Psychological problems that we compensate with food.

Good day to you, my dear readers! How to stop stress eating? Do you also ask yourself this question? This is not surprising - modern life is full of stressful situations, and it is almost impossible to completely avoid them. Stress has a detrimental effect on ours, deprives us of a full life and, of course, causes overeating.

I think the best way to avoid stress eating is to deal directly with the stress itself. What do you think? Since I myself am naturally prone to depression, I am constantly looking for (and, most importantly, finding!) Ways to deal with stress. My requirements for them are as follows: fast, simple and effective.

At the moment I have a whole collection of anti-stress recipes, and I will be happy to share with you. Most of them are physiological methods that are simple to disgrace.

The best way to stop anxiety eating is to smile

We usually smile when we feel good. Surprisingly, feedback also works - smile and your mood will rise.

Attention! It is not enough to smile and immediately lower your lips. It is necessary to keep them in an elevated "smiling" state until the moment when your mood begins to inexorably creep up. Usually one or two minutes is enough for this. It does not matter if your smile is sincere or artificially stretched.

This is explained simply: when smiling, the muscles of the face put pressure on biologically active points, the impact on which causes a great mood.

Some people ask, "What if I'm not in the mood to smile?" And this is the wrong approach.

Mood is not needed here. Everything is exactly the opposite: stretch your lips, smile, even if not from the heart - and in a few minutes the mood will certainly appear.

The reviews of all those whom I taught this are unanimous: it is very simple, but it works flawlessly.

The easiest way to stop jamming problems is “wings”

When you feel bad, when you do not believe in yourself, and therefore you are drawn to the kitchen, do the following exercise: stand up straight and raise your arms several times as if you are flapping wings. Those. just spread it out to the side and lift it up.

I don’t know why this helps – maybe people were once birds after all – but “wing flaps” work flawlessly. There is a "feeling of flight", and the soul and body seem to be filled with new forces.

The flapping of imaginary "wings" is actually inspiring (sorry for the pun).

A simple way not to seize emotions - muscle tension

This method assumes the presence of a straight, hard surface on which to lie down.

So, lying down, tighten the muscles of the legs, starting with the socks and gradually moving to the hips. "Move" further, tensing the muscles of the buttocks, then the back and abdomen, and so on. - up to your crown.

Your body should be one "stretched string." Hold this position for as long as you can, then relax. Repeat 3-5 times.

This simple exercise relieves muscle clamps, which effectively resists stress. By the way, it can be done a couple of times a week to prevent decadent moods.

An effective way not to seize emotions is a quick intense load.

Emotional stress is perfectly relieved by fast intense physical activity.

Examples of such a load: jumping, squats, push-ups. All this must be done at the fastest possible pace, and at the same time, be sure to get tired - i.e. to a significant change in breathing and heartbeat.

We always begin to think and experience the newly received cause for stress, and such a load is a kind of switch to another activity.

You understand - a way for those who use it allows health. But it is very effective, so if possible - use it.

The rest I advise to pay attention to yoga. Even simple yoga exercises will be quite enough to withstand stress, stabilize the emotional background, and just become happier 🙂

Yoga can help calm your nerves. Proven for centuries.

The obvious way to deal with stress eating is to sing

The method is not for everyone and not for every situation, but still many may like it.

When a person sings, his release of endorphins (hormones of good mood) increases, which, of course, reduces stress, and at the same time strengthens the immune system.

It is better to sing something cheerful or life-affirming - the effect of singing sad songs is much less.

You can even come up with your own. For example, I wrote myself this song: “Good day! Good me! This is a good song for me! Stupid? May be. But how effective!

The natural remedy for stress is water

It is not for nothing that a glass of water is often offered to calm a worried person. And this measure is the first thing you should do if other methods are currently not available to you.

Tea with milk has an excellent calming effect (by the way, that's why it is) - especially if you drink it slowly.

Keep in mind: drinking even water, even tea, will not replace the methods listed above, and you should resort to them whenever possible. But removing the first tension with water is better than nothing.

A magical way to get rid of stress - a special shower

After all, you probably bathe every day - why not use it for the benefit of your mood?

Lately, I've been in the shower thinking, "What do I want to wash off today? What problem do I want to lose forever? And I imagine how jets of water wash away this problem, that with the help of them I kind of get rid of it.

At this moment, I do not get hung up on one thing, but follow my feelings - if I want to wash away some more troubles or get rid of unnecessary thoughts, then I begin to “wash away” them.

And you know it helps! After such a cleansing, you not only feel reborn, but you feel the purity of the soul.

This is a very powerful procedure for preventing stress, I recommend it to you wholeheartedly.

Instead of Stress-Eating, Warn It

If you already know your tendency to depressive states, then is it not easier to prevent their occurrence.

Get in the habit of doing this every few months: drink soothing herbal teas and take soothing baths every night. The course length is 2-3 weeks.

Even if you don’t do this in the summer, try to conduct at least two such courses during the cold season.

Of course, it's good like this - with candles, flowers and oils. But even with some oils, the effect will be amazing.

Don't let stress into your life!

Surprisingly, most people voluntarily and with enviable persistence launch a bunch of negativity into their lives, which, accumulating, drives them into stress. How?

They just watch TV. Every day they learn about plane crashes, terrible car accidents, theft and abuse of children, about revolutions and their victims, about the theft of officials, about earthquakes, floods, tornadoes ... That's it, I'm tired of writing about it.

Excuse me, what's the good mood here?

And then these same people complain about constant stress - so you yourself let him in!

Our brain is like a bowl. If we fill it with clean water, it is there, we add dirty water and there is no clean water left. What to fill - the choice is mainly ours. At least, in the case of the TV, this is definitely the case.

And one more thing to think about. The most successful people in the world don't watch TV at all. Maybe they do it for a reason?

So, let's make a short conclusion from the above.

When a stressful situation arises, you can:

  • smile until mood changes;
  • make swings with your hands like the movements of birds with wings;
  • lie down on a hard surface and strain all the muscles of the body that you can;
  • give yourself a quick intense physical activity;
  • sing;
  • drink a glass of water or tea with milk (if it is impossible to do any of the above).

You can prevent stress by:

  • daily "flushing" of your problems in the shower;
  • courses to maintain the health of the nervous system with soothing herbs and baths;
  • refusal to watch TV.

In conclusion, I want to note that it is basically impossible to seize stress. It's like standing near a bottomless gorge and throwing food into it. You can only get rid of stress by any means available to you. Don't let stress take over your soul and you'll have nothing to eat. Beauty to you, harmony, health and good mood!

P.S. The article is large and rich. Therefore, for visuals (those who like to perceive information with their eyes), I made a video - a kind of memo on the article. If you don't want to read it, you can watch the video:

Overeating too often is the result of prolonged stress, chronic anxiety, depression. Food becomes a reaction to any emotional jolt. It is much easier to "seize the problem" than to talk about it with a specialist and solve it. Studies conducted back in the 80s showed that people who are prone to frequent mood swings, depression and anxiety are more likely to fantasize about fatty, carbohydrate, “junk food”.

Why do people eat problems?

Research has also shown that women are more likely to suffer from "problem eating" than men, which can be explained by frequent mood swings due to the hormonal cycle.

Food becomes a cure for anxiety and boredom, a household antidepressant. A person eats more than he needs when he has nothing to do, when the circle of interests is limited, when there is no satisfaction with life and depressing thoughts do not give rest. Finally, we eat simply because there is always food nearby; known fact: on the weekends we consume more food and treats than on weekdays.

Very often, "jamming" affects people with low self-esteem. In this case, food is a source of support and comfort.

Overweight people "jam" resentment, rejection, dissatisfaction, fears. Women use unconsciously, and sometimes consciously, excess weight to avoid intimate relationships, in this case, excess weight can be a protection. “I’m fat, who needs me?”, “Why should I go to a meeting, they still don’t like fat people,” and somewhere in the subconscious the thought is hidden: “I’m not smart enough, educated, sociable, interesting, it’s boring with me.” It is much easier to defend yourself by being overweight than to reveal your real fears.

take over and, in order to distract from sad thoughts, we consume sweet and fatty foods, consciousness turns off, the autopilot turns on, and after food violations, remorse appears, self-flagellation “why did I need all this? I can't!" and self-esteem drops even lower, and this is followed by another "jam" to feel better - and here it is, a vicious circle!

A psychologist or psychotherapist can help get rid of the causes of such “jamming”, but, alas, people are extremely reluctant to contact them. As excuses, it sounds: it’s “not accepted”, expensive, “what, I don’t have willpower?”, And few people want to start a long process of psychological treatment when they want quick results.

How to stop and no longer seize stress?

But still there is an opportunity to change reality. The past is not subject to change, the only thing that is subject to man is to change his present, and thus the future. Mindfulness and action are the two main tools for changing the situation. This begs the question: there is awareness, but what to do with it? We live in an age of abundance, when people eat with their eyes, when everything is delicious and everything wants to be tasted. Temptation surrounds us everywhere - where to go?

One of the main tasks is not just to achieve temporary weight loss, but to help yourself learn to relax and calm down anywhere, at any time. Reducing your stress levels is the first step to proper weight loss. After reducing stress and anxiety, you can start talking about self-love, something that many of us really lack, self-confidence, self-confidence. You need to remember your successes and victories, and there are many of them in everyone's life.

At the next stage, you can already begin to work at the physical level. How to properly distribute food throughout the day so as not to feel hungry? How to avoid frequent meetings with the refrigerator in the evenings? How to learn to take care of your body and mock it as little as possible? Realizing the true cause of excess weight, penetrating into the source of the problem, into the very core, it is much easier to cope with the symptom.

  • Feeling hunger, think physical or emotional nature he wears. After all, if very little time has passed since the last meal, then you are probably not really hungry. Calm down, relax, take a few deep breaths and slow exhalations and after a few minutes the feeling of hunger will disappear.
  • Pay attention to reason that makes you want to eat, so for the next few days write down what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat, how you feel when you eat, and how hungry you are. Perhaps in this way you will notice a pattern in the appearance of unwanted urges to eat.
  • Try to keep only healthy food at home, do not buy high-calorie, sugary foods. If you are sad and you have a desire to go to the store and buy something sweet, postpone the trip to the store for 15-20 minutes, to keep yourself busy, do some homework, most likely after 20 minutes you will no longer go to the store want.
  • Learn to love and comfort your inner child, give him all the love and recognition that he lacked so much in his childhood.
  • Keep a balanced fractional nutrition.
  • Do it regularly exercises and get enough rest. Your mood will become easier to manage and your body will cope with stress faster if you are in good physical shape and well rested.
  • If, under the influence of emotions, you nevertheless succumbed to the desire to eat, forgive yourself and start a new day with a clean slate. Try to learn from the negative experience and make a plan to avoid repeating it in the future. Focus on the positive trends in your diet and praise yourself for making changes that will make you feel good in the future.

Overeating on the background of stress, the so-called "chewing" problems and experiences in psychology, is called emotional eating behavior. At its core, this is a stable habit of eating this or that emotion, when in fact there is something that you don’t want to eat at all.

The desire to eat does not arise at the physiological level, but at the subconscious. In this case, the incentive to eat is not hunger, but emotional discomfort. And any situation can provoke him: the boss shouted, they were late for a meeting, they forgot to congratulate their beloved. This is one of the most common types of eating disorders and occurs in 60% of overweight people.

Why do we eat stress

Any stressful state is characterized by an increase in the amount of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood, which is directly related to the feeling of hunger. In addition, our childhood memories play an important role here. The statistics are such that emotional overeating begins to form in childhood. Moreover, it is actively supported by parents, grandparents. Remember the fixed phrases: “Don’t cry, for candy” or “Eat a cake - everything will pass.” And now the child develops clear associations between emotions and food, and sweet. It has been proven that in stressful situations for a person, preference is given for the most part to sweet and high-calorie foods. Such a habit is fraught with the formation of the so-called carbohydrate "thirst", for which a person needs food both fatty and sweet (chocolate, ice cream, cake, etc.) at the same time. Such food begins to act like a drug. In the absence of it, a person may develop a painful depressive state, accompanied by irritability and even trembling of the hands, while after eating something sweet, these symptoms disappear.

How do I know if I have emotional overeating?

  1. When I'm worried, upset, or feeling irritated, I always feel like indulging myself with something tasty.
  2. The best reward for success is to enjoy your favorite dish.
  3. When I'm lonely or have nothing to do, I go to the kitchen to drink tea.
  4. I have a couple of extra pounds.

If you answered yes to at least one of the statements, then you should seriously think about it. You probably have an emotional addiction to food.

How to Avoid Overeating During Stress

food diary

Watch yourself. Record in your diary what you ate during the day, what emotions you experienced before and after eating. Write down immediately, without leaving for the evening: here it is important not to miss the emotional state. Learn more about the benefits of a food diary.

Small and regular meals

Eating every 3-4 hours, assuming a balanced diet, will maintain blood sugar levels and save you from impulsively eating sweets during times of possible stress.

Vitamin D

Check your blood levels of vitamin D and increase it if it's not enough. Low levels of this vitamin have been found in people with depression and overweight.

Non-food antidepressant

It can be anything: listen to music, call a friend, take up your favorite hobby. The main thing is not just to be distracted, but to enjoy it.

The exit of emotions

Tell the paper what you think and feel, and then tear it into small pieces. Believe me, the paper will endure, and you will feel better. How to write about your experiences.

Sleep at least 7 hours

Lack of sleep is an additional stress for the body. It provokes not only a bad mood, but also overeating.


Work on improving your contacts with people. Don't be afraid to open up and talk about your feelings. This will reduce the hyperactivity of the limbic system of the brain, relieve tension and improve mood.


Every day, write down five things you are grateful for today, no matter what stressful situations you face. This practice can reduce negative emotions and improve mood.

What to do if stress caught you by surprise

If you are faced with a stressful situation and you need to quickly pull yourself together, then the special Warm Hands technique will help you recover without resorting to food. Take a deep breath and exhale. Focus on your hands, imagining that you are holding them by a warm fire. Feel their warmth and energy.

This simple technique has been proven to help lower blood pressure, relax the body, and reduce anxiety and stress. You will feel the effect after one minute of the exercise. Remember, to relieve stress, it is not necessary to run to the refrigerator. These simple rules will help you keep your emotions in check and prevent them from controlling you.

Do lost extra pounds and healthy food in the refrigerator guarantee control over the situation

When food becomes not pleasure and satiety, but an impulsive action, it is important to understand why the hand reaches for the next cake, what stresses do we seize and what is it fraught with?

Does "getting rid of bad eating habits" always mean "getting better at life"? Do shedding extra pounds and healthy food in the fridge guarantee control over the situation? Of course, personal growth training walkers will welcome the relentless pursuit of a goal. Gym goers will count how many kilometer-hours of treadmill are three sizes too small from a glamorous dress. And even Google will treacherously talk about fast carbohydrates, the glycemic index and their impact on health. The stereotype says: you should get rid of the love for buns, chocolates and sausage.

Let's start with a naive question: why do we need food?

To get enough, not to let yourself die of hunger, is the obvious answer. But with the help of food, a person also satisfies other, most diverse needs. In novelty - I will try an unfamiliar dish, in a high social status - I will go to an expensive restaurant. And food is an additional source of knowledge about the world. For example, when I arrive in an unfamiliar city, after admiring the sculptures and buildings, I like to find an authentic cafe with local delicacies. In my memory there are many delicious visiting cards of cities - they have beauty, and individuality, and sound, and smell, and charm, and relish. If food is perceived only as a source of obesity or a way to automatically "refuel", we deprive ourselves of the colors of life.

The standard view of an extra chocolate bar is whether it hurts beauty and a small waist. Few people think about whether delicacy or its absence will disturb the peace of mind, what lies behind bad eating habits, is it really necessary to get rid of them urgently without getting something in return?

Chocolate is better than a heart attack

Often a person uses food as a temporary substitute for a feeling or a way to satisfy a need, as a kind of crutch. Our habits, especially food habits, help to cope with anxieties, grief, lack of love. Therefore, if there is a need for a bun, a chocolate bar, do not rush to deny yourself a treat: it would be nice to understand why you are eating it, what problem you are solving. Remove the habitual way of eating without finding a more mature defense, and the experience can cover much more. And there is not far from psychosomatics - serious diseases.

If I can’t cope with anxiety that gnaws from the inside, I seize it with goodies, fill the void with buns - and “let go” for a while. Overweight, of course, is growing, but anxiety is decreasing. If I declared a boycott of buns, but I do nothing with anxiety, it can “bite” to an ulcer, squeeze the heart, or cause another failure in the body. The conclusion is obvious: before going on a diet, it is worth dealing with needs and feelings on your own or (better) with the help of a psychologist. Until this is done, it is safer to put up with extra calories eaten not for the sake of satiety. Chocolate is better than a heart attack.

What feelings and emotions do we most often replace with food?

  • Confidence

For example, you are afraid of public speaking. To take away the excitement, nibble on a chocolate bar, and then suffer from guilt for the “breakdown”, worry about the condition of the teeth. Is this habit really bad? Excitement, if not suppressed, but slightly dampened, gives liveliness and charisma to the performance.

Comment: Is it necessary to change something? You can limit the use of sweets to a few slices and turn their savoring into a pleasant ritual. And brush your teeth after the performance. If you "jam" stress, anxiety, it is worth working out the root cause with a psychologist, but for now add jogging, walking, aerobic exercises of medium activity, yoga. Soothing herbal preparations will also help.

  • Reliability

For example, you are upset about your weight. At some point in your life, you start eating a lot, realizing that it is superfluous. It turns out that this happens during life turns, when you lose support: a man leaves, a leader changes, someone close who provided support leaves. And the refrigerator stands still, indestructible and permanent. Here the problem is not overeating, but the lack of stability in life, the inability to become a support for oneself.

Comment: If there is not enough constancy, reliability - look for an internal resource, remember what once helped to achieve success. If there is little joy, pleasure, add regular self-care, try a massage, a bath with aromatic oils, spa treatments. Or maybe a vacation and a change of scenery will help. If there is a lack of love, care, attention, - look for opportunities to make it real(renewal of contacts with relatives, friends, dating sites).

  • Confidence

Client, 30 years old: “You know, I like to run around in the evening, and then “hamster” something tasty. My wife is constantly pestering me, she thinks it's not good. How to get rid of this habit or convince your wife?

A comment: The problem of such couples is not in nutrition, but in relationships, issues of responsibility and trust. Why does the wife think that her adult partner is not able to choose what and when to eat, does not trust his decisions? It is unlikely that she considers him independent. This is what we need to talk about with each other.

  • Care

Lenochka is worried. She is 14 years old and fries pancakes for the first time. Dad is on night duty tonight. Lena calls her older brother for dinner. Can't find it in place. Looking for. He, it turns out, is on the balcony - sitting and crying. The pancakes were a success - they smell the same as in childhood, when my mother fried. Mom, who died a year ago ... Brother and sister until three o'clock in the morning for the first time talk heart to heart and cry together: about her, about themselves, about what did not happen and what happened, about all the injustices that happen in life. There is so little left of my mother - and, among other things, this homely smell of pancakes ...

A comment: Sometimes the aroma, the taste of a dish beloved since childhood helps to reach out to “frozen feelings”, painful experiences.

Eat or Treat?

And in what situations is it dangerous to postpone a visit to a specialist? When food imperceptibly turns into a dodgy enemy, and pleasure into violence against the soul?

  • chronic stress

Katya, 18 years old. She lives in a small apartment with three neighbors with whom she constantly clashes. Everyone ignores Katya and constantly pushes, so she tries to avoid communication. She can no longer hold back the grimace of anger when one of the neighbors approaches her. Previously, when Katya lived alone, she ate a balanced diet and was slim, but now she eats all day and even at night, while choosing fatty foods. Her weight and size have greatly increased. Examinations showed high levels of stress hormones in her blood.

Katya is not a student in a hostel and not a girl in a communal kitchen. She is not human at all, but a macaque that lives at the National Primate Research Center in Yerca. Chronic stress stimulates appetite in many mammalian species, from rodents to humans.

  • Inability to enjoy

Masha is a girl from a good family, in which it is not customary to share feelings. It's embarrassing to pay attention to the body. It is not customary to sit back and relax. For the mind - please, there are books, chess. For health - running, charging. For pleasure - only food. The girl will soon turn 40, but nothing has changed. She may not even realize that she is experiencing anxiety or irritation, and sincerely believe that this is hunger. And there are many more such people than you think.

  • Food on the machine

Claudia Petrovna, 55 years old. Embarrassedly, she says: she began to eat uncontrollably a lot. She does not notice how some piece is already in her mouth. It seems that excess weight is not visible, but the habit itself is alarming. We start talking about how long this has been happening to her. Gradually we come to a delicate moment. Claudia Petrovna witnessed how her son-in-law is cheating on his daughter. She is confused. She is afraid to tell her daughter, who loves her husband and is expecting a child from him, so as not to destroy the family. But it's hard to keep a secret. In order not to let it slip, Klavdia Petrovna unconsciously shuts her mouth - yes, with food. After understanding comes, why she needs these naughty pieces, the habit goes away by itself. And with the family situation, I still had to work.

  • missing candy

In these and other similar cases, the life-saving bun is being used more and more often for comfort. When emotions disappear, food remains almost the only source of pleasure, salvation, support, reward. Moreover, food is also a dubious pleasure, because a glutton is not a gourmet who enjoys the taste. Automatism is transferred to the process of eating itself. At some point, a person ceases to notice how and when food enters the mouth. It just mechanically swallows. When overeating becomes noticeable, a person begins to blame himself for gluttony, lack of willpower. He becomes ashamed. The shame is so unbearable that now I have to eat it too. And then in a circle: problem-food-shame-food.

    How to avoid automatism? It is important to stop and note the moment when you are about to eat something. Often this awareness alone is enough to bring about positive change.

    It is useful to keep a food diary, in which the main thing is not calories, but what you eat and why (real hunger, bored, sad, scared, etc.). An unaccounted candy that gets into the mouth becomes “missing” after 15 minutes.

    Finding a healthier way to solve it depends on the problem behind the yummy.

And if there is no problem, if a tempting treat is not a substitute for feeling, but an additional little joy? Just smile and enjoy! published

A person living in a city is subject to constant stress due to the hustle and bustle, problems at work and other pressing matters that do not always cause joy. The strongest overloads, excessive emotionality and lack of sleep do not affect our body in the best way, and once again, breaking down due to naughty nerves, we seize problems with everything that catches our eye and this is by no means vegetables and dietary chicken. To get rid of the habit of seizing stress, we have prepared for you these 6 effective tips.

Look for the root of evil

If you realize that the reason for your overeating is emotional, try to listen to your feelings. Ask yourself what feelings make you turn to food? You can eat boredom, fatigue, anger, and even guilt: the brain signals an unresolved problem, and you begin to deal with its consequences, painful emotions, instead of eradicating the problem itself. In order to stop eating stress, you need to get rid of its source at any cost.

In the simplest situations, it will be enough just to leave the hated job or move to another apartment, but more often than not, colossal work on oneself is required to overcome stress and difficult life situations. Be honest with yourself, calculate the moves in advance: what will tomorrow turn out to be a pack of cookies eaten today out of boredom or out of loneliness? Do you really need it and is it really able to help solve your problems? Learn to listen to your feelings, fix (mentally or in a diary) the reasons that made you eat for no particular reason, look for patterns - all this will help to identify the sources of your stress and emotional starvation.

Allow yourself simple pleasures

The best way to get rid of stress caused by fatigue or malaise is a hot bath. Add sea salt, essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs or fragrant foam to it and try to calm down and relax. If you are not a fan of soaking up in hot water, try to "wash off" the accumulated overwork, standing under a refreshing shower: this procedure will not only give you a boost of energy, but also help clear your thoughts.

Try aromatherapy: different smells and their combinations help relieve nervous tension. Watch movies that you've been putting off for a long time. Direct the accumulated emotions in a peaceful direction: draw, knit, play your favorite instrument, turn on your favorite songs and sing along. Spend more time with friends and loved ones and share your experiences with those who are willing to listen.

Choose healthy food

Problems are easiest to seize when sweets or unhealthy snacks are constantly on hand. If you know that you can once again climb into the refrigerator for a portion of “something tasty” out of boredom, try to make sure that only useful products are inside. It can be fruits, berries, any vegetables.

Try to drink more tea - this drink has a miraculous property to give a feeling of calm and comfort. Mint and herbal teas are the best way to relieve stress, hibiscus and ginger tea will save you from nervous tension and cheer you up, and the simplest black and green teas will satisfy your hunger and give you strength.

If you are still hungry, instead of breaking into high-calorie "junk" food, cook yourself something tasty and healthy - the cooking process will distract you from heavy thoughts, and the quality of food intake will be much higher than a feverish snack.

Don't sit still

Perhaps the most effective way to avoid stress eating is any physical activity. Walking or exercising is a great and healthy way to take your mind off your problems and increase the amount of endorphins responsible for good mood.

Find something that will bring you pleasure and relieve the accumulated fatigue: dancing, yoga, jogging, exercising in the gym - make time for what you really like, and you will no longer want to solve your problems by mindlessly absorbing food.

More vitamins, less sugar

During the period of nervous overload, lean on B vitamins and magnesium: they are responsible for energy production and the supply of nerve cells with glucose. Include buckwheat, legumes, lettuce, spinach, nuts, apples and rye bread in your diet. But it’s better to give up simple carbohydrates altogether: thanks to the euphoric effect of glucose, our brain easily becomes addicted to sweets and it becomes more and more difficult to refuse new portions of sugar each time, and hands begin to reach for sweets more often in search of easy pleasure.

love yourself

Problem eating is more of a feminine trait than a masculine one. It is women who are characterized by frequent hormonal disruptions, multiple mood swings and constant worries. Learn to forgive yourself: yes, there are days when resisting candy or death cake is like. But this does not mean that from now on, problems should be solved only in this way. Once you go astray, you can always learn from your mistakes and start from scratch.

We are what we eat, so try to fill your body with clean and healthy food, and in order to avoid overeating, listen to yourself, do not give in to negative emotions. Put things in order in your life and try to find harmony with yourself and the world around you - this way you can avoid stress. And most importantly, remember: we do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.