Sales techniques in tourism and psychological methods of influencing potential customers (tourists). How can a sanatorium increase sales of additional medical services

Hi all!

I want to talk to you about how to sell more tours over the phone, because I know How relevant is this to you today? Let's start by looking at what qualities a manager should have. on tourism, and then we will continue this topic.

The most important qualities of a selling tourism manager

1. Personal qualities - this is how your manager or, if you sell tours yourself, looks, how he dresses, what tone he speaks and how nice it is to hear his voice from the side.

I'll give you some advice:

  • If you are a tourism manager yourself, then be sure to work on it. Try to write down your voice and listen from the outside and honestly evaluate - it would be nice for you with such person to communicate on the phone.
  • If you are the head of a travel agency, then when choosing employees, be sure to pay attention to this and work with existing personnel on their personal qualities by recording telephone conversations.

2. Expertise - this is knowledge of the tourism product, i.e. destinations, countries, resorts, visa regulations, etc. Today, knowledge of the tourism product at a basic level is already Not index your expertise, you can see for yourself that often the tourists themselves know more about the country and read There is a lot of information on the Internet about this.

I will give some tips on what to do to increase your expertise in the eyes of the client:

  • It is necessary to find some features in each direction, such that they cannot be just find it on the Internet. This is your "trump card" when you say this to a tourist it has a WOW effect. For example, talk about a particular store, a restaurant, a guide or a person who should not (or should) buy souvenirs. Try this trick and you will be surprised how it affects sales.
  • Every month update your knowledge base in a specific area and always look for such "trump cards".
  • Try calling other agencies as a tourist and listen to what they say. t about directions (find a few chips for yourself in their stories).

P.S. Many clients go on vacation once a year and for this they save money for a whole year, so they want to entrust their vacation to the experts (although many people think that they are only looking for cheap prices).

3. Attitude - this is how the tourism manager and his leader relate to business, to clients, to work and to the industry as a whole.

I can firmly say that your sales depend very much on this. Your thoughts and words are material and the more often you think that this is not the right market and here the clients are all "goats", they are only looking for discounts, they do not value your time and, as a result, buy where it is cheaper, the worse your sales. For some reason, this is exactly what happens, amazing, isn't it?!

The worst thing here is when the leader himself believes in this and shows it to his employees their negative attitude towards business, the market and customers. My advice- watch your words and thoughts, you need to be careful with them!

4. Technique - this is just the use of technology and sales scripts (ready-made speech modules).

The sales process can be divided into the following stages (and your task is to create or use already tested speech modules for each stage):

  1. Discovery is the creation of a trusting relationship with the client at the first contact with him.
  2. Identification of customer needs.
  3. Presentation.
  4. Work with objections.
  5. Closing the deal.

So we discussed what4 important qualitiesa must have for every marketing travel manager. I want to draw your attention to the fact that this is by no means a theory, all these factors have a very strong influence on sales and you should immediately start working on it.

The 4th quality of a selling tourism manager is knowledge of sales techniques. This means that first the manager must understand what stages the process of selling tours consists of and what he must do at each stage, what scripts (speech modules) the manager must create and use.

We followed this whole process and noticed that most managers try to immediately sell tours by phone, voice offers with prices or send tour selections by mail.

We have found that this approach ends up with the client telling you “Thank you, we will think about it” or after sending the collection, the client does not respond to emails or calls at all. And vice versa, we paid attention to the fact that those customers who, after contacting, come to the office (7 out of 10), mainly buy tours, so we decided to develop technology in order to invite the client to the office in the first place.

But there is one big BUT - clients do not agree to come to the office just like that, so we decided to divide the sales process into several stages so that the PURPOSE of the manager was not to sell tours, but to set up and conduct a meeting.

What are the stages of sales

1. Discovery - creating trust in the client at the first contact with him

Unfortunately, our research using phone recordings and mystery shopping at their travel agency and other agencies shows that 90% of managers work very poorly on this and put little effort into it. What is a "discovery" in selling tours by phone?

This is the first contact that the tourism manager makes with the client as soon as the manager takes the application (online application or call). The task of the manager at this stage is to make a bold start and create maximum trust with the client so that the client will be pleased to continue talking with the manager.

  • Be sure to find out the name of the client;
  • State your name and company name;
  • Further address the client only by name;
  • Use phrases that the client is pleased to hear and which he rarely hears when communicating with managers of other travel agencies. For example: "I will be your personal manager";
  • You must show that you are ready to make the client happy. For example: “I want to convey gratitude to you from our company for choosing us and trusting us with your vacation. I will do everything in the name of the company to justify your trust.”

2. Identification of customer needs

If I were asked what is most important in the sales process, I would call the stage " Identification of customer needs". BUT for some reason, this is what most agencies put very little effort into, and when you ask them why this happens, they answer: “Clients just want to know the offer and the price right away. I would like that myself. Why spend so much effort on this when more applications can be processed instead?”

Of course, I am surprised by this approach and even more shocked when they spend more time sending offers 20 times and then calling 10 times from different numbers, hoping that the client will pick up the phone. It's sad, you know... It is through identifying the need that you can achieve a meeting in the office (that is, you have a better chance of this) and increase sales conversion.

My advice to you when writing scripts for this step:

  • Compose all questions in detail to identify the needs of the client. For example: “How many people are traveling, who is traveling, when do you plan to go, where do you want to go, etc.”;
  • Find out what clients really want from their vacation and what they would like to avoid;
  • Ask the client about past trips, what they liked then and what not;
  • Find out what is important for the client when choosing a tour and company.

What points should be paid attention to in the process of identifying customer needs:

  • More often address the client by name;
  • After the client's response, give comments;
  • Show your expertise;
  • Create new needs;
  • Create a picture of relaxation in the client's head when identifying needs;
  • During the conversation, gently remind him of deadlines (for example, that prices are rising every day and places are leaving, since all of Europe is being booked besides us);
  • Allow the client to speak and at the same time sell to himself.

IMPORTANT POINT: we sell the meeting to the client. After applying the scripts and identifying the needs of the client, there comes the moment of selling the meeting to the client (scheduling a meeting). The most important thing here is to use only those phrases, the answer to which can only be “yes” or “yes”. For example: “Dimitri, I heard you and, in principle, there are good options according to your wishes. I have a colleague who recently returned from there and we will show you in the office catalogs with real pictures. When is it convenient for you to come to our office? Will it be 18:00 today?”.

My tips for making an appointment:

  • Do not use phrases such as: "Could you come to our office?" or “Would it be convenient for you to come to our office?”;
  • Make an appointment with a very confident voice;
  • Not to conclude that I myself would not agree and that I myself would like to see the offer first;
  • After the offer to come to the office, do not justify why this is necessary and do not wait for the client's response;
  • Agree on a specific time, not "at the end of the week" or "in 2 days during the day."

3. Presentation

After you have identified all the needs of the client, we need to present our proposal at a meeting or by phone. Before I tell you how to properly conduct a presentation, how to write the necessary scripts correctly, I want to show you the difference between two important concepts that we will use in the presentation process - this Property And Benefit.

Let's use an example to show you the difference between them: "I live near the subway" is a property. “It doesn’t take long for me to walk to the subway in the morning” is the benefit of this property. I hope I could show you the difference with an example.

"Why do I need it?" - you ask. And here lies one not big secret of successful sales. When presenting, it is not enough for you to show the properties of the trip or hotel, you must also show what benefits the client will receive due to these properties.

For example, during a presentation, when talking about the territory of the hotel, you can do this: “The territory of the hotel is large and green (property), so you won’t be bored and there is a place where you can take a walk with your child (benefit).”

  • Make the most complete list of all properties, for example: grounds, hotel location, beach, food (kitchen), rooms, etc.
  • For each property, list typical benefits based on the situation.
  • When presenting, be sure to use the disadvantages in addition to the positive ones, because a presentation with flaws is more objective and creates more confidence in you from the client.
  • When presenting, take into account all the needs that you previously identified.
  • After calling the price, in no case do not pause, immediately ask a neutral question to close part of the client’s objections about the price. For example: Dmitry (client), the price of a tour to such and such a hotel from such and such a date to such and such with arrival and transfer from the airport to the hotel and back for two is $ 2500, but tell me everything is in order with the validity of your passport? There are still 6 months before the end of the term (this is just a neutral question).

4. Dealing with objections

The more I communicate with my colleagues, with tourism managers, with the heads of other travel agencies, the more I hear from them how they are tired of customer objections, for example: “We will think”, “Will you give a discount?”, “We were offered cheaper”, “ It's expensive”, etc. and everyone thinks that this is the biggest problem in selling tours and everyone is looking for magic pills for it.

What I want to tell you about customer objections:

  • This is not the biggest problem in sales.
  • It is necessary to process ALL objections and it is possible and necessary to close most of them.
  • If you go through all the previous stages of the sale correctly, and the main thing is to correctly identify needs, then there will be much less customer objections. And if you simply find out in a nutshell what the client wants and send a couple of selections of tours to the post office, this will not end with success.
  • The more you are annoyed by customers with their objections, the more often you will get such customers.
  • Make a list of all possible objections.
  • Compose various responses to these objections (for example: the client says "It's expensive", you answer: "It's expensive compared to what? Can we offer you an installment plan or a loan on good terms, or let's take a hotel of a lower category, or fewer nights")
  • Do not rush to distribute discounts, our practice shows that not all customers who ask for a discount will not buy without it, many of them simply try to get it.
  • You must understand that some clients still “merge” and we cannot sell to everyone.

5. Closing the deal

  • No matter how well you identify the needs of the client, no matter how you close the objections and no matter how expert you are, if you do not know how to close deals, then you lose most of the customers.
  • Clients (not only in tourism) are never in a hurry to buy and part with money that they earned with sweat and blood during the year, even if they want to get a valuable and desired product in return (in our case, this is a trip abroad).

My tips for closing deals:

I tried to be smart and give you all the practical information from my experience in running the tourism business.

Your task- start implementing all these technologies and get results. Read our articles, come to our seminars and trainings and make your travel agency more profitable.

P.S. write your comments and questions on the stages of sales, so that I can take this into account in the following articles.

Maria Bondarenko

Director of the Russian representative office of GP Solutions

Modern automation tools - how to increase sales and tour operator efficiency

The word “automation” is on everyone’s lips these days. However, not all companies have a clear idea of ​​how, by implementing this or that system, they will be able to increase sales and work efficiency. What do you think makes successful automation in tourism?

Effective sales in tourism primarily depend on the uniqueness of the proposed tourism products and their availability to buyers. It is important for a tour operator to clearly represent its niche in the market and offer appropriate services for it at the best prices. It is equally important to be flexible enough to respond to changing market conditions.
The use of modern automation technologies allows us to solve all these issues.

And due to what we can feel the effect?

Automation of a travel agency gives a complex effect.

Online interaction with suppliers will allow you to book their services directly from your system. You will also be able to offer online bookings to your agents, giving them access to your up-to-date offers and prices. As a result, you will save the working time of your managers and greatly simplify the work of partners. In addition, using the automation system, you can get the ability to effectively manage your own product base, flexible pricing mechanisms, manage seat quotas, as well as analytics for making managerial decisions.

If we consider the benefits of implementing automation tools in more detail, they are as follows:

1. Online booking

Thanks to the online connection of suppliers to your system, your company will be able to expand the range of offers indefinitely - no additional employees are required to process them, the system will take care of it.

Similarly, you will be able to grow your affiliate network. Thanks to this “self-service”, you will be able to devote more time to attracting buyers, and not spend it on approving applications.

Thus, you will increase the effective working time, which was previously limited by the office work schedule, because the system works around the clock, 365 days a year.

In addition, this is a great opportunity to organize sales directly from your site.

2. Sales management

The travel agency system allows you to fully control the sales process. For example, you can maintain a database of all the products you offer with net prices received from suppliers.

By setting up allowances and commissions for them, you will be able to sell travel services through various travel agencies, while the system will automatically calculate the cost of the order in each specific case.

Flexible settings of business rules will help to involve the maximum number of companies in your network on mutually beneficial terms. You can even customize the system to track the performance of your partners and offer more attractive terms (such as higher commissions) for the most successful of them.

3. Analytical tools

The system provides you with up-to-date information about the state of affairs and helps you make the right management decisions based on the reports it generates. At the same time, it frees managers from the need to spend time and effort on collecting and processing data. All information is automatically accumulated in the system and on its basis you can instantly receive the necessary reporting.

Thanks to this, the director will always know, for example, which regions and products sell best, how efficiently this or that manager works, or any other information.

Company Solutions GP Solutions contain special modules with which you can create a wide variety of products: from individual services (hotel accommodation, transfers, excursions, air tickets) to complex tours.
The main advantages of automating this area of ​​activity of the tour operator are expressed in the possibility of creating unique products that are in demand by the market. Moreover, the task of modern software is to provide maximum flexibility in creating a tourist product - both in terms of its description, and pricing and management of quotas of places.
It is these three factors that are key when creating your own products:
1. Detailed marketing descriptions of the offered tourist products provide an overview of the services provided. Such a description should include not only the description of the product itself, but also photographs, a map, specify the location of the object and a list of services available to the tourist. The more information you provide to a customer, the more likely they are to make a purchase. And the ability to enter descriptions in different languages ​​prepares the basis for successful sales in various regions.
2. Secondly, it flexible pricing. With our system, you can apply different rates for the same tour product (early booking, special offers), set up different discounts (eg free nights, discounts for children), etc. This will encourage more active sales.
3. Third, seat quota management. With this feature, you can set the number of available seats provided to you by suppliers, and the system will automatically reduce their number as they sell. You will also be able to sell seats at different rates (for example, set a limit that, subject to early redemption, you can sell some of the seats at a discount).
Thus, you can create optimal conditions for the sale of both individual travel services and complex tour packages.

Now the topic of integration with GDS and online providers is "fashionable" Is it possible in your system?

Successful integration with suppliers is one of the most important tasks solved by our system. We offer more than 20 ready-made integration modules for connecting to suppliers and all this on a single platform of our system. Suppliers available include GTA, HotelsPro, CarTrawler, Hotelbeds, DOTW, Tourico, Kuoni, RBC, Miki, HBSi, GoGlobal, Travco, Viator and the number is constantly growing. In addition, we are completing the connection of GDS: Galileo and Amadeus. An important advantage is that we offer not only hotels and air tickets, but also transfers, excursions, car rental, insurance.

Of course, this problem can be solved by other means. However, how justified is this?

There are a number of established online booking portals, such as Hotelbook, which are service consolidators. You can connect to them, but you will only get the possibility of online booking. We are not talking about any full-fledged automation of the company. Moreover, in this case, you actually change the role of a tour operator to the role of a travel agency, agreeing to work with ready-made offers and selling them for a fixed commission. In other words, you refuse to work directly with suppliers at net prices.

You can keep an active position as a tour operator and use many disparate systems, i.e. contact suppliers' booking systems directly. However, in this case, you will not be able to provide direct access to the systems to your agents and will be forced to book services on their behalf.

Write software for integration yourself? In the vast majority of cases, the time and money spent on this will be higher than buying a ready-made software solution. In addition, many tend to forget about the need to spend on technical support and refinement of the software solution to keep the system working with changes that constantly occur in the systems of suppliers.

Obviously, the best option in this situation is to use a ready-made software solution.

GP Solutions has significant experience in international markets. What are you ready to offer to your Russian clients?

Company GP Solutions exists for more than 8 years. We have been on the Russian market for 3 years, last year we opened a representative office in Moscow. Without false modesty, we can say that we are a European company that is at the forefront of modern IT solutions for the tourism industry.
We have extensive experience in the UK, Germany, USA markets. We have completed projects for operators such as TUI and Thomas Cook, which allowed us to accumulate enough knowledge and experience to develop our own software solutions for travel companies.

It should be noted that the company GP Solutions is a kind of bridge between Europe and Russia: we have modern technologies and experience in the most demanding markets of the world, and at the same time we perfectly know the needs of Russian tour operators and are ready to satisfy them.
We understand that in this area the positions of Russian developers such as Megatek and SAMO-soft are really strong, but we are not afraid of competition, because we are ready to offer the market a unique product.
On the other hand, we compare favorably with our foreign colleagues, as we know the Russian market and have adapted our solutions specifically for it.

Is your technology really that different from those already on the market?

The market is ready to offer good solutions for automating the activities of the tour operator. For example, the same systems from the Megatek and SAMO-soft companies. As well as there are good platforms for online booking. The uniqueness of our technology is that in one product we allow the tour operator to do both, and therefore you do not have to buy software twice.
In addition, the system supports multilingual interface and content, which makes it universal for any market, and works as a web application over the Internet, and therefore does not require installation on the client's server and is available 24 hours 7 days a week. Our mission is to make software available for tour operators.
At the same time, accessibility does not mean limited opportunities. An important advantage of the system is the flexibility of configuration and the possibility of developing the system as the company itself develops.
Firstly, you can not install all the modules at once, but connect them as needed. Secondly, as we develop new functional modules, they will also be available for inclusion in the already used configuration. XML technology allows you to easily connect new suppliers (for the next year, we plan to integrate several dozen consolidators, as well as tour operators specializing in various areas).
The reporting module provides various sections of statistical data, tables, graphs, etc. The online payment module was recently connected. Soon we will present complex tours, and we also plan to further develop modules for working with our own products. So, by purchasing a system today, you ensure its relevance for years to come.
And all this is available at very favorable conditions.

In what way? Automation is usually difficult, expensive and time consuming...

By entering the Russian market, we want to break this stereotype. Automation in tourism is not necessarily difficult, expensive and time consuming!
Indeed, if you develop systems of this class on your own, then investments can amount to hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars. Off-the-shelf products offered by the market and installed on your server can also require significant investments. But there are a huge number of companies that just need affordable software. For such companies, we are ready to offer a new project - Travel eXpresso- an online portal where the tour operator can get their own fully functional travel agency automation system in a matter of minutes. You can learn more about this service at
The uniqueness of this service is that it is built on the principle of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS, "Software Solutions as a Service"), the essence of which is that you do not need to make significant investments to use the software. This approach has a number of advantages:
1 . Firstly, you do not need to install anything, just register on the portal and work with the system through a browser. As you can see, it does not require any special technical knowledge and is not difficult at all.
At the same time, you get all the functionality you need to work. You receive offers from suppliers, you enter your own products and services into the system and sell them both to your partners and, if desired, directly to tourists, for example through your website. We emphasize that we do not interfere in the financial conditions and pricing. The tour operator himself concludes contracts with suppliers and agrees on the rules of the game. We only give him software to make his work as convenient as possible.
2. Second, it's not expensive. The simplest system configuration costs only from 225 euro per month.
3. And thirdly, connecting to the system takes no more than 3 days.
This is the best option for small and medium-sized companies.

An analysis of the development of world tourism shows that its effectiveness largely depends on the formation of a highly profitable and prestigious entertainment industry. Recently, the effective holding of mass events has become increasingly important for the development of this sphere, i.e. those involving a large number of people. Purposefully organized public events attract many international and domestic tourists. Such events create a steady demand for all types of tourist services: for their advertising, booking, transport services for tourists, their accommodation, food, cultural, entertainment, information, insurance, sports, health and excursion support, etc. . Currently, there is no generally accepted classification of mass tourist events.

The issues of the effectiveness of mass events in tourism are paid attention to by such domestic scientists as Baylik S.I., Kovalevsky G.V., Kontar R.O., Sokirka O.M. and etc.

The aim of the study is to establish the main problems of tourism development in Ukraine at the present stage and to determine the most effective ways to solve them, in particular, the development of the entertainment sector.

Summarizing international experience, we can recommend the following classification of mass tourism events: holidays (state, religious and local); sports competitions (including the Olympic Games); carnivals (for example, the Brazilian Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the Cologne Carnival in Germany, the Venice Carnival in Italy); festivals (contemporary music, folklore, cinematography); theatrical performances (historical events, famous operas, operettas); parades and processions (for example, parades of military bands, the annual London City parade, etc.); local traditional folk games (Cossack games in Ukraine, log throwing in Scotland, etc.); corporate and professional mass events (holidays and anniversaries of firms, professions, etc.); gambling (in casinos, slot machine centers, etc.); animation games and shows (carried out by professional animators); fairs, expositions and presentations of goods, food, flowers, technology, scientific achievements, etc.; exhibitions of paintings, sculptures and other works of art, culture; mass discos and dances; fireworks and fireworks.

Important indicators of the effectiveness of entertainment in the tourism business should be the amount of total net profit received in an internationally recognized currency (in US dollars or euros), as well as the number of additional tourists attracted through the development of this sector. An analysis of the development of the entertainment sector in tourism in Ukraine shows its insufficient efficiency. Incomes from international tourism and gambling are not significant sources of income for the state budget of Ukraine, the budgets of regions and cities, as well as for improving the quality of life and increasing the incomes of the population of our country. Meanwhile, in a number of countries, these incomes constitute a significant part of all incomes of the state, its regions, cities and local residents (Switzerland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Turkey, Egypt, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, USA, etc.).

According to the authors, there are three main problems, the solution of which depends on the effectiveness of the development of the entertainment sector in tourism in Ukraine. Firstly, this is the lack of proper advertising of Ukraine's tourism opportunities. Many travel companies "save money" on advertising, not taking into account the fact that it is advertising that provides additional tourist flows, and, consequently, additional income.

Secondly, modern entertainment infrastructure has not been formed in Ukraine. Such high technologies as the systematic use of Internet resources, online booking and sale of tourist services, the use of electronic machines in places of residence to save electricity, water and heat, digital surveillance cameras, car rental, the latest tourist equipment, etc. are slowly being introduced. The almost complete absence of modern roads and proper living conditions for international tourists makes many mass entertainment events inaccessible and inefficient.

Thirdly, the low level of professionalism in the field of tourism. The analysis showed that all existing problems in tourism can be effectively solved only by professionals who are armed with special knowledge and skills. In the field of entertainment, these are animators, gambling business managers, international tourism marketers, etc.

To correctly determine the effectiveness of mass events in tourism, it is necessary to draw up forecasted and actual balances of expenses and income from these events. The analysis showed that there are no such balances in many programs and business plans for the development of tourism in the regions, cities and tourism companies of our country.

Thus, the main problems of the effective development of mass events in tourism include: the lack of effective advertising of the tourism potential of Ukraine; poor development of tourism infrastructure; discrepancy between the level of service and modern requirements due to the low professionalism of many employees in the tourism sector, which requires the implementation of educational programs.

Literature Bailik S.I. Introduction to hospitality animation / S.I. Bailik. - Kharkov: Prapor, 2006. - 160 p. Kovalevsky G.V. Ideas, searches, solutions / G.V. Kovalevsky. - Kharkov: Kharkov. nat. acad. mountains household, 2005. - 179 p. Kovalevsky G.V. New urban economics and international urban tourism / G.V. Kovalevsky // Communal services of cities. - 2002. - No. 37.

Earlier, we already told you about the components of effective ROI marketing:,. It's time to share the results. Today I will tell you about how, using an integrated approach, in a highly competitive tourism industry, in just six months, we increased the Client's sales by 4 times, having received an ROI of 868%.

  • Service:
  • Industry: tourism (sale of vouchers in the sanatorium of Belokurikha)
  • Internet marketing budget: 85,000 - 167,000 rubles / month. (including the cost of LeadMachine services)
  • Work period: 6 months.

The client turned to LeadMachine for an increase in sales.

The situation in the industry at the time of the start of the project was unstable: consumers
travel agencies were treated with great distrust, preferring to book tours to health resorts directly. In addition, sanatoriums often offered tourists vouchers with a discount of up to 5%. Our Client could not afford this.

Our task was to dispel the fears of tourists. Offer them something more than just a ticket to a sanatorium. It was necessary to find something that would attract customers regardless of the cost.

1 month. Website Analytics

We start work on each project with a complete site and immersion
to the client's business. This helps us to find not only Internet marketing growth points, but also holes in the sales funnel - blunders due to which the Client loses profit.

Site analytics will help you find weaknesses in the sales funnel and growth points.

The conducted analytics showed the following key errors:

  • the competitive advantages of the company are not highlighted;
  • feedback forms are too complicated and contain captcha fields;
  • there were no blocks inspiring confidence of potential Clients;
  • the site attracted inappropriate traffic from Google AdWords: there was only one advertising campaign, it was set up incorrectly - starting
    from strategy to irrelevant keywords and a list of negative keywords consisting of three queries;
  • it is difficult for users to navigate the site and understand the conditions for purchasing a ticket;
  • the work of the sales department specialists raised questions: they did not call back on missed calls, they did not always communicate politely and convincingly
    with clients.

Client: “It seems that obvious things are described in the analytics - why didn’t I notice them myself before? We urgently need to fix the mistakes!”

The conversion to an application from the site was minimal - only 1.1%. It was necessary to develop the project in all directions: make changes to the site, attract paid traffic, connect mailing lists, control the work of the sales department. I decided to start with site improvements: it makes no sense to buy traffic to an unprepared site.
We got to work.

The Client spent more than 25,000 rubles on such traffic from Google Adwords. monthly.

2 month. Improvements on the site, collection of semantics

At the very beginning of the journey, it was critically important to fix the errors that destroy the conversion of the site: we removed unnecessary mandatory fields from the feedback forms
and captcha. Highlighted the key advantages of the company and placed them on the banner
on the first screen. They described in detail the advantages of the company, posted photos of employees. The “How to buy a ticket” page has been redesigned — it describes the mechanics of buying a ticket through an agency as clearly as possible.

We made a number of changes that increase the usability of the site and the credibility of the company:

  • improved site navigation - changed the order and names of subsections
    in cards of sanatoriums (“Prices”, “Meals” and others);
  • set anchors for subsections (previously, when switching to subsections, the page url did not change. We would not be able to link to these sections
    in ads in contextual advertising);
  • price lists on the site began to be placed in a more convenient PDF format;
  • removed distracting elements from the site header, placed information in it
    that the 8-800 line is free;
  • set up the display of the latest reviews about the company on key pages.

Changed main page of the site.

After the site was improved, we started collecting the semantic core for launching contextual advertising. The old semantic core included only 200 queries, about 80% of which were non-targeted, so the collection started from scratch.

Optimize existing sources of traffic before launching new ones: this will save your advertising budget and reduce the cost per lead.

After analyzing competitors in context, I found that all ads focused on the 5% discount provided. No advertiser
did not indicate other benefits, none indicated the cost of the tour. We have a chance to stand out from the competition.

We set up 42 advertising campaigns for 14 regions of interest. We created 1202 advertisements, each of which described the advantages of the company (the availability of vouchers, transfers) and indicated the actual cost of a voucher in a sanatorium.

3 month. Launch of Yandex.Direct, advertising optimization, implementation of Roistat — ROI 282%

The third month was devoted to setting up and launching advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct, their subsequent optimization and campaigns in Google AdWords.

Increasing net profit is impossible without optimizing costs - so I began to delve into all the paid tools and services of the Client. First,
what my eyes fell on were huge telephony bills from one of the federal cellular operators. We needed to cut communication costs.

It is not enough to simply increase sales. It is also important to optimize costs.

The most optimal solution was to use ip-telephony with the number 8 (800) for incoming calls and (495) for outgoing calls. We could not connect the existing free line number to sip: the technical capabilities of the operator did not allow. Therefore, at first, 2 free lines worked at once. A month later, we turned off the old number - and from that moment we really began to feel the savings.

In Google Analytics, I saw the number of applications for each customer acquisition channel, but did not understand which one brings the most profit. A tool was needed that would make the Client's Internet marketing transparent. We started implementing Roistat.

As an experiment, a Roistat widget was placed on the site - “Lead Catcher”. I wanted to see if it could replace the paid CallBackHunter. It turned out that the conversion to a lead through the Lead Catcher was superior to the conversion of CallBackHunter.

Conversion to the application through the "Lead Catcher" Roistat.

The results of the work performed pleased both us and the Client: the conversion to a lead increased to 2.82%, the return on investment in Internet marketing was 282%.
But we wanted more.

4 month. Experiments, CRM and experiments with CRM - ROI 264%

Internet marketing is effective without experimentation. I started experimenting with feedback forms - I needed to see if the replacement of the tour order form would affect the conversion. The conversion of the old form was too low. The implementation of the new form took about a week. Our expectations regarding the increase in conversion were justified: it increased by 3 times.

The increase in the conversion of the tour order form after its optimization

A new online consultant has been introduced to the site. I talked about this experiment in detail in. The widget from JivoSite gave us 8 times more leads than the old online consultant without an active invitation form.

In parallel with the experiments, we wanted to improve the quality of the sales department. This required CRM. We opted for one of the popular CRM systems, purchased one license to evaluate the convenience of work. By the end of the month, data began to be correctly transferred from CRM to Roistat.

While I was happy about the emergence of transparent Internet marketing, the Client was sad
due to the increased volume of work: it was necessary to process applications in one program, issue documents in another, and control payment in a third. It was inconvenient.

Client: “We wanted to simplify the application process, but instead it became more complicated. Of course, it was annoying. Losses of 8,000 rubles, but this is experience "

We decided before it's too late to replace CRM with one in which a full-fledged workflow would be possible. The search for a suitable CRM was planned for the next month.

Look for services that will suit you 100%. From uncomfortable sooner or later you still refuse.

And a new problem awaited us: it turned out that incoming calls from managers from the number (495) alarmed the Clients. They thought that resellers called them from Moscow, and they did not always pick up the phone. It was necessary to purchase a number with a local area code for outgoing calls - Novosibirsk or Barnaul.

Website conversion due to the use of new tools increased to 3.76%,
ROI has slightly decreased compared to the previous month - up to 264%.

5 month. Sold all vouchers in the resort - ROI 738%

As a new CRM, we chose Bitrix24 - a complete document flow was possible in it. Debugging the integration of Bitrix24 with Roistat took several days.

As a result of a long search for a company that provides outgoing ip-telephony, I chose Callobok. There we were offered the most favorable rates and the ability to display our 8-800 number on the Clients' mobile devices. When Clients called managers back, the call was free for them.

So that sales managers do not spend a lot of time processing an incoming call and filling in information about a potential Client, they connected a virtual PBX OnlinePBX.

And as soon as we had to start enjoying the convenient CRM and the new PBX, a terrible thing happened: we had nothing to sell. There are no vacancies left in the sanatoriums for the next two months. We spent money on attracting visitors for whom we had nothing to offer.

Client: “Customers are coming, calls are coming, orders are coming, and I have nothing to sell. I didn't think this would ever happen."

We could not stop advertising campaigns: this would lead to the cancellation of applications
for later trips (Clients in the search engines never indicated the date of arrival), and sales would have dipped. Therefore, we simply reduced the rates for advertisements and began to hope that the Client would be able to agree on additional places in the sanatorium.

Luck was on our side: the client was allocated additional seats. We immediately sent out a mailing list to the database of Clients who could not get to the desired sanatorium due to lack of places. The mailing costs were minimal, but the effect is obvious: we were able to return some of the Clients in this way.

Despite the difficulties, the dynamics of the project's development was positive: conversion to an application from the site increased to 4.15%, ROI in Internet marketing increased to 738%.

6 month. Website improvements, advertising optimization - ROI 868%

In the sixth month, we returned to the site again: we replaced the remaining feedback forms, updated the price lists (added links to go to the tour booking form), turned off insufficiently effective ads in contextual advertising.

The client was concerned about the increased cost of website promotion services from its contractors. I decided to check if the monthly investment in seo is justified. We carried out a full-fledged seo- and tech. site audit. We found out that for more than 2.5 years, the Client's contractors only imitated SEO work, sending the same reports every month. The site was promoted by such low-frequency requests that the amount of traffic received was only 36 clicks per month. Starting next month, we decided to stop using website promotion services.

This is how our Client's sales and ROI increased.

By the seventh month, the conversion to an application from the site was 5.65%, ROI - 868%. A satisfied Client left a review about our work - we share it with you :)

Sanatorium business

Who is this section for?
  1. For owners and managers of sanatoriums.
  2. For heads of managing companies of sanatoriums.
  3. For owners of hotels and boarding houses who want to develop their own medical direction.

1. For owners and managers of sanatoriums.

1.1. How to increase sales of spa vouchers by 30% without investing in infrastructure and services?

Most managers and owners of sanatoriums are well aware that without improving the quality of service, the financial situation cannot be improved. And here they face a difficult task - how to improve the quality of services if there is not enough money for this?

Our studies have shown that sanatoriums, with their level of service and prices, lose up to 30-50% of sales due to improper organization of the sales system.

Where are sales lost?

  • Sales people don't always answer calls. For example, at lunchtime. In addition, the work schedule of employees is up to 16-18, and it is convenient for many customers to call at a later time.
  • Not all sales staff are qualified to work with clients.
  • Often it is not convenient for the client to make an advance payment for a ticket. No-show for bookings without prepayment is 50-70%.
  • Travel agents and operators are reluctant to work with most resorts due to the fact that it is difficult to reach them by phone and because of the long response to the request.
  • Soft quotas do not solve the problems of either the travel agency / operator or the sanatorium, because in this case, there is no real obligation on either side.
  • The labor-intensive workflow for sales (monthly sales report, trip report, agent reports, reconciliation with agents) leads to the fact that a week a month sales department employees are engaged in reports, not sales.
  • If the sanatorium does not have automated work on booking and accommodation, the staff does not see an objective picture of the free room stock and is not able to provide loading even with a strong desire, which is often not there.
If you add marketing flaws here (see a separate section), then the losses are enormous!
We always say that the sanatorium has something to sell on the existing material and technical base!
So what does a 30% loss mean? With an annual turnover of 100 million rubles, this is 30 million lost funds! Tell me, would you find something to spend them on?

1.2. How to solve the problem of losses in 1 month?

There is a ready-made solution, the implementation time of which is 2-4 weeks, depending on the number of rooms in the sanatorium.

An Automated Reservation System (ARS) has been developed and implemented on the basis of several dozen health resorts, which allows solving all the above problems of sales losses, namely:

  • The system operates in a fully automatic mode, without a manager, which means around the clock and without the influence of the human factor. Costs for remuneration of booking managers and telephone conversations are reduced. Increased sales efficiency.
  • For clients, the convenience of choosing rooms and medical programs is provided, everything is described in detail and structured in the booking system.
  • To ensure prepayment for tours, several payment methods are organized, including by bank card, through Qiwi and similar terminals, through Euroset stores, and others. At the same time, the money will be credited to the sanatorium's account within 3-5 days, and payment information will be received immediately.
  • The check-in procedure is simplified, the reservation automatically enters the room management system. She is seen by the administrator of the sanatorium immediately after the client pays for the ticket.
  • Increases the conversion (the ratio of the number of site visitors to the number of those who bought tickets) of the health resort site and the effectiveness of online advertising.
  • It gives you the opportunity to connect an unlimited number of agents and operators, providing the opportunity to work online, without requests to the sanatorium.
  • All reports are generated automatically, freeing up managers' time to work on active sales.
  • When setting up the system, the workflow of the sanatorium is optimized regarding price lists, tariff policy, rules and conditions for booking, regulations for the provision of sanatorium and resort services.
1.3. You will be able to connect to the modern service of online booking of sanatorium vouchers

The flow of customers that comes from beauty and health portals with a multi-million audience.

2. For heads of managing companies of sanatoriums.

In addition to the tasks facing the sanatorium (see the section above), the Management Companies (MC) have a number of tasks related to coordinating the operation of the network of facilities and controlling their financial and performance discipline.

Practice shows that the activities of management companies become effective ONLY when the management company begins to manage sales. Only in this case, the management company is not only a consumer of funds earned by sanatoriums, but also a real source of additional income. Terms of implementation - from 1 month, depending on the complexity of the project.

We offer a READY SOLUTION FOR MANAGEMENT COMPANIES, already put into practice and providing multi-million dollar turnover. The centralized automated booking system allows you to:

  • Organize modern sales departments in sanatoriums (see above).
  • Become the main operator for your network of resorts, connect an unlimited number of agents and operators to your booking system on standard terms, which means at minimal cost.
  • Organization of the reservation department with minimal costs, because booking, payment for applications and the formation of documents and reports occurs automatically.
  • The efficiency of the agent network is increased due to the convenience of agents - instant confirmation of the request, numbers are almost always available, because numbers are not kept on soft quotas, there is no need to call the sanatorium or management company, full information about rooms and services is provided from the site and from the CRS.
  • The capitalization of not only individual sanatoriums, but also the management company itself is increasing. The investment attractiveness of the complex is increasing.
  • Provides full control of the tariff policy, the application of tariffs of sanatoriums. Corporate sales standards are provided, which significantly increases the loyalty of customers and partners.
  • Provides the ability to connect to a modern online service for booking sanatorium tours, the flow of customers to which comes from beauty and health portals with a multi-million audience.
  • When introducing the CRS, the formalization of business processes and workflow of subordinate sanatoriums is carried out, which contributes to the improvement of financial discipline and the quality of services.
As practice shows, the introduction of the Centralized Automated Booking System provides an increase in income by 20-50%. Now count how much money you are losing EVERY DAY from the fact that you do not have this system yet!

3. For owners of hotels and boarding houses who want to develop their own medical direction.

The benefits of developing the medical field are obvious to many hoteliers:

  • Extending customer stays. The medical program has a duration of at least 7-10 days.
  • Reduced seasonality for seaside hotels. It is most favorable to engage in treatment in the off-season, during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, when there is no heat and an influx of vacationers.
  • Many hotels have nearby hospitals, or their own areas that need to be used in serving guests.
We offer:
  • Consulting services for the development of the medical direction in the hotel. These are either general health courses, spa programs, or the treatment of specific medical problems. It is possible to organize programs under the guidance of Moscow professors.
  • Participation in the design and organization of the sales system for the object.
  • Services for the implementation of own service standards.