Construction company business plan. How to open a construction company: a detailed business plan

The construction business is gaining momentum every year, which is associated with an increase in demand for housing and improved economic factors. Therefore, the business idea of ​​​​opening a construction company is relevant and can be implemented in fairly favorable conditions. We will talk about where to start and how to draw up a business plan for a construction company in this article.

In order to understand how profitable this direction is, let's analyze the prospects and relevance of this idea. What features does this business area take into account?

Investments, with proper planning, can pay off within a few months. And the development prospects for this industry are truly limitless.

In order to realize the idea of ​​​​opening a construction company, you can go in two directions:

  1. Buy a ready-made business.
  2. Create a company on your own.

The first option has its advantages due to the fact that you no longer need to spend time and money on registering a business, obtaining permits. Those who have encountered this bureaucratic red tape know firsthand how much this one takes time and effort.

Also an important point is the already selected personnel of the company, established sales channels.

But there are some drawbacks to this option as well. If the business was unprofitable, the wrong marketing technologies were implemented in it, then it will be difficult to bring the enterprise to the proper level of development. In this regard, it is much easier to create a company from the very beginning.

In addition, in the business of construction and repair services, the reputation of the company is very important. When purchasing a ready-made company, you will have to rely on the already created image of your predecessors. If it is not good enough, you will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money on promoting the company, creating a positive reputation, etc.

Pros and cons of business ideas

Despite the prospects for the development of this business, the idea itself has its pros and cons, which you should know before proceeding to the stage of implementing entrepreneurial activities.


  • Small investment. In order to register a company, to purchase the necessary equipment, you do not need large investments. It is possible to develop and increase the turnover of the company already in the process of its implementation.
  • High demand. Today, this niche is one of the most sought after. Individuals and legal entities, small and large businesses need the services of professional builders. Therefore, with proper marketing planning and high quality of services provided, you can quickly reach the company's payback and good income.
  • The prospect of business development. Your company may not be limited by the geographical location of the city or region. With the right development, over time, you can open branches in other regions, which will allow you to reach a completely different level of business.
  • Possibility of making a good profit. Standard profitability, in the absence of force majeure situations, ranges from 50 to 70%.


  • High competition. This factor logically follows from the high demand. The higher the demand in the market, the greater the supply.
  • Financial risks associated with the unstable economic situation in the country.
  • Difficulty entering the market. Given the high competition, much attention will need to be paid to the stage of service promotion.

Employees play a big role in this business. It is from their qualifications and professionalism that the profit of the company will largely depend. When hiring employees, it is very important to analyze their experience, qualification level, possible development, etc.

With a good team and an experienced staff of builders, you will quickly be able to reach a high level of development and earn an excellent reputation in the city. A good option to start such a business is experience in other construction firms. This will allow you to see the situation from the inside, analyzing its strengths and weaknesses.

In addition, work as a subcontractor will teach you to understand the qualifications of personnel, the competent distribution of labor and material resources.

In what direction to develop?

Having decided to enter the market with a proposal to provide construction services, it is important to understand the target audience. This parameter allows you to determine not only competitive advantages, but also draw up a financial plan for the development of the company.

The construction business can be implemented in several directions:

  • provision of services in the field of civil construction, repair;
  • road construction;
  • industrial building construction.

Each of these areas will require a different amount of investment, staff, constituent documents, etc.

The main services of a construction company include the following types of work:

  • construction of houses;
  • renovation of apartments;
  • dismantling and installation;
  • construction of garages, bathhouses, warehouses, etc.

Additionally, to increase income and expand the range of services, you can rent construction equipment, sell materials, train staff, etc.

As you can see, there are a lot of development prospects and opportunities for obtaining additional income for this type of business.

In order to implement this type of business, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Determine the format of the company.
  2. Make a business plan.
  3. Preparation of registration documents.
  4. Company promotion and customer search.
  5. Project implementation.

The Importance of Writing a Business Plan

The stage of implementing a business idea is always preceded by the planning stage. Without a competent market analysis, competitive advantages, studying the target audience and strategic planning, it will not be possible to achieve the desired result.

All these aspects are prescribed in the business plan, and help to understand the direction of business development, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

Competent planning will help to avoid mistakes, anticipate difficulties and calculate the point of profitability.

Also, having a ready-made business development plan, it will be easier to attract investors, business partners, justifying the feasibility and relevance of the idea.

organizational plan

Business registration

To open your own construction company, you will first need to obtain permission for the relevant type of activity and register a private enterprise.

Each construction company must have the following package of documents:

  • Certificate of state registration;
  • A document confirming tax registration;
  • company charter;
  • printing and statistical codes.

For companies providing specialized services to the business sector, industrial enterprises, road services, etc., it is necessary to additionally obtain the appropriate permit:

  • building permit;
  • license to carry out engineering work;
  • permission to design buildings and structures.

This type of activity requires obtaining several licenses.

One of the key documents is the SRO. This is an admission to the implementation of services associated with an increased risk.

If you do not plan to build buildings over three floors, then obtaining an SRO is not required.

Also, this document does not need to be drawn up if the activity is related to the construction of block houses with an area of ​​​​less than 1.5 thousand square meters. That is, for an ordinary construction company that will be engaged in the construction of private houses and finishing work, it is not necessary to obtain an SRO.

One of the biggest expenses in this business is the purchase of equipment.

Before making a list of the necessary equipment and machinery, determine the format of the business, the number of work shifts, etc.

If the initial investment does not allow you to fully purchase a professional set of equipment, tools and inventory, then you can resort to the leasing service.

Unlike a bank loan, this service allows you to use property on a long-term basis with the right to buy it. By the way, in the future, when business development is already at a high level, you yourself can provide rental or leasing services to other start-up companies.

No need to invest a lot of money in the purchase of equipment that you will need occasionally. It is much more profitable to pay a daily rent by taking equipment for a specific project.

For a large company that plans to engage in construction and repair work in the private sector, you will need the following list of equipment:

  • tap;
  • concrete mixers;
  • lift or CMU;
  • tools;
  • perforators;
  • chainsaws;
  • drills;
  • hammers;
  • special clothes for workers.

Without a qualified staff in this business, it is difficult to count on profitability and profitability. Therefore, the moment of search and selection of personnel must be given great attention.

In terms of their functional duties, the composition of the staff can vary significantly. It depends on the format of the activity, its specifics, etc.

Below we provide a standard set of employees for a construction company:

  • workers and builders;
  • foreman (foreman);
  • accountant;
  • Purchasing Manager;
  • Service Promotion and Customer Relations Manager
  • personnel inspector;
  • lawyer;
  • architect;
  • director.

The number of employees determines the scale of business activities.

If you plan to develop a business in the provision of finishing services, then you will have to increase the staff with more specialists in this field (plasterers, masons, plumbers, electricians, painters, carpenters, etc.).

In order to obtain a license for the provision of construction work, please note that at least 50% of the total number of builders must have a higher specialized education.

For effective productive work, it is important to provide workers with all the necessary tools and materials.

For the quality of services and in order to avoid production delays, it is important to systematically inspect equipment and inventory, check its serviceability and suitability for work.

Do not buy cheap equipment - this will reduce not only the productivity and quality of services, but also the profitability of the business, since large resources will have to be spent on repairing and replacing equipment.

Room selection

To work, you need a small office, where the administration, accountant, lawyer will be located. Keep in mind that during the implementation of the project, you will have to negotiate with customers, discuss projects.

Therefore, when choosing a room, consider that it has a place for a meeting room.

As for the location of the office, there are no special recommendations. You may not spend a lot of money on renting a room in the city center, but you need to take care of transport accessibility.

Marketing plan

To achieve profitability and a good income, it is very important to earn a positive reputation in this area and attract regular customers.

There are several options for attracting customers:

  • the beginning of development with the subsequent sale of apartments;
  • active advertising in the media, via the Internet;
  • participation in affiliate programs with hardware stores;
  • attracting customers after winning a government tender.

Be sure to create your own website, which will provide a complete list of services, a calculator for the cost of services, contact numbers for the administration, the possibility of consultation, etc.

A good website is a kind of business card, which indicates the high level of the company and its reliability.

Video. How to open a construction company from scratch

Financial plan

Here we present only a rough cost plan, since each firm, depending on the scale and geographical location, will require its own costs.

  • purchase of equipment - 1 million rubles;
  • advertising - 100 thousand rubles a month;
  • unforeseen expenses - 100 thousand rubles
  • staff salary (15 people) - 500 thousand rubles;
  • office rent - 50 thousand rubles.

And now let's calculate the payback of this project.

As a standard, in this area a good indicator is a profitability of 10-15%. If you reach this indicator after 5-6 months, this will indicate that all aspects (marketing, organization, planning) are built correctly.

With the deterioration of the economic situation in the country, businessmen note a decrease in profitability in this sector. To date, the average figure fluctuates between 7-9%.

Remember that profitability will directly depend on the qualifications of the staff, the number of customers and the amount of costs. If you do not reach the average planned indicator, then analyze which of the factors does not “work”.

Risks and Opportunities

At the planning stage, it is very important to perform a SWOT analysis, which will allow you to see the strengths and weaknesses of the project, threats and development opportunities.

The main risks of the construction business include:

  • high competition;
  • unqualified personnel;
  • lack of orders;
  • rising prices for building materials.

Take a close look at this list. There are things in it that you can't control. So, for example, a high level of competition and high prices for building materials is not in your area of ​​expertise. But as for the low level of staff qualifications, the lack of orders - these are the factors that you can influence.

That is why it is important to draw up a competent business plan, which will become a step-by-step guide and will allow you to clearly see the prospects for development, the size of the expected profit, and the profitability of the business.

Video. How to develop a construction company

If you have knowledge in the construction industry, then you can successfully apply them and create your own construction company. To have an idea about your future business, its development and direction, you need a competent business plan.

But where to stop, how to choose a business idea so that it meets both your interests and your wallet? If you are going to engage in such activities, then our recommendations are for you.

How to choose your niche?

As the analysis of the construction market showed, the most demanded services are such services as:

  • Tiling works;
  • Assembly of stretch ceilings;
  • Construction of small country houses and economy class cottages;
  • Works on the construction of terraces, verandas in summer cottage construction and other buildings.

This is a short list of fast-paying business ideas in this area. All this is achieved thanks to modern construction technologies and inexpensive equipment for work.

Where can you start?

  • If you do not have extra money to pay the construction team, and you are going to start working alone, then you can provide wallpapering, wall decoration or laying ceramic tiles. For other works, for example, on the assembly of stretch ceilings, one cannot cope.
  • As usual, all construction work is postponed to the warm season. And if you give preference to the construction of country houses, terraces, verandas, then in winter you will have to be left without work. But plastering, equipping or repairing office buildings can be done all year round.
  • For those who have a creative streak and who like to use their imagination, summer cottage construction is best suited. To set up such a business, you will need to buy a lot of tools, but it will pay off pretty soon.
  • If you prefer the assembly of stretch ceilings, you will have to hire auxiliary workers. You will need to purchase heat guns and tension material, you will need to rent a place to receive applications and store equipment. Tip: to keep things going well, conclude an individual contract with a manufacturer of tensioning materials and fastening systems.
  • You can look at another idea: drilling wells in the private sector. Any land owner sooner or later thinks about autonomous water supply and hires a drilling company to carry out the work. If you are going to be drilling wells, then you will need a drilling rig, rings and workers. The work does not stop, it is in demand at any time of the year. If you do not have the funds to purchase or rent equipment, then you can start such a business with manual drilling. True, this process is long and laborious, but you will earn the necessary start-up capital.

About all the nuances of this area in the 21st century - in the following video:

Basics of a business plan on the example of a repair company

In order for the business to develop purposefully, it is necessary to create a business plan for the development of the enterprise. This document is needed both for the owner and for potential investors; its preparation must be approached with all seriousness. If you want to set priorities for yourself, then it should reflect all future income and expenses, indicate ways to achieve the greatest profit for the company, and describe the entire technological process. And if you are going to use credit funds, then profit indicators must be present in it and the necessary calculations have been made.

Document structure

  • Title page. Here they write the name of the company, all contacts. If yes, provide a list of founders.
  • Then comes introductory text. Here the idea of ​​​​a business is indicated, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity where it is supposed to conduct business. You also need to indicate how your organization will differ from other similar firms, its most beneficial aspects, and make small economic calculations. You can also describe the most typical jobs that you will be engaged in, give examples of the success of other companies operating in the same field.
  • Main part. It is necessary to make an analytical review of the services provided in this area, it is desirable to provide figures that will indicate the lack of enterprises in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bserving the population. You must also tell us what means you will use to achieve your goal: advertising or other marketing methods. If you have already found a company that is ready to provide you with a job, then you need to write about it with all the details: numbers of service contracts, names and contact details of customers.
  • Now let's move on to personnel description your organization. Start with the management team: what education does the leader have, what experience does he have in this area. We also indicate what kind of staff you need for work, and whether you will need to attract third-party workers if the volume of work increases. You need to write a resume for the entire staff of future staff: what you see them as, what abilities and skills they should have.
  • economic calculation: choose your method of organizing financial activities. Without fail, we describe the amount of start-up capital, possible investments, payroll. We also consider the estimated income and expenses, calculate the period for which the company can pay off in full and continue to bring only profit. It is necessary to predict variable and fixed costs: the fixed ones include the wages of employees, funds for rent, social and insurance payments, and taxation. Variable costs include the cost of building material, the payment of wages to temporary workers, the cost of an advertising campaign. Based on the calculated data, it is necessary to predict the activity for at least 3 years of operation.
  • After making a forecast, assess possible risks: whether the organization will be in demand in the future and whether there will be a profit from its activities.
  • Completing the business plan conclusions: you can write extended introductory material and include various additional materials: copies of contractual obligations, tables with the above calculations, copies of statutory documents.

What to look for when drafting a document

Many novice businessmen do not write their business plan, but simply download it from the Internet and do not even edit it to suit their business conditions. Even if the downloaded plan is fully relevant to your field, you risk losing your original ideas.

There is no need to place special emphasis on the demand for your business, they say, there will always be work for a professional employee, and people will repair their apartments anyway. This is what most newly-minted entrepreneurs write, but you need to indicate specific data in your plan: the number of commissioned residential facilities, the number of customers for cosmetic or design apartment renovation. Write about whether there is a queue for repair work, describe how much work can be completed in a certain period, payment rates.

The main part of the plan is economic calculations, where you need to describe in detail the expected income and expenses of the company.

For example, you will need to purchase special equipment, the cost of which can be about 10 million rubles, you will also need construction tools, you need to give a complete list of them with a description of the price. Provide justification for marketing support: promotion of the company in the media, the creation of billboards and simple advertising on radio and television. You will also need an office space, calculate in detail the funds for rent, indicate them in your plan. To open a business, you may need about 10-11 million rubles.

If this is an unbearable figure for you, then you can reduce it if you do not purchase new equipment, but for example, buy used equipment: it costs less, and you can work on it for some time until you have your own funds for a new one.

Provide a full calculation of the company's payback: how much you are going to earn monthly, what services you will provide, their estimated cost. From these data, derive a formula for full payback, indicate its expected period.

How is staffing information provided?

The well-known expression “cadres decide everything” has not lost its relevance in the construction industry. You must give a full description of your future employees: the number of employees of one or another qualification according to your activity, how many certified employees you want to hire, and how many will work as unskilled laborers.

It is desirable that some have a construction education in the specialty that is involved in your field, indicate their number in the document. If you will be engaged in the construction of country houses, then the staff should have builders of various specialties who are familiar with the process of erecting buildings.

What documents are needed?

In order for the activity of your company to be legal, it must be registered with the tax office, put on record:

  • You must decide on the financial and legal form of your company: it can be. To do this, you need a decision of the general meeting of members of the company, if the form is chosen as an LLC, or a simple decision to organize an enterprise if you work as an individual entrepreneur. With all the documents you need to contact the tax office and apply for registration.
  • To conduct any financial activity, you need a bank account, it is better if it is a state financial institution. Write an application for opening an account, get the details.
  • Order seals and stamps for your company, they will be needed for processing financial documents.

Many works must be certified, that is, you need to contact a self-regulatory organization to obtain permission to conduct a certain type of construction work. This requires mandatory membership in the organization, all construction companies that provide services to the population must join it.

What do you need to get orders?

To be recognized in the construction services market, you need to carry out complex marketing of the company:

  • Organize advertising in any available places, put up billboards with a list of your services and prices, then it will be much easier to get an order.
  • You can conduct construction work, so you can make yourself known, and many customers will find out about your existence.
  • But tenders are usually aimed at finding a large construction organization, but competitions are aimed at finding small firms to provide repair work, for example, in a preschool or school educational institution. And in this case, the choice falls on those companies that declare low prices.

Sometimes it may happen that a large enterprise has won a competition for the production of a large amount of work, but it transfers small works to a small company, and this is a chance to get a job for a long time, that is, to take part in a subcontract.

For a novice construction organization, it is important not to spoil its business reputation: to perform work conscientiously, without marriage. And then rumors about you will spread throughout the city, and there will be more customers.

The construction business is developing more and more actively every year. Trends in this industry can be safely called favorable. This is directly related to the fact that construction services have been, remain and will always be relevant. It does not matter what the economic situation is at the moment in the country. People will build at all times.

The importance of the business plan of a construction organization

Everyone knows that a well-written business plan is indispensable for successful business management. Planning will help you avoid many mistakes, anticipate some of the difficulties that may arise, calculate the business profitability threshold, determine how long you can return the invested funds, and calculate upcoming expenses. This important document will help determine the main direction of work and the strategy of action.

Having a business plan for a construction company in your hands, it will be easier for you to negotiate with sponsors about investing their capital in your brainchild. Without attracting investments, it will not be easy for you. The investor must be sure that his funds are invested with a long-term perspective.

Only thanks to the example of a business plan for a construction company, you will be able to correctly navigate the structure of the market in which you are going to work and earn income.

The development of the construction business today

What are the features of the construction business? This is a very promising direction in order to implement a business idea in the construction industry. Starting investments can be recouped in record time.

To fulfill your dream and become the owner of a construction company, you can use two options:

  1. buy a ready-made company;
  2. create it yourself.

Buying an established company has many positive aspects. The main thing is that you do not have to waste your time on obtaining permits for opening. Another important factor is that you will have a team of professional workers ready for well-coordinated work. The last argument is the presence of a customer base. And this, you see, is a big plus. You will not need to look for the first customer and prove to him the viability of your new company.

Building a business from scratch is a troublesome and long-term business. But this option also has its advantages. One of them is that you do not need to be the owner of a large amount of money. To open, a small investment will be enough to register and purchase the necessary equipment.

It is worth knowing that the procedure for registering a construction company is a complex and troublesome process. It is possible to master all the way to the end only with the help of experienced legal consultants. When selecting personnel, special attention should be paid to their professionalism. The success of the enterprise will directly depend on this. If the initial capital is small, then you are unlikely to be able to deal with complex projects.

You may have to work as a subcontractor for some time. Only after you manage to earn some money and develop connections, you can offer yourself as a contractor.

It should not be forgotten that this business has one not very pleasant feature, namely: a long-term delay of large working capital in facilities that are under construction is possible. It is almost impossible to find a customer who will agree to make an advance payment for the purchase of materials, equipment rental or wages for workers. As a rule, payment is made only after the complete commissioning of the facility.

I would like to pay special attention to the great competition. It will be very difficult for a novice businessman to compete with eminent companies that have been operating in this industry for more than a dozen years. But there is also a way out of this situation. It is much more difficult to break through in large cities. But regional centers and medium-sized towns are a good field for your future activities. Large construction corporations do not conduct their business there. Profitability in these places will be much lower, but you will have more opportunity to get on your feet sooner.

According to analytical centers that analyze the construction market, this type of business does not lose its relevance and continues to develop at a rapid pace.

Goals and objectives of business in the construction industry

The goals and objectives that all construction companies without exception should set for themselves is the high-quality and reliable construction of buildings and structures of all levels and purposes. The organization involved in construction must carry out the entire range of construction and installation works within the time frame justified by the project and with the best value for money. In this case, you need to focus on the requirements of the customer and the status of the object.

The main goal that should be faced by the head of the company is to achieve a constant increase in the company's assets by increasing the volume of work.

The target audience is the end consumer. In order to get a good profit, you need to try to give people what they want. If you do your job "sleevelessly", you will soon lose all your customers.

Construction company registration and taxation

First you need to open a company and decide on registration. The best option is . You need to come up with a name for your company, decide on its location. In addition, you will need authorized capital and founders.

The following documents are required for registration:

  1. copies of the founders' passports;
  2. information about where the organization will be located;
  3. information about the type of activity;
  4. certificate of authorized capital and how it was received.

Construction is divided into civil, industrial and road, and before starting their activities, a separate permit must be obtained for each of the types.

The main tax levied on construction organizations is. Tax officials often conflict with developers on the following issues: understating the base that is taxed; tax on construction and installation works for personal needs; from the tax side - the use of inaccurate deductions.

Can be applied to small businesses. This system can be effective only if the reporting period of the organization does not exceed 15 million rubles, and the residual value of assets does not exceed 100 million rubles.

How to start a construction business?

Choose a room

To work, you will need to have an office space. In it you can meet with customers, store various documentation on completed projects. The main requirement for choosing a room is a convenient location and a minimum area.

We buy equipment and furniture

From furniture you will need a table and chairs for clients, office equipment. The list of necessary things includes: phone, computer, printer/scanner.

A small construction company is not able to provide itself with the necessary specialized equipment. In this case, you can use leasing - this is the same as renting. This will cost much less than buying new machinery and equipment.

We select personnel

Properly selected staff is half the success of your company. If the workers perform their duties with high quality, the image of the company will always be on top.

In order to minimize the cost of wages to employees, it is not necessary to hire all highly qualified specialists on a permanent basis. Some of them may perform their duties on a temporary basis. It can be surveyors, designers or drivers of special equipment.

You should start with no more than one team of 5 people. It must contain:

In addition, you cannot do without a competent foreman and office manager who will answer calls and build a client base.

We form a list of services

As you know, the field of activity of the construction business is multifaceted. It could be:

  1. large business in the construction of multi-storey buildings, cottage settlements, the construction of industrial facilities;
  2. medium-sized businesses can be based on the construction of private houses, the reconstruction of buildings and structures, the construction of local roads and landscaping;
  3. small businesses can only deal with finishing work, pouring the foundation, landscaping, selling building materials in small shops and retail outlets, as well as producing materials at their own small industries.

From all of the above, we see that the development of the construction business has a lot of options. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice and accurately calculate your strength.

Financial plan

Approximate costing:

  1. 10 - 12 million rubles - for the purchase or rental of equipment. This amount includes expenses for exploration and design work;
  2. 1 million rubles - clothing for employees and the purchase of tools;
  3. 150 - 200 thousand rubles - entertainment expenses;
  4. 100 - 150,000 rubles - rent of office space;
  5. 100,000 rubles annually - advertising, etc.;
  6. salary for employees (based on 7 people) - 250 - 300 thousand rubles per month.

Total about 13,000,000 rubles. This amount can vary greatly depending on many factors.

Profitability and payback of the enterprise

The norm in construction is profitability with indicators of 10 - 15%. This can mean one thing: all levels of work - estimated, planned and actual - are built correctly.

At the moment, we can observe some downward trend in these indicators. They make up 7 - 9%. There is a slight decrease in profitability. The reason is as follows: the amount of overhead costs remains the same, while the price of building materials increases, and the wages of employees also increase.

In order to return the money invested as soon as possible, the owners of construction companies sometimes reduce the prices for their services. This leads to the fact that the cash flow decreases, and the profit decreases, hence the low profitability. In the provinces, these figures can be significantly higher than in the capital. Profitability directly depends on the qualifications of workers and the degree of their workload.

The payback period can be within 15 - 20 months. Do not forget that this business is seasonal, so work may be suspended in winter.

Advertising and finding new customers

For a newly created enterprise, building a customer base should be a priority. In advertising, you need to choose the right directions, for example:

  • announcements in local press and on the radio,
  • distribution of company brochures in business partner companies, hardware stores and real estate agencies,
  • active participation in tenders for the construction of various facilities.

We draw conclusions. The business plan of a repair and construction company shows that the construction business is complex, but at the same time very interesting and profitable. If you have the right amount of start-up capital, you have a strong desire to work and at the same time make a good profit, this job may be a good option for you.

Is it worth starting a construction business? The answer to this question is harder to find than it seems at first glance. Embedded stereotypes predict that one cannot do without millions of investments. But if you show good organizational and negotiating skills, as well as develop and adhere to a clear business plan, you can open a construction company with zero investment.

Types of construction firms

In the construction industry, it is customary to divide firms according to certain qualifications, as a result of which each has its own set of functions. The following types of construction companies are noted:

  • architectural and design;
  • general contractor;
  • subcontractors.

The latter are also divided into specialists and suppliers.

Architecture and design firms are among the elite in this field, with staff recruited from highly qualified professionals with practical experience. Often, such companies concentrate talented architects who have an academic degree.

Architectural and design firms - the elite of the construction business

The general contractor requires no less experienced and qualified specialists who are well aware of all the features and subtleties of construction, can be engaged in the construction of buildings, installation work, interior decoration, and so on.

As for subcontractors performing work, they can be tied to general contractors and perform certain types of work for them. But they can also work independently, performing the same work as the general contractor, but only in a much smaller volume.

Subcontractors perform many types of work: from construction to finishing

Suppliers are not construction companies, but sellers who specialize in the supply of special equipment, machinery and materials. Their main activity is trade.

Is it profitable to open a construction business: advantages and possible risks

Given this distribution of functions between different types of companies, it can be concluded that it is subcontractor enterprises that can perform certain types of work that are most accessible to newcomers to open. Experts point out that the profitability in this area is very high - up to 70-80%, the payback of even large investments ranges from one to one and a half years.

But, as in any highly profitable business, there is very strong competition, entering the market is quite difficult, and finding an investor who is ready to invest in a newcomer is problematic. The fact is that it is difficult for a start-up company to show the high quality of the work performed, and its competitiveness depends on this.

How to be in such a situation? Where to get the necessary funds? This is where good organizational skills are needed. The most important thing you can't do without is qualified personnel. It does not require serious money to hire him, especially since he can already be hired under a taken order. As for special equipment, tools, they can be rented or leased. This approach allows you to significantly reduce the entry into the business, you can also pay for rent by prepayment for the order received. These funds are also used to purchase materials for construction.

It remains only to register the enterprise, join the SRO and rent the premises.

Where to start: paperwork

The process of registering an enterprise of a construction company is no different from registering an enterprise in another area. There is only uncertainty, what is better to tear off: IP or LLC? You can also open an individual entrepreneur, but they still recommend choosing an LLC. This is due to the fact that the LLC has more opportunities, this form is more flexible to any changes in the legislation, it has the ability to obtain any licenses, if any.

Finally, an LLC is liable to counterparties with its authorized capital, while an individual entrepreneur is liable with its own property. And adverse events, incidents in this area are so likely that it is better to risk authorized capital than your own.

To register an LLC, in addition to the authorized capital, you will need:

  • come up with a company name;
  • indicate its location;
  • indicate the founders of the company;
  • list all activities of the organization.

You can register an enterprise yourself or outsource this to a law firm. This service will cost from 2 to 4 thousand rubles.

Difficulties in documenting begin when it is required to obtain special permits that would allow certain types of work to be carried out. We are talking about the registration of the status of a self-regulatory organization (SRO). This status makes it possible to carry out work that involves high risk. But it is not needed for those enterprises that carry out the construction:

  • block houses, in which no more than 10 blocks;
  • structures that do not exceed three floors;
  • buildings with an area of ​​​​not more than 1.5 thousand m 2;
  • buildings in which only one family can live.

This means that an ordinary construction company will not need to register an SRO. But without a building permit, not a single enterprise that is engaged in the construction of structures can do. It is obtained from local governments and without it it is forbidden to build anything.

To engage in construction activities, you will first have to obtain the necessary permits and licenses.

If a company provides design services, it cannot do without issuing an appropriate license. The same is the case with the provision of engineering services. The costs of processing these documents are minimal and do not require the help of investors.

Location selection

Where is the company's office located? The location of the company is not important, its orders do not depend on it. It can be located completely on the outskirts of the city, which reduces rental costs.

Not customers will come to the contractor, but vice versa. It is the construction company that needs to look for a customer, offer him his services, come to him to agree on any issues. If the subcontractor managed to get an order from the general contractor for some large facility, then the location of the office can be placed there.

Equipment and personnel

As mentioned above, any equipment and tools can be rented or leased. But even if you have the funds to purchase it, get the essentials, depending on what kind of work the company specializes in. Please note that no construction company can provide itself with all the necessary own equipment. Therefore, do not strive to achieve the impossible in this direction, it is better to spend the saved money on promotion and staff.

No construction company can provide itself with all the necessary own equipment

All materials are purchased after receiving an order, depending on which its quantity and quality are determined. Not always the customer, guided by considerations of economy, will make a choice in favor of high-quality building materials. Therefore, there is no need to pre-purchase it in high quality, at a higher price.

But the selection of personnel must be taken very seriously. To do this, it is better to immediately take a personnel officer who has experience in the construction industry to help yourself. He will help you quickly select the right specialists and a good foreman. In addition, you will need an architect-designer and an accountant.

Promotion instructions

Promotion depends on specialization. If a company specializes in performing work for individuals, then you will have to start a good website, create a whole system for attracting customers who will find the company through search queries on the web and through print advertising.

Your own website is a great opportunity to showcase examples of your work, if any.

In the event that the company will work with general contractors, it will have to actively cooperate with their managers. You will need good negotiating skills, and if they are not, then hire a manager or director of the company who has these skills.

Do not disregard participation in tenders. To do this, hire one employee whose duties will include preparing the necessary documentation and participating in tenders. You should not rely only on this method of attracting customers, since so many competitors are doing the same and the probability of winning them is small. However, you can get several customers a year through this channel.

Income and expenses

The answer to this question depends on the chosen direction. Here is a calculation for a small company that specializes in construction work. Its costs will be:

  • purchase of tools - from 100,000 rubles;
  • staff salary or payroll fund (PHOT) - 120,000 rubles.

The payroll is formed taking into account the salary for 4–5 people. The firm will also need a vehicle to deliver personnel, tools and material to the site, but if this is not available, a carrier can be hired.

Repair rates are as follows:

  • cosmetic repairs - up to 1,500 rubles. for 1 m 2;
  • economy repair - from 2,000 rubles. for 1 m 2;
  • luxury class works - from 3,500 rubles. for 1 m 2.

In a month, such a company, with an average workload, can carry out repairs from 200 m 2. And this will bring income from 400,000 rubles. We take away the costs of the payroll, payment for transport, rental of premises and taxes, about 200,000 rubles will remain. Investments in tools will pay off in half a month.

Of course, this is an optimistic forecast and it will be difficult to achieve such indicators at the initial stage. In the above calculation, there are no expenses for registration of the company. If the company plans to deal only with internal repair work, then registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC will not require significant investments. But if we are talking about a large-scale project that focuses on a wide range of services, then registration will take longer and require significantly more funding.

It is better to start in this business during the period of increased demand, which begins with the beginning of the thaw and ends in October. During this period, the demand for the services of construction companies is very high and it is not difficult to find a customer. You can reduce monthly expenses by saving on carrier services. To do this, you can lease a car, paying for its rent will be inexpensive, and someone from the construction team can be the driver.

Features of opening a large enterprise

If the company plans to provide services to government agencies and legal entities, then you will have to register an LLC. When registering an IP, the owner deprives himself of the opportunity to work with large customers.

It is better to delegate the registration process to one of the law firms. At the same time, you need to order a website for the company. All this will cost 20,000–25,000 rubles, which will include payment of the state fee.

Registration of an enterprise is only the first and not the most expensive stage. The next step is to join the SRO.

If earlier it was necessary to obtain state licenses to work in the construction industry, now this process has been abolished. Such a concept as a self-regulatory organization, which is made up of specialists in the relevant field, has been introduced. For the construction industry, this organization is made up of professionals of all related professions who work in the field - roofers, geologists, and so on.

To become a member of the SRO, you need to submit the following documents:

  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • a photocopy of the certificate of state registration of the company and its registration with the tax service;
  • articles of association;
  • an extract from the decision of the founders of the organization on the appointment of the head of the company.

A photocopy must be issued by a notary. In addition to these documents, which provide information about the company, it is necessary to submit documents characterizing its personnel, namely:

  • photocopies of documents on specialized higher or secondary specialized education;
  • photocopies of work books of workers, labor contracts concluded with them;
  • copies of certificates of advanced training of personnel.

If managers cannot submit documents confirming the presence of specialized education, the company will not be able to carry out serious work. Only finishing work and minor repairs will be available to her. For professions such as an electrician or a high-altitude assembler, it is required to submit copies of non-expired certificates that indicate the tolerance group and have a mark on passing a medical examination. All these documents must be accompanied by a valid business card of the head of the company with contact details.

For joining the SRO, you will have to pay a fee of up to 25,000 rubles. The amount of the contribution depends on the local situation, it can be much less, but not less than 10,000 rubles. But you won’t be able to get off with one installment, you need to deposit 300,000 rubles. to the SRO compensation fund. This contribution is nothing more than civil liability insurance for a member of the organization. As a result, taking into account the state registration of the company, creating a website, joining the SRO, you will have to pay about 350,000 rubles.

Having formalized a construction company in this way, you can deal with investments as indicated above, but practitioners recommend making investments in the project so that the company has some kind of its own material support. This will require significant financial investments, namely:

  • for the purchase and rental of special construction equipment, geodetic and geological surveys, design work will have to spend from 10 million rubles;
  • for a garage to accommodate equipment and an office, you will have to pay from 60 thousand rubles a month;
  • the purchase of overalls, hand tools for the team will cost at least 400,000 rubles.

Taking into account the payment of the office rent for the year and the execution of documents, the initial investment will amount to approximately 11 million rubles. Such a start is significantly different from the one proposed above, but it allows you to get large orders very quickly, allowing you to recoup your initial investment within 1–1.5 years.