Quiz all year round preparatory group. Pedestrian team starts

Karagulova Emma Saidulaevna,


MBDOU No. 83 "Duck's nest"


Educational area "Safety"

This type of activity is an educational quiz game - an activity that has certain rules and serves for learning, relaxation and pleasure; characterized by modeling life processes in a developing situation.

This lesson refers to the lesson to consolidate and improve knowledge, skills and abilities. To non-traditional forms of training sessions lesson - improvement: a quiz for children preparatory group: "Connoisseurs of safety rules", which is active form cognitive activity.

Initially, a group of children are divided into 2-3 teams. The team prepares the name, medals, emblem in advance. A jury is selected to evaluate the players.

Program tasks:

Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules fire safety, rules of conduct in case of fire; where to cross the road;

Cultivate a sense of responsibility;

Develop confidence and a sense of mutual assistance.

Kind of activity:

Cognitive, playful, communicative.

Program content:

  1. To continue to form preschoolers' ideas about the safety of behavior in various situations.
  2. Summarize the existing knowledge and skills of safe behavior in the main sections "Fire safety", "Human health", "Child and other people", "Child and road", "Rescue services".
  3. To develop in children logical thinking, attention, ingenuity, the ability to reason, draw conclusions.
  4. Improve communication skills: negotiate. Establish dialogue in joint game ability to assign responsibilities, ability to work in a team.

Materials and equipment:

Tables for players, chairs; presentations: Posters and drawings "Fire safety rules", "Ambulance safety", "Safety experts"; traffic lights (red, yellow, green); 2 sheets of paper, pencils; commemorative badges of the winners of “Safety Experts” (for each child); telephones, buckets, step, model (houses), animal figurines, skittles, hoops.

1. Road signs- signposts, pedestrian crossing, bus stop, footpath,

2. Warning - attention to children, attention to the pedestrian crossing,

Quiz progress:

Children in physical education enter the hall with a cheerful march and stand in a semicircle.

Leading: Hello dear friends! Today we have a quiz "Connoisseurs of safety rules." I am glad to welcome everyone to this hall, I hope that today we will all find out who can rightfully be considered the most attentive, the most quick-witted, the most erudite. Who can we call a "Safety Connoisseur".

And so, today the team "Pedestrians" and the team "Rescuers" participate in the quiz.

Let me introduce the jury....

The jury will closely monitor your answers, and mark the correct ones, for correctly completed tasks you will receive chips - an expert, which team will score more chips, that team will win.

And so, our competition begins.

Teams please get ready.

1 round. "Guess a riddle”.

Now I will make riddles for you, and you listen carefully.

Pedestrian team starts

1. An ember fell on the floor,

The wooden floor is on fire

Don't look. Don't wait, don't stand

And pour it ... (water).

2. Kids and adults know

Everyone knows stripes.

Leads us across the road

Pedestrian…. (transition)

3. If younger sisters

Lighting matches at home

What should you do?

Those matches right away ... (take away).

4. I saw children on the sign -

Slow down quickly.

These signs mean

What do people often go here … (children)

Presenter: The Rescuers team continues we listen carefully.

1. What happens if the birds

Do you light matches at home? (fire)

2. "You must drive carefully" -

The road sign tells us.

In the triangle guys

A man is standing with a shovel! (Men at work)

3. Who is three-eyed, one-legged

Are we flashing on the road?

The red eye is staring

"Stop!" - signal... (traffic light)

4. The car will refuel here

Drink three buckets of gasoline

Help each car

If she is thirsty …. (gas station)

Well done boys! You solve riddles very well.

Host: Round 2

Round 2 "Call firefighters".

Guys, what will you do if you see fire? (Team responses)

Host: Imagine that you are a fire brigade, you need to go to a fire.

(Children stand in a column). To get to the phone, you need to overcome an obstacle on the way: climb through the hoop one by one, run to the table and do not forget to dial the required fire department number, pick up the phone and report a fire, correctly and clearly name the address where you noticed smoke or fire, and your last name . For example: (... a fire was lit in the courtyard of the house, grass is burning behind the house, a garage caught fire in the courtyard of the house down the street ...)

The children line up.

The jury evaluates the competition ....

Host: 3rd round.

And now the blitz is a tournament for team captains "Answer quickly"(the teacher asks questions in turn).

Questions: Team Captain "Pedestrians"

1. The sounding instrument of a traffic police officer? ... (whistle)

2. They walk and ride on it ... (road)

3. The name of which animal do we remember when we cross the carriageway? (zebra)

4. Workplace car driver. (cabin).

5. Where is it allowed to sled or ski... (in designated areas)

6. The driver of the car. (chauffeur)

Presenter: The captain of the Rescuers team continues

1. Controller traffic(traffic police inspector)

2. Both the car and the bird have …(wing)

3. Part of the road on which the transport moves. (roadway.)

4. Device playing important role in traffic control. (traffic light.)

5. People of a heroic profession, passing through "fire, water and copper pipes." (firefighters.)

6. Good words that are nice to hear addressed to you. ( compliments.)

Dear jury, please summarize the results of the competition.

Leading: And again the competition continues.

Round 4 “Beware of fire”

The house is on fire. You need to extinguish it.

The child runs with a bucket of “water”, jumps over the “step”, crawls through the “window” (hoop) - extinguishes the house. Returns, passes the bucket to the next.

Leading: So, we proceed to the last round of our competition.

Round 5 “01” is in a hurry to help”.

Your task is to save the animals.

The child runs “snake” between the pins to the hoop with animal figurines, takes one, returns.

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results of the quiz, I suggest that everyone play together.

Didactic game: "Listen carefully"

I will ask questions, and you should answer in unison: “It's me, it's me, these are all my friends!” or keep silent.

Be careful:

Who, having heard the smell of burning, reports a fire?

Which of you, noticing the smoke, will shout: “Fire! We're on fire!?

Which one of you is naughty with fire, morning, evening and afternoon?

Who does not kindle fires and does not allow others?

Who hides matches from a little sister at home, children?

Leading: And so the floor is given to our experts….

Leading: On that note, we end our quiz today. Well done boys! Today you deftly and quickly coped with the tasks, answered in unison and helped each other. For participating in the quiz, you earned medals "Safety Experts". Be careful, think about safety!

Follow the safety rules!



  1. Demonstration and handout material.
  2. Children's project "Pedestrian School: Learning the rules of the road"
  3. Magazine " preschool teacher", №7, 2010
  4. Classes on the rules of the road - E.A. Romanova, A.B. Malyushkina, Moscow, shopping center Sphere 2005

We invite teachers preschool education Tyumen region, YNAO and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodical material:
- Pedagogical experience, author's programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including video), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Murzaeva Natalia Vladimirovna
Intellectual quiz in the preparatory group "Ready for school!"

Intellectual quiz in the preparatory group

"TO school ready


1. Strengthen the ability to guess mathematical riddles;

2. Consolidate the ability to solve examples for addition and subtraction;

3. To consolidate the ability to find words that are opposite in meaning;

4. To consolidate the ability to compose a whole word from syllables;

5. To consolidate the ability to determine the types of transport, and the dwellings of different animals;

7. Strengthen the ability to observe symmetry and colors.


1. Develop ingenuity, imagination, logical thinking;

2. Develop counting skills, the ability to perform actions in the mind;

3. Contribute to the formation of an expanded outlook;


1. To bring joy to children from joint developmental, intellectual games;

2. To develop in children a friendly atmosphere of team play;

3. Develop a sense of responsibility, empathy and mutual assistance within the team;

4. Maintain interest in games.

5. Cultivate independence, the ability to understand learning task and do it yourself.

providing (dispensing) material:

Badges for each player by team names, tags for each completed task, medals for rewarding, examples for each team, syllables for composing words, two cardboard butterflies and pattern details for them.

Quiz progress.

Children enter the hall and greet.


Guys, you'll be leaving soon. school and become

first graders. Today we will conduct a small test for you - preparers to see how you are responsibly and seriously get ready to enter 1st grade.

Sounds music (from the cartoon Carlson) and Carlson appears with the Kid.

Carlson: Hey guys, I heard you're going to school? And the Kid and I will also go to school.

Baby: Only we are very afraid that we will fail and we will study poorly.

caregiver: Are you don't be afraid of school, there is very Interesting. And if you try to learn, you will succeed, and you will learn only from "4" And "5".

And the guys and I will help you, if you want to participate in our quiz?

Then let's split into teams. One team will be called "Smarts", and the other "Znayki".

IN school is having lessons, and our quiz will be held as lessons in school

"WARM-UP" (you can answer in chorus)

Each team is given 10 questions. (questions in 2 envelopes, envelopes are played by the captains)

Questions to the UMNIKI team:

1. How many days in a week (7) ;

2. Cow as a child (calf);

3. Fairy boy with a wooden nose (Pinocchio);

4. How to cross the road correctly if there is no traffic light nearby? (By "zebra");

5. Name the autumn months (September October November);

6. Instrument for measuring time (watch);

7. Gingerbread man, overgrown with needles (hedgehog);

8. What time of year do birds build nests? (spring);

9. Neighbors of number 6 (5 and 7);

10. What is the name of our city? (Konakovo).

Questions to the ZNAIKA team:

1. How many months in a year (12) ;

2. Horse in childhood (foal);

3. Fairy girl with blue hair (Malvina);

4. What should I do if there is a fire? (call for help and call 01);

5. Name the days of the week (Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri., Sat., Sun.);

6. Ironing device (iron);

7. Chicken as a child (chick);

8. At what time of the year do birds fly south? (in autumn);

9. Neighbors of number 8 (7 and 9);

10. Country where we live? (Russia).

I see you well prepared for the quiz and we can continue our competition. IN school is having lessons, and our quiz will be held as lessons in school.

The teams take their places at the tables.

First Lesson Math:

1 task:

Guys, in kindergarten we often play math games and now we will test your knowledge.

On the tables you have sets of numbers.

I will ask questions, and you will have to choose the number corresponding to the correct answer and raise it.

The team with the most correct answers wins.

1. How many eyes does a person have? (2) ;

2. How many days are there in a week? (7) ;

3. Somehow, at night under a bush

Mushrooms have grown again.

2 mushrooms and 3 mushrooms

And all of them exactly .... (5) ;

4. They flew over the river birds:

Pigeon, pike, 2 tits.

How many birds? Answer soon! (3) ;

5. I have two sweets,

I will give one to my sister Svetka.

I'm not greedy, and for that

Dad gave me two candies!

And now there's candy

Even more than before! (3)

6. Squirrel sisters sat

Six of us in a hollow on a spruce.

Another one rushed to them -

She escaped the rain.

Everyone is now warm.

How many squirrels are in the hollow? (7)

7. Birds were sitting outside the window,

Pigeon, thrush and three titmouse.

We ask students

And diligent students:

"Who will answer us ready,

How many birds outside the window? " (5)

2 task:

Put the signs right «+» And «-»

3 … 1 = 2 4 … 1 = 5

4 … 2 = 2 3 … 2 = 5

7 … 1 = 6 6 … 2 = 8

10 … 1 = 9 7 … 1 = 8

7 … 1 = 6 4 … 1 = 5

5 … 1 = 4 3 … 1 = 2

Turn: finger gymnastics

One two three four five,

Second Russian lesson language:

1 task:

Pick up antonyms - the game is called "Vice versa".

I'll say the word high

You answer low

I'll say a word away

You answer closely.

Do you understand the task?

Words for the team "Znayki".

Young - (old)

Fast - (slow)

Start - (end)

Ceiling - (floor)

Wet - (dry)

Quiet - (loud)

White - (black)

Wide - (narrow)

Clean - (filthy)

Dark - (light)

caregiver: The team played great "Znaek". I hope their opponents are just as strong.

And now the words for the team "Smarts".

Night - (day)

Empty - (full)

Fine - (Badly)

Solid - (soft)

Cowardice - (bravery)

Rich - (poor)

Hot - (cold)

Thick - (thin)

Sky - (Earth)

Small - (big).

2 task:

On the magnetic board, syllables are given on the right and left sides in a column, you need to match the syllables with right side, syllables on the left side to make a word.

met current mis tsa

color by color

ko ro five rides

Turn: A game "Hot potato"

The third lesson is environmental world:

1 task:

"Find the Extra":

Presentation by mode of transport "U" (helicopter, plane, balloon, steamboat); "Z" (car, bus, truck, train)

Presentation on wildlife who lives in the house "Z" (anthill, lair, nest); "U" (pond, hollow, beehive).

Turn: a game - "Earth, water, fire, air".

Children stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to the players and says one of four words: earth, water, fire, air. Ate the driver called "Earth", the one who caught the ball must quickly name the one who lives in this environment, the same with the rest of the names, with the word fire, the one who caught the ball will have to spin.

Fourth Literature Lesson:

1 task:

Captains competition "Solving the Riddles":

Though he was steadfast and brave,

But he did not survive the fire.

The youngest son of a tablespoon,

He stood on a strong foot.

Not iron, not glass

There was a soldier. (tin) ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier")

All girls and boys

Managed to love him.

He is the hero of a funny book,

Behind him is a propeller.

He flies over Stockholm

High, almost to Mars.

And the kid will recognize him.

Who is this? Cunning. (Carlson) ("Baby and Carlson")

Do you know this girl

She in old fairy tale sung.

She worked and lived modestly.

But the shoe fits her!

Happiness came to her like the sun!

And they called the beauty. (Cinderella) ("Cinderella, or the Crystal Slipper")

His tail is crocheted

Ru and Kenge know him

Winnie the Pooh is a friend -

Piglet. (Piglet) ("Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all")

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name. (Little Red Riding Hood)

The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three piglets)

1. "Dunno"; "Living Hat"; "Automobile"- Nosov

2. « The Snow Queen» ; "The Steadfast Tin Soldier";

"Thumbelina"- Anderson

3. "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"; Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka- Assumption

4. "Lion and Dog"; "Bone"; "Filipok"- Tolstoy

5. “For the second time he threw a seine, a seine came with sea mud” - "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" Pushkin

6. “The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow jumped away from me like a frog” - Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

Turn: musical minute "The road leads us to a fairy tale"

Fifth technology lesson:

Finish the butterfly:

Each team is given a cardboard butterfly with a pattern (from colored paper) only on one side, each team is invited to complete the second side, observing the symmetry and color scheme.

caregiver: well, our school day has come to an end, our dear Carloson and Malysh, did you like it?. now I think you are completely ready for school.

The teacher awards children with medals.

Carloson: thank you guys, we liked it so much, you know I'm very sweet, but today I want to share with you my favorite sweets.

Carloson and the Kid leave. The lesson is over.

Target: reinforce in children the existing ideas about health and healthy way life.

Program tasks:

  1. To systematize the primary ideas about a healthy lifestyle of a person.
  2. Develop memory, attention, thinking and imagination.

3. Continue to teach children to establish cause and effect relationships.

  1. Cultivate awareness of your health.
  1. Divide the children into two teams, each team chooses its own name and captain.
  2. Prepare envelopes with assignments sent by "viewers" - fairy tale characters, prepare chips and award materials.
  3. Invite a competent jury.
  4. The team captains take turns taking the envelope.
  5. Each envelope contains tasks for teams. The jury makes sure that the answers are complete, deep, exhaustive.
  6. The chip is not given for the answer as a whole, but the above described answer criteria are taken into account. Thus, a team can earn several chips on one task.
  7. Each team has the opportunity to complete the answer of the opponents and get chips for it.
  8. At the end, the number of chips earned by the teams is counted and the winning team is announced.

Quiz progress:

Children are divided into two teams and come up with the name of their team.

Instructor: I have envelopes on my desk; you will take turns approaching the table and choosing tasks for yourself. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip. At the end, we will count the chips and find out whose team won. And our jury will watch your game and determine the winner (representation of the jury members).

Instructor: So, let's begin. Captains are invited to choose an envelope with a question (children choose envelopes, the teacher voices the question).

Exercise 1

Question from a stranger:

What is language for?

(Language is needed for tasting food, mixing food, and for speaking.)

Question from Znaika:

What is the nose for?

(With the help of a person breathes air, distinguishes odors, protects against dust particles and microbes, warms the air that enters the body, removes microbes from the body).

Task 2

Question from Nyusha:

Guess the riddle:

Two brothers live across the road, but do not see each other.

What are the rules for eye care?

  • Rinse eyes thoroughly.
  • If your eyes itch, tell an adult about it.

    If a mote gets into the eye, immediately remove it, rinse the eye.

    Do not rub your eyes, especially with dirty hands.

    Wear dark glasses in the sun.

    Include liver and carrots in your diet

    Do not sit for a long time at the TV and at the computer.

Question from Krosh:

Guess the riddle:

It caught the sound of the rain

Hear if something is wrong!


Name the rules for the prevention of diseases of the hearing organs.

  • Don't put anything in your ear.
  • If you feel pain in your ear or become hard of hearing, you should consult a doctor.
  • Do not shout loudly or listen to loud music with headphones.
  • When talking, look at the interlocutor, so he can hear and does not have to raise his voice.
  • Do not listen to the radio while reading a book.
  • Avoid colds.
  • Protect your ears from strong winds.
  • Don't blow your nose hard.

Instructor: To sum up the results of the first two questions, the floor is given to the jury.

Task 3

"Blitz Poll"

Questions for teams in turn:

  1. On which side of the body is the heart located?
  2. If a person is very sick, what does he take? (medicine)
  3. What does a dentist treat? (teeth)
  4. What color is the blood? (red)
  5. How many times a day should you brush your teeth? (2 times)
  6. A person can have many friends, but the main ones are: the sun, the air…. (water)
  7. Birds have feathers, humans ...... (hair)

What does an ophthalmologist treat? (eyes)

Task 4

Question from Malvina(to both teams together):

  • First team: "Put on a plate foods that are rich in vitamins"
  • The second team: "Put food that does not contain vitamins in a plate"

(Each team is given a dish with a set of 8 products.)

Task 5

Question from Simka:

“What are the signs that a person has the flu?” (Headache, sore throat, fever, weakness, runny nose.)

Question from Nolik:

“By what signs can you find out that a person has broken his knee? (There is pain, blood flows, there is a tumor, the skin is damaged, it is difficult to step on the foot, the person is crying.)

Instructor: For summing up the intermediate results, the floor is given to the jury.

Physical education minute

Instructor: And now I suggest a little rest. I will read the statements, and if you agree, sit down, if not, clap your hands. Ready?

So as not to know microbes,

Children need to be hardened.

Never to get sick

You have to sleep all day.

If you want to be strong

You have to be friends with sports.

In order not to get sick in winter,

You have to sing in the street.

And from the flu, from the sore throat

Vitamins save us.

Watch more TV

Definitely then

Eyes will become sharp.

Will you eat onions, garlic -

The cold will not find you.

Do you want to be the strongest?

Start licking icicles.

Task 6

Instruction from the cat Leopold(for both teams):

Collect the cut picture and name what is shown on it.

(Each team is given a picture cut into pieces. One of them shows healthy foods, on the other - harmful. After the pictures are collected, the children are asked to tell what is shown in the picture, whether these products are useful or harmful, what is good and what is bad).

Task 7

Question from Pyatochka:

What rule did Winnie the Pooh forget about while visiting the Rabbit?

“… — I seem to be stuck. It's all because someone's doors are too narrow.

  • No, this is all because someone eats too much ... ”(A.A. Miln, B. Zakhoder)

Answer: Rule: Do not overeat, do not be greedy.

Question from Moidodyr:

What rule did the boy from the cartoon Moidodyr forget about?

"Early in the morning at dawn
The mice are washing
Both kittens and ducklings
And bugs and spiders.
You alone did not wash
And remained dirty
And ran away from dirty
And stockings and shoes" (K.I. Chukovsky)

Answer: Rule: don't be a slut, take care of your hygiene and appearance.

(For this task, you can use excerpts from the proposed cartoons)

Task 8

Question from Goldfish(for both teams):

Instructor: This box contains some kind of hygiene item that we need every day. Each team names any hygiene items in turn. The team that guesses the item in the box will receive a token. Box to the studio!

(There is a towel in the box)

Instructor: And now the floor is given to our esteemed jury.

Summing up, awarding.

Sources used:

  1. Ivanova A. I. “Man. Natural scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten.
  2. Kozlova S.A. etc. “Introducing the child to social peace. I am human".
  3. Miln A.A., Zakhoder B. Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all
  4. Chukovsky K.I. Moidodyr

Quiz game for children of the preparatory group “I want to know everything!”

Purpose: generalization and consolidation of knowledge on the studied topics with holiday elements.

Tasks: consolidate knowledge of the number's neighbors; consolidate the idea of ​​​​the sequence of days of the week; exercise children in solving logical tasks; develop logical thinking.

Preliminary work: conversations about the seasons, about the days of the week; solving mathematical problems; solving logical problems;

Children enter the hall, the teams stand opposite each other.
Educator:. Guys, today we will play a quiz game and see whose team wins, which means they will do the task correctly and quickly. You need to listen carefully to the task and perform it on a signal. The team that will have large quantity correct answers, will receive such an asterisk, and whose team will score more stars, will be the winner.
Our game will be held in 2 contests:
The jury will evaluate your results, and at the end of the game will sum up and determine the winning team.

Educator: And now - the presentation of the teams.
We welcome the team! "Smarts"

Hello! "Smart Team"
(the teacher introduces the team captain)

Educator: we are starting our first competition "Count-Decide"
1 task. "Warm-up"
How many ears do two hedgehogs have?
How many tails do four cats have?
How many noses do three elephants have?
How many paws do two cubs have?
How many horns do two cows have?
How many ears do three mice have?
How many nuts are in an empty glass?
How many corners does a circle have?
Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?
How many stars are in the sky during the day?
What day comes after Wednesday?
What is the day before Tuesday?
If the tree is taller than the bush, then the bush...?
Below the tree.
If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?
Short lines.
If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?
Thinner rope.
If sister older brother then brother...?
Younger sister.
If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream is...?
Already rivers.
Educator: Well, we coped with the first task, well done. Now I suggest you play fun game"Live numbers".
2 task. "Live numbers"
Rules of the game: children are given cards with numbers. While the music is playing, the children walk around the hall, as soon as the music has stopped, the children should quickly line up in order from 1 to 10.
3 task. "Tangram"
Rules: captains make up a picture from geometric shapes each on his own flannelograph, after completing the task, you need to name your picture and what figures it consists of.
4 task. "Number Series"
Rules: Teams are given cards with numbers, laying out the cards on the floor, you need to collect all the numbers in the order they are located in the number row. Whose team is faster.
And now in reverse order. Whose team is faster.
Task 5 "Guess what is encrypted"

Educator: You have encrypted pictures on your tables. To see them, you need to connect the numbers in order.

Educator: The "Count-Decide" competition is over, and the floor is given to the jury.

Educator: Now let's move on to the next "Write-Read" contest!
1 task. "Riddles - sounds, letters"
Aibolit all at first, they said the letter ... (A)
There is a hollow in the old tree, and the last sound in it ... (Oh)
Each lamb will tell you the last syllable ... (BE)
"Hee-hee-hee, ha-ha-ha!" So the letter laughs ... (X)
We remembered easily: the first in the alphabet ... (not O, but A)
The first letter, friends, in the alphabet is ... (not I, but A)
Educator: You guessed all the riddles, well done. Let's move on to the next task.
Now we will find out if the teams know the sequence of the days of the week, and if they can read their name.
2 task. "A drawing for every day"
Connect all the days of the week in order.

3 task. "Contours"
Rules: cut pictures according to the number of children. You need to find the contours and connect them with the letters. (competition for time)

4 task. "The name of the squirrel"
Rules: to find out the name of the squirrel, you need to enter the letters written on the flowers on the left into the same flowers in the bouquet and read the name of the squirrel.

5exercise. "Make words from syllables"

Rules: commands receive syllable tables.
Whose team will make more words from the proposed syllables.
Educator: Our funny contests are over. In the meantime, the jury sums up the results, we announce a musical pause.
(delivery of certificates)

Synopsis of the game - quizzes in the preparatory group on the topic " Lucky case» Author: Kozlova Marina Vladimirovna, educator of MBDOU CRR - kindergarten No. 7 "Chamomile", Novoaltaysk, Altai Territory.

Material Description: I offer you a summary of the joint activities of parents with children in the preparatory group, with the children of OHP (II - III level) on the topic "Lucky chance". This game will help teachers: consolidate children's knowledge about nature; will contribute to the development of moral consciousness and the need to acquire environmental knowledge, through the assimilation of the norms and rules of competent interaction with wildlife, showing kindness, sensitivity, mercy to animals and flora not only in children, but also in parents of preschoolers.

Synopsis of the game - quizzes of children and parents in the preparatory group "Lucky chance".

Priority: social and personal development.

Integration educational areas: "Health", "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Safety", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the natural world around them.


Educational: Help children to consolidate knowledge about plants and animals.

Developing: Create conditions for the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, memory.

Speech: To promote the development of coherent speech, the ability to answer questions quickly, with a complete and clear answer.

Educational: Create conditions for emotional rapprochement of family members in a joint game. To form a consciously correct attitude towards nature in adults and children.

Preliminary work: Immediate educational activities on topics: "Plants of the forest", "Wild animals of Russia", "Trees are our friends!", "Migratory birds", "Caution - poisonous!", "Insects", "Four seasons", "Rules of communication with nature! Reading fairy tales by B. Zakhoder " gray star"," Rusachok. Didactic games: "Who will be who!", "Who was who?". Riddles about animals. Mobile game "We will not tell, but we will show!".

Material: emblems for teams with the image of a squirrel and a bunny; 2 vases, artificial flowers; cards drawn into two parts, on the left is empty, and on the right is an animal or plant; cards with the image of trees; 2 schemes of animal tracks; printed lyrics for parents; medals.

Methodical methods: intellectual warm-up, productive activity, etudes, tests, descriptive riddle, problem situations and questions.

Game progress.

Children are divided into two teams "Bunnies" and "Squirrels". There is a vase in front of each team. For each correct answer, an artificial flower is placed in a vase. The team with the most flowers in the vase wins. Parents sit down for the participants in the game, they are fans. Selected by the jury. The host conducts the quiz.

Leading: Attention! Attention! We're starting the Lucky Chance game and we'll see who's lucky today in this game. I think that the kind, smart and ardently loving nature will be lucky. Do you agree with me? Then we start.

1 game Warm-up "Question - answer!"

The facilitator asks questions that the children must quickly and correctly answer. If they are wrong, the facilitator says the correct answer and asks the next question.

Questions for the Squirrel team:

1. Where do mushrooms grow? (In the forest, in the meadow).

2. Name the wintering bird. (I love it).

3. Conifer tree. (Fur tree, pine tree).

4. Name the orderly of the forest. (Woodpecker, wolf, etc.).

5. Who lives in a hole? (Badger, fox, mole, etc.).

6. Name a wild herbivore. (Hare, squirrel, etc.).

7. Red berry. (Any).

8. Which animal sleeps in winter? (Hedgehog, bear, etc.).

9. What are the fruits of an oak tree called? (Acorns).

11. Name a poisonous plant. (Crow's eye, henbane, etc.).

12. The heroine of the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder "The Gray Star". (Toad).

13. The warmest time of the year. (Summer).

Questions for the Bunny team.

1. Where do cranberries grow? (In the swamp).

2. Name migratory bird. (I love it).

3. Deciduous tree. (Any).

4. Who pollinates the plants? (Bees, bumblebees).

5. Who lives in a hollow? (Owl, squirrel, etc.).

6. Name insectivorous animals. (Hedgehog, mole, etc.)

7. Black berry. (Any).

8. Which animal does not sleep in winter? (Wolf, fox, hare, etc.).

9. Name the tree - a symbol of Russia. (Birch).

10. Name the insect. (Any).

11. Name the poisonous mushroom. (Amanita, pale grebe, etc.).

12. The hero of the fairy tale by B. Zakhoder "The Little Mermaid". (Hare).

13. The coldest time of the year. (Winter).

The jury counts the correct number of answers, evaluates.

2 game. "Who was who?"

The children are given a card drawn in half, the left is empty, and the picture of an animal or plant is on the right. The children on the card on the left should draw who was who before (a frog - an egg, a hare - a hare, a butterfly - an egg or a caterpillar, a dandelion - a seed, a bird - an egg, a mosquito - a moth, a Christmas tree - a seed, a crocodile - an egg, etc. ). Then each participant tells, and the jury sums up.

3 game "Where have you been, what have you seen?"

The children of each team come up with some kind of action, and the other team guesses. (Parents can help children come up with an action)

For example, they pick mushrooms, wash berries and eat them, listen to birds singing, how bees collect nectar, how a hare defends itself from a kite, etc.

4 game "Game with the audience."

The host asks the fans of each team questions (answers are in bold).

1 team:

1) Why can't the gopher sleep?

Afraid to freeze.

b) remembers the summer.

c) guard stocks.

2) Who has the strongest claws?

a) a bear.

At the anteater.

c) a lion.

3) Which mammal is the fastest?

b) a dolphin.


4) Why do rabbits have big ears?

a) to hear better;

In order not to overheat;

c) for braking when cornering.

5) Do monkeys brush their teeth?

a) not clean

b) sometimes clean;

They clean with pleasure.

2 team:

1) Why does the woodpecker "drum"?

a) cleans the beak;

Tells someone something;

c) enjoys music.

2) Who is the largest among rodents?


c) a hare.

3) Which snake is the most venomous?


c) rattlesnake.

4) Why do dolphins cry?

a) for nervous discharge.

To protect your eyes from injury.

c) to remove excess moisture.

5) Who has ears on their feet?

a) butterflies and beetles.

b) flies and mosquitoes.

in grasshoppers and crickets.

Game 5 "Dark Horse"

The host presents the animal in riddles, and the teams must guess. After each proposal addressed to a particular team, the host pauses so that the players can make their version.

This animal.

It has a head, body, legs and tail.

Him big house. This animal is clean.

He has sharp teeth. He cannot live without water.

It needs trees to live.

He can swim well. They call him an engineer.

Also known as a builder.

Lives in the river.

His house is called a hut.

(An adult disguised as a beaver comes out).

Questions from the beaver:

- I love trees, so I’ll ask you about them, and you show me the answer (the children have cards with the image of trees on the table):

1) A coniferous tree, and in winter it stands bare. (Larch).

2) In the people this tree is called "sweet". (Linden).

3) A tree that does not heat up in the sun? (Birch).

4) In spring, this tree is all white, and the smell of its flowers can be felt from afar. It's a pity, only people break it because of the flowers. (Cheryomukha).

5) This tree is a long-liver. Boars, squirrels and many others feed on its fruits. (Oak).

6) The berries on this tree hang all winter, it feeds the birds. (Rowan).

And now you have a riddle - the picture "What happened here?".

In one figure, traces of a hare and a fox are schematically drawn, and in another figure, traces of a mouse and a fox. Children should find out and tell what happened.

- Goodbye, friends! I see that you love and know nature very much.

The jury sums up.

6 game "Race for the leader".

The facilitator reads the questions to both teams in turn. If children do not know the answer or are in doubt, they can ask their parents for help. Children explain why they think so.

1) Is it possible to leave glass bottles in the forest? (No).

2) Can a person live without birch sap? (Yes).

3) Do poisonous mushrooms need to be trampled on? (No).

4) Do birds need to be fed in winter? (Yes).

5) Do animals need salt? (Yes).

6) Do I need to take a chick that has fallen to the ground from the nest home? (No).

7) Do plants need snow in winter? (Yes).

8) Do drowning animals need to be rescued in spring? (Yes).

9) Can a person in the forest listen to music loudly? (No).

10) Can a person live in the world without harming an animal or a plant? (Yes, he can try).

Leading: Well done! I congratulate you on the completion of the game, but while the jury is summing up the results of the last game, I suggest that everyone sing a song together.

Joint performance of the song of children with parents "The road of goodness" op. Y. En-tin, music. M. Minkova.

The jury announces the winners!

The winners are awarded with medals.

Result. The game was on high level. The children enjoyed playing with their parents. There were small incidents, this is when the presenter asked questions to parents, and the children answered, and when the children asked for help from their parents, they did not know the correct answer. Many parents thought about the need to expand their knowledge of wildlife!