Scenario of the concert "kindness for the soul". Scenario of the concert program of creative talents "wider circle

Elena Posokhova
Evening for grades 6-11 "Meeting with chanson"

Goals: To acquaint pupils with the history of chanson as a musical genre.

To get acquainted with the works of Russian chanson.

Note how the transformations in the country were reflected in musical works.

Improve and expand the range of cultural needs of children.

Correct distorted ideas about life and society.

Develop the range of auditory perceptions.

Cultivate musical taste, musical culture.

Equipment: discs with songs, photos of song performers.

Event progress.

"Children of the Arbat"

What are the children of the Arbat now singing about?

Among watercolors and catchy posters

At the walls, silver centuries with gray hair,

Which take us back to the past?

What do young wounded animals sing about

Those who did not know prisons, who did not burn in tanks?

Simple and complex, good, evil,

But waiting for a miracle, like all young people.

What are the children of the Arbat now singing about,

Whose fates have not yet been crumpled for years,

Whose heads are wild, whose thoughts are pure,

Yes, only the eyes are misty according to age?

The world is changing and people are changing

Victims, heroes and judges change.

Who is right today and who is to blame?

Let it revive us, a sip of their songs

In the days that follow the earth

In it is the crossroads of Russian roads,

In it - the sound of rain and the breath of the fields

What are the children of the Arbat now singing about?

And the children of McCartney and the children of Bulat?

Of course, about different things, but if only they sang,

But if only their songs would fly to people.

IN 1: Good afternoon! If you came here today, it means you love chanson. Because today we're going to talk about chanson, listen chanson, sing chanson. We continue the week of music and today is dedicated to chanson.

Song: Spanish S. Tkachenko. (student)

I want to ask the audience, what are these songs about?

Which performers

chanson you know?

Do you know where the word came from « chanson» and what does it mean?

AT 2: Chanson is a French word, which mainly determines the songs performed at first in their drinking establishments and later became popular, and entered the big stage.

father chanson consider the French singer Charles Aznavour.

What is it anyway chanson? Let's figure it out.

Very often there are questions about topic: « Chanson Is it a musical genre or style?

If you look up a dictionary, you can find out that chanson is a musical genre, so we will talk about it as a genre.

IN 1: So, today we are talking about Russian chanson. Now Russian chanson can be heard everywhere: in courtyards, in rural clubs, at music stalls, in markets, in home companies, in restaurants, in limousines, in public transport. Often chanson sounds in exile(as a nastolgia in the Motherland) and in places “not so remote. Russian chanson firmly took its place on the radio, in the music business and on the stage, there were book and musical publications. Since 2002, the award ceremony has been held in Russia at the State Kremlin Palace « Chanson of the year» . The concept itself "Russian chanson» came into use in the early 90s, at the dawn of perestroika. At that time, a huge number of collections and magnetic albums on criminal topics flooded the market, and then this concept was used as a synonym "thieves song". Term "blatnyak" or "blasphemy song" should have been replaced with a better one. But I had to explain to people what is "Russian chanson» in order to secure sales.

Already in 1994, more than 5 million visitors were released under "brand" "Russian chanson» . So chanson entered the market.

(Lesopoval: "Mom Street")

AT 2: But did no one sing before perestroika? chanson?

Of course, these songs were, they were sung and loved, but they were banned in the USSR.

But in our country it so happens that whoever the authorities scold more is loved and understood by the people. But the songs were listened to. And these songs began to sound on the radio and television, it became clear that the songs are different. And even very much.

For one word "Russian chanson» narrowly associated with yard, street, hooligan, tramp and thieves' songs, prison lyrics.


IN 1: A lot of authors and performers believe that "blatnyak" not included in the format "Russian chanson» . No matter how one and the other argue, the meaning and concept chanson can be reduced to one chanson, this is a song with a certain storyline, with specific life situations, people's experiences.

IN chanson the verse prevails over the musical accompaniment. The verses use the style of colloquial speech with its turns and jargon.

Chanson is an honest song, sung from the heart and for the soul.

("City of Childhood" R. Slatin.)

AT 2: Songs chanson even if fiction, as close as possible to life. And ordinary people are touched by songs about their mother, about the Motherland, about love, about friendship, etc.

However, it cannot be said that Russian chanson is a unique phenomenon.

Ordinary Americans do not listen to the stars of M Tee Vee. They prefer the country music of the American hinterland, which tells about the life and feelings of ordinary people.

false "glamor stage", obsessed with money, alienates our compatriots, forcing them to choose our analogue of country music

Russian chanson.

Many performers such as M. Krug, M. Shufutinsky have never been in prison, and are not thieves in law.

(Lesopoval "Lilac".)

IN 1: Russian chanson is a mysterious phenomenon. His attitude to the French pop song, frankly speaking, is conditional. Since no one knows what it is, sticking this label is as easy as shelling pears.

In the shop windows Vysotsky, Galich, Vizbor stand on a par with M. Krug and V. Tsyganova. Although the genre in which Vysotsky sang is an author's song.

Very often in concerts arranged by the radio « Chanson» Andrei Makarevich performs - although all his life "Time Machine" played rock.

But anyway, back to chanson. The songs performed in this genre are songs about life, which are not enough just to hear - they must be understood. And to understand chanson they have to live. That is chanson, if you like, it is a way of life, at least for those who practice it. These songs will not lose their relevance in 10-20 years, unlike most pop music songs, because chanson is not only a reality


("Life is a lie" Art. Mikhailov.)

AT 2: The person who sings chanson, there may not be a voice at all, and he may not even hit the notes, but he sings from the heart, and not with his voice, but with his heart and a couple forgives him for the lack of data.

There are people who do not perceive at all chanson, as a musical genre, considering it to be something far-fetched. But agree if chanson and fantasy, as close as possible to life. Many people believe chanson primitive genre. In any genre there is rough primitivism at the level of the gateway, in chanson too. Although it seems to me that in chanson more lyrics and meaning than in other genres.

In Russia chanson, for some reason they began to consider prison lyrics, thieves romance and other attributes. But a thug song is still not chanson, This is completely different.

Founder chanson Charles Aznavour never had songs about prison in his repertoire.

Chanson is, above all a beautiful song, with beautiful lyrics and deep meaning.

Chanson is usually, men's songs that women primarily like.

Many women also began to sing chanson.

(O. Stelmakh "Lady Boss")

IN 1: The charm of the great and mighty Russian language, love, tenderness, longing, sadness, the charm of native nature, this is not a complete list of feelings that wake up in a person when listening to these songs. If you listen to a song and run down your back goosebumps, a nostalgic feeling involuntarily arises - that means the song "takes the soul" or, as the youth say, "catches". And this is for a long time, because there is something in these songs that touches the heart.

With the outbreak of hostilities in Chechnya, in Russian chanson songs about modern war began to appear.

(St. Mikhailov "Heroes of my Russia")

V. 2.: The theme of friendship in Russian is very strong chanson, men sing about male friendship, women about female.

Judging by what strong words usually in these songs, the people who wrote them experienced strong emotions, experiences.

(Aleshin "My friend")

V. 1 .: The theme of love for a woman, found in Russian chanson very often. Songs can be comic, ironic, lyrical. But they are all very personal.

Maybe that's why they're so popular.

Each performer chanson there are such songs in the repertoire.

(St. Mikhailov. "Everything for you")

How many songs have we listened to today! Did you like them? I think this is not our last meeting with Russian chanson. And we will definitely let's meet to listen to good music.



There are tables on the stage. Joe Dassin's song "Café destroiscolombes" sounds. The waitress comes out and sets the tables. Leaves. Then he brings a candle on a tray. Lights up, puts on the table. Leaves. The hosts come on stage to the music (one of them will speak French, the second will translate into Russian the words of the host and guests of the cafe). They are talking about something. They go to one of the tables. The waitress comes up to them, places an order and leaves.

- On dit, qu'en France tout commencement par des chansons. Quand la musique a-t-elle commence? Personne ne le sait. On chante peut-être depuis toujours. Mais dans chaque pays les chansons sont differentes. On ne chante pas la même chose à Paris, à Londres, à Dakar ou à Rio-de-Janeïro. Et connaître la chanson d'un pays, la comprendre, c'est connaître et mieux comprendre ce pays, l'âme du peuple.

(During the host’s speech, a waitress quietly enters with a tray, puts glasses of “wine” on the table and leaves).

– They say that in France everything starts with a song. But when did they start singing? No one knows. Probably always sang. But each country has its own songs. And different songs are sung in Paris and in London, in Dakar and in Rio de Janeiro. And to know the songs of the country, to understand them, it means to know and better understand this country, the soul of the people.

– La chanson française a commencé il y a très longtemps. A partir de l'année 1000 de notre ère les troubadours et les trouvères parlent de la guerre, de l'amour. Certains mettent des mélodies sur des poésies.

The French song started a long time ago. Since 1000 BC, troubadours and trouvères have spoken of war and love. Some of the works have been set to music. This is how the rock opera Notre Dame Cathedral appeared today.

The melody from "Notre Dame de Paris" sounds. Gringoire enters the scene. The song "Le temps des cathedrales" is played. On the screen pictures with images of the cathedral.

C'est une histoire qui a pour lieu
Paris la belle en l'age de Dieu

Histoire d'amour et de desir

nous les artistes anonymes
De la sculpture ou de la rime
Tenterons de vous la transcrire
Pour des siècles a venir

Il est venu le temps des cathedrales
Le monde est entre
Dans un nouveau millinaire

Ecrire son histoire
Dans le verre ou dans la pierre.

Pierre après pierre, jour après jour
De sciècle en sciècle avec amour
Il a vu s'elever les tours
Qu'il avait battu de ses mains
Les poètes et les troubadours
Ont chante des chansons d'amour
Qui promettaient au genre humain
De meilleurs lendemains
Il est venu le temps des cathedrales
Le monde est entre
Dans un nouveau millinaire
L'homme a voulu monter vers les etoiles
Ecrire son histoire
Dans le verre ou dans la pierre.

Gringoire sits at a nearby table. He is served by a waitress.

- On chante alors dans les rues, dans les fêtes. Le café français c'est un lieu public où les Français aiment se rencontrer pour parler de ce qui les intéresse, de leurs affaires, des nouvelles du jour, pour lire des journaux, jouer aux cartes et écouter de la musique.

- They sing everywhere - on the streets, on holidays. A French cafe is a place where the French like to meet to talk about what interests them: about business, about the news of the day, to read newspapers, play cards and listen to music. Here you can meet famous singers…

Joe Dassin enters the stage to the music and performs the song "Salut". Pictures - Paris, lovers.

Salut! C'est encore moi.
Salut! Comment tu vas?
Le temps m'a paru tres long
Loin de ma maison j'ai pensé à toi.

J'ai un peu trop navigue
Et je me sens fatigue
Fais-moi un bon café
J'ai une histoire à te raconteur

Ilétait une fois quelqu'un
Quelqu'un que tu connais bien
Il est parti tres loin. Il s'est perdu, il est revenu.

Tu sais, j'ai beaucoup change
Je m'etais fait des idees
Sur toi, sur moi, sur nous
Des idees folles, mais j'etais fou

Tu n'as plus rien à me dire
Je ne suis qu'un souvenir
Peutêtre pas trop mauvais
Jamais plus je ne te dirai:

Salut! c "est encore my!
Salut, comment tu vas?
Le temps m "a paru tres long
Loin de la maison j "ai pensé à toi.

C'est notre ami Joe Dassin. Bonjour! Comment ça va, Joe?
This is our friend Joe. How are you, Joe?
— Bonjour! Merci, maintenant tout va tres bien. Mais autrefois j'étais riche de trois cents francs et je me suis inscrit en faculté de medicaline.
- Thank you. Now everything is fine. But I used to be poor and had to enroll in medical school.
- Après trois ans de medicine, je me suis arrêté car je n'ai pas pu disséquer un cadavre. Pour me nourrir durant toutes ces années j'ai fait tous les métiers: plombier, eboueur, cammionneur et même testeur psychologique. Ensuite je me suis decide de chanter. Comme ça, j'ai trouvé ma vocation.
- After studying for three years at the institute, I left it, because I could not dissect corpses. To support myself, I tried many professions: I was a plumber, a scavenger, a truck driver, and even did psychological research. And then I decided to sing. That's how I found my calling.
– Tout le monde adore votre chanson “Champs-Elysées” . Vous pouvez la chanter pour nous?
Mais avec plaisir!
- Everyone just loves your song "Champs Elysees". Could you perform it for us?
- With pleasure!

The song "Champs-Elysées" is performed.

Pictures overlooking the Champs Elysees

Je m "baladais sur l" avenue le coeur ouvert à l "inconnu
J "avais envie de dire bonjour à n" importe qui
N "importe qui et ce fût toi, je t" ai dit n "importe quoi
Il suffisait de te parler, pour t "apprivoiser ...

– Sur les rythmes diffèrents des chansons parisiennes, l'on retrouve les vieux thèmes de toujours: amour impossible, amour brisé, réflexion sur le temps qui passe et surtout l'adoration de sa capitale, Paris, l'adoration de ses quais, de ses boulevards, de ses marroniers, de ses pigeons, de son histoire, de son ciel.

– Eternal themes can be traced in various Parisian songs: the themes of broken love and mutual love, reflections on the time that passes and especially admiration for their capital - Paris, admiration for its boulevards and piers, chestnuts and pigeons, its history and its sky.

Enter Edith Piaf. She says.

- Je m'appelle Giavanna Gassion. Mais tout le monde me connaît comme Edith Piaf. Oui, j'ai connu la misère de la rue, mais j'ai chanté de toute mon âme. Je suis née en 1915 sur un trottoir, parce que l'ambulence était en retard. Mes parents etaient separes. C'est ma grand-mère qui m'a élevée. Après une adolescence difficile, je chantais dans les casernes, dans les rues… Un jour de 1935 un passant, frappé par ma voix, m’a proposé de passer en cabaret. C'était Louis Leplée, directeur du cabaret "Gerny's 54".

My name is Giavanna Gassion. But everyone knows me as Edith Piaf. I knew the poverty of the streets, but I sang with all my heart. I was born in 1915 on the sidewalk because the ambulance didn't have time to arrive. My parents were divorced, so my grandmother raised me. I sang in the barracks and just on the streets. But one day, in 1935, a passer-by, struck by my voice, offered me to sing in a cabaret. It was Louis Lepley, director of the cabaret "Gernis 54", where I made my debut.


- Ses chansons, sa voix forte, émouvante et tragique d'actrice ont enrichi la chanson française de nouvelles intonations compréhensible et proches pour chacun de ceux qui l'écoutaient. Ses thèmes préférés étaient l'amour non partagé et la solitude. Son répertoire exprimait la fatalité du destin et la croyance en l'amour malgré la souffrance qu'il apporte.

- Her songs, her voice - strong, exciting, the voice of a tragic actress enriched the French song with new intonations, close to everyone who listened to her. Her favorite themes were unrequited love and loneliness. Her songs talked about the inevitability of fate and faith in love, despite the suffering that it brings.

The song "Non, rien de rien".

Non! Rien de rien...
Non! Je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu "on m" a fait
Ni le mal tout ça m "est bien egal!

Non! Rien de rien...
Non! Je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie, car mes joies
Aujourd "hui, ça commence avec toi!

- Notre soiree est fine. Nous disons: "Au revoir" au café "Trois colombes"!

This is where our evening ends. Our cafe is closed. We say goodbye and ... see you again!

Edith Piaf song "Sous le ciel de Paris".
Lyrics on the screen so everyone can sing along.
Waltz dancing in the background.

Sous le ciel de Paris
S'envole une chanson
Elle est nee d'aujourd'hui
Dans le cœur d'un garçon
Sous le ciel de Paris
Marchent des amoureux
Leur bonheur se construit
Sur un air fait pour eux

The song "It's great that we are all gathered here today" will be performed.
Introductory speech of the teacher

1. HOST: The guitar again // does not want to be silent,// Sings on moonlit nights, // As in my youth, // With its family// With silver strings. This is Vysotsky.
2. HOST: Sometimes it is difficult to explain why certain lines of poetry come to mind. Let's say these: "Time has chosen us" - something pathetic, sublime, or - "times do not choose" - this is already something of its own, quiet, real. Poetic.
3. HOST: it is strange that pathos and intimacy are so easily combined when it comes to an author's song. And this is so easy to explain: in the years of pathos, one really wants a human. What could be more important than human understanding? This is a great gift - to love and understand a person, to be able to share joy and sorrow with him, not to be shy to show kindness, which is so lacking in our bitter age.
4. HOST: we are not magicians, we are only learning, and today - a test of the pen: our vision of the author's song, our understanding of it, our knowledge about it.
5. HOST: Author's song. it is also amateur, student, guitar, tourist, poetic, self-propelled: Does it make sense to continue the long list? Of all these definitions, perhaps, only the term "author's" somehow reflects the essence of phenomena. And that is not completely. And anyway, is it a song?
6. READER: start over. 1937 Now this date causes quite definite associations. And it seems that the first author's songs appeared as a counter to this terrible time.
Same year. Autumn. Moscow. Two very young boys - schoolboy Zhora Lepsky and first-year student of IFLI (Institute of Philosophy, Literature and Art) Pavel Kogan are writing a song. Perhaps unexpectedly even for themselves. And they write just for themselves. So far, there are four lines that illuminated Kogan:

Tired of talking and arguing.
And love tired eyes.

Already Zhora sits down to the piano, and in a few hours, by joint efforts, a song is born, which is destined to become the FIRST.
It doesn't matter if she was great or average. Probably, there were many poetic inaccuracies, controversial images, childish romanticism in it: But the song began to live its own life, no longer dependent on anyone.
One of its authors, the poet Pavel Kogan, died in 1942 near the city of Novorossiysk during World War II. Zhora (now George) Lepsky is alive.

(Performance of the song "Brigantine")

Tired of talking and arguing
And love tired eyes:
In the filibuster deep blue sea
The brigantine raises the sails:

Captain, weathered like rocks,
Went out to sea without waiting for us
Raise your glass to say goodbye
Golden tart wine.

We drink for the furious, for the dissimilar,
For the despised penny comfort.
The Jolly Roger is blowing in the wind
Flint's people sing a song.

And in trouble, and in joy, and in sorrow
Just close your eyes a little
In the filibuster deep blue sea
The brigantine raises the sails.

a little theory. The theory of an author's song is a delicate matter, like everything connected with creativity. Are there any analogues of the author's song in world practice? American protest song? French chanson? Perhaps there are no direct analogues. At the heart of the author's song are problems: one's own, friends, countries. Or a picture of life: one's own. Friends. Countries. See how wide the range is? From I to We. And after all it is necessary to have the right to speak WE so that we would agree with it. This means that the main advantage of a bard is the ability to express general moods, feelings, thoughts, ideas.
(Performance of the song "Let's fill the hearts with music"
8. READER: Author's song - "piece goods". Because everyone has their own talent. What is important is the ability to write poetry, music, play the guitar, be artistic, charming, a little bit of a psychologist (because how else to "work" with thousands of halls?) Another thing is even more important: to combine all this in one person.
(performing the song "Everyone chooses for himself")
9 READER: For those who are not familiar with the author's song, the word "atlantes" most likely evokes the image of the famous stone figures near the Hermitage. For those who are familiar with the author's song, the Atlanteans are the heroes of a very popular song:

When the heart is heavy
And it's cold in my chest
To the steps of the Hermitage
You come at dusk
Where, without drink and bread.
Forgotten for centuries
Atlanteans hold the sky
On stone hands

Everything is clear and easily recognizable. Hermitage Museum. Atlantean figures. A picture created by words. And here is the finale, which is so important for understanding the essence of the author's song genre: "And there is still hope to live as long as the Atlanteans hold the sky on stone hands." This song, "Atlantes", is one of the most famous. Many concerts in different cities of the country end with her performance. The author is very talented person. This is a geophysicist, doctor of sciences, poet Alexander Gorodnitsky.

(Performance of the song "Atlanta")

When the heart is heavy, and the chest is cold,
You come to the steps of the Hermitage at dusk,
Where without drink and bread, forgotten for centuries,
Atlantes hold the sky on stone hands.

Keeping his colossus is not honey from the outside.
Their backs are tense, their knees are brought together.
Their hard work is more important than other works:
One of them will weaken - and the sky will fall.

Widows will cry in the darkness, fields will burn,
And a purple mushroom will rise, and the earth will end.
And the sky from year to year presses harder,
It trembles from the buzz of rocket ships.

They stand, guys, chiseled bodies,
put once, but the change did not come.
Their daylight does not please them, they are not up to sleep at night.
War spoils their beauty with shells.

They stand forever, resting their foreheads in trouble,
Not gods - people accustomed to work.
And still hope to live until
Atlantes hold the sky on stone hands.

10 READER: "Atlantes" is often called the first generation of bards - those whose work began in the 40s, 50s. Their songs are the golden fund of the genre, and they themselves are still very popular.
I name names: poet, prose writer Bulat Okudzhava; actor, poet Vladimir Vysotsky; playwright, poet Alexander Galich; artist, poet Mikhail Ancharov; poetess Novella Matveeva; journalist, poet. Prose writer, playwright Yuri Vizbor; journalist. Poetess Ada Yakusheva; playwright, poet Julius Kim; two professional bards who connected their lives with the stage - poets Yevgeny Klyachkin and Yuri Kukin. No. We must stop, otherwise even short list will take too long. Note that this is still long list There is one common definition for all - a poet. A poet who creates an unusual work that combines the talent of a poet, a composer, a musician, and an actor. Every true bard small theater.
11 READER: and here is another of the luminaries of the author's song - Yuri Vizbor.
Fate measured out a short period for him: 1932-1984. In his autobiography, he wrote about himself: ": I thought that I would become either a football player or a pilot. A daily training "base" was assigned to football in a nearby park, and under the sky - a Moscow flying club, where I got into the habit of going from the ninth grade":
He did not become either a football player or a pilot. He did not become a writer, although he managed to write several bright, original stories. Did not become a film actor, although he starred in eighteen feature films. did not become a star of journalism, although he came up with a new genre of radio journalism - "song-report". He did not become a famous documentary filmmaker, although several dozen films were shot according to his scripts, he did not become an artist, although many paintings remained after him. And, finally, it did not fall to him to become a famous climber, although the mountains were his second home and two mountain peaks are named after him. A life span of 52 years marked him as a talented amateur.
12 READER : in Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, this word is defined as "an amateur, a person involved in music, art, art not by trade, but by inclination, by hunting, for fun."
His "fun" still excites the minds, hearts and souls of tens of thousands of people. The first song lines that sounded from space were the lines of the song by Yuri Vizbor (it was performed by cosmonaut Alexander Ivanchenkov accompanying himself on the guitar):

Skis are standing by the stove,
The sunset fades behind the mountain.
The month ends March
We'll be going home soon.
Hello gloomy days
Mountain sun, goodbye.
We will keep forever
In the heart of this region.

13 READER: why exactly Yuri Vizbor was and remains one of the most beloved bards? Perhaps because he sang about his life, talked about that. What worries him himself, he talked about his understanding of love and hate, friendship and betrayal, cowardice and courage. He sang about his own - and people recognized themselves. Or they didn’t recognize, but they really wanted to know, because the lyrical heroes of Vizbor are people of extraordinary thoughts, actions, feelings, experiences.

What music was
What music sounded!
She didn't teach at all.
She just called softly.
Called good to be considered good,
And consider bread a boon,
Suffering cure suffering
And warm the soul with wine or fire.

14 READER: the best author's songs have their own plot, their own drama, and what is very important - they have openness, there is a story about the most intimate, personal. Yuri Vizbor did not live to see his first collection or the first disc. Official recognition came to him after his death. Official - after death, folk - a long time ago and, it seems, forever.
(performing the song "My dear")

All our meetings of separation, alas, are destined,
Quiet and sad stream near the amber pine,
The embers of the fire twitched with timid ashes -
That's all over, it's time to leave.
Chorus: My dear, forest sun,
Where, in what regions will you meet me?

Wings laid down tents - their flight is over.
Wings spread the seeker of separation - the plane,
And the ladder slowly moves away from the wing -
Indeed, there is a gulf between us.

Don't comfort me, I don't need words
I would like to find that stream near the amber pine,
Suddenly, a piece of fire turns red in the fog.
And they are waiting by the fire, imagine me.

15 READER: Julius Kim is one of the most unpredictable bards. Lyricism and sarcasm, irony and the pain of misunderstanding, truth and fantastic fiction intertwined in his songwriting. He was preparing to become a teacher, graduated from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, worked at a school small village Anapka in Kamchatka, in Moscow boarding schools. The guys loved him very much (this is known from them themselves) - he not only taught, but told, explained, helped to understand, was just friends with his pupils. He also wrote songs. Unusual for that time: mischievous boys acted in them, and excellent students were not heroes, but were the object of ironic "admiration". Moreover, everyone understood that, in general, knowledge is a necessary thing, but there is still a taiga. Ocean. Tundra. There are friends with whom it is so great to spend time after school. In short, the songs written at the institute and in Kamchatka quickly became popular in the country.
16 READER: Perhaps one of the main successes of Yuli Kim in the 60s was a cycle of songs dedicated to the war of 1812. Songs, in fact, comic, theatrical, because satire and humor, irony - the main creative direction of Kim. He wrote more than ten plays, about 300 songs, "voiced" dozens of songs famous films and performances on the stages the best theaters countries.
(performing Kim's song)
17 READER: unofficial historiographers of art song (there are no official ones yet) often divide bards into generations. And yet, the 50-60 years gave the author's song more names and songs than all subsequent ones. This is natural: the first (and the second) had no one to imitate, in fact, they themselves laid the foundations of the genre.
These were their songs, under which any of the listeners could "subscribe". They were real life real feelings rather than imaginary conflicts and situations.

I look at Moscow through the prism of poetry,
Through the prism of music, the prism of love.
It's just useless to look at Moscow,
You just won't see anything.

This is one of the most famous songs, it was written by students of Moscow University Gennady Ivanov and Yuri Kolesnikov. (performance)
18 READER: and students of the same university, Sergei Krylov and Sergei Nikitin, were the authors of the song "Little Trumpeter" no less popular in those years:

Around the war. And this little
All the doctors laughed at him.
Where is this little one good for?
Well, except for trumpeters?

Young Vadim Egorov fascinated with his songs and poems:
Scattered stars blue peas (recording)
The guitar of Irina Levinzon sighed:

Autumn, she won't ask
Autumn, she will come.
Autumn, she is a question
Freeze in blue eyes.
Autumn will fall with rain
It will sweep with showers ...
On deserted beaches
Will slowly wander.

19 READER : THE 60S BROUGHT TO THE GENRE A WAVE OF AUTHORS WHO DIDN'T WRITE POETRY, BUT USED OTHER SONGS TO CREATE SONGS. FOR THE MOST THESE WAS LITTLE KNOWN POETS OF VERY FAMOUS POETS: Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Joseph Brodsky: some of the poems of these authors, which became songs, aroused many people's interest in poetry in general. To the good poetry of true poets. But - which again refers to the phenomenon of the author's song - at the same time the songs of bard poets were no less popular, even though they lost professionally. Rescued, apparently, all the same sincerity, openness and insecurity of the soul.
(performing "I like:")
20 READER : Vladimir Vysotsky wrote about the author's song:
"The author's song - there is already no deceit here, one person with a guitar will stand in front of you all evening, eye to eye: And the calculation in the author's song is only for one thing - that you are worried just like me, human fate , the same thoughts. And just like me, they tear your soul, and scratch the nerves of injustice and human grief: In short, everything is calculated on trust. That's what you need for an author's song: your eyes, ears and mine desire to tell you something, and your desire to hear.
21 HOST: ends our evening: Someone liked it. Someone not so much. But the author's song, no matter what, will live on. The guitar again does not want to be silent, and friends are all around.
(performing the song "It's great that we are all here today")

Host: Attention! Attention! On the waves of the local radio Retro FM.

— Good afternoon, dear listeners! On the air of Retro FM and in the next hour we will be with you ——-and ——-.

Today we have the first meeting with the audience in the New Year, so we sincerely congratulate everyone on the New Year and Merry Christmas!

May the year of the Horse bring a whole load of health, prosperity, success and of course love to every home.

— Dear viewers! We invite you to listen and sing along with us

songs that you fell in love with, danced on the dance floors and that you will never forget.

- I have no doubt that each of you, with one or more of these songs, certain memories of youth and childhood are associated.

- And this evening we want to wish you a pleasant stay and a lot of positive emotions!

Listen and stay always young.

In the 60s and 70s, a large number of musical films were created in our country. The songs that sound in these films become, one might say, "folk". And our musical hour opens with a song from the film Russian field "Waltz about Spring" which will be performed by—-.

Surely you are familiar with the wonderful comedy by Leonid Gaidai "Prisoner of the Caucasus or Shurik's New Adventures". April 3, 2012 marks the 45th anniversary of the film's premiere. But we still remember and love the wonderful characters of this film: Shurik, Nina and the famous trinity of a coward, a dunce and an experienced one. And the songs from the movie are still very popular today. The cheerful song of the main character "About the Bears", composer Alexander Zatsepin, was performed in the film by the singer Aida Vedischeva. And now it will be performed by Nastya

2. Small country

Presenters: What current TV show can do without a quiz

B 2: Let's go over the songs with you. I name the phrases of the songs - you are the movie in which it sounds

And a smile without a doubt will suddenly touch your eyes - "Carnival Night"

In a dark blue forest where aspens tremble - "Diamond Hand"

Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence - "Iv.Vas"

When spring comes, I don’t know - “Spring on Zarechnaya Street”

Somewhere in the world - "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

Your Honor, Lady Separation - "White Sun of the Desert"

What were you - "Kuban Cossacks"

If you don't have an aunt - "The Irony of Fate"

Rise and Shine - "Gentlemen of Fortune"

There are so many golden lights - “It was in Penkovo”

Fatigue Forgotten - "New Adventures of the Elusive"

Hey sailor! - "Amphibian Man", wonderful

We continue the retro concert at the request of the library workers, the song "On the Path" sounds - we meet a female vocal group.

2. I like him

At the age of 60... On the concert stage, on the radio and from the first long-playing records, kind lyrical melodies sound - about peaceful and happy life friendship and love...

The country was reborn and sang the songs of the Festivals of Youth and Students, songs that came from the movie screen, and after - from the screens black and white televisions - first heard in the legendary "Blue Lights" and during the broadcasts of large holiday concerts.

We will congratulate the workers of the outpatient clinic with the song "Nightingale Grove" which will be performed by—-.

And of course, how on such an evening without humor, the brothers I will present their comic song.

(sounds musical insert weather)

And about the weather.

Today in the east of Ukraine partly cloudy weather, wind from the side of good luck and precipitation in the form of happiness are expected. And whatever happiness does not leave your home - your song will tell you how to do it.

Let's never fight

- In the 60s of the 20th century, hiking trips and travel became popular. The guitar was absolutely necessary here. How nice it is to sing soulful songs on a quiet evening near a crackling fire to the accompaniment of a guitar. And all these songs constituted something new: not poetry, not music, but a new song genre - the author's song.

Now everyone knows Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Vizbor and many others not as poets, but as bards (that is, as authors and performers of their own songs). The songs of each of them, like the authors themselves, are not similar. But they are united by the simplicity of the melody and deep meaning, as well as the spirit of romance and freedom.

Hunting for wolves will perform Vysotsky's song

Blank sheet.

——- with the song “It’s not yet evening” the teaching staff of the school congratulates.

And you know what, the very famous song "Black Cat" is well known to the generation of the 60s. It's already 2012, and she's not losing her popularity! The 60s love it, the 70s love it, the 80s, the children of the 90s and the generation of the 21st century, by the way, too!

- Song by Yuri Saulsky to the verses of Mikhail Tanich. Written at the end of 1963. "Kot" was one of the first Soviet twists. Soon this song sounded in Polish, German and Czech. She resounds today cat

B 1: No matter how strange it may seem, but in last years the boogie-woogie dance has become very common and fashionable ...

V 2: But this dance came to us from the West, and it was in the 60s that it gained great popularity among young people ...

V 1: It has become fashionable to dress brightly, to behave differently from everyone else ... and for such behavior they could be expelled from the party, and this did not frighten anyone ... Because it was the time of "Dandy".

V 1: Songs, they accompany us all our lives. So different and close to our hearts, which have become an integral part of ourselves.

B 2: Let's continue to remember and sing our favorite songs together.

- and we will sing together with the presenter - the Ukrainian romance "Nich Yaka Mіsyachna" to the words of Mikhail Starytsky and dedicate it to all the women present here in the hall.

She: How great it is to visit the holiday of memories and nostalgia ...

He: Feel the time of change, the first freedom! Dive into the golden age!

We continue the transmission of retro FM and invite Daria to the microphone with a song

"Ochі na pіsku" with which she will congratulate the colleagues of the plant of metal structures

Yellow tulips

Mikhail Krug dedicated his first 4 albums to his first love Marina and he wrote this song in 1987 also for her.

You are my last love duet

Workers ——- congratulates with his songs——.

В 2: You remember Soviet films of the USSR well, don't you? And now we will check it.

B 1: Say the famous phrase from the movie "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession", which Ivan the Terrible said when he saw the newly built Moscow.

Answer: What a beauty! Lepota!

B 2: List all the positive qualities of the main character Nina from the movie. "Prisoner of the Caucasus", which Comrade Saakhov described at the event.

Answer: Komsomol member, student, athlete and just a beauty.

B 1: What he worked main character with k / f. "Gentlemen of Fortune" before he became a notorious prisoner named Associate Professor.

Answer: Kindergarten teacher.

В 2: Sing your favorite song of Semyon Semenych from the movie. "Diamond Arm", which he brilliantly performed at the Iva restaurant.

Answer: Song about hares.

V 1: Where did Evgeny Lukashin go every year on December 31 with his friends from the film. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!".

Answer: To the bath.

In 2: “What a filth, what a filth is yours…” — what did Ippolit have in mind with the movie. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" calling it "disgusting".

Answer: Jellied fish.

V 1: “Georgy Ivanovich, he is Goga, he is Gosha, he is Yuri, he is Gora, he is Zhora, does he live here?” - from which k / f. this quote.

Answer: "Moscow does not believe in tears."

B 2: “- Girl, oh, girl, what is your name?

"And I'm Fedya!"

Answer: - Well, a fool!

Presenter 1: Today in this hall wonderful songs written in the 60-70s of the 20th century are heard, songs that have become the golden fund of our stage. Many of them have not lost their beauty and sound in a modern way in the 21st century.

With these songs we congratulate the workers of the Head Plant.

In 1972, the poet L. I. Oshanin invited Valentina Tolkunova to perform on the stage of the Hall of Columns at the anniversary concert with the song “Ah, Natasha” by V. Ya. Shainsky. This was the beginning of her popularity on television and radio. Her song “Our Parents” will be presented to —— workers of the village council

And for the pebbles

And yet the old songs are immortal! They return and sound with renewed vigor, again stand next to us and live, despite a different fashion and the emergence of new genres and trends.

——with the song Eyes Voloshkovy "congratulates the workers kindergarten Meet Pinocchio.

Wedding ring

— Yes, here earlier times were! And what good songs they sang!

Yes, the songs were good, sincere! Here is one of them!

How is life without love

The song, which entered the golden fund of the Ukrainian stage, was written by Anatoly Gorchinsky and Leonid Tatarenko

It sounds for the workers of "Vodogray" performed by——-.

To your attention "Chervona Troyanda"

There was once such a great country - the USSR. And all of us living today, whether we like it or not, are inextricably linked with it. We all come from there, and we simply have no right to forget about it. Each song is a meeting with the past, favorite films, ensembles, whose work is inextricably linked with the Soviet Union.

Song about a distant homeland

With his songs, he congratulates all his colleagues “Vlasivski Merezhi” on holidays.

"I just work as a wizard."

We continue the concert by request. and congratulate the deputies and the executive committee of the village council.

V 1: Soviet song is loved by people of all ages and professions.

V 2: Songs are loved for the beauty of the melody, the breadth and depth of feelings. The best of them, prompted by life, become our true friends. They are with us in joy and in moments of sadness.

For you, our dear viewers, our songs sound.

"Two banks"

Now, when it has become completely clear that the seventies are gone forever, and nothing like this can be done by anyone, and interest in THAT music began to naturally revive.

We also wanted to give you good memories, wonderful music and the atmosphere of that time.

We listen to the following folk song “Ah Samara town” performed by the ensemble “Libyd”, and the hall helps.

The sword was thawed, loved, danced and sang,

Flying somewhere far, far away.

Get up easily, fall asleep instantly,

And thought, thought so secretly.

Walked through forests, wandered through meadows,

And most importantly - there was time for everything:

For work, for love and for a little bit.

And everything worked out, and everything worked out!

Oh, youth, youth, you are incomparable!

Why did you just drive by?

Vladimir Ilyichev: « New project aims to popularize songs with a "human face", in order to identify original authors and performers in the most emotional genre of the country.

Project idea: Vladimir Ilyichev and Partners directorial team

Hosts: Vladimir Ilyichev, OLGA PANKOVA

Screen (stage back) - the logo of the festival "Podmoskovny Chanson". Every 30-40 sec. the background changes from the logo of the festival to the greeting card "Happy New Year!"

Light: pouring TV light to the end, the protruding into the hall, "tongue."

Light: the concert goes out and lights up at the exit of the Leading
Solemn music sounds.
Leading the stage.


Good evening, dear viewers!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and also famous members festival "Chanson of the Moscow Region"! (pronounced in the form of an appeal to the stars of the chanson)

Pause applause

She (on a smile, as if jokingly):
For those who are not yet in the know, I hasten to inform you that the New Year's Eve near Moscow portends a lot of fun, folk festival and festive chores under the smell of rich pies and the aroma of hot samovar tea....

And in this fun, according to the old Russian tradition, a huge place is given to soulful songs! Where without them, "when the soul sings from bright joy .." (the words are pronounced singsongly and very poetically)

Host of the festival - the author of the idea of ​​this project, director, screenwriter and songwriter
- Vladimir Ilyichev!

Now, as I understand it, I need to read a few lines to justify my place on this stage. I will gladly do it! After all, so many close people have gathered today. And I dedicate this poem to my friends....

Music: background music under the verse

When my beloved city wakes up
and my house will shrink from the frost,
I will find in my soul a random reason
stay alone with him...
Let youth beat with its fists at the door.
let the strings break, it was more painful ...
and I'm an eccentric, as before, I do not believe
that this city has become even more dear ...
In the blind window, time froze in the rack,
but my life does not seem kinder,
a miracle three carries me across the sky
over the domes of old churches...
I will throw myself headlong into the pool again
as long as there is strength, I will serve fate ..,
hello godforsaken city,
you are the one best city on the ground....

He (with admiration):
And now, I would like to introduce one of the most beautiful women in the country! My divine partner is a popular TV presenter, owner of the title "Mrs. Russia", Olga Pankova!
(pause to applause)
By the way, Olga and I are residents of the Mytishchi region!
(pause applause)

Music: background

Friends! Today we present to your attention the First Open Musical
Soul Song Festival "Chanson of the Moscow Region"!
(pause to applause)

Dear guests, taking this opportunity, I would now like to read out the government telegram that came to the address of the organizing committee of the festival:

Telegram text .................................................. .......................
signature of the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Grigory Petrovich Ivliev.
(pause. applause)

Agree, friends, that the small towns of Russia deserve such attention! After all, it is here, in the city of Mytishchi, that our festival begins its great procession across the vast expanses of the largest country in the world!
(pause, applause)

But first, let's dive into history. It's no secret that the city of Mytishchi gave our stage a lot of well-known names. Among them: Honored Artist of Russia Alexei Glyzin,

Singer Sergei Lemokh and the group "Carmen",

composer Levon Vardanyan, author of the immortal hit "Wandering Artists",

singer and guitarist Anatoly Shevanov, who worked in different times with Larisa Dolina and Vladimir Presnyakov - Jr.

Sergey Balakirev - bass guitarist and member of Oleg Lundstrem's orchestra...

And of course, Honored Artist of Russia, leader of the Recital group of the Alla Pugacheva Theater, singer and composer Alexander Levshin!
(pause, applause)

Friends! I invite the head of the Mytishchi region, Viktor Sergeevich Azarov, to this stage!
(pause. applause)

Music: repulse for the exit of the head of the district

Text by V.S. AZAROV:

"Dear fellow countrymen! The Mytishchi region is not only famous for the names of pop artists, it is home to wonderful scientists, great athletes, famous artists world famous astronauts. Frankly, I am very pleased to hear today the names of those who have raised the bar high in our region near Moscow in pop art!
We are proud of you!
And on this good note, I would like to congratulate on behalf of the participants of the festival and, on my own in particular, all the inhabitants of the region on the upcoming New Year!
(pause applause)
I believe that the holiday of soulful song should be traditional! We deserve a festival of this level!
(pause, applause)

Music: solemn melody

And now dear guests (music: words stretch to drum beat) Attention!
The first Open Music Festival of soulful song "Chanson of the Moscow Region" - I consider it open!
(the solemn oratorio sounds intensified, all the spectators play with luminous sticks to the applause of the hall, an element of the opening of the Beijing Olympiad)

Pause. applause.

Dear Viktor Sergeevich, please accept from the organizing committee our gratitude for supporting the festival, for your contribution to the development of the culture of the region and respect for the Mytishchi musicians!
(pause. applause)

For the award - I invite the legend of the national stage, Honored Artist of Russia, Alexander Levshin, to the stage!

Alexander says kind words to the city and its head! presents V. S. AZAROV with the statuette "CHANSON OF THE MOSCOW REGION", and the girls take out the flowers!
(Audience applauds wildly!)

Dear Victor Sergeevich, on behalf of all the participants of the festival, we congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you happiness, health and new victories in your difficult business!
(pause. applause)

Victor Sergeevich thanks the audience and leaves the hall to the solemn music
A. Levshin remains with the hosts on stage ..


Dear guests! Meet! Sings for you - Honored Artist of Russia, Alexander Levshin!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs sound.

Thank you Alexander for your sincere songs! The locals appreciated them!
(pause. applause)

Vitaly Solovyov, general producer of the festival, is invited to the stage for the awards ceremony!
(pause. applause)

Music : ceremonial exit
Vitaly reads the text of his speech.
Solemn music sounds
Vitaly gives Alexander a figurine, and the girl gives flowers

But that is not all! Friends! Today we want to congratulate Alexander on his birthday!

To the song "happy idle" a cake with candles is brought on stage on behalf of the "Euro Club"!
The hall gets up and sings along: "Happy birthday to you"!
Alexander, to the applause of the audience, blows out the candles!

Dear countrymen! Let's once again wish Alexander all the best! And also - health, happiness and success in your creative life!
(pause. applause)

Alexander thanks the guests present ..) and leaves the stage to the solemn music ...
Stormy applause from the audience ... The audience accompanies Alexander standing ..

Music: background under the text Leading

Friends! For many people present in this hall, it is known that Alexander Levshin began his musical career in the Mytishchi rock group "Vanguard" (this was in 1972)! 40 years have passed since then, and the group continues to live. During this time, 4 generations have changed in it! Today - the group "Avangard" - a guest of our festival! Meet, on stage - "Vanguard" 2012! Group leader - Sergey Kristinin!
Soloist - Alfred Tsibirov!
(pause. applause)


After the number - the head of the Avangard group Sergey Kristinin - thanks Alexander for his work and
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!...
Music screensaver for the care of artists

Music: background for the announcements of the sponsors of the festival

She :
Ladies and gentlemen! Our festival is gaining momentum. And we are sincerely glad that it is served by the best television team of the Moscow region of the television company "TV Mytishchi"! The guys have a huge experience of working on the central channels of the country.
Director of the film crew - Alexander Afanasenko!
(pause. applause)


We are also grateful to the General Director of the international musical television company "Music Box" Natalya Palinova for the wisdom and professional loyalty to our project! With her light hand, all the material of the festival will be placed on the TV channel "Humor TV"!
(pause. applause)

We would like to express special gratitude to Sergey Borisov. Sergey is the authorized representative of "Radio Chicago" in Moscow! And today, from this beautiful and cozy hall, under his leadership, our festival is broadcast live across the ocean! America is listening.
(pause. applause)

And not only America! All of Russia listens to us! The live broadcast of the festival is now on the frequency of "Radio Chanson 24"! And we want to thank the head of this radio company, Alexei Khorkov!
(pause. applause)

Our partner is also - The best water park in Moscow! "Kva-Kvapark" on Yaroslavka is an oasis of eternal summer, where it is always +32. "Kva-Kva Park" - happiness is near!

We would like to express special gratitude to the KVIST-OFFICIAL DEALER OF HYUNDAI AUTO CENTER and personally, to the MARKETING OFFICER OF THE DEALER CENTER - ANASTASIA YERMILOVA, for providing the latest generation cars for transporting the festival participants! HYUNDAI QUIST is your most reliable partner on highways! (pause to applause).

Special thanks to the staff of the newspaper "MUZON. MUSIC ONLINE - the music of your soul!


Dear viewers!
It is not by chance that we called our festival open and now I would like to introduce an artist from the city of Cherepovets. From his collection he already has the title of laureate of such projects as "Varademarines of the stage", the festival "Entre" and the competition in memory of Mikhail Krug.

Alexander Shishkov sings for you! city ​​of Cherepovets
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.

Ladies and gentlemen! The Real Decembrist sings for you! Hereditary Cossack! Popular TV presenter and leader of national charts in the Chanson genre!

Ekaterina Golitsina!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

The songs of the next author, who will now appear on this stage, are performed by many artists: Natalya Shturm, Alexander Ivanov and the Rondo group, Alexander Marshal, Gera Grach, Oksana Orlova, Vladimir Chernyakov ...

Apparently, this is the author's strength - to be generous to everyone. Mikhail Sheleg sings for you!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.

Friends! Artists with a higher philological education are not so often found among the performers of the author's song. They are always distinguished by depth poetic images and a special manner of presenting musical material. And today we want to bring to your attention the favorite of the aesthetic public whose name is well known to everyone ...

Sings for you: Vladimir Asmolov!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

The artist who will appear in front of you in just a minute, dear viewers,
needs no comments!

Meet the most expressive person of our theatrical stage - Nikita... (together with the hall) Dzhigurda!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

And now, I invite you to the stage legendary band whose popularity knows no bounds! For more than 10 years, this team has been in the center of public attention!


Meet the Lesopoval group!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.


Probably, it always happens when you think that fate should develop according to what is written. But therein lies the irony of life. At least the next heroine of our festival, having reached specific heights in journalism, once left the country and left for France for a long time.

But she returned from there as a pop star. A Russian Frenchwoman sings for you - Stella Gianni!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Mikhail Krug left a huge song legacy! His hits are still breaking all records of musical parades.


And we invite to the stage those who honestly served his work. Meet the former group of the idol of millions with a very Russian name "Bratushka"!
(pause. applause)

Number. 1 song.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Dear viewers! In chanson, its leaders have long been determined and the following performer is among them!

Meet! The best tenor of the domestic chanson - the author performer
Nikolay Smolin!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

And now another representative of the Moscow region will appear on our stage. This artist was born in the city of Podolsk. His fate is filled with a variety of events...

There were ups and downs! But judging by its popularity, there were more ups! And today he firmly takes his place in the golden clip of the leaders of Chanson! Sergey Azarov sings for you!
(pause. applause)

Number. 1 song.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Friends! To your thunderous applause, I invite the kings of Chanson to the stage Black Sea coast- group "Our Theme" city of Novorossiysk!

Number. 1 song.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.


Dear guests of the festival! The borders of our festival beat all records. Chanson has consolidated its position in the most remote regions of the country. Our guest is a favorite of the Far East! Singer and composer Sergei Primorsky!
(pause. applause)

Number. 1 song.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Friends! An artist will now appear on our stage, about whose fate books could be written. He always appeared best friend Michael Krug! Was his colleague. And now he heads the festival of the king of the domestic Chanson in Tver.

The laureate of all-Russian festivals of author's song, singer and composer Leonid Teleshev sings for you!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Dear viewers! The most popular chansonnier of Yekaterinburg came to our festival! Denis Mafik! Meet...
(pause. applause)

Number. 1 song.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Ladies and Gentlemen! I hasten to inform you that the Volga region at our festival is represented by a singer and composer from Samara Valery Palauskas! Meet!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.


Vladislav Medianik! This name in the world of Chanson is known to everyone. The songs of Vladislav Medyanik occupy a worthy place on all radio stations where melodies for the soul sound. The fate of this artist is full of romantic adventures, but none of them
did not affect the love of a popular artist for real art!

Sings for you, Vladislav Medyanik!
(pause. applause)

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.


Friends! Meet! On stage - a favorite of the public, winner of the "Chanson of the Year" award! Valery Kuras!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Dear viewers! And now I want to invite a singing composer to this stage! A person who works closely with Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontiev, Irina Allegrova, Alexander Buinov and many many others. And the musical format that he created for Grigory Leps still serves popular singer faithfully!

Composer Yevgeny Kobylyansky sings for you!
(pause. applause)

Number. 3 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Laureate on stage music awards"Grand Prix" festivals "Black Rose" in the city of Ivanovo, and "Good Songs" in Kaliningrad. Winner of the special prize "Russian soul" in the city of Stuttgart (Germany).

Meet "Lady Chanson 2012" - Lala Khoper!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Dear lovers of soulful songs! I hasten to please you, the soloist of the first composition of VIA Pesnyary came to us! He now lives in Florida. But at this moment he is here in the suburbs! In our favorite city!

On stage - ex-soloist of the group "Pesnyary", Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, Anatoly Kasheparov!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

On stage, the legend of the national stage, the person whose name is associated best years groups such as "Merry Fellows", "Flowers", the group "Araks". The voice of this artist cannot be confused with anyone ...


Meet Anatoly Aleshin singing for you!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Friends! And now a singer and composer will appear on our stage, whose path to the top of pop art was strewn not only with roses, but also with thorns. Today, his work does not need comments. This artist has a very busy tour schedule!

Sings for you - Sergey Lyubavin!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

The name of the next performer has long become popular. In his career there was a lot of work with bands such as " Blue bird”, “Flowers”, “Circle”. As a guitarist, singer and composer, he collaborated with Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Anne Veski, Evgeny Kemerovsky. In the music world, he is considered one of the best melodists in Russia...


On stage - Honored Artist of Russia, Igor Sarukhanov!

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

And now I would like to say a few words about the singer, who relatively recently made all musical means mass media draw special attention. His appearance on the stage still looks unexpected for many.
surprise. Today, the songs of this artist occupy leading positions in the charts.
national stage...

Jan Marty sings...

Number. 2 songs.

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Muses a beat for the care of the artist.

Dear guests! And now I would like to announce the names of those who prepared this festival!
CEO cultural and entertainment complex "Euro Kulub" - Nersik Shahinyan.
Project coordinator - Lilia Cherusheva,

Press group leader Natalya Polishchuk,
Press secretaries of the project - Natalya Senina and Natalya Vokina,
Sound engineer - Vlad Pavletsov,
The head of the film crew "TV Mytishchi" - Alexander Afanasenko,
Make-up team leader Victoria Kostina,
Project Director - Anna Budanova.

(pause. applause.)
Now, look at the screen!

Screen : on the screen - Alla Pugacheva sings the song "Iceberg" in video format (the verse and chorus sound! the chorus is mixed)

Dear guests! To your thunderous applause, I invite the author of the wonderful lines of this immortal song to the stage. Meet! The wife of the great Mikhail Tanich, the poetess Lidia Nikolaevna Kozlova!
(pause. applause).

Music: muses beating for the exit of L. Kozlova

Speech by L Kozlova. Congratulations to all viewers on the new year.
(pause. applause)

Dear Lydia Nikolaevna! Thank you for supporting the festival! On behalf of org. committee, for the contribution to the musical development of such a difficult genre as Chanson, we want to present you with a commemorative statuette of the festival laureate and wish you excellent health, creative success and New Year mood!
(pause. applause)

Music: music saver.

Vitaly Solovyov takes out the statuette, and the girls - flowers

The artist who will now appear on our stage is known to all as the author of a number of hymns to human souls. His songs have long been drinking. Their popularity has surpassed the expectations of skeptics from the world of music journalism. And today these songs are more relevant than ever...

He: Alexander Dobronravov sings for you!

Number. 1st song sounds

Music screensaver for the award.
The exit of the girls with flowers and a figurine. Presentation of the figurine.
Pause applause.

Alexander Dobronravov
wishes all guests a Happy New Year!

Music : (at the joint) "How delightful evenings are in Russia"
Alexander Dobronravov sings the song "How delightful evenings are in Russia"
On the 3rd verse of the song, after the modulation - all the stars with glasses of champagne go on stage with sparklers lit!

Music: the following text of the presenters against the background of the extended ending of the song, after the last chorus

Dear viewers! First open music Festival soulful song "Chanson of the Moscow Region" has come to its logical conclusion! Forward