True and imaginary values ​​in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" (School essays)

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov spent ten years writing The Master and Margarita. He began writing it in 1929 and finished in 1938. Throughout the novel, we see how the consciousness of the writer, his thoughts changed. We can trace fear, grief, joy, and many other emotions in the work. But one thing remains unchanged throughout the novel - this is the author's attitude to human values.

In his work, M. A. Bulgakov from the first pages makes the reader think about true and imaginary values, but what are values? I believe that this person considers the most important thing in his life, which he attaches greater value. For many people, love, friendship, family, faith are of great importance. However, in his novel M.

A. Bulgakov shows us that this is not always the case. There are people who put above all money, fame, prestige. I believe that the conflict between people with imaginary and people with true values ​​is one of the main ones in the work.

In the first chapter of the novel, Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny walk along the patriarchal ponds. They are discussing a poem that Ivan Nikolaevich will compose. The editor "Ordered a large anti-religious poem from the poet", but in his work Jesus turned out "as if alive", which Berlioz did not like. This whole scene is meant to denounce art. The work of the writers of "MASSOLIT" is false, made to order, and this contradicts the purpose of art - the free self-expression of the author, his honest communication with the reader.

Another false value that dominates the novel is money.

Only Woland and his retinue, as well as the Master and Margarita, remain indifferent to them. When Woland performed at the Variety, people caught money and ran for clothes. Each tried to take more for himself than the others. For this they were punished: the money turned into plain paper and the clothes are gone.

But it is a mistake to believe that the heroes of the novel have no true values. The main ones in the novel are love and faith. The example of the Master and Margarita shows that love can do a lot. For the sake of the Master, Margarita endures torment at the ball, not even being sure that her beloved will be returned to her. In order to be with the Master, she sells her soul to the devil. Margarita has amazing fortitude, and her love for the Master is so strong that it seems that there is nothing that could prevent them from being together. Not even death can separate the lovers.

So, the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" is one of key works writer. He shows us that there are many false values ​​in the world, and only a person with true values ​​can cope with any difficulties. So, Margarita managed to go to the ball of Satan to meet the Master, to cope with pain and fear, and in the end find happiness and peace with her beloved.

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An example of completing task 17.3 at the exam in literature with examples and quotations from the text.

It is widely known that Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was favorably received at court and moved for some time in select circles. However, with age, the writer began to realize how much lies and falsehood had accumulated in this high society, how pretentiously people behave towards each other, how dishonor covers itself with a veil of aristocratic origin. Gradually, he left the world and began to search for the truth among ordinary peasants and artisans, with whom he communicated and discovered a lot of simple, but at the same time, new and surprising things. That is why in his book "War and Peace" the author raises the topic of the truth and falsity of our values, concepts and principles.

Absolutely all the components in the novel, from the title to the ideas, are built on contrasts: Kutuzov and Napoleon, military battles and peaceful scenes, sincere heroes and liars. Contrasting one with the other, Tolstoy makes it clear what is true and false in beauty, patriotism and love. Each person must determine this for himself in order to better understand the world, people and, of course, himself.

True and false patriotism in the novel War and Peace

In the novel "War and Peace" there are real and false, leavened patriots. For example, many nobles stopped speaking French and dressed in sundresses and caftans when the War of 1812 began. Prince Rostopchin, the governor-general of Moscow, exuded tasteless, feigned, jingoistic appeals at all, and this instead of really helping and supporting the frightened, desperate people who were leaving their native land.

Showed true patriotism simple people who, being poor, still burned their houses, things, arable land, if only not to leave anything to the enemy, not to help him get to Moscow with his belongings and shelter. Left destitute, these unknown heroes went into the forests and organized partisan detachments, and then inflicted crushing blows on the French, risking their lives for the liberation of their homeland. At the same time, many nobles did not see the difference between the Russian tsar and a foreign invader: they put their personal interests above national ones. They calmly accepted the invaders and fawned over them in order to maintain their privileges.

True and false heroism in the novel War and Peace

Prince Andrei thinks about true and false heroism when he goes to war for the sake of glory. Under Shengraben, he participates in the battle and sees the feat of the battery of the modest and awkward captain Tushin, the breakthrough of the detachment of captain Timokhin, who put the French to flight, the daredevil Dolokhov, who heroically captured the French officer. The hero cannot figure out which one of them real hero, although the answer lies on the surface. For example, Dolokhov demanded a reward for his act, boasted of him at the construction, and Tushin was almost deprived of his command for his modesty, and would have been deprived if Bolkonsky had not interceded for him. Which one is the hero? Selfish Dolokhov or unknown hero Tushin? How to decide, because both of them risked their lives for a common goal?

At the Battle of Austerlitz, Andrei leads soldiers into a deadly, bloody fight that could have been avoided. The hero, like Dolokhov, was seduced by fame and did not count the heads along which he walked to her. No wonder Kutuzov taught him to save lives, but Bolkonsky did not heed this advice. This is false heroism, as the prince was convinced from his own experience.

True and False Beauty in War and Peace

Tolstoy describes many ugly women, because his task is to depict the truth of life. For example, he writes about Natasha Rostova: "Ugly, thin ...", he does not forget to mention the ugly stretched mouth crying girl, its angularity and imperfections on the face. About Princess Bolkonskaya, he speaks outright: "Ugly Princess Marya ...".

But the regular of salons and balls Helen is a dazzling beauty. She is superbly built, her shoulders turned even the hottest heads.

However, true beauty for Tolstov does not lie in appearance: “The ugly Princess Mary always looked prettier when she cried, and she always cried not from resentment, but from sadness or pity.” The soul of this girl was beautiful and shone from within when she was given free rein. Natasha Rostova is also beautiful in her mercy and simplicity. Her incomparable charm was also manifested in her work, because Natasha sang beautifully and danced talentedly.

Thus, true beauty is always expressed in naturalness, kindness, creativity, but not in appetizing forms, devoid of spiritual content. Anyone who does not understand true beauty cannot find happiness and harmony in life, like Pierre Bezukhov, who was deceived by Helen.

The meaning of the novel "War and Peace" consists in a permanent movement towards the truth, because only those heroes who were able to make this movement understood themselves and found happiness.

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In the image of Margarita, an invincible force is revealed female love. It is the love of the heroine, for which she turned into a witch, that saves the spiritually crippled Master. These are real feelings that neither separation, nor pressure from an aggressive society, nor fear for one's own fate can kill.

The truth of this love is also noted in the description of how this love was born, full of completely unexpected and expressive comparisons. The same expression can be seen in all the behavior and character of Margarita.

Nevertheless, the main evidence of Margarita's boundless love for the Master is the moral principle. It manifests itself in the heroic devotion of a woman to her beloved, her desire to save him at any cost, her willingness to share life and death with him.

Loyalty to the moral law, which the heroine maintains in totalitarian society, where all sprouts of humanity are destroyed, and at the epicenter of the "diaboliad", where she had to play the role of the queen of a grandiose ball human vices and sins of all times, gives her spiritual portrait sublime and touching features, natural femininity and moral masculinity, sympathy for those who suffer, and ruthlessness for those who tried to destroy her loved one. Margarita has become one of the most pleasant female images in the literature of the twentieth century.

The image of the Master is given to Bulgakov's dearest, leitmotif in his work idea of ​​the immortality of true art. Also, the image of the Master is largely autobiographical. The main thing is that Bulgakov's Master is depicted as a generalized image of the creator, he is compared with Goethe's Faust and G. Skovoroda.

The master openly expresses disgust at the primitive and mediocre literary production, which is given out to the top by sing-alongs Soviet power. And after submitting the manuscript to the court of arbitrators of Soviet red writing, he becomes the object of derogatory criticism of colleagues in the literary workshop. Distinguishes the Master among the detachment of "Berlioz" and his so-called "unprofessionalism". However, the main evidence of the truth of the Master's art is that the novel he wrote accurately reflected the realities of the Yershalaim events.

The theme of the truth of the novel about the tragedy of Yershalaim creates scope for multiple parallels between the Master and Yeshua. Just like Yeshua, the Master becomes the bearer of eternal truth, so he, through this service to this truth, comes into conflict with the authorities and passes his way of the cross.

However, unlike Yeshua, the Master does not have enough spiritual strength to endure severe trials. A temporary renunciation of creativity means for the hero a renunciation of life: he finds shelter in psychiatric hospital and believes in his own madness. For this reason, after the death of the Master, his soul, which experienced a tragic breakdown, does not fall into the "Kingdom of Light", but into the "Kingdom of Peace".

The finale of the novel, in which the Master and Margarita find peace only in death, emphasizes the idea of ​​the fatal doom of the carriers. eternal values in a totalitarian society.

On the whole, it should be noted that by the end of the novel, the tendency towards a harmonious denouement of the tragically entangled knots in the destinies of some characters of each of the three worlds takes on paramount importance.

Perhaps the most important manifestation of this trend is observed in the world of Yershalaim, when Pontius Pilate is relieved of his painful punishment. This final event is of overarching significance. It is also important that it is not Woland or Yeshua that frees Pilate from his torments, but the Master himself, as the creator of artistic image procurator, as a creator, who affirmed in his novel the highest value of the moral law, in the end, as a person who in his own life knew the bitter fruits of the denial of truth, and to some extent experiences the sin of Pilate as his own ... Thus, the plot of the novel "The Master and Margarita" moves from the themes of moral judgment and retribution, to the ideas of forgiveness, illustrating the ancient wisdom, according to which mercy is higher than justice.

  • Yershalaim chapters in the novel "The Master and Margarita"
  • "Master and Margarita" - features of the genre and structure of the novel
  • The satirical image of Soviet Moscow in the 1930s in the novel The Master and Margarita

1) I. Bunin in the story "Sir from San Francisco" showed the fate of a man who served false values. Wealth was his god, and that god he worshipped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that true happiness passed by the person: he died without knowing what life is.

2) The name of a simple peasant girl Joan of Arc everyone knows today. For 75 years, France waged an unsuccessful war against the English invaders. Jeanne believed that it was she who was destined to save France. The young peasant woman persuaded the king to give her a small detachment and was able to do what the smartest military leaders could not do: she set people on fire with her violent faith. After years of ignominious defeats, the French were finally able to defeat the invaders.

When you reflect on this truly wonderful event, you understand how important it is for a person to be guided by a great goal.

3) Few people know that during filming famous movie N. Mikhalkov " Burnt by the sun», The weather deteriorated, the temperature dropped to minus six. Meanwhile, according to the scenario, there should be a sultry summer. Actors portraying vacationers had to bathe in ice water lying on the cold ground. This example shows that art requires sacrifice from a person, complete dedication.

4) French writer G. Flaubert in the novel "Madam Bovary"Told about the fate of a lonely woman who, entangled in life's contradictions, decided to poison herself. The writer himself felt the signs of poisoning and was forced to seek help. It was not by chance that he later said: “Madam Bovary is me.”

5) Loyalty to one's vocation cannot but command respect. Narodovolets Nikolai Kibalchich was sentenced to death for attempting to assassinate the king. While waiting to die, he worked on a jet engine project. More than own life, he was concerned about the fate of the invention. When they came for him to take him to the place of execution, Kibalchich gave the gendarme the drawings of the spacecraft and asked them to hand them over to the scientists. “It is touching that a person before a terrible execution has the strength to think about humanity!” - so wrote about it spiritual achievement K. Tsiolkovsky.

6) “I was always amazed at the immense diligence and patience of Kirill Lavrov,” director Vladimir Bortko recalls of the outstanding actor: “We had to film a 22-minute conversation between Yeshua and Pontius Pilate, such scenes are filmed for two weeks. On film set Lavrov, an 80-year-old man, spent 16 hours wearing a 12 kg chest armor without saying a word of rebuke to the film crew.


The moral responsibility of a person (artist, scientist) for the fate of the world

The role of personality in history

Moral Choice human

The conflict of man and society

Human and nature

Affirming theses:

1. A person comes into this world not to say what he is, but to make it better.

2. It depends on each person what the world will be like: light or dark, good or evil.

3. Everything in the world is connected by invisible threads, and a careless act, an inadvertent word can result in the most unpredictable consequences.

4. Remember your High human responsibility!


1. There is one undoubted sign that divides the actions of people into good and evil: the act increases the love and unity of people - it is good; he produces enmity and separation - he is bad (L. Tolstoy, Russian writer).

2. The world in itself is neither evil nor good, it is a receptacle for both, depending on what you yourself turned it into (M. Montaigne, French humanist philosopher).

3. Yes - I'm in the boat. The spill will not touch me! But how can I live when my people are drowning? (Saadi, Persian writer and thinker)

4. It is easier to light one small candle than to curse the darkness (Confucius, an ancient Chinese thinker).

6. Love - and do what you want (Augustine the Blessed, Christian thinker).

7. Life is a struggle for immortality (M. Prishvin, Russian writer).

8. They went into darkness, but their trace did not disappear (W. Shakespeare, English writer).


Everyone has in their hands fate peace

1) In a combat operation near Pervomaisk, the fighters who were repulsing the attack of the militants rushed to the box with grenades. But when they opened it, they found that the grenades had no fuses. The packer at the factory forgot to put them in, and without them, a grenade is just a piece of iron. The soldiers, suffering heavy losses, were forced to retreat, and the militants broke through. The mistake of a nameless person turned into a terrible disaster.

2) Historians write that the Turks were able to capture Constantinople by going through a gate that someone forgot to close.

3) The twentieth century is the first century in the history of mankind of world wars, the century of the creation of weapons mass destruction. There is an incredible situation: humanity can destroy itself. In Hiroshima, on the monument to the victims of the atomic bombing, it is written: "Sleep well, the mistake will not happen again." So that this and many other mistakes are not repeated, the struggle for peace, the struggle against weapons of mass destruction, acquires a universal character.

4) Sowed evil turns into new evil. In the Middle Ages, there was a legend about a city that was filled with rats. The townspeople did not know where to get away from them. One man promised to rid the city of vile creatures if he was paid. The residents, of course, agreed. The rat-catcher began to play his pipe, and the rats, bewitched by the sounds, followed him. The sorcerer took them to the river, got into the boat, and the rats drowned. But the townspeople, having got rid of the misfortune, refused to pay the promised. Then the sorcerer took revenge on the city: he again played the pipe, children came running from all over the city, and he drowned them in the river.

The role of personality in history

1) "Notes of a hunter" by I. Turgenev played a huge role in public life our country. People, having read bright, bright stories about peasants, understood that it is immoral to own people like cattle. A broad movement began in the country for the abolition of serfdom.

2) After the war, many Soviet soldiers who were captured by the enemy were condemned as traitors to their homeland. Story M. Sholokhov "The fate of man", which shows the bitter fate of a soldier, made society take a different look at tragic fate prisoners of war. A law was passed on their rehabilitation.

3) American writer G. Beecher Stowe wrote a novel "Hut uncle tom», which told of the fate of a mild-mannered Negro who was beaten to death by a ruthless planter. This novel stirred up the whole society, the country broke out Civil War and shameful slavery was abolished. Then they said that this little woman started a big war.

4) It is unlikely that King Edward III of England fully understood what his audacity would lead to: he depicted delicate lilies on the state emblem. Thus, the English king showed that from now on, neighboring France is also subject to him. This drawing of a power-hungry monarch became the pretext for the Hundred Years War, which brought countless disasters to people.

Human and nature

1) Before our eyes, man is continuing the fateful work that he began millennia ago: in the name of the needs of his production, he destroyed the forests filled with life, dehydrated and turned entire continents into deserts. After all, the Sahara and Kara Kum are obvious evidence of the criminal activity of man, which continues to this day. Isn't the pollution of the oceans a testament to this? Man deprives himself in the near future of the last necessary food resources.

2) In Russian folk tales the unselfishness of man is often glorified. Emelya was not going to catch a pike - she herself got into his bucket. If a wanderer sees a fallen chick - he will put it in a nest, a bird will fall into a snare - he will free it, throw a fish ashore in a wave - he will release it back into the water. Do not seek benefits, do not destroy, but help, save, protect - this is taught by folk wisdom.

3) human intervention in difficult life nature can lead to unpredictable consequences. One famous scientist decided to bring deer to his region. However, the animals could not adapt to the new conditions and soon died. But the ticks that lived in the skin of deer settled in, flooded forests and meadows and became a real disaster for the rest of the inhabitants.

4) Global warming, which is increasingly talked about in Lately, with catastrophic consequences. But not everyone thinks that this problem is a direct consequence of the life of a person who, in the pursuit of profit, violates the stable balance of natural cycles. It is no coincidence that scientists are talking more and more about reasonable self-limitation of needs, that not profit, but the preservation of life should be the main goal of human activity.

5) Polish science fiction S. Lem in their "Star Diaries" described the story of space vagrants who devastated their planet, dug up all the bowels with mines, sold minerals to the inhabitants of other galaxies. The retribution for such blindness was terrible, but fair. That fateful day came when they found themselves on the edge of a bottomless pit, and the earth began to crumble under their feet. This story is a formidable warning to all mankind, which predatory plunders nature.

Each person in his life has his own category of values, and in accordance with it he lives and is defined as a person in society. For some, these are material values, for others, spiritual ones. And unfortunately for each of us and for society as a whole, the category of the former is growing, and the category of the latter is decreasing. And more and more often you can hear the sad sighs of the elderly: "But in our time it was not like that ...". What is the reason for such a reassessment of values ​​in society?
Let's remember the works on which our fathers and mothers, grandparents grew up - these were the works of the classics: Turgenev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Chekhov, Tolstoy and other excellent poets and writers. The sublime images and characters of the main characters encouraged us to imitate them in their loyalty, masculinity, culture of communication, subtle humor, developed in us the correct concepts of duty and honor; exposed and ridiculed such character traits as hypocrisy, deceit, servility, sycophancy, infidelity, betrayal and much more.

If we now open almost any print publication fiction, some magazine, or newspaper, turn on the TV or go to the cinema, what do we see? Everything that was previously considered vile, shameful and unacceptable in society is now flourishing and even advertised for a normal lifestyle and behavior. And all those true values, such as honesty, decency, duty, fidelity and others are considered outdated and not fashionable concepts of backward people.

Today, adherents of lack of culture loudly proclaim: "We must live in step with the times," and they assert their category of values. And, unfortunately, the first place in this category is occupied by money, and for the sake of money, people today go to deceit, all kinds of lies, and even more serious crimes.

One person said, “Who caused the most deaths? Because of Hitler, Stalin? No, meet Benjamin Franklin on the $100 bill. Of course, we understand the irony of this statement, but unfortunately this category of human value completely depersonalizes him, making him cruel, envious, deceitful, hypocritical, and so on. The Bible very clearly says that the root of all evil is the love of money.

You can often hear indignation at the new laws in the country, the activities of the government, but if you think about it - what makes up my scale of values. Maybe better start with yourself and look at what books I read, what programs I watch, what movies I like, in the end, why I love my husband or wife and whether I love them at all. There used to be a very common saying: "Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are." It has not lost its relevance today. Someone said that never before has a person been alone, as in the 21st century. But each of us seems Cell phones crammed with a list of so-called friends. I say "so-called" because they are not actually friends. We need them or they need us, we get some kind of mutually beneficial cooperation from each other and nothing more. If something happens to me, no one will remember why? Yes, because no one will need me.

One man got into a car accident and became disabled in a wheelchair, his wife left him; a blind child was born in another family, he was sent to Orphanage; in another family, the son became a drug addict and his parents abandoned him and kicked him out of the house. And where is mercy, kindness, fidelity, revenue, mutual assistance, parental or filial duty?

One can cite dozens and hundreds of examples of such human tragedies that the world is filled with today due to the fact that people choose the wrong values ​​for themselves, which in fact are not.

So, the future of our children depends on what we choose today. And if our category of values ​​is money, position in society, fame, greatness, etc., then do not be surprised if tomorrow your children consider you superfluous and send you to a nursing home; or, even worse, they will visit you only at your funeral in order to inherit your home and property.