I dreamed that the grandson brought the girl home. Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a grandson, grandchildren dream

Large modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Grandson, grandchildren

  • Grandson, grandchildren - grandson, grandchildren - Even if you do not have children, but you see your grandchildren or grandson - this dream is a good sign; soon you will meet with relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time; you will be very happy to meet you.
  • Your grandchildren seem to be crying - in reality, don't worry: everything is going well for you; do not attach too much importance to your worries, they are false; it seems to you that all the powers that be are about to take up arms against you, but in fact they don’t even notice you.
  • According to the dream book, to see yourself in the image of someone's grandson - you will have a lot of trouble because of small children.

Small Velesov dream book

Grandson, grandchildren in a dream

Seeing your own grandchildren or descendants that you don't have yet can surprise anyone. What does he mean? Such an unusual dream promises you in reality an unexpected joy. Perhaps today you will receive long-awaited news from someone. And perhaps, in the very near future, the problem that tormented you will be resolved surprisingly simply, by itself and in the best way for you. In any case, if grandchildren are dreaming, this is a positive sign, indicating that an unexpected event will occur that will make you very happy.

Home dream book

Grandson, grandchildren in a dream

  • Grandson, grandchildren - a grandson, if you have one in reality - what does a dream mean? The answer to this question depends on whether you already have grandchildren or not yet. If you have a grandson or grandchildren, and you see them, this is the quintessence of your attitude towards them. It is possible that you have not seen each other for a long time and now you miss the kids. Or do you have some reason to worry about your grandchildren. That's why they appear in your dreams.
  • But if you still do not have grandchildren, and possibly children, but suddenly you dreamed of them, it means that you think a lot about your future and hope that it will turn out to be prosperous.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why dream of grandchildren

In a dream, you see a grandson or grandchildren, it has a positive meaning, especially if you don’t have your own grandchildren yet. For example, because of your age. Seeing non-existent grandchildren is an unexpected joy in reality. Probably, very soon, even today, an event will occur that you could not expect, but it will make you very happy. For example - this is the arrival of unexpected, but very dear guests. Or you will receive a message from a person whom you have not seen for a long time. Are there many reasons for joy in our lives? This is what your dream warns about. If you dream of your own grandchildren, you probably miss them or worry about them for some reason.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of grandchildren from your dream

If you dream of your own grandchildren, this is a good dream, and although it predicts certain worries, they will be joyful, bring you pleasure and comfort. And the dream says that in reality some kind of joy awaits you. You missed your grandchildren, and they will unexpectedly come to visit you. This will explain the meaning of this dream: to see grandchildren. This is for joy, consolation and worries.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Grandson, grandchildren as an image in a dream

  • Seeing grandchildren is a uniquely positive dream. The dream promises you some unexpected joy. You will receive happy news. Or your chosen one will unexpectedly make you a marriage proposal. If you dream of grandchildren, especially those who do not really exist yet, expect some extremely happy event in your life.
  • According to the dream book, if you see your future grandchildren, or great-grandchildren, or more distant descendants, the dream is positive. If you dream of grandchildren, expect that very soon you will receive solace in your sorrows. In reality, an event will occur that will give you great pleasure and make you very happy. What kind of event this will be - the dream does not explain. It is possible that it will be completely unexpected for you. But this will only make it even more meaningful and enjoyable.

Seeing the Grandson, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • A dream about a grandson is a favorable sign. Consent and mutual understanding will prevail in your house, and troubles will bypass the family. Do not worry too much about the future of people close to you. There is no danger.
  • Seeing not your grandson in a dream - in the near future everything will work out and calm, carefree everyday life will come. A favorable streak is coming in your life. Sleep has a more global meaning and speaks more about the world as a whole than about you personally.
  • Why is the grandson dreaming, although in reality you have not yet managed to become a grandmother - all dreams will come true, and a great and happy future awaits you.
  • You yourself are in the role of a grandson or granddaughter, the support of your family and superiors awaits you in business. You are now inspired by a lofty idea, striving to benefit humanity and want to leave a mark on the world after you.

A grandson in a dream carries a positive message. The dream interpretation promises the success of financial projects, finding happiness, great changes. But sometimes the interpretation of what the image is dreaming of is different - it is a warning about disharmony with oneself, failures, mistakes.

Learn good news

You don’t even have children, but you dreamed of a boy, and you know: is this your grandson? There is a meeting with those whom you respect and love, but have not met for a long time.

Seeing a little boy in a dream is a harbinger of consolation, joy. Enjoy the news or a favorable situation.

Why dream of talking with a little grandson? The dream interpretation suggests: this is a happy prophetic omen. Try to remember everything he said.

Was there a little granddaughter in the dream? The interpretation of sleep is good if he was healthy and cheerful: there are pleasant surprises ahead, important news.

New successful ideas, well-being

Did you have a grandson born in a dream? The dream interpretation explains: this is the personification of new ideas and an indication of their prospects.

Did you see how the child was born, but it turned out that he is your granddaughter? This means: the success of financial projects is ahead, which will ensure material well-being.

Had a dream that the grandson was just born, although he is actually an adult? This symbolizes: everything is fine with him.

Why dream of watching the birth of a baby? Thanks to new information, the dreamer will be able to think over a successful project.

Have you seen your grandson's wedding in a dream? The dream interpretation is encouraging: he will meet a good girl or marry his girlfriend.

Opposite events are possible

Did you have to lose a boy? The interpretation depends on whether the child was found or not. Found - a difficult situation will be resolved safely. Did he disappear without a trace? Events will take the worst path.

Was the grandson with juice? If you drink juice, you will be pleased with your success. Spilled on furniture, carpet? Unintentionally upset.

Why dream that his neighbors gave him a tricycle? Even if you get along well in reality, they will bring trouble to your grandson.

Difficulties in relationships, failures

A dream about the death of a grandson reports problems in your relationship. Try to regain your former trust.

Also, the death of a boy in a dream portends: the undertaking of the sleeper will fail. We need to work on the mistakes, draw the right conclusions.

Check out someone else's interference and relax

Why do grandsons dream of worms? Dream Interpretation says: someone will interfere in your enterprise. Intervention can bring a positive result, but it depends only on you.

In a dream, the granddaughter peed on you? Get an invitation to his wedding.

Dreamed of losing a boy? The dream book indicates: you have too many responsibilities, worries that do not allow you to live in peace. You need to give yourself a break, relax physically and mentally.

Dream details

Consider other details:

  • to lose - minor worries in reality;
  • find (for a man) - replenishment in the family;
  • hugging - you are in disharmony with yourself, you need emotional relief;
  • bathe - getting rid of mental anguish;
  • breastfeed - you are closer to your mother for your granddaughter, support, help with advice;
  • scold - something is not going as expected;
  • to beat - there is a serious nuisance ahead;
  • kissing - positive events.

Happiness ahead, good news

Did you see how the grandson was lost, but the child was soon found? The dream interpretation promises: you will find long-awaited happiness. For a girl, this is an omen of a meeting with her soul mate.

I dreamed: the granddaughter began to talk - this means the onset of events, and their character can be judged by the emotions in the dream.

In a dream, were the son and grandson together? In reality, you will receive excellent news.

Miller's dream book: favorable changes

What is the dream of a grandson at a young age? There are some life changes that will end well.

Other meanings

Seeing him at a young age, when in reality he is an adult, means: undertakings will be successful, they will bring profit.

For a grandmother, a dreaming baby granddaughter in her arms is a harbinger of their imminent meeting in reality, a reflection of her experiences.

Grandmother to see how she brings him up in a dream - to share important information with someone. Be careful: acquaintances can use information to cause harm.

Grandma saw off her blood somewhere? The dream interpretation explains: the sleeping woman will help relatives in case of difficulties.

granddaughter? Vision does not promise positive events. Troubles should be expected mainly in the business sphere. The reason for their appearance will be both circumstances that are not in your favor, and your own carelessness.

Hug your grandson in a dream ▼

In some situations, such a vision promises the emergence of moral fatigue through the fault of constant employment, large volume. It is necessary to think not only about a career, but also about a full-fledged one.

Kissing granddaughter in a dream ▼

The dream where you started kissing your granddaughter tells you that everything is going well in your personal life. Communication with loved ones proceeds without serious problems; no troubles are expected in the near future.

What was the grandson (granddaughter) in your dream?

Why is the future grandson dreaming ▼

The interpretation of the dream, where the future grandson appeared, reports positive events. There will be an opportunity to restore former relationships with a loved one, a relative. It is important not to miss this chance.

The granddaughter is dreaming naked ▼

Did you see a naked granddaughter in a dream? There is a high probability that a lot can change in your life in the near future. And it will depend only on your actions and decisions whether positive changes will occur or not.

Little granddaughter is dreaming ▼

Dreamed of a little granddaughter? The plot of the vision warns of amazing changes on the path of life, capable of vivid impressions, indelible. Try to be more attentive and careful so that you do not have to deal with troubles.

Someone else's granddaughter is dreaming ▼

The meaning of sleep, where someone else's granddaughter was present, reports that you will find yourself in important events. Perhaps new acquaintances will begin to appear. There is a chance that single people will be able to find their soul mate.

What gender did your grandchildren dream about?

Seeing a grandson in a dream ▼

The dream where you saw your grandson does not promise any events, changes. In the life of a sleeping person, absolutely nothing important and significant will happen. Everything moves in its own way, it is important not to make stupid mistakes on level ground.

Dreaming granddaughter ▼

Was there a granddaughter in the dream? The vision is positive, portends a happy, prosperous future. You are able to achieve a lot if you do not, folded, waiting for favorable moments.

What did the grandchildren do in your dream?

Granddaughter died in a dream ▼

Dreaming that the granddaughter died? Such a vision informs that in reality you too often worry about your loved ones, you get them with excessive guardianship. Such behavior can lead to serious.

Even if you do not have children, and you see your grandchildren or grandson in a dream, this dream is a good sign; soon you will meet with relatives or friends whom you have not seen for a long time; you will be very happy to meet you. Your grandchildren seem to be crying - in real life, don't worry: everything is going well for you; do not attach too much importance to your worries, they are false; it seems to you that all the powers that be are about to take up arms against you, but in fact they don’t even notice you.

You see yourself in the image of someone's grandson - you are in for a lot of trouble because of small children.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

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Dream Interpretation - Birth

Birth is a sacred event that has ritual significance in all cultures of the world. And it is not surprising that it is closely related to one of Jung's archetypes - the Self, which gives life to another. Since this is an archetypal image, there are many accompanying symbols associated with birth and life. The most significant are WATER and OCEAN. In many cultures, water is of vital importance. So, many women who guess about their (or someone else's) pregnancy dream of water. Here you can see the connection with the waters that depart during childbirth.

The emergence of a new self from a cave or any closed space is how Jung's theory draws the moment of birth.

In this sense, birth is not reduced to a purely biological act - it involves the emergence of additional facets of PERSONALITY or self-knowledge in real life.

According to Freud, dreams in which you return to a small room or cave symbolize the mother's womb. They can express your underlying desire to return to the MOTHER, to be fed by her, to hide under her wing in a difficult situation. Since we were all once born, everyone has some opinion about this event. Life for us is a happy (positive) or unhappy (negative) being. In any case, our attitude to life leaves its mark on dreams about birth.

How does birth appear to the sleeper? A woman may have such a dream, either because she strongly desires it, or, on the contrary, is very afraid. In this case, medical, social and sexual factors play an important role. Perhaps there are some moral, religious or medical indications, according to which pregnancy for a woman is desirable or, on the contrary, dangerous. Let's compare two examples: a young sexually active woman suppresses her desires for moral and religious reasons, and a woman who wants to, but cannot become pregnant. In this case, the cause of childbirth - or lack thereof - may be an act that caused a feeling of guilt.

Women who dream of childbirth with a favorable outcome affirm not only the fact of birth, but also their archetype of a woman. They meet the requirements of their gender and are able to perform the function of childbearing, traditionally inherent in the female gender. Fearing to appear discriminatory, I would like to point out the fact that to some extent we all perceive both men and women as representatives of different sexes with their strengths and weaknesses and potentially different opportunities. This is what makes an archetype an archetype.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing a granddaughter or grandson in a dream is a favorable sign even for those who currently do not have children. For family people, such dreams serve as harbingers of joyful events, and also promise well-being and peace in the family.

Home dream book

Why is a granddaughter or grandson dreaming:

  • for those who have them, everything will be fine in the family, minor problems will be resolved, everyday worries will not tire you, and quarrels and disagreements will leave your home;
  • for those who do not have grandchildren - the fulfillment of desires and success in all areas of life;
  • being a grandson yourself is the patronage of influential people, help and support from friends, relatives and colleagues.

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

A grandson or granddaughter in a dream is a very good sign. It portends you some good news from loved ones, a joyful event, resolution of a difficult life situation, help and support from relatives.

Miller's dream book

In general, the dream in which you see your grandchildren can be considered favorable, but in many respects the interpretation depends on the circumstances of the dream itself. So, for example, seeing the death of your grandson is not only a nightmare, a vision is a harbinger of trouble associated with your own internal torment.

Seeing a pregnant granddaughter is a serious change in life. But if your grandson dreamed in the arms of a mother who breastfeeds him, this dream should be interpreted in relation to your creative potential. Perhaps you have been thinking about an idea for a long time, but are afraid to start implementing it. Stop doubting yourself and start taking action - now is the best time.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

Why is the granddaughter dreaming:

  • to see her - to pleasant surprises;
  • to lose in the crowd - to tedious chores and minor troubles;
  • to scold - to a quarrel in the family;
  • hugging - to support from loved ones;
  • kiss - every minute of life will delight you;
  • the baby cries in a dream - be careful, someone close to you may have difficulties and he will need your help.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

If you dreamed that your granddaughter was born - soon relations with loved ones will change for the better. Also, a dream can mean an unexpected pleasant meeting with one of the distant relatives.

Finding out in a dream that one of your friends has grandchildren is an unusual dream, portending unexpected profits, an improvement in financial situation.

Seeing your granddaughter pregnant is good news in real life. The granddaughter's wedding to see or receive the news that she is getting married is not a very good dream, reflecting the real problems in your baby's life. If her chosen one is a decrepit old man, this may mean the threat of a serious illness.