The game is a journey "in the footsteps of the Robinsons". Sports and entertainment game "Journey to the island of Robinson

Municipal budgetary preschool

educational institution "Debessky kindergarten No. 2" of a general developmental type


Sports festival "Journey to Robinson's Island"

Osipova Natalya Leonidovna

Head of FIZO

With. Debes 2013

Target: Formation of the foundations of a positive attitude to motor actions.

Tasks :


    develop the ability to classify flowers (garden, forest, meadow); develop thinking, attention, memory, coordination of movements, ear for music, speech breathing;

    ensure the development of curiosity, activity and emotional responsiveness.


    exercise in drawing up an action plan according to the scheme;

    to form the ability to show their creativity in the design of teamwork.


    to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, a desire to preserve and protect nature;

    cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, a desire to help a friend in trouble.

Equipment: a bag with cards, footprints, headbands, paper flowers, butterflies, a rope, bird illustrations, split pictures of flowers, models of vegetables and fruits, Chunga-Changa music, signs, fruits.

Characters: Host, Robinson, Old Man Lesovichok, Beetle, Friday.

The course of the holiday

Leading: Guys, a strange package came to our kindergarten, and there was a bottle in it. What would that mean? Yes, there's a note inside the bottle! Let's read!

“I am Robinson, a man who lives on a desert island. There are many interesting things on the island, but also dangerous. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then I invite you on a journey to my island.

Leading : Here is a letter. Let's go on a trip! Are you afraid of difficulties? After all, they will surely meet us along the way. Courage, will, curiosity and mutual assistance will help us overcome them.

Three teams go on a trip: "Firefly", "Penguins", "Scarlet Sails".

Greetings from teams and captains.

Leading Q: What will we take with us on our trip? (children's answer).

Leading Q: What is this package? Oh yes, we are just lucky! We will be traveling on a map that shows the travel trail to Robinson Island. No matter how much we travel, we will definitely want to eat.

What should we do?

What can be cooked from (remember all the rules of a person in nature)

Leading: The journey to the island is not a short one, we must be strong and dexterous. Let's measure strength.

"Tug of war" is being held

Leading : Everyone ready? Let's hit the road. We walk together, in single file, on untrodden paths there are troubles. Be extremely careful.

Leading : Look, the trace of some unknown beast. Maybe it's a snowman? Yes, no, it's warm in these parts. Who could it be? (approaches the forest).

Old Man-Lesovichok:

What is the noise in my forest?

I hear the crackling of branches.

Who broke the silence?

I'm better off here without you.

Leading : So whose traces were there? We are unkindly met by the Old Man Lesovichok. Behave well in the forest, maybe he will become more kind.

Old Man-Lesovichok.: Who are you good or evil?

Leading: We are travelers and will not do evil in your forest.

Old man - Lesovichok : Do you know how to behave here? (children tell the rules of behavior in the forest).

Old Man-Lesovichok: Now I see you are good people. I give permission to inspect my property. Do you know the inhabitants of the forest? What are these birds? (Guess from illustrations)

Leading: Listen, the birds are scared of us. Let's learn how to move carefully through the forest so as not to alarm the birds.

The game "Creep up »

(- an adult, depicts a fox, children are birds, the fox is hiding behind a stump, she has a bandage - her eyes are hidden). Children inaudibly sneak up on their toes to the fox, try to walk past it or around it so as not to be detected, but if the fox “smelled” and found the bird, it catches it and hides it in its hole.)

Robinson : Thank you Lesovichok for hospitality. We need to go further.

Leading: The forest is not over yet, look at the flower meadow, maybe we can rest a bit. Oh-oh-oh, so many beautiful butterflies!

Remember the commandments of the forest: you can’t catch butterflies. And let's count them and see how many varieties there are.

(beetle enters the clearing)

Bug: Zhu-zhu-zhu . He invites the children to come closer to the flowers and examine them.

Questions for children : “What flowers do you see in the clearing? What are they? »

After that, the teacher invites the children to help the beetle collect pictures depicting parts of flowers, the children name the resulting flowers.

Exercise "Insects over the meadow"

Zhu-zhu-zhu, - the bee buzzes:

I am flying from afar.

Zu-zu-zu, - the mosquito squeaks.

Uff-uh-uh - like a locomotive

The bumblebee is puffing, carrying pollen.

The beetle is buzzing: “Gu-zhu, gu-zhu.

I'll wake anyone up."

Children raise their arms to the sides and rhythmically wave them like wings.

Rhythmically “throw out” index fingers forward.

They stamp their feet rhythmically.

They clap their hands rhythmically.

Leading: Look, guys, the island we need appeared. You have to go to the island by boat, but there is only one boat, so the team captain transports everyone to the island in turn.

Relay "Transportation of travelers» - the captain transports one participant in a hoop to the island.

(Robinson enters.)

Robinson: Hello guys! I am glad that you responded to my request and sailed to my island, it can be very boring here alone. I see you are very friendly guys, you are not afraid of difficulties.

Presenter: Robinson, did you have any difficulties on the island?

Robinson: Yes, I plant a garden, but it's very hard for me alone, help me, please.

Relay "Planting vegetables and fruits" - in turn, participants overcoming an obstacle (walking on a rope) plant vegetables and fruits in turn in the hole from the first to the last.

Robinson: On the sandy shore I found my friend Friday. Friday taught me his funny dances. Where is he? Very shy, afraid. Let's call him! Teams and Robinson call Friday.

Robinson communicates with Friday with gestures.

Presenter: Robinson and Friday do not know each other's language, communicate with gestures. They are both sociable and love to chat with each other. (Robinson and Friday at this time “tell”, share the news).

Robinson: Friday offers to dance with him.

Dance "Chunga - changa".

Robinson: You are so great, you are brave, kind, strong and not afraid of difficulties.

Robinson : I see friends that you are a little sad. Maybe we can refresh ourselves to raise our spirits ...

Leading: Stop, stop! And what is this sign? (sign - treasure)

(children are looking for a treasure).

Robinson: Well, you've found a treasure. And now it's time to say goodbye. I look forward to visiting you again.(saying goodbye)

Leading : We are going: ta-ta-ta. Normal walking.

We sing: la-la-la. Walking on toes.

We are going: tu-tu-tu. Walking on the entire foot, arms bent at the elbows ("locomotive").

We shout: ay-ay.

Standing still, they create, putting their hands with a mouthpiece to their mouths.

Leading : Well, here we are again in d / s.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education for children

"Center for additional education of children"

Khasanova Railya Zufarovna,

additional education teacher,

II qualification category,

MBUDOD "TSDOD" village Tyulgan


Children's tourism is a great pastime during the holidays at school, in children's health camps and playgrounds. It will be interesting for every child to go toa short journey where he can learn and see a lot of new and interesting things, get to know something new, get a huge amount of positive emotions.

After hard school hours, circles, sections and the like, children want to relax and look forward to the next vacation, especially summer.

This methodological development teaches the life skills of human survival in the natural habitat, instills in the younger generation a love for the wonderful world of sports tourism and develops it.

The proposed development can be useful to teachers, organizers, camp leaders, counselors. The material is aimed at ages 6 to 14.

Methodological development is accompanied by a presentation.


The topic of tourism is also becoming relevant in Russia, while in the world it is one of the most rapidly developing areas of tourism over the past ten years. What is children's tourism and what types of tourism are.

This topic was chosen precisely because tourism should be an integral social organism, the functioning of which can be aimed at ensuring the freedom of self-determination and self-development of the child in activities that are interesting for him and the creation of the widest opportunities for acquiring a variety of social experience in living conditions in a children's community outside the home and schools.


To teach children elementary tourist skills, abilities, knowledge.


    building effective relationships in a team within the framework of arrangement in difficult natural conditions, as well as the formation of skills of mutual understanding, mutual assistance, interaction during the development and implementation of joint projects;

    the formation of a culture of an active and healthy lifestyle, the strengthening of the internal forces of young people, allowing them to successfully overcome the difficulties of both natural and social nature;

    teaching the skills of successful survival in extreme conditions, comfortable and harmonious human existence in the natural environment;

    patriotic, environmental, physical, youth education, assistance in organizing active leisure.

Using this methodological development, the teacher develops in children the skills and abilities of behavior in nature, forms personal qualities (social activity, self-realization through various activities, independence, purposefulness, discipline, communication skills, etc.); develops the ability to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding nature. Through moral education, adolescents form such values ​​as: love for the small Motherland, perception and admiration of the beauty of natural landscapes, respect for human labor, aimed at the rational use of natural resources.

Event progress.

Leading: Hello guys! We will travel today! I hope you are in a good mood today? If yes, then let's all clap together. Will you not be bored? If "no", then let's stomp together.

We have an unusual day today. Today we will find out who are tourists?

To begin with, let's look at a small presentation, and find out (See Appendix 1)

1) Let's remember who the tourists are? (slide 2)

2) What are the tourists? (slide 3, slide 4, slide 5, slide 6 slide 7)

3) What can tourists do on a hike? (slide 8)

4) What should a tourist take with him on a trip? (slide 9)

5) What do you need to put in your backpack? (slide 10)

6) What do you not need to take with you on a hike? (slide 11)

7) And now let's see what a real tourist looks like (slide 12)

(Dividing children into 2-3 teams)

Leading: And now, guys, I will ask you to divide into teams. You will need to consult and choose a captain, come up with a team name and motto. Our tourist strip consists of several stages, each with its own tasks. Now you will receive runners (route sheets) in which the order of tasks will be prescribed. We diverge according to the received runners (See Appendix 2)

Stage 1. "Backpack"

( package, pictures)

We need to pack for the trip. Before you are drawings of various objects. We take an envelope with the inscription "Backpack" and put in a bag all the things necessary for the trip. Who will do more? (See Appendix 3) . Run time - 3 minutes.

Example: a tent, a sleeping bag, a pillow, a bowler hat, a knife, salt, cereals, pasta, an ax, a shovel, etc.

Stage 2. « Orientation" + "Riddles"

(Compass, riddles)

Captains need to:

"2 steps south, 3 steps west, 4 steps north and 1 step east" (See Annex 4)

Stage 3. "Plants"

(plant images)

Among the images, you must give the correct name of the plants, take only edible ones and bring them to your team's basket. Run time - 7 minutes. ( see Appendix 5)

plant assortment: blackberry, bird cherry, wild strawberry, rosehip, currant, mother-and-stepmother, willow, oak, birch, linden, mountain ash, maple, snowdrop, dandelion, lily of the valley, chamomile, bluebell, tulip.

Stage 4. "First aid"

(bandage /toilet paper 1 pc./) "stretcher" /1 pc./)

Doctors need to provide first aid to the victim , putting on a tire and transport the victim to the landmark. (See Appendix 6)

Stage 5. "Tent"


It is necessary to correctly assemble a two-person tent. (See Appendix 7)

Stage 6. "Swamp" + "Sleeping bag"

(sheets of A4 paper, sleeping bag)

On the way of tourists - a swamp. It can only be crossed over bumps, which will be represented by sheets of paper. Each participant is given two sheets, and the participants, moving them, reach a certain place, after which he needs to properly pack into a sleeping bag. (See Annex 8)

Stage 7. "The Ravine"

(gymnastic bench)

Now there is a ravine on the way of tourists, which can be overcome along a log. The role of the log is played by a gymnastic bench, on which all team members must run in turn. Those who do it faster than others win.

Summarizing. Rewarding.


Today there are no losers

There are simply the best of the best.

May there be light in every heart of friendship,

Will ignite the deeds of a good ray.

Leading: We rested well

All rightfully won

Praise worthy and rewards

And we are happy to give you medals!

Leading: So our travel competitions are over! I hope you guys remember well what you need to do to become a real tourist!

Thank you all for your attention

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter.

For the fire of the competition Ensuring success.

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say goodbye to everyone

Until happy new meetings!

Leading: Thank you all for your active participation


The development of a mass educational event was first tested in the MBUDOD "Center for additional education of children" in the village of Tyulgan.The implementation of the activity approach allows the child to extract knowledge from their own activities, from observations and perceptions, to comprehend the logic of their own actions, to make a competent decision, which is very important in our time. The decisive conditions for holding this mass educational event: accessibility and information capacity, informality of communication. Methodological material can be used in various educational institutions, institutions of additional education for children.

List of sources used.

    Vasiliev V.A. 300 questions and answers about nature and weather. / - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1999. - 240p., ill.

    Kurov V.N. Expanding the horizons of children. / Samara, 2001.- 180s., Ill.

    Sorokina A.S. Thematic games and holidays. Methodological guide for the teacher. / - M .: TC Sphere, 2004. - 98 p.

    Biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle / Comp. V.V. Balabanova, T.A. Maksimtsev. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003. - 154 p.

    Circuitry of digital displacement transducers: Reference manual / V.G. Domracheev, V.R. Matveevsky, Yu.S. Smirnov. - M .: Energoatomizdat, 1998.- 392s.


Annex 1.


+ riddles


First aid




+ riddles


First aid





Appendix 2

Appendix 3

    There are seas, but you can’t swim,
    There are roads, but you can not go,
    There is land, but it is impossible to plow.
    What is this? (Map)

    In my pocket -
    wonderful friend:
    He knows where the north is, and he knows where the south is. ( Compass)

    At the halt helped us:
    He cooked soup, baked potatoes.
    Good for hiking
    But you can't take it with you. (Bonfire)

When you leave the city, traveling along the road, a forest, trees, reserved places flash by. And you start to think: what if you are alone in this forest, what to do and how to survive? And here the hero of Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe immediately comes to mind. What helped him survive on a desert island?

The first desire is to survive and the goal is to return to the Motherland. The second is knowledge and practical skills. It was knowledge and skills that allowed Robinson to use ALL the possibilities that were available on the island: plants, animals, earth.

The third is diligence, he worked daily, creating housing for himself, taming an animal, growing grain, making clothes, a lazy and uneducated person would simply die from the cold, lack of food.

Thanks to the world-famous hero Robinson, a game-journey "On the secret paths of Robinson" was created, in which, at the end, the children had to unravel the secret of Robinson's survival, which consists in the following words: "You need to know a lot, be able to do a lot and not lose heart!".

The purpose of the game: to create conditions for the training of counselors among students in grades 8-11 of schools in the Kalinin district, the organization of meaningful leisure for LDP schoolchildren during the holidays.

- to diagnose and enrich children's knowledge of geography;

- create conditions for the practical application of leadership skills;

- provide the child with the opportunity to express themselves in new game roles;

- Promote team building.

Participants: 180 people, age: 7-12 years.

Equipment: 2 balls, 2 painted snakes, a large round blanket, specially sewn (and a hole cut out in the middle, a ball to it), branches, a fern, cones, maps (route sheets), felt-tip pens, 200 sponges for washing dishes, encrypted messages, fake fruits, 2 sticks 80 cm long, threads, adhesive tape, cards with written phrases (depict with gestures).

Game progress: All the guys are divided into tribes, for this, the organizers of the program distribute manufactured hats that coincide with the tribes (their difference is the color of the threads on the hats). The guys look at the color of the threads on the head and approach their leader, who has a thread of the same color. This is how teams are formed. Itinerary sheets are maps that depict Robinson's Secret Trails. On these maps, the dotted line indicates the direction in which the participants have to move. Participants need to go through 10 secret paths, on each they come across a red-skinned man who will give a task, in case of successful passage they will be given keys. The criterion for this game is not the time to complete all the tasks, but the creativity, originality and cohesion of the squad when passing the tests. Before the start of the program, songs about Robinson are heard.

Game start.

Voice from behind the scenes: It is difficult to find in our time a person who has not read the world-famous novel by D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe", whose hero has become an object of envy and an example of imitation for many generations of boys and girls. Once upon a time, as a result of a shipwreck, the hero of Daniel Defoe's book was thrown onto a desert island, he was then 18 years old, and his name was Robinson. He lived on the island for 28 years, 2 months and 19 days all alone. The parrot was his only friend.

Having transported tools, weapons, gunpowder, some grain from the sunken ship to the island, Robinson built himself a hut, grew crops, tamed and bred wild goats, built two boats, learned to sew clothes, and make dishes from clay. Shortly before life on the island, he saved a savage from death. Hard work and invincible determination helped him survive in the most hopeless conditions. Many in his place would simply have disappeared, many, but not our today's heroes. However, now we will see it all with you.

Robinson: Hello guys! You, the guests of the whole planet, came to me on one single island, which is uninhabited! You don't know how to communicate with whoever gets in your way! How to be able to survive!

To do this, you must pass the test of Robinson, having passed all my secret paths, you will then learn the recipe for survival on the island. To do this, I will give each leader a route map, where on each trail you will receive the key to the recipe for how to squeeze on the island. At the end of the game, you will receive all the keys, and the main secret of survival on the island will be revealed.

1- I trail "Sea mail". The guys need to restore the text of the message, which was washed out by water. Letters are given to teams.

... it was fate that our ... (ship) crashed near... (equator). We had 20 days... (sail) where they took us... (waves). The entire team died. Only I survived, Robinson Crusoe.

…the waves threw me on... (island), lost in... (sea). I had no idea what kind of land it was. I know one thing for sure: this is undoubtedly part of the South ... (America) lying near the Spanish... (possessions).

For the correct execution, the word "Necessary" is issued.

2- I trail "Geographic Quiz". Answers on questions:

List all the colored seas of the globe.

Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica.)

The largest lake (Baikal.)

Capital of Greece. (Athens.)

Which oceans cross the equator? (3: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian.)

A river named after a girl. (Lena.)

Name the smallest continent. (Australia.)

Which continent has two parts? (Eurasia.)

Name the largest island. (Greenland.)

What mountains separate Europe and Asia? (Ural mountains.)

If the guys have completed, then the team is given the key "A lot".

3- I am the Robinson Crusoe Breakfast trail. The leaders of this trail offer the guys to eat. There are a lot of fruit plants on Robinson Island. Participants need to collect fruits and move them to the basket with chopsticks. To do this, they are divided into two teams, an equal number of fruits per team, whose team will be faster. Upon completion of the task, the word "know" is issued.

4- I am the Scare the Snake trail. The children are invited to scare away the snake. To do this, the team needs to line up in a column. Participants are given a tennis ball. Opposite each team there is a tree, a sticky tennis plate is attached to the tree and an imitation of a “painted snake” around this plate. The task of the team is to hit the ball into the plate. The guys in turn, starting with the first in the column, begin to throw the ball. The ball should attach to the middle of the snake. If attached, then the snake was frightened. Each participant is entitled to one throw. Upon completion of the task, the word "and" is issued.

5- I am the station "Clothes for Robinson Crusoe". Participants need to make a costume for Robinson Crusoe from ferns, burdocks, branches, cones in a certain time. Next, the team needs to present this costume in a creative way. While the costume is being prepared, a competition is held for the involved guys. The Redskins offer them to imagine that they have ended up on a desert island. What items will be most needed? Upon completion of the task, the word "many" is issued.

6- I trail "Sign Language". The hosts report that Robinson and Friday can only communicate with gestures. The team is divided into two parts, one of which is the Robinsons, the other is the Fridays. The "Robinsons" are told a phrase, which they must explain to other participants only with gestures and facial expressions. "Fridays" need to guess the conceived proposal.

Phrase Options: What's your name? Do you want to eat? Will you eat bananas? Would you like a can of Pepsi? Salt your food? Shall we go boar hunting? And others. Upon completion of the task, the word "be able" is issued.

7- I trail "Dances of the natives." Participants need to come up with and then dance the dance of the natives in 3 minutes. Upon completion of the task, the word "and" is issued.

8th trail "Mosquitoes". The participants are divided into two teams. Each team is given the same number of sponges (mosquitoes). For a certain time, while the music is playing, the participants in the game need to throw sponges at another team. The team with the fewest mosquitoes wins the mosquitoes. Upon completion of the task, the word "Not" is issued.

9th trail "Funnel of desires". Participants take on a large round blanket, specially sewn, in the middle of which there is a small hole where the ball can fall. To escape from the funnel, each participant must say his own wish to the team and release the ball into the funnel, if the ball hit the hole, then the wish will come true. The task of the team is to steer the funnel so that the ball still gets into the hole. On this path, the word "dishearten" is given out.

10th trail "Robinson's Leisure". This station is run by Robinson himself. He teaches the children the movement for a general flash mob at the end of the game. To the song "I, I, Robinson." On this trail, an "exclamation mark" is issued.

Robinson: All the guys did it! And now let's all together and unanimously say what is the secret of survival:

The guys begin to chant: You need to know a lot and be able to do a lot, and do not lose heart!

Yes, the secret really lies in these wise words. But the dance that we all learned together will help us not to lose heart. Let's all get up, go to the clearing. A flash mob "I, you, he, Robinson" is being organized. Sounds minus, Fidget "Robinson".

"Visiting Robinson"

game program

Goals and objectives:

  1. Formation of interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world, in adventure literature;
  2. Developing the ability to analyze, creating a situation of success, developing the intellectual abilities of students;
  3. Development of creative, physical and communicative abilities of children;
  4. Raising love and respect for loved ones

Material and technical equipment: stage design in a tropical style - painted palm trees, parrots, exotic fruits, pictures of predators and herbivores, a poster card, envelopes with tasks, attributes for competitions (paper, pens, balloons, spoons, pillows, painted bananas and bones for encouragement) music center, music CDs.

Game progress.

All participants are seated. Robinson appears, leads a leisurely conversation.

Robinson: Greetings, my friends! My name is Robinson Crusoe. From early childhood, I loved the sea more than anything in the world. For hours I stood idle on the shore and looked at the ships leaving in the distance.

And so, when I was 19 years old, without asking either my father or my mother, at the “bad hour” - September 1, 1651, I boarded a ship sailing for London. It was a bad deed, do not repeat it, children. After all, I shamelessly left my elderly parents, neglected their advice and violated my filial duty. And I soon had to repent of it!

My ship crashed in a storm. I survived, but I did not leave my dreams. During the second trip, I was taken prisoner to Africa, where I was for 2 years. Then I got to Brazil, where I lived for 4 years. From here he went to Guinea in search of gold and ivory. Do you think I didn't think about my abandoned parents? I often thought about them, but still did not return home. Life has taught me nothing.

Once, during a severe storm, our ship ran aground, the entire crew perished. And I managed to get to the shore of the island. It turned out to be uninhabited! And now I've been living on this island for 28 years! One. I learned to do without the usual clothes, I learned to grow bread, make dishes, tamed wild goats, built a boat and a dwelling. And today I am hosting guests on my island!

And on this solemn occasion, I want to arrange a holiday! My friends! Let's have fun, jump and dance today! You all come out here, to the center of the meadow. I will teach youthe dance of the islanders.

Everyone goes to the center of the hall, stand in a circle, dance, imitating Robinson.

Robinson: Guys, you are so groovy, so well done! Let's play? Divide into two teams: let's call them "Predators" and "Herbivores".

Second task : geographical. In order to navigate well when traveling, you need to know geographical names. Write in 1 minute the names of the countries that you know.

Third task : envelopes with cards. What kind of exotic plants are not on our planet! Among them are marble, soap, cow tree and many others. Divide the plants into three groups.

Fourth task: An image of a pea (or other plant) is given. Name all parts of plants.

Fifth task : zoo (shootout). Imagine that you are walking through a zoo. Name the animals you see there.

Musical pause."If you are kind". All together with Robinson sing a song to the soundtrack.

Sixth task : name the streets of Atkarsk, which bear the names of famous people.

Seventh task : bring the egg. Carry the balloon on a spoon to the wall and back.

Eighth task : pillow fight. All team members stand on the line in pairs and try to knock the enemy off the line (or from a small bench).

Ninth task : spiders. 2 people stand with their backs to each other, cling with their elbows. You have to run to the wall and back.

Tenth task : caterpillar. One participant runs, returns, another one clings to his belt, a third one, etc.

Summing up, congratulations to the winners.

Robinson: Oh, and you pleased me with your mind, quick wits, lightness and enthusiasm. The sun has set, it's time for you and me to relax. I want to offer you our Tropican dance goodbye.

All participants stand in a chain and dance lambada.


“A long road tires a good horse,” says the proverb. And I wish you a good journey and I hope that you will visit me again on my wonderful island. And I also want to advise you to read adventure stories. For example, Daniel Defoe described my wanderings in a book called Robinson Crusoe. And also ask the library for books: "Treasure Island", "Children of Captain Grant", "The Adventures of Captain Vrungel" and others.

Read interesting books, be strong, strong, healthy and always remember your parents and take care of them the way they took care of you. And, of course, visit me more often!

Goodbye, guys.

The Robinsonade script is perfect for elementary school prom. It is perfect for all those who want to arrange a fun and unforgettable graduation party for their children with a minimum amount of expenses for the competitive part.

Parents, elementary school teachers, employees of children's art houses and professional animators will be able to spend the holiday. The script has sound and musical accompaniment, which is easy to find in any search engine.

The atmosphere of the holiday, interesting competitions that develop thinking, the team spirit of the competition, an unusual plot - all this is "Robinsonade".

The main action of the events takes place on a desert island where children go to grow up and learn how to survive on their own, without parental care. The main host of the scenario is Robinson Crusoe, whom the guys get acquainted with when landing on a desert island.

Design and attributes of competitions:

  • The decoration of the hall is at the discretion of the organizers.
  • For the contests, you will need to make color photographs in A4 format in advance (there will be a separate description of the cards for each contest).
  • Improvised costumes of the captain of the aircraft and stewardesses.
  • Robinson Crusoe costume.
  • Colored ribbons (red, green, blue).
  • Paper, pens.
  • Natural flowers.
  • First you need to prepare seats for children in the form of an impromptu aircraft, which can be arranged at your discretion. The role of the leader (leader) is played by the captain of the ship.


Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome aboard our airliner. Captain (name) and crew on behalf of Aeroflot Russian Airlines welcome you on board the Boeing aircraft (model number) operating flight number (date of event) on the route (name of city) Grad City - Grand Five Islands. The length of the route is 2000 km. Travel time is 1 hour 30 minutes. Our flight will take place at an altitude of 17,000 meters, at a speed of 1,300 kilometers per hour. Please take your seats, bring your seat backs to an upright position and fasten your seat belts. For flight safety, please do not use mobile phones. We wish you all a pleasant flight. Thank you for attention!

The sound of takeoff and the sound of an airplane flying.

Passengers (children) sit on makeshift aircraft seats, and flight attendants (2 people from among the parents) deliver drinks and ice cream.

Any pleasant, light background music.


Ladies and Gentlemen! We ask everyone to prepare for landing: bring the backs of the seats to an upright position and fasten the seat belts. We are descending. Temperature outside +35. Thank you for attention.

Airplane landing sound.


Ladies and Gentlemen! Our aircraft landed on one of the islands of the great five. We ask everyone to leave.

The sound of the sea.

The children leave the makeshift plane and go to the playground, where they are met by Robinson Crusoe. Children are divided into three teams for further competitions.

Song Cha-cha-cha.

This is who fell from heaven,
Landed on my island?
How long have I been waiting for you
My young friends!

It's wild nature here.
There is terrible weather
And to shelter from the rain
Build a house for yourself.

You need to find food
I'm going to cook for lunch.
The lesson for you here is survival,
After all, mom and dad are not around!

My island, though not big,
I researched it for a long time
And so that we do not sit idle
And do not go noisy in a crowd,

Now we urgently need
Split into teams!
Builders, let's step forward
Hard work awaits you.

Choosing a team of builders

Several people take a step forward and step aside. They are chosen by the leader or the guys themselves decide who will be in this team. We do the same with other teams.

The construction team will need photo cards showing the following items: shovel, poles, rope, reed, net, nail, hammer, hammock, plank, window, roof, threshold.

There are many animals on my island,
I can't figure them out without you.
And I will be a good help
If tell about them, my friends.

You have arrived - this is a sign.
Please take the first step!

Choosing a team of animal lovers

The guys of the hunting team take a step forward and step aside.

For a team of hunters, photo cards are needed with the image of such animals: a snake, a parrot, a shark, a turtle, a spider, a monkey, a rabbit, a goat, a cat, a bat, a lizard.

Who was left behind
Please come quickly to me.
Among you I will see cooks
And I won't offend you with a competition.

Choosing a team of chefs

Several people from the cooking team take a step forward and step aside.

A team of cooks needs the following photo cards: banana, water, grass, berries, salt, sugar, roots, fish, meat, milk, flour. You can add or replace product names, as long as they are associated with island life.

The result is three teams. In each team, the presence of one parent is desirable, perhaps those who have until now played the role of flight attendants.

Robinson ties colored ribbons to each participant's hand:

  • 1 team. Builders. Red ribbon.
  • 2 team. Animal lovers. Green ribbon.
  • 3 team. Cooks. Blue ribbon.

I see three teams in the collection,
There is no place for enmity and strife.

I will give you advice
And the items you need

Pilots will be given to us now.
So guys, get to work!

1. Competition for the construction team

Robinson in verse says that it is necessary to build a dwelling. Participants of the construction team are given cards for the competition. The idea of ​​​​the competition is for children to show in the pictures the order of building a house, that is, with what it starts with (shovel) and ends with (roof), and not vice versa. Then they need to write a short story about how the housing was built.

Robinson's text:

The skies darkened
A storm is coming!
Where can we hide guys?
We urgently need a home!

Guys, look at your pictures and line up in such an order that we can all understand how you built the house. But you not only show, but also tell!

Game music OMFG "Hello".

After the children have completed the construction competition, Robinson praises them in verse, talks about the second competition and the need to find food.

Well built home
It's time for you to get your food.
There is no market here, no shop,
Here dexterity, intelligence and strength are needed.

Our island is inhabited by:
Dives, runs, flies
And crawling, sometimes even.
Now we will show you all.

2. Competition for the team of animal lovers

Robinson speaks in verse about the second competition. Team members are given cards for the competition. The idea of ​​the competition is for the children to show with movements who is shown in the picture. The audience in the hall will have to guess them without seeing the picture itself.

Well, dear guests,
Quit making noise,
Look at the children
Guess all the animals.

Game music "Dam-Da-Da".

At the end of the second contest, Robinson tells the story of the third contest in verse and informs the children that they will need to prepare food.

animal lovers
They did their best.
Well, while we were having fun,
Look, everyone here is hungry.

Cauldrons of food are already boiling,
I ask for a cook competition!
We eat horror as we all want,
We'll take a look at your talent.

3. Competition for the team of chefs: virtual cooking

Team members are given cards for the competition. Children prepare, and then they must tell what dishes they will cook from these products. Each picture needs to find one pair (two, three depending on the dish).

Game music "Dam-Da-Da".

Oh thanks guys
Both girls and boys
Fed to hell.
Rest time has come!

4. Game "Letter to parents"

The essence of the game is that children need to write adjectives, which will then be placed in a pre-prepared text. The number of adjectives is equal to the number of participants or may be more.

We decided to write an essay
And in bright colors impressions
We put it on paper:
What did they do and how did they live here,

What did you learn, how did you grow up?
And who we really are.

But we just turned away -
All mixed up words!
Read this text with a smile
And of course you will understand.

Charging for children « middle »

An example text of an essay in which you will need to insert adjectives:

Here it is over _______ lessons. rang _______ call and in _______ May day we went to _______ journey. Our _______ plane made _______ landing on _______ island. When we stepped on _______ shore, you saw _______ nature. Met us on the island _______ Robinson. He had _______ beard and _______ eyes. We liked him because he was _______ man. To survive we had to build _______ housing. We have learned to get ourselves _______ food and cook _______ food. We enjoyed swimming in _______ ocean. The water was very _______ And _______ and we also played _______ games and ran barefoot _______ sand. We often played with _______ monkeys and even caught with their hands _______ fish. Once we saw _______ hare with _______ ears, and then made friends with _______ the goat who gave us _______ milk. The weather on the island was _______ , on _______ the sky shone _______ Sun. But one day we got wet because _______ rain. This _______ adventure has become for us _______ And _______ event.

Song "If there is sun tomorrow" by S. Mikhailov.

To the music, Robinson leads everyone into a dance, and then the announcement of preparations for takeoff sounds. The guys sit in makeshift chairs and prepare for the flight.

The sound of aircraft turbines.


Ladies and Gentlemen!

Welcome aboard our airliner. On behalf of Aeroflot Russian Airlines, the Captain of the ship (name) and the crew welcome you on board the Boeing aircraft (model number) flying from Grand Five Island to Grad City.

We ask you to take your seats, bring the backs of your seats to an upright position and fasten your seat belts. I wish you all a successful flight. Thank you for attention!

A sound and music block consisting of the sound of an aircraft taking off, background music on board the aircraft, and the sound of an aircraft landing.


Dear passengers, our plane landed at Grad City Airport. The temperature overboard is +25 degrees Celsius, the time is 17:00 hours. The ship's commander and crew say goodbye to you. We wish you wonderful summer days!

Children are welcomed by parents

There is bright music.

Poem from parents:

What did you get on the island,
We learned about it on the news
We were so worried about you!
At night we did not close our eyes!

What will you eat and drink?
How can you live without us?
Why don't you wash the bananas?
Suddenly the monkeys startle

The breeze blows from the sea
Or a stream of rain from the sky,
Without phone, internet,
No breakfast, no lunch...

We suffered from you far away,
We couldn't call you.

And now looking at you
Cheerful, smart, tanned,
Beautiful, brave, grown up,
We will say that YOU are the highest class!

What is better than all the others in the world,
You are our super kids!

Let your faces light up
Let there be a lot of sun in the summer

Let's have fun with you!
Let's sing and dance.
May the holiday last forever 1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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