What does it mean to dream of a kiss by a guy. What does it mean to kiss a familiar, unfamiliar person

Every night a person, closing his eyes, plunges into his subconscious thoughts and desires. They appear in dreams that can open the door of the future before him.

Why dream of kissing on the lips - you should figure it out.

Why dream of kissing on the lips - basic interpretations

Every person wants to love and be loved. Sometimes this thirst is transferred by a person subconsciously to dreams. Then, closing your eyes, it is quite realistic to see passionate kisses and tender hugs in a dream.

For many, kissing on the lips is quite important. This is a manifestation of tenderness, love and care. It is these kisses in a dream that I want to see - kisses on the lips. But you should be careful with your desires. Many dream books indicate that such dreams do not carry positive prospects; on the contrary, they indicate that trials and problems can await a person. What kind of problems - it is worth sorting out.

Kisses in a dream should be interpreted based on who you kissed:

Kissing with an employee, boss - to conflicts and misunderstanding in the workplace, job loss is possible;

Kissing with a loved one - to strengthen relationships;

Kissing with a relative - a grandiose scandal awaits you, a quarrel, you should be on the alert;

If in a dream you managed to kiss several people, you will be successful in all your endeavors, you just have to want to.

You should carefully consider the general interpretation of the dream, do not miss the small nuances that may seem insignificant, but in the future they will play a huge role in your life.

Why dream of kissing on the lips according to Miller's dream book

Miller is inclined to believe that the kisses that appear to a person in a dream indicate more about the immorality of his behavior. And the point here is not that a person initially knows that he will commit a terrible act. The fact is that he is already initially plagued by remorse. Despite them, he can betray a loved one, and betray the secrets of his colleagues.

You should be attentive to such dreams, they say that you should not count on the forgiveness of negative deeds. A kiss with an enemy that appeared in a dream - to a possible truce. It can come both with a loved one, and with an unfamiliar person with whom you were in a quarrel.

If a person who is in a couple has a dream about someone kissing his wife, wife - such a dream suggests that you should value relationships. A huge number of misconducts were committed on your part, which should be compensated for by tenderness and affection. If you decide to defend your position in a relationship, you can lose them.

Kissing a child on the lips - craving replenishment. It is worth satisfying the need for childbearing, otherwise there may be big problems with reproductive function, so you should think about the fact that it is time to take a decisive step in the future. Seeing someone else kissing your child on the lips - he is under someone else's bad influence that you do not want to see, you are too busy with yourself, you lack endurance, ingenuity.

Why dream of kissing on the lips according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a kiss is always an unrealized sexual craving for a partner. For those who do not have formed relationships - such a dream may indicate that you should be attentive to all the surrounding signs. It is worth giving them special importance.

If in a dream you only dream of kisses, you lack verbal contact with your soulmate. If you dream that kissing is only a prelude to further love - it means that everything in your life is harmonious and gradual - you should pay special attention to whether you value your partner - now it is really important to do this, because relationships can be on the verge of breaking quite suddenly. The reason for this will be the lack of attention on your part.

If an adult dreams about how his mother kisses his little one on the lips, it means that he still has complexes and fears from the past that hinder his further advancement in life. It is worth thinking about the fact that you yourself can interfere with your personal life to develop, you prevent events from developing smoothly and balancedly.

Why dream of kissing on the lips according to different dream books

The wanderer's dream book indicates that kissing on the lips in a dream can be interpreted by the type of kiss. If the kiss is "French" - such a dream promises a severe sudden illness that will end just as suddenly.

If the kiss is passionate and long - you should not rely on help from outside - you should rely only on yourself. Also, such a kiss can promise separation and a violation of plans. The situation can be restored, but losses are inevitable. Sometimes the visual pictures of dreams are accompanied by sensations on a physical level.

So, after a dream, you may feel an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth - you will be discussed a lot and diligently, but gossip will not harm you. If your jaw hurts after a kiss - you should not rush into the pool with your head - just calculate all the steps in advance.

In a psychoanalytic dream book such a dream promises discontent and a crisis in relationships. So, the girl is unhappy with her soulmate. She wants to have much more than she has. Perhaps a man simply allows himself excessive rudeness and does not pay due attention to his other half. A girl in a dream compensates for the lack of affection from a loved one with illusory kisses.

Why dream of kissing a man on the lips - in reality he will face a series of love failures and love ups and downs. If a man is in a couple, he expects a cooling of relations, which will soon be able to revive, breathe new life into them.

Medea's dream book states that if in a dream you kiss a dead man on the lips - in the future his fate awaits you - death can be sudden, negative events will overwhelm you.

If in a dream you kiss a celebrity, such a dream should be interpreted as an unconscious decision to increase your status in society. Such a decision will be made absolutely justified. In a short time, indeed, the position of a person in society will improve dramatically.

If in a dream you dream of a passionate kiss with the man of your dreams - you should try to improve relations - everything is possible, maybe you just need to wait. You won’t have to wait long, but you should be prepared for drastic changes in your personal life.

Kissing someone else's wife on the lips in a dream - making negative decisions in life, committing vile deeds. These actions will be dictated by your subconscious, secret fears and desires. Kissing an ex-lover in a dream - to sudden meetings and conversations. If a girl dreams that she is kissing her ex-lover, she will obviously lie to a loved one. It will seem to her that this is the only right decision.

According to Felomen's dream book- kisses with a fictitious partner - a change in living conditions, life. It will be difficult to get used to these changes, not only because they are thoughtless, not only because they are destructive in nature - they are the result of negative actions in the past, and the person knows this.

A dead man in a dream who kisses you - to success and career advancement. You will be able to conclude new contracts, establish business contacts. All events will be very unexpected, but pleasant. Kissing relatives on the lips in a dream - a quick meeting with a well-known person who will be beneficial in financial matters.

If you dreamed about kissing on the lips in a crowded place, you may be too talkative with others about your ongoing relationship. This is pretty thoughtless. It is worth keeping them secret, protecting them from prying eyes.

Psychologists say that it is worth trusting dreams that carry a bright emotional coloring. So, if a dream is full of passionate feelings, it means that in reality you also want passion and attention from loved ones.

If during a kiss you have unpleasant, repulsive sensations, you yourself close your happiness in your personal life. It is worth thinking several times before deciding something radically on a personal level. You should not condemn the people who come into your life - they are just reflections of yourself. Take a closer look at them, it's time for you to change. Take all the hints of dreams calmly and deliberately. Then dreams will bring only pleasure.

Kisses and hugs - what could be nicer and more romantic than that? In reality and in a dream, a kiss is always something mysterious, unusual and new every time.

But in dreams, everything is very unusual, and it is far from always necessary to kiss the one you want so much. And sometimes, on the contrary, that person who is inaccessible in reality, like a star in the sky, in dreams finds himself in our arms ...

What is it - a flight of imagination, a game of hidden desires or a sign from above? Dream Interpretations can tell a lot about what a kiss is for, no matter what it is in a dream. And dream a variety of things! You can kiss in dreams with a loved one or a stranger, with a friend, neighbor, or even ... a dead person! On the lips, cheek or neck - all this has its own, completely different meanings. To learn more about what dreams of kissing are, let's see what plots the dream books offer:

  • Kiss someone in a dream.
  • Why dream of kissing a man or a young man who you like in reality.
  • Kiss in a dream with a stranger.
  • With the dead.
  • Dreaming of kisses on the lips, cheek, neck or hands.
  • Why dream of a kiss with a guy or a man that you love.
  • With a person of the same gender.

These are just general plots, and you will remember the details yourself and find out from the dream book why you dream of kissing - with anyone.

Do you know him or not?

In reality, it is unlikely that someone often had to kiss a stranger, but in a dream - easily. What does this mean?

1. As the dream book says, a kiss on the lips, cheek or neck with whom you didn’t even remember (or didn’t see) is a chance to meet an interesting person in reality. And the dream book also hints that you have a secret admirer. Perhaps he will soon let you know about his feelings!

2. A kiss in a dream with a complete stranger portends pleasant changes on the personal front. Obviously, a bright streak awaits you, and soon there will be many reasons for joy!

3. As the dream book assures, kissing in dreams with a handsome, handsome stranger is a pleasant sign. A great unexpected joy awaits you! Something will happen completely unexpectedly, and you will be delighted.

4. If the kiss was unpleasant, and the person himself is scary, ugly or simply repulsive, the dream book says that a moment is coming when you want and can step over yourself, do something unacceptable for your goal. Whether or not you should do this is up to you.

5. And if you had to kiss in a dream with a stranger of the same gender, expect a pleasant surprise from fate.

Everything is possible in dreams. And if in a dream you happened to kiss with a person whom you know in reality - with a friend, employee or neighbor - do not be surprised. Better yet, find out why.

Why dream of a kiss on the cheek, lips, or even a passionate one - with a friend, buddy? You will have a pleasant pastime in good company. But do not conflict with friends, be more positive and friendly.

If in a dream you had to kiss with an unfamiliar man, this is a hint of a lack of attention. It's time to go out, become more sociable! Do not withdraw into yourself and open up to people, and you will be surrounded by pleasant attention.

And why dream of kissing in a dream with an enemy, with someone who is unpleasant to you in reality, with whom you have a tense relationship? With him, or with someone else, reconciliation awaits you. You will be able to show wisdom and build relationships with a person! This is very good, and life will become much more pleasant.

As the dream book says, kissing in a dream with a guy who does not arouse interest, does not like it, portends a surprise ahead. You will receive news that will surprise you, or some event will occur that you did not expect. Life will not be boring!

Beloved, only...

Of course, kissing in a dream with someone you really like, with your most beloved guy, is very pleasant, and often you don’t want to wake up from such a dream. But this is why a kiss on the lips or on the cheek with a loved one is dreamed of, what this means, the interpreters will tell.

1. As the dream book describes, a kiss with a young man who you secretly like is a harbinger of meeting him or some kind of surprise that will be associated with him. Maybe invite you on a date? Or perhaps it’s time for you to very subtly hint to him of your sympathy, then the long-awaited changes will come!

2. If you had a kiss with your current "soulmate", be very careful. Interpreters portend a quarrel or conflict! And they hint that you should be more tolerant, calmer and wiser. When you are offended or dissatisfied - remember your grandmother's "glass of water" method: be silent for a couple of minutes, keep sharp words, and the conflict will not spoil your wonderful relationship!

3. Let's see why a kiss is dreaming of - an unexpected symbol that can really surprise every girl. Unexpected news - that's what's in store for you! You will be very surprised, maybe someone is preparing a pleasant surprise.

4. A kiss in a dream with a close friend you love on the lips, neck, cheek is a symbol of the difficulties that you have to overcome together. Do not be afraid of them, they are your valuable experience! And they will certainly bring you together, make your couple strong. So boldly and decisively overcome any difficulties, and love will help you!

5. A pleasant kiss in a dream with a loved one who is now far away is a good sign. He thinks about you, looks forward to meeting you and loves you very much! Yes, and you do not let go of thoughts about him and see him not only in fantasies, but also in dreams.

Other options

With whom else you can kiss in a dream, the interpreter will show us. Even the strangest dreams can be deciphered.

The worst thing, perhaps, is a kiss in a dream with a dead person, but don't be scared. This is just a warning - take care of your health, do not treat yourself too carelessly. Be vigilant and take care of yourself so as not to get sick!

If you had to kiss in a dream with an unfamiliar woman, then there will be some kind of surprise! Something will surprise you very much, and it's nice!

But why dream of a kiss with a girl, girlfriend or friend? The interpreter warns - take care of relationships and be more careful. Such a dream can speak of a quarrel and even enmity and simply remind you that good relationships with friends need to be protected and maintained.

If you kissed someone's hands, such things are dreamed of to indicate to the dreamer his pride. You will have to be proud of yourself or some of your achievements, but do not turn up your nose - be objective, do not overestimate yourself too much so as not to turn people away from you.

As the dream book says, kissing an elderly person, an old man or an old woman is a symbol that events in your life will take an unforeseen turn, and you will be very surprised. Be prepared for the fact that not everything will go exactly as you plan and envision.

Kissed in a dream? You will have health and great happiness, and besides, you will be loved.

Let dreams be pleasant or strange, they never bring trouble. And they can even give very valuable advice! And if you believe in the best, then the most pleasant predictions will certainly come true.

What woman can resist the temptation to find out why she dreamed of being kissed by a representative of the opposite sex. Such an intriguing dream, in addition to thoughts about romances and passions, is sometimes frightening. And the dream book sometimes shares the dreamer's anxiety. In some cases, and everything, as a rule, depends on the details of the dream, such a plot can serve as a warning of impending danger. So, why dream of a man's kiss?

Memorable fragments

What if, waking up in the morning, it is impossible to recall the development of the plot of the dream? It doesn't matter, the secret of the night message can be deciphered even in fragments. Suppose, remember that your beloved kissed his forehead in a dream, then know that soon you will have a difficult conversation with him, a showdown.

Longing for a dear hearted person, that's why an elderly lady dreamed that she was being kissed by a wise gentleman.

A vision of an unpleasant mustachioed type trying to kiss, predicts trouble. And if a handsome young man willingly kissed all the girls present in the night phantasmagoria, keep in mind that the essence of things, events, is sometimes difficult to discern at a glance. Learn to think soberly, analyze, the dream book advises.

You, like Archimedes, exclaim: Eureka! Having made a grandiose and useful discovery, this is what I dreamed about when you were suddenly smacked on the top of your head by a completely stranger.

Miller will prompt

In the dream book of the famous American psychologist Dr. Miller, there are very interesting interpretations. For example, a woman sees a rather pleasant dream that in pitch darkness a man she likes showers her with kisses.

Alas, such behavior in dreams can turn into trouble in reality, because such a sleeping beauty is characterized as a very frivolous, promiscuous person. The dream interpretation only warns: such behavior can turn into trouble.

However, Miller has a more pleasant interpretation. Do you dream about how the man you used to love touches your hair with his lips? Then be prepared for the fact that when you wake up, you will meet with one of your former acquaintances. Moreover, communication with this character will be pleasant and useful.

New friends and more...

Have you seen in a dream how an elderly man touches your hand with his lips? Well, Pastor Loff comments on such a vision as an omen of a meeting with an important person who will help to take a position in society.

And if a young boyfriend touched your pen in a midnight slumber, then reality can be expected only light, non-binding courtship and flirting.

Why dream that a man kisses on the neck? But this is a sign that you will not resist an experienced womanizer, you will experience passion, you will become the heroine of a stormy romance. Did a boy touch your neck? Such a dream prophesies a new sexual experience. Sometimes in a dream such a fleeting kiss is given to you as if by a familiar person. In this case, it is likely that upon awakening you will feel a slight sadness and longing, remember the past.

Spouse check

The husband has a secret that he carefully keeps from you, that's what he dreamed about, how he passionately kisses, frankly demonstrates feelings. But if the faithful one behaves sedately and modestly, affectionately and delicately, only slightly hugging you, then the Lunar Dream Book assures: the partner is faithful and devoted.

Kisses are described in great detail in the Eastern Dream Book. If you dreamed about how your husband touched your chest and stomach with his lips, then you should know that in reality he is achieving something, insisting on something against your will.

Kissing feet? Beware, this is a sign that he may have an affair on the side. Did he give a friendly peck on the cheek? The dream book tells you: your husband respects and appreciates you.

disturbing visions

Do not worry when you see in night dreams that a spouse is kissing a man. At least the Modern Dream Book does not consider this strange behavior a sign of a penchant for homosexuality. But still, be on the lookout, as a conflict is brewing in the family, due to the inability and unwillingness to compromise both spouses.

Measure seven times, cut one, such a motto should be followed by a dreamer who noticed that a partner kissed another girl on the head, advises Tsvetkov's dream book.

Sometimes it is useful to look at yourself as if from the outside, to objectively recognize mistakes, shortcomings, this is what a dream hints at in which an unfamiliar young lady kisses your man. In addition, you are too principled and a little stubborn.

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Such a gentle, pleasant, intimate act like a kiss can evoke emotions not only in real life, but also in a dream. Moreover, the interpretation of such a dream largely depends on the small details, on the person with whom you had to kiss. Why dream of a picture with kisses? our dream book will tell about this.

Kissing in a dream: for worse or for good?

All dream books interpret a little perfectly what it means to kiss in a dream. And in some predictions, the interpretation of a dream even depends on the time of year in which the dreamer was born. For a person born in the autumn months, such a plot in a dream predicts an insult that he will inflict on a kissed person in front of everyone in real life.

What does kissing in a dream mean for a man who was born in the summer? The dream book gives a negative interpretation: he will become a victim of his wife's betrayal. For a woman, this is also a bad sign: serious scandals await her in the family. But an unmarried girl who sees such a picture in a dream can prepare a dowry - soon she will be made a marriage proposal.

The Small Velesov dream book gives a negative interpretation of the dream, where the guy had to kiss, and the beauty was the subject of this action. This means that the young man will face deceit and deceit from the fair sex, who is very dear to him. And if the dreamer had a homosexual kiss, then this symbolizes enmity, or an acquaintance that was specially rigged.

According to Miller's dream book, kissing in a dream is a bad omen, especially if it is a kiss with a loved one that takes place in pitch darkness. This is a threat of debauchery and an unrighteous life, which will eventually lead to a deterioration in the financial situation.

The dream book also negatively interprets a kiss with a stranger. This is a prediction about immoral acts that the dreamer will be able to commit in the near future. But if you touch your mother with your lips, then this is the opposite - a good sign. You will be honored and respected.

According to Vanga's dream book, to see kissing children in a dream is a symbol of reconciliation in the family, if the person who saw the dream does not have a relationship with his spouse. If everything is fine in the relationship, then you should not worry either. Such a plot promises the maximum satisfaction that you will receive from perfect work, and an increase in financial condition.

According to the same dream book, the meaning of a dream where it was possible to kiss with a wife or husband promises harmony, the absence of conflicts and disagreements in family life. And kissing the cursed is a prediction of an early reconciliation with him. A person will appear in life who can reconcile you, and he will do it easily and naturally.

Why dream of hugging and kissing in a dream with a loved one? According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream carries a negative - parting and tears. Hugging and covering the parents' faces with kisses, as if saying goodbye to them, is also a bad dream book forecast. Take a closer look at their health in reality, perhaps you can still save them from the oncoming illness and buy time.

Embracing a stranger in a dream, and even more so, touching his lips is a dream book warning that the people you consider friends are actually plotting against you. Be careful and be careful with your choice of friends.

Kiss your loved ones

Why dream of kissing in a dream with a loved one? This is a frequent dream of a girl in love, and there is nothing wrong with it, the dream book predicts only good events in reality. Such a gentle touch is a symbol of harmony and balance in relationships, you will feel unprecedented warmth and tenderness of feelings from your chosen one.

A completely different interpretation is given by the dream book, if when your lover tries to kiss you, you move away, in every possible way resist his touches, then this is a reflection of your insecurity in your feelings. Before giving a person who cares about you hope for a continuation of romance, take a good look at yourself: are you ready for serious actions?

And why dream of kissing an ex in a dream? This picture has a psychoanalytic interpretation. In real life, you can’t let go of this person, and even if you don’t see him, your subconscious mind is firmly attached to the memories of him.

Also, it can be an otherworldly signal that your ex is sorely missing you, he is depressed, and cannot forget you in any way. Call him, meet, reassure him - he needs your care more than ever, because what such a picture is dreaming of indicates his vulnerability.

If a man saw that his wife was kissing another in a dream, then this may well be a warning about real adultery. But you should not immediately accuse your soulmate of treason, first take a closer look at yourself, have you yourself treated her with passion for a long time? Such a dream may be a reflection of your subconscious, which requires you to love your spouse.

For a married woman, the dream book gives bad predictions if she had to kiss her lover in a dream. Soon your betrayal may be revealed, so you should either tell your spouse about everything, or stop the vicious connection.

Also, it can be a subconscious signal that in family life you lack love, passion, affection, and also, you are very worried that the deceit will be revealed. Is it worth it to torment yourself if what such a picture is dreaming of predicts the discovery of your secret to your spouse.

For family people, kissing in a dream with a brother is a very good sign. At the family hearth you will be surrounded by care and attention. Respect for you among relatives will rise sharply. Especially pleasant prophecies are given by the dream book if you kissed your brother on the cheek.

Why dream of kissing your sister? This is also a very good forecast, especially for business people who are not doing well in business. Very soon, all problems will end, and your career will go uphill, as you will earn respect for a good deed, among your work colleagues and the patron of your company.

Sad forecasts are given by a dream book if you had to kiss in a dream with a friend. This is a sign of an imminent separation, which will not happen because of a quarrel or conflict, but because your friend will leave the city, or even go to another country. But do not be very upset, in any case, you will keep in touch and remain friends, but only at a great distance.

For a man, why dream of kissing a girlfriend is a sign that in reality he will achieve his goals, despite moral principles and generally accepted norms of behavior. A girl who sees such a picture in a dream, the dream warns that the friend you treat so well is false. She weaves intrigues behind your back, and soon you will be very disappointed in her.

It’s not sad, but if a loved one kisses another, then what such a plot is about in a dream portends insincerity, callousness, and, possibly, even betrayal of a loved one. Whether you need such a relationship is up to you, but the dream book will not give vain prophecies, so it’s better to take a closer look at your soulmate and act in accordance with the current situation.

Kissing strangers

A strange dream where you had to kiss a stranger is interpreted depending on the general environment of the dream and the specific situation. On the one hand, this may mean a surge of strong, all-consuming, violent emotions in reality, but it is a pity that they will be rather short-lived.

And if the kiss took place in a dark room, or, even worse, in the entrance, then this is evidence of a dream book that you are extremely wasteful and careless about your money. This attitude can lead to financial difficulties.

Why dream of kissing the boss in a dream? This is a dream book warning that your carelessness and inattention can lead to dismissal, and subsequent financial difficulties. It is necessary to approach work with full responsibility in the near future, not to skimp, and then, perhaps, everything will work out.

For a man, kissing a woman in a dream is a good dream book prophecy. In family life, or in a relationship with a beloved, complete harmony and peace are expected. But if such an action in a dream happened in front of many people, in public, then this is a signal that your relationship will be surrounded by gossip and unfounded rumors.

Kissing a celebrity in a dream, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a good sign. You subconsciously associate yourself with this person, and touching him with your lips is a symbol of continuity, that in real life you will act like an idol, and thanks to this you will achieve success in love and career.

Why dream of kissing a classmate in a dream? It all depends on whether your paths now cross or not. If you communicate quite well with him, and consider him a friend, then soon conflicts are possible in your relationship that will lead to parting. If there is no friendship between you, then very soon it may appear - these are the predictions of the dream book.

Why dream of kissing an enemy in a dream? This is a dream book signal for reconciliation. Listen to yourself, remember how your enmity and misunderstanding began. Don't these problems seem stupid to you now? If you can forgive your enemy, then in addition to a simple truce, you will receive in his person a very reliable friend who can even become the best.

The dream interpretation interprets, depending on the emotional coloring of the dream, what dreams of kissing in a dream with the director. If at the same time you feel passion, satisfaction, then in real life you will find unprecedented success and promotion. On the contrary, feeling hostility during a kiss, you can expect in reality a decrease in salary and even a reduction.

A psychoanalytic interpretation is given by the dream book to the plot where you managed to kiss the president in a dream. Why dream of such a plot? Here, a lot depends on the political affiliation of the dreamer, and if he is directly related to politics, then this is a symbol of his excitement about the situation in the country.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, kissing a friend who is not your friend, but someone with whom you just keep in touch from time to time is a sign of meanness from this person. If you have warm feelings for a character from the realm of dreams, then the forecasts of the dream book are sad - soon you will part forever.

In real life, it is almost impossible to imagine that you can kiss the dead, but in the realm of Morpheus everything is possible. And such a plot is interpreted by the dream book depending on the emotional situation of the dream. If you feel disgust during a kiss, then this is a very bad sign: a serious illness can overtake you.

Also, according to the interpretation of the dream book, if you had to kiss a dead person, and at the same time you experienced joy, happiness, reverence, then in reality you can expect many pleasant events that will bring love and happiness into your life.

Kissing with a dead person in a dream is regarded by a dream book as an omen that some celebrity will pay attention to you, and as a result, it is possible that real feelings will flare up between you that can lead to a wedding.

Also, what dreams of kissing the deceased in a dream is a dream book prediction that you will soon reveal someone else's secret that will plunge you into confusion. But if the deceased himself touched you with his lips, then your secret will be revealed - such an outcome, according to the interpretation of the dream book, cannot be avoided.

different kisses

Why dream of kissing passionately in a dream? If the subject of the kiss is your real life lover, then you can be sure of his devotion and honesty. In any case, you will not have to wait for a trick on his part, your chosen one deserves real and unquestioning trust.

Kissing on the lips in a dream is always a prediction of a dream book about changes in life, but whether they will be good or bad depends entirely on the details of the dream. A long and tender kiss with a loved one is a sign of an imminent parting, but the reason for separation will not be a quarrel, but a vacation or a long business trip.

Why dream of kissing in a dream in a hickey? This is a dream book forecast that a serious illness is approaching you, and in order to overcome it, the main thing is to start treatment on time, so do not delay, and run to the doctor as soon as possible - delay is like death.

Kissing passionately and for a long time with the tongue is a sign of a dream book that you will receive tremendous satisfaction in real life from your victories on the love front. But a married woman who saw a kiss with her tongue in a dream, and her partner was not her husband, in reality lacks attention from her husband, and she simply needs tenderness and affection.

Why dream of seeing kissing people in a dream? This dream is a good omen. The dream interpretation promises that soon your life will change for the better. This is especially true for those who are currently experiencing financial difficulties.

Why dream of kissing an actor? Such a plot can be interpreted as positive if in reality you love this actor and look up to him. Then the dream book promises success in business, and the acquisition of fame and respect.

Kissing in a dream is a sign of a tender romantic feeling or irrepressible curiosity. You yourself are the creator of your dream, and if, with the most tender sympathy, things do not go beyond romantic kisses, this is an indicator of extreme timidity.

Perhaps the dream shows that the object of sympathy is not able to awaken sensuality in you, your relationship is too tender and subtle to disturb them with carnal passions. Everything can happen in a dream, kisses with completely unexpected people and in strange situations are possible. Consider why dream of kissing in a dream from dream books.

Basic values

A kiss in a dream means the possibility of a sudden rapprochement and is not seen as a prediction, but as a hypothetical possibility. At the same time, you can test your own reaction, as you like it.

  • Kissing some thing or object means that you dream about this object and would like to acquire it, but for some reason you don’t. Try to get what you want, preferably legally. You will receive not only pleasure, but also an excellent amulet. Even if it's a Lego dinosaur.
  • Kisses with a husband or with a regular boyfriend are rarely dreamed of. Why, if in real life you have the opportunity to kiss a loved one as much as you like. If you dream of a kiss with your husband, it means that you miss him, you lack warmth and affection. Difficulties in relationships are possible.
  • Seeing in a dream how others kiss - envy, the possibility of adventure. Beware, innocent entertainment that you start with boredom will turn into a powerful avalanche that will completely absorb you and begin to control your actions.
  • You are kissed by a person whose motives are not entirely clear to you. Maybe he is trying to get closer to you for selfish reasons or pursues career goals. In a dream, you joke and allow yourself to be kissed, having fun. Such a dream should be taken as a warning and a warning of danger.
  • A kiss with a stranger, a stranger - to a curious surprise.
  • Exciting kisses with a distant acquaintance, colleague, security guard mean that you are desperately bored and ready to come up with adventures on your own head. Try to prevent a breakdown and organize adventures for yourself on your own - go on vacation, to a climbing wall, on a hike, to a trampoline park. Cinema or theater are not suitable in this case - you need to throw out emotions, and not gain new ones.
  • A passionate kiss with a friend - perhaps you are really close in spirit. This is not a reason to immediately turn friendships into sexual ones or, on the contrary, to run away from communication. The female hormonal background is unstable and fluctuates depending on many factors. A slight hesitation should not be mistaken for homosexual inclinations. Kiss with a friend or girlfriend on the cheek - for profit.
  • Kissing with an ex-husband or boyfriend in a dream means that at the moment you have not found a worthy replacement, and sometimes old feelings can disturb. Something left unsaid, unfinished. You are not obliged to bring everything to the end, to express your views, or, on the contrary, to throw yourself into an embrace. If the decision is made and it is firm, just shake your cries and move on. Everyone has ghosts of the past, but not everyone has to return.
  • Rapprochement in a dream with a person you like promises amazing in reality. Not necessarily with the same person.
  • If in a dream you gently kiss a mirror and flirt with your own reflection, this shows a high level of narcissism. Perhaps you really like yourself very much and you don't need anyone else. If it suits you, then why not? but in reality, this behavior is not very comfortable, because others demand reciprocity and are not ready to give you the same love as you would like, without a mutual response.

Interpretations of authorities

  • Veles' dream book claims that a kiss with a dead person promises joy and inheritance, profit. A kiss with a representative of the same sex means that you will encounter intrigues. Beware of new "casual" acquaintances.
  • Freud's dream book promises a pleasant and exciting acquaintance for women, but you should be wary of money hunters. For men, sleep serves as a reminder that they miss him and need his support.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation calls for fear of betrayal, infidelity. There may be a dizzying and unhappy affair with a local celebrity who or who will completely turn your head.
  • Loff's dream book considers kissing in a dream as a desire to awaken feelings. If you watch the gentle hugs and kisses of other people, you are paying too much attention to outsiders to the detriment of your own life. Such a dream should be considered as a signal to go about your business, your own life. It seems to you that in your life there is nothing interesting precisely because of the close attention to others. Return the spotlight to yourself because an exciting and romantic adventure awaits you.
  • The Apostolic dream book promises good prospects for the future.
  • Miller's dream book pays attention to kisses in the dark and reproaches dreamers in advance for future debauchery and immoral behavior. Miller claims that if you dream of a kiss with a person whose face you cannot see, then you are the source of debauchery. In the last century it was bad, in our time it is more of a compliment. Consider Miller calling you sexy.
  • Wangi's dream book says that kissing in a dream is a sign of reconciliation, resolving strife, making good deals, and working together.


Kissing in a dream, seeing other people kissing is a sign of sensuality, which is lacking in reality. If there are enough kisses in life, the dream shows that you would like more, try something new. Perhaps in a relationship there is not enough sincere feeling. In any case, kissing in a dream means money, entertainment, interesting and curious adventures, small but pleasant events.