How to successfully pass an interview. Illustrative video examples of how to successfully pass an interview from the TV channel "Success" in the program "Personnel decide"

The interview is like a game, a mixture of poker and chess: both parties sometimes need to think through their actions many steps ahead and maintain a “poker face” at the same time. Toward the end of the interview, the applicant struggles to understand - what opinion did the employer have about him and what decision did he make? Or haven't received it yet? What does the phrase "We'll call you" really mean? RJob asked recruiters and employers to talk about the hidden signals they send to candidates who fail an interview. After all, if the candidate realizes in time that something has gone wrong, maybe it’s not too late for him to change his behavior strategy?

Sometimes during the interview it becomes clear that the candidate is not suitable for the position, but the language does not turn to tell him about it directly. Instead of throwing the resume in the trash and abruptly curtailing the interview - after all, the person spent time on this meeting - polite recruiters change the course and mood of the conversation using special phrases or gestures. Here are a few markers by which you can read the interlocutor's thoughts about your fate in this company.

  • The recruiter speeds up the interview, trying to complete it under any pretext (an urgent call to management, an urgent need to call, etc.). The interview time is reduced from the planned 30-45 minutes to 10-15.
  • The interview takes on a formal character, without talking about the structure of the department, about the company, potential leaders, and immediate tasks.
  • A small number of standard questions in a standard sequence. You are not asked about the nuances of your previous job, about other areas of life, family, hobbies.
  • The interview takes on the format "question-answer", without the "sale" of the vacancy. You are not praised by the company in which you Not you will work.
  • Bypassing "acute", ambiguous issues, the discussion of which can cause a dispute.

Polina Trifonova

expert, Legal Service

Such an interview is like a “short sweet chatter” with standard questions and the same standard answers. Rather, a tribute to the fact that the candidate spent his time and came to the meeting.

  • You are not offered a test task.
  • You are unexpectedly voiced such qualification requirements that you cannot confirm.

Tatiana Lavrentieva


We always try to openly and politely inform the candidate that, in terms of a number of professional qualities, he does not correspond to the vacancy for which he is applying. Sometimes we even give advice: what to work on, what areas in the industry and what vacancies to pay attention to. But sometimes it’s really impossible to refuse a person directly, and then there are several ways to “hint” about it. An astute person will understand that he is being asked not to count on a vacancy and to keep looking.

Finally, you can resort to the technique of leading questions, which will clearly show the candidate what exactly he is incompetent in. Often, the applicant quickly realizes that he will not be able to cope with his duties, and he himself is ready to give up the place.

  • The recruiter no longer asks clarifying questions about experience and motivation, and before that, in the first part of the interview, there were enough such questions and he was keenly interested in everything you said.
  • The recruiter does not ask you if you are in competition for vacancies in other companies, if anyone has made you job offers and when you need to make a decision, that is, they are not interested in your current status in the job search.

Svetlana Kataeva

Managing partner of AVRIO Group Consulting recruitment company

As a rule, candidates decide whether they "failed" or not, not by the behavior and words of recruiters, but by their personal feelings, which, of course, are subjective. Professional recruiters will never show a candidate in an interview that it is completely “filled up”. After all, the assessment of the candidate comes after the interview, in comparison with other applicants for this position.

I would like to give an example when candidates do not understand that they have flunked the interview, and the recruiter does not show it. One candidate was interviewed for a final interview with a manager for the position of his personal assistant. Prior to that, she had successfully passed an interview with a recruiter, and formally, by experience, she was quite suitable for this vacancy.

In the final part of the interview, the manager invited the candidate to ask the 2 most important questions, in her opinion. The first question is: how long can you expect a salary increase, the second: how long will you need to work as a personal assistant. The manager smiled, politely answered both questions and said this wonderful phrase “We will contact you in case of a positive decision”, but, as you understand, the interview was a failure.

  • The recruiter is clearly losing interest - shifting the papers, just looking around or at the clock.
  • The recruiter often interrupts the interview by actively answering calls or texts.

Olga Nikitina

Head of Recruitment Department, Biplan Company

I try not to convey negative information directly to the interlocutor. There were cases when we returned to the "doubtful" candidate after some time. Mainly due to the fact that everyone else turned out to be a little worse. One of the details that you should pay attention to if you are interviewing with us: tea or coffee. About 15 minutes into the interview, I ask the secretary to bring me one of the drinks. When I feel comfortable and the conversation is interesting, I choose tea. But if I'm really bored and need to cheer up, then I choose coffee.

  • The recruiter too often looks at the resume, as if seeing it for the first time. A good recruiter will prepare for the interview and review all your documents in advance.
  • The time of the next contact is not specified.

Alla Martynova

expert of the Russian School of Management

It is worth highlighting three situations, depending on who the interview is taking place with. This can be a representative of a recruitment agency, an internal company recruiter, or a direct supervisor.

The situation is similar when interviewing with the immediate supervisor, although in this case, oddly enough, a candidate who is not quite suitable may have more chances for a positive answer - the manager, when conducting an interview, is based not on formal characteristics, but on the general impression and does not seek to make a decision right away, but wants to “see everyone”, listen to his inner voice and carefully weigh everything. And this takes time.

In any case, refusals (especially if they are justified) are an opportunity to adjust your behavior, expectations for the position and remuneration and decide on a really suitable vacancy.

Code phrases that accurately signal failure

  • We are reviewing a few more CVs and a decision will probably take some time.
  • It seems to me that you will not be interested in us, this will be a step back for you.
  • Now the search for this vacancy has been suspended, because there is a finalist candidate.
  • Unfortunately, this position has become irrelevant, but we will keep you in mind as soon as the need for such a specialist arises again.
  • Colleagues need to be consulted. (Of course, some positions require a collegial decision. But if your candidacy is going to be defended, then you will never hear these words.)
  • Phrases with "if". “If the director is interested in your candidacy, then I will invite you”, “If by the time of the next stage you are still free…”. "If" means doubt.
  • Approval of the final candidate takes quite a long time.
  • We want to find a candidate with the richest experience in this field.

Galina Evtyagina

HR Director of the consulting company "KRAM"

It happens that a fairly trusting relationship is established with a candidate during the interview, and then there is a desire to give something in return for his wasted time. Then you can conduct a brief audit of his resume and compare the text with the goals of the candidate - because for some reason we invited him on the basis of the resume, but he still didn’t suit us ... Candidates are grateful for this, although this is a small, but help in finding the right work.

What does the phrase "We will call you" mean?

Hope for this encouraging phrase is not worth it. It can mean anything, up to its complete opposite.

  • You are interested, but there are still candidates for the position who they want to look at.
  • You are the best candidate, but the company's position is that you need to collect additional information and recommendations on you, and then take the next steps.
  • You are the only suitable candidate, but the company wants to convince you otherwise and takes a timeout to save face.
  • No one will call you, and this is just an on-duty phrase that removes the burden of direct refusal from the recruiter here and now.
  • You will indeed be called.

Liza Potemkina,

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All of us at some point in our lives have faced the question: “How can I pass an interview so that there is a positive result?”. Many do not even suspect that they begin to pass an interview at the moment when they called a future employer or sent a resume.

A resume and a telephone conversation is the first stage in the selection of a candidate for a vacant position. The so-called screening interview. From the stream of calls and resumes, the employer, by a screening method, after asking a few questions about the work experience, qualifications, age of the applicant and other questions, selects a candidate for a vacant position. If you correctly formatted your resume, and confidently, tactfully answered all the questions on the phone, the second stage of the selection of a candidate begins: you are invited for an interview. An interview can be based on several scenarios. It all depends on the position you are applying for.

Further plan of the article:

Preparing for an interview

In fact, when you started looking for a job and looking at open vacancies from employers, you have already begun to prepare for an interview! You have decided what position you would like to work in, you have already evaluated yourself and weighed your professionalism.

So call. A polite voice tells you that you can come to the interview tomorrow at 12:00. The first thing an applicant experiences is fear. But you need to get rid of fear. To reduce fear, you must understand that in the first place you are not chosen, but you choose your own working conditions. You must be aware that you are not invited to an interview to lower your self-esteem. The person who will talk to you wants only one thing: it is more profitable to close a staff unit, that is, to find a person who will cope with the tasks set.

So, after the call, we do not run in a panic. And the first thing we do is:

  1. Search for information about the activities of the organization in which you are going for an interview. General information: type of activity, number of staff, how many years in the market, etc.

  2. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the general job responsibilities of the position you are applying for. We evaluate ourselves. If there are responsibilities that you have not encountered before or you are not sure that you will not be able to cope with them, study them in depth.

  3. We prepare several questions in order to show our interest to the employer. Questions should not go beyond future job responsibilities.

  4. Prepare documents about your qualifications (diploma, certificates), passport, work book and do not forget your resume.

We always remember the saying "Meet by clothes - see off by the mind." So the first thing you should pay attention to is the appearance. You must be neatly dressed and dress in accordance with the dress code of the company you are interviewing for.

Also, do not forget about a positive mood, smile, be sociable, energetic and attentive. A future employer should see in your eyes the desire to work in his company. The main thing is that he sees that you want to give everything one hundred percent not for getting a position, but when working in this position.

At the interview, you will definitely be asked questions regarding your qualifications and job responsibilities of the open vacancy. Here you already reveal yourself completely. Talk about your experience and accomplishments.

If you have little experience or you are not familiar with some aspect of the duties - do not be afraid to admit that you are not competent in some matter. Always remember the saying: “You can’t know everything, you need to know where to look.” When selecting personnel, the employer knows that it is impossible to find a candidate who will immediately join the team and on the first day will be able to fulfill his duties one hundred percent. That's what training and probation is for.

Questions about your past job, such as your last job. “Tell me about your last job?” "Tell me about your former boss?" etc. They are set to test your communication skills. They need to be answered in such a manner as if you are now answering them to your boss from a previous job.

Stressful interviews are often used in large companies. They are built in different ways, but the purpose of these interviews is the same: to test your stress resistance. Most often it happens like this. Against the backdrop of a polite conversation, a sharp turn of events, you are asked a question that can piss you off or they immediately talk to you in a more aggressive manner so that you get the feeling that you are not competent in a certain issue. In such interviews, the main thing is not to show your fear and confidently answer questions, even if you did not answer correctly. The goal in such an interview is not to test you for competence, but for stress resistance. Why does the employer check for stress resistance? Many positions, most often managerial ones, require making quick decisions and, most importantly, the right ones. If a person is stress-resistant, he will be able to make the right decision at any time.

What not to do at the interview (common mistakes)?

Many people make mistakes in choosing the tactics of behavior in an interview. With the wrong behavior, a person causes a negative attitude of the employer towards himself. The employer's opinion about you begins to be built at the moment when you opened the door and entered the office, based on a number of your answers to questions, and also on the manner of your behavior, he draws conclusions about your character traits.

Here are some examples of common interview mistakes:

  1. Inflated self-esteem in communication. Never praise yourself too much. Along with this, low self-esteem will also not give a positive result.

  2. Come to an interview with a "support group". The interview is individual and you must behave correctly, show that you are a confident person.

  3. Intimate talk. Remember that you don't need a lot of revelations at the job interview. If you are asked the question: what are you interested in? This does not mean that you need to talk in detail about your hobby.

  4. Money, that is wages. It is a mistake to say at the interview that you are attracted to wages at work. Since salary is not a motivation for work.

  5. Do not lie about your work experience and professionalism. Since your lie will be visible either immediately or after some time.

So, how to pass an interview so that there is a positive result? To do this, you need to use just a few rules:

  1. Creating a resume. A resume should fully reflect your work experience and education, your professional achievements and personal characteristics.

  2. Confident telephone communication. You must be prepared for a telephone interview. Be able to briefly describe yourself and your experience.

  3. Always be communicative and polite in interviews.

  4. Be sure to remain polite after the interview is over. Thank you for your time.

Your goal is to leave a pleasant impression of yourself: that you are a professional, but not a “batman”; that you know your business, but in which case you are ready for training; that you are a sociable and responsible worker; that you are ready to work in this company, because you like it according to certain characteristics.

And remember, there is an interesting pattern: if you were invited to an interview after screening over the phone: you are left with 50 percent of the goal. Show your best qualities when interviewing and getting to know the organization - this is a plus of 40 percent. The remaining 10 percent is acquaintance with the main boss, and communication with him will be the easiest.

So, the employer found your resume on the Superjob website, became interested and wanted to invite you for an interview. The job interview is the culmination of the recruitment process. An interview with an employer causes stress even for professional and experienced applicants, so it is important to think in advance how to behave during an interview, how to answer questions asked by a recruiter during an interview. Do you know how to successfully pass a job interview, what to be prepared for? Superjob will help you find answers to these questions!

1. Telephone conversation with the employer

A telephone conversation is your first personal communication with a future employer, and it is important to make a good impression already at this stage. Even if the secretary will make the appointment, he will definitely tell the immediate supervisor or the one who will conduct the interview with you about how the conversation went.

What needs to be done during a telephone conversation preceding a job interview?

Specify what position you are invited to, ask the necessary questions about the vacant position. If the position does not suit you initially, politely report it and refuse the interview, giving reasonable arguments. You should not waste precious time (your own and the employer's) on unpromising meetings.

Write down the name of the company, the name and surname of the person with whom you spoke, a contact number where you can contact him in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Find out who exactly will conduct the interview with you, what is his name. You will make a good impression if you address him by his first name and patronymic when you meet him.

Find out the exact location of the interview. When negotiating the time of the meeting, plan it so that no other business will interfere with you. It may turn out that you have one or more interviews with other employers scheduled that day, then the interview schedule should be planned so that the time between successive interviews is at least 2-3 hours. Remember that you are not waiting for a minute conversation, but a detailed conversation, questions about your work experience and professional skills will be asked at the interview.

Find information in advance on how to behave in an interview. Find out how long a job interview lasts, whether you will have to fill out a questionnaire, pass written tests, and perform practical tests.

2. Preparing for an interview

So, you agreed on the time of the meeting with the employer, now it's time to start preparing for the interview. What needs to be done?

First, prepare the documents that you may need at the interview:

  • summary in two copies;
  • passport;
  • diploma of education with an insert;
  • diplomas of additional education, certificates of completion of courses, certificates, etc. (You should not take with you documents that are not related to the position for which you are applying).

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about the company in which you are going for an interview in advance. Connect all possible channels: go to the company's website on the Internet, use business directories, the press or other sources. Familiarize yourself with the activities and history of the company (year of foundation, stages of development), study the names of departments, remember information about the company's achievements, etc. Thus, during a conversation with the employer, you will be able to demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions. At the same time, even if you are not taken to this particular company, you will in any case expand your horizons.

Plan the route of the trip to the interview, calculate the time you need to spend on the road, add another margin of time (30 minutes) in case of possible traffic difficulties that you may encounter on the road. You can make a preliminary trip to the place of the interview if you doubt that on the appointed day you will be able to quickly and easily find the right building.

Think over the answers to the questions of the employer at the interview, which in one form or another will definitely sound during your conversation:

  • why you left (decided to leave) your last job; where do you work now?
  • why do you want to work in our company?
  • what benefits can your activity as an employee bring to our company?
  • name your biggest strengths and weaknesses as an employee;
  • name your greatest achievements as a specialist; Have you had any failures in your professional activity, and what are they?

Prepare to give truthful answers to interview questions (during the interview or after the lie will definitely come up). When answering the question: “Why did you decide to change jobs?” - you should not give negative feedback about colleagues and managers, limit yourself to neutral statements: lack of opportunities for professional growth, irregularity in receiving monetary rewards, remoteness from home, inconvenient work schedule, etc.

Speaking about a possible future job in a new company, make it clear to the interlocutor that you are interested in working in this particular company, that you can be useful to her as a specialist, but at the same time you must clearly understand what the company does in order not to get into trouble. If you manage to behave correctly in this matter, your chances of being hired by this company will increase several times.

When answering questions about your strengths and especially weaknesses, about achievements and failures, be careful. Show sufficient self-criticism to your person, this will raise your authority in the eyes of the interlocutor. When talking about your shortcomings, it is not necessary to list your biggest mistakes. The main thing here is that you can show that you yourself corrected your mistake and saved the company from troubles or reduced them to a minimum.

Be prepared for tests or practical tasks (both psychological and professional) that the employer may offer you to take.

Prepare in advance the questions you would like to ask the employer.

Think over the clothes in which you will go to a meeting with the employer. Everyone knows the proverb: "Meet by clothes, see off by mind." Let the first impression of you be the most favorable. Naturally, the clothes should correspond to the position for which you are applying. Perhaps a strict business suit is not appropriate for every position, but neat business-style clothes, clean hair and nails, and polished shoes will certainly make the necessary positive impression on your interlocutor. There should be no shopping bags, shopping bags, soiled grocery bags, backpacks in your hands!

3. Passing an interview

It's time for an interview that could change your life! What should you keep in mind during an interview?

Try to arrive at the meeting a little earlier than the appointed time. Better you wait 10 minutes at the reception than the employer will wait for you half a minute. Being late for a meeting, even due to circumstances beyond your control, will 99% cross out all hopes of getting a job in this company.

If suddenly, nevertheless, such a situation has occurred, you feel that you do not have time for the appointed time, be sure to call the contact number, apologize, explain the reason for your delay and find out if the employer will be able to accept you on the same day a little later or it is possible to reschedule the meeting for another time.

If you decide not to go to an interview at all (changed your mind about working in this company, you have other urgent matters, etc.) ALWAYS call the employer and let him know, first apologizing that you violated his plans. Don't let a good impression of you, received in a preliminary conversation on the phone, spoil anything!

When entering the office, be sure to say hello, ask to inform the employee with whom you have an interview scheduled about your arrival. If you are asked to wait a little, do not be indignant and take this as disrespect for yourself. Be patient and do not lose the sense of goodwill with which you went to meet.

Turn off your cell phone beforehand so that nothing can interfere with your conversation.

Entering the office, say hello, addressing by name and patronymic to the employee with whom you will talk. Be sure to smile. Say that you are very pleased with the invitation for an interview in this particular company. This way you will be able to position the interlocutor in advance.

Sit so that your face is turned to the interlocutor. Move a chair if necessary. Do not fall apart in a chair, do not cross your legs under it, do not tighten them; do not fidget nervously with your hands.

Listen carefully to the questions that you are asked, while looking into the face of the interlocutor. Start answering only when you understand what you have been asked. If the question is not entirely clear, then, apologizing, ask to repeat it again. However, do not overdo it - you should never ask almost every question again.

When answering a question, try not to speak for more than 2-3 minutes. This time is quite enough to cover the most important information on the most difficult issue as a whole. Monosyllabic answers "yes" and "no", a quiet voice will give the impression of your self-doubt, inability to explain your point of view.

If you are asked to tell about yourself, you should not indulge in lengthy conversations about your autobiography. Moreover, it is unacceptable to answer that everything is already written in the resume. Tell us about your education, highlight work experience. This will demonstrate once again your professional skills and qualities.

At the interview, you will have the opportunity to ask the questions that you prepared in advance, and those that you had during the conversation.

If you are interested in the possibility of career growth, then it is important to be able to ask this question correctly. Keep in mind that you are invited to the company for a specific position, to solve a certain range of tasks. Not all positions provide for career growth. In addition, it is difficult for employers to discuss this issue without knowing your capabilities and abilities. Nevertheless, it is quite appropriate to find out from the employer whether personnel rotation is practiced in the company, whether there are opportunities for growth from this position in the long term and be sure to ask what is needed for this (additional education, advanced training courses, gaining experience, or something else) . Find out what programs for training or professional development of employees exist in the company. Then you will look like a serious and purposeful person. And this is another plus in your favor.

An open smile, a little good and unobtrusive humor, and then small mistakes will be forgiven for sure. A smile does not interfere with a business conversation, on the contrary, the impression remains that you are an experienced, and therefore self-confident person.

Saying goodbye at the end of the interview with the employee who conducted it, be sure to thank for the opportunity given to you to have an interview in this company, regardless of the final choice that the employer makes.

Good luck with your interview!

The interview is the most important moment in the hiring process. The first steps have already been taken: a resume has been written, an official invitation for an interview has been received. It remains the most important thing - to meet with the employer in person. It does not matter who the business owner or his authorized representative will conduct the interview. The main thing is to show interviewers that you are exactly the specialist they need.

Many job seekers do not attach due importance to the importance of preparing for an interview. Considering it a natural, if not formal, act in the job search process. This attitude is not conducive to success, but vice versa. It prevents you from concentrating your efforts on the main goal - getting a job.

Preparing properly for an interview is important for everyone. Heads of enterprises and managers of personnel departments thoroughly study the issue of effective assessment of the applicant for compliance with the position and the ability to harmoniously enter the existing team. Each candidate, in turn, must study in detail how to express himself from the best side. It will be about.

Illusions are not appropriate here. Sooner or later the lies will be revealed and the embellished data will fade. And if you are not sufficiently prepared for your position, incompetence will become noticeable. And the solution to the issue of employment will again become your main task. Real facts and information are needed.

The main stages of preparing for an interview

How to make the right impression and make the employer believe that you are the candidate of his dreams? These excite everyone who wants to get a job. One desire is not enough to reach the goal. You will have to make a lot of effort, because preparing for an interview, in itself, is also work.

It is necessary to understand why the employer conducts an interview, and what tasks he sets for himself in the process of finding an employee. After that, it will become much easier to choose the right tactics of behavior. There are many interviewing methods. But all of them are subordinated to the main goals:

  • find a good specialist - for this, various tests are carried out, which should show the theoretical knowledge of the candidate and the ability to apply them in practice;
  • select a candidate with the best personal characteristics that will help him adapt to the new work and social environment in the shortest possible time. The image of an ideal employee in this case consists of the following characteristics: sociability, openness, honesty and goodwill.

Preparing for a job interview takes a lot of time. And it won't be wasted if done right. Focusing on the details will allow you to piece together your image of the ideal candidate. Consider the stages of preparation for an interview.

  1. Don't forget anything.
    Prepare in advance the documents that should be taken to the interview. Usually this is a standard list, which includes: a resume in two copies, a national passport, a diploma of higher education with an insert, diplomas of additional education and certificates confirming the completion of courses. The presence of these documents will allow you to confirm information about yourself.
    It is important that the documents on the received education correspond to the position for which you are applying.
  2. Search for information.
    Gather as much information about the employer as possible. Try to use different sources. First of all, it should be of interest: how many years the enterprise has been operating, what products it produces, what form of ownership the enterprise has (state or private). Today there are a huge number of sites on the Internet where you can find reviews of your prospective employer. The more information you collect, the clearer the picture will be. The main thing in this situation is to understand what kind of reputation the company in which you are going to get a job has.
  3. Appearance.
    Many companies require their employees to comply with established rules for office attire. Try to find out what the requirements of the future employer are. If this fails, no problem. You can opt for the classics. Clothing should be selected in restrained tones. It is best to use business style.
    You should always remember that the first impression of you will be formed as soon as you enter the office. All the nuances are important. The image as a whole is evaluated: grooming, neatness and a pleasant smell. An attractive appearance is typical for people who are used to taking care of themselves and their reputation. Try to choose a style of clothing that will emphasize individuality.
  4. Punctuality.
    Never be late for an interview. Think carefully about the way you will get to the place. Calculate the arrival time with a margin. This will make it possible to arrive at the appointed time in case of unforeseen situations.

How to curb emotions?

How not to worry in an interview? All candidates ask themselves these questions. Many consider the interview to be the most intimidating part of the job process. Anxiety and fear can prevent you from unlocking the potential that an applicant has. The feeling of anxiety has a detrimental effect on a person and destroys self-confidence.

Be relaxed and at ease during the interview. Create the impression of a harmonious personality. Think of the interview as an opportunity to make yourself known, not as torture. You have a good opportunity to influence the choice of employer.

It is not the task of the interviewer to find faults. It is more important for him to determine how your knowledge and personality fit the psychological portrait of the ideal candidate. In any case, try to be philosophical about failure. There are always ups and downs on the path of life. Every failure brings you closer to victory.

Treat the interview with a grain of salt. If it doesn't work today, it will definitely work tomorrow. It is better to direct your energy to preparing for an interview than to spend it on worry and fear. Knowing how to conduct yourself in an interview and how to best prepare for it will give you the confidence you need.

Tests and interview

In order to decide whether a candidate is suitable for a position or not, the employer may carry out different ones. Let's consider an example job for a position related to direct sales. Most often, candidates are asked to sell something. We must be prepared for such tests.

Familiarize yourself with the tasks and tests during the interview:

For jobs that require a salesperson with no experience, the determining factor will most likely be the tenacity with which the candidate tries to sell the pen. If an organization wants to find a sales professional with experience, then it is important to assess the knowledge of the stages of sales and the ability to apply them in practice. Below are some recommendations on how to proceed in this case. So, at the interview you are asked to sell a pen what to answer so that the answer is correct. This will help the knowledge of a few simple rules:

  • If you're worried, ask for time to prepare. There is nothing unusual about this.
  • Study the pen carefully.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the methods and stages of sales. A clear understanding of sales technology and the ability to use it in practice will be appreciated by the employer.
  • Be sure to find out the needs of the buyer. To do this, ask the following questions: How often do you write? Do you suddenly run out of ink? What pen do you currently use? What do you like about your pen? What would you like to improve in your pen? Do you have a spare pen?
  • Do not greatly exaggerate the useful properties of the sold pen. It is also undesirable to underestimate the dignity of the client's pen. According to the rules, it is necessary to make a balanced and reasoned comparison
  • Use non-verbal ways to communicate. Make eye contact. Let the client familiarize himself with the pen. This will provide an opportunity to establish a trusting relationship with him, as well as earn additional advantages from the employer.
  • If the customer has agreed to buy the pen, the sale should end with an offer to buy a notebook, piece of paper, or other items that can be used in conjunction with the pen.

There is no need to be upset if the goal was not achieved. This is a game, as in any game, it is important to follow the rules. The ability to lose is also a plus. Thank your "customer" who didn't buy the pen and end the game. The main objective of the test is to demonstrate your abilities as a salesperson in action.

Common mistakes: read, draw conclusions and do not commit

To successfully prepare for an interview, you need to consider common interview mistakes. You need to know not only what to do, but also what not to do. The list of the most popular misses looks like this.

  • The first and most common mistake that candidates make is bad reviews about a past employer. You should not take rubbish out of the hut. Your prospective leader will project your every bad word onto himself. And most likely you will be rejected. Nobody needs whiners and complainers.
  • You can not name personal or family problems as a reason for dismissal. It is necessary to separate what can be said, and what is better to remain silent. The interviewer is not a psychotherapist. He does not need to pour out his soul. Speak only to the point, do not touch personal information that is not related to the interview.
  • a typical mistake is to neglect the interviewer if he is an ordinary employee of the personnel department. You can't show snobbery. Ultimately, the initial assessment of your personality depends on this person and it is foolish to belittle his importance. Every person deserves respect, regardless of social or professional level.
  • Do not impress everyone with your eloquence. Some candidates do not allow interviewers to do their job well. They are constantly interrupted. They talk without stopping and in every possible way are distracted from the topic. In an interview, programmers can get away with this, but not for those whose job it is to interact with people on a regular basis.
  • Don't be silent in an interview. It will be difficult for the employer to evaluate the applicant if information has to be practically pulled out of him. Keep a balance. If you consider it important to talk about some event that will show your professionalism, then feel free to share information.
  • Another typical mistake is distracted attention during a conversation. Constant asking questions will only irritate the interviewer. Be collected and attentive.
  • Do not lie to a future employer about your salary at a previous job. There are many ways to check this information.
  • Do not exaggerate your versatility and flaunt terms, especially unfamiliar ones. You can always get to someone who understands this topic. It is better to remain silent about something than to show your incompetence or illiteracy.
  • It is undesirable to allow yourself too harsh statements about the organization of the labor process in the employer's company, to give advice. Presenting yourself as a savior, without which the organization will not be able to function normally, will only cause irritation. Be tactful and prudent.
  • You cannot refuse a test task. For some employers, it is important to learn how you put your knowledge into practice. It will be difficult to prove the benefits if the candidate's personal file does not contain the test task provided for this case.

It is impossible to predict how the interview will go. The result depends on many factors. Often one has to face the fact that the negative impression that the candidate made on the employee of the personnel department prevents him from successfully passing the interview in the future. Try to properly assess the situation. Answer the questions with confidence. Remain calm and cool. Set yourself up for a positive wave. And then you will succeed.

Video - "Interview Questions"

What to say in an interview

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

When answering a candidate's question, pay attention to the following: - formally sets out biographical data or immediately lays out "trump cards", emphasizing his desire and opportunity to take this position; - states only the main thing, that is, speaks about his qualifications, experience, responsibility, interest, diligence and decency, or cites irrelevant facts; - speaks briefly, precisely, clearly or mumbles for a long time and does not express his thoughts well; - carries or speaks calmly, confidently or insecurely.

2. How do you look at life: what difficulties do you see in it and how do you cope with them?

Some people speak out in the sense that life is difficult, there are a lot of problems, most of which are insoluble, that people are evil and unfriendly, that there are few joys in life and everything is decided by fate, chance or other people, but not himself. So, in front of you is a passive person, unsure of himself, not trusting others, pessimistic and unhappy (loser). Other people speak positively about life: there is no life without problems, difficulties can be overcome, the fate and career of a person are in his hands, people are friendly and ready to cooperate, a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness. So says a person who takes an active life position, aimed at success, ready to take responsibility, successfully interacting with people and able to enjoy life.

3. What attracts you to work with us in this position?

It’s bad if they answer with common phrases: “I am attracted by growth prospects, an interesting job, a solid company ...”. I must give serious and specific arguments: the desire to apply my qualifications and experience where they can give the greatest return and will be appreciated, the attractiveness of working in a strong team of professionals.

4. Why do you consider yourself worthy of this position? What are your advantages over other candidates?

This is the best question for a candidate to, without false modesty, name his main advantages over other applicants. At the same time, he must demonstrate his ability to convince, emphasizing his advantages. It is bad if the candidate answers this question with weak arguments and gives his formal biographical characteristics.

5. What are your strengths?

The candidate must emphasize first of all the qualities that are required for this job, and provide convincing evidence on specific facts. But you can hear clichés repeated thousands of times: “I am sociable, neat, efficient,” etc. Ask him to clarify what his sociability, accuracy, diligence are manifested in, what is his manner of listening to the client, what he has achieved thanks to his strong qualities.

6. What are your weaknesses?

From a smart candidate, you are unlikely to hear repentance for sins and a long list of his shortcomings. He will try to turn the answer in such a way as to increase his chances even more. For example, he will say: “Many people consider me a workaholic” or “I don’t know how to relax, I feel good only when I work” or “I am too demanding of myself and others.” If the candidate is showing off too much and you want to lead him into a frank admission of his shortcomings, you can tell him such a joke. In such a situation, the candidate characterizes himself: “Conscientious, hardworking, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke ...” Then he is asked in surprise: “Do you have any shortcomings?” “There is one,” the candidate admits, “I like to lie.”

7. Why did you leave your previous job?

It is bad if the reason for leaving was a conflict, if the candidate scolds the orders that were there and his former leader. Leaving work because of a conflict is an escape from difficulties, an admission of one's own defeat, which leaves an imprint on the self-esteem of the individual. A negative attitude towards people, the habit of conflict with employees, and especially with management, is a stable characteristic of a person and will definitely manifest itself in one form or another in a new job. A good candidate will highlight the positives in their previous work and relationships, and will name such worthy reasons as the desire for a more interesting (highly paid, professional growth opportunities) work and the desire to realize their potential to the fullest.

8. Why did you decide to change jobs?

This question is asked to someone who is working at the time of the interview. As with the answer to the previous question, a story about the conflict will not characterize the candidate from the best side. Whereas the desire for professional growth, expanding the scope of one's knowledge and skills, and raising salaries is respected and welcomed in all developed countries.

9. Have you received any other job offers?

The credibility of the candidate will increase if he talks about other job offers, but notes a special interest in this particular one. Well, if he expresses a desire to get maximum satisfaction from his work. His mood not only affects his health and moral climate in the team, but is also the most important prerequisite for high productivity, the most reliable guarantee against mistakes, negligence and marriage, and ultimately the main guarantee of the prosperity of the company.

10. How well have you been interviewed in other places?

It is important to find out for what reasons did not pass the interview in some places and successfully passed in others. If he convinces that your competitors are interested, then you try to keep him.

11. Will your personal life interfere with this work associated with additional loads (irregular working hours, long or distant business trips, constant traveling)?

This question is often asked to women. In an attempt to circumvent the law, some firms impose stringent conditions, such as not having children for a certain period of time, not taking sick leave to care for a child, not taking unpaid leave, etc.

12. How do you imagine your position in five (ten) years?

Many people without initiative, who do not plan their careers and lives, answer that they do not imagine such long-term prospects. And a person aimed at personal success will readily talk about his planned professional growth, and, possibly, personal goals. Max Eggert, in his book A Brilliant Career, talked about the importance of career planning. At a famous business school, on the first day of class, students were asked who had written down the milestones and goals of their personal careers. Only 3% of them raised their hands. After 10 years, it is these 3% who have achieved more financial success than all the others combined.

13. What changes would you make in your new job?

Well, if he shows his initiative, familiarity with the situation of innovation and reorganization. However, this is permissible only with a deep knowledge of the problems in the firm. It is bad if the state of affairs does not know too well, but strive to redo everything in its own way.

14. Who can you contact for feedback on your work?

Must readily provide phone numbers and addresses of former colleagues and leaders. Withholding such information will immediately reveal the lack of positive recommendations or the inexperience of the applicant.

15. What salary do you expect?

A Russian proverb says: "He who does not know his own price will always sell cheap." A good specialist always knows his worth and expects a high salary. It is better for the candidate to overestimate the expected pay for his work than to underestimate it. If the salary is offered, do not forget to “blow up the pie” and list the benefits available in the organization: bonuses, medical insurance, preschool institutions, free travel and meals, free professional development and other manifestations of caring for staff. [...] If a candidate is obviously bluffing, you can “knock him out of his role”, cool his ardor by sharply lowering the offered salary and benefits. Remember this joke? An arrogant young artist in a demanding tone puts forward his conditions for the chief director of the theater when applying for a job: “Salary 500 dollars, main roles, 8 performances a month and the provision of a separate apartment.” To which the chief director calmly puts forward his own: "50 dollars, daily performances, extras and a dorm room." - "Agree".

5 more questions can be added to the main ones.

16. What are some of your professional connections that you could use in your new job?

17. How do you improve your professional qualifications?

18. What do you like to do in your free time?

19. When could you start a new job?

20. What questions do you have?

V. Polyakov
excerpt from the book "Technology of Career"