What phase is Mercury in? Retrograde Mercury in Zodiac Signs

Retrograde movement planets weakens energy by the fact that it reaches us in a distorted form. Periods Mercury retrograde noticeable to all zodiac signs, because Mercury is communications, contacts, clarity of consciousness and the ability to speak and think.

Mercury retrograde comes so that we have time to unload the information waste accumulated over 12-13 weeks of direct progress. In essence, for the sublunary world, this phenomenon is similar to a software reboot or upgrade. It is difficult to set a new goal while the process of updating perception on personal level.

In March-April Mercury retrograde transited Aries sign. It's a sign Mars, warlike, risky, causing damage due to carelessness and aggressiveness. The ability to analyze has decreased due to haste and teenage shortsightedness. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, always ready to start a new business, progressive and confident of victory, but retro Mercury forced something unresolved in the past to be worked out before giving access to a new beginning.

In July-August Mercury will be transiting Leo sign. He'll have to go back to to the sun, which for us means value your surroundings. July will be replete with astro events - eclipses and turning Jupiter, as well as retrograde motion Mars and Mercury. The Leo sign contains the energy of fire, just like the Aries sign. The struggle for progress, for development and recognition is this sign’s favorite thing. To avoid negative influence and not get into bad company, you should stick to old friends, bring someone from the former team back on board, and team up with like-minded people. It is very important to seek help during this period. Leo has difficulty recognizing the need to ask loved ones, so you also need to be attentive to them and take the initiative. During this period, it is good to ask for forgiveness and continue to build relationships. A change in command personnel or the acquisition of a whole group of important allies is likely.

November and early December will pass under the influence of retrograde Mercury in fire sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the sign of the planet Jupiter, which expands opportunities and raises spirituality. Sagittarius is an intellectual, progressive fighter for justice. Old faces in politics may reappear in the public sphere. International relations will bear both the achievements and problems of what has been accumulated over the year, and we will have to come to an agreement. In relationships, honesty will come to the fore, unity will become more important than discord.

Thus, 2018 contains special time zones, when the influence of retrograde Mercury is associated with the element of fire. In spring, new sprouts of ideas, relationships, and endeavors appeared. It was necessary to get rid of weeds and dead ends, as a good farmer does before sowing. In summer, Mercury retrograde in the sign of Leo will show you what you can do and what responsibility you need to transfer to someone else. The end of July and the beginning of August is a time of unification with other people on the basis of similarity and similarity of interests. It is important to become someone meaningful, and not just to have wide connections in society. You may have to change your environment.

Sagittarius and retrograde Mercury will bring the energy of the element of fire to a high level of comprehension at the end of the year. Spiritual growth, public success, change of plans for the new year, as well as turns in cultural connections, global and ordinary. After a kind of retro purification by Mercury, unions and unifications will be successful, since the necessary updates will already be installed. All periods of retrograde movement of Mercury in the signs of the element of fire are an indicator of the course for development, because the element of fire is the driving force of the Universe.

Exact dates: March 23 – April 15, July 26 – August 19, November 17 – December 7.

Retrograde- this is a special type of planetary movement, when for an earthly observer, the planet is moving backward - “backing away”. This effect occurs due to different movement speeds. Remember when you are traveling on a train and you see from the window another train that is moving in the same direction, but slower. It seems to you that another train is going backwards.

All planets are retrograde except the Sun and Moon. The most powerful influence on our earthly affairs is exerted by the retrograde movement of Mercury and Venus.

During retrograde, Mercury acts in an unusual way. The accuracy and correctness of our decisions is questioned, and we often cannot perceive information correctly. For example, when buying a house or a car during Mercury retrograde, we do not notice defects that will reveal themselves to us over time.

When we go on a trip or get a new job, we are subsequently surprised that the conditions turn out to be completely different from what was presented. Many agreements concluded during this period are not implemented properly.

Therefore, the time of Mercury retrograde is a rather difficult period for business. All proposals received at this time should be considered very carefully.

If you are planning your vacation, check Mercury retrograde period. Many “surprises” await you if your travel date falls during this period. The hotel was not the one you booked. You wanted to visit the Dali Museum. It is closed on this day. It's even worse if you go on vacation by car.

During the retrograde period, it becomes more difficult to express and convey your thoughts. The performance of communications equipment is deteriorating, equipment is breaking down more often and malfunctioning.

  • Work with old connections and contacts.
  • Deal with unfinished and already existing projects and documents.
  • It’s good to put things in order, throw away all unnecessary papers and other storage media.
  • Quit your job.
  • Get a seasonal job.
  • Creative people should expect inspiration - you can think about new projects, ideas, plans.
  • Work with your mental attitudes. Pay attention to how thoughts shape our destiny, our attitude towards the world and ourselves.
  • It’s good to work with your complexes, subconscious programs, psychological blocks and clamps.
  • The period is good for working with a psychotherapist or for psychoanalysis.
  • There is an increased chance to deal with many of your internal problems, realize them, and bring them out.
  • Meditate, clear and calm your mind.
  • Repair broken equipment.
  • Meet old friends and relatives.
  • Drivers should pay extra attention to the road.
  • Try not to take long trips.
  • This is a good time to retake exams.
  • Love relationships that begin at this time will not last.
  • It's good to renew old friendships.
  • It's good to do painstaking mental work.

The period of Mercury retrograde has arrived...

What does it mean? How might this affect us? And how can we use this time to our advantage?

In astrology, the concept of “retrograde” means a change in the direction of a planet’s movement. When any planet begins to move backwards, its energy rushes inward and begins to act somewhat differently. Mercury is the only planet whose retrograde effect is felt by most people. It is believed that during the retrograde period, Mercury has a detrimental effect on people, but if you take advantage of this situation correctly, you can use this period to your advantage.

Mercury is the planet of contacts, contracts, information, intellectual activity, commerce and trade. It is associated with travel and transport, negotiations, training, and signing documents. Mercury is responsible for memory, speech, oratory, logic and intelligence.

If you want something new to happen in your life, make room for it, complete things before moving forward. Think about how many things you need to complete, delegate, or get rid of before you can move on and bring abundance and wealth into your life, new relationships?

Deal with unfinished and running projects and documents. You can finish an article, finish a book. It’s good to put things in order, throw away all unnecessary papers, archives, and storage media.

You can quit your old job.

Creative people are often inspired by Mercury during the retro period. New projects, ideas, plans are born. In the retro phase, it is better to think carefully about them, analyze them, and it is better to start working on implementation when Mercury returns to direct (direct) movement.

Work with old connections and contacts. Meet friends and relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

Work with your mental attitudes. Pay attention to how thoughts shape our destiny, our attitude towards the world and ourselves.

Meditate, clear and calm your mind, read mantras, prayers and affirmations.

In all these matters you will be lucky.

During periods of retrograde, all Mercurian affairs develop slowly, confusion often arises, and the risk of mistakes increases. New projects are slowed down, disruptions occur in transport, courier services and mail, it is more difficult to study and engage in intellectual work, and negotiate. During such periods, smart equipment often breaks down, and telecom operators experience problems.

Therefore, take note of what it is better not to do during this period in order to avoid troubles:

When shopping, it is especially better not to make any significant purchases, because... later you may be disappointed, hidden defects will be revealed.

Sign contracts, make transactions, open a business, project, etc. the probability of errors is very high.

Going to work for the first time, because... subsequently you may not be satisfied with the conditions, additional information that you did not know will be revealed; sign contracts.

Start new things, because... with a high probability they will be recurrent.

Decide something definitively, because... then your solution, your view of the problem, will change.

Start studying on courses, because... studying will be difficult or the knowledge gained will not be useful to you in practical activities.

Buy equipment. It will not be useful, in the future it will turn out to be unnecessary or break.

Borrow money or lend it yourself. It will be almost impossible to return them.

Make new friends. They will not last long and will not become serious.

Move, buy an apartment, rent out. There will be delays and obstacles.

Use the period of Mercury retrograde to your advantage and at the end of this period, begin with pleasure all the postponed tasks!

What does Mercury retrograde give in different houses of the horoscope?

Mercury retrograde in the 1st house: Here Mercury is slowly moving backwards. This can slow a person's thinking and reactions. They find it difficult to make quick decisions. The projects they start are often not completed. They need to learn to think first and then speak, learn to complete the things they start, and also work for the good of society.

Mercury retrograde in the 2nd house e: A person of mood, his values ​​change depending on his mood, a spender, in the past he paid a lot of attention to material values. He needs to learn to distinguish between real values ​​without focusing on the external and material aspects.

Mercury retrograde in the 3rd house: In the past, man discriminated against people in communication. He preferred to communicate with smart and influential individuals. In this life, they need to learn to treat everyone equally and understand communication is not only about receiving information, but also about giving. Poor relationships with brothers and neighbors.

Mercury retrograde in the 4th house: Man in the past created disharmony around himself. He was quick-tempered, nervous, and behaved boorishly when talking to those around him. In this life, we must learn to pull ourselves together and treat others kindly.

Mercury retrograde in the 5th house: In a past life, a person was unreasonable, unfaithful in love relationships. He led a frivolous lifestyle and did not take upon himself the responsibility of raising children. In this life, they need to be serious in love relationships and learn to take life seriously and pay more attention to raising children.

Mercury retrograde in the 6th house: The man did not think about the good of society. He had no respect and disdain for his colleagues at work. The lesson here is that a person should be responsible for social needs without expecting rewards, respecting his colleagues.

Mercury retrograde in the 7th house e: This person was selfish, unfaithful, unreliable towards his partners. In this life, they need to think carefully before entering into any partnership (marriage, business) and behave responsibly towards them.

Mercury retrograde in the 8th house: The man had low moral values, he wanted to find the truth superficially, in an easy way. He had failures in relationships and in his career due to his harmful character. Perhaps he was a false preacher. In this life, a person needs to be rational in searching for the truth and not follow the path of black magic. You must be honest and pass on the knowledge you have gained to others.

Mercury retrograde in the 9th house: Perhaps in a past life it was a tumbleweed man. He lived in one place, then in another, without any purpose in life. It is also possible that he was a religious fanatic who did not tolerate other people's opinions and did not respect other religions. He had superficial knowledge, and the knowledge he had, he did not use in real life. He communicated with obscene people, together with whom he committed illegal acts. The lesson is to sincerely seek knowledge, apply it to your life, and pass that knowledge on to others. A person should lead a simple life and respect other religions even if they are contrary to his religion.

Mercury retrograde in the 10th house: In his previous life, he was indecisive, lazy, irresponsible and careless towards work and he could not win the soul of his superiors and gain respect and career advancement. He could not get success in any field he chose. Perhaps he was a government official. employee and abused his official position. In this life he will be able to achieve success if he works responsibly in submission to his leadership. This is a good position for business.

Mercury retrograde in the 11th house: The man was in a bad, depraved society, was fond of women and material comfort. Such a person does not enjoy respect in higher circles and therefore, is looking for bad company where he can be the center of attention, where he will be accepted as a “hero”. He will not take anything good from bad friends and will become a superficial person. The lesson is to learn to find noble, decent friends and be honest with them. You also need to learn to feel comfortable in any society and communicate with people of different levels.

Mercury retrograde in the 12th house: This is a person who has not worked out previous karma in a past life. They have nervous, impulsive speech. Your wrong decisions bring disappointment, failure, and secret enemies. They need to watch their conversations and decisions. A person makes quick decisions, conclusions and assessments under the influence of Retro Mercury. They need to understand what their karmic lesson is and work on it.

Mahesh Darmadasa

Mercury retrograde usually does not promise anything good for people. When the planet begins to “retrograde”, a difficult period begins. But not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance. Let's plunge into the world of astrology and try to figure out what to do during retrograde days.

How does Mercury retrograde affect a person's life?

Astrologers believe that Mercury retrograde directly affects people's lives. They may not know about it, but they will definitely feel the changes.

We share the conclusions and observations that expert astrologers have collected and accumulated over the years:

  1. The planet begins to retrograde 3-4 times a year, each period lasting about three weeks. The energy of Mercury, interacting with people, makes them less attentive and more distracted. The ability to concentrate and focus on one thing decreases, and the risk of mistakes is high. This phenomenon is most easily noticed in schoolchildren - academic performance falls, grades temporarily become worse.
  2. The planet has a very negative effect on any new business and transactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to plan or start anything during the retrograde period. Even new acquaintances are extremely undesirable, because they can bring a lot of troubles and disappointments into your life.
  3. Many people experience a period when they suddenly want to remember and analyze the past. If such a desire arises in you, that’s great. You can sort out all the mistakes you made earlier and finally learn important lessons so that you no longer find yourself in unpleasant situations.
  4. But you have a great chance to regain a long-lost relationship with a person with whom you quarreled or stopped communicating in the past. This is a favorable period for restoring old connections, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.
  5. During the retrograde period, a person reaps the fruits of past actions and deeds. If he previously worked hard and his thoughts were positive, he will receive several times more. If he was lazy and harmed other people, “retribution” would overtake him.
  6. It is imperative to return to long-delayed matters and bring what you started to the end, complete all projects. Then they will bring a solid jackpot, and you will stop suffering from the fact that the burden of unfinished obligations weighs on you.
  7. During retrograde time, those people with whom you did not hope to resume communication may appear again and again in your life. Therefore, this is a great chance to understand whether you need them and return them if desired.
  8. All the mistakes that need to be corrected come to the surface and become visible. Therefore, you can easily detect and correct them, which helps change your life for the better.

Deterioration of attention and concentration, the appearance of people from the past, unfinished affairs and actions - this is what is clearly manifested during the period of Mercury retrograde. You need to be able to use all this.

What to do when Mercury is retrograde

Basic knowledge of astrology and understanding of the processes that occur in different periods will help you adapt to the energy of the planets. Which will ultimately improve the quality of your life.

  1. If you have been planning to go to a psychologist or psychotherapist for a long time, do it. Your traumas, negative attitudes, blocks and beliefs can most effectively be worked through during the retrograde period.
  2. Sort through archives of photographs, old papers, notes and letters. Throw away what has long ceased to be relevant. Leave the essentials and what brings back pleasant memories.
  3. Creative people who write poetry, books, articles are recommended to re-read their past creations. Inspiration may come to you and you will be able to improve your works.
  4. Do some general cleaning. Destroy all old, unnecessary things. Wash all the nooks and crannies, looking into every corner.
  5. Think about unfulfilled promises and debts. It's time to pay your bills and take responsibility for your words. During this period, it is very important to pay off obligations: both moral and financial.
  6. Fix broken electrical appliances, eliminate problems with plumbing, electricity, and solve all other household problems. You should try to put in order absolutely everything that surrounds you.
  7. This is a great time to engage in spiritual development: read books, visit a temple, engage in meditation and various practices in order to better understand your own subconscious and ask yourself all the questions that concern you.

The time of Mercury retrograde is an ideal period for soul-searching and dramatic changes for the better. Don't waste precious minutes and you will be surprised what fruit your actions will bring.

Watch the video

Usually, Mercury It happens retrograde three times a year. Of course, planets cannot actually change the direction of their motion. This is how it appears to an observer from Earth. From time to time, the Earth, moving in its orbit, seems to overtake the planets. This phenomenon is referred to as retrograde, backtracking or reverse movement observed planets.

Mercury retrograde in 2017

Mercury retrograde in 2018

Mercury retrograde in 2019:

Mercury retrograde periods in 2018 (exact time)

Exact time before the start of Mercury retro (Moscow time)

2019/03/05 21:18:00

Spheres of influence and what not to do

Main areas managed Mercury are communication, transport, trade, training. This means that in period his retrograde Difficulties, obstacles and delays are expected in all these areas. At this time, you should not plan to start studying, enroll in various courses, or take driving lessons. And it is not advisable to buy a car and vehicles, as well as telephones, communications and other equipment. It may be flawed, quickly fail, or simply break down frequently. If a purchase is absolutely necessary, then astrologers recommend keeping the receipt, as it will most likely come in handy. The probability of returning a product purchased in Mercury retrograde period, great.


Mercury is responsible for contracts, transactions, documents. Contracts concluded during this period and bills signed will be reviewed over time. The processing of documents, passports, and visas can be delayed and encounter unforeseen obstacles. The document may ultimately be issued with errors and inaccuracies. If you can’t postpone working with documents, you need to check everything carefully and set aside more time for completing the necessary papers and obtaining certificates. Often at this time people cannot find some documents that seem to be in their usual place. Often they are already in time Direct motion of Mercury.

Check and double check

In addition, it is undesirable to take tests, take pictures, or make final conclusions about the disease. There is a high probability of errors, confusing results and the need to resubmit the material, and medical equipment may fail. If diagnosis is urgently needed, then the results must be checked and double-checked. Also planet Mercury"responsible" for manual labor. In this regard, if this is, of course, possible, all kinds of operations, as well as a planned trip to the dentist, are best scheduled for period of direct motion of Mercury. However, if you need urgent surgery or if you have a toothache, you don’t need to wait for Mercury to move directly! You need to immediately run to the doctor. Here you already need to make an election map to remove the negative influence retro mercury.

Lost in translation

Traveling during the return journey Mercury also require more careful planning and preparation. During this period, flights are more often delayed and cancelled, buses break down, trains are delayed, and more unforeseen situations may occur on the road. Tickets and passports may be lost. Because the Mercury It also manages information, you can get the wrong schedule, some interesting data, or simply perceive it incorrectly and not remember it accurately. In this regard, communication, both personal and business, becomes difficult. Quarrels and misunderstandings may arise more often than usual. Forgetfulness and inattentiveness appear. It is better not to get a job at this time, since the promised working conditions and remuneration will most likely turn out to be different in reality. Adversely move, change jobs, take on a new job or accept a new position.

It's not all bad

Everything in nature exists for a reason, everything has its pros and cons. No bad periods, there is a right and wrong time for certain things. Knowing in advance Mercury retrograde periods, you can plan your activities for the whole year. The next article will focus on how to properly take advantage of these periods and get the most out of them.

Since everything in nature is arranged harmoniously, even not very favorable periods exist for something, for some purpose. Therefore, while competitors are struggling with all sorts of obstacles that most often arise precisely in retrograde period of Mercury, you can not plan important events and engage in activities for which such a time is just right.

What activities is Mercury retrograde favorable for? What can you do

During Mercury retrograde Fine return to previously studied, repeat the material covered. It will be easier to remember. To clarify what was previously not understood, we will return to the paragraphs that “slipped.” It’s a very good time to sort out papers, put things in order on your computer desktop, and clean files. It is useful to return to unfinished projects, unfinished work, especially written or related to numbers, review it again, work on what is not completed. However, it is best to finish and put an end to such work, submit a manuscript for printing, finish articles, approve any plans a few days after the period retrograde will end. The thing is. that the planet first seems to stop and is in this state for two or three days, and then goes into direct or so-called direct movement. Then it will be possible to start something new, sign it, approve it.

As is known, Mercury- patron of trade. And able retrograde he rather favors the sale and purchase of things that are already in use. You can cleverly get rid of boring things or outdated equipment. But it’s better to be more careful when buying things on the secondary market.

It's good to return to the past at this time. Reconsider relationships, make peace with relatives. You may want to see old friends, find classmates, and renew lost contacts. All this will be easy. Often people from the past “find” themselves. Visits to a psychologist will also be successful, as it will be easier to remember even what seemed long forgotten. There is a re-evaluation, learning of useful experience, correction of errors, revision of internal limiting settings.

It will be useful to go through your wardrobe, donate or throw away what you don’t need, and generally put things in order on your desk, on your computer and smartphone, in your home, in your car, and in your garage.

All of the above activities will bring much more benefit and even pleasure during the Mercury retro period than trying to open a business, get a new contract, apply for a visa or move. For all this, such a period is unfavorable and will pass with great difficulties, encounter obstacles, or the result will be unsatisfactory, something will have to be redone. However, you should not panic if the time, for example, for processing urgent documents, falls precisely during this period and there is no way to postpone it. You just need to be patient and check everything carefully. Details in the previous article.

Who's lucky during Mercury retrograde?

For people born during Mercury retrograde, this time will be the most fruitful. Such people always have unfinished business. It is easier for them to do old things than to create new ones. For them, this is a time of incredible luck, since, in fact, they are active only 3 months a year, and the rest of the time they accumulate strength to enter retrograde phase. Mercury happens retrograde 3 times a year for 21-25 days.

What happens during Mercury retrograde?

What people write to me. Specific events that occur during this period.

The basis of this work is my personal observations that life forced me to make. The effect of Mercury retrograde was first discussed at a seminar class when I was still studying astrology. This prompted me to start observing, which then became a habit.

What does Mercury retrograde affect?

I was interested in everything - what happens during turning points, what form an event takes when the planet passes through the same degree in which it occurred during retrograde motion, but the main question remained - why does everything happen this way and not otherwise.

I hope that readers will learn a lot of new and interesting things from the observations that I made and the conclusions that I came to.

1. Mercury changes the direction of its movement 3-4 times a year, it lasts approximately 20 days. During periods of retrograde movement of this planet, the conductivity of nerve impulses deteriorates in people, due to which attention weakens, absent-mindedness increases, and reaction decreases. It is more difficult for people to collect their thoughts and get involved in work; during such periods people make basic mistakes - this is especially noticeable in children. In the test they multiply 5 by 6 and get 35.

2. Any astrologer knows that during Mercury retrograde it makes no sense to start new businesses and projects, make deals, meet people and move. The purpose of my observations was to establish what happens when all these actions do occur on retrograde Mercury and, most importantly, to track how it all ends.

When this or that event occurred, I noted in the ephemeris the degree in which the planet was during retrograde movement, and observed how events further developed when Mercury passed the same degree for the second time, already during direct movement.

3. The effect of Mercury's retrograde movement manifests itself in almost all areas of human life. It is believed that during such periods a person sees everything as if through a veil, distorted - not as it really is.

He does not have the information in full, important details escape from his field of vision or are consciously or unconsciously hidden from him, which become known later, when Mercury, already in direct motion, passes the same point at which the information was received. He doesn’t seem to see the situation completely; it seems very attractive and tempting to him, but he will see it in its entirety only when the planet regains direct motion.

Mercury Retrograde and Communications

Disruption of communication means. The first thing I would like to draw your attention to, and what clearly catches your eye, is that during the retrograde movement of the planet and especially during points of static, all possible means of communication begin to shamelessly and for unknown reasons malfunction.

Suddenly, out of the blue, incomprehensible things begin to happen to the phone - it is impossible to reach the person, something happened to the cable, the access to the international line is constantly busy, telephone conversations are constantly interrupted, and outside voices often begin to interject themselves into them.

Strange things happen with faxes - you dial a number, send it, you receive a confirmation that everything went well, then they call and say that we did not receive your fax. I’m not talking about letters at all: with the valiant work of our Russian mail, we can give an almost one hundred percent guarantee that a letter sent during Mercury retrograde will be lost.

It is extremely difficult to communicate via modem; even a message sent by e-mail may not reach the recipient. The conclusions are obvious. Mercury is the patron of communications.

Mercury retrograde and work

The second area, one of the most important in people’s lives, is work. Most of all, the opposite direction of movement affects the moments of starting work, moving to a new position, hiring, as well as during interviews and interviews about new activities. The traditional situation that happens is when we are offered something frivolous and uninteresting to us, that is, something with which we do not want to work at all.

If we agree, then later certain fundamental points become clear that are impossible to reconcile with. For example, meager pay, for which a self-respecting person will not work, or terrible working conditions, in which a normal, self-respecting person will not be able to work.

In the case when they offer exactly what we dream of and what we count on, we do not know many of the facts and conditions that are offered to us. Most often, the following happens: if during the retrograde passage of Mercury we were offered one thing - something that suited us and that suited us, then when we started work and Mercury went back, already direct, it turns out that our responsibilities include something completely different , which was not initially discussed.

For example, we are talking about the position of an advertising manager; but it turns out that his duties include the same things that an advertising agent does. First we are talking about one thing, and then about something completely different; as a rule, there are no exceptions.

So, if you had a job interview during the reverse transit of Mercury, then it is worth clarifying all the conditions when its movement becomes direct, or be prepared for the fact that you will be assigned additional responsibilities or forced to do a completely different job. If we are talking about temporary work, this means that it will soon die out and will be deprived of any prospects, that is, it will not last long.

A few examples to illustrate. My friend went to get a job in a restaurant. I warned her that they were unlikely to take her. She objected that everything had already been discussed there, and that she could get settled without any problems. Of course, they didn’t take her, since the conditions turned out to be completely different from those mentioned at the beginning.

In September 1990, I unexpectedly received a call from the city of Suzdal and was urgently invited to work as a translator for the filming of a joint Russian-American film. Moreover, as was said, my duties will include working with our actors who do not speak English - rehearsing with them the text that they will pronounce.

My knowledge of the language at that time was quite enough for this. After about 10-12 days of work, it turned out that my duties also included simultaneous translation of all negotiations in the film crew. This management came up with on the spot. Of course, I could no longer cope with this work, which required special training and qualifications, and I was fired. Alas, at that time I did not know either English or astrology properly.

Retrograde Mercury in a person's horoscope

However, if Mercury is retrograde in your chart or in the chart of your client, then job offers that come to you during Mercury’s retrograde movement will come in very handy, and it is during this period that you can get a job very well and for a long time . I observed such a case in June 1995. The girl got a job during Mercury retrograde, and after 3 months she was promoted. Mercury was retrograde in her natal chart.

There are also cases when, during a retrograde movement, we are not offered a new job - everything is clear here - but only new responsibilities at the job where we have been working for a long time. In this case, everything is not so bad. This only indicates great difficulties in mastering a new position. So, my friend called me and said that he was being nominated for the position of head teacher at the school where he had been working for a long time.

I told him that this would not work for him, and that it would all be in vain, because something would happen that would prevent this transition to a new position. However, my predictions did not come true - my friend still works as a head teacher, and very successfully. The influence of Mercury was reflected in the fact that it was extremely difficult for him to enter a new position, and new responsibilities completely took away all his free time. In general, the difficulties were through the roof.

Retrograde Mercury and relationships, dating

Mercury has a very strong influence on the sphere of new contacts. Let's consider friendship and love acquaintances. In the retrograde position of Mercury, we see a person’s mask, the image that he puts on for people or for us.

When Mercury, already in direct motion, again passes the point at which the acquaintance took place, we see the true face of a person, we find out what he really needs from us, what is the meaning and nature of our relationship with him. For example, at this moment a man asks a woman to borrow money or begins to harass her dirty. Everything is clear here, the prospects for the relationship are clear, you can stop.

As a rule, people whom we met during the retrograde movement of Mercury come into our lives for a short time - for a month or three - until the next retrograde. What is remarkable about such acquaintances is that no matter how much we like the new person, no matter what efforts we make to be with him or to gain close contact, circumstances always develop in such a way that meetings are either postponed or postponed.

Everything happens in some fatal, mystical way, as if fate is against communication with this person - the person always seems to be pulled away by something from communication and meetings with us. As a rule, after 3 months he disappears without a trace - he leaves for another country, another city, another apartment, or his phone number changes, and he leaves neither an address nor a phone number, or the relationship with him is exhausted, or we strongly We are disappointed in him, and we don’t have the courage to pick up the phone to call him.

I usually advise my clients or forecasters not only not to place any hopes on acquaintances made during the period of Mercury retrograde, but not even to expect a call from this person. If we also talk about friendship, then something similar can happen to it, and then the relationship between you will not be close and deep.

As for love, the most you can count on is friendship, and even then not for long. If there was sex, then at 2-3 meetings, maximum. The relationship will not go further than this. In general, people who come to us during Mercury retrograde remain, at best, distant acquaintances with whom we see from time to time.

Retrograde Mercury and new knowledge

The effect of retrograde Mercury also significantly affects a person’s mental abilities, speed of reaction, intelligence, and eloquence. In addition, the knowledge that we begin to gain during the period of Mercury retrograde will not be of any use to us; it is all that we will not find application in life, that we will not use, with which we will not be able to earn money.

Moreover, the countdown is carried out precisely from the first day of classes, and not from the decision to take courses or enter a particular university and not from the beginning of entrance exams.

Example: During one of the periods of Mercury's retrograde movement, I attended a course that taught about the action and rules for using cosmetics from one cosmetic company.

Despite the fact that the lecturer spoke very interestingly and was a professional in her field, I did not have to use the acquired knowledge in practice, I could not talk about cosmetics, I kept forgetting information, and the logical thread of the story was interrupted. As a result, I never sold anything and stopped offering products from this company.

Second example My life is five years of college, wasted. I worked in my specialty for about 2 months, then I made myself incompetent. What’s noteworthy is that after school I didn’t know which university to choose, and I didn’t want to go anywhere at all. As a result, I entered the first one that came along, and scored a semi-passing score - that is, I barely passed the competition.

Apparently, this was a clear sign from above that I should not go there. Alas, I didn’t listen to him. On September 1, 1984, when I began attending lectures, Mercury was in retrograde motion. Perhaps if I had not entered, everything would have turned out differently - the next year, September Mercury was already direct.

Mercury retrograde and moving, renting

A friend of mine, a choreography teacher, let's call her N., rented a hall for classes in a certain cultural center. At the end of 1996, she had a strong conflict with the management of this recreation center; she urgently needed to move to a new place, and she could not wait. I warned her that it was useless to negotiate about a new premises now, since Mercury was in retrograde motion from December 23, 1996 to January 12, 1997.

However, she was in a hopeless situation. The director of a neighboring kindergarten agreed to provide her with her premises, and in early January 1997 she moved. After Mercury turned back - it was the 20th of January - a school for children with mental disabilities unexpectedly moved into this kindergarten, since the ceiling collapsed in the premises of this school, and successfully settled in there, one might say, took root.

There are no plans to renovate the premises of this school, so mental retardation is taking up more and more space in the kindergarten. Three months pass, and at the beginning of April, that is, when Mercury is about to turn again, the question is raised that this school will take over the entire kindergarten premises. When, on April 14, Mercury nevertheless turns back, N. is ordered to vacate the hall she rented to accommodate a class for mental retardation children, and she again has to transport things.

Another example. We will talk about a direct move to a newly purchased apartment, which has been renovated in a European style. After moving, it turns out that the heating in the house is working very poorly - sometimes it’s terrible heat, sometimes they don’t heat it at all, moving the apartment. Another pitfall is the telephone cable, which constantly breaks down. Due to its constant breakdowns, the entire area is left without telephone service for several weeks.

It can be assumed that real estate transactions concluded during Mercury retrograde turn out to be unprofitable, invalid and subsequently create many serious problems for their participants.

Many of my friends and acquaintances, knowing that I am an astrologer, consult me ​​about such issues. When our dance group was looking for premises, and one of us found a certain hall, everyone began to plan that we would move there. I quickly cooled their ardor, saying that all this would not last long. We studied there for only a month, and then we were allowed to come only once a week. And the next year there were no free days in this hall at all.

Mercury retrograde and travel

Mercury, as the ruler of movements and trips, can also influence them. This applies primarily to static points. If you start your trip on such a day, you will probably face all sorts of obstacles, changes in the route and program plan, as well as any kind of delays.

This is clearly seen in the following example. I was offered a last-minute ticket to Paris by bus. It turned out that we were leaving on May 3, 1996. I thought this was crazy. And indeed, it all started with the fact that in Minsk we waited for our bus for about 4 hours - it had a flat tire just before leaving.

The second “surprise” was that at the border in Grodno, for poorly explained reasons, one driver was removed from us, although his documents were in perfect order. Then we continued our journey with great risk, since one driver drove our bus without a break for 15 hours until we arrived at the transfer point in Poznan.

Before reaching the base about 200 meters, our bus gets completely stuck in a pothole, and all attempts to get it out remain fruitless. This takes half a day, after which our driver goes to bed. Due to this, we lose half a day, and we have to shorten our stay in Paris. I think we got off easy.

One more example. In April 1998, I was invited to go work abroad. Conditions were suspiciously good. How it ended is not difficult to guess. I didn’t go anywhere because the trip was cancelled.

Mercury retrograde and information

Information of any nature that came to us during Mercury retrograde is assimilated with great difficulty. It must be repeated a huge number of times for it to remain in memory. Example the next one may serve. I had long had the idea of ​​starting to take up gypsy dancing, and I was waiting for the right moment.

Suddenly, absolutely unexpectedly, our Arabic dance teacher during Mercury retrograde says: “Today we are starting to practice gypsy dancing.” I I left these classes and came to them when Mercury turned to direct movement, but these dances were very difficult for me - as they say, they didn’t work, and I feel that I will have to start mastering them all over again, from scratch.

From my observational experience, I have highlighted the following - we do not need the information that comes to us at such a time, we cannot use it, it distracts us and confuses us, and does not have any practical use. Not to mention the fact that it often turns out to be false, perverted, and incomplete. “I heard a ringing, but I don’t know what it was about.”

Mercury retrograde and beginnings

The same goes for our thoughts, ideas and projects that come to us during the retrograde movement of this planet. This is precisely why I do not advise either my forecasts or my clients not to make any important decisions during Mercury retrograde. Subsequently - you guessed it when - we are convinced that such an impulsive decision is completely out of our league, it is something that we do not need at all and distracts us from the main task.

We can safely conclude that at such times so-called delusional ideas come to us. A man is lying on the couch and thinking: “Shouldn’t I open my own business? Not a bad idea!” God forbid it starts!

Even the proposals that we received or that we made at this time will not receive any development. One fine day, during Mercury retrograde, I called one of my friends and complained that I could no longer live with my mother and was looking for an inexpensive apartment for rent.

She answered me: “If you can’t live with her, live with me, it’s more fun together. Only the new apartment where I’m moving is currently undergoing renovations. Once it’s finished, let’s do it.”

The repairs, of course, took three months, if not more. When she moved, I again raised the question of my move, but by that time she said: “You can, of course, move, but I have a lot of relatives constantly coming to visit me. So, I think it will be inconvenient for you.” That was her decision.

Mercury retrograde and shopping

But as for purchases, Mercury does not have such a strong impact on them as on other events in our lives. It has even been noticed that during periods of retrograde movement, trading goes well and even increases the chance of selling an item that has been with you for a long time, or, on the contrary, making a successful purchase.

However, purchases such as a car, furniture, computer, stereo system may turn out to be unsuccessful. And it seems to me that it is better to wait with them, especially if you are buying or installing things at home that are related to communications - a telephone with an ID or answering machine, a modem, a fax, or connecting to the Internet.

Good and demonstrative example The intercom, which began to be installed in our house just as Mercury was retrograde, could serve as an intercom. It still breaks down, even though it took a long time to install and adjust and repair it several times, and the door doesn’t always open, not like in the neighboring houses.

I'll give you another one example. True, we are talking here not about buying, but about ordering shoes from a sewing shoe studio. I needed special dancing shoes and decided to order them during our valiant Mercury's retrograde. They carefully measured my feet and gave me a time frame for when the trial shoes would be ready.

I I come on time and try them on - the shoes are incredibly tight. Not only can you dance in them, you can’t even walk in them. They measure again, I come back again after some time - the second pair of custom-made shoes feels just as tight as the first. They tell me: “Tell me where the pressure is, we will expand them in this place.” However, the extended ones also stung. At that moment, I thought of just trying on the shoes they had on display. The display version fit me perfectly. “That’s it,” I say, “sew according to these patterns.”

And they sewed it. Mercury, of course, was direct at this time. I still wear the shoes. A similar story happened when someone from our dance group decided to order shoes again from another place. I she warned them that it’s better not to order now, but just a little! hold off. As a result, it took a long time to order.

The master who made heels for dancing shoes has died. The workshop began to urgently look for another. When the shoes arrived, the girls wondered for a long time who owned each pair; they didn’t even have names written on them, and they had to find out by trying on who this or that pair was made for. Of course, the quality was terrible, and they were not suitable for dancing.

Is it possible to overcome Mercury retrograde?

What happens during Mercury's retrograde motion becomes almost a pattern. However, I was interested in whether it was possible to overcome the rules and conditions of the game imposed on us by this astrological event. For example, continue a relationship with a person you met during Mercury retrograde. Practice has shown that it is possible.

But in very rare cases. And you need to put a lot of energy, effort and effort into maintaining a relationship, because nothing happens by itself. I have such a friend, but, alas, only one. And our friendship is not very close. The most you can count on is a sluggish, distant relationship in which people rarely call each other.

It is noteworthy that such connections are revived precisely during periods of Mercury’s retrograde movement - a person appears from oblivion and offers to meet, for example.

What to do when Mercury is retrograde

But everything cannot be so sad, because if retrograde Mercury introduces obstacles and confusion into our affairs, then, according to the principle of opposites, there is probably something for which it is intended, which is necessary and necessary, and will go well during the periods of its retrograde movements.

So, it is quite obvious that during such periods you can start and carry out things that do not require a long period of time for implementation.

  • get a seasonal job.
  • take up a position as (a replacement for someone who is currently on vacation).
  • implement and carry out what you know and can do well.

For example, if you are an excellent knitter, you can start knitting a sweater; if you are proficient in the written word, you can have time to write an article, but not a dissertation or a book.

1. It is traditionally believed that during Mercury retrograde it is good to complete things and take on what has been put on the back burner. Add the finishing touch or make the final, final push. Although here you need to be prepared for the fact that any matter may drag on.

2. During periods of Mercury retrograde, I recommend doing normal, routine work - what we do all the time. Not to start, but to continue things that have already been started.

3. It has been noticed that it is precisely at such times that our old connections emerge - both friendly and romantic interests. We unexpectedly run into people on the street whom we have not seen for several years, we receive a phone call from a person with whom we have not communicated for ages. We may also come across those with whom we studied in the same school, class, group, or institute. But, on the other hand, we ourselves can use this period to call someone with whom we have not communicated for a long time and, thus, renew the old connection.

4. The period of Mercury's retrograde movement can also be used for painstaking mental work - sit down with books, textbooks, primary sources in the library. Mercury energy at this time is directed inward rather than outward, so it will be easier for you to realize the deep and underlying things hidden rather than lying on the surface. You can see what you know perfectly well in a new light, from a new point of view.

5. But you can go not only deep into science or scientific theory, but also deep into yourself. It is at such moments that it is good to dig out your complexes, work with psychological blocks and clamps. The period of Mercury retrograde is good for working with a psychotherapist or psychoanalysis. There is an increased chance to deal with many of your internal problems, realize them, and bring them out.

It has been noticed that at such a time we can discover something in our subconscious that seriously interferes with our lives, we realize the true reasons for our actions, we can remember some important memories from childhood that had a decisive impact on certain patterns of our behavior.

6. The next question that inevitably arises, since we have touched on a similar problem, is of a philosophical nature: “If Mercury is retrograde, then there is some meaning in this, that is, for some reason we need it.” So why?

Why does the Lord God periodically place obstacles and barriers on the path of our actions, as if saying: “Don’t rush forward, stop, take a breath, slow down and think about whether you’re going in the right direction?” Why does he send us people who appear as short-term episodes in our lives, why does he give us meetings for one or two evenings, why does he take us back to the past?

What Mercury Retrograde Means for You

Of course, the Lord knows better than us what we need and what we don’t need. It seems that during the moments of Mercury retrograde, it takes away from us what is not ours, what we do not need, what is not destined for us. In the event of loss or separation, I always take the position that if something has left me or been taken away, it means that I really don’t need it. This means that something better will come, not fake, but real.

And one more guess. In order for any serious significant event to occur in our destiny, energy is needed. But in the course of life there is not always enough of it to form an event. Therefore, we need time to accumulate it.

Apparently, it is precisely during periods of Mercury’s retrograde movement, when we are in a kind of vacuum, that everything falls apart, everything falls apart and nothing really comes together, and a certain amount of energy accumulates, which is necessary for truly global events and meetings to take place in our lives not for one day.

In this regard, you can console yourself with a wonderful phrase from the Chinese Book of Changes: “The night is usually darkest just before the dawn.” Haven’t we repeatedly noticed that after some stagnation, sometimes quite long, noticeable progress and changes suddenly occur in our lives on literally all fronts of our lives - in work, personal life, social relationships?

Whatever happens during Mercury retrograde, the event seems to be devoid of energy. I noticed that when I called the people I met at that time, I couldn’t even raise my hand to pick up the phone, that is, something mystical was preventing me from doing so. And the work that has been started gradually subsides or is pushed aside under the influence of more pressing and urgent matters, so that then one has to completely abandon its continuation.

Conclusion. So, to summarize all of the above, I would like to give several recommendations, from my point of view, time-tested and practice-tested, which will be useful for use not only in your life, but also when working with clients. I would like to think that they will not only save you from disappointments and mistakes, but will also help you save strength and energy for serious plans and affairs, and save you from unnecessary fuss.

So, when Mercury moves in the opposite direction, it is useless to look for a new job. It makes no sense to take all offers to earn money, take part in any project, or go to work seriously - all this, as a rule, does not last long and will fall apart very soon. The exception is if the new job seems to automatically follow from the old one or what you were already doing - in this case, options are possible, but there will still be difficulties.

Don’t place any hopes and don’t make plans for new acquaintances - all these people will leave your life very soon, even if you make titanic efforts to maintain relationships.

It is useless to make serious decisions like “Should I open my own business?” during such periods. Mercury will turn, life will return to normal, and you will forget about your ideas - you simply will not have the opportunity to bring such plans to life.

During periods of Mercury’s static position, plus or minus 2-3 days, attention and the ability to process and quickly assimilate information are reduced, and therefore all those who drive need to drive with greater caution - the reaction will be slower. It is advisable not to schedule important negotiations or business these days, since at this time the brain is difficult to move and a lot of important and significant details can be overlooked.

On such days, it is very bad to pass exams - that is, to do mental work associated with a lack of time - translating, giving a lecture or report, since it is very difficult to find the right words. During these days, I strongly recommend avoiding postal and, probably, faxing, as there is an increased likelihood that your message will be lost.

If any training courses or seminars, with the exception of psychological ones or the like, begin during the period of Mercury retrograde, then know that you are unlikely to have to use the knowledge gained. At the very least, it is clearly not possible to derive any practical benefit from them or earn money with their help.

So, if you start learning to drive at such a time, then it is not known at what time you will be given an exam and whether it will be accepted at all - in any case, this will be extremely problematic. And even if you pass, you won’t start driving right away. And when you start, all the driving skills acquired in the courses will be lost. By and large, this is money thrown away, unless, of course, you don’t mind paying to satisfy your own curiosity.

One thing can be said for sure - everything that was decided on retrograde Mercury will be replayed and changed a hundred times more. Such decisions or agreements seem to stall and get stuck at one point until they are fixed during the direct movement of Mercury.

Therefore, the recommended type of behavior is no change, go into silence, lie low and hide, leaving current affairs, meetings with old friends and renewal of old connections on the agenda. And during this period, you can not pay attention to dating at all, and not worry if such a relationship did not work out or fell apart.

Tatiana Kornilovskaya