Troitsk and Shcherbinka will be connected by a new four-lane highway. Distance from Shcherbinka to South Butovo

The length of the road from Shcherbinka to the South Butovo area is 4 km. To choose the best road for moving between the selected points, you should use an interactive map. To do this, you must specify the point of departure and the point of destination. The route is determined by laying the route along the roads. For this purpose, the most high-speed highways and highways are used. The map shows the settlements that you will meet on your way when driving along the highway between Shcherbinka and the Yuzhnoye Butovo district. The route proposed by the map from Shcherbinka to the South Butovo region is not the only possible one. You can make your way through the settlement of your choice. To get more detailed information about settlements and other objects on your way, you should use the zoom function. You may also be interested in information about the time required to overcome the calculated distance. The average time needed to cover the distance between Shcherbinka and Yuzhnoe Butovo is 0 hours 9 minutes. Many motorists are accustomed to using paper road maps. To print the road map Shcherbinka-South Butovo, you should click on the button with the image of the printer and get the map in the format you need.

You set out to overcome the distance from Shcherbinka to Yuzhnoe Butovo. Which of the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly and at the lowest cost as possible. One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the point of origin and the end point of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between Shcherbinka and Yuzhnoye Butovo. With a known average vehicle speed, it is possible to calculate the travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question of how many km between Shcherbinka and the Yuzhnoye Butovo region is 4 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 0 h.9 min. The map is very easy to work with. The system itself will find the shortest distance and suggest the OPTIMAL route. The route from Shcherbinka to the Yuzhnoye Butovo area is shown in the diagram with a thick line. On the map you will see all the settlements that will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list of settlements along the highway Shcherbinka - Yuzhnoye Butovo district at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you can quickly navigate in unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to get, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from Shcherbinka to the Yuzhnoye Butovo region and knowing how to get through difficult interchanges, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from Shcherbinka to the Yuzhnoye Butovo region.

Panorama of Shcherbinka and South Butovo area

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate the problems that may arise in unfamiliar terrain and get over the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Do not miss the details, check in advance on the map all the complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver who travels long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having built a route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has different modes. Use the result of the work of ordinary Internet users and refer to the "People's Map" mode. You may find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. A preliminary calculation of the time and the built route of the trip will help to meet the schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. Thus, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use while driving substances that cause alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error in measuring the level of alcohol in the blood is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while driving.
Good luck on the roads!

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In Roads of life

Recently, a long-awaited event took place - a road was built connecting the villages of Schibrovo and Nokokuryanovo with South Butovo. In recent decades, they have been cut off from civilization by impassability (although they were part of Moscow). Every day, people tried to cross the abandoned field in order to get to the polyclinic, council and kindergartens to which they are attached.

Only 700 meters of a life-saving road, but this is literally hours saved for people in traffic jams. Pay attention to the huge number of "traveled people's roads." They have covered the entire field.

Photo from a height of 380 meters

This is how the residents of Novokuryanovo and Schibrovo were forced to "ride".

Or like this. Just imagine this place after even a little rain.

A new temporary road has been built. It is temporary because it was built not from a hard surface, but from used asphalt chips in just 3 days. This will be enough while the project for the construction of a full-fledged road with all communications, lighting, drainage, sidewalks and so on is being finalized.

So that you understand the scale of the "tragedy", here's a map for you - the overrun was more than 10 km, through traffic jams and a long journey!

Surely, you have noticed an unusual circle - this is an experimental railway ring - a testing ground for railway transport. It consists of three ring tracks with different turning radius and profile, it was built already in 1932 and until 1960 it was the only one in the world.

This is what it looks like from above. And in the middle .... the very village of Novokuryanovo. Why the ring was built around this village remains a mystery.

The new road is highlighted in color. Very close to the center of civilization - South Butovo

For this work, one cannot fail to say thanks to the Deputy Mayor Petr Biryukov and his subordinate organization GBU "Highways". In just a few days, such an important passage was erected!

Quite nearby, the second road of life has recently opened, connecting Yuzhnoye Butovo and Kaluga highway, bypassing the Moscow Ring Road! Butovites have been waiting for this passage for many years, even suing the local Alfa cottage complex, which blocked several city roads. Soon there should be a denouement of this trial, but unexpectedly a road was built to detour. The road, of course, is not ice. Narrow, very curved, but uncontested, therefore extremely popular.

Here is one of the bottlenecks, here it is difficult even to drive in both directions.

This road is also temporary and made by developers of residential complexes that grow here like mushrooms. I hope that a full-fledged road will also appear soon, and not just high-rise buildings.

Troitsk and Shcherbinka will be connected by a new highway with a tram. This is stated in the documents of the Moscow Committee for Architecture. The new street will stretch from Varshavskoye highway past the Shcherbinka platform, through the villages of Andreevskoye and Yakovlevo to Troitsk, with a total length of 17 kilometers. The tram line will have 20 stops.

"The transport and planning solution with a total length of 17 kilometers of the projected main street of regional significance provides for the construction of the main carriageway with two to four lanes in each direction, the construction of a bridge at the intersection with the Desna River and three traffic interchanges at the intersections with Varshavskoye Highway, the Kursk direction of the Moscow Railways and the projected main street of citywide significance "MKAD - Kommunarka village - Ostafyevo airport," the ICA documents say.

Photos of the Moscow Committee for Architecture

It is also planned to reconstruct part of the Ryazanovskoye Highway in the section from the new road to the main street "Shcherbinka - the village of Molodtsy - the village of Alkhimovo". The capacity of the highway will be 700-1400 units per hour in each direction. In addition, tram tracks will be laid along it.

"The formation of rail transport is provided for on a separate roadway as part of the boundaries of the street-road network with a total length of 16.9 kilometers, including in the red lines of the main street "Varshavskoe highway - the village of Andreevskoye - the village of Yakovlevo" - 13.8 kilometers, and 3.1 kilometers along the territory of the adjacent planned residential areas. Twenty stopping points are provided along the rail transport route," the department's documentation says.

The authorities of the capital are planning to develop a public transport network in the south of Moscow. In particular, it is expected that by 2025 the network of high-speed tram lines in the TiNAO will be almost fifty kilometers, and over the next ten years it will grow by more than . Thus, the length of high-speed tram lines on the territory of the TiNAO will reach 175 kilometers by 2035. In total, nine high-speed tram routes are planned, which will connect the settlements of the TiNAO with each other, as well as provide their residents with access to highways, railway platforms and metro stations.

Kirill Yankov, Chairman of the Passenger Union of Russia, notes that the new highway will significantly reduce travel time from Shcherbinka to Troitsk.

"Now the tram network is actively developing in Tinao, which is very good for passengers. The new highway, in fact, will become a chord connecting the two directions. Of course, in addition to trams, buses and minibuses will start running there - I consider this inevitable. from Troitsk to Shcherbinka will be almost halved: now it is about 50 minutes, but on a direct road it will take 25-30 minutes," the expert explained.

Sergey Kanaev, the leader of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia, believes that the transverse highway will also help partially relieve the southern sections of the Moscow Ring Road.

“Southern directions are very popular not only among Muscovites, but also among transit transport. As you know, today Kaluzhka and Varshavka are heavily loaded. And this chord, firstly, will reduce traffic jams, and secondly, will allow transit transport to be diverted from the capital. They will not need to go through the Moscow Ring Road if it becomes possible to switch from one highway to another away from the city. This is an undoubted benefit, and it would be nice to connect all the highways leading from the capital with such jumpers, "the source concluded.

In order to unload the southern direction, the authorities plan to build an eastern understudy of the Kaluga highway. It will pass through the territory of the TiNAO from Sosenki to the Central Ring Road. To optimize passenger traffic, they will be allowed to use an understudy (BRT - Bus rapid transit). Their line will be located in the middle of the highway, it will be separated from the rest of the traffic lanes by protective fences. The total length of the section is 21.2 kilometers, the line of high-speed buses will be 10.4 kilometers. In addition, on the pedestrian part of the Kaluga highway in the TiNAO may appear. Prefect of the TiNAO Dmitry Nabokin clarified that the district authorities will determine sections for bike paths on the Kaluga and Kiev highways, as well as allocate bike lanes connecting the settlements of the districts.