Pencil drawings of beautiful and clear roses. Learning to Draw a Beautiful Rose: Instructions for Young Artists

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Rose - beautiful flower loved by many. That is why it is the object of close attention of artists. There are several ways to draw a rose with a pencil in stages. For beginners, it is proposed to use step-by-step instructions.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a rose with a pencil

Before you draw a rose or other flowers with a pencil, you need to familiarize yourself with certain recommendations.

To draw a flower correctly, it is not necessary to complete art school and get some special skills. It is enough to stock up on desire and patience. And talent can be revealed in the process of drawing.

Before drawing beautiful rose, it is desirable to practice, depicting individual elements colors. This will help to fill your hand and gain some experience. In addition, as you know, pencils vary in hardness, this should be taken into account at different stages of drawing.

The main thing in drawing is to concentrate on the details. Before you start drawing, it is better to spend some time studying the drawing that is taken as an example. It is important to think through every detail to get beautiful flowers.

And if you want to learn how to draw at a level close to professional, you need regular classes.

On a note! Before you start drawing a rose with a pencil, it is advisable to watch instructional videos. Drawing lessons will help you learn the basics. For example, it will be possible to understand how shading is done, a sketch is made, paper is selected, shapes and contours are correctly drawn.

Instruction 1: how to draw a rosebud

Since the bud is the most difficult element of flowers, you should first learn how to draw it. You can draw it with a pencil in stages as follows.

  1. First you need to draw the top of the rosebud. It is not completely dissolved, therefore it is presented in the form of a spiral. It is enough to draw it, as in the photo.
  2. Then you need to step back down from the spiral and draw the first rose petal. He is horizontal.
  3. The upper part of the rosebud must be connected to the horizontal petal with straight lines.
  4. On last step you should give the flower bud volume by drawing the side petals. Depending on how many there will be, the degree of promiscuity of the rose depends.

Step by step the whole drawing process can be seen in the photo.

Instruction 2: how to draw an unopened rose

To draw an unblown rosebud, you will need to complete several simple steps.

  1. First you need to draw the base of the rosebud. To do this, draw a small semicircle. It is from him that the stem will stretch.
  2. The flower bud should be placed on this base. You need to draw an arc, as in the photo below.
  3. The rosebud is surrounded by petals. They should be drawn step by step, gradually increasing the volume of the flower.
  4. Then you need to draw a stem coming from the base of the rosebud. You can also depict several leaves surrounding the petals of a flower.

How to draw an unblown rose with a pencil step by step, shown in the photo. You can add or remove petals at will, adjusting the splendor of the bud.

Instruction 3: how to draw a beautiful rose with a stem

And here is another way how to draw a rose with a pencil step by step.

  1. First you need to draw a circle and a stem coming from it. It is represented by two curvy lines. Draw a horizontal oval above the circle.
  2. Next, you need to connect a circle and an oval with a pencil using two wavy lines. This will be the rosebud. On both sides of the circle, you need to draw two more winding lines. It is from them that flower petals are created.
  3. Leaves should be painted on the stem.
  4. Inside the oval, you must carefully draw a spiral with a pencil.
  5. The drawing is almost ready. It remains to erase the line of the circle inside the rosebud with an eraser, and also make shading with a soft pencil.

Perhaps it is difficult to find a more beautiful flower than a rose, right? The rose always arouses interest and admiration, and it is not for nothing that the rose has become a symbol of expressing one's love and sympathy. It is not surprising that many people want to learn how to draw a rose. Is it difficult to do this? Absolutely not. In this article, we will show some examples that will allow you to draw your first rose in just a few minutes. There are more complex examples where the rose will become real. artwork. Numerous video tutorials on drawing a rose will help in this, where drawing masters willingly demonstrate their skills in drawing such a beautiful color.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully study how the flower itself and its leaves look like, what shape it has - simple or complex. It is important to analyze the arrangement of rose petals and clarify the nuances that affect the shape. Finally, study the details - jagged edges, veins and cutouts, and all those small details that make a rose so unique.

Drawing a rose is not so difficult if you do it consistently. Let's see how you can draw a rose as a simple sketch.

How to draw a rose: sketch

When everything is clear with the image of the flower, you need to create a draft version of it, and then change the complexity of drawing. Start sequentially with simple forms, which is illustrated in the figure below.

The construction lines must be removed with an eraser, after which the resulting image is outlined with the usual contour line. Then you need to add the appropriate details of the rose and leave in the picture only what will make the rose even better.

Before drawing, you should study the main features of the flower. Position the rose in front of the color source so that the highlights stand out best. This way you can study the placement of petals and leaves in more detail, as well as learn to perceive their shapes more harmoniously.

How to draw a rose with a pencil

IN this example we will consider a more mature drawing of a rose. Initially, you need to decide how exactly the rose will be drawn, how it will be located taking into account the horizon, find out the shape and size of its constituent components. Some of the petals and leaves of the rose are located at the back and therefore will only be partially visible in the picture. It doesn't hurt to make a few quick sketches roses from different angles.

Choose the side where the flower looks best. If the rosebud is quite complex, then it is important to correctly indicate its proportions. To do this, study how the leaves, stem and bud relate to each other in size and size.

Now that the most spectacular side of the rose is selected, you can start drawing. Do not get distracted by various details and look more at the rose itself than at the drawing. It is advisable to stand in one place, because if you move or lean to study the details of the rose, then the point of view on the subject will change, and the drawing will eventually turn out to be incorrect, especially in terms of the ratio of its parts.

After you have sorted out the composition and made the outlines, draw the general parts of the flower head and its key components, carefully observing the proportions. Next, you should show the structure of the bud and the ratio of tones, add leaves and stem and some general details.

Add a variety of details to the drawing that emphasize the shape of the flower. To create the shape, use the tone and carefully work out all the components of the rose in the foreground. All details must complement each other. Often an inexperienced artist, trying to draw a rose, selects a certain detail and carefully draws it, but the rest simply adds, without careful study.

As you can see, drawing a rose is not difficult at all. But this is just the beginning - let's look at other examples of how you can draw this amazing flower.

How to draw a rose: examples

You can draw a rose like this:

And here is another simple example of a beautiful rose:

And here is already a difficult academic work in pencil - but the rose turns out wonderful:

The rose is the recognized queen of flowers, loved by millions of people. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of love, sung by poets, artists and great composers.

At first glance, drawing a beautiful rose is not at all difficult, although, of course, it depends on the level of your preparation. However, almost everyone faces difficulties when drawing, some at the stage of creating a contour with a pencil, others at the stage of drawing shadows with paints.

How to draw a rose step by step for beginner artists will be discussed below.

Draw a rose - a step-by-step instruction for children and their parents

Stage 1. Outline drawing. To begin with, draw the outlines of the future flower with thin interrupted lines. Outwardly, these outlines resemble a polygon. Draw 2 or 3 broken triangles on the sides - they will later become rose petals. In the center of the polygon, draw a circle without bringing its ends together (see image 1.1).

Stage 2. We draw the petals. The creative part of drawing. Petals inside the contour are drawn in a chaotic manner and of any size. We also advise you to depict them with thin interrupted lines, so that in the future, if necessary, correct the sketch without leaving traces (see image 1.2).

Having finished with the petals inside the outline, add some splendor to the sketch by drawing similar petals, but outside of it.

Petals can be depicted with smooth curves, and with curls, and with rounding - as you like. Don't be afraid to experiment by periodically comparing your sketch with the template.

After the petals, proceed to the design of the leaves. Give smooth shapes to the outlined triangular contours, not forgetting to draw the leaves inside (see image 1.3).

Stage 3. Creating shadows with a pencil. To look natural, the painted flower lacks shadows. Select small areas of the picture, among which be sure to include the side petals, the core and the leaves, and create shadows on them with light dashed lines (see sketch 1.4).

The picture is ready.

How to draw a bouquet of roses in a vase

Learned to draw a rose in the way described above? Then it will not seem difficult for you to draw a bouquet of these flowers.

Usually bouquets are depicted in vases, so we will give just such an example. To create a sketch, we will take as a basis a bouquet of three roses (see image 2.1).

Let's start drawing from the bottom flower. To create a blooming bud, use the steps described in the "How to draw a rose" section.

In the same way, depict the remaining two buds, one a little higher and to the right, draw the other above them (see image 2.2).

After creating the blooming buds, move on to the image of the stems and leaves. Fill the space between the flowers with them, giving the picture volume. Pay particular attention to the leaves of the lower rose, as they will hang over the vase (see image 2.3).

Now let's start drawing the vase itself. To do this, visually determine the middle of the lower bud and draw a small straight line down from this point. Draw a straight line on the right in the same way, keeping the proportions so that the vase looks natural. Two lines define the neck of the vase. After two drawn arcs, create its shape. The straight line connecting the arcs will serve as the bottom of the vase (see image 2.4).

The sketch is ready. The last step is to create shadows with light hatching. Try to change the pressure on the pencil to create a natural shadow. The leaves should be shaded with a darker shade, the petals with a light one. Don't forget to shade the vase to add volume to the image (see image 2.5).

The picture is ready.

How to draw a rose with watercolors

The first step to painting a flower in watercolor is to create a sketch. You can either draw it yourself or buy it ready made.

Determine for yourself a palette of colors, and for staining the petals, choose two or three shades that are in harmony with each other. In the process of drawing, apply first one color, then another. This is done for a smooth transition and a realistic picture.

Before starting work, lightly moisten the drawing with water and then start applying the first coat of paint to the petals, gently painting over them. Before starting a new petal, wait until the previous one is completely dry so as not to accidentally ruin the design (see image 3.1).

The most popular shades of flowers are pink, orange, purple, blue and cherry mixed with each other.

When the first layer dries, start creating shadows. To do this, identify the darkened areas (most often these are the bends of the petals and the core) and carefully add more dark colors. Then choose two or three petals for yourself and add saturation to them. Finally, do not forget about the leaves and stem, which should also stand out in color (see image 3.2).

If desired, in the process of drawing details, add a background using a similar color palette. Paints in this case should also be applied to paper damp from water (see fig. 3.3.).

The picture is ready.

Having learned how to draw roses on paper, many continue to improve and eventually are able to depict them even on nails, which, of course, requires exceptional skill. If the described methods seemed complicated, first try to draw the flower you like in the cells with a pencil, pen or felt-tip pens. To do this, you will need a notebook and a drawing example, which you can either create yourself or purchase from a store.

The article will tell you how to draw a rose with a pencil.

The rose is one of the most difficult yet beautiful flowers for an artist. If you are just starting to learn how to draw, it is better to do it with simpler colors. But there are a few secrets and master classes that will help you draw a beautiful rose with a pencil.

Tips for those who are going to draw a rose with a pencil:

  • It doesn't take much to learn how to draw. The main thing is the presence of desire and free time. With diligence, talent will be revealed even among those who cannot draw at all.
  • Read on the sites dedicated to drawing lessons for a few basic lessons. for example, what strokes can be done with a pencil, how to do shading and choose good paper. Pencils come in different degrees of hardness. This should also be taken into account when drawing.
  • Learn to draw on simple objects. So you will understand how to arrange objects on paper and fill your hand
  • Mindfulness is the main thing in drawing. Before you draw something, be sure to study the drawing. It must appear in your brain in all the smallest detail.
  • Draw what the soul lies to. Even if it seems difficult, try it. At regular classes you will definitely see results

How to draw a rose step by step with a pencil?

Bud- the most difficult part of the rose. It is from him that we will try to learn how to draw this flower.

  • First, draw the top of the bud. In roses, it is not completely dissolved and has the shape of a spiral. Step back and draw the first large petal below
  • Add volume to the bud and extend it down a little. How far you extend the bud lines will determine the degree of blooming of the flower.
  • Now draw the side petals on both sides of the bud. Add petals as much as you want your flower to be.

Now let's draw unopened rose bud:

  • First, draw the base of the flower. It will be a small semicircle. A stalk will stretch down from it
  • In this base we place a flower bud. We draw the leaves that will surround it
  • We draw a slightly opened bud, as shown in the pictures. Add volume to the petals
  • You can adjust the degree of splendor of the bud yourself by adding or removing petals

When you learn how to draw a rose with a simple pencil, try to add colors. Tips for working with colored pencils:

  • Colored pencil does not erase well. Therefore, first a sketch is made with a simple pencil
  • Choose soft colored pencils. They will injure the paper less and are easier to work with.
  • The pencil drawing is applied in several layers. No need to immediately apply a thick layer. In this way, different color layers can be combined
  • White color is difficult to convey with a pencil. So just leave areas untouched on the paper
  • Start painting the picture with the lightest tones, and finish with the darkest
  • Detail objects at the very end. To do this, you can use thin hard pencils.

Video: Draw a rose with a pencil

How to draw a bouquet of roses?

If you have already learned to draw individual flowers, then it makes sense to draw a bouquet of roses.

  • Make a sketch of the drawing on a draft first. So you decide what size the drawing will be, where on paper it will be located
  • The bouquet can be an independent element, or be part of a still life. Often a bouquet is drawn in a vase
  • A bouquet of roses consists of roses of various sizes and unopened buds. It will be appropriate to combine roses with other flowers.
  • Consider where the light will come from. All details of the picture must be proportional
  • If you can’t imagine a bouquet of roses well, you can draw it from any picture you like.

Drawing a bouquet of roses in stages

Drawings of roses for sketching

Video: How to draw a bouquet of roses?

How to draw a rose with a pencil? Lesson for children

How to draw a rose with a pencil lesson for kids? Rose is a classic flower that is given not only to women, but also to men. She has different types and colors. The most popular roses are white, yellow and red. Our drawing will be created using simple pencil, so we will rely on shades, and not on color scheme. The rose will have a slightly open bud, petals and a small stem. The illustration is simple, so not only adults, but also children can draw it.

Tools and materials:

  1. Sheet of white paper.
  2. Hard simple pencil.
  3. Soft simple pencil.
  4. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Step 1. First, draw a figure in which we will build a flower bud. We draw a square, but its height will be slightly larger than its width. We have outlined the height and width of the future bud, beyond which it is impossible to go:

Step 2 Inside the square, draw a figure that looks like an inverted egg. Its edges on top should be in contact with the contours of the square. We drew general form bud:

Step 3 We turn to the drawing of rose petals. The bud will be half open, so the petals fit snugly at the base, and separate and twist a little towards the edge. Let's start with two petals that are on the surface of the bud. They intersect in the center. From them, add two straight lines upwards, from which we will draw the rest of the petals:

Step 4 Let's draw in front along the edge of the petals - bends. From above on the sides we round off the petals that go behind the bud:

Step 5 Let's add more petals inside the flower. Towards the center, they become smaller and fit closer to each other:

Step 6 Add a couple more petals in the center, which twist into a tube. We make the edges of the petals a little sharper, and their outline is wavy:

Step 7 We won't need the square anymore, so we can remove it with an eraser. We leave only the kennels of the flower:

Step 8 Under the bud, draw a few long leaves that twist at the ends, like petals. Add a stem in the center:

Step 9 Now we put a shadow on the bud. Let's start with the extreme petals of the rose. At the bends, we make the strokes denser, respectively, there the shadow will be larger than on a flat surface:

Step 10 Strokes on the petals are applied along the growth and bends. At the base, the shadow will be larger than at the edges:

Step 11 The front petal will be the lightest in the entire picture. Let's add a shadow only along the edge and draw a contour:

Step 12 Let's draw the petals that are in the background. Only their tops are visible, so we add a shadow only near the edge of the petal that is in front of them: