Making orders for additional services in hotels. Additional and related services in the hotel

The hotel business is a separate area that provides for the provision of intangible services to guests. The hotel business is inextricably linked with the field of tourism in the country, business tourism. The optimal functioning of a modern hotel is impossible without an increase in the number of services provided, since development will certainly entail an increase in costs, the need to improve the quality of service. The main product of hotels

The direct purpose of each hotel is to accommodate customers in decent comfortable rooms. This is the main product of the hotel. In order to create a service, the interaction of the client with the hotel staff is necessary. The service is intangible, since it is needed to meet the needs of guests in living for a strictly defined period. That is, the time interval of the settlement, as well as the completion of the location in the hotel room, is documented. That is why every hotel should be ready to show the client the forms of hotel checks. Checks are made on the cash registers available in the hotel. This is the best confirmation of accommodation on a business trip.

The profitability of the hotel business is directly affected by seasonality. The quality of customer service may change. However, hotel management is advised to monitor the consistency of quality, as dissatisfied guests are happy to spread negative impressions to friends, colleagues and relatives. regardless of the season, the number of guests staying here for the duration of a business trip does not change. The hotel staff is obliged to fix the time interval of the client's stay in the room. For the purpose of the subsequent calculation of travel allowances after the end of a business trip, a person will need reporting documents for travel allowances. Living during a professional trip in a different place, a person thinks where to buy travel allowances. In Moscow, there are offers to sell checks.

Receipts for hotel services are a reliable, official document that any hotel issues upon request. Travel accounting documents are required in every company whose field of activity is directly related to business trips. There are many similar organizations, so specialized firms have appeared in which you can. Hotel checks with confirmation in Moscow are offered by various organizations, it is important to choose a trusted and responsible one.

Varieties of hotel services

Hotel services are classified into basic, as well as additional. The main ones are the provision of cozy rooms of several categories, differing in different levels of amenities. They can be equipped with different types of household appliances. The cost of living depends on the criterion of convenience. Additional hotel services are a subject of interest for guests. When concluding an agreement, the entire range of services provided by the hotel to the guest is prescribed. Without fail, a person receives checks for accommodation. People who go on a business trip for the first time may not know what document travel expenses are issued for? The check is the main evidence of payment for hotel services. Payment can be made in different ways - daily, hourly under an agreement with the hotel staff.

In the list of official duties of many people are business trips. What documents are required for the trip? On this issue, it is best to consult the management of the company.

A hotel is an enterprise intended for temporary residence, it is a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended for the provision of services;

Consumer - a citizen who intends to order or order and use services exclusively for personal (domestic) needs;

Contractor” - an organization regardless of the form of ownership, as well as an individual entrepreneur providing services to consumers under a reimbursable contract.

Tourist - a citizen visiting the country (place) of temporary stay for recreational, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes (without engaging in paid activities) for a period of 24 hours to 6 months. in a row or carrying out at least one overnight stay.

Service provider of accommodation facilities - an organization, an individual entrepreneur, providing services of accommodation facilities.

Services of accommodation facilities - the activities of the contractor for the accommodation of tourists and the provision of hotel, specialized (health, health, sanatorium, sports, tourist and other services)”.

Service is the activity of the performer to satisfy the needs of the consumer. According to the functional purpose, the services provided to the population are divided into material and socio-cultural. A material service is a service to meet the material and everyday needs of a consumer of services. A material service ensures the restoration (change, preservation) of the consumer properties of products or the manufacture of new products on the orders of citizens, as well as the movement of goods and people; creation of conditions for consumption.

In particular, material services may include household services related to the repair and manufacture of products, housing and communal services, catering services, transport services, etc. A socio-cultural service is a service to satisfy spiritual, intellectual needs and maintain normal life consumer. The socio-cultural service ensures the maintenance and restoration of health, the spiritual and physical development of the individual, and the improvement of professional skills. Social and cultural services may include medical services, cultural, tourism, education and other services, including hotel services.

The indicator of the services provided is the category of the hotel.

When assigning a hotel to a certain category, along with other requirements, the following are taken into account:

Range and quality of services;

Service level.

The quality of the services provided must comply with the terms of the contract, and in the absence or incompleteness of the terms of the contract, the requirements usually imposed on these services.

Services provided in hotels are divided into basic and additional. They can be free and paid.

Basic services include accommodation and meals. Registration of residents and departing from the hotel must be carried out around the clock. In public catering, communications and consumer services located in a hotel, persons living in a hotel are served out of turn.

The following services can be provided to guests at no additional charge:

Call an ambulance;

Use of a medical kit;

Delivery to the number of correspondence upon receipt;

Wake up at a certain time;

Providing boiling water, needles, threads, one set of dishes and cutlery.

In addition to mandatory and free services, hotels provide a whole range of various additional services that are paid extra. The list and quality of the provision of paid additional services must comply with the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel.

For medium and large tourist complexes (tourist hotels, full-service hotels, etc.) with an average and high level of comfort, a huge list of additional services is typical:

Services of public catering organizations (bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, beer bar);

Shops (souvenir, grocery), vending machines;

Entertainment infrastructure (disco, casino, nightclub, slot machine hall, billiard room);

Excursion service, services of guides-translators;

Organization of sale of tickets to theaters, circus, concerts, etc.;

Transport services (booking tickets for all types of transport, ordering vehicles at the request of guests, calling a taxi, car rental);

Purchase and delivery of flowers;

Sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed materials;

Household services (repair and cleaning of shoes; repair and ironing of clothes; dry cleaning and laundry services; storage of things and valuables; unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room; rental of cultural and household items - TVs, dishes, sports equipment, etc.; repair watches, household appliances, radio equipment; services of a hairdressing salon, manicure and massage rooms and other household services);

Beauty salon services;

Sauna, bath, swimming pools, gym;

Rent of negotiation halls, conference hall;

Business center services;

Other services.

Hotel Services

Basic services of hotel enterprises

From the point of view of common sense, there can be no question of any kind of hospitality without satisfying the primary needs of a person - the needs for food, rest and sleep. In this regard, the most reasonable and quite logical is the following definition of a hotel, which was given by S.I. Bailik:

“A hotel is an enterprise that provides people who are away from home with a range of services, the most important of which are equally the service of accommodation and meals.”

The essence of the provision of accommodation services is that, on the one hand, special premises (hotel rooms) are provided for use, on the other hand, services are provided that are performed directly by the hotel staff: porter services for the reception and registration of guests, maid services for cleaning hotel rooms etc.

Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service. These are multifunctional premises designed for rest, sleep, work of living guests. Their most important function is to enable sleep. The significance of other functions of hotel rooms, first of all, depends on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of guests. For example, in business hotels.

Different hotels have different categories of rooms, differing from one another in area, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. However, regardless of the category, a hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment: a bed, a chair and an armchair, a night table, a wardrobe, general lighting, a wastebasket. In addition, each room should contain information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Other services complete the offer of accommodation and catering services. These include the offer of a swimming pool, conference rooms, meeting rooms, sports equipment, car rental, dry cleaning, laundry, hairdressing, massage and a number of others.

Depending on how they are designed and combined into a single complex, a certain type of enterprise is formed, such as a luxury hotel, a middle class hotel, an apartment hotel, an economy class hotel, a resort hotel, a motel, a private hotel of the overnight and breakfast”, hotel-garni, boarding house, gostiny dvor, rotel, botel, flotel, flaitel. Services provided in hotels are divided into basic and additional. They can be free and paid.

The main services include services: accommodation and meals in accordance with the "Rules for the provision of hotel services".

Accommodation Services

In each individual state, understanding the level of comfort as a classification criterion is approached differently, which is why there is no single classification of hotels in the world.

The World Tourism Organization (WTO) has only proposed a standard classification of accommodation facilities.

However, there are several common classification features. I will highlight only the most used among them:

1. Comfort level is a complex criterion, the terms of which are:

The state of the room fund: the area of ​​the rooms, the share of single, multi-room rooms, suites, the availability of communal amenities in the rooms;

Condition of furniture, inventory, sanitary and hygienic items;

Availability and condition of catering establishments;

Condition of the building, access roads, arrangement of the territory adjacent to the hotel;

Information support technical equipment;

Ensuring the provision of additional services.

2. Room capacity- the number of seats that can be offered to customers at the same time. It is generally accepted to divide hotels into:

Small - up to 150 seats (in some countries no more than 100 rooms);

Medium - 150-400 places (up to 300 rooms);

Large - over 400 beds (over 300 rooms).

3. Functional purpose- this criterion is decisive in determining the typological structure of the hotel. In total, there are two large groups of enterprises: transit and target:

Transit - hotels serving tourists in conditions of a short stop. They are located on highways with high traffic, they have a limited level of comfort.

Target hotels, depending on the purpose of the trip, are divided into:

Business hotels serving persons on business trips;

Hotels for recreation (resort - providing accommodation, meals and a number of additional services to people seeking to relax and restore health, and tourist - the main goal of vacation).

4. Location. There are various variations here. Hotels can be located within the city, in the mountains; on the coast, etc.

In addition to the location of the hotel, the classification of rooms and the view from the rooms are distinguished.

5. Duration of activity. According to this criterion, hotels are classified into hotels operating all year round, operating 2 seasons, or hotels operating only 1 season.

6. Nutrition:

All-inclusive hotels (accommodation + 4 meals a day with the inclusion of alcoholic drinks, both local and foreign, depending on the specifics of the hotel and cost value);

Hotels providing full board (accommodation + 3 meals a day);

Hotels providing half board (accommodation + 2 meals a day with a variation of breakfast-lunch or breakfast-dinner);

Hotels offering accommodation and breakfast only.

7. Length of stay:

Hotels for long stay guests;

Hotels for short stays.

8. According to the price level, hotel rooms are classified into:

Budget (25-35 USD);

Economical (35-55 USD);

Medium (55-95 USD);

First-class (95-195 USD);

Apartment (65-125 c.u.);

Fashionable (125-425 USD).

- "suite" - a room in the accommodation facility with an area of ​​at least 75 m 2, consisting of three or more living rooms (living room / dining room, office and bedroom), with a non-standard wide double bed and an additional guest toilet;

- “apartment” - a room in an accommodation facility with an area of ​​at least 40 m 2 , consisting of two more living rooms (living room / dining room, bedroom), with kitchen equipment;

- “suite” - a room in an accommodation facility with an area of ​​at least 35 m 2, consisting of 2 living rooms (living room and bedroom), designed for 1-2 people;

- “studio” - a one-room apartment with an area of ​​at least 25 m 2, designed for 1-2 people, with a layout that allows using part of the room as a living room / dining room / office;

First category room - a room in the accommodation facility, consisting of one living room with one / two beds, with a full bathroom (bath / shower, washbasin, toilet), designed for 1-2 people;

Room of the second category - a room in the accommodation facility, consisting of one living room with one / two beds, with an incomplete bathroom (washbasin, toilet or one full bathroom in a block of two rooms), designed for 1-2 people;

Third category room - a room in the accommodation facility, consisting of one living room with the number of beds according to the number of residents, with an incomplete bathroom (washbasin, toilet or one full bathroom in a block of two rooms), designed for several people.

So, there are many principles and criteria for the world classification of hotels, everything depends on the national, geographical features of the country, as well as local traditions. When classifying hotels in different countries, different systems are also used.

The main function of the hotel is to provide lodging for people who are away from home, and sleeping places are the most characteristic products of the hotel. In most hotels, room sales are the hotel's largest and only source of income, and in many hotels rooms generate more sales than all other services combined. Room sales are also consistently the most lucrative source of hotel revenue, generating the highest levels of profit and contributing the bulk of hotel operating income.

Hotel room revenue is earned through three main services: hotel front desk, unified services, and hotel management. Each of these services may also contribute to other hotel activities to a greater or lesser extent, but their main functions arise from the needs of the resident guests and they provide the guests with the basic hotel services. Therefore, it is convenient to consider the hotel front desk, unified services, and hotel management together as integral parts of the hotel's function of accommodating guests.

The three main components of the accommodation function are available in most hotels and are usually organizationally related to separate departments. But their organization and staffing often differ in hotels of different sizes, types and standards. In smaller hotels, only a few people can work in each of them and have a large range of duties; as the size of the hotel increases, each service may be subdivided into separate departments or departments, in which the people working in them perform more specialized tasks.

An urban transit hotel with a short average stay requires a slightly different approach than a resort hotel where guests are accommodated for longer stays, such as one or two weeks. There is also a relationship between prices, the range and quality of facilities and services provided, and the way they are organized.

Catering service

In addition to the direct services of the hotel industry, hotels can carry out other types of economic activity, the main of which is catering. Almost every hotel has a restaurant where guests can satisfy their nutritional needs. A restaurant at a hotel can be a separate catering establishment, or it can also be one of the divisions of the hotel complex.

At the same time, regardless of the fact that the restaurant is not an independent legal entity providing public catering services, it is subject to all the requirements established by law for public catering enterprises. The main requirements for such catering establishments as restaurants are established in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 1997 No. 1036 “On Approval of the Rules for the Provision of Catering Services”.

In accordance with the classification of catering establishments established by GOST R 50762-95 “Public catering. Classification of enterprises, the restaurant is a public catering enterprise with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded ones; wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with an increased level of service in combination with recreation.

It should be noted that this type of catering establishments as restaurants is also divided into classes. The class of a public catering enterprise is a set of distinctive features of a certain type, characterizing the quality of the services provided, the level and conditions of service.

Restaurants in terms of service level and types of services provided to visitors differ in:

Luxury class;

Top class;

First grade.

For class luxury characterized by sophistication of the interior, a high level of comfort, a wide range of services provided to visitors, as well as an assortment of original, exquisite custom-made and signature dishes, products for restaurants, and for bars - a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails.

Higher the class is distinguished by the originality of the interior, the choice of services, a diverse range of original, gourmet, custom-made and specialty dishes and products for restaurants, a wide selection of branded and custom-made drinks and cocktails - for bars.

First the class corresponds to the harmony, comfort and choice of services, a wide range of specialties and products, as well as drinks of complex preparation for restaurants, a set of drinks, cocktails of simple preparation - for bars.

Confirmation of the compliance of the restaurant with the selected class is carried out by certification bodies accredited by the Russian Federation Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification in the prescribed manner. In accordance with this, the requirements for restaurants at hotels may vary depending on its class, but in any case, restaurants are subject to strict requirements regarding the quality of services, their safety for the life and health of people, the environment and property.

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range sales consumer hotel

Currently, the hotel business is a highly profitable sector of the economy of any country in the world. The hotel business is an ideal accommodation option for those who go on vacation and for those who are waiting for business meetings.

Depending on the category, the hotel company is obliged to provide a number of additional services. However, in reality, modern hotels are enterprises that produce and sell a wide variety of services. If the hotel business continues to receive income only through accommodation, then the hotel may face a crisis. The main advantage of the hotel is achieved when it effectively uses the number of rooms and offers a range of additional services that takes into account both the needs of residents and clients.

The expansion of the range of additional services develops, supplements and corrects the promising directions for the development of a hotel enterprise, taking into account the specific situation. The development of new services is a necessary condition for the progressive development of any hotel enterprise. In modern conditions, when the hotel services market has developed and functions, which is divided into segments and there is fierce competition within each segment, it is necessary to continuously develop in order to maintain competitiveness. Continuous development involves the introduction of new ones, the closure of old ones, the modernization of existing services.

The most significant factor for hotels today is the expansion of the existing range of additional services, the presence of which demonstrates the progressive nature of the development of the hotel enterprise. Practice shows that the expansion of the range of services is a process that involves the analysis of a huge number of factors, and requires certain funds for its implementation, which excludes the spontaneous nature of this process and implies the presence in the hotel of a mechanism for managing the continuous development of the enterprise.

The purpose of the work: the development of additional and related services in accommodation facilities to attract customers.

The object of this work is the hotel "Polyot".

The subject of the work is a complex of additional services in the hotel.

Objectives of the course work:

1) analyze the services provided by hotels

2) to analyze the organization of additional and related services to attract customers in the Polet hotel.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that one of the main conditions for the successful development of hospitality industry enterprises is the availability of a wide range of additional services.

1. The role and importance of the range of services in accommodation facilities

1.1 Characteristics and classification of services provided to customers in accommodation facilities

A hotel is a commercial enterprise that produces and offers its “product” on the market, a product in the form of a set of services, among which the main ones are accommodation and catering services.

When considering hotel services as a product, Sorokina A.V. proposes three levels of services

Individual services and groups of services;

Product "hotel" as a set of services;

The product "hotel" as a complex of services plus additional services.

The hospitality industry is a complex complex professional activity of people whose efforts are aimed at meeting the diverse needs of both visiting customers and guests, and local residents.

The hotel includes a range of services: reception and accommodation, meals, laundry, ticket booking, health services, organization of conferences, etc.

In this regard, it can be argued that the system-forming category in the labor activity of hotel business workers is the concept of "service".

A hotel is not only a room with a bedroom and a bathroom, it is, first of all, a service, the whole experience of staying in a hotel.

Hotel service is an extraordinary product. Have to deal with real estate. The hotel room cannot be moved from place to place during the sale. Indeed, in reality, it is not the number itself that is sold, but the right to occupy it for a certain time. In most hospitality situations, offering a service requires the presence of both the provider and the recipient.

Another aspect of hotel activity is that not only employees, but also customers must know the mandatory conditions under which the service can be provided. Managers who organize hotel services must manage not only employees, but also customers. This specificity of hospitality industry services is expressed in inseparability from the source and object of the service.

The peculiarity of a hotel service is that it cannot be stored and accumulated in order to be offered later (for example, a single room that has not been used today cannot be offered for two overnight stays the next night). Not being able to store and accumulate the results of operational activities, hotels in their work depend on current demand, which determines the constant work to provide services regardless of time, that is, they must work continuously.

Thus, the service is the result of direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer's own activities to meet the needs of the consumer.

The concept of "service" has a universal meaning, it is intangible and not stored, the service cannot be measured, it can only be evaluated.

Hotel rooms - the main element of the accommodation service - multifunctional rooms designed for rest, sleep, work of living guests.

Since hotel rooms are used by guests mainly in the evening and at night, their most important function is to provide the opportunity to sleep. The significance of other functions, first of all, depends on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of the guests. For example, in business hotels, such a function of the rooms as providing the guest with the opportunity to work is very important, i.e. here you need a desk, telephone, fax, computer, etc.

According to the requirements of regulatory documents (GOST R 51185-2008, Rules for the provision of hotel services), hotels have various categories of rooms that differ in area, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. Regardless of the category, each hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment.


Chair or armchair per seat;

Night table or bedside table for one bed;


General lighting;


Each room should have information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

Guest catering services consist of a combination of the following processes:

Production (cooking in the kitchen);

Trade (sale of ready-to-eat products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages);

Service (serving guests by waiters in a restaurant, bar, cafe, hotel rooms).

Additional or other services include the offer of a swimming pool, gym, conference room, meeting rooms, car rental, dry cleaning services, needle thread, laundry, hairdresser, massage room, etc. Currently, additional services are becoming increasingly important in shaping market attractiveness of the hotel enterprise.

Thus, summing up, we can say that the hotel service does not have a finished, finished form, it is formed during the service with close interaction between the performer and the consumer.

1.2 The impact of additional and related services on the occupancy of the number of rooms in accommodation facilities

Additional services are an indispensable component of the activity of any hotel. The determining factor for increasing the number and improving the quality of additional services is the orientation of the hotel company to one or another category of guests. In other words, their quantity and quality are directly related to the degree of demand and can be completely different. Thus, justification and expediency can be considered the key concepts in line with which any additional services exist.

The favorable development of this area of ​​the hotel's activity is impossible without a successful combination of external and internal conditions, available resources that have a direct impact on the daily work of the hotel, and competent management of this area of ​​work.

It is noteworthy that financial issues in the organization and development of additional services are far from always in the foreground. In the system of additional services, as in no other part of the hotel business, non-standard approaches to solving many issues are in demand. This gives the hotel, though small, but a real opportunity to stand out from the competition.

However, the hotel is a commercial organization. Accordingly, the main purpose of its existence is to make a profit. The profit in the hotel, first of all, depends on the occupancy of the hotel. Consider how additional services can affect this indicator.

The standard set of services, limited to accommodation and meals, does not give the hotel company any special competitive advantages. Therefore, in pursuit of profit, hotels come up with more and more new ways to satisfy their customers.

Income is the main motivating factor in organizing additional services.

For example, Kazan hotel "Volga" probably does not make sense to set up a heliport near its building, as it does not have to rely on guests who can afford to travel by helicopter. But the famous Dubai hotel "Burj Al Arab" uses this type of air transport to deliver VIPs.

The next important factor influencing the availability of certain hotel services is the functional purpose of the hotel.

According to experts, as a rule, the ratio of accommodation facility income from basic and additional services is in the ratio of 60/40%.

However, in resort hotels the situation is reversed: the hotel receives 40% of its income from the sale of rooms and 60% earns from additional services.

In this regard, in order to increase the load, the infrastructure of a number of resort hotels may include swimming pools, water slides, bowling, tennis courts, sports grounds, stadiums, spa complexes, etc. In addition, when shaping services, the needs of guests of all ages are taken into account. Resort hotels can have a large number of interest clubs: master classes from the chef or spa complex specialists, a paintball club, a cigar club, an art school, etc.

The entertainment infrastructure of resort hotels is designed primarily for residents. As a rule, there are few guests "from outside" on the territory of hotels.

The nature and breadth of value-added services is closely related to the average number of nights a guest spends at a hotel. Business hotels are designed for business travelers, business travelers who stay, as a rule, for 2-3 days (or even less). For this reason, the range of services in such hotels is limited. As the experience of international business hotels shows, the following are becoming the most popular:

Free parking;

Access to wi-fi throughout the hotel;

Small fitness center;

Conference halls and meeting rooms.

The period of residence in resort or sports and recreation hotels (as well as sanatoriums) is associated with a long summer vacation or treatment (prevention). This significantly increases the length of stay (more than 10 days). Hence, the list of additional services becomes more diverse.

Moreover, the presence of additional services allows resorts to make up the difference between high and low seasons by attracting local residents. This is also true for city hotels, which today are turning into multifunctional complexes (MFC): the hotel is combined with a business center, water park, shopping center, casino, etc. Thus, the level of income levels off during the year.

An important factor determining the availability of certain additional services is the season. So, a year-round hotel tries to even out the profit margin during a weak tourist flow in relation to the peak season. In this case, they resort to organizing various entertainment programs, holidays included in the cost of living. And the Renaissance hotel in Samara organizes trips to the beach for guests in the summer.

Under certain initial conditions and the correct organization of the process, additional services are a serious help in the work of a hotel enterprise.

The development of additional services allows not only to expand the list of offers for hotel customers, but also to attract residents of the city to visit the hotel complex.

Nowadays, it is no longer enough for a hotel to provide a client with a regular room with breakfast. The demands of guests are getting higher, and in order to satisfy them, hotel enterprises have to come up with a lot of additional services. The key factor influencing the increase in hotel occupancy due to additional services, of course, is the quality of service. In this regard, the key role in the organization of additional services is assigned to the employees who provide them. These are, first of all, instructors, animators, trainers, etc. A number of hotels provide such a service as a "sports companion": if a guest comes to play tennis, billiards, bowling, he will be offered a companion. With this approach, the number one issue is the professionalism of the team that organizes the leisure of guests. Therefore, it is necessary to train employees involved in the provision of additional services, to attract training companies.

Thus, additional services allow the hotel to attract and retain customers. The range of additional services is most widely represented in resort, health, spa hotels, where vacations are associated with long holidays: here guests need to be provided with the most varied vacation.

1.3 Review of foreign and domestic experience of hotel business enterprises in the development of additional and related services

International and Russian hotels offer a wide range of additional services, the list of which is determined by many factors, most of which were presented by us above. This is a functional purpose, category, location, seasonality, etc.

Considering Russian practice, we will rely on the requirements of GOSTs, the Rules for the provision of hotel services (PPGU), as well as the latest version of the Classification System for hotels and other accommodation facilities (hereinafter referred to as the Classification System).

So, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51185-2008 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements” collective accommodation facilities, regardless of category, must provide guests with the following services

Change of bed linen at least once every five days; change of towels at least once every three days;

Thus, GOST defines the minimum mandatory requirements for additional services in a hotel of any type, any category.

Small hotels deserve special attention. Due to their specifics (small area), they cannot provide a wide range of additional services. However, St. Petersburg mini-hotels, which are leaders in this segment in Russia, offer various options for solving this problem without compromising guests.

The main way out of this situation is the conclusion of contracts with partner companies. Musakin A. notes that it is realistic to organize a business hotel in furnished rooms and classify it at least 3 stars.

Finally, another trend that requires close attention is the expansion of the list of additional services on public holidays. During peak dates, especially before the New Year, competition between hotels intensifies and, above all, in the field of additional services. The most common are the following:

Organization of special winter excursion routes;

Inviting guests to participate in the dramatization of fairy tales;

Lotteries, prize draws, etc.

Given the fact that the holidays last for several days, many hotels offer packages of services that include accommodation, meals and a holiday program.

Turning to the international experience of organizing additional services, we note that we will rely on the experience of international hotel chains. In general, the classification systems of European countries are similar to the Russian Classification System. This fact is due to the fact that both the domestic System and the pan-European system “HotelStars”, which at the end of 2011 united most of the countries of the European Union, took the French classification system as a basis.

The experience of international hotel chains is interesting, first of all, because large hotel corporations, which include several brands of various categories, offer their own classification systems. Separate hotel brands are included in the coordinate system: the price category of the hotel is marked along the Y axis, the breadth of the range of additional services is marked along the X axis. Thus, such an understanding is wider than simple categorization by stars and, in many ways, more understandable to the consumer. Let's take a look at some of the brands featured:

1. Pullman: represents the upper price category (upscale). In our practice, it corresponds to 4 stars. Pullman brand hotels are expensive business hotels. For example, the Parisian Pullman Paris Montparnasse offers its guests the widest conference services among all hotels in Paris with free parking and wi-fi internet.

2. MGallery: also a high end brand. It represents a group of so-called "boutique hotels" offering exclusive service, location, furnishings (as a rule, hotels of such chains are not bound by strict standards in design and range of services). MGallery hotels offer specialized packages for business travelers, gourmet restaurants, city pass or a private city tour. The brand is focused on the most individualized exclusive service.

3. Novotel: midscale brand. Offers a limited range of services with special packages for families, businessmen, weekends, holidays.

4. Mercure: also a mid-price brand focused on business travelers (and, above all, group business events). From here, all offers are related to conference services.

5. Ibis: The brand's hotels represent economy class hotels. Due to the diversity of their location (airports, city centers, resorts), hotels offer various programs: for athletes, spa, conference services.

6. Motel 6: A brand of budget-friendly motels primarily aimed at caravaners. Hotels offer a minimum set of services and special programs for students and pensioners.

A similar distribution of brands exists in other international chains. For example, in Rezidor Hotel Group.

Thus, the Moscow hotels "Marriott Royal Aurora" and "Marriott-Grand" in order to increase profitability and mitigate the negative impact of the low season introduced an additional catering service - catering. It is in great demand in large cities and is minimal in terms of costs. In these hotels, this service is actually an independent type of business and brings 15-20% of the income from the volume of all events.

At the same time, it should be noted that the Park Inn by Radisson brand is the largest (in terms of the number of rooms) in Europe in the mainstream segment.

Concluding the review of foreign experience, we note that international hotel chains are actively penetrating the Russian market, introducing, in addition to standards, new types of additional services.

Summing up the results of the first chapter, we note that the services of accommodation facilities are divided into basic and additional. Under the main, in accordance with the regulatory requirements for accommodation facilities, they mean accommodation and catering services (included in the room price). Additional services include a wide range of services, the range of which is determined by a variety of factors (seasonality, hotel category, its functional purpose, location). The main motivating factor for the introduction of additional facilities is the increase in the income of the accommodation facility. Additional services have a significant impact both on increasing the percentage of hotel occupancy and on increasing its total income (since additional services allow not only to keep guests for a longer period, but also to attract other groups of customers who will not stay at the hotel (locals, corporate clients, etc.)).

Domestic practice shows that the range of additional services of Russian hotels, first of all, depends on the requirements of national legislation (GOSTs, the Classification System for Hotels and other Accommodation Facilities, the Rules for the Provision of Hotel Services). These documents define both the requirements for the minimum set of free services, regardless of the category of the hotel, and the required list of additional services in accordance with the star rating of the hotel. The foreign practice of providing additional services has largely developed under the influence of international hotel chains, which have developed their own classification system for their hotels depending on the price and range of services, which, in our opinion, more objectively allows for segmentation in the hotel market, which, ultimately, makes the market more transparent for customers.

2. Analysis and evaluation of the organization of additional and related services in accommodation facilities at the Polet Hotel

2.1 General characteristics of the hotel's activities

In 2009, a new hotel, Polet, was opened, it is located in close proximity to the international airport of the third capital. The hotel is located at the address: Kazan, Aeroportovskaya street, 3.

The mission of the Kazan Hotel Group is formulated as follows: "We strive to become the best hotel company in Kazan, setting and improving day by day the high standards of national hospitality." The company sets itself the following goals:

1. Approval of national hospitality standards within the Kazan Hotel Group.

2. Continuous improvement of guest satisfaction and the number of regular customers.

3. Occupation of a leading position and obtaining the maximum possible share in the market of hotel services in Kazan.

4. Constant increase in the rate of revenue growth from the number with the priority of increasing due to loading.

5. Expansion of market presence by increasing the number of occupied market niches.

The organizational form of the hotel is a limited liability company.

The main type (subject) of activity "Flight" is the provision of services. The Company is also entitled to carry out any other types of activities not prohibited by the current legislation. The Company sells services at prices and tariffs set independently or on a contractual basis. Settlements with budgets and payment of other obligatory payments are made by the Company in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the Polet Hotel:

1. Providing residents with hotel services of adequate quality, creating the necessary social, cultural and living conditions for them;

2. Ensuring the safety of life, health and property of consumers of hotel services, as well as environmental protection;

3. Rational use of the material and technical base of the hotel;

The main activities of the hotel include:

1. Provision of rooms (places in rooms) in the Polet Hotel for temporary residence of citizens, as well as additional services in the form of catering services, communications, consumer services and other services that can be provided to residents.

2. Informing about the list of services, the price list for services, providing information on the form and procedure for payment for services, as well as information on confirming the compliance of services with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts.

3. Organization of registration of documents necessary for settling in a hotel.

4. Implementation of systematic control over the correct collection of payment for hotel accommodation.

5. Timely consideration in accordance with the established procedure of proposals, complaints and applications of living citizens related to their household services, and taking the necessary measures to satisfy their requirements.

6. Ensuring the timely and lawful formulation of the issue of classifying the hotel to categories and hotel rooms to categories.

Hotel Polet fully corresponds to its category of a four-star hotel. The number of rooms is 60 equipped rooms of various comfort - these are single, double, triple, quadruple rooms, suites, junior suites. Each room has a bathroom, shower, telephone, refrigerator, TV, in a word, settling here, you will not need anything and will not have to use common household items. A wide range of additional services is another important advantage of the hotel. So, on the territory of the hotel there is a pharmacy kiosk, a medical office, shops, a hairdresser, paid guarded parking for vehicles. If you need to get to the city center urgently, the attentive hotel staff will call a taxi.

For a comfortable, interesting stay of the guests of the hotel "Polyot" there is a national television. You can relax in a cozy cafe or restaurant, designed for 200 visitors, where guests are offered a good menu with a variety of dishes and drinks.

Numerous delegations, both domestic and foreign, often stay at the Polet Hotel. If necessary, for holding conferences or seminars at their disposal, the hotel administration is pleased to offer a comfortable conference hall with 400 seats. It is equipped in accordance with the latest technological advances, and therefore is an ideal place for business events. Finally, for the convenience of foreign guests, the Polet Hotel has a bank branch and a currency exchange office.

Perhaps the location of the hotel near Kazan International Airport may not seem like the best option, as you can assume that it is always noisy there. However, this is absolutely not the case. The hotel is located next to the forest belt and thanks to this, the rest here becomes much more pleasant and calmer.

Like all hotels, Polet presents a wide range of services: basic and additional, paid and free. Table 2.1.1 presents data on the cost of the main service - the cost of hotel accommodation.

Table 2.1.1

2.2 Analysis and evaluation of additional and related services in the Polet Hotel

After analyzing the range of services offered at the Polet Hotel, I found out that they are divided into basic and additional, paid and free.

In particular, the hotel provides free of charge:

Handing correspondence to guests;

Morning wake-up call (upon request);

Daily cleaning of the maid's room, including bedding;

Change of bed linen at least once every five days;

Change of towels at least once every three days;

Provision of an iron, ironing board;

Storage of valuables in individual safes in the rooms and / or in safe boxes at the reception.

Let's take a closer look at the additional services provided by Polet:

1. Services of the Business Center (located on the 3rd floor of the hotel). The hotel's business services include telephone communication with cities in Russia and around the world, facsimile, Internet access, copier, printer, scanning, laminating, typing in Russian and English and other services. Materials for work are provided - diskettes, paper, stationery;

2. Services of the fitness center (located on the 5th floor of the hotel). The fitness center offers Finnish and Turkish baths, a jacuzzi, a gym and instructor services;

3. Organization of excursions;

4. Ordering and delivery of air and railway tickets, as well as ordering tickets for all cultural and entertainment events in the city of Kazan, calling a taxi, delivering flowers and much more;

5. Laundry and dry cleaning;

6. Executive limousine;

7. First-aid post.

The following equipment is available for rent:



fax machine,



screen, flip chart,

sound reinforcement systems,

Microphones, etc.

The hotel is equipped with multi-level free parking, which helps to turn movement around the city center into a pleasant walk.

The hotel complex also has a helipad.

Note that accommodation and food services are among the main services. At the same time, the share of catering services in the overall structure of the volume of sales of hotel services is decreasing, while accommodation services are increasing. This is largely due to the weak promotion of food services among local residents. This is typical for Russian city-type hotels.

Thus, Polet LLC has prospects for successful progressive development, including the development and implementation of new additional services. It is important to constantly maintain the state of the room fund at a modern level, which guarantees the provision of amenities no less than in modern hotels of a similar class.

It is important for Polet Hotel not to miss the appearance of new leading technologies on the market. Certainly, the new technology attracts additional attention to the hotel from businessmen, tourists, as well as organizers of high-budget IT conferences.

A stable financial position and the availability of free funds allow the Polet Hotel to invest in the development of additional services.

Thus, the Polet Hotel has financial, organizational and technical reserves to expand the list of additional services.


As a result of the work done, I understood in detail the various types of additional services as well as the ways to provide them, I learned that at the moment the hotel business is only developing, the process of providing hotel services is a rather complex, but well-organized and consistent set of actions. A system of measures that provides a high level of comfort that satisfies a variety of household and household needs of guests is called a service in the hotel business. The hotel is an enterprise designed to provide people who are away from home with accommodation, meals and various additional services.

The list of additional services can be supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, their location and intended purpose, the level of comfort and other reasons. Additional services are an indispensable component of the activity of any hotel.

She also analyzed the organization of additional and related services at the Polet Hotel. And I found out that the Polet hotel independently plans its economic activities. Providing residents with hotel services of adequate quality, creating the necessary social, cultural and living conditions for them.

Drawing conclusions on the course work, I want to note that at present, additional services are becoming increasingly important in shaping the market attractiveness of a hotel enterprise. Remaining basic, the accommodation service is taken for granted by the guests. Increased interest is caused by services that distinguish this hotel from a number of others. In most cases, these services are additional.

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Organization of additional services in hotels is an effective way to fight competition. This is another source of profit and an opportunity to improve the quality of service. The current offer of additional services will make it possible to positively influence the image of the entire business.

In the article we will consider the most relevant ways to increase the income of hotels and other accommodation facilities through the organization of additional services. This is a general list from which each entrepreneur will be able to make a list of ideas suitable for implementation.

Additional service #1 ➨ Rental of space for business and events

If there is free space and your own restaurant, it is possible to hold various banquets and animated events. This service will significantly expand the target audience of a hotel or other accommodation facility. So, for example, having rented a restaurant for a banquet, with a high probability, the residents of the city will then become its regular visitors.

It is possible to install vending machines, souvenir shops and tourist departments in the lobby. The guest will thus be able to find all the necessary information immediately within the walls of the hotel, which will positively affect the reviews and the level of service.

Large hotels and hotels practice opening their own beauty salons and spas, swimming pools and gyms, or rent out space for them.

Additional service #2 will increase profits ➨ Collaboration with third parties

The most popular cooperation with taxi services and tour companies. Room service is popular, especially in mini-hotels and hostels where meals are not organized. Cooperation with travel agencies will provide an additional flow of tourists and tourist groups to fully fill the hotel during the season.

A plus will be agreements with the information service, which will allow guests to keep abreast of all events and activities planned in the capital. It is possible to create your own information service. One employee is enough to fill and update it, the hotel administrators will be able to coordinate tourists.

Additional income will also be provided by service #3 ➨ Booking tickets

We are talking about organizing transfers, booking tickets for planes and trains, and bookings for cultural events. Booking services are closely related to the advertising of certain events. Advertising can be carried out on the following favorable terms: netting, advertising the accommodation facility as a partner of the event, or advertising on a paid basis.

Popular profit increase service #4 ➨ Development of entertainment infrastructure

Creation of a bar, restaurant, billiard club, night club and holding animated events on their basis will provide an additional flow of visitors at the expense of the city residents. An important condition is good sound insulation, or the location of the halls separately from the room stock of the hotel or hotel.

It is also possible to organize master classes and performances here. All this will diversify the leisure time of vacationers, attract local residents and raise profits.

Modern way of extra income #5 ➨ Collaboration with corporate clients

Recently, this service has become quite popular in Moscow. Corporate clients use a whole range of additional services that will significantly increase profits.

Corporate clients ensure the occupancy of the hotel in low seasons. Their main requirement is the accommodation within one hotel of everything necessary for holding corporate events: halls for training and conferences, a minimum of office equipment for work, powerful Wi-Fi, a banquet hall, and a transfer.

Service #6 will provide advertising and profit ➨ Organization of forums and trainings

Here it can be as simple as renting a conference room, as well as accommodation for guests of the event and additional organization of their leisure. Within the framework of such events, participants from different cities are expected to be accommodated. This work is in many ways similar to working with corporate clients. However, the target audience is wider, in case of coverage of the event in the media, business advertising is provided. Cooperation with forum organizers is possible on a partnership basis.

Additional earnings will be affected by service #7 ➨ Exclusive offer

In modern realities, the choice of additional services is practically unlimited. Moreover, it makes sense to focus not only on the guests, but also on the residents of the city. The provision of exclusive services can become the hallmark of a hotel or other accommodation facility. If you decide not to open a new business, but

Intending to go on vacation, we sometimes do not even think about how travel agencies and hotels organize our leisure time in such a way that we do not need anything. When it comes to planning a hotel business, the question arises of what types of hotel services to offer guests. The next question is what to provide for free, what - for an additional fee. In this article we will talk about the organization of the workflow in the hotel.

Types and types of services in the hotel

Hotel service is divided into basic, additional and individual types of services. Depending on the wishes of the hotelier and the level of the competitive environment in a given region, this service can be either absolutely free or for an additional fee.

There are a number of basic services in the hotel, fixed at the legislative level, as those benefits that should be provided in all hotel establishments, as free. It is necessary. Their list:

  • If necessary, call an ambulance
  • Availability and round-the-clock ability to use a first-aid kit
  • Delivery of letters, newspapers and other correspondence intended for the guest
  • Wake up the guest at the appointed time
  • Availability and access to boiling water, scissors, needles and threads
  • Use of one set of dishes and its replacement

Regardless of the concept of the hotel business, your hotel must provide these services. However, everyone understands that if the hotel provides only this, its rating will leave much to be desired. In the conditions of fierce competition between hotels and hotel chains, it is necessary to be “in trend” and anticipate the needs of guests.

So, just a few years ago, those rare hotels that allowed guests to use the distributed Internet without charging an additional fee received their bonuses and benefits in the form of additional customers.

Today, hotel websites, chains and booking resources are full of banners with the words “free” and “gift”. Competing with each other, hotels try to provide a unique service to their guests, or standard varieties of paid services - free of charge.

Most common paid services in hotels:

  • Offer of group and individual excursions
  • Personal translator and guide
  • Sale of tickets for cultural events
  • Currency exchange
  • Repair of clothes, shoes, dry cleaning and ironing
  • Souvenir products
  • Renting space for business meetings and conferences
  • Saunas, baths, spas, massage parlors, beauty parlors, hairdressers
  • Purchase and delivery of flowers
  • Taxi ordering

Of course the more services a hotel offers for free, the more chances it has for a leading position and customer feedback. Generating good reviews is a long, costly, and labor-intensive process. High quality service, like nothing else, can help in this matter.

Today, it is considered bad form to offer a certain range of services for an additional fee. Once an expensive Internet, nowadays it must be freely available to everyone. Detailed consultation by the receptionist about the events held in the city; about how to get to the place the client needs and back; about the possibility of saving money in the city and other useful information is provided free of charge. Calling a taxi to the hotel should not be paid with anything other than a tip, at most.

Hotels, on the facade of which a considerable number of stars flaunts, cannot afford to forget about the individual approach to persons of special importance. These can be people who are useful for this business, or simply wealthy guests. If personal services are provided in exceptional cases, their availability will not be financially attractive, but it will create a certain reputation for the hotel company, which is important.

Personal services include, among other things, an individual hotel employee who accompanies the guest during the entire period of his stay. His duties include consultations on all issues, finding solutions of any complexity in order to satisfy the wishes of a demanding client.

A good option for an individual approach to the guest are small gifts, pleasant souvenirs as a keepsake of your stay in your hotel. It can be any souvenir product, for example, chocolates from a local factory with your company logo. This inexpensive and modest gift will emphasize the level of service in your hotel and make even the most strict guest smile.