How to draw a hare with a pencil step by step for a child. How to draw a hare step by step with a pencil or felt-tip pen: tips for children and beginners

A cute, good bunny can be found in many cartoons, it is depicted on, its image is used as toys. Everyone loves these furry animals. If you wondered how to draw a hare easily and simply, then you have come to the right place.

The simplest scheme

Drawing a small fluffy lump will not cause you any difficulties. But if for the first time you are faced with the task of drawing this nimble animal, we suggest you start with the simplest lesson.

Everyone can handle the scheme below. Let's try to portray a bunny that will make anyone smile.

We take a pencil and consider in detail the instructions:

  1. Draw a circle. Divide it into two equal parts. These are sketches of the future muzzle. Add an oval torso to the head.
  2. We place the eyes and nose on the muzzle. Add legs to the body. The bunny lacks only ears, a small tail and front paws.
  3. We erase the auxiliary lines and outline the contours. The drawing of the hare is ready.

Practice on the example of this bunny and move on to the next lesson. To such a bunny you can And if you add, you get a New Year's picture.

cute bunny for kids

The next drawing of a hare does not differ in complexity from the previous one. By this principle, we We suggest using this pattern if you want to draw a cute bunny on paper. Prepare:

  • paper;
  • marker;
  • multi-colored markers.

Let's start drawing:

  1. Drawing a cute hare will start with the eyes. We draw two circles. Draw an additional line at the bottom of the figure. In the resulting upper part, draw two small circles for highlights. We paint over the upper part of the sketches.
  2. Below the eyes add a triangular nose and a smile. To smile, we draw a vertical line from the nose, and under it an arc.
  3. Let's sketch the contours of the head. From the middle of the top we draw a line to the left side. We stop opposite the spout and draw two slightly curved triangles. So, cheeks are formed. At the crown, draw the hair and from it, repeat the drawing of the right side of the head. We connect the drawn sides with a long arc.

  4. We draw ears. From the top of the head we draw a long line, make it rounded at the end and return to the starting point. One ear is ready, it looks like a drop, but without a sharp end. Add a similar element inside, but smaller.
  5. The second ear will be bent. To get such an eye, you need to draw a triangle with rounded corners. We bring the final part to the first line, but do not touch it. We finish drawing a small line with which we connect the ear with the head. Add an ear in the middle.
  6. We draw the body. Draw two lines from the head on both sides. Under them draw the hind legs. Their shape is similar to a triangle or wide droplets.

  7. The front legs will be hidden. Therefore, to draw them, it is enough to stretch one arc from the muzzle to the hind paw on each side.
  8. We connect the lower legs with an arc, form a tummy. You can draw circles on the paws. And on the tummy, add a horizontal line to make the bunny plump.
  9. Draw outlines with a thick marker. You can start coloring the picture.

Here's how to draw a cute hare in an easy and simple way.

Hare in pencil

We continue to consider cute bunnies. In this lesson, the site will tell you how to draw a bunny with a pencil in stages for children. For work we need:

  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • sheet;
  • markers.

Let's move on to step by step explanations:

  1. Let's start drawing with the ears of the future bunny. Draw a long line and round it at the end. Let's take the line back. In the upper part we draw the crown. From it we draw another ear and add wool to the crown.
  2. Let's do the design of the muzzle. Like the previous bunny, this one will have round eyes. Above them add eyebrows, and in the eyes draw oval highlights. The bunny will have a nose of the same oval shape. Under it we draw a mouth with the help of two arcs.
    Inside the mouth, add two teeth. Shade the space between the teeth and mouth with black.
  3. Finish drawing the head by adding a line at the bottom. Don't make the bunny's head round. It will look better in an oval shape.
  4. We retreat from the bottom of the head a few centimeters and draw large hind legs. This part can also be shaped into an oval. Connect them at the bottom with a small line.
  5. On the tummy, draw an arc and put a circle under it. I got a chubby belly.
  6. We draw the upper paws. They will hold our ears. We draw three fingers on each ear and add from the outside in an arc.
  7. Decorate the paws with traces of heels and fingers. If everything is ready, you can start coloring.
  8. Color the front paws of the hare in black. Color in your eyes. Draw the tummy and the edges of the ears in gray. Draw a black felt-tip pen on the stomach and a line on it. Color the footprints pink. To make the bunny look cuter, you can add a few hearts around it.

The instruction on how to draw such a hare is over. Let's move on to other interesting options.

Hare with a carrot

We continue the topic of these animals, we propose to depict a hare that holds carrots in its paws. We will draw with a simple pencil. Following the instructions, the smallest novice artist will cope with the work.

How to draw a bunny with a pencil:

  1. Draw a small circle in the middle of a sheet of paper. Below we draw a semicircle of identical size, supplement it with arcuate lines that are drawn in different directions. Next, draw a semi-oval to the bottom of the depicted figure.
  2. In the downward direction, add an arc to the depicted lines. In the lower left corner, we separate part of the perimeter. We got the outline of a spout with an open mouth and one tooth, like a hare.

  3. Starting from the top of the nose, draw the beginning of the cheeks with a pencil. We supplement the resulting picture with oval shapes, draw circles in the middle and paint over them.
  4. Stepping back down, we sketch one front paw. We divide it with vertical sticks into three parts. From the left edge of the paw, at an angle, we begin to draw a large carrot, at the end we draw the tops of the vegetable.
  5. In the middle of the carrot, we display the second hand, which seems to support the root crop. We divide the carrots into several parts with dashes, but the dashes should not reach the edge.

  6. Starting by hand, we bring out the hind leg of the hare. We display part of the paw under the carrot. We supplement them with three small ovals, as shown in our picture.
  7. From the edge of the cheeks, upwards, we begin to draw a silhouette, the head of a hare. Before reaching the middle of the eye on the left side, we depict one ear, then draw the second. We supplement the image with eyebrows, and draw wool.
    In the ears we depict a figure that follows the contour.
  8. We sketch with a felt-tip pen, part of the mouth. We color the eyes. We circle the entire perimeter of the picture and all the dashes.

At this stage, the drawing of the hare is over. By following all the instructions, a novice artist will be able to cope with the drawing. And if you can’t draw this or that part the first time, you can always erase the pencil with an eraser and repeat the procedure.

Cheerful bunny

Having depicted a hare with a carrot, one should not stop there, but, on the contrary, it is necessary to consolidate the new skills acquired. Therefore, we propose to learn how you can draw a hare with a pencil in stages for preschool children. The drawing is very simple. Your main task is to follow the step-by-step instructions and then you will get a beautiful bunny.

Let's start the creative process:

That's all the bunny is ready. By following our instructions, you can draw a beautiful animal in just a few minutes of free time. And since all options are easy, even a novice artist will cope with the work.

I'll tell you. A cute ball of wool, no less cute than. I thought for a long time what can be said about the hare. In general, he is an ordinary animal, eating everything he finds up to leaves and roots, he can even gobble up a dandelion. And he, too, can be devoured with pleasure, or even a person, if he catches it. To capture this beast, people have come up with, of course, many tricky ways. We will not delve into the details, because it is scary and now we will not talk about it at all. Let's get down to business

How to draw a hare with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, let's draw circles for all parts of the body: ears, head, neck, torso, legs.
Step two. On the head, draw a circle denoting the nose and eye. And let's draw the front paws.
Step three. Let's move on to the details. Let's circle the bunny's muzzle and ears with a thicker line. Previously applied circles can be erased little by little. We will do the same with the limbs.
Step four. Let's draw a mustache and show the fur with strokes.
Step five. It remains to erase all the auxiliary lines and add some shadows in order to give it a realistic look. Result:
Do you like zayas? If yes, you should click Like and tell your friends! If not, draw your own and attach a picture below this article! And you, as usual, can make me write a lesson on a topic that interests you. You can do this on the page -. And for a snack, I suggest you draw other cute animals.

In this lesson, you will be able to draw a hare step by step. We used to think that the hare is white, but the color of the hare's fur depends on the season. In summer and spring, the hare has gray fur, like a rabbit, and only in winter does the hare change its color and turn white so that the fox or wolf cannot easily distinguish it against the background of white snow. You can not color the hare with colored pencils, and draw a white hare. This drawing of a hare was made on a tablet, but it can be used to draw a hare with a simple pencil.

1. Before drawing a hare, let's make simple outlines

To draw a hare, divide the section of the sheet into 9 identical squares. Make the lines barely visible so that you can easily remove them later. Now it will be easier for you to draw three circles, with the help of which we will gradually and beautifully draw a hare sitting on the grass.

2. The contours of the paws of a hare

After you have made the initial contours, the lines dividing the drawing into squares can be deleted and you can continue drawing the hare without them. Now you need to draw some circles for the paws. Since drawing them is not difficult at all, I will not comment on this step.

3. Begin to draw the muzzle of a hare

Let's finish drawing the paws first. Please note that the hare's hind legs are quite long and in the figure they almost touch the front legs. Draw all these outlines exactly as in my drawing, just do not press hard on the pencil, as we will remove some of them. On the outline of the head, draw an area for the muzzle of the hare and two circles for the ears.

4. General contour of the torso and head

If you have drawn all the contours accurately before this stage, now we will wave a pencil over the drawing and a bunny will appear like a magician in a circus, only not from a hat, but on paper, in the form of a drawing. First draw the contours of the ears of the hare, then add the contour of the eye and then circle all our "geometry" with a pencil. Start tracing from head to hind leg. Draw the outline of the tail and don't forget to draw the hare's belly and add a line in front. Now you can remove all extra lines and see hare drawing almost finished.

5. The finishing touches of the picture

To completely draw a hare it is necessary to draw in detail his muzzle and draw a fur skin with a pencil. See how I drew the face of a hare, and repeat the same. Be sure to also specify the drawing of the eye.

6. Realistic drawing of a hare

Telling in detail what needs to be done at this stage will take a lot of time, I think you yourself know. But in order to draw a hare realistically, it is necessary to accurately draw its muzzle in detail. Carefully draw the pupil, nose, mouth, ears and of course the mustache.

7. Drawing a hare on a tablet

If you decide to color the drawing with colored pencils, you can use this picture made by me on a tablet. To bring the picture of a hare to life, you can draw the surrounding landscape, such as green grass and the sky.

Video how to draw a hare.

Outwardly, a rabbit is almost no different from a hare. Therefore, drawings of a hare and a rabbit can be used to draw these animals.

Agree, the squirrel is somewhat reminiscent of a hare. The same large front teeth, the hind legs are larger than the front ones. But the rabbit has a very small tail (so that the fox could not grab it by the tail), while the squirrel has a fluffy one and ears with tassels.

Lessons "How to draw a hare" "Drawing a hamster" are designed for children. I hope you can draw a hamster without mistakes the first time.

The fox is the most dangerous and cunning enemy for the hare. In order to protect themselves from the fox's pursuit, the hare even "refused" its tail and is forced to change the color of its fur in winter. And even his hind legs are so big for a reason. A hare can easily "knock out" a fox with a blow from its hind leg.

See why a kangaroo is not a hare? The same huge ears, the front paws are small and the kangaroo jumps just like a hare. Probably, after drawing a hare, it will be quite easy to draw a kangaroo.

A cat in boots from a favorite fairy tale or a favorite cat, rabbits, hares often become characters in children's drawings. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

Drawing a kitten with a simple pencil looks too faded, it is advisable to add a little color at least with colored pencils. After all, kittens are not rabbits and they come in the most unexpected colors.

    Let's sketch the torso and head of a little bunny on a white sheet of paper using a simple slate pencil of medium hardness. Also, the head will be in the form of a large circle. Draw another circle under it, which will later become the body. Add two oblong ovals to the head to represent long ears.

    Find the location of the nose and mouth. Also draw an eye on the left side. Draw the outline of the head and add hair on the muzzle in the form of short strokes.

    Draw the outline of the ears and their texture. After that, you can remove the auxiliary lines from the head.

    We turn to the body, where it is necessary to determine its contour. In the middle we draw curves with hatching to give a fluffy bunny look.

    We paint over the entire drawing with a beige pencil. After all, this color will become the base in the formation of the coat of a fluffy and cute animal. Then you should circle all the lines with a marker to get the outline.

    We use pink and brown shades to form a three-dimensional look of a bunny. On the ears and the front of the muzzle, more pink shades should be applied, and on the body - dark brown.

    We darken the fur of the animal with a dark pencil. It can be either black or dark brown. We paint over the eye, leaving a small gap for the highlight.

The scheme of this bunny is quite detailed and, I hope, will be clear to you. He is positive and cheerful.


This hare is probably playing hide-and-seek with someone. How do you think? But he is so funny and funny that you just want to redraw him.


And this eared one seems to be scared of something. That would be sorry for him, to protect. Animals, especially such small, defenseless ones. They need our help.


Cheerful, funny bunny. Apparently, he stole a carrot somewhere and is looking for a secluded place where to eat it. Oh good idea! You can draw a bouquet of flowers instead of a carrot. Make a wonderful greeting card.


Isn't it a lovely creature? They are so pretty. I just love these animals. Drawing such a hare is a pleasure and a pleasure. What do you think? =)


I look at the bunny from the following diagram and it seems that I am walking through the forest, and this small, fluffy creature jumps out towards me!


What a tiny defenseless bunny! He is so cute - I really want to hug him very, very much!


Shall we play? Pears are easier to draw than hares, so let's start with them. And then we add ears, paws, tails - and we already have a whole hare family in front of us!