Popular stereotype examples. Social stereotypes: positive and negative aspects

There are different types of stereotypes.

They influence on our thinking, actions, social behavior.

Concept definition

What is a stereotype? Stereotype in the broadest sense - established pattern of behavior, stamp, prejudice.

Often stereotypes have nothing to do with reality, they are created by people's thinking based on superficial data.

The word consists of two: "stereo" - "solid" and "tipos" - "imprint", literally imprint in our brain a certain concept.

Beliefs may concern a certain group of people, for example, the presence of a specific trait in race, behavior, traditions. Often lead to misperceptions.

The difference from prejudice

These two concepts are similar, but meanwhile they have differences.

The first term, stereotype, is a kind of generalization, often is collective, that is, a group of people is convinced of the existence of a certain phenomenon.

For example: all Russians are lazy. A person may not even understand why he agrees with certain stereotypes, but he believes and accepts them.

Prejudices wear more personal, often appear after the individual has gone through difficult events.

The individual may be aware of having specific prejudices and be critical of them.

Effect of stereotyping

Stereotyping What is it in psychology? The term means the process of forming a stable idea or image. They relate to phenomena, events or people.

Based on his own experience, a person evaluates events or a phenomenon, as a result, a certain idea is formed, which is fixed in the brain. A stereotype is an already formed attitude towards an object or phenomenon.

When a person encounters something unfamiliar, his brain starts scan and look for something familiar. The resulting image belongs to a certain group of phenomena, so it is much easier to classify information and, if necessary, pull it out of memory cells.

Stereotypical thinking and behavior

think stereotypes- what does it mean?

Such thinking means that a person thinks mainly in patterns.

It does not seek and analyze new information, filling the brain with experience, but compares with what is in his memory.

It's easier, it seems that the world is subject to a certain order.

The program can be inculcated from childhood. These are attitudes, rules of conduct, reaction to events, evaluation of people and events.

Predominantly stereotyped thinking hinders the full development of the individual. Loss of independence in views and behavior.

stereotyped behavior- What is this? This is a patterned behavior encouraged by society. A person lives like everyone else, does not stand out, tries to merge with the general mass. She is so comfortable and. Template behavior provides calmness, merging with society.

Stereotypes allow you to bring actions to automatism, but they also slow down development and do not allow you to look at the situation from a different angle. With stereotypical behavior, there is an attitude: to do only this way and not otherwise.

stereotypical person- what is he? This is a completely ordinary, typical representative of society. His behavior is due to built-in attitudes, skills, traditions.

It is difficult for such a person to deviate from patterns, and she perceives something new critically and even aggressively, as it violates the inner harmony and tranquility. He has a model of behavior, and he acts and thinks according to it.

Advantages and disadvantages


Disadvantages of stereotypical behavior more:

  • lack of freedom of action and thinking;
  • low rate of self-development;
  • action according to patterns, which interferes with the perception of new information and learning;
  • mistakes if the situation deviates from the usual, and the person is not able to move away from patterns;
  • credulity to information, lack of critical analysis, perception of the received data as it is, only because the majority thinks so.

Who is considered the author of this theory?

The term was coined in the 1920s. The author is a journalist Walter Lippman.

He borrowed it from printing. Initially, the word "stereotype" denoted the printed form. It allowed the text to be reproduced many times.

Auto believed that stereotypes:

  • not produced by man, but imposed from outside;
  • they are false;
  • simplify the perception of reality;
  • exist for a long time, tightly fixed in the minds of people.

Types and examples

What are the stereotypes? Researchers, psychologists and sociologists distinguish different types of stereotypes:

  • social stereotype;
  • ethnic stereotypes;
  • perception stereotypes;
  • stereotypes in communication;
  • gender stereotypes in modern society;
  • heterostereotypes;
  • age stereotypes;
  • sex-role stereotypes;
  • modern stereotypes;
  • common stereotypes;
  • social stereotypes.

Stereotypes happen superficial, formed by an external evaluation. For example, the stiffness of the British, the bright temper of the southern peoples, the laziness of the Russian people.

Superficial stereotypes change depending on the international situation, the development of society and other factors.

deep more stable, passed down from generation to generation. For several centuries, samovars, furs, nesting dolls have been considered an obligatory companion of Russian traditions.

These stereotypes are hard to break.

Attributes that are no longer part of social life can still be used as examples of cultural heritage or commercial purposes.

Deep stereotypes can form driven by historical events.

The special conditions of the origin of Great Britain led to the creation of stereotypes that the people of this country have developed logical thinking, prudence, pragmatism.

Examples of stereotypes:

  • women are evil;
  • a successful career is possible in the presence of "blat";
  • Jews are a cunning people;
  • a man promised - he is obliged to do;
  • boys are not allowed to cry;
  • you can’t take a woman on a ship - to trouble;
  • high price means high quality;
  • bears walk the streets of Russia;
  • The French are great lovers.

There are many such examples in our life, and often we do not even notice that we think in stereotypes, they become part of our perception of the surrounding reality.

How are they formed?

stereotypes passed down from one generation to the next which is why it's so hard to defend against them.

Already in early childhood, adults lay the principles of behavior in the child, instill how to act, react, and think correctly.

The influence of society and a particular country of residence is great.

If stereotypes are formed for the benefit of society, then they are moral norms that are customary to adhere to. Behavior patterns help to adapt in society. The child is sent to school, explaining the rules of behavior, the need for training.

However, the inharmonious development of the personality leads to the fact that it is easier and calmer for a person to act and think in stereotypes than to take risks and create something new.

Those who deviate from the rules achieve much more.

How have they changed with the development of society?

With each generation, gender behavior and the stereotypes associated with it change slightly. What used to be unacceptable, now considered commonplace. If earlier marriage and it were important, now many couples live without signing, and divorces happen much more often.

And changed. She is increasingly striving for a career, taking positions that were previously considered male. At the same time, the stronger sex goes along the opposite development towards the acquisition of female features.

Previously, a woman was the keeper of the hearth, a mother, now she, along with a man, provides for the family. Moreover, modern society has more respect for working women than housewives.


Researchers and psychologists identify various functions of social stereotypes.

W. Quasthof describes the following:

  1. . Occurs when it is necessary to organize information. If something new is being studied, for example, the culture of another people, then some stereotypes can be replaced by others.
  2. affective- distinguishing among other people "one's own" and "alien".
  3. Social. The formation of social structures, the allocation of categories.

There are also other functions of social stereotypes:

  • communication installation. When a person communicates with a stranger, the brain reads the information, compares it with the one stored in memory, and decides how to continue communication. For example, a person will talk differently with a general and a beggar.
  • association in social groups, when its members of the community and strangers are separated:
  • simplifying the analysis of incoming information, reducing the time of its processing.

Role in human life

For effective activity, a person needs to analyze information, systematize it. It is important to be "among your own". Stereotypes allow you to classify things in one group.

Behavior patterns are of great importance in the formation of society, they unite a social group, fix its main features.

However, the danger is that stereotypes are most often formed false, based on primary or superficial data.

They associated with tradition, are passed on from older generations to younger ones, in some cases it is no longer possible to know the source of their origin, but they are the basis of national thinking.

Unfortunately, stereotypical thinking significantly limits a person's capabilities.

Therefore, for the breadth of horizons, you need to learn correctly analyze the incoming information.

If you are traveling to another country and you have a certain pattern of perception and evaluation of the nation and culture, it is better to check the information and communicate more deeply with representatives of the nationality in order to dispel or strengthen the presence of a certain stereotype in your mind.

Behavior based on patterns also simplifies life, but often becomes the reason that a person misses great opportunities, does not see prospects, makes mistakes in assessing the situation and other people.

Stereotypes - part of our society but don't blindly follow them. Narrow thinking, stereotyped lead to the fact that a person stops in his social, personal and economic development.

Stereotypes, however, can be fought by opening the mind to new and interesting information.

Gender stereotypes - what is it? Learn about it from the video:

What are stereotypes? I think that these are some generalizations (generalizations) of certain human experience, and they arise due to the fact that we live in society. By the way, initially this concept came from ancient Greek and consisted of two words "solid" + "imprint". This was the name of a printing device in a printing house, and then this concept began to be used in relation to ways of thinking. After such an analysis of the origin of the meaning of the word - it already becomes extremely unpleasant! No, I agree that stable life positions are very important for personal development and just for a normal human life. But this is in the case when you have fully thought through them, realized and can even justify them. However, stereotypes are usually a rigid phenomenon, often very unconscious and, meanwhile, strong - a kind of rooted part of thinking. Stereotypes do not even need to be specially trained, unlike other knowledge.

Examples of stereotypes

Simple common examples: “A beautiful and interesting woman must already have a man”, “By the age of 25, every normal girl should already be married and give birth to a child”, “Men don’t cry”, “A man should be the first to invite you on a date and confess your love”, “What is expensive is definitely better than what is cheaper”, “Every normal person should go to work”, etc. And. etc. You yourself can remember more than one or two such examples, and maybe even tell about cases from your life when you suffered from the influence of stereotypes. For example, if a girl is already about 30 years old, then she is probably tired of hearing from friends and not so, from close and distant questions on the topic: "When will the stork visit you?" Unfortunately, this happens all the time, affecting our lives in a variety of ways - someone gets married in a hurry, someone cannot get to know someone they like (because that person: “Too handsome / rich / old / young ...”), someone literally drags their feet every day to boring work - and all this in order to be like everyone else, to save themselves from bewildered conversations and looks. As a result, many people feel unhappy... In addition, if you do something that does not give you pleasure, but you cannot stop, because you are afraid of judging others, then very soon you risk losing yourself among these others - alas.

What can be recommended in order to get rid of the influence of stereotypes? Many psychologists will give very simple advice that at first glance seems complicated: “Be yourself!” What does it mean? It means to believe in yourself, trust the world, and instead of listening to others, do what you think is right (unless, of course, this is connected with something socially dangerous). Hear yourself, your needs, use creativity and, most importantly, be happy! An unhappy person is not able to develop, and without development there is no life. Therefore, discard all stereotypes that prevent you from being happy! Although, if you really want to, then leave a couple of useful ones - protecting you from something bad (if you are really sure that it is bad)

And, finally, I will add - take responsibility for your life already. to myself!

Stereotypes are some kind of framework, restrictions into which we drive ourselves, and which prevent us from living a full life. We give an unambiguous answer to this or that question, it has an unambiguous opinion, and we are not going to change it. All this happens because "everyone does it", "everyone thinks so" or because we ourselves have received a certain life experience, and we cannot think differently. Let's look at some stereotypes.

1. Fat people are kind

If a person thinks so unambiguously, then he probably believes that if the full ones are good, then the thin ones are evil. Do not drive yourself into such a framework, stop thinking narrowly. Communicate with everyone, and you will understand that people are all different, and their attitude towards you does not depend on their complexion, but depends on your mutual understanding, respect, etc.

2. All blondes are stupid

This expression and stereotype came to us from anecdotes. If you also think this thought is true, then maybe you should dye your hair blonde (blonde). You are unlikely to consider yourself stupid, and then you will probably realize that hair color does not affect intelligence.

3. All men are irresponsible

If you had a bad experience in dealing with men, you do not need to completely put an end to your life and consider the entire male half of humanity as irresponsible. In this case, you need to understand yourself, start fighting with your complexes, and not blame others for everything.

4. All people are callous, they will never lend a helping hand

Of course, the modern world has become somewhat cruel, and people have changed in some way, but you should not assume that everyone is bad and soulless. Take, for example, orphanages. There are enough volunteers who go there and help children, because they like to do good. You can become one of them and help someone. And then you will understand that not everyone is so cruel, and that there is a lot of goodness in the world. It only needs to be seen.

5. Hatred for a particular nation

In our time, very often you can find far from flattering statements about a particular nation. And a person will not even be able to explain the reason for his dislike, he just does not like it. In this case, you just need to realize that in every nation there are both bad and good people, so you should not divide people like that (Russians are not Russians).

Live your life, do not drive yourself into the framework of stereotypes and public opinions, and you will be happy!

In interracial, as well as in intergroup relations, ethnic stereotypes play an important role. They are simplified images of individuals that have a high degree of consistency. As a rule, all stereotypes are acquired in childhood, and this is never the result of experience. Usually they are obtained from secondary sources, looking at parents, friends, grandparents, and so on. Plus, this happens long before the child begins to evaluate himself, to attribute himself to any particular group, or to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own personality.

general information

For the first time, such an element as ethnic stereotypes of behavior was discussed in 1922. This was done by a popular American journalist who conducted his own investigation. He said that the formation of stereotypes is a natural thing that only plays into the hands of a person.

First, when people come into contact with a complex social object that they have not seen before, they simply do not know how to behave. And in this case, they will be helped by the “pictures of the world”, which are in their heads and thoughts, are passed down from generation to generation.

Secondly, with the help of stereotypes, each person will be able to justify himself, to protect himself. Consequently, his positions, rights and values ​​will always have a certain weight.

Thus, stereotypes help humanity cope with the perception of the world, while maintaining personal qualities, as well as orienting themselves in difficult situations. Accordingly, if we are talking about ethnic prejudices, then people will be able to feel normal in the society of foreigners, since some information about them is available.

But there is also the other side of the coin. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to change many stereotypes formed in childhood (with rare exceptions). This is probably why humanity cannot advance further in development, as it is stuck at the stage of prejudice.

Stereotypes at the dawn of history

Initially, ethnic stereotypes meant only one thing: all strangers are enemies. A meeting with other tribes promised only death and war, so for a long time people could not establish contact with each other.

When intertribal contacts began to expand, for example, an exchange appeared, a person began to learn new things not only about his neighbors, but also about himself. Now he realized that he could not always raise his weapon against another member of primitive society. He became not just a fellow tribesman helping in the hunt, but a friend, father or brother in an emotional sense.

Further, prejudices began to develop in full swing, because how many tribes there were, so many stereotypes existed. Moreover, the definition of the images of the other was based on certain historical moments. For example, if another society was constantly in conflict with one society, then it was assessed as aggressive, vicious. If the exchange began immediately, and even on favorable terms, then the tribe received a more sparing assessment, it became kind, friendly.


Ethnic stereotypes are very diverse, examples of appropriate behavior or thinking can be given indefinitely. Moreover, prejudices will be based only on one nationality, they contain the thought of people connected by culture, homeland and behavior.

There are several stereotypes that Russians refer to other inhabitants of the planet:

  • All Germans are punctual and pedantic.
  • All Jews are smart, but greedy.
  • All Americans have standard thinking, they cannot deviate from the course set in childhood or by law. For example, not a single American will screw in a new light bulb on his own if it has burned out. This will be done by a specially trained person.
  • All Spaniards are too emotional, they are quick-tempered.

At the same time, other nations also develop about a Russian person. The most common of them is a tamed bear that plays the balalaika, and, of course, vodka - all Russians have breakfast, lunch and dinner with it.


If we consider not only ethnic stereotypes, examples of relations between specific people or full-fledged societies will be divided into several types:

  1. Perceptions of people relative to each other. That is, these are the prejudices that develop within a narrow group of people. For example, parents should be respected, elders should be respected, and so on. Such stereotypes will fit in the minds of the younger generation only on the condition that the elders are engaged in their implementation, and not just empty talk.
  2. Intersexual stereotypes. Examples: women should take care of the house, and men should work; boys don't cry, girls are always stupid.
  3. age stereotypes. Examples: in parenting and control, old people always grumble.
  4. ethnic stereotypes.

In principle, the types of ethnic stereotypes were formed in the process of the development of society. In addition, they are formed in each individual person. If we assume that an individual came to Prague and had his purse stolen at the train station, then he may think that all Czechs are thieves. That is, there are generally accepted ethnic prejudices and private ones.

How is the process of formation

The problem of prejudice has always existed, and the formation of ethnic stereotypes affects it to a greater extent. Even today, when any person can find all the information that interests him, the stability of prejudices is still present.

Formation begins in early childhood. However, at a young age, a child cannot think in terms of relations between nations, and he forms stereotypes about his family and its relations with other people. But the process itself is laid directly at this time.

Ethnic stereotypes first make themselves felt in adolescence, when a person is as defenseless as possible in front of them. If a girl or a guy has not yet formed his own opinion on some matter, then the imposed ideas will replace independent thinking. That is why any propaganda will become instantly absorbed information for young people. This is due to the fact that stereotypes have rigidity. Adolescents who have received a given pace of development of thinking simply have no idea how to think differently. But still, changes are present, and the Internet plays an important role in this.

Ethnic picture of the world

Today, the functions of ethnic stereotypes are gradually beginning to fade, but it is still impossible to completely exclude them. The primitive ethnic picture of the world is quite different. Then prejudices played a special role, they helped the tribes to survive. For example, with some communities, relations could be established, with others - hostile. And the sooner a new member of the society found out about this, the more chances he had for survival.

In modern times, ethnic stereotypes are based more on emotions than on hostility, and so on. Most often they carry a negative load. For example, if a Russian communicates with an American, then due to prejudices, he may initially frivolously evaluate his interlocutor. It will add bad emotions, and both. The same is the case with other nations.

ethnic tolerance

Today, the ethnic stereotype and the ethnic image are gradually beginning to merge into one concept. Previously it was different. For example, Russians thought that all Scots wear skirts (both men and women). stereotype. But they could be familiar with a single Scot who dressed the same as everyone else, that is, in trousers or jeans. This is an ethnic image.

In modern times, in order for a civil society to form correctly, it is necessary to educate tolerance in the younger generation. The latter lays the ability to appreciate and respect the culture of other peoples, their traditions and customs. If we take Scotland as an example, then wearing a kilt should not be ridiculed in any way. This will be tolerance.

International communication

Ethnic stereotypes of Russians, like many other peoples, are formed in adolescence. And the task of parents, teachers or mentors is to create such conditions under which young people will not follow the imposed opinion. Adolescents must independently develop their own thinking process, and hence their own stereotypes.

If you do not give such an opportunity to the younger generation, then humanity will not continue its spiritual development. For example, stereotypes can create an extremely negative situation in the course of interethnic communication. Moreover, if a person has received some prejudices, then he will not refute them in the process of life. On the contrary, he will constantly find examples that confirm them.

Accordingly, in order for interethnic communication to reach a new tolerant level, it is necessary to abandon stereotypes.


Thus, ethnic stereotypes of behavior are not at all the product that generalizes the same or similar features of one nation. In them, the personal qualities of individuals are replaced by a deliberately one-sided prejudice. The latter, in turn, is a negative attitude towards a particular group of people.

As a result of appropriate behavior, alertness is formed, and on both sides. The former follow their stereotypes, the latter behave badly due to a disrespectful attitude. A certain alienation is formed, which causes misunderstandings, and also complicates all subsequent interaction.

Male stereotypes

“All women are the same” is an accusation so often thrown by men against women, probably one of the most beloved and cherished stereotypes. Established ideas that actually form the social reality of each person. For, alas, not a single representative of the human race is devoid of these same stereotypes. And it seems that such a close and familiar concept is as old as the world. However, this is not quite true. The phenomenon of labeling people and all surrounding events, which existed for decades, was described only in 1922. And with the light hand of Walter Lippmann, it finally received its description and the name "stereotype". Such cliches are based, for the most part, on a person’s own personal or social experience. However, family and environment also play an important role. In principle, stereotypes do not depend so much on the gender of a person: both a man and a woman can have the same interpretations of some things and phenomena. But, since men and women are "from different planets", then some of their stereotypes, of course, will differ from each other. So, what are they - "male stereotypes"?

The main groups of male stereotypes

Group of male stereotypes No. 1

Interpretations of the surrounding world, included in this group, are formed in the head of a small boy under the influence of his family. It is worth saying that they are the most stable and, in fact, give the little man a “frame” of the world order, on which other ideas will be “strung” in the future. These are, first of all, the so-called "gender stereotypes", that is, directly related to gender. Separation of male and female roles: “a man is a breadwinner and head of the family”, “men should not cry” and the like. Of course, such stereotypes are important and, in general, reflect the patriarchal structure of the modern world. However, in general, they rather reflect the internal structure and structure of each individual family. It is not even worth fighting such stereotypes. The main stereotypes in relation to one's health, to women, to work and, in general, to one's place in the world are also laid down in the family. In the event that the baby is an orphan, the "framework" of his world will take shape under the influence of an orphanage or a foster family.

Group of male stereotypes No. 2

The clichés of the second group appear in men under the influence of their own experience, in the circle of friends, under the influence of school, university, work, the surrounding reality, etc. For example, a stereotype in relation to studying at school. From time to time, a repeating situation with a condescending attitude towards "excellent students" at school, for example, can create in a boy with "three" grades the corresponding stereotype "excellent students are teachers' favorites." Strongly influence the formation of any established ideas in men and the media. And it's no secret that media representatives often use this for their own benefit. For example, the imposition of the image of a “successful man”, who, by no means, will not be able to live without a cool “car”. Unfortunately, teams of professional psychologists who are well versed in human psychology are working to create such images on television and in the print press. And here, please, the stereotype of a “successful man” is ready.

Examples of established male representations

In relation to their health, male “breadwinners” have such stereotypes: “there is no time to get sick, you have to work”, “no one needs the sick”, “if you get sick for a long time, you will be left without work”. In general, masculine behavior based on such beliefs is also indicative. Men are less likely to seek medical help.

The stereotypes of men in relation to women are also very interesting. And about this, probably, more than one scientific treatise has already been written. Men and women are very different beings, and in relation to each other, both sexes have developed more than a dozen different stereotypes and beliefs.

The list of favorite male stereotypes about women can be endless, here are just a few:

“All blondes are stupid”, “all women are fools”, in general, a negative opinion about the thinking abilities of the fair sex, sometimes simply unfounded and not confirmed by anything;

"Woman driving like a monkey with a grenade." The stereotype has been refuted more than once, but still persistent;

"Women are talkative and can't keep secrets." In fact, they can, sometimes better than men. And the explanation for this stereotype is simple: women are more sociable and trusting by nature, hence the “talkativeness”;

"Women are capricious and hysterical." Yes, women are more emotional and often give vent to tears;

"Female friendship does not exist." It happens to be very strong. It's just that women value the family more often. And what kind of friendship is there if the household takes away all her time;

"A woman's place is in the kitchen." "Domostroevsky" male stereotype, still cultivated in some families;

“Women are only interested in clothes and cosmetics”, “all women are shopaholics”. The fact is absolutely not confirmed. Although, women really have to go shopping more, due to the fact that they cook, mostly they.

Justified or unreasonable, but we accept each other precisely through the prism of our own stereotypes. Destroy, which, at times, is completely impossible. However, knowing the basic mechanisms of their formation, one can skillfully manage them.

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