Patriotism is growing - "Date" failed. The best date is a date with reality 8 new dates box office

The other day in Russia started showing the film "8 Best Dates" distributors "Central Partnership". In the cities of Russia, the start was "below average". As we managed to find out, in the cities of the country they did not favor a picture with the participation of the sponsor "ATO".

Manager of the cinema "Aurora" in Chelyabinsk Olga Nikolaeva reported that only two people came to the film: "There is no one else."

Marketer of the cinema "Mayak" from Omsk Anna told the correspondent On the eve.RU, What "8 Best Dates" started "below average": "On the day of the premiere there were not very many visitors. There are no reviews, few people are interested in the film."

IN Yekaterinburg in one of the largest cinemas in Shopping center "Park House", as well as others - but basically not knowing in advance what to go for, they ask: "Where can you laugh?". In addition, the famous beauty starred in the film: "They go to Vera Brezhnev and laugh."

There is almost no demand for the film in small cinemas, the cinema administrator "Coliseum"said that the rental began on Thursday, but the comedy does not collect full halls: "On this moment we have six people on this film, booked for the next screenings no."

It is known that in Saratov no one came to the premiere, and they decided to cancel the show altogether. Is this due to the fact that the people are simply tired of stereotyped comedies, or to a film where the leading actor is known as a sponsor of combat groups and operations against civilians in the Donbass? Zelensky criticizes "Russian aggression", but does not stop acting in Russian comedies.

At the end of last year, it became known that the lead actor Vladimir Zelensky turned out to be a supporter of the war in Ukraine. "I went to Zelensky's film - I killed the child of Donbass." Such statements in social networks were the result of a scandal surrounding a comedy coming out in Russian distribution.

"Thank you for protecting us from all scum," Zelensky says to those who killed civilians in Donbass in the "ATO" zone ( this video is well known on the internet). The video shows how the actor performed at the concert and bowed low to the Ukrainian militants. Zelensky-led studio "Kvartal 95" transferred 1 million hryvnia in support of "ATO"."8 first dates" and "8 new dates", where leading role Zelensky also played, came out in Russia and raised a total of $14.9 million.

Before dDeputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Krasnodar Territory Sergei Obukhov urged the film company "Central Partnership", concern Gazprom to cancel the Russian distribution of the comedy "8 ​​Best Dates": "I urge you to consider the complete termination of cooperation with the sponsor of the criminal military operation against the population of Donbass by Vladimir Zelensky, in particular, the refusal to release the film "8 Best Dates" in film distribution," Obukhov said in a statement.

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation opposed the ban on the film. "Representatives of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation have repeatedly spoken out about the inappropriateness of imposing sanctions against Ukrainian cinema, as well as individual cultural figures of Ukraine," the press service said.

There are many calls online to boycott the film.

“I won’t go for this g ... even for a surcharge.
Zelensky was not a bad humorist until he confused creativity and politics, a sort of funny clown."

User NMNH writes:
“It would not hurt the figures of the Ministry of Culture to ask questions about whose culture they are bringing to the masses with money from the budget of the Russian Federation.

ps In general, the best measure against these freaks (that this cheap clown, that the figures of the Ministry of Culture) is a boycott. If you don't want to see freaks in your city/country, boycott anyone who feeds them. economic activity. As the classics said, "if you spit at the people, the people will wipe themselves off, but if the people spit at you ..". Strength in unity."

"The artist Zelensky is joking on the screen. And in Gorlovka, 9-year-old Karina Belonog dies from a shrapnel wound. She dies terribly. It hurts, and she does not understand why she was killed."

"And smiles Vera Brezhneva. And in Gorlovka, a Ukrainian shell kills three children. Nastya Konopleva 12 years old, Dasha Konopleva 6 years old, Kirill 1 year old. Dad was picking up his body piece by piece."

"The artist Epifantsev grimaces merrily. And in Odessa, in the House of Trade Unions, Maidan militants mock the body of the anti-fascist Gennady Kushnarev, who died saving women and the elderly."

- Zelensky did not come to the premiere

in Moscow cinemas the movie is coming with average attendance rates, in the regions - they do not go to it at all. By the way, summer 2 015 painting "8 new datesth" with the participation of Vladimir Zelensky was banned in Ukraine. And although nash Ministry of Culture did not ban the film, but the people expressed themselves clearly.

And we haven't even started discussing the very interesting article Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 205.1. Facilitating terrorist activities. Despite the fact that director Marius Weisberg expressed confidence that the film would also be successful at the box office, the premiere of the comedy "8 ​​Best Dates" actually failed throughout Russia. Recall that the first two comedies - "8 First Dates" and "8 New Dates" - in which the main role was played by the sponsor of the Ukrainian punitive battalions Zelensky, with budgets of 72 million rubles and 77 million rubles, grossed 210 million and 420 million rubles at the box office, respectively. .

Today we see a slightly different picture.

According to the correspondent of the Sart edition "The Fourth Power", today in Saratov in the cinema "Pioneer" the premiere screening of the film "8 Best Dates" was canceled. The film was supposed to premiere on March 3 at 12:50. A meticulous journalist wanted to find out from the cinema visitors whether they knew about where will he go part of the money for the ticket they bought, but there were no people who would like to watch a film with the participation of Vladimir Zelensky.

The box office of the cinema reported that four tickets had been booked for the premiere screening of the film. However, no one came for them.

“The cashier and the administrator were somewhat surprised by this, noting that there are, of course, cases when premieres are not attended, but very rarely. By 12:52 p.m., not a single ticket had been sold, in connection with which it was decided to cancel the premiere film screening.

We also note that on the Kinopoisk website, the largest portal about cinema, the film has already received an “encouraging” rating of 3,563

By the way, such a funny feature of the site is that if a registered user clicks on one star under the caption “Movie Rating”, then the rating becomes even lower. I have no doubt that distributors and producers will try to wind up the rating back - but there are hundreds of thousands of times more of those who think that sponsoring punishers is bad, isn't it?

The distributors, PR people and producers of the film seem to have not understood anything, and, it seems to us, they are trying to stop the action of protests, which is healing for public morality, using the methods of the last decade.

Compare search results in Yandex 8 best protest dates and Google 8 best protest dates

Of course, all the photos from the protests against the film disappeared from the Yandex search results on their own, yeah. "It itself."

Still, bags of cash won't drown out the voice of truth. But we have not even begun to discuss a very interesting article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - 205.1. "Promotion of terrorist activities". This is actually what Zelensky is doing, sponsoring punitive battalions. And for his support group in this article there is Clause 3: “Aiding the commission of a crime under Article 205 of this Code is punishable by imprisonment for a term of ten to twenty years.”

But we believe that reason will eventually win.

Two days ago, the premiere of the film "8 Best Dates" took place in Russia. The picture, contrary to the expectations of the creators and actors, has already failed miserably at the Russian box office. Even Yandex gives a request for the name of the film more news about the failures of the picture than links to sites with its description.

Most viewers avoid this movie. main reason this is the actor Vladimir Zelensky, who not so long ago thanked the Ukrainian military for "protection from these scum" (according to the actor, "scum" are residents of Donbass). People do not want to watch a film with his participation, because they understand that part of the income from the film distribution of the film will go to finance the military operation of the Ukrainian security forces against the inhabitants of Donbass. I wonder what the actor was thinking, hoping to make money in Russia?

Many people have previously advocated a ban on the release of the film "8 Best Dates", but in Russia they do not go for an official "ban", because we are not Ukraine, which equalizes politics and creativity. People make their own choice. As it turned out, the majority now takes a sharply negative position in relation to Zelensky, and therefore people are boycotting and ignoring the film.

Despite the fact that the director of the picture was confident of success, today "8 First Dates" is shown in half-empty halls. If in the past all tickets were sold out for the premiere of the first part of the film, this year the situation is different: in most cinemas there was not a single spectator. In many cities, the screening was completely canceled by the decision of cinemas, since it makes no sense to play it just like that, because a hall that is idle without spectators can be filled by showing something else.

In some cities, there was still a small amount of reservation for tickets, but no one bought them.

Even Vera Brezhneva, who has a huge army of fans in Russia, did not save the picture. Curious to see Instagram main character movie. In the comments on the photo from the premiere of the film, opinions were divided. Many people love Vera, and therefore, despite the abundance of negative comments about the film and Zelensky, there are many apologies. Approximately half of the messages are written in the spirit: “Sorry, Vera, we love your work very much, but we can’t go to the film with Zelensky in the title role. We think it's wrong."

Lots of negatives:

“Because of this Zelensky, few people will go there. I hope no one goes at all!”

“I am disappointed in Zelensky and also do not want to watch the film and performances with his participation”

“Let him go and show his movie to the heroes of the ATO, the killers of the civilian population of Donbass, whom he fucking supports!”

It got to the point that in some cities there are real demonstrations. People demand to ban the showing of the film.

Moral values ​​in our people are strong, and therefore such a reaction is not even surprising. This film, perhaps, will go only to those who do not watch TV and do not read the news, i.е. one who is not aware of the personal life and harsh statements of Vladimir Zelensky. And this does not make them those who support and share the views of the actor, they simply do not know the reasons for the boycott. Also, the film will not be missed by ardent fans of Vera Brezhneva, who turn a blind eye to everything for the sake of their idol.

According to the forecasts of the box office, from March 3 to March 6, the apolitical comedy "Eight Best Dates" was supposed to collect 120-130 million rubles at the domestic box office. “There is a scandal around the film, but it will not hurt the box office,” specialized sites reported.

As stated in the analytical report of the Cinema Fund, the picture collected only 52.8 million rubles. If you're wondering why this makes such a huge difference, let's talk about it.

Silent boycott

For those who accidentally do not know, this is what the so-called. scandal. Lead actor, actor Zelensky(Rep. Ukraine), last year actively promoted as a supporter of punishers fighting in the Donbass. He reported that he was transferring money to them for the so-called. ATO. He bowed low for the "killing of scum" on cameras.

At the beginning of this year, a public initiative arose in Russia to boycott the film. We note, by the way, that the state had nothing to do with it and does not have it. On the contrary, the state behaved emphatically formally. The Ministry of Culture issued a rental certificate to the film and there was no way to rent it did not interfere.

As for the near-state structures, they generally supported the film. The cinema distributor, just in case, was Central Partnership, which is part of to the state holding Gazprom Media.“Channel One” delicately promoted the picture, “leading media” not only did not support the boycott of “Dating”, but did not even report on it.

And no "activists in balaclavas" blocked the cinemas, did not break into the directors' offices and beat them on the head with their feet. Just near some cinemas there were single pickets with posters, which reported what exactly the viewer is now willing to donate his money to. Yes, calls for a boycott have spread on social networks. Yes, some resources - certainly not included in the list of what is considered "influential media" within the Russian media class - supported the boycott.

The fact that all these rogues together managed to drop a practically wealthy (triquel of a successful comedy, Vera Brezhneva, TV in the wings, March 8 on the calendar) profits for filmmakers, - at the moment, while you are reading this, these same filmmakers are trying to somehow comprehend.

Why did everything that happened come as a surprise to the creative community and what did they even think?

Above children's corpses

I have a version of why and what, dear readers. And now I will present it.

In an interview with the Sobesednik publication, the producer of the movie about dates explained why he was not afraid to shoot the sponsor of the punishers: “We don’t understand the insinuations that are happening. This is a good movie about love. No politics. We are Russians and, it seems to me, we should be above all this.”

... If it seemed to someone that it was the viewer who was asked to be above politics, then no, a mistake. This is about himself and his estate, the producer said that they are above politics. In this case - above the war. Above the children's corpses, above the Gorlovsky Madonna.

And that's the whole point. The origins of such intricate loftiness should not be sought at all in the “all-humanity” of Russian culture, to which the creators themselves like to refer. The reasons are closer and simpler. In short, our creative estate is the last untouched reserve of the late Soviet intelligent world outlook. Not broken even by the nineties.

It is from ordinary citizens that the feeling that there are friends around and that one can be above politics, flew off very quickly. Especially quickly it flew off from 25-50 million (depending on how you count) "foreign Russians" who ended up in post-Soviet national republics.

It was quickly explained to ordinary citizens that they were now nobody and there was no way to call them.

It was to them that confused relatives began to come, squeezed out of their Transcaucasia, Central Asia, the Baltics and Moldovans.

It was their relatives who served in the 14th Guards, which defended Transnistria. At the 201st base, which preserved Tajikistan. In the 58th army that saved Ossetia.

It was their language that was forbidden in state institutions and schools.

It is Crimea that fled to them, it is Donetsk and Luhansk that hurt in their heads, it is Odessa that bleeds in their memory.

... And the creators have not changed anything. The creators have been surrounded by friends all these years.

They calmly arrived in the most hardened Russophobic mini-reichs - and independent ministers and deputies who had not forgotten their Komsomol youth sat complacently at their concerts. And they, who just yesterday adopted some new resolution to eradicate the consequences of the centuries-old Russian occupation, came to Russian creative guests backstage and invited them to cozy restaurants in the old city, and sang soulful songs together. And it seemed to the Moscow guests that the friendship of peoples had not gone anywhere, that everything was just like in the 1970s. The creative class was reliably isolated from the political reality of the post-USSR.

That is why the Russian creative class never developed it, reality, understanding. And if some echoes of reality with murdered children and other “squabbles” reached it through isolation, then it was inclined to blame the only state for which it had grievances: its own.

Because everything is clear to the creative class with their native state. The state did not give enough for the theater (a film, an anniversary, just some drank). The state, especially in recent years, climbs with its opinion into a fragile creative process. It even removes operas from the repertoire - and look, it will begin to repress, as in the thirty-seventh. And this despite the fact that it is the creators by definition should.

And those non-native states - they should not, but they themselves are very friendly. They come backstage, invite to restaurants, sing songs.

That, in fact, is the whole secret “above politics”.

Who will leave without a penny

And now - the most important thing. What happened with the release of "The Best 8 Dates" is far from the first evidence that there is a civil society in the country. But this is the first time that civil society has worked directly with the creative community. Without resorting to the help of the state, "Kiselyov's propaganda", "Channel One" and the Minister of Culture. That is, everything that the creators used to write off all the cases when citizens suddenly refused to watch / listen / read them.

And if the creators have enough ingenuity, then they will realize that in addition to the state, there is another, much more powerful and merciless, repressive political apparatus in the country. Which, almost for him, will simply undress them and leave them without a penny.

And these are citizens.

And if you're lucky, then, perhaps, the creators will even have the ingenuity to finally do something that no one has seen from them for twenty years. They will begin to take an interest in their own public and find out what kind of reality they live in and what is important to them.