Retrograde influence of planets tiger fish. Retrograde Mercury in Aquarius or in the 11th house

The New Year is coming soon and everyone is in a hurry to make purchases as a gift for loved ones. Well, if you haven't made a purchase before retrograde, then I can advise you to keep receipts and check the purchase on the spot. This should be done, because during the period of Mercury retrograde, various troubles with the goods very often happen, especially if it is equipment (communications, household appliances, transport). But troubles can also happen with clothes, they can tear, there can be a stain on it, the zipper will break, and so on.

I want to note that the purchase is considered completed at the time of payment. Therefore, if you bought a thing before the retrograde, and received it during the retrograde, then nothing bad will happen.

Mercury is responsible for information, so it is believed that you need to be careful when filling out important documents, and it is best to postpone their execution until the planet turns into a direct (normal) movement. If registration cannot be postponed, then check each comma. Be careful when processing loans, reports, passports and any other important papers.

On retro Mercury, you can be cheated in a store, there may be problems with paying by bank card, there may be an increase in accidents on roads and at work, so be especially careful when driving and handling professional equipment.

It is not worth changing jobs during the period of retrograde, hiring people to work, planning serious operations, starting intellectual work, using the services of various services, moving to another house.

By the way, Mercury was retrograde in 2016: from January 5 to 26, from April 28 to May 28, from August 30 to September 22 and from December 19 to January 9, 2017. You can trace whether there were unsuccessful purchases during this period, or maybe some troubles occurred during this period related to the sphere for which Mercury is responsible.

Of course, there are people on whom Mercury retrograde affects more, for someone less, but to one degree or another, everyone feels the influence of this period. If at the time of your birth Mercury was in retrograde motion, then, on the contrary, you may be lucky in some matters, especially in intellectual ones. If Mercury is a strong planet in your birth chart, then you will also experience its retrograde to a greater extent.

What to do on Mercury Retrograde

It may seem that during the period of Mercury retrograde there are continuous bans on business, but this is not so. At this time, it is possible and even desirable to complete any business, systematize knowledge, and renew old connections. Engage in repetition of the learned material, re-read books. Good to clean up, throw away unnecessary things. You can, albeit carefully, shop at sales or buy used items.

Mercury retrograde in 2017

In 2017, Mercury will go retrograde during the following periods: from January 19, 2016 to January 9, 2017, from April 9 to May 5, from August 12 to September 7, from December 2 to 25.

Do you want to know how the planets will affect you in 2017? Then you can turn to the service

From the point of view of an observer on Earth, any planet in the solar system can move both forward and backward. At the beginning of April 2017, Saturn will go into a retrograde state.

Although retrograde is actually just a visual effect, it is of great importance in astrology. The fact is that all the functions and energy properties of the planets can change dramatically when the direction of motion changes.

Benefits of Saturn Retrograde

In 2017, the reverse motion of Saturn will begin on April 5th. It will last until August 26th. From the very beginning, you will feel the desire to become someone else. This will be a great time to find a new hobby or an additional source of income. Spiritual quests can also be added here: for example, the search for one's calling, ways of development and self-realization.

During the reverse movement of Saturn and its energy change, astrologers recommend not to focus on moral standards, but also not to violate them on purpose. Bypassing the established rules can be much more efficient. This spring it is easy to resolve legal issues: cunning and intuition will help to win in any litigation.

As for the monetary sphere of life, even the little things will be important here. Money signs will tell you a way out of the most difficult situation. Purchases from April 5 to August 26, 2017 can not be suspended, but, on the contrary, carried out without fear.

Negative aspects of Saturn retrograde

The problems that began during the period of retrograde Saturn will remain with you for a long time. Do not try to take risks from April 5 and get into adventures that can turn into a collapse for you. Everything bad that will happen in love, financial, business and any other sphere of life will lead to extremely unpleasant consequences in the future. Your failures and their consequences will culminate in late August as Saturn retrograde prepares to return to normal.

The implementation of the tasks set will be very difficult during the period of the reverse motion of Saturn. He will find a way to disrupt your plans. It follows that it is better not to plan anything from April 5th. Of course, you can and even need to allocate your time, but you should not get carried away and think that everything will be exactly the way you want. Try to act more than think when Saturn is retrograde.

Tests will not become an incentive for personal development from April 5 to August 26, so just try not to go with the flow, but to work on yourself. Learning will also decrease, because information will be absorbed a little worse than usual.

Bypass the rules forcing yourself to think differently than before. During the period of the reverse motion of Saturn, it is better adhere to the unpredictability of actions. Don't reveal your plans other people.

In order for desires to coincide with opportunities, you will have to correctly assess the situation. Before taking decisive steps in any area of ​​life, it is better to think not about what you want or do not want, but about what you are capable of.

In the sphere of love, the energy of the planet is in charge of harmony, so a difficult period can come in a relationship that can destroy any idyll. Even the smallest betrayal is best either hidden to the last, or recognized immediately. During Saturn Retrograde need to be able to ask for forgiveness, admit mistakes and be able to forgive relatives, colleagues, friends.

One way or another, but most of all, the influence of retrograde Saturn will affect the business and financial spheres, because the planet will be in the constellation Sagittarius.

Good luck this spring and summer. Astrologers wish the fulfillment of all your desires. To do this, you should start looking for the strength for positive thinking right now. Look ahead and don't look back. Journey into your mind carefully, without the hope of finding answers to all questions. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2017 04:23

All the planets of our solar system carry a certain energy. In astrology, Mercury has long been considered the patron saint of numbers, ...

The retrograde movement of Mercury or the movement back is the path of the planet visible from the Earth. The retrograde effect occurs as a result of the difference in the speeds of the Earth and Mercury relative to the Sun. In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained, slowing down in business. Mercury goes retrograde 3-4 times a year. The duration of the retrograde phase is 20 days.

Mercury represents communication, telephone calls, correspondence, mail transfers, our daily mobility and short trips; all kinds of communication, means of communication, exchange of information, goods and contacts with our immediate environment. It symbolizes our type and style of thinking, as well as the ability and opportunities to raise our awareness both on current issues and in the field of our education. Its transit plays an important role in negotiations and business agreements.

Being the nearest planet from the Sun, Mercury is the main filter of our consciousness in the stream of perception of the world. During the period of its retrograde, there is a slowdown in thought processes, a desire to analyze the accumulated information. Retrograde Mercury is not focused on new connections, new impressions, it immerses in the understanding of what we have already learned, it tends to put things in order in our thoughts and contacts.

What can be observed during the retro-Mercury period

At this time, people are more immersed in themselves, they think and communicate a little differently, their mental attention is directed either to the past or to the metaphysical. One way or another, but their contact with the real plan at this time is reduced. There may be a need for privacy and reduced contact. Written communication may be used more frequently, and absent-mindedness and forgetfulness are common. Many of the cases that have already been started can turn out to be “hung”, in many cases it becomes difficult to complete what has been started for reasons beyond our control. The conclusions made at this time will not be final and will require re-examination and revision in the future.

At this time, rules may change, contracts may be revised, deadlines may be postponed, the publication of manuscripts submitted for publication may be delayed, difficulties and delays in the preparation of documents increase. Texts sent to the publishing house at this time may sin with inaccuracies or shortcomings, proofreaders may not notice gross typos. The probability of errors in accounting documentation increases, important points of information may fall out of sight. In studies, it is more difficult to learn new material; when traveling, misunderstandings, delays, flight delays are frequent. Business trips to new places and for new reasons are often not productive. This period can lead to problems in the field of communication and information exchange (telephone, postal services, e-mail, communication on Internet forums), agreements, decisions, marketing, data processing and storage. At this time, communications equipment, household appliances and transport are more likely to fail and break down, more often than at other times, there are delays in flights at airports. Pets may need more attention. These trends may be more pronounced on days near Mercury's retrograde (R) or direct (D) reversals, that is, near the start and end dates of retrograde on the calendar.

Read more about the essence of retrograde, retro-loops of planets and astrological interpretation of these periods in the article "Retrograde periods of planets in 2017"

This is an unfavorable time for starting important negotiations, for concluding agreements, signing contracts, going to court to file a lawsuit, for business trips, getting a job, starting a business, changing activities, starting new projects, buying communications equipment, office equipment and major purchases; for diagnostics and medical examination; to contact new specialists, to start new business relationships, new cooperation; for dangerous trips to new places and the beginning of learning something new; presentation of new ideas and projects.

At this time, it is useful to return to old cases and put them in order. This can be the completion of already started cases and projects, sorting the archive, cleaning the computer of unnecessary files. At this time, you can make backup copies of important data and documents, backup the site. More detailed work on topics that for some reason have been postponed is useful. Returning now to the old ideas, we can find something useful and important in them, this is the time for finalizing projects. To use the effect of retrograde, it is possible to outline repeated steps for this period in cases that did not get results from the first attempt.

Life does not stand still, waiting for the direction of Mercury, and, sometimes, it is at this time that we are forced to deal with paperwork, go somewhere, etc. In this case, remember some rules. If it is impossible to reschedule the dates of the trip, the submission or receipt of documents, the conclusion of the current contract, negotiate and agree on all points, be extremely attentive to dates and numbers; double-check what you have written, read the fine print; check the documents upon receipt, for example, a visa, for the accuracy of the dates. When arranging a meeting or a trip, agree on all the nuances, make sure that you understand everything correctly and that you understand you correctly.

Accumulate energy. This is the time of analysis and preparation of the things that will need to be carried out after the retro period of Mercury. For people of creative professions, this time can be very fruitful. It brings new ideas for the embodiment of unfinished images and plots, now you can understand and work out in more detail what previously did not fit into a finished image or concept.

You can meet up with old friends you haven't seen for a long time. This is a good time to restore lost ties, to renew cooperation. People from the past may appear in our lives. At this time, old connections will be more useful than new acquaintances.

For holders of natal Mercury retro, periods of transit Mercury retro may be more fruitful than for direct holders, as retrospection is their natural environment. But astrological recommendations for the period of this transit are common to all, since we are all part of the world in which we live, and the world is in the retro phase of Mercury. Therefore, new initiatives and the beginning of something important, in business, for example, and in other areas where a person depends on people and external circumstances, for the owner of natal Mercury retro will have the same consequences as for others. At the same time, often, in people with natal Mercury retro, important events in life take place on transit Mercury retro, those events that do not depend on their actual choice.

About the transit of retro-Mercury in combination with the natal chart from N. Markina's book "Cycles of the Planets":

« The natal house, through which Mercury retrograde passes, will be an important area of ​​experience. The topics of this house will require from a person clarity of thought, clarity of speech, understanding of personal interests. In the sphere of this house there is a need to search for new criteria and new ideals. All radix planets affected by the passage of retrograde Mercury will naturally be included in the general process. The period of retrograde movement of the planets is of particular importance when it falls on an angular house, especially on the Radix Ascendant. Retrograde loops along the Ascendant and the first house require changes in behavior, attention to speech and gestures, appearance, occur in a nervous state of tension, but allow you to correct the expression of planetary functions, realize the initiatives taken earlier, and detect errors in previous endeavors, move away from old unproductive stereotypes of behavior”.

Periods of retro-Mercury in 2017

Time is given in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For Kyiv in winter you need to add +2, in summer +3 hours,

for Moscow, you need to add +3 hours during the year.

The exact phase of retrograde (reverse motion of the Planet relative to the Earth) of Mercury from August 13 to September 5. A change in direction will bring us back to those cases again, requiring reconstruction and more work on the mistakes. The usual approach to business will change, you will have to look for new connections, ideas, inspiration. The most difficult period falls on the phase of deceleration and stopping of Mercury, as well as its approach to the Sun (the phase of the lower conjunction of the Planets), those. from now until August 26th.

Mercury retrograde will affect the signs of Virgo and Leo. This time, we will feel more than usual the importance of health-related issues (for example, we will have to carry out a necessary examination that has long been postponed), we will have to take care of daily duties (for example, we will return to a protracted repair). The progress of the direction of work processes, documentation will also require attention. You will probably have to return to the old standards, rules, revise the documentation, delete unnecessary files on the computer. In August-September, pets, care and care for them will require special attention. Their loss or parting with them is not ruled out. Creative affairs, the love side will also attract attention. Probably, we will have to think about what and how should bring joy to our mood, give love and create harmony, what is really important, and what should leave us. There may be parting with those you love, the search for new creative inspiration. This loop of Mercury will most strongly affect Leo and Virgo.During this period, they definitely should not rush, it is better to start preparing the ground for new projects, to be more attentive to details that can affect the result. B it happens so that questions started on the last loop of Mercury (from April 10 to May 3, 2017) will again become relevant or require new reconstructions.

You should be more careful during the period of the lower conjunction of Mercury with the Sun (from August 21 to 26), you can get important messages or answers to pressing questions in the form of tips, useful information, signs, etc. Moving in its loop, Mercury will oppose Neptune twice. This means that the Stars in the coming month will require special spiritual involvement. Against this background, it is much more difficult to think, perceive and transmit information; negotiate with people, work with documents and equipment. Fraud, breakdowns, self-deceptions will increase.

What to watch out for during Mercury retrograde?

1. Any contracts, papers, serious meetings started during the retrograde motion of Mercury will not have a reliable development in the future or will force you to return to their finalization after some time, therefore it is better to postpone the signing of important documents, employment until September 5th.
2. The same applies to the acquisition of any transport. A car bought during such a period is highly likely to bring disappointment or present an unexpected surprise in the form of a simple undercompletion. Be careful.
3. Purchased communications and electronics may create the same impact in the future. They are prone to failure or breakdown. Their quality may not match the price for which they were purchased. The installation of a computer system should be abandoned. Even the most reliable specialist in this field has a high chance of making a mistake. Copy important information to multiple media. This will increase the reliability of its storage.
4. Transport tends to be late during such a period, and its schedule changes. Consider planning your affairs more carefully and rationally. Haste is not the best helper these days.
5. The device for a new job may not bring the desired development in this enterprise. A person may be dissatisfied with their responsibilities and is less likely to expect career growth.
7. Any contracts concluded at this time may be of a non-permanent nature, incl. judicial decisions.
6. Social networks are likely to crash, login problems, and fraud will increase.

This period is not so bad in some cases:

1. Great time for learning, returning to the material covered.
2. Passing and retaking exams, because our thinking is able to dive deeper, exploring and analyzing information.
3. Sale of communications or equipment, as well as any things that have served you.
4. It's good to return to any business that was postponed a long time ago.
5. A wonderful time to revisit communication with those people who gave you joy and pleasure before. They can be old acquaintances, friends, business partners.

Good luck and keep the balance!

These comments are based on the overall star picture. To solve an individual problem, it is necessary to estimate the date, place and exact time of birth, using several methods of astrological forecasting.

Retrograde of the planets is an astrological phenomenon in which the planet in the sky moves backwards. At the same time, its impact on the world and on people can change greatly.

The astronomical justification for retrograde is in different orbits of the planets and the speed of their movement. From time to time, observers from Earth see that the planet has turned around and gone in the opposite direction. From the point of view of astrology, such an event is of no small importance, since it can radically change the energy of the planet.

Venus retrograde in spring 2017

Reverse motion of Venus in 2017 will begin March 4 and will last until 15 April. During this time, the financial condition may change, as well as the state of affairs in the love sphere. It is believed that during this period it is better not to invest large sums anywhere and avoid cosmetic surgeries.

Venus will retrograde in the Zodiac Sign Aries, but from April 3, her position will change, because, making a loop, she will enter the Sign of Pisces. Many of these days will change priorities and take a fresh look at the state of affairs and their own values. The baggage of the past will have a significant impact. Errors in judgment are likely - you can make a hasty conclusion about a person without understanding his motives, or hurry up with the acquisition of a large purchase, overestimating it.

Astrological characteristics of retrograde Venus

As you know, Venus is the planet that most strongly influences love affairs. Retrograde will place its accents - on fidelity and strength of feelings, as well as on the material side of the issue.

Some relationships are at risk of literally depreciating due to the fact that the spouses or partners did not understand each other in time. At the same time, active actions may not bring results, but, on the contrary, turn into the fact that you will simply take one step after another, and your partner will move further and further away (or the situation will repeat in reverse). So it’s better not to get excited about the proposal to take relations to a new level immediately, weigh all the pros and cons, consider the pros and not rush to conclusions until April 15th. Words and intentions will take on special significance, they can even overlap actions.

April in this regard will be the most significant, since at this time Venus forms an aspect with Saturn. The square of Venus and Saturn leads to obstacles along the way. For March, you can prepare space for maneuver or take other actions so that April goes well - for example, do not assign risky undertakings or responsible events for this time. Well, if canceling all plans during Venus retrograde is not an option, you can also check with, choosing suitable, successful days for important matters.

What can be done under the influence of Venus retrograde

Meet old friends. At this time, when the past in one way or another affects the state of affairs, it is better to remember not about negative events, but about good ones. You can renew old connections. It is likely the return of old love or reconciliation with an important person for you, if life's paths have diverged before. It is important to restore broken relationships only when the other side takes obvious steps towards rapprochement, otherwise you can be deceived and wishful thinking.

Venus retrograde is good for those involved in sales. At this time, you can sell stale goods, find a buyer for unclaimed items, conclude a deal to sell or rent real estate, even if before that the demand for it was small.

At this time, re-negotiations, re-taking exams are successfully held - any business that you once took up and failed. On retrograde Venus, you can replay the situation in your favor.

What Not to Do During Venus Retrograde

It is quite risky at this time to start dating or getting married. It is better not to bring relations to a new level, but to strengthen existing positions.

Astrological science connects Venus not only with love, but also with money. Therefore, the period when it moves back is unfavorable for large investments and purchases. There is a risk of misjudging the value of a thing, acquiring a marriage, paying an inflated price and being a loser.

Be especially careful when purchasing expensive jewelry or paintings, so as not to run into a well-made fake.

Avoid jumping to conclusions. Much under the influence of retrograde Venus is seen in a distorted light, the desired can be taken for real, and the obvious can not be noticed at all. If it seems to you that you need to immediately leave work, break off relationships, change your image, and so on, it is better to wait until the day when Venus returns to its usual trajectory.

We wish you a safe period of Venus retrograde. During this period, it is best not to rush, as slowing down the reaction while Venus loops in the sign of Aries and Pisces is quite normal. On our website you can learn more about and. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.03.2017 02:04

Neptune is one of the most distant planets from us. Despite this, at times...