Photographer's tips: how to take a selfie. How to take a selfie: the most important rules

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For several years, people had no idea what a “selfie” was. Now, this word is perhaps the most common on the Internet, blogs and social networks. Every day, a huge number of selfies are published on the network - self-portraits taken from tablets and mobile phones. And how to take the right selfie was found out by the editors of the magazine "Secret".

Don't be left out, connect

If you haven’t posted your photos online yet, then you probably looked at selfies of your girlfriends or celebrities. Among them, of course, there are good and interesting pictures, but there are also frankly unsuccessful, caricatured and extremely dangerous ones.

The main idea of ​​a selfie is to take a photo of yourself now and in this exact place. It would seem that you can not bother. But if you don’t want your picture to be made fun of or lost without a trace on the Internet, follow certain rules.

Take the right selfie

Everything seems to be very simple: hold a smartphone at arm's length or stand in front of a mirror and press a button. In fact, to make good, high-quality and original pictures, you need to work a little.


The main attribute is a mobile phone with a good camera. Despite the fact that most people use the front camera of the phone, the pictures taken from the back are better.

A camera, even a SLR, is not exactly what is required for a selfie. Although as an option - it is quite the place to be.

Photo background

Do you want to capture yourself against a certain landscape: rose bushes, snowy peaks or alpine meadows? Be natural and you'll be fine.

The purpose of the photo is only yourself - pay attention to what is there in the background. It is better if there are no people behind you who can divert attention from your person.


Try to choose the position in which you look the most advantageous. Heed the advice of professional photographers:

  • A strong tilt of the head back distorts the oval of the face.
  • A shot with a three-quarter turn of the body looks more advantageous than a profile and full face.
  • Stretching your arm forward, do not overdo it - in the photo it can turn out to be awkwardly long.
  • Too high or low position of the camera will make the image in the photo disproportionate.


Before starting a photo shoot, look around to see if there is enough light. The sun or artificial light source should be directly in front of you, slightly above eye level. If the lamp or the sun is behind your back - facial features, details of clothing will be blurred. On the other hand, a sunburst halo shot can be very interesting.


Many, cool and seductive, according to girls, poses look funny and vulgar in the photo. Some selfies, such as the duck face, pretending to be asleep, or being taken aback, are no longer trending.

Staged positions of bodies, fake emotions, strained smiles are no longer interesting to anyone. If you want to hug, grimace, laugh - act, just be as natural as possible.


You intend to post selfies on social networks - be more attentive to your appearance. Even if you don't wear makeup at all, a little makeup won't hurt. Tint your lashes, apply gloss to your lips, remove dark circles under the eyes and see how much better you come out in the picture.

Makeup is an integral part of your life - do not overdo it. Remember the golden mean.

  • Smokey eyes are not the best option. Smoky dense shadows look heavy and massive.
  • Emphasis on the lower eyelid will make the eyes look smaller.
  • Untidy eyebrows will give sloppiness to the whole face.
  • Selfie and "Spider" eyelashes are incompatible.


Gadget manufacturers could not stay away from the fashion fad. The process of creating a selfie made it very easy to create monopods. If you don't know what to give your friend, buy a selfie stick. The filming stick consists of a body for attaching a camera or smartphone and a telescopic structure. Within a minute, a small tube turns into a photo fixture. The higher the cost of the monopod, the more complex the design.

Photo processing

We decided to put the photo on the network - check the quality again. Try editing your shot with photo editors, photo filters, and photo effects, but don't get carried away. Do not forget that the main thing in a selfie is naturalness. If the photo is completely unsuccessful, it’s better to retake it, it will take less time and effort.

When it comes to showing off a new look, the position in which you stand in front of the mirror is often crucial. You definitely don't want a selfie where you're standing at attention - it can make you look more old-fashioned than cutting-edge in the picture. There are three basic positions to follow when taking a selfie in the mirror.

Stick out your leg

This pose is considered a win-win when all other poses have failed. This pose makes the body look slimmer, and it also makes the outfit look good. And don't forget to expose your sock!

Feet apart

A full-length selfie a priori cannot be unsuccessful, especially if you want to demonstrate the image in full. Just remember to spread your legs a little to the sides, thereby creating a smooth curve that flatters the image.

Cross your legs and bend your knee

The classic cross-legged pose, where you stand with your legs crossed one over the other, sometimes with your feet touching. She is one of the favorite poses of many bloggers. We offer a slightly different variation. Cross your legs with one knee slightly bent, with the toe of the bent leg pointing towards the floor. This pose is especially flattering for midi and maxi skirts. And a bent knee, pulled forward towards the mirror, makes the legs look longer and slimmer.

Don't think about your facial expression

Embarrassingly smiling at yourself in the mirror is not the best idea for this type of photo (and people passing by will not look at you strangely). Sometimes the best way to take the perfect selfie is to forget about facial expressions, smirk a little, and look at your phone's camera rather than at your reflection in the mirror. In this case, the photo will always come out well.

Choose the right angle for shooting

Where you stand and how you hold your phone also determines how your selfie turns out. Before taking a picture, remember the following:


You want a full-length shot, so make sure every detail of your look, from hair to shoes, is visible through your phone's camera. Also make sure you don't capture too much of the background, and that the area of ​​the photo fits into the outline of the Instagram.

Phone location

One of the most advantageous places to place the phone is a little to the side right next to the face. But if you want to look slimmer, put your phone close to a mirror and place it under your chin. This posture has pros and cons. Due to this arrangement, the body looks smaller, but the head, on the contrary, seems unnaturally large.

Keep Proportions

Here are some wise tips on how to keep proportions.

Focus on the waist

Add a belt, tie a shirt around your waist, or wear a jacket that reaches to your hips.

Remember your hair

Loose hair sometimes weighs down the image when it comes to a photo in a mini Instagram frame. So for such photos it is better to take the hair up. A high hairstyle, in turn, lengthens the body and does not block the details of the image.

Avoid distractions

The last thing you need is something to distract from the main focus of the photo, which is you. The key to solving the problem is cleanliness.

Make sure the background is clean

Don't forget to clean up the extra stuff and sort out the pile of clothes in the background. It will be very embarrassing if all the visitors to your page see the mess in your room.


If you take a selfie in front of a dirty mirror, the result will be disastrous - strange stains and streaks on your face and clothes are inevitable, so make sure the mirror is clean before taking a photo.

Use application tools

Photos in the bathroom or dimly lit bedroom don't always come out well, but there's a way to make your shot look less amateurish.

More light

It's not about fully editing your photos, but Instagram and other apps have a set of tools to help you brighten and lighten up your photos. Experiment with shades until your photo is perfect.

Translation from English.

Proper lighting

Good lighting is half the battle. Take pictures in bright daylight, outdoors or by a window. Daylight hides skin imperfections, while hair and eyes look shiny and vibrant. Choose a location where the sun illuminates your face and is above eye level. In no case should you stand so that the sun is behind you, otherwise you will get a dark and ugly picture.

To make your face appear more even and bright, take a self-portrait in soft morning or evening lighting. Too hard daylight can be scattered by a thin light curtain or a sheet of white transparent paper.

To properly take a selfie when shooting at night, try to find a bright source of artificial white light that is in front and above, or use the built-in flash on your gadget. For soft dispersion, buy a special flash attachment.

Favorable angle

The best angle to take a beautiful selfie is when you hold the camera above eye level and turn your face 20-30 degrees to the side. Girls are advised to raise the camera higher, then the look at the photo will be open, the eyes will appear larger, and the contours of the face will be clear and toned. In addition, at this angle, the chest is captured.

To emphasize the hollow on the chest, the girl should bring her elbows under the bust. Guys also fit the three-quarter angle. If you raise your hand, then a voluminous biceps will appear in the frame.

When photographing in full growth, the face and shoulders should be full face, and the lower part of the body is turned half-side to the lens. So the figure looks more elegant. Girls will have beautifully accentuated waist and hips, while guys will have shoulders and muscles.

There are also "harmful" camera angles. The shot taken from below adds a double chin and a couple of extra pounds. If you turn sideways to the light source, then the second half of the face will remain in shadow. When shooting strictly full face, there is a risk of getting a bulbous nose, neck wrinkles or a powerful chin.

In which direction to turn the face also plays a role, because the left and right sides of the face are asymmetrical. Each photo model has its own "working side", from which it is always removed. Therefore, you will have to practice to learn how to beautifully shoot yourself from the favorable side.

thoughtful background

As strong as the urge to snap yourself right now is, look around. If you are on the street or in a crowded place, make sure that people passing by and unnecessary, not very photogenic objects get into the frame. Having started a photo session at home, tidy up the room, choose an attractive place in your interior. Do not be too lazy to specially prepare the background for shooting, bright pillows, garlands, flowers, paintings, decorative ornaments can serve as props.

Now special backdrops for photo shoots made of vinyl are gaining popularity. Buy a few of these "backgrounds" and you can forget about the bad background on the selfie.

If fantasy is bad, then a win-win option is to beautifully take a selfie - a snapshot in nature. Green grass, blue skies, blossoming trees or fallen leaves always look good in pictures. Use the colors of nature for your photos.

Take pictures of yourself when doing outdoor activities and extreme sports in nature, climb into hard-to-reach places and virgin corners of the earth, such backgrounds are always relevant.

With friends and pets

For a photo with a friend, stand close to each other and press your foreheads together. Hold the camera strictly in the middle, at eye level or higher. Two friends can be photographed at different distances from the lens. One holds the camera in front of him, the other steps back a couple of steps. The same angles can be used to take pictures with your pet or zoo animal.

Want to take a selfie with a big group? Then the main rule is that the photographer should be in the middle so as not to cut off those who are standing from the far edge. It is better to take such a photo from the front or from above. By experimenting with angles, you can also inadvertently cut off a couple of friends.


What will help make your portraits even better?

  • Filters. Before posting photos on Instagram, experiment with filters. They will correct the color balance or simply give originality to your self-portraits.
  • Monopod. The Selfie Stick helps you capture even more of the background and a full-length figure. Also, a monopod is indispensable for group shots.

  • Velcro cover. A smartphone in such a case can be stuck on the wall and enjoy full-length posing
  • Timer. Useful if you need to have time to take a place in the frame
  • Applications. With the help of virtual applications, you can beautifully arrange a picture: crop, add brightness, apply a photo effect, make a frame, inscription, insert a picture-sticker and much more

And most importantly - smile! Sincere photos with a bit of humor always become popular.

It is important to choose the right angle, adjust the light if possible, mask the flaws, emphasize the merits and take 10-15 shots. Then you choose one of them - the most attractive one, in your opinion - and publish it on a social network. To use filters or not? Fold lips like a duck or take more adult photos? Add erotica or wait with it until adulthood? Let's figure it out.

How to take a selfie: TOP 5 rules

1. Choose the right angle

Strict full face and profile is not the best solution. In most cases, a 3/4 head turn is recommended. However, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of your physique. If you have a double chin or your neck seems short and full, lift your chin and slightly roll your shoulders back. If there is a scar on the left cheek, for example, take a picture on the right side and so on. Remember also that half of our faces are asymmetrical - choose the one that seems the most attractive.

2. Set up the camera

Bloggers and smartphone reviewers periodically conduct surveys to determine the percentage of users who have looked at the camera settings at least once. But your phone probably has something to configure. This is not only the usual brightness and contrast, but also sharpness, focus, saturation of colors and individual shades, textures, specularity and much more. Experiment and choose the best modes, settings and filters for selfies.

3. We select the background

Photos in the toilets, against the backdrop of carpets and shabby sheets frankly tired of the majority of social network users. Show a modicum of respect to those who will look at your photos - take care of choosing a background. It should be simple and concise, but not shocking, banal and repulsive. Then all attention will be drawn to you and the viewer will not experience any visual discomfort.

4. Set up or look for light

The light source should be in front of you, not behind you. If you take a selfie during the day, stand in front of a window. If you are outside, turn your face towards the sun. Be careful: the sun's rays should not make you squint, you do not need to look at the sun.

You should also be careful with artificial lighting: it often ages the face in photographs, especially when it comes to outdated incandescent lamps with yellow light.

5. Emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses

We will not lecture you and talk about the need to get rid of complexes. If you consider yourself full (full) - raise your chin and take a picture of your face on an outstretched and slightly raised arm. If you don't like the position of your face, try rotating it about 45 degrees - for most people, this is the most photogenic position.

What to consider for girls and boys

Girls . Most of all, girls are afraid to appear plump and plump in the pictures. To avoid the effect of fullness, do not pull your head into your shoulders - this guarantees the appearance of a second chin. Try also not to take pictures of yourself from below. In order not to look older than your age in the photo, try to avoid bright red lipstick, artificial lighting and furrowed eyebrows - all this visually ages your face in the pictures.

Guys . Young people are most afraid of appearing feminine and overly thin. If you do not have the desired muscle mass, try to refuse photos in T-shirts with short sleeves - long sleeve, cardigan, sweater will be more suitable solutions. Using "classic" techniques like crossed arms to "enlarge" the biceps or suffer from "broad back syndrome" is not recommended. The position of the body should be natural, artificiality, the feeling of your tightness should not be caught.

What photos to avoid

  • With a terrible background. Do not want your picture to be included in the collection of fails on entertainment sites? Do not take pictures of yourself in the toilet, against the backdrop of a carpet or curtains, in shabby apartments and porches. Choose a simple, concise background.
  • With unsuccessfully photographed people. Such photos should not be posted even out of revenge. Firstly, you risk ruining relationships with friends who failed. Secondly, the overall impression of the picture is spoiled, even if you look luxurious in it.
  • With pouty lips. This trend is long gone. There are a bunch of other relevant positions, no less strange and dubious. Anything but pouting lips - they will cause nothing but negativity in your direction for most people.
  • With artificially enlarged biceps and chest. You don’t need to use your last strength to squeeze your chest with your forearms and cross your arms over your chest “until powerful biceps appear.” Be natural, do not show your complexes on social networks.
  • Over-filtered. People have been achieving accurate color reproduction for decades. Appreciate it and don't dehumanize your face with crazy filters. A white canvas with contrasting lips and eyes, but without a visible nose, is out of fashion for a long time.

Extreme photos: pros and cons

Where to take a selfie if you want to get cool and rare shots? When skydiving, climbing rope, mountain climbing, river rafting, or snowboarding in freeride mode. Extreme selfies are spectacular, interesting and original, they always attract attention. If you are constantly involved in any extreme sport, then you can try to take such pictures. After all, you probably have enough experience to reduce the risk of injury.

But if this is your first time skydiving or rafting on a mountain river, this is not the time for a selfie. Of course, if you do not want to receive the Darwin Award for the most ridiculous death.

Extreme selfies on iPhone are cool, worthy of attention and admiration. But the pictures from the emergency room are unlikely to be as joyful.

Try to soberly assess the risks and never start taking photos if it will create even the slightest threat to your life or your health. Only a sober look at things will help you avoid serious injury.

How to take beautiful selfies: TOP 7 secrets

  1. Avoid shadows. A shadow can hopelessly spoil even the most spectacular photo. To avoid it, learn to catch the light. Avoid placing light sources behind your back. It is unlikely to be able to remove the shadow even with the help of graphic editors - only with professional processing. Pay special attention to the shadows on the face and body - they can create dubious visual effects.
  2. Use the functionality of the phone. Understand the phone settings, select the optimal mode, if necessary, manually adjust the brightness, contrast, color saturation. If you have enough time, then conduct a series of experiments - take pictures with different settings. How to learn how to set up your phone and take good photos? There is no universal instruction for all smartphones. Read the individual recommendations of experts, given specifically for your model.
  3. Choose the best camera. You can take a selfie not only on the front, but also on the main camera. Do not forget about the possibility of using a countdown timer - even in 4-6 seconds it is really possible to take the most advantageous position and take a picture with the main camera. Ideally, if you can install the phone statically. Not necessarily on a stand or tripod - it can be mounted on any flat surface with a support. Then the pictures will not be blurry, they will become clearer.
  4. Remember the 45 degree rule. How to take a selfie if your photogenicity is far from ideal? Try using the 45 degree rule. Its essence is to abandon full-face shots - it is better to leave them for documents. Turn your head to the left or right 45 degrees. According to experts, this position is the most photogenic for the vast majority of people. Try turning both ways and choose the one that seems the most attractive.
  5. Take pictures at arm's length. Do not reach for the camera and do not move away from it with your face - choose the best angle with your outstretched hand or a selfie stick. The coverage of the image in this case will be greater, and the potential for choosing the optimal angle will be much wider. How high should you hold your camera? This is up to you to decide. In each case, the optimal height will be different and it can only be selected through trial and error.
  6. Watch your facial expressions. A photograph should convey a mood, not artificial emotions. How often do you see on social networks pictures of girls from a neighboring village with the expression on the face of a British duchess or sophisticated model? Do you feel dissonance? Strive for natural, inherent emotions. It is strongly not recommended to depict and even more so to demonstrate grief. Social media is not the place to seek solace. Try to show subscribers only positive emotions to avoid unnecessary questions.
  7. Make yourself fit. A little thinness never hurt anyone. Do not take pictures from below, do not pull your head into your shoulders. To achieve a wider look, a narrower chin, and a more prominent cleavage, hold the camera just above eye level with your arm outstretched. If the photo is "with legs", you can adjust the width of the hips by slightly turning the knees inward. Remember also that a slight tilt to the side and a hand on the belt visually slim the silhouette.

Selfies, as you know, at leisure are done by everyone without exception. Even those who will never admit it 😉 Our today's review will help you figure out how to take a selfie to please yourself, and collect the maximum possible number of likes on social networks.

For reference: how is selfie translated? Literally, this is a self-made photo, that is, a photo taken by you, which depicts you yourself.

In our opinion, the photo of the stars at the Oscars 2014 can be considered a legendary selfie. The fun taking place is depicted in a short video at the top of the post. A considerable number of stars fell into one photo: here you can admire both Jennifer Lawrence and Julia Roberts, the beautiful Angelina Jolie also lit up. Well, let's not leave the male half without attention - Brad Pitt alone is worth something, handsome Jared Leto and Channing Tatum ... There is no point in listing them all. They are well known to you!

The obvious conclusion is that in order to take a cool selfie, you need to take a picture with a star.

If for some reason you are not yet planning a meeting with a celebrity, then you can simply watch popular Instagram accounts and take your selfies cool. Here are some examples:

And here is a video in which popular models show themselves how beautiful it is to take a selfie:

And a few more words about the right selfie on the example of the stars: naturalness is always relevant. Many stars show their natural beauty, according to the hashtag #nomakeup (from English - “without makeup”) on Instagram, you can see for yourself. So you follow this fashion trend, the main thing is to choose the right light and a winning angle.

If you are in the photo with a pet or a wild animal, success is guaranteed! Charming little animals are a win-win option, as evidenced by these photos:

A good selfie is a photo in extreme conditions, or just in an interesting, extraordinary environment. And it is possible both there and there. In this case, a special “selfie stick”, called a “monopod” or a tripod for the phone, will help. "Selfie stick" has a special button, photos can be taken at a distance.

Let's get back to the technical side of the issue. Here are a few points that will help both guys and girls take a cool selfie:

  • Choose the right lighting. Daylight or cold light are the best helpers in making a good avatar or other photo.
  • Find a good angle. Everything comes with experience - try to shoot yourself from different angles, change the position of your head, etc. You will definitely find the one you need!
  • Girls for a change can use different types of makeup. We advise you to resort to the help of cosmetics with shining particles - illuminating bases, illuminators, shimmers, meteorites ... Everything will come in handy in this case! Do not forget that the camera "eats" makeup, so you can apply a little more tone, for example. But do not abuse - everything is good in moderation.
  • Sunglasses are very useful in a selfie case. They will hide a tired look, and give the image of mystery.
  • Sincere laughter or a smile look a hundred times better in the photo than, for example, the well-known, boring, but exploited by many "duck face" (duck lips). Such cuteness is obtained only in babies (and even then not always).

In the end, I would like to add that selfies are just momentary fun. No need to get carried away and spend half a day searching. If it doesn't work today, it will work tomorrow! Live a rich life and don't let social media become your main source of entertainment. After all, there are still books, friends and fun communication with them, family, travel, walks in the park, wind in your hair, ringing laughter, playing snowballs, sports, dogs and cats that need attention ... well, and much more. Yes, you must know everything yourself!