Diagnostics of spoilage, identification of negative programs independently. Diagnosis of negative - negative influences.

In the world of magic, there are many ways to get the necessary information and perform some kind of rite. Everyone who has his own special rituals to help achieve what he wants. They are usually kept secret and not revealed to the uninitiated. Many magicians use runes in their work that carry incredible strength and energy. This power must be used with great care. otherwise it is capable of destroying the life of a negligent magician and the person on whom the rite is being performed.

What are runes

Visually, runes are signs inscribed on any medium. It can be plain paper, cardboard, leather and the like. The strength of the runic symbol does not change depending on the material, because the sign itself matters. Only he carries a certain energy.

Many magicians claim that runes are an alphabet made up of energy. It connects our material world with the world higher powers. This connection is permanent and brings certain forces into our world, depending on the symbol itself. Beginners should keep in mind that the runes are not a designation of something and they are not invented by man. We have the opportunity only to use the energy of the runes, and this must be done very carefully. Please note that the ability to handle ancient signs cannot be acquired - it is innate. There is a rare category of people who have a predisposition to reading rune symbols and using their energy power.

How did

Until now, historians cannot say how the runes came to our world. These symbols were found in ancient Etruscan burials and among the ruins of settlements of nomadic Germanic tribes. The symbols have always been identical to today's, which allows us to conclude that they ancient history. Many scientists frankly declare that the runes have extraterrestrial origin and appeared in our world as a well-formed system. They draw an analogy with the alphabet, which allows communication between people. In the same way, runes help to speak with higher powers.

The official version of their appearance is associated with the tribes Northern Europe where they are widely used. According to the legends of these peoples, during his wanderings, accompanied by suffering and loss, he managed to receive the energy alphabet from higher powers. In turn, Odin gave this knowledge to people so that they could use it for good and have a connection with the gods.

How to use runic symbols

Experts advise creating runes with your own hands. In this case, you acquire a strong connection with these symbols, it will help you receive the necessary information from higher powers and perform various rituals.

Please note that before working with runes, they must be activated. Unfortunately, the ancient rite of activation was lost in ancient times. But experts say that you can make the signs "alive" with the help of your energy. To do this, after manufacturing, it is enough to hold each rune in your left hand and give it part of your strength. Prior to this process, you must know each rune and its meaning unmistakably. After activation, it is strictly forbidden to give symbols into the hands of strangers and get them as entertainment. Moreover, you must clearly understand why you need these symbols. It depends on your preferences what power will awaken in the ancient signs.

Do not touch the runes in bad mood and physical condition, it can affect their energy and disrupt your connection. Do not forget that you need to store symbols in a special bag and communicate with them often.

What can be done with runes

Runes allow you to perform a lot of magical actions. It all depends on your abilities and energy. Many magicians have the skills to compose runograms. These combinations of symbols are able to call various forces into our world. These combinations can have protective, healing or any other power. Also, experts carry out runic cleaning of the human aura and create certain settings. Diagnostics with runes proved to be good. We will tell about it in more detail.

What is runic diagnostics

Beginners who are just starting to master the wisdom of runic divination are often confused in specific terminology. The confusion arises mainly with understanding and diagnosing runes. Many consider these concepts to be identical, but in reality they are not.

Produced in order to clarify certain events. It can be information about the past, present or future. But diagnostics with runes is carried out when you need to clarify the magical effect on a person or on any of his business (hobbies, business, etc.). If you have damage, a love spell or an evil eye, then the symbols will definitely reveal this. Moreover, with the right formulation of the question, you can even find out who exactly brought a certain magic on you.

Runes, diagnostics: how it works

Diagnostics is a kind of snapshot of your current state, it completely copies your energy component. If damage is directed at you, the symbols will immediately reflect this and indicate which area of ​​​​life activity is negatively affected.

Keep in mind that the information from the runes is not programming - it is given to change the situation, therefore, with the help of ancient symbols, you can first minimize the consequences of magical influence, and then completely cancel them.

I would like to clarify that diagnostics with runes can only be carried out in an environment complete calm, and the questioner must be able to read the symbols intuitively. A certain message is formed from several runes, which must be perceived only as integral information.

Runes: how to diagnose

To correctly diagnose using ancient symbols, you must follow a few rules:

  • there can be only one question per rune, otherwise you will not receive an answer;
  • all runic symbols must be charged with your energy;
  • Having analyzed the answer, be sure to take action.

Do not forget that runes represent energy. Therefore, their answer involves energy costs - actions. Your actions, in turn, will feed the runes. Diagnosis in the next case will be simpler and more efficient. According to experts, after run diagnostics, any action triggers whole line events leading to a gradual resolution of the situation with which you turned to the signs initially.

Types of diagnostics

IN currently There are many ways and options for the alignment of runic diagnostics. But most often the fortuneteller performs the following rituals:

  • for protection;
  • identification of negative magical effects;
  • chakra cleansing;
  • stav diagnostics.

We will dwell on each of them and describe in detail. So, first things first.

Diagnostics of the negative (damage, evil eye, curses)

The most popular thing that runes can offer you is the diagnosis of negativity. This ritual is performed with the help of several rites. But for beginners, most of them will seem too complicated, so we give the two most simple runic alignment to define the negative:

  • Rune draw.
  • Runic simple layout.

For any of these rites, you need to focus and ask your question correctly. Keep in mind that the question should not be a short answer. Think it over and ask figuratively to get to the heart of the problem. After all, no one will be interested in the negative impact if he does not feel its manifestation in one area or another of his life. Therefore, try to start the alignment with the right question. After that, it is necessary to pull out four runes in turn, asking questions. Each symbol has its own relation to the problem:

  • the first reveals the essence of the problem;
  • the second - the conditions under which everything happened;
  • the third - in which direction the energy of the problem is directed;
  • the fourth is the possible outcome of the situation.

All symbols must be put in front of you and think again about your problem. If you read the runes correctly, then you will have a real message with options for action.

The second alignment for the negative also includes pulling out the runes one at a time, but in this case the question should be more specific. You should ask about corruption in a particular area of ​​life, but the answer will not mean the absence of negativity in another area. You can draw runes as many times as you need to get information.

Runes: meaning in layouts for magical negative

The value of runes when diagnosing negative is very great importance. First of all, you need to remember the symbols that clearly indicate damage:

  • Perth (literal and inverted).
  • Laguz (in the direct meaning and inverted).
  • Eyvaz.
  • Turisaz.
  • Hagalaz.

If these runes drop in combination with then you generational curse. In the case when bad runes are combined with the Mannaz symbol, the person himself brought trouble to himself.

In the rune layout, using symbols, you can determine how the magic spell was cast:

  • Gebo means gift.
  • Odal symbolizes lining in your house.
  • Berkana or Larguz indicate the food with which the magic came.

Keep in mind that the runes need only be considered together. If necessary, you can refer to the symbols and ask the necessary questions.

How to diagnose protection

If you are just starting to work with ancient runes, then you need to make such an alignment as protection diagnostics. The runes in this case will tell you the presence of protection, its nature and strength in this moment. First of all, this ritual should be done on yourself, it will help to better distribute your energy. Magicians advise diagnosing protection, your own and someone else's, every time you plan to work with another person. He may have a powerful shield that can bring you trouble.

Diagnostics for protection is done as follows:

  • you will need five runes, which must be laid out in turn;
  • V top row two runes are placed from left to right;
  • in the second row in the same order and under the first - two more runes;
  • the fifth character is placed between the third and fourth, in the last row.

Each rune has its own meaning:

  • 1 - the presence or absence of protection from nature;
  • 2 - type of this protection;
  • 3 - the presence or absence of magical protection from the outside;
  • 4 - the nature of this protection (dark or light magic);
  • 5 - general characteristics of protections (frequency of updates, strength of external influence, etc.).

The meaning of the runes in such layouts is interpreted according to general characteristics collections of characters.

Rune diagnostics of chakras

Diagnosis of chakras with runes is not the most popular alignment. But still, it can bring some benefits. In order to perform the spread, you must focus on the chakra that you want to test. It is necessary to start with the mental and enter before that into a state of complete relaxation. As soon as you relax and feel lightness in all parts of the body, take the runes in both hands and shake them. The dropped symbol will indicate the state of your chakra. This action must be performed with all seven chakras in turn.

The following runes indicate good condition:

  • Fehu;
  • Tours;
  • Ansuz;
  • Raido;
  • Gebo;
  • Hyères;
  • Algiz;
  • Soul;
  • Mannaz;
  • Inguz.

It is worth worrying if you have:

  • Hagalaz;
  • Nautiz;

Additional questions are required:

  • Uruz;
  • Kano;
  • Eyvaz;
  • Perth;
  • Evaz;
  • Laguz.

Apart from specified nature to the value of each dropped rune, its original value should be added.

Becoming: what is it and how to make a diagnosis

If you want to drastically change your life, then you can do the Diagnostics of this runogram will help you check the effectiveness of the applied symbols. Becoming is a few runes, meaning installation. They should be applied to a person or his photo. Most of the installations have already been created long ago, so it's not worth experimenting and inventing your own.

You can diagnose becoming with three runes. Before pulling them out of the bag, you need to mentally inquire about the work of the stav on you or the person on whom it is superimposed. The first extended rune means the essence of the stav, the second - its impact, and the third - the final result. If you have any questions, you can draw out clarifying characters, but do not forget to ask the right question.

It is necessary to interpret the meaning of the signs based on the general meaning. At first, this may seem difficult, but as you gain experience and develop the gift, it will become much easier for you to work with runes and interpret them.

Runes are an absolutely extraordinary magical tool. They can protect a person and completely change his life, directing it in a different direction. But do not forget that any magic requires responsibility and caution. Otherwise, you risk incurring the wrath of higher powers. But it's better to be friends with them.

There is a huge variety of portals in the global network, each of which enlightens its visitors about the intricacies of the negative impact, and offers their services to remove the bad impact. In this article, we will consider the very definition of negative impact. Two diagnostic methods will also be considered: diagnostics of negative runes and tarot cards.

Before being puzzled by the question of whether there are gaps in the aura or hateful damage, it is worth paying attention to what the diagnosis of negativity is and what its methods are the most popular.

Diagnostics of the negative are called procedures that allow you to determine whether there is a negative impact on a person. There are situations when negativity is also present on objects that do not have a soul and consciousness, for example, on some object or even on an entire building.

The negative impact is expressed in a whole set of elements, mainly of an energy nature, which can lead to a catastrophic deterioration in the situation of the object on which this impact was aimed.

It should be noted that the expression negative impact” does not often appear on the hearing of millions of people. Whether it's such concepts as: damage, love spell, evil eye, curse. These words evoke indignation and fear, people seek to find out if they are being badly influenced by ill-wishers.

But, in fairness, it should be noted that not all the impacts of the negative flow occur according to a preliminary plan. Unfortunately, the world has great amount personalities who are completely unconsciously able to influence with their entire arsenal of negativity. A person can get "accidental" damage, or even a curse. But the fact remains that the condition of the victim will rapidly deteriorate. Excuses like “I didn’t do it on purpose”, “I accidentally” can be called stupid and not even appropriate, and who will make excuses. “Look for fistulas” then a person who, for free and stupidly, gave you the evil eye, or something worse.

Also, a person can simply accumulate negativity and suffer from this unnecessary burden. Children especially suffer from this, on whom passers-by tend to awkwardly “look”. The kid becomes whiny and even uncontrollable. In such cases, parents indignantly note: “Our son / daughter was jinxed.”

Exists a large number of subclasses and categories of impacts, which we will leave for later.

Diagnostic methods

has several methods, each of which is good in its own way. Let's take a look at the two most popular of them.

  • Diagnosis using Tarot cards. This method is known to thousands of people, because it is one of the oldest. With this type of card, you can make a huge number of layouts. The most popular is the alignment of the chakras. To do this, it is necessary to have not only an individual deck of TARO cards, which previously did not touch the hands of anyone except the fortuneteller, but also a photo of the person whose chakras need to be checked. First of all, we note that “reading” from cards is the lot of units, therefore the reliability of independent fortune-telling may differ somewhat from the actual state of affairs. We add that in order for the diagnosis of the negative to be productive and truthful, it is necessary to use the "Tarot of Shadows".
  • Diagnosis of negativity with runes is also popular, in demand. It lies in the fact that the fortuneteller uses the ancient system of cryptography, which in the form of pictograms depicts the main elements of nature, or rather its four forces. Runes, as these magical elements are called, allow you to see a person, all his chakras, as well as an aura. Diagnosis of negativity with runes allows you to find out if there is a bad effect on a person, and where it was received from. You can learn to “read” the runes, but this will require, at a minimum, perseverance and a colossal desire to learn the secret of magic. The signs themselves came to the world of magic from Scandinavia. They have been studied for centuries. More than a dozen centuries ago, their mystical story, because even then these secret pictograms were carved on the amulets of warriors, on their weapons and even gravestones. Runes deserve at least attention, from those who seek a closer acquaintance with magic. Note that in the situation with the cards, the runes require the treatment of one single person.

Thus, it can be noted that the diagnosis of negativity has its own subtleties and difficulties, which are learned through prolonged study and work. But, unfortunately, even with prolonged reading of smart books and practice, there are no guarantees that the runes and cards will be able to “submit” to their owner and tell the whole truth.

Alignment. Diagnostics of the negative on the runes.

The first row - is there any negative on the person, if there is, which one, on which area of ​​life this negative is reflected, how does it affect the person.
The second row - what or who caused the negative, if any, here you can also consider the one who can cause harm. The third row - if there is a negative, then through what it was made, brought. Here the main thing is the first row, if it drops a lot of lanes or
Hagalaz, Turisaz, Eyvaz
+ Hagalaz, Eyvaz
+ Turisaz, Eyvaz + Laguz, Eyvaz + rune lane (nearby), Laguz lane + direct Vunyo, Mannaz, Gebo, most often the negative impact in the layout is
Eyvaz, inverted and straight Laguz, sometimes Perto, but in combination with lane runes, Isa
can also talk about the presence of negativity, but more related to business or success than the person himself.

If, for example, Hagalaz + lane Laguz + Vunyo falls out in the first row, then we can say that the person has a negative and quite serious, and if Hagalaz + Vunyo + Yera and any other rune falls out, then there is no negative, there is a payment on the bills ,definite
A “bad” period in life, but not a negative one. In general, combinations can be as follows:
Hagalaz + lane Laguz + (Vuno, Uruz, Kenaz, Dagaz) - damage to health
Turisaz + lane Algiz + (any runes) - evil eye, lack of protection
Eyvaz + Laguz (straight or inverted) + Ansuz (and any rune) - damage to subordination, a change in consciousness, thoughts, subordination to will, etc.
Turisaz + Odal or Odal lane + Turisaz, Algiz, Eyvaz - a person receives a negative from the house, premises, or
housing negative. Eyvaz + Gebo + Raido lane, Evaz lane, Vunyo lane, Hagalaz, Berkana lane - damage to relationships or in
sphere of personal life.
Laguz (Laguz lane) + Berkana + Eyvaz + Raido lane or Eyvaz, Laguz lane, Laguz + Raido lane, Evaz + Teyvaz -
curse of loneliness
Berkana lane
+ Eyvaz, Laguz, lane Laguz - damage to the birth of children
pass Odal + pass Laguz + Gebo -
damage through the lining, any
in general.
lane Raido + Laguz + Evaz - damage
to close the possibilities of the lane Fehu + Evaz + Laguz - damage
on the mat. condition
Fehu + lane Laguz + Eyvaz - also
damage to the material condition
Hagalaz + Fehu + lane Laguz -
damage to business, etc., if at the end of Yera, then it’s not damage, but
consequences of decisions
Kano + Berkana lane + Laguz
(Laguz lane) + Eyvaz - damage to
health Hagalaz + Yera + Turisaz +
any rune - hereditary
In general, if they issue
Eyvaz combinations
+ lane Laguz, Eyvaz + Hagalaz, lane Laguz + Kano, Turisaz
+ Algiz, then you can talk
what is definitely on a person
there is a negative, neighboring runes
show what
namely, if Gebo, Berkana, Teyvaz - then
private life if
Fehu, Uruz, Inguz - then
mat.condition, if
Kano, Vunyo, Dagaz -
health, there is a serious negative if Eyvaz falls out
+ Turisaz + Hagalaz + Berkana
or lane Algiz + Eyvaz
+ lane Laguz
+ Hagalaz, lane Algiz + Yera
+ Turisaz + Hagalaz, Eyvaz + Hagalaz + Hyera
+ lane Laguz, usually like this
schedule says what's up
quite unimportant.
The second row - tells about who or how brought negativity into a person’s life, sometimes it can be the person himself. Before starting the layout, I mentally
stipulate that if
Mannaz will come out in the second row - then the person himself is the source
negative, wrong
acted, raised something (not from
what he did, and
accidentally), moved to
a damaged house, etc. If Berkana comes out, Laguz, then
was done by a woman
Teyvaz, Turisaz -
man, if it falls
Gebo, Odal, Perto, Fehu - then
the negative is not on him, but not on a thing or a deed.
The third row is like
second, it is more for
clarifications as done - if
Gebo drops out - through
gift, Odal - through lining, Fehu - through something
what the man was holding in
hands, Laguz, Berkana - oops-
okorm, but the third row
considered in the case
if something not very good comes out in the first row, if
first two rows
not bad, I'm not the third
I usually take out.

The first row will tell us if there is any negative on a person, and if there is, which one, on which area of ​​life this negative is reflected, how it affects a person.
The second row talks about what or who caused the negative, if any, here you can also see someone who can cause harm.
The third row shows if there is a negative, then through what it was made, brought.
If in this layout the first row in the first position are runes like Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Laguz, Laguz (pp), then damage is definitely present on the person, the runes that follow these runes will indicate what the negative affects.
If the Eyvaz rune is in the first row, then the damage was done by a person who is related to magic, or this person has a special interest in pursuing his goals. If Hagalaz is the first, they could simply verbally curse a person, if Turisaz, damage was done with the aim of revenge for something, if Laguz is love magic or for another purpose (I show the so-called "scarlet love spells"), Laguz (pp ) - damage through dead water, earth from a cemetery.
If there are no such runes in the layout, then there is no damage to the person, but the runes may indicate everyday problems of a domestic nature, or the querent has health problems.
When the rune Odal is the first in the first row, and after it there are bad runes, this may indicate that damage has roots in the past.
The second row tells about who or how brought negativity into a person's life, sometimes it can be the person himself. If Mannaz falls out in the second row, then the person himself is the source of negativity, did something wrong, picked up something (took over the thrown damage, for example), moved to a damaged house, etc. If Berkana or Laguz falls out, then the woman did it, if Teyvaz, Turisaz - a man, if Gebo, Odal, Perto, Fehu falls out - then the negative is not on him, but not on a thing, business or relationship.
The third row is similar to the second, it is rather to clarify how they did it - if Gebo falls out - through a gift, Odal - through a lining, Fehu - through something that the person was holding in his hands (as an option - translation). Laguz, Berkana - opoy-okorm. The third row is considered if something not very good comes out in the first row. If the first two rows are not bad, then the third one may not be laid out.

The first step towards changing the state of the biofield and the state of affairs is the diagnosis of spoilage. That is, you should not do something and try to remove it, if the presence of a negative impact has not yet been determined. Why look for a black cat in a dark but empty room. Although, according to practice, almost none of the people who contacted us found the absence of any negative program in the biofield. Whether it is damage, curse, evil eye, love spell or other options for magical effects. To clarify them, it is carried out in order to detect negativity and negative programs. There are many different methods for diagnosing the negative yourself, if you have done some of them and the result is positive, then it is better to contact a specialist for confirmation.

When physically manifested, it is best to pre-diagnose with an experienced esoteric specialist in order to know exactly what to deal with. In addition, removing damage from a person who simply does not have it is fraught with a slight malaise for him. On the one hand, it will not be worse if the cleaning is done by the master, since the field at the end of the work will become cleaner and will have protection from various magical attacks. But if a person tries to independently remove the negative impact, which is not there, then with inept handling of the biofield, it can cause energy harm to him.

Also, do not remove damage from yourself, if it is not there, with the help of runes. Stakes are not retroactive and can destroy existing defenses and good programs. Which will lead to the thinning of the biofield and the "sticking" of various negative on it. Therefore, before you start working on the state of your bioenergetic structure, it is necessary to diagnose spoilage and other negative programs.

Diagnostics of negative programs: methods and techniques

Esoteric masters do not need to use various means to diagnose for the presence of negative programs. They work by clairvoyance. In rare cases, to clarify the pointing time, a dowsing frame or pendulum is used. They “see” the presence of negativity on the field thanks to their special abilities. And if they don’t “see”, then they “clearly know” whether there is one or not.

But, any clairvoyant and seer, in the end, is the same person who has a number of doubts. Therefore, to confirm the result, he uses various methods. Yes, and for clarity to the diagnosed, the determination of spoilage is carried out using, for example, wax candles, raw egg, matches and other material things. For diagnostics various kinds negative programs use their own techniques. You can read about what types of negative programs there are in.

Egg diagnosis

"Rolling out" the egg is known as one of the ways to remove the negative impact. But the same way you can determine its presence. Rolling out among magicians is considered one of the most effective means of quickly and exact definition negativity that each person can independently carry out.

For the procedure, you need to take a fresh egg domestic chicken, a half-liter jar half-filled with lightly salted water. Break the egg into the water without damaging the yolk. Put at the head of the bed before going to bed, after reading the prayer "Our Father" over the jar.

The next morning, carefully examine the result of the procedure. If there are bundles, bubbles, and an unpleasant smell in the egg, then there are destructive programs in the field.

Diagnosis with matches

This method is the easiest way to determine deadly negative programs, damage to loneliness, failures in life. Diagnostics with chicken eggs wears relative nature, since there it is necessary to see the changes that have occurred and interpret them. Working with matches allows you to get a definite answer, without any speculation.

For the procedure, you need to take only seven matches and a basin of water. You need to light all the matches at once, let them burn out as long as possible. After that, reading a prayer to the Mother of God, throw one burned match into the water. If 4 or more drown, then the presence of a negative program on the field is unambiguous. And the more matches sink, the stronger this effect.

Diagnosis of spoilage with a wax candle

To determine the presence of a negative program in the human field using wax candle quite simple, if you have at least some idea of ​​​​the chakra structure of a person. The procedure is that it is necessary to light a candle and lead it along the spinal column from behind (if the diagnosis is done to another person) or from the front, reading a prayer. The appearance of a crack near some energy center indicates the presence of a destructive program, the action of which is directed directly at this energy center.

Experienced magicians can diagnose damage by other methods: using Tarot cards, from photographs and runes. If you have doubts about the results of self-diagnosis, you should contact professionals who use several methods at once in their work.

with your own hands. But did you know that these symbols can diagnose various problems and even remove negativity?

How to diagnose runes of damage, negativity for beginners: the meaning of runes

In order to determine the presence of damage or negativity, take out one rune and see what it shows. So, they talk about damage Hagalaz, Eyvaz, Turisaz, Laguz straight and inverted.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to note that precision is required when formulating a question. For example, it is better to immediately ask if there is damage from a particular person.

So what mean the runes mentioned above in the context we need?

  • Eyvaz- damage was induced by a person who knows a lot in such rituals. Or, alternatively, he directly interested in harming you.
Runa Eyvaz says that the damage was caused by a person who understands this matter
  • Hagalaz- most likely you verbally cursed. Such a non-ritual evil wish, uttered in the hearts, is called a negative.
  • Turisaz- damage has appeared the result of revenge.
  • Lazuz straight- maybe you hindered someone in matters of the heart.
  • Laguz inverted points exactly to item, through which damage could occur. Most likely, it was realized through something gloomy like earth from a cemetery.

IMPORTANT: If you pulled the rune outside this list, then you can exhale with relief - there is no talk of damage. But take a closer look at Odal - if she fell out, then get another rune. And if such a rune belongs to those listed by us, then you could be damaged in the past.

Rune Odal may indicate that corruption stretches from the past

How to diagnose runes of health and disease: the meaning of runes

If you feel unwell, you can use the runes to try to determine its source. To do this, take one rune - and see what discomfort may be associated with:

  • Fehu– with respiratory problems, joint or bone problems
  • Uruz- at risk is what is responsible for our physical form. Possibly tight muscles
  • Turisaz- nerves, heart. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the skin
  • Ansuz- everything related to the oral cavity. These are teeth, gums, larynx

IMPORTANT: A problem with the speech apparatus is very likely.

  • Raido- it is worth taking care of the condition of the musculoskeletal system
  • Kano- General unsatisfactory state of the immune system. Inflammatory processes are also likely to develop
  • Gebo- poisoning
  • Vunyo- problems with the lungs and, in principle, with everything related to breathing
  • Hagalaz - injuries like cuts or even fractures
  • Nautiz- it can be both colds and problems associated with the hands

Runa Nautiz says that colds may occur
  • Isa- loss of any sensitivity. For example, the sense of smell may fail
  • Hyères- problems with the digestive system
  • Eyvaz- a rather diverse list from eye disease to problems with the musculoskeletal system. Bone disease cannot be ruled out
  • Perth– gynecology, urology

IMPORTANT: There may also be problems with internal organs- It is worth checking your health in this direction.

  • Algiz- Another rune, signaling weak immunity. Possible problems associated with brain activity - injuries, circulatory disorders
  • Soul- There is a high chance of getting burned. You also need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin.
  • Teyvaz sprains and other injuries, arthritis and rheumatism are likely
  • Berkana- in case of women indicates inability to conceive. Men should pay attention to your nervous system
  • Evaz- endangered kidneys, liver
  • Mannaz- sprains, various injuries

Runa Mannaz often indicates a general weakness of the body
  • Laguz- possible problems with blood vessels, kidneys
  • Inguz- urological diseases or an unsatisfactory state of the immune system
  • Otila Find out if there are hereditary diseases in your family. The danger may come from them
  • Dagaz- take care of your nerves

If the rune Dagaz fell out to you, try to relax more

How to diagnose relationships with runes: the meaning of runes

A layout for diagnosing relationships called "Heart" it is simple to perform - it is only necessary to decompose in the form of this symbol 6 runes, among which:

  • 1 - draws relationships All in all. Shows how partners relate to each other. This rune can rightfully be considered in diagnostics most important
  • 2 - will help to understand in more detail what you feel to a partner
  • 3 - and this rune illustrates the attitude partner to you

IMPORTANT: Compare 2 and 3 runes. If they differ radically, a strong discrepancy in characters is possible.

  • 4 immediate prospects for the development of relations from your side
  • 5 - again prospects, but from the point of view partner, his intentions. Again recommended compare values two runes, only this time this one and 4
  • 6 – and finally result. This rune can be considered a kind of clue on what steps should be taken to improve relations

You can read about what each specific rune of personal life promises in.

How to diagnose the stave of the rune?

In order to make a diagnosis of the stave of runes, you need to properly relax and ask a mental question: "How will this becoming work with me?". Imagine yourself with this position. Now you can pull runes.

IMPORTANT: Turn off all logical thinking. Make choices on an emotional-intuitive level.


  • 1 rune- how do you perceive the desired becoming
  • 2 rune- how it will work
  • 3 rune- what will such contact with the stave lead to

For interpretation, you can use the general meaning and runes.

However, there are characters after which clarification is required. In other words, you need to get another rune. These are the following characters:

  • Turisaz– it will be necessary to clarify what is the breakthrough associated with the use of the stave
  • Hagalaz– what will be destroyed?
  • Hyères– what should be expected after a long period of time?
  • Eyvaz- what will result in a suspended state?
  • Perth What mystery will come true?
  • Inguz- Which new stage will begin?
  • Dagaz What happens after the rapid change?

What is runic wax in diagnostics?

This method helps deal with the issue of damage. Since ancient times, it was determined by wax - hence the name came from.

To do this, take 4 any runes. They are the most important in diagnosis and indicate the presence of negativity. You need to be guided here by the same principles that are described in the first paragraph on damage.

IMPORTANT: If among the extended 4 runes there are no those that indicate a negative, you should not continue the layout. Instead, using the available 4 runes, you can make a diagnosis of problems that come directly from the person himself.

But if the damage is still diagnosed, spread out second row, consisting of 2 runes. They will point out who can be the source of the problem:

  • Mannaz- the person for whom the alignment is being made, himself to blame. For example, he moved into a house with a negative attitude or did something wrong, offended someone
  • Berkana, Laguz- to be suspect woman. And in the first case in a straight position she is of childbearing age, and upside down- in the elderly

The runes of Berkan and Laguz indicate that the source of corruption is a woman
  • Turisaz, Teyvaz the man is to blame. Teyvaz straight points to young man, A inverted- per person aged
  • Odal, Perth, Fehu, Gebo- clarify that damage has been sent on business or some thing

Now I need to get more one rune, which will be the third row. She will tell through what the negative got to you:

  • Odal- lining
  • Fehu- a thing that fell into the hands
  • Berkana- food or drink
  • Gebo- present

Rune Gebo indicates that the negative is received through a gift

How to clean with runes?

Can be used for cleaning the following rates:

IMPORTANT: If you suspect negativity or have any complexes, this becoming may be useful.

  • Another becoming to cleanse negativity– Nautiz or Algiz-Soulu-Nautiz or Algiz

Where apply becoming?

  • Becoming should be applied to the photo. Next, the photo is placed in some secluded place. You don't need to do anything with the card.
  • If you decide to write the formula on paper, carry it with you everywhere.
  • Some inflict runes on the body or plaster which is attached to the body. However, while wearing them, they can be deformed. Therefore, either choose a different method, or wear carefully and periodically paint on.

IMPORTANT: When making a request to remove all the bad things, be extremely careful - generalization can turn into something negative. It is recommended to specify the wish.

The purge lasts 3 days if you want to solve a local problem, and 9 days– if background.

How to make protection with runes?

To protect family comfort, health it is worth making a talisman in the form of the rune Odin.

To protect property cut out a combination of Inguz-Algiz from wood. It should be kept at home away from prying eyes. If such a condition is met, fires or thieves can not be feared.

From the evil eye and damage make runic becoming Turisaz-Teivaz-Turisaz. It should be cut exclusively on a tree. Another option is to write on frames and jambs.

To protect family values use Ansuz, which protects against slander and weakens someone else's Negative influence. It should always be carried with you.

Rune Ansuz is able to protect family values

As you can see, with the help of runes, you can not just guess. These ancient symbols are able not only to indicate the problem, but also to have a certain influence on it.