choose what they will drink and eat from. Variants of notes for the game "Drink-eat"
1. from the spout of the teapot,
2. from the palm,
3. from a saucepan,
4. from the palm of a neighbor,
5. from the lid,
6. from a can (three-liter),

Giant steps - game (competition) for adults

The participants of the game gather at the start line and drink 30-100 grams of vodka each. The bottle is then moved back 40-80 cm. Participants must take a step and drink 60-120 grams again. The bottle moves back 80-160 cm. Again, everyone steps and drinks. The one who can take the most giant step and then stand up wins.

Game text "Drink and Eat":

This fun game is best played at a time when guests are still sitting at the table. You need to prepare for the competition in advance. On small pieces of paper you write: "Drink ..." (from which the participant in the game should drink). You prepare leaflets according to the number of those present, fold them so that the inscription is not visible. Put the folded leaves in a separate box. In another box, put leaflets with inscriptions beginning with the words: "Eat ..." (how the participant in the game should have a bite). Then you distribute one leaflet from each box to the guests. Players thus choose what they will drink and eat from. Variants of notes for the game "Drink-eat"
1. from the spout of the teapot,
2. from the palm,
3. from a saucepan,
4. from the palm of a neighbor,
5. from the lid,
6. from a can (three-liter),
7. from a plate,
8. from a thimble,
9. from a paper bag,
10. standing on a chair with one foot.

1. Have you drunk? And there will be no appetizers!
2. an apple hanging on a branch,
3. instead of a snack, jump on one leg,
4. with the words: "You need to drink less",
5. without touching food with your hands,
6. smell your neighbor's sleeve,
7. sniff a piece of paper,
8. licking a large spoon,
9. choosing a snack with eyes closed,
10. with a song on his lips.

GAMES AND COMPETITIONS FOR ADULT BIRTHDAY Drink and Snack Competition This fun game is best played while the guests are still sitting at the table. You need to prepare for the competition in advance. On small pieces of paper you write: "Drink ..." (from which the participant in the game should drink). You prepare leaflets according to the number of those present, fold them so that the inscription is not visible. Put the folded leaves in a separate box. In another box, put leaflets with inscriptions beginning with the words: "Eat ..." (how the participant in the game should have a bite). Then you distribute one leaflet from each box to the guests. Players thus choose what they will drink and eat from. Variants of notes for the game "Drink-eat": Drink: 1. from the spout of the teapot, 2. from the palm of your hand, 3. from the saucepan, 4. from the palm of your neighbor, 5. from the lid, 6. from the jar (three-liter), 7. from plates, 8. from a thimble, 9. from a paper bag, 10. standing on a chair with one foot. Snack: 1. Have you drunk? And there will be no appetizers! 2. with an apple hanging on a branch, 3. instead of a snack, jump on one leg, 4. with the words: "You need to drink less", 5. without touching food with your hands, 6. sniff with your neighbor's sleeve, 7. sniff with a piece of paper, 8. licking a large spoon, 9. choosing a snack with closed eyes, 10. with a song on their lips. The game "Why did you come to this party?" It's time to find out how the guests treat the birthday man. Revelations will begin with the same phrase: “I came to my birthday because ...”, the guests take turns repeating the phrase and, pulling out a note from the bag, read out the end. The answers there are approximately the following: 1. Tasty food 2. As always to get drunk 3. There was nowhere to spend the night 4. Finally, the water was turned off to wash 5. Hiding from my wife 6. I want to fall asleep on my face in a salad 7. And I haven’t left yesterday’s banquet 8. I haven't been in .... (cafe, visiting) for a long time 9. They kicked me out of the house 10. But they didn’t invite me, I came myself. Contest- FORTUNE We ​​ask all guests to sit down at the tables. After all, you need to drink and eat a little. This birthday celebration is just a glorious anniversary. To continue the fun, I'll say "Pour" to everyone. Show your filled glasses and glasses. TEST "WHO HOLDS A GLASS HOW" 1. Who holds a glass in his right hand - these are absolutely the right people, but today - on the anniversary .... - after the fifth glass they can easily be knocked off this course! 2. Who holds a glass in his left hand - these people often go to the left, but not today! 3. Whoever has a full stack - these people are most happy for the hero of the occasion, so they drink to the fullest, most importantly, it would be something to drink! 4. Whoever has a little in a stack or a half - these people are low drinkers - no matter how much they drink, everything is not enough for them! 5. Who has "white" in their glasses - these people are modest and shy, when they drink, they always hold on to the wall! 6. Who has "red" - these people are the soul of any company, they drink everything! 7. Those who hold a glass with two or three fingers are cautious people, they are afraid that instead of vodka they have poured mineral water, so they often fill their own glasses. 8. And who keeps the whole "five" - ​​these people usually do not drink from small dishes - why get dirty, drink, drink like that ... But! No matter how you hold your glass today and whatever is poured in it, the main thing is .... we all drink to the health of our hero of the day! Open, Pour, Close For this game, two teams of five people are organized and props are prepared: a plate of sandwiches, a glass, a bottle of gas. water - for each team. All this is placed on chairs, the teams line up from the chairs 3-5 meters away. The roles in the team are distributed: the first ("open") - on command, runs to the chair, runs around and returns to the team, passes the baton to the next one; the second ("pour-ka") - should pour gas water into a glass and return to the team; the third participant (aka "drink-ka") must run to the chair, drink poured into a glass and pass the baton to the next one; the fourth participant (he "snack") runs to a chair and eats a sandwich; the last, fifth player, runs to the chair and closes the bottle (he "closes"), and so on in the same way until everything is drunk and eaten. The team that completes the task faster and more accurately wins. Auction "Pig in a Poke" During the break between dances, you can hold an auction "in the dark". The facilitator shows the participants the lots wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside. In order to provoke the audience, the presenter in a comic form announces the purpose of this item. The auction uses real money, while the initial price of all lots is quite low. The participant who offered the highest price for the item redeems it. Before being handed over to a new owner, the item is unwrapped to satisfy the curiosity of the public. It is advisable to alternate funny and valuable lots in order to increase the excitement of the public. On chairs A knockout competition around chairs with pairs where everyone moves. There are one less chairs than couples. A couple that does not have time to settle down is eliminated. Form two circles near the chairs: men walk closer to the chairs - in one direction. And the outer circle - women - in the opposite way. Players don't just walk, they dance! As soon as the music stops, they sit down. The main condition: a chair, a man on a chair, a lady on his lap, and not vice versa! Dexterous fingers” 1) Those who have a mobile phone with them are invited to participate. Who will be the first to call the hero of the day? (prize and exit the game) 2) Who will be the first to send SMS “Congratulations on your anniversary!” to the number of the hero of the day 3) Who will quickly calculate on the phone calculator and give the correct result? 5784-4673+24-1048= 55 (Saturday date) 4) Using the calendar in tel. What day of the week will the next anniversary be? 5) The remaining players are invited to guess which brand of bodies. at the hero of the day Dance competition, Call 5 brave men, they themselves will choose women to pair with. Then prepare in advance a cut of music for recognizable dances - lezginka, tango, waltz, etc., turn on the music, couples should find out what kind of dance it is and dance, then by applause choose a couple of winners and give symbolic prizes Competition "Childhood" Host at home asks all guests to bring their childhood photos with captions in advance. Of them you need to make a photo vernissage. When everyone gathers, the host offers to guess which of the guests is shown in which photo. The game is great uplifting and brings guests together.

The game is built on the principle of the children's game "Extra dropped out." Of the guests, 5-6 people are invited to participate in the competition. Large glasses (or glasses) are placed on the table, one less than the number of participants. Vodka, cognac, wine (whatever you want) is poured into glasses. At the command of the facilitator (for example, clapping their hands), the participants begin to walk around the table. As soon as the host gives a prearranged signal (the same clap), the participants need to grab one of the glasses and immediately drink its contents. The one who did not have enough glasses is out. After that, one glass is removed from the table, the rest are filled, and the game continues in the same way as described above. The main thing is that the glasses should always be one less than the number of players. The game ends when either of the two remaining participants drinks the last glass. In the absence of snacks and sufficiently capacious glasses, the finale looks indescribable, since it is usually difficult to call it walking around the table.

Alcohol contests are contests in which adults raise their mood and the mood of the guests with the help of alcohol. These insidious contests will amuse any youth company of students, teenagers, adults and bring you a lot of fun, laughter and intoxicated mood! And since, in our time, not a single holiday is complete without alcohol, so why not drink with interest!

Contest No. 1 "Extra drops out"

The competition is similar to the children's game "Extra Drops Out". Because of the festive table, 5-7 people who wish to participate in the competition are called.

The essence of the competition: The fact that glasses or glasses are placed on the table, but their number should be one less than the participants. In each of the glasses, poured, for example: sambuca, vodka, wine, absinthe, beer, cognac, liquor (whatever your heart desires).

The contest itself: And so, at the command of the leader, music is heard, and the participants begin to run or walk around the table. As soon as the music ends, the contestants need to grab one of the glasses and quickly drink its contents. The participant who did not have enough glasses is eliminated from the game.

After that, the host removes one glass from the table and the glasses are filled with alcohol again, and the game continues again. The most important thing is that there should always be 1 less glass on the table than the participants. The game will end when one of the 2 participants drinks the last glass. Considering that there is no appetizer in the competition, the final of the competition looks unpredictable and walking around the table can hardly be called such.

Wins: Who drinks first, the last glass of alcohol;

Competition No. 2 "Crowded glass"

The competition can be held right on the ground at the festive table.

The essence of the competition: The fact that the guests at the table pass a glass, and everyone who gets the glass in their hands must pour some kind of drink there (whether it be juice, wine, vodka). And when one of the guests turns out that the glass is already full to the top, then he must get up, say a toast and drink the contents of the glass.

Note: When pouring alcohol of different strengths into a glass, think about the consequences, so when pouring, think about it - maybe this glass will get to you and it’s better to pour juice!

Competition No. 3 "Vodka roulette"

The number of people who can participate in the competition is unlimited. The most important thing here is to have enough "FUEL".

The essence of the competition: In the fact that one of the participants is expelled from the premises (room). At this time, the participants put 3 glasses on the table, and glasses are also possible: vodka is poured into 2 containers to the brim, and ordinary tap water is poured into the 3rd. After that, the person is invited back. His task is to take a glass (glass) without sniffing and not looking closely, drink it quickly and immediately drink it with a second one.

Note: Instead of vodka, you can use tykila or gin, as long as it is the same color as the water.

Competition No. 4 "Drink and eat"

The game is best played when all the guests are still sitting at the table. The game requires preparation, so it is best to prepare for it in advance.

The essence of the competition: The fact that it is written on small pieces of paper what the participant in the competition should drink from. (The phrase written on the leaf begins with the words "DRINK .."). There should be as many prepared leaves as those present at the banquet, and put them in a separate box so that the guests do not see the inscriptions. In the second box there will be leaflets with an inscription beginning with the words: "SNAP .." (that is, how the participant in the game should have a bite).

The contest itself: The guests sit at the table and take turns pulling out 1 note, first from one, and then from the second box. Thus, the players choose for themselves what he or she will drink from and how to eat.

Of course, you can come up with your own options, but we tried and came up with 10 options for notes for the game “Drink and Eat”:


  • From the palm of your hand
  • From a plate
  • From the spout of the teapot
  • Standing on a chair with one foot
  • From Saucepan
  • From a paper bag
  • Their 3 liter jar
  • From a thimble
  • From the palm of a neighbor
  • From the lid


  • Smell your neighbor's sleeve
  • Drank!? And there will be no snacks J
  • With the words: "You need to drink less"
  • Kiss the neighbor
  • Don't touch food with your hands
  • An apple hanging on a thread
  • Licking a large spoon
  • Jump on one leg instead of a snack
  • Song on the lips
  • Choosing a snack with your eyes closed

Competition No. 5 "ASS"

The essence of the competition: In the fact that the participants alternately with increasing volume say the word "ASS" to each other. That is, the 1st speaks in a whisper, the 2nd is a little louder, the 3rd is even louder, and so on continues in a circle. The winner is the one who says this word loudest, that is, after it, others will not be able to yell / shout it.

Note: If during the game someone enters the room where the game is being held, then he should say after him: "Hello, and we called you."

Competition No. 6 "Relay"

The essence of the competition: An unlimited number of people can participate in the game. The participants of the competition are divided into 2 teams (the gender of the difference does not play), the most important thing is that the participants in the team have the same number.

Both teams line up one behind the other. And in front of them at a distance of 4-5 meters there are 2 tables, and on them:

  • A bottle of vodka (You can use other alcohol, but the summary will be much more interesting);
  • Glass (glass);
  • A plate with a light snack (for example, orange, lemon);

The contest itself: The 1st person runs - pours vodka into a glass and runs back, at this time the 2nd - drinks and runs back, 3rd - has a bite, also runs back, and the 4th - does all this: that is, pours, drinks, snacks and runs back. So the team that runs out of alcohol in the bottle (decanter) the fastest, they won!

Competition No. 7 "MachineMet"

Competition for the most persistent alcoholics =) One person (volunteer) participates in the competition, 2 people are allowed, but then they will compete among themselves who is stronger in alcohol.

The essence of the competition: The fact that the contestant or contestants take their places, take 0.5l canned beer and make a hole in it with a ballpoint pen. Then they bring (sieve) the jar to the mouth, open the lid and try to drink the beer to the end (through the hole made).

This competition breaks through even the most avid canned beer lovers!

Competition No. 8 "Formula No. 1"

Attributes that you will need for the game: 2 dice, a large cardboard box (or a saucepan), alcohol (at your discretion), “stop” (a glass of vodka - 1 piece min., better for the number of players)

A game: And so the “race” begins, consisting by agreement of several circles. All the "pilots" take turns throwing a zarik (the 1st is determined by the principle of who threw the most points, and then we play clockwise). After all the "pilots" rolled the dice once, it is considered that one circle has already been completed.

If it falls out:

2 - "Right stop". The pilot on the right drinks 1 stop.

3 - Left stop. The pilot on the left drinks 1 stop.

4 - Right Strip. The pilot on the right takes off one thing.

5 - Left Strip. Pilot left takes off one thing.

6 - "Pit stop". Throwing the dice drinks 1 "stop"

7 - Penalty Circle. Once again the die is thrown and the "penalized" drinks the number of "stops" - the penalized circles that fell on the die.

8 - "Departure from the track." The pilot climbs under the "boxes" table and sits there until his next turn.

9 - Change tires. All pilots, except for the thrower, remove one thing from themselves.

10 - Refueling. All pilots, except for the thrower, drink one "stop".

11 - Pole position. The pilot is released from the 1st future “fine”.

12 - Schumacher. The pilot wears a “helmet” (a box with a slit for the eyes or a saucepan) on his head and drinks only when one of the contestants drinks. In turn, he continues to throw zariki, like a normal player, only he drinks twice his penalty. He ceases to be "Schumacher" only when he rolls "12" again, or someone else takes away this honorary title from him, throwing out "12".

The game is over after passing a certain number of circles - this is discussed in advance before the start of the game. The winner of the race is the most sober and most "equipped" pilot (ie, who has the most clothes left).

Note: If during the game the player's dice fell from the table to the floor, then he is entitled to as many "stops" (penalty circles) as he rolls on the dice again.

Competition No. 9 "Brown bear - polar bear"

2 people participate in the competition. All you need for the competition:

  1. 4 liters of Colla (Pepsi);
  2. 2 glasses;
  3. Vodka;

The essence of the competition:
I pour a call into the glasses for the players. This is a brown bear. It will need to be turned white.

The contest itself: And the transformation will take place as follows. Each player takes a sip of the Cola, and the liquid in the glass is topped up to the same level with vodka. The player again takes a sip, and the missing level is again replenished with vodka. This is repeated until the liquid in the glass turns white.

Note: If the players are able to continue the game, then the game is reversed. Gradually, vodka is drunk off - and in return, colla is added until the glass completely turns brown.
If you do not know your norm and are not confident in your abilities, then you should not participate in the competition !!

The winner of the competition is awarded the prize the next morning, after a severe hangover.

Competition No. 10 "Pumps"

The essence of the competition: The host of the competition calls 2 girls from the table and asks them to pick them up from the banquet hall according to their partner. The host gives the guys an empty beer glass each, with which they must go “to the people” and fill the glasses with those who don’t feel sorry for anything. At this time, while the guys run and fill the glasses, the girls are given one large syringe (without a needle). Then the girls will have to pour the contents of the beer glass (by pumping), pour into their partner's mouth. The couple that does it first - and wins!

We invite you to watch the funniest wedding video contests:

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