Scenario for the holiday "Wonderful school years." Script for the play "Wonderful School Years"

Play by S.P. KHALETSKAYA based on the poems of ARTHUR GIVARGIZOV, St. Petersburg

The school bell rings. Big change. The guys run out. Some with a briefcase, some with a notebook, some with a book, some with a diary, some with a phone or a game. They make noise, run around, play around. The last to appear is a girl with an open diary, she is clearly upset by its contents.

Girl closing her diary:
Tired of it! Tired of:
Pens, books and briefcases,
Snow, Elena Nikolaevna,
Hercules, cellos...
And even more so the parents.

Sympathizers gather around the girl.

1.We played robbers and dodgeball.
2. We were forced into bed at twelve o'clock
3. We baked Easter cakes, but there wasn’t enough sand.
4. One day our enemies tied us to a swing.
5.Even the battery didn’t listen to us.
They forced me to take it back to the trash heap.
6.We dreamed of disassembling an excavator at least once,
But our parents didn’t let us go to the construction site.
7.We studied cello for six months
8.And they played “Airplane Flight” from the notes.
9. It was hard as a child, we were often sick

Pig, hedgehog and hippopotamus.

So you wanted to go to school? And you, and you? (The guys answer positively, without any doubt.)
And that’s how I wanted it! But it depends on your luck...
Presses against a white shirt
Raspberry bouquet, to the chest.
Are you going to school?
So go.
Come on, come on, don't fall.
Recently you were crawling on the floor
And did somersaults on the sofa,
Jumping on a chair...
To school!!! To school!!!
Get to your desk!!!
To Mary Ivanna!!!
She's at the entrance.
The one in the helmet
In knee-high soldier's shoes.
Who waves a pointer in the air,
Looks more like a log.

Cool! Do you want another joke?
Memorial plaque
Hanging on the school:
“It’s sad here!”
Cool!!! Figured it out myself?
No. This was invented by Artur Givargizov.
Is he from our school? Tell me quickly, from which class?
Actually, he writes poetry and stories for children. Have you heard anything about joke school? This is him too!!!
I wish I could learn from something like this...

Boy: rapping
I really mean it, guys, days at school are boring without jokes!
Without them we are like a computer without a fast mouse, without them we are like a flash drive without a USB!
Like a candy in the mud without a candy wrapper, like one without Vitka, our Svetka!

It’s terrible to become a memorized nerd, tormented by school for the rest of your life!
You can, however, become a medalist, but remain a prankster at heart!
Straighten your brains, kids, now all our chips will come into play!
Am I being specific? Do you understand? Let's have fun from the heart! Are you catching up?

Girl: Girls! Don’t you think that they want to get by without us in this interesting undertaking? You won't succeed, because only we know how to become a student at the joke school!

They sing a song about joke school:
1. Of course, you can’t find a school to study for fun,
But who is stopping us from dreaming?
We will imagine it and put on a funny performance,
To surprise everyone with jokes.
And during lessons you can sleep here,
Or count the crows in the wild.
Shout, joke, laugh, and then
Lessons on answering with your mouth closed.

2. Let the nerds suffer
Let them rack their brains -
They will spend their entire lives learning lessons!
We'll have fun:
It's a fun class to study!
Let's remember school when retirement comes!
Girl: Well, are we on the same team?
Boys: I guess so!

Musical number:
Girl: Then... One, two, three, four, five, let's start imagining! The road to school.
The road to school. On road
A four-headed dragon lies.
To the left is a swamp,
The wall is sheer – rightfully so.
And the swamp smells bad,
And stones fly from the wall.
It’s a must, just like going to school,
So a little adventure.

-Hello, is this school? This is Vitya
Your third grader. No, Filimonov.
I'll be there soon, sit and wait -
(Vitya was lying in bed with the phone) -
Maybe I'll stay a little longer
But I’ll come, since I promised. –
(Vitya pulled out his right leg
From under a wadded blanket.) –
I'll be there in an hour...
In two and a half, maybe.
I can't order a camel
To gallop like an Arabian horse.
Yes, on a camel, don't be surprised.
I want you to look at it.
So wait, don't run away. –
(Vitya got out of the warm bed.)

I really wanted to sleep.
I wanted to sleep and I
I decided that if I want to sleep,
We must go home.
And while the teacher stood with his back turned
And pressed the chalk
I got up and quickly went home.
I endured it for twenty minutes!

Boy (singing):
You can sleep on math
In botany and Russian.
In gym class
Out of habit, though, it’s narrow
Hard and high -
The horizontal bar still presses.
I put cotton wool
And I’m almost used to it already.
Birds sleep on branches, chickens,
Flies sleep on the ceiling.
In gym class
I'm dozing on the horizontal bar.

Did you hear the shot? Now you'll hear thunder
Even the police are looking out of the windows:
What's happened?
This is me with a bucket on the wall,
Getting ready for the performance, dress rehearsal.
Without noise in the theater, nothing will work anyway.
Especially about the war: planes, tanks...
And at school they decided: “Stop tormenting yourself with Gavrilov!
Let him work in the theater!
At Taganka!

Girl: Do you want another joke about Gavrilov?

We love to get sick, only Sveta
Gavrilov doesn’t like to get sick either.
They sit in the back row
And if the desk spoke,
She would say: - Look!
They are Romeo and Juliet!
Vitya Gavrilov went to the board.
“I’ll wait,” said Sveta.
D E V I C H I R E P:
School love! School!

Gently calling me a hippopotamus, he doused me with compote yesterday,
And then, having torn off my homework, he stuffed a piece of paper down my collar,
He pulled his braid painfully three times, smiled and picked his nose.
I didn’t immediately understand what it was... And then I fell in love like Juliet!
School love! School!
School love is fun!
And in response, I really believe in my feelings, I crushed him with a cool door.
She gently kicked the backpack and, lovingly, said that he was a fool.
And then she tripped him up - let him lie next to him for a little while...
He got mad like a bull at the rodeo!!! How so? After all, he is my Romeo!!!
School love! School!
School love is fun!

A girl addressing one of the boys:
I know what will happen to you in an hour,
Along the flight, along the trajectory
Flight of a crow. Here you are in class
You're sitting in history class.
Look, a crow is flying over a puddle,
Is it spiraling down?
This is a three.
Could be worse.
The rest is details.

Throw a spear and shoot a bow -
A trifle for any Indian.
And let the pale-faced teachers
They don't expect to receive my diary.
The guys notice a girl who is diligently cramming something in a notebook. Slowly they approach her.
Start reading:
There are different types of fanatics.
There are rock fanatics
And there are also mathematicians
Or another lesson.
They say they even during the holidays
They are doing their homework.
They walk around thoughtfully all the time
And they bump into pillars.

One of the guys snatches the notebook from the girl, and they start running around. A little girl tries to snatch a notebook from a big boy, he teases her, but does not give her back.

Varya: Give it back kindly.
Sasha: Nope!
Varya: Then give it back in a bad way: throw a notebook at me. (The boy takes aim, throws the notebook, but misses the girl.) Mazila! Now listen:
One day a little weak girl
I argued with a strong, huge guy,
That she could stun him
Not even a textbook, just a notebook.
Well, the uncle lost his bet.
I couldn't stand on my feet.
Because there are notebooks
In heavy cast iron covers.
(gives the notebook to the crying girl)

Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.

Why are you crying over deuces?
Why are you crying over notebooks?
Take everything to the trash and
Trample the notebooks with your heels.
Let them lie in the dust
And let pigeons walk along them.
Let others do it.
Let them rack their brains.
(A loud school bell rings, stopping the dance.)
All: What's up? Where's the music?

Boy: This is the biggest joke - the bell rings for class!!!
(The guys grab their briefcases and run backstage. Gavrilov is the only one left. He can’t find his briefcase.: People, it’s good to joke around, give me the backpack!

Girl: Do you have sclerosis? You left it in class!
Gavrilov: Sclerosis! That's right, sclerosis!!!
Grandfathers don't have to go to school!
(All artists appear)
All: If only we could live to see this.

1st presenter.
Good afternoon dear friends:
Guests, parents, teachers!
2nd presenter.
We are very glad to see you
In this hall on this day and hour!
3rd presenter.
The time to say goodbye to school is coming.
Your pets for the umpteenth time
The school is ready to graduate now.
4th presenter.
Both you and I will go to a great life,
To make your dreams come true there.
1st presenter.
We're all excited and a little sad
And it seems that it’s not time for spring now.
After all, tomorrow we have to take exams,
And there - and receive certificates.
2nd presenter.
So that we can start the holiday now,
Let me give my floor to my beloved director.

The 3rd presenter invites the school principal to the stage. The director congratulates the graduates.
1st presenter.
Do you remember ten years ago,
When I first entered school,
The teacher greeted you here with a warm look,
You sat down at your desk and opened a new textbook.
2nd presenter.
May the days, may many years pass,
His work will not be lost without a trace.
3rd presenter.
He taught us to write and count.
4th presenter.
And understand the beauty of nature.
1st presenter.
He put so much energy into us, foolish ones.
2nd presenter.
And no one has forgotten his kindness!
3rd presenter.
Teacher first, we love you very much!
We invite you to this stage now!
4th presenter.
The floor is given to our first teacher.

The first teacher says parting words to the 11th grade students, remembering what they were like in the first grade. Graduates give her flowers.
1st presenter.
For all the good that you do -
Concert number. Smile from your heart!

The song is performed by 11th grade students. To the tune of the song “Dubinushka,” the presenters pull backpacks and bags onto the stage. There are inscriptions on them: “Literature”, “Geography” and other school subjects.

4th presenter.
Where are you going with your things?
1st presenter.
Into the big life
Breaking ties with the school.
2nd presenter.
What are you taking?
Tell me please?
3rd presenter.
Yes, knowledge is our strength.
Let's look at these things
And we’ll take them all with us on the road.

They begin to dismantle their backpacks. The 4th presenter takes a backpack with the inscription “Russian language” and “Literature”.

4th presenter.
We will remember every moment:
Our best friend is our native language!
1st presenter.
It is impossible to become cultured
Without native literature!
2nd presenter.
We thank our teachers (names them).

A group of graduates performs a song for literature teachers (to the tune of “I Met a Girl”).
I love poetry
I also love prose.
literature I
I cram day and night.
My dear teacher,
My life and destiny,
I am conquered by you
Driven crazy.
Ah, Russian is our language,
He is incredibly rich.
The risk of mistakes is great,
We write everything at random.
But your name is me
I am writing without error.
In a fit of passion I
I will repeat it to you a hundred times.

All teachers are given flowers. The 2nd traveler takes a backpack with the inscription “Mathematics”.

1st presenter.
Mathematics is the queen of sciences!
Ships cannot fly without it.
3rd presenter.
Without it you cannot divide an acre of land.
1st presenter.
You can't even buy bread
You can't count a ruble.
3rd presenter.
How much, you won’t know,
And once you know it, you won’t understand.
2nd presenter.
Yes, math is important!
It is needed every day.
Excellent knowledge
The school gave it to us.

Lists the names of mathematics teachers.

That's it (in unison).
Many thanks to our teachers!

There is a song for mathematics teachers (to the tune of the song “Forest Sun”).
Unfortunately, we are destined to fight with mathematics.
The head appears to be made of amber pine.
You skillfully fanned the coals of the mind in her.
It's all over, it's time to part.
Apparently among us
Newtons are few.
Us for the last time
Do not judge strictly.
Maybe integrals are not very important to us,
And our heads are indeed made of amber pine.
But it was not in vain that you planted sparks of fire in them.
We cannot live even a day without mathematics.

Teachers are given flowers. A concert number is being performed. The 2nd presenter takes a backpack with the inscription “Chemistry”.

2nd presenter.
Red smoke billows in clouds,
The flames lick the ceiling
Acid flows like a river -
There is a lesson in the experiments.
1st presenter.
On the way to a great goal
Suffering is not terrible.
Mendeleev would approve
Our research.
4th presenter.
Yes, chemistry is always needed.
It will be useful to us.
As soon as I start cooking cabbage soup,
I'll know what to add salt to.
3rd presenter.
For knowledge of chemistry
Thank you.
And this concert number
We want to give.
2nd presenter.
Many thanks to our teachers (names of chemistry teachers are mentioned).

Teachers are presented with flowers. There is a song for chemistry teachers (to the tune of the song “Winter Dream” performed by Alsou, lyrics by M. Grigoriev).
Behind are dictations, tests,
We are not afraid to hand them over.
Without boasting, we will answer you boldly,
We know chemistry well.
So you, sad, bent over,
You need to check your score.
Don't be sad, dear teacher,
We will write it as “five”.
When we came to you for the first time,
You grabbed your head
But we taught, we taught,
We tried really hard.
We ask for your forgiveness
For all my mistakes.
What a pity, but we must part, alas.
You sit with us late,
You have a lot of patience.
You taught us to work,
This cannot be taken away now.
Maybe we'll meet again
Maybe we'll leave forever.
Don't be sad, dear teacher,
You are in our hearts forever.
Thank you for your affection,
For kindness and love,
For the knowledge that you gave us,
Let's say thank you again.
We ask your forgiveness
and all my mistakes,
What a pity that we have to part, alas.
Presenter (takes a backpack with the inscription “History”).

1st presenter.
Who, when, why and how much -
She will give the answer to everything.
For any problem in life
Will give balanced advice.
2nd presenter.
We taught history -
Ancient and our days,
And now continue it
Time is our hand.
To you (acting teacher) From the bottom of my heart
This number is a concert!

A concert number is being performed. Teachers are given flowers.
2nd presenter (like weights, lifts backpacks with the inscriptions “Life Safety” and “Physical Education”).
With health like ours,
We will move mountains.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Physical education lessons.
3rd presenter.
From life safety lessons
An incomparable feeling -
Adored item
More than usual.
4th presenter (raising a backpack with the inscription “Labor”).
We will be scientists
Let's be engineers
Will we take possession
Secular manners.
1st presenter.
About evolution, of course.
We can talk for a long time.
But monkey into man
Only work could transform.
2nd presenter.
To you, dear teachers (list),
Thank you for everything, for all the lessons!
3rd presenter.
If there were no life safety, physical education, labor -
Studying, of course, wouldn’t be the same.
And this number, like a high reward,
The guys are happy to give you a gift for your glorious work.

Teachers are given flowers. There are medley songs for teachers of these subjects.
To the life safety teacher (to the tune of the song “Combat”).
In life safety, like in war,
After all, discipline is doubly strict.
There is talk about a nuclear explosion
And means of protection against them.
Captain, daddy,
You are our captain.
Did you teach the children:
Don't climb on the tank.
Live peacefully, everyone
Forget the war
Love your native country.
To the physical education teacher (to the tune of the song “About Hares”).
The bell rang
To a physical education lesson
And I have a soul
I went back on my heels again.
What awaits us today?
I look forward to it with fear,
And at the same time I hum
Words to myself.
Be patient, my friend.
Pass the long jump
Throw a grenade
Do a hundred pull-ups.
It's no problem
This is bullshit.
You hand it over and it’s all for you
There will be grass.
Don't be lazy,
Better smile
And you're healthy
Back up yours.
You'll be good
Like a flower, fresh
And all the diseases
There will be grass.
To the labor teacher (to the tune of the song “I sewed a dress”).
Made from crepe satin
All day long until I cry
I sewed a dress
Seriously for myself.
Long line
Like fate, led
Long thread
Thin needle.
I surprise you
The fashionability of the model
And I'll drive you crazy
Frequency and pitch of the seam,
So that for everything I
You called first
If not, then I
I will become Zaitsev myself.
Night. Blue velvet.
Scissors in hands
Mom is not happy
There are clouds in the sky.
Velvet is cut
Into small pieces.
New dress,
Oh, don't wear it.
I wanted you so much
Surprise with talent
And I thought that
I can do everything myself
But in the end I
And I didn’t become the first
And the fabric disappeared
1000 rubles.
The 2nd presenter takes a backpack with the inscription “Geography”.

2nd presenter.
Nowadays everything is open to us
Countries, continents.
Go and explore
Local moments.
1st presenter.
If we're in Africa -
Everything is possible now, -
Let's remember the geography
And, of course, you.

They call the teacher and give flowers.

4th presenter.
This concert number is for you
A friendly class prepared.
3rd presenter.
Don't be sad, smile.
Know that they love you very much.

Concert number from graduating students. The 1st presenter takes a bag with the inscription “Biology”.

1st presenter.
Your subject is terribly important,
Everyone understands this
We studied everything.
3rd presenter.
Human and kittens
4th presenter.
And flowers and blades of grass,
3rd presenter.
Stems, pistils, stamens.
2nd presenter.
And you are an excellent teacher -
The most extraordinary.

They call the teacher and give him flowers. The pantomime “Guess the Animal” is shown. The 3rd presenter takes a bag with the inscription “Foreign language”.

3rd presenter.
From Canada to Tasmania
The distance will be shortened
If you're familiar
With a foreign language!
2nd presenter.
Excellent knowledge!
We say: “Oh okay!”
And we read Shakespeare
No more dictionaries!
1st presenter.
Excellent knowledge!
We say: “Zer gut!”
They will help you get in
Go straight to college!
4th presenter.
Thank you (they call the teachers).
For wonderful knowledge,
What did you give us?
Will this number
And flowers to everyone, you!

They give flowers to teachers and dedicate a concert number to them. The 2nd presenter takes a backpack with the inscription “Physics”.

2nd presenter.
We are not Edisons,
We won't reach Newtons,
And he wasn't like that at all
Radio Dad - Popov.
3rd presenter.
Let pascals, watts, hertz
They entered into our flesh and blood,
But forever in the heart
There will be a love for physics.
4th presenter.
To you” dear (names teachers). We give this dedication from the bottom of our hearts.
Song about physics
(to the tune of the song “Scows”)
For physics lesson a week
I'm getting ready, I get up as soon as it's light,
And the whole family, of course, knows -
I love the teacher.
I won't tell you for our school,
Our school is very big,
But we repeat everything in our dreams
Great names of physicists.
And in practical work
I have a secret interest
Where the neighbor hung the weight,
To get a counterbalance.

They give flowers to teachers.
3rd presenter.
And these flowers are for our cool lady,
Our second mother.
She always greeted us with a smile,
Gave tenderness and warmth,
She scolded us, but for mistakes,
She taught us to believe in goodness.
So love in difficult times
Before the exam of all of us.
4th presenter.
Thanks to our awesome guys!
The best, the most beautiful!

They call the teachers and give them flowers. Performing a concert number.
1st presenter.
We thank our head teachers (called teachers).
2nd presenter.
The oldest librarian of the school.
3rd presenter.
Our medical workers.
4th presenter.
School canteen workers.
1st presenter.
School technical staff.

Graduates give flowers to everyone named by the presenters.
That's it (in unison).
We wish you all Happiness, health and give this song.
Song "Dedication to the administration and school services."
(to the tune of the song “Autumn” by DDT)
What happens at school in the spring
Something changes suddenly.
It’s just that this childhood is leaving us forever,
And don't return it back.
The school will say quietly: “Farewell!”
Promise to remember school.
Let's come back here together again,
School, you are always with us!
And we will remember the teachers
What should you wish them goodbye?
If only there were wizards, we could perform for them
All their deepest desires.
We don’t yet know what’s ahead,
Each of us has our own path.
We won't get back our school years, we understand
This makes us a little sad.
2nd presenter.
To my beloved woman,
Who has conscience, intelligence and honor,
Ready poems like this
Today I read.
Lyudmila Alexandrovna,
Our director is wonderful,
You warm our hearts
A smile, a clear look.
We love you for your severity,
For your kindness,
For knowledge, patience,
Sincerity, simplicity.
We wish you good health
And for many, many years,
May you live happily,
They didn’t know grief or trouble.

They give flowers to the school principal.

Dedication song to the school principal.
(to the tune of the song “Your Eyes”)
When, having parted with a sweet fairy tale,
We enter the school house
Eyes filled with affection
They became a beacon for us at school.
Will there be peace or storm,
Your eyes are always with us.
Kind, kind, kind your eyes!
When we lost our way,
Going against everything,
In eyes filled with anxiety,
We read a silent reproach.
Will there be peace or storm,
Your eyes are always with us.
Strict, stern, stern your eyes!
The words of farewell have faded away,
A decade is over.
In eyes filled with sadness
See the pain of parting.
Will there be peace or storm,
Your eyes are always with us.
Sad, sad, sad your eyes!
4th presenter (looked at the luggage).
Yes, of course, there are a lot of things.
1st presenter.
But we always need them; we can’t do without them on the road.
On the road called Life!
The melody of the song “Blue Car” is heard. First-graders go up to the stage.

3rd presenter.
Look, look
Came to us now
First class, first class -
To give us your order.
1st first grader.
We are special boys
Your little brothers!
2nd first grader.
We are special girls
Your little sisters!
3rd first grader.
We just recently came to our school,
Where have you studied for ten years?
Accept it from us, dear guys.
Warm greetings from us, first-graders!
4th first grader.
We understand perfectly
Your difficulties now.
Outside, spring is in full swing,
But you have exams.
5th first grader.
It will entice you with coolness
The greenery of the forest, the smooth surface of the river.
Don't give in to temptations.
You are now graduates!
6th first grader.
Within these walls you managed
A lot to learn.
We would like to answer you
All exams are "A"!
1st first grader.
We sincerely wish
You should go to college,
May this be the last call
You will never forget.
2nd first grader.
You cared about school
They did a lot for us
But the owners of the school
We will be no worse than you.
3rd first grader.
You and I have already finished our studies,
We should go for a walk - it's time for your exams.
Wish us good entertainment.
We wish you: “No fluff, no feather!”
4th first grader.
Today is your holiday - “Last Call”,
Last call for last lesson!
And first class wishes you:
"Good luck! And good luck!"

To the tune of the song “First-Graders,” the kids leave the stage, give flowers to the graduates, and leave the hall.

1st presenter.
Now it will be heard throughout all the corridors -
Cheerful and sad last call.
2nd presenter.
Ring over the past and present!
3rd presenter.
Ring over childhood, receding into the distance!
4th presenter.
Happy and sad last call!
1st presenter.
The honorary right to ring the last bell is given to an 11th grade student (says his name).

Everyone sings the final song.
School years are already behind us.
The last bell is about to ring.
All that remains is to pass the exams,
And you can safely begin your adult life.
School, school is home,
We say goodbye to you.
Don't be sad in vain
Forgive us for everything.
But wherever we are - night and day
We will preserve our knowledge forever.
And if there is trouble with you, teacher -
Call us, we will always help.
Through the haze of lilacs and apple trees, smoke
Teacher, you will always be young.
And let the strand be filled with silver,
You are ready to give your heart to children.

All graduates can sing along to the chorus of the song. Some can dance. At the end of the song, the melody of the song “When we leave the schoolyard” is played. Everyone leaves the hall.

Performance “Wonderful School Years”


Oleg - younger brother

Kolya - older brother

Vera - Oleg's classmate

Lena is Oleg's classmate

Gena is Oleg’s classmate

On the stage - the decoration of the room, evening - two brothers are sleeping - Kolya gets up, goes to the kitchen, returns with a sandwich - 1/2 loaf with sausage or jam, just wants to take a bite, Oleg pokes out from under the blanket.

Oleg. You wait, Kolka, I’ll tell mom everything!

(Kolya takes a bite)

Kolya. What time is it now?

Oleg. (evil) Fifth! Wow, it's five o'clock!

(hides under the blanket)

Kolya. Yes! Yeah...Why didn't you sleep, wrote poetry or what?

Oleg (leaning out from under the blanket) And I saw you with Pebble, bride and groom!

Kolya. Yes...Uh-huh...What? You would understand a lot!

Oleg. You know, I love you too!

Kolya. What, a bun with jam?

Oleg. I’m serious, and you’re a bun...

Kolya. Yah?

Oleg. one knows this...I have a terribly amorous nature. Who am I? Yes, yes, and for a long time!

Kolya. What are you talking about? Who would have thought!

Oleg. Don’t laugh, in the fourth grade I liked one person – Zhenya Kapustina... Then it passed. In the sixth grade - Ninka Kamaeva... I fell in love with her out of pity - she was so quiet... Then suddenly she began to run for president...

Kolya. Where?

Oleg. Well, in Shus, I learned how to command – it’s terrible.

Kolya. And what?

Oleg. I fell out of love right away. And now I’m suffering terribly, I fell in love with two people at once!

Kolya. Well, there you go, brother!

Oleg. Well, I don’t understand what it is about Veerka Tretyakov and Lenka Kantorova... Veerka is chestnut, and Lenka is black... Do you know what kind of eyes she has?

Kolya. I can't even guess...

Oleg. Ah, huge and dark blue... I saw pansies of this color in the cultural park... I swear to you, I can’t get enough of them!

Kolya. Well, show her some attention.

Oleg. And Verka’s braid is thick and reaches to the knee, and curls at the end. How is she not afraid to wear it? The hooligans will also cut you off.

Kolya. And they just know that she has a braid like that. By the way, do they know that you are in love with them?

Oleg. To girls?

Kolya. Well, not hooligans!

Oleg. How could they know?

Kolya. Did not tell?

Oleg. What you! That's what I'll tell them! So I’m suffering a lot... I don’t understand how I did this? I like both of them at once...Here you have Pebbles - one - one!

Kolya. Well, one is true.

Oleg. See - it's normal!

Kolya. What are you going to do, our amorous one?

Oleg. And I'll write them a note!

Kolya. To whom?

Oleg. One of them.

Kolya. So what will you write?

Oleg. I can't say that.

Kolya. Well, what about the other one?

Oleg. I won’t write anything else. Only I haven’t decided which one to write to, you know, this is the most difficult thing, but I’ll decide right away, categorically - and no!

Kolya. And this is the right decision! Well, why didn’t you sleep?

Oleg. At first I thought, and then I composed poems in my mind... About the fog...

Kolya. Made it up?

Oleg. Not completely...Listen...

Today there is fog outside the window -

I'll open the doors and melt!

Camel caravan houses

Floats off somewhere in the haze.

Road noise and street noise

It's like drowning in flakes of cotton wool,

And I'm floating on the clouds

And weightless and winged...

That's all for now...

Kolya. Where are you going?

Oleg. I do not know yet. Let's sleep…

Kolya. Come on, I was just refreshed...

The alarm clock rings and mom comes in.

Mother. Guys, get up, it's time! Good morning! Breakfast is getting cold!

Oleg. I love weekends!

Kolya. Yes! I wish I could sleep some more!

Mother. You are going to the cinema with the guys today! Or have you already changed your mind?

Oleg. What more! Changed your mind! You’ll say the same, mommy, of course we’ll go!

Mother. Then get up, there are still some things to do, and some homework to sort out!

Oleg. Mmm, more lessons!

Mother. Did the job -

Kolya and Oleg. Walk boldly!

Mother. Absolutely right!

Kolya and Oleg. Yes, Comrade Commander!

They have breakfast at the table, father comes in with a newspaper.

Father. Good morning everyone!

Oleg. Kind!

Kolya. Hello pa!

Oleg. What are they writing, dad?

Father. Construction took place outside the city, right...

Oleg. Yes, living closer to nature is the natural state of man!

Father. Look how beautifully you spoke!

Kolya. That’s right, on weekends everyone is eager to get out of the city, not to mention the summer - everyone goes to the dacha!

Oleg. Cities just aren’t structured that way yet!

Father. How about, son, maybe you can help humanity?

Oleg. And what? Wait, nuclear technology and cybernetics will develop - everything will be built on buttons!

Father. Tell me please! What a word!

Kolya. You're a weirdo, brother!

Mother. Enough of your chatter - better eat, it'll cool down!

Father. Don’t tell me, the world belongs to scientists, and we will make it to our liking, but so be it - we’ll leave you three birch trees and a lawn!

There's a knock on the door.

Mother. Who would it be on a day off?

(Vera and Lena enter)

Faith. Excuse me, does Oleg Savin live here?

Mother. Here! Olezhka, you have guests! Come on, girls!

(silent scene)

Oleg. Why did you come?

Lena. We're on important business. Hello, bon appetit!

Kolya. Wow, what young ladies - to the point!

Oleg. Ordinary girls from our class.

Mother. Olezhka, you should introduce us to the guests and invite us to tea!

Oleg. With a braid - Vera, with eyes - Lena, and they will drink tea at home!

Mother. Oleg, how is it possible!

Father. Son, you are not very polite!

Faith. Oleg, we come to you as a member of the editorial board...

Oleg. Today, by the way, is a day off and then... cinema...

Mother. Sit down, girls, help yourself, otherwise you can’t really expect an invitation from my men!

(sit down and drink tea)

Oleg. Sit down, drink quickly, and let's go into the yard.

Father. Oleg, you really can’t do that!

Mother. Come on, father, my sewing machine is broken, I need to fix it...

Kolya. Thank you, mom, I’ll go out to the kindergarten and get some fresh air.

Oleg. Go, go, breathe - it's good for your health and nerves!

(Kolya leaves)

Oleg. Well, now everyone is gone, pile on the candy

(holds out a bowl of sweets)

So what do you have there?

Lena. Listen, we found out that tomorrow is our school's birthday.

Oleg. Yah?

Faith. Yes, this is a serious date - seventy years!

Oleg. Wow! She waved it off!

Lena. You urgently need to paste poetry into the wall newspaper - write it, eh?

Oleg. Never!

Faith. No way? It's an anniversary!

Oleg. And my physics teacher just gave me a bad grade.

Faith. Let's get to it, you didn't answer anything!

Oleg. Anyway, it was unpleasant for me!

Lena. Olezhka, what does this have to do with the school’s anniversary?

Oleg. What does it have to do with it? The physics teacher works at our school!

Faith. Well, come on, I would never have thought that you were like this...

Oleg. Cold? Like an iceberg in the ocean?

Faith. This is too much, let's go, Lena!

Oleg. No, no, girls, this is a humorous joke... Okay, for example...

The physicist is seven decades old -

Apparently there is no wear on it...

Lena. Well you know!

Faith. You're still impudent!

Lena. This school is seventy years old, not physics!

Oleg. I'm kidding, girls! Of course...70 years of many different people studied here...And people like you, and people like me...Here's a little more...we will leave the school...and what will be left after us...

Lena. Oleg, are you okay?

Oleg. (seriously) I will write not only poetry, but also memoirs about school life...

Faith. Just please, without any of your tricks!

Oleg. Okay, eat the candy. By the way, why did you two suddenly decide to come to me?

Lena. We are on behalf of...

Oleg. Just for this?

Faith. Why else? Lena, it's time for us to go!

Oleg. Wait! Well, sit down, what are you doing...

Lena. What do you have there?

Oleg. Nuclear installation.

Faith. Yes, he's mocking us, let's go, Lena.

Oleg. That's it, I won't do it again! What kind of books do you have?

Lena. We were in the library!

Oleg. Come on!

Faith. No, no, but in the library!

Oleg. Come on, show me. (takes a book from Vera, reads: “Break! Strong! What kind of book do you have?” (takes from Lena: “Notes of a Partisan! Well done, girls! Take patronage over me!

Faith. What joy is this?

Oleg. Let's go to the library together!

Faith. Hm! A very bright prospect!

Lena. Believe me, maybe...

Vera (pushes him to the side) No, he can’t...

Oleg. Okay, since guests are supposed to be entertained, would you like me to show you a trick?

Faith. This is just what we needed!

Lena. I would like to see it!

Faith. But not for long!

Oleg. Fine! Turn to the door and don’t turn around until I count to three. Look, don't cheat!

(counts: “One, two...”, at this time he takes a note out of his pocket and puts it in Vera’s book, and quietly hides in the closet, silence)

Faith. Oleg, is that all?

Lena. Ole-eg! He ran away somewhere!

Faith. I think he's a little crazy, don't you think?

Lena. What are you talking about, he's just funny. Everyone in the class loves him.

Faith. They always love the ringleaders, this is not news!

Lena. Ver, do you like him?

Faith. To me?

Lena. You!

Faith. Well, how can I tell you... He is overly frivolous, although he is cheerful, you can’t take that away from him, stubborn, one-sidedly passionate about literature... If all this were brought to normal, then he would turn out to be an ordinary person.

Lena. Believe, can he make a real poet?

Faith. If we work through it more often, and push together, then maybe...

Why are you all about him and about him?

Lena. Ver, I like him.

Faith. In what sense?

Lena. Well... (cowardly) As a comrade...

Faith. That's it...

Lena. And what?

Faith. It’s okay, I’m your friend and don’t expect any favors from me... But where is he with his trick? Oleg!

(mom comes out)

Lena. Oh, you know, Oleg ran away somewhere!

Mother. Outside?

Faith. He wanted to show us a trick and disappeared.

Kolya. (entering) Here's a trick for you, climb somewhere. Right now I am!

(opens the closet, Oleg falls out)

Kolya. What are you doing?

Oleg. (breathing heavily) Almost suffocated in this coffin!

Mother. Oleg, this is simply impossible, like a five-year-old, by God! Why didn't you come out right away?

Oleg. So it happened... I thought I was going to die, but no, I turned out to be alive! I still have to write my memoirs!

Faith. Well, we guess we'll go!

Lena. Goodbye! Thank you for the treats!

Mother. All the best, girls, come by sometime!

(addresses Oleg)

No, son, there is no limit to your nonsense!

Kolya. Well, brother, what are you really doing?

Oleg. Can you imagine, they stood near the closet and started talking about me... well, it was awkward to get out... they would have thought that I was eavesdropping. I feel like I’m suffocating... and they, the bastards, chatter and chatter... But they’re cute, right?

Kolya. Oh you magician!

Class, Oleg comes in, Vera and Lena approach him.

Faith. What are you doing?

Oleg. What?

Faith. Did you put the note in the book?

Oleg. Which book?

Lena. Believe in the book, don’t lie, that’s your signature.

Oleg. What's special?

Faith. (to Lena) No, can you hear?

(To Oleg) Well, you know, I knew that all poets do is fall in love...

Oleg. Don’t talk too much with your tongue and think about what you’re saying!

(classmate Gennady approaches)

Come on, come on, what did you write there?

Lena. (To Oleg) Yes, yes, I know, I’m not little, when and why such notes are written!

(Gene) He, Genochka, wrote a bad poem and stuck it in Verochka’s book.

Oleg. Why is this disgusting?

Faith. Don't worry, we've analyzed it! Wait a minute, we’ll discuss it as a group!

Oleg. On what other team?

Vera. The whole class, and maybe the entire school!

Oleg. Why did you make this up?

Lena. And she wasn’t the only one who made it up, such things cannot be ignored!

Faith. Lena is right, right, Gennady?

Gena. Olezha, tell me, what kind of nonsense did you write there?

Faith. And we will read it to you, please, Len, read it!

Lena. (scared) Why me? Maybe you can read it yourself? They sent you a note!

Faith. No, you read it!

Lena. I can't!

Faith. She can’t, apparently we’ll have to talk about you too where we should!

(takes out a piece of paper and unfolds it)

Faith. From what?

Oleg. Don't you dare, do you hear!

Faith. Yeah, are you ashamed?

Oleg. Give it here now!

Faith. Here's another! Physical evidence! Of course, it’s easy to write poetry, but how to answer, I’m so chickened out! This is not what we asked you to write about!

Gena. Oh, did you ask me to write about something? And what about?

Lena. About the school anniversary!

Gena. Oh, yes, about the anniversary, well, Oleg will certainly write to us, right, Olezha?

Oleg. Of course, I promised!

Faith. (confused) But I’ll read it anyway, let everyone hear!

Oleg. Okay, go ahead, read, everything is clear to me now...

(turns away)

Faith. They fell asleep in the house. Silence sings

In our cramped room

Maybe I'm just hearing

Is this a happy song?

Maybe I'm making it up

In this spring silence

Maybe my heart is singing

Full of muddy languor?

You're the one I'm crazy about

It's been two weeks now!

Lena. (to Gene) Did you hear?

Gena. Was it really all written by him himself? Come on, show me!

Vera. (hands over a piece of paper) Here.

Gena. (folds the piece of paper) Yes, really, just great!

(To Oleg) Why are you looking at them? Get them out of here!

Oleg. Drive right? Well, get out of here!

Lena. How are you going?

Oleg. Get out of here, okay?

Faith. What, what?

Gena. What have you heard, high lyricism is inaccessible to you, read fables, maybe you’ll find something about yourself there!

Faith. Well, okay, think about it!

Lena. Oleg, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, it’s all Veerka...

Faith. Traitor!

Oleg. All Lena and Vera

Stupid beyond measure!

Gena. Bravo! This is without embellishment! Orevoir, dear classmates!

Faith. Same like that!

Gena. Don't be upset, poets have always been stoned.

Oleg. You know, Gen, I have now firmly decided not to fall in love with the girls from my class!

Gena. You're right, you're right, it's better to fall in love from the parallel. By the way, are you preparing for the school’s anniversary, brother?

Oleg. Of course, it’s not the school’s fault that such Verkas and Lenkas study there...

Oleg and Kolya go to bed.

Oleg. Kohl, aren't you sleeping?

Kolya. Nope.

Oleg. Why aren't you sleeping?

Kolya. I'm waiting for you to fall asleep.

Oleg. Will you go get a sandwich again?

Kolya. Not again, but again!

Oleg. What will you eat with today?

Kolya. Today I decided with cheese and sausage!

Oleg. You know, I kicked these girls out!

Kolya. Yah?

Oleg. Completely fell out of love! But somehow my soul is empty... I think this: on our editorial board we also have this Innochka, blonde, pretty... I liked her before...

Kolya. Classmate?

Oleg. No, from parallel.

Kolya. Another thing!

Oleg. I, Kohl, composed poems for the school’s anniversary, would you like to listen?

Kolya. Read!

Oleg. (reads a poem)

How are you, Kohl? Will it work?

Kolya. Appropriate, good poetry!

(mother enters)

Mother. Guys, why aren't you sleeping? It’s already one o’clock in the morning! Wake everyone up!

Kolya. Mom, we have a very important conversation!

Oleg. Mom, don’t be afraid for us, we’ll get up like new!

Mother. My beloved Gavriks, good night!

Kolya and Oleg. Good night mom, we love you!

(mom comes out)

Oleg. I’ll have to write poetry for my mother.

Kolya. What about your father?

Oleg. And to father!

Kolya. Listen, can you write a dedication to my girlfriend? Well, it’s like poetry from me?

Oleg. Why not? I hope that your girlfriend will truly appreciate them!

Kolya. Olezhka, you know, you are a real brother!

Oleg. Of course it's real!

Kolya. I don’t mean it in this sense, well... you’re just a real person and a poet with a capital P!

Oleg. Come on, it’s good that there is no light, I’m burning like a lantern!

Kolya. No joke - I respect you, brother, and with a sense of accomplishment I go to the kitchen to make a sandwich!

Oleg. Kohl, let me also eat sandwiches at night, with you?!

Kolya. Olezhka, no questions asked!

Oleg. Deal?

Kolya. Are you asking?!

(they shake hands)

Final music and bow to the performance participants.

School-wide event dedicated to the last bell holiday “Wonderful School Years”

Songs about school are played

Leading 1

Today is an unusual day
The sun rose, washed with dew,
To the last, farewell lesson,
Graduation class is leaving!

Leading 2

May day plays on the line,
The breeze whispers gently in the leaves,
Seeing off his pupils on their way,
The school will give them a last call!

Presenter 1

There will be a lot of guests worried
There will be many poems and flowers -
Oceans of thunderous applause
We welcome our

Together. GRADUATES!!!

Solemn music sounds

Music is playing in the background

Leading 1

Dear guests, teachers, parents, dear children! Today at our school the last bell will ring for ninth grade students. They begin a very important time: preparing for and passing exams. And today is their holiday! I congratulate you guys on this day!

Leading 2

Kherle kon, khormatle kunaklar, ata-analar, ukytuchylar һәm ukuchylar! Bugen season өchen dә, bezneң өchen dә in tantanala һәm istәlekle kөnnәrneң berse. Chygarylysh class ukuchylary өchen songy kyңgyrau yangyrayachak.Songy kyңgyrau street bezneң өchen urta mәktәpne tәmamlap,zur tormyshka,oly donyaga atlagan kөnnәrnеn gҗәp matur yes, you ngysyz yes, soklandyrgych ta һәm avyr da buluyn iskartep tora kebek. Bu mәktәpne tәmamlaganda khushlashu tavyshy yes.


I know that I have a huge country!

And the river and the forest

Every spikelet in the field!

And flowers and blades of grass

There is a narrow path to the school.

My favorite school house!

And a birch tree under the window.

And the expanses are blue

This is all my Russia!

(The anthems of Russia and Tatarstan are played.)

Leading 1

On this spring day, students, parents, teachers, school administration, in a word, those who have been with you all these years, gathered at the Last Bell holiday. Today there are guests at our celebration!

The floor is given:

(word to guests)

Presenter 2:

Over the course of several years of study, the school became your second home, the corner where you lived a truly interesting, young life.


Where does school start?
From the director, first of all.
From this strong man to whom so much has been given.

Where does school start? From the director's gaze
This is the wise man who remembers each of us.

Or maybe it starts with anxious, sleepless nights.
Thank you, our beloved director, thank you from your children!

Children give flowers

Presenter 2:

The floor to congratulate the graduates is given to the school director: Zinatullin Ildus Minnigalievich

Leading 1:

Every year we sum up the results, it is very gratifying that many students achieve good results in their studies .

Our guys actively take part in various events and competitions at the municipal, republican, Russian and even international levels, where they win prizes. Our students also reveal their potential and defend the honor of the school in the fields of art and sports.

And now we want to congratulate the best of the best and present certificates. The floor for congratulations and awards is given to the school director.

Presenter 1:

Do you remember the beginning of September?
A large bouquet and my mother’s anxious look

And the first page of the primer
Opened the gates to the kingdom of knowledge for you.

And the trembling of children's inept hands,
With what difficulty the pen was given the word!

But your first teacher is a good friend
Always came to your aid again!

Music is playing (in the background) track No. 2

Presenter 2:

First teacher! Everyone remembers his name for the rest of their lives. And now we ask you to remember and name the name of your first teacher.


When they came to you for the first time,
You greeted us with a smile,
They taught us everything, encouraged us,
The second one became a school mother.

Leading 2:

The floor is given to the first teacher T.V. Chadaeva.

Music plays, and the presenter speaks in the background.

Presenter 1:

Let the birds sing loudly

Flowers grow, gardens bloom.

Let the school waltz spin faster

This won't happen again

There are no more joyful, more solemn moments!

Graduates perform the waltz “When we leave the school yard”

Presenter 1:

The school years are running and rushing by... 4 years of primary school have flown by quickly and now you are already in the fifth grade. How hard it was to get used to new classes, new teachers, new requirements. At the same time, you made new friends in the person of your class teachers, who became your support and support throughout your entire school journey!


The teachers are all wonderful
Everyone is good in some way.
Only better than our cool ones
Don't try - you won't find it.

Presenter 2:

The floor is given to class teachers R. R. Kazantseva and A. I. Epaneshnikov.

A fortune teller comes out to the music


Who are you, dear??

Fortune teller:

Hello, I am an experienced fortune teller, I can predict fate, I can remove a conspiracy, I can write a test for a chocolate bar!

Leading : Wow! Fortune tellers have already started visiting schools! Well, since you are here, tell us how our graduates will cope with the exams?

The fortune teller approaches the graduates and takes their hands.

Fortune teller: I see that they will all pass, but I don’t see how they will pass.
Leading: Why?

Fortune teller: So I would have told fortunes using cards, but the teacher took all the cards away yesterday, and the crystal ball broke a month ago during a math lesson.

    Leading : so what to do?
    Fortune teller: Well......I can tell fortunes on ice cream, preferably on popsicles!

Leading: Oh, you are so cunning, fortune teller! You are always looking for benefits for yourself, but what to do? Here's some ice cream for you!
The host gives the fortune teller ice cream

Fortune teller taking a bite of ice cream:

Oh, I see, I see, there are many paths for graduates, good luck is next to them, luck, many good people on their way!
Leading : Oh, thank you, fortune teller!
Fortune teller : What kind of ice cream is that and a prediction! I liked it with you! I'll probably come again!

Leading: We are always glad to see you with such predictions!

Fortune teller: It's time for me! There's a lot to do! We need to visit a few more schools!

Leading: We won't detain you! See you again! ( turn the music up loud!)The track goes away to the music

Music playing in the background

Presenter 2

Throughout your school life, your teachers were with you - reliable comrades, excellent advisers who were the guiding force of your growing up.

Graduates! It's time to say a word of gratitude to your teachers and those who were with you at school every day!


Thank you for loving us,
Although they were sometimes strict with us.
Because you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us.

The song “Teachers' Favorite Eyes” sounds. O. Yudakhina

Year after year on a frosty winter evening
And on a May day, clear as dew,
We meet openly and trustingly
Teachers' favorite eyes.
You have discovered an amazing world,
So that it would be easy for us to live in the world.
And if we have offended you in any way
Forgive if you can forgive.
Let different paths await us,
We will not forget our school, this class.
You taught us to love beauty,
That's why we love you very much!

It will happen that in our biography
An unexpected disaster will suddenly burst in.
You'll look like an old photograph
And you will always be with us.
And how to forget that in sorrow and joy
Did you bring us your eternal restlessness?
And every time in our moments of weakness
They believed in us like no one else

Presenter 1

How fleeting time is.. It seems that just recently you came to school with your parents as little boys and girls.. And today, like nine years ago, your parents are excitedly seeing you off into adulthood..

The floor is given to the chairman of the parent committee, Oksana Sergeevna Ermakova.

Presenter 1:

The story of childhood comes to an end
Chapters completed, dreams reviewed
No longer relying on anyone's tips
You must solve all problems yourself

Presenter 2 :

Not every path will be smooth
Not all challenges will be easy
And life lies before you like a teradka,
Wherein. not a single line yet!

Presenter 1:

The most solemn moment of our holiday is coming: the last bell is now ringing! The right to make the last call is given to Vecheslav Ermakov and Anna Suvorova.

Presenter 1

At this point, the solemn assembly dedicated to the holiday of the last bell is considered closed! Good luck, dear graduates! And we wish our students, teachers, parents, and guests a bright summer and a sunny mood and say until we meet again!

School holiday


Leading. At our holiday we collected

We are the pride of the school, the school light!

Tell me, what would you call it?

Those who have already achieved victories?!

Presenter. Those who don't just go to school,

Does he teach, think and create?

And who are the scientific foundations -

The prestige of Russia will be preserved!

Leading. Who helped us do better?

And life at school is more fun,

Didn't remain indifferent

And the school raised its prestige!

Presenter. For you, our social activists,

For you, actors and singers,

For you, sports teams,

For you, teacher-creators...

Leading. Today is our last holiday,

Our final ending.

Results of various nominations

And the time for awards has come!

Presenter. Let the main results come,

The first step has been taken towards the top.

Support and hope of the school -

We proudly call you!

Leading. Good afternoon We welcome everyone gathered in this hall - students, teachers, parents and guests of our holiday.

The music playing in the background is “Time, forward.”

Presenter. We are starting the ceremony to sum up the results of the academic year “SUCCESS-2012”!

Leading. The main thing that school teaches is the ability to live. Live among people. Here one gains the experience of inclusion in the human community, in which one must be in demand.

Presenter. This is precisely the task that the teaching staff of Rodnoy 35 sets for itself. We try to always move forward.

Leading. The floor for the opening ceremony of awarding teacher and student achievements “Success 2012” is given to the school director -Rakityanskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna.

Presenter. Today at our celebration there are guests:


Leading. What is our school like?

Presenter. It has a permanent teaching staff

That means she is patient.

Leading. There are many smiling faces here.

That means she’s happy.

Presenter. Our graduates are always welcome here

It means hospitable

Leading. Here you will always come to the aid of every student.

That means she’s kind.

Presenter . Former students already bring their children here.

So it’s my favorite!

Leading. This is what our school is like!


Presenter. Today we are pleased to award certificates of commendation for excellent studies to those children who during all three quarters of this year studied only with “A’s”. The right to award awards is given to the school director Tatyana Nikolaevna Rakityanskaya.

Leading. In the category “Best Students of the School” the following are awarded for excellent studies:... (The presenters announce the list by name and the children go up to the stage.)

Presenter. Congratulations! We hope that by the next “SUCCESS”, which will take place next year, the number of excellent students will increase significantly!

Leading. - Here they are, the young heroes of the star holiday: smart, beautiful and very happy.

We congratulate the schoolchildren on their achievements and wish that your knowledge develops, strengthens and becomes the basis of your future profession.

And now a photo for memory.


Presenter . Everyone has a rough idea of ​​what a graduate of school No. 35 should look like. Well, what does this miracle student look like?

Leading. He must be the most conscientious and responsible!

Presenter. The most athletic! The most creative!

Leading. The most active! The most charming!

Presenter. Now, it’s not scary to send a team of such people sailing on the waves of life. Now we will find out the names of these very same ones!

Leading. The diploma “Success 2012” in the nomination “Wonderful School Years” is awarded to the most diligent and conscientious students of the school. To award the winners of the competition in this nomination, -________________________________________________ is invited to the stage.

Leading. Our young talents congratulate all the most diligent and conscientious students of our school. On the stage -


Presenter. The school prize “To the Pinnacle of Success” is awarded to the most athletic students in our school. The word for the award goes to the head of the methodological association of physical education teachers - Lyudmila Semenovna Fateeva.


Leading. In the “Right Hand” category, the most active students who take part in all school activities are awarded. To award the winners of the competition in this nomination, -__________________________________________ is invited to the stage. We invite you to the stage:


Presenter. At the end of the school year, the methodological council of the school summed up the results of the “Class of the Year” competition according to the following criteria: the effectiveness of the educational process, the level of education of students, the presence of offenses, the organization of extracurricular activities, and participation in school affairs. Deputy Director for Water Resources Management Tatyana Nikolaevna Khalimova is invited to the stage for the award ceremony.

The diploma “SUCCESS-2012” in the nomination “Class of the Year” among classes of the first level school is awarded to ______class, the class teacher - ____________________________.

The diploma “SUCCESS-2012” in the nomination “Class of the Year” among the classes of the second level school is awarded to the __________ class, the class teacher - _____________________________________.

The diploma “SUCCESS-2007” in the nomination “Class of the Year” among third-level school classes is awarded to the _________ class, the class teacher -_________________________________.


Leading. Well, the program is exhausted

Olympics podium.

Science does not tolerate falsehood.

Presenter. And since you put in the work,

They will support and understand you!

And the school is proud of all of you!

We are the best! As always!


Leading. This concludes our holiday. Goodbye. See you again!