Andrei Sokolov takes on the upbringing of the boy. All essays on the OGE in literature on the topic "The fate of man

Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" is rich in courageous and at the same time touching images. The main attention is focused on the personality of the protagonist - Andrei Sokolov. But his image would be incomplete without a small, but already such a strong man - Vanyushka.

The story is built on behalf of the narrator and the main character. The first narrator meets Andrei by chance, at the crossing. While he is waiting for his transport, a man approaches him with a little boy of about five years old. mistaking the narrator for a colleague, as simple a driver as he is. Therefore, the conversation is fastened relaxed and frank. The boy also boldly holds out his thin little hand to the narrator. He shakes her in a friendly way and asks why she is so cold with him, because it is warm outside. In addressing the boy, he admits the jocular address "old man". Vanya hugs her uncle by the knees and exclaims that he is not an old man at all, but still a boy.

The portrait characteristic of Vanya is not very large, but eloquent. He is about 5-6 years old. The boy's hair is blond curly, and his little hands are pink and cold. Vanyusha's eyes are especially memorable - "light as a sky." His image is the embodiment of spiritual purity and naivety. It was such a little man who managed to warm the soul of Andrei Sokolov, who happened to suffer so much in his lifetime.

The protagonist tells his difficult story: how he lived in his youth, how he survived during the war, and what his life has become today. At the beginning of the war, he was taken to the front. At home, he left his rather big family - his wife and three children. The eldest was already 17 years old, which means that he, too, soon had to go to war. The hero says that in the first months the war spared him, but after that luck turned away and he was captured by the Germans. Thanks to his strong character, integrity and dexterity, he gets out of captivity, although not on the first try.

Unfortunately, he learns the terrible news that a bomb hit his house when his wife and daughters were there. He hoped to meet with the remaining eldest son, but just before their meeting, he is also destroyed by enemies. So Sokolov was left alone without a single soul close to him. He survived, went through the whole war, but could not enjoy life. But one day the hero met a little boy near the teahouse. Vanya also had no one left, he even slept anywhere. The fate of the child greatly excited Andrei, and he decided that he would not let him go to waste.

A very touching scene in the story when Andrei tells Vanya that he is his father. The child does not refute what was said, but sincerely rejoices. Perhaps he understands that this is a lie, but he missed human warmth so much that he immediately accepts Andrei Sokolov as a father.

Vanya does not take an active part in the actions of the work, but his very existence makes the story more touching. The boy speaks little, almost does not participate in the conversation between his father and the narrator, but listens attentively to everything and looks closely. Vanechka is a bright image in the life of a hero.

M. Sholokhov "The fate of man."

70 years have passed since that memorable day. Children born after the war have already become adults, and they have already had their own children ... And the war is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming a page in the history books. Why do we remember it again and again?

Of the year. 1418 days. 34 thousand hours.

And 27 million dead compatriots.

27 million dead. Do you imagine what it is?

If a moment of silence is declared for each of the 27 million people who died in the country, the country will be silent ..43 years! 27 million. For 1418 days - this means 13 people died per minute. That's what 27 million means!

And how many of these 27 million are your peers. Children who never grew up.

Guys, we have been participating in the action for the third year already. Reading to children about the war.

On May 7 at 11.00 simultaneously in various parts of our country and abroad, an hour of simultaneous reading of works about the Great Patriotic War takes place.

In libraries, schools, kindergartens, orphanages, hospitals and other institutions, children read aloud the best examples of fiction dedicated to the events of 1941-1945. and great human achievement.

The idea of ​​holding such an action was born in the Samara Regional Children's Library five years ago. The number of participants increased from year to year.

In 2014, more than 350,000 children and adolescents became participants in the Action.

The action was carried out by more than 3,000 children's institutions from 4 countries: the Russian Federation of the Republic, Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine: a large number of institutions of culture, education, health and social protection: libraries, museums, kindergartens, and a huge number of other organizations.

The main idea of ​​which: reading works about the most striking episodes of the war . We read stories to you Anatoly Mityaev "Bag of Oatmeal" and A. Platonov "Little Soldier".

This year we will read the work of M. Sholokhov "Destiny of Man".

Reading the story of M. Sholokhov.

Discussion of what has been read.


Nearly half a century has passed since the publication of story "The fate of man". Farther and farther from us is the war, mercilessly grinding human lives, bringing so much grief and torment.

But every time we meet with the heroes of Sholokhov, we are surprised at how generous the human heart is, how inexhaustible kindness is in it, the indestructible need to protect and protect, even when, it would seem, there is nothing to think about. The end of the story is preceded by the author's unhurried reflection of a person who has seen and knows a lot in life:

“And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will survive and grow up near his father’s shoulder, one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything in his path, if his homeland calls for this.”

In this reflection, the glorification of courage, stamina, the glorification of a man who withstood the blows of a military storm, endured the impossible.

Questions for discussion:

How do you understand the title of the story "The Fate of Man"?

( During the years of severe trials for the entire Soviet people, during the Great Patriotic War, this was the fate of not one person Andrei Sokolov, but also many of his contemporaries who went through the hardest suffering: the front, the torment of fascist captivity, the loss of loved ones who died on the front line and in the rear)

What happened to Andrei Sokolov's family?

( In June 1942, a bomb hit his house, his wife and both daughters were killed. The son was not at home. Upon learning of the death of his relatives, he volunteered for the front.)

What is instructive for you the story of A. Sokolov?

( boundless patriotism, unbending fortitude and courageous patience, generosity, the ability to sacrifice, protection of the meaning and truth of human existence)

4. Why does Sokolov decide to adopt Vanyushka? What is common in their fate?
(After meeting with the boy, whose “eyes are like a star after the rain”, Sokolov’s “heart departs, becomes softer”, “it became light and somehow light in the soul” As you can see, Vanya warmed Andrei Sokolov’s heart, his life again makes sense.")

Vanya found his father, and Andrei Sokolov found his son. Both found a family. Where are they going and why?

(They go to the Kasharsky district. There, Sokolov is waiting for work, and Vanyushka is in school).

1. What character traits of Andrei Sokolov appeared in this fragment?
2. What role do artistic details play in the given fragment?

And here it is, the war. On the second day, a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, and on the third - welcome to the echelon. All four of mine accompanied me: Irina, Anatoly and daughters - Nastenka and Olyushka. All the guys were doing well. Well, the daughters - not without that, tears sparkled. Anatoly only twitched his shoulders, as if from cold, by that time he was already in his seventeenth year, and Irina was mine ... I had never seen her like that in all the seventeen years of our life together. At night, on my shoulder and on my chest, the shirt did not dry out from her tears, and in the morning the same story ... They came to the station, but I can’t look at her from pity: my lips swelled from tears, my hair fell out from under the scarf, and eyes cloudy, senseless, like those of a man touched by the mind. The commanders announce the landing, and she fell on my chest, clasped her hands around my neck and trembled all over, like a cut down tree ... And the kids persuade her and I, - nothing helps! Other women talk to their husbands and sons, but mine clung to me like a leaf to a branch, and only trembles all over, but cannot utter a word. I tell her: “Pull yourself together, my dear Irinka! Tell me a goodbye word." She speaks and sobs behind every word: “My dear ... Andryusha ... we will not see each other ... you and I ... more ... in this ... world ... "
Here, from pity for her, his heart is torn to pieces, and here she is with such words. I should understand that it’s not easy for me to part with them either, I’m not going to my mother-in-law for pancakes. Evil has taken me! By force, I parted her hands and lightly pushed her on the shoulders. I kind of pushed it lightly, but my strength was stupid; she backed away, stepped back three paces, and again walked toward me with small steps, stretched out her hands, and I shouted to her: “Is that how they say goodbye? Why are you burying me alive ahead of time?!” Well, I hugged her again, I see that she is not herself ...
He abruptly cut off the story in mid-sentence, and in the ensuing silence I heard something bubbling and gurgling in his throat. Another's excitement was transferred to me. I glanced askance at the narrator, but I did not see a single tear in his seemingly dead, extinct eyes. He sat with his head bowed dejectedly, only his large, limply lowered hands trembled slightly, his chin trembled, his firm lips trembled...
- Don't, friend, don't remember! I said softly, but he probably did not hear my words and, having overcome his excitement with some enormous effort of will, he suddenly said in a hoarse, strangely changed voice:
- Until my death, until my last hour, I will die, and I will not forgive myself for pushing her away then! ..
He fell silent again and for a long time. He tried to roll a cigarette, but the newsprint was torn, tobacco fell on his knees. Finally, he nevertheless somehow made a little twist, several times greedily puffed and, coughing, continued:
- I broke away from Irina, took her face in my hands, kissed her, and her lips were like ice. I said goodbye to the kids, ran to the car, jumped on the bandwagon already on the move. The train took off quietly; to drive me - past my own. I look, my orphaned children are huddled together, they wave their hands at me, they want to smile, but it doesn’t come out. And Irina pressed her hands to her chest; her lips are as white as chalk, she whispers something with them, looks at me, does not blink, and she herself leans forward, as if she wants to take a step against a strong wind ... This is how she remained in my memory for the rest of my life: hands pressed to breasts, white lips and wide-open eyes full of tears... For the most part, I always see her like that in my dreams... Why did I push her away then? The heart is still, as I remember, as if they are cut with a blunt knife ...
(M.A. Sholokhov. "The fate of man")


Comments on essays

2.1. What brings together the images of "little people" - Akaky Akakievich and the tailor Petrovich? (According to the story of N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat".)

Both Akaki Akakievich and Petrovich are “little people”, humiliated and insulted. Their life is worth nothing, they are like guests in this life, having neither their place nor a certain meaning in it. The overcoat is an image with which all the heroes of the story are somehow connected: Bashmachkin, the tailor Petrovich, Bashmachkin's colleagues, night robbers and a "significant person". So, for both Akaky Akakievich and Petrovich, the appearance of a new overcoat is a turning point in life. Petrovich “felt in full measure that he had done a considerable job and that he suddenly showed himself the abyss separating the tailors who only substitute linings and ferry, from those who sew again.” The brand new overcoat, in which Bashmachkin puts on, symbolically means both the gospel “robe of salvation”, “bright clothes”, and the female hypostasis of his personality, making up for his incompleteness: the overcoat is “an eternal idea”, “friend of life”, “bright guest”.

2.2. How does the lyrical hero appear in the poetry of A. A. Fet?

Poetry A.A. Feta reflects the world of "volatile moods". It has no place for political, civic motives. The main themes are nature, love, art.

The lyrical hero Fet subtly feels the overflows and transitions of the states of nature (“Whisper, timid breathing”, “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch”, “Swallows”).

In thoughts about the harmony and contradictions of man and nature, the lyrical hero finds his destiny - to serve beauty, which is understood only by "initiates" ("To drive away the living boat with one push", "How poor our language is! ..", "Melody", "Diana" )… Contradictions are also the main feature of love lyrics. Love is “an unequal struggle between two hearts”, an eternal clash of individuals, it is “bliss and hopelessness” (“She was sitting on the floor”, “Last love”, “With what bliss, with what longing in love”),

2.3. What is the role of female images in M. Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time"?

The female images of the novel, bright and original, serve, first of all, to “shade” the nature of Pechorin. Bela, Vera, Princess Mary ... At different stages of the hero's life, they played an important role for him. These are completely different women. But they have one thing in common: the fate of all these heroines was tragic. In Pechorin's life there was a woman whom he truly loved. This is Vera. By the way, it is worth thinking about the symbolism of her name. She was his faith in life and in himself. This woman understood Pechorin completely and accepted him entirely. Although her love, deep and serious, brought only suffering to Vera: “... I sacrificed myself, hoping that someday you would appreciate my sacrifice ... I was convinced that it was a hope in vain. I was sad!"

But what about Pechorin? He loves Vera as best he can, as his crippled soul allows him. But more eloquently than all the words about Pechorin's love are his attempts to catch up and stop the woman he loves. Having driven the horse in this pursuit, the hero falls next to her corpse and begins to sob uncontrollably: “... I thought my chest would burst; all my firmness, all my composure - disappeared like smoke.

Each of the female images of the novel is unique and unrepeatable in its own way. But they all have something in common - a pernicious passion for the mysterious, the unknown - for Pechorin. And only one girl did not succumb to the charm of the hero of the novel. This is an undine from the story "Taman".

All the women in A Hero of Our Time just wanted to be happy. But happiness is a relative concept, today it exists, and tomorrow ...

2.4. What was the significance of the meeting with Vanya for Andrey Sokolov? (According to the story of M. A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man".)

Andrei Sokolov has amazing courage and mental strength, the horrors he experienced do not make him embittered. The protagonist leads a continuous struggle within himself and emerges from it as a winner. This man, who lost his relatives during the Great Patriotic War, finds the meaning of life in Vanyusha, who also remained an orphan: “Such a little ragamuffin: his face is all in watermelon juice, covered with dust, dirty as dust, unkempt, and his eyes are like stars at night after the rain! It is this boy with "eyes as bright as a sky" that becomes the new life of the protagonist.

Vanyusha's meeting with Sokolov was significant for both. The boy, whose father died at the front, and his mother was killed on the train, still hopes that they will find him: “Daddy, dear! I know that you will find me! You will still find it! I've waited so long for you to find me." Andrei Sokolov awakens paternal feelings for someone else's child: “He pressed himself against me and trembled all over, like a blade of grass in the wind. And I have a fog in my eyes and it also trembles all over, and my hands are shaking ... ”The glorious hero of the story again performs some spiritual, and, possibly, moral feat when he takes the boy for himself. He helps him get back on his feet and feel needed. This child has become a kind of "medicine" for Andrei's crippled soul.

Article menu:

The sad story of Mikhail Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" takes to the quick. Written by the author in 1956, it reveals the naked truth about the atrocities of the Great Patriotic War and what Andrei Sokolov, a Soviet soldier, had to endure in German captivity. But first things first.

The main characters of the story:

Andrei Sokolov is a Soviet soldier who had to experience a lot of grief during the Great Patriotic War. But, despite the hardships, even captivity, where the hero suffered brutal abuse from the Nazis, he survived. A ray of light in the darkness of hopelessness, when the hero of the story lost his whole family in the war, the smile of an adopted orphan boy shone.

Andrey's wife Irina: a meek, calm woman, a real wife, loving her husband, who knew how to console and support in difficult times. When Andrei left for the front, she was in great despair. Died along with two children when a shell hit the house.

Meeting at the crossing

Mikhail Sholokhov conducts his work in the first person. It was the first post-war spring, and the narrator had to get to the Bukanovskaya station at all costs, which was sixty kilometers away. Having crossed with the driver of the car to the other side of the river called Epanka, he began to wait for the driver who had been away for two hours.

Suddenly attention was attracted by a man with a small boy moving towards the crossing. They stopped, said hello, and a casual conversation ensued, in which Andrei Sokolov - that was the name of a new acquaintance - told about his bitter life during the war years.

Andrey's difficult fate

What kind of torment a person endures in the terrible years of confrontation between peoples.

The Great Patriotic War crippled, wounded human bodies and souls, especially those who had to be in German captivity and drink the bitter cup of inhuman suffering. Andrey Sokolov was one of them.

The life of Andrei Sokolov before the Great Patriotic War

Fierce misfortunes befell the guy from his youth: parents and sister who died of starvation, loneliness, the war in the Red Army. But at that difficult time, a clever wife, meek, quiet and affectionate, became a joy for Andrei.

Yes, and life seemed to be getting better: work as a driver, good earnings, three smart children with excellent students (the eldest, Anatolia, was even written in the newspaper). And finally, a cozy two-room house, which they put up with the accumulated money just before the war ... It suddenly collapsed on Soviet soil and turned out to be much worse than the previous, civilian one. And the happiness of Andrei Sokolov, achieved with such difficulty, was shattered into small pieces.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with, whose works are a reflection of the historical upheavals that the whole country was then experiencing.

Farewell to family

Andrei went to the front. His wife Irina and three children saw him off in tears. The wife was especially hurt: "My dear ... Andryusha ... we will not see each other ... we are with you ... more ... in this ... world."
“Until my death,” Andrei recalls, “I won’t forgive myself for pushing her away then.” He remembers everything, although he wants to forget: and the white lips of the desperate Irina, who whispered something when they got on the train; and the kids, who, no matter how hard they tried, could not smile through their tears ... And the train carried Andrei farther and farther, towards military everyday life and bad weather.

First years at the front

At the front, Andrei worked as a driver. Two light wounds could not be compared with what he had to endure later, when, seriously wounded, he was captured by the Nazis.

In captivity

What kind of bullying did not happen to endure from the Germans on the way: they beat them on the head with a rifle butt, and in front of Andrey they shot the wounded, and then they drove everyone to the church to spend the night. The protagonist would have suffered even more if a military doctor had not been among the prisoners, who offered his help and put his dislocated arm in place. There was immediate relief.

Betrayal Prevention

Among the prisoners was a man who conceived the next morning, when the question is raised whether there are commissars, Jews and communists among the prisoners, to hand over his platoon leader to the Germans. He was deeply afraid for his life. Andrei, having heard a conversation about this, was not at a loss and strangled the traitor. And later he did not regret it a bit.

The escape

Since the time of captivity, Andrey was more and more visited by the thought of escaping. And now a real opportunity presented itself to accomplish what was planned. The prisoners were digging graves for their own dead and, seeing that the guards were distracted, Andrei quietly fled. Unfortunately, the attempt turned out to be unsuccessful: after four days of searching, they returned him, let the dogs out, mocked him for a long time, put him in a punishment cell for a month, and finally sent him to Germany.

in a foreign land

To say that life in Germany was terrible is an understatement. Andrei, who was listed as a prisoner under number 331, was constantly beaten, fed very poorly, and forced to work hard at the Stone Quarry. And once, for reckless words about the Germans, uttered inadvertently in the barracks, they called to the Herr Lagerführer. However, Andrei was not afraid: he confirmed what was said earlier: “four cubic meters of production is a lot ...” They wanted to shoot him first, and they would have carried out the sentence, but, seeing the courage of a Russian soldier who was not afraid of death, the commandant respected him, changed his mind and let him go to a hut, even while supplying food.

Release from captivity

Working as a chauffeur for the Nazis (he drove a German major), Andrei Sokolov began to think about a second escape, which could be more successful than the previous one. And so it happened.
On the way in the direction of Trosnitsa, having changed into a German uniform, Andrei stopped the car with the major sleeping in the back seat and stunned the German. And then he turned to where the Russians are fighting.

Among their

Finally, being on the territory among the Soviet soldiers, Andrei was able to breathe calmly. He missed his native land so much that he clung to it and kissed it. At first, they did not recognize him, but then they realized that it was not the Fritz who got lost at all, but his own, dear, Voronezh resident escaped from captivity, and he also brought important documents with him. They fed him, bathed him in the bathhouse, gave him uniforms, but the colonel refused his request to take him to the rifle unit: it was necessary to receive medical treatment.

Terrible news

So Andrew ended up in the hospital. He was well fed, provided with care, and after the German captivity, life could have seemed almost good, if not for one "but". The soul of the soldier yearned for his wife and children, wrote a letter home, waited for news from them, but still no answer. And suddenly - terrible news from a neighbor, a carpenter, Ivan Timofeevich. He writes that neither Irina nor her younger daughter and son are alive. A heavy shell hit their hut ... And the elder Anatoly after that volunteered for the front. The heart sank from the burning pain. After being discharged from the hospital, Andrei decided to go himself to the place where his home once stood. The spectacle turned out to be so depressing - a deep funnel and waist-deep weeds - that the ex-husband and father of the family could not stay there for a minute. Asked to return to the division.

First joy, then sorrow

Amid the impenetrable darkness of despair, a ray of hope flashed - the eldest son of Andrei Sokolov - Anatoly - sent a letter from the front. It turns out that he graduated from the artillery school - and has already received the rank of captain, "commands the battery" forty-five, has six orders and medals ... "
How delighted the father was by this unexpected news! How many dreams awakened in him: his son would return from the front, he would marry and his grandfather would nurse the long-awaited grandchildren. Alas, this short-term happiness was shattered: on May 9, just on Victory Day, Anatoly was killed by a German sniper. And it was terrible, unbearably painful for my father to see him dead, in a coffin!

Sokolov's new son is a boy named Vanya

As if something broke inside Andrew. And he would not have lived at all, but simply existed, if he had not then adopted a little six-year-old boy, whose mother and father died in the war.
In Uryupinsk (because of the misfortunes that befell him, the protagonist of the story did not want to return to Voronezh), a childless couple took in Andrey. He worked as a driver on a truck, sometimes he carried bread. Several times, stopping by the teahouse for a bite, Sokolov saw a hungry orphan boy - and his heart became attached to the child. Decided to take it for myself. "Hey, Vanyushka! Get in the car, I'll drive it to the elevator, and from there we'll come back here and have lunch, ”Andrey called the baby.
- Do you know who I am? - he asked, having learned from the boy that he was an orphan.
- Who? Vanya asked.
- I am your father!
At that moment, such joy seized both the newly found son and Sokolov himself, such bright feelings that the former soldier understood: he did the right thing. And he can no longer live without Vanya. Since then, they have not parted - neither day nor night. Andrey's petrified heart became softer with the arrival of this mischievous kid in his life.
Only here in Uryupinsk did not have to stay long - another friend invited the hero to the Kashirsky district. So now they are walking with their son on Russian soil, because Andrei is not used to sitting in one place.