Why do people not love God? Why do many people not believe? Why do people believe in God.

The most seemingly obvious answer to this question is that they were born in an already defined faith. Muslims or Hindus. In many cases, they are prevented from questioning the faith by persuading God. In addition, there are still certain social circumstances that believers follow. Each temple creates a sense of support, community. Many areas of ordinary utilitarian life have destroyed their values, and filled these voids. belief God convinces people that in his face one can gain in difficult times. A person who lives in some dominant religion, but has different views, may be misunderstood in such a society. Many people, trying to understand the complexity of the universe or observing the beauty of nature, come to the conclusion that there is something more in our world, something that could create such beauty and the entire physical world that surrounds us. Once upon a time, all religions developed the story of the creation of life on our planet. And in almost every one of them, it was all a higher being - God. But this is only one of many answers. Perhaps the main reason for believing in God comes from one's own experience. Maybe someone got an answer to their . Someone heard a warning voice at the moment. Someone, having received a blessing, successfully completed the work begun. That's when a feeling of peace and happiness appears, goes to, reads the scriptures. Today, many People, despite the numerous achievements of science and technology, remain unhappy in some of their unfulfilled needs. This is due both to social problems and real hardships, and to the desire for more and comparing one's own life with the life of more successful people. belief God a person needs in order to understand the meaning of his life, to become happy. After all, one needs strict norms and rules that will allow them to control certain actions, while the other, on the contrary, needs more freedom and self-expression. Belief in God gives a person direction, understanding of the purpose and value of life. This makes it possible to determine your priorities, to understand relationships with loved ones, in your requirements for yourself and the world around you.

Atheists, watching deeply religious people, try to understand what drives them and what prompts them to believe in God. Yes, to be honest, religious people sometimes think about it themselves, seeing many religious movements around the world.

Some believe that faith in God is a matter of personal preference, others sincerely prove that without faith a person cannot be a full-fledged person, and still others prefer not to touch on this issue due to their deep conviction that people invented faith in God themselves, and it does not has no basis. These opinions are contradictory, but each of them has its own position, reflecting a person's view of faith in the creator in principle.

So people believe in God because:

Born into a religious family. At the same time, religion depends for the most part on the area in which he lives. And that faith is similar - if a person, for example, is in India, then he should be a Hindu, if in Russia -. Usually such faith is not strong and people live and believe "like everyone else."

Feel the need for God. People from this category consciously show interest in religion and the creator, looking for what suits them according to their inner feelings. They are convinced that a person could not appear by accident, that he has a purpose and purpose in life. This in turn affects his future and connection with himself.

They cannot accept that humans originated from or as a result of evolution. Agree that only sane and logically thinking people can, by appealing arguments, prove their beliefs. Such faith is not a temporary impulse, but a deep conviction based on facts.

Feel its existence. Even the most distant person from religion, faced with extreme difficulties in life, turns to God. Some, having seen the answer to such prayers, begin to believe in him out of a sense of duty or out of personal desire, thus expressing their gratitude to him.

For fear of the future. A person may not actually have faith, but create the appearance of a believer out of fear of being judged by other people or worrying about what will happen to him after.

The reasons are endless, but they all come down to the fact that a person can have either superficial or deep faith. And this, in turn, is reflected or not in his deeds, words and decisions. And "I believe in God" is not yet an indication that this is really so.

Religions appeared a very long time ago, but even earlier people began to believe in various deities, in the paranormal. Belief in such things and interest in life after death appeared when people became people: with their own feelings, thoughts, social institutions and bitterness over the loss of loved ones.

First of all, paganism and totemism appeared, then world religions were formed, behind almost each of which there is a great creator - God in different understandings and ideas, depending on faith. Moreover, each person imagines it differently. What is God? Nobody can answer this for sure.

Consider below in the article the question of why people believe in God.

What does religion provide?

There are different situations in a person's life. Somebody is born into a very religious family, so he also becomes like that. And some experience loneliness or get into such random dangerous situations, after which they survive and after that they begin to believe in God. But the examples don't end there. There are many reasons and explanations why people believe in God.

The power of faith in God sometimes knows no bounds and can really be beneficial. A person receives a charge of optimism and hope when he believes, prays, etc., which has a beneficial effect on the psyche, mood and body.

Explaining the laws of nature and everything unknown

What is God for the people of the past? Faith then played a key role in people's lives. There were very few who were atheists. Moreover, the denial of God was condemned. Civilizations were not advanced enough to explain physical phenomena. And that is why people believed in deities responsible for various phenomena. For example, the ancient Egyptians had Amon, responsible a little later for the sun; Anubis patronized the world of the dead and so on. This was not only the case in Egypt. It was customary to praise the gods in ancient Greece, Rome, even before civilizations as such, people believed in deities.

Of course, over time there were discoveries. They discovered that the earth is round, that there is an immense space and much more. It is worth considering that faith has nothing to do with the human mind. Many scientists, discoverers, inventors were believers.

Nevertheless, even until now, answers have not been found to some of the main questions, such as: what was there before the formation of the Earth and the cosmos as a whole? There is a theory of the Big Bang, but it has not been proven whether it actually happened, what happened before it, what caused the explosion, and more. It is not known whether there is a soul, reincarnation, and so on. Exactly as it has not been proven for sure that there is an absolute and complete death. On this basis, there are a lot of disputes in the world, but this uncertainty and uncertainty cannot be put anywhere, and religions provide answers to these age-old questions.

Environment, geography

As a rule, a person born into a religious family also becomes a believer. And the geographical place of birth affects what faith he will adhere to. So, for example, Islam is widespread in the Middle East (Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.) and in northern Africa (Egypt, Morocco, Libya). But Christianity, with all its branches, is widespread in almost all of Europe, North America (Catholicism and Protestantism) and in Russia (Orthodoxy). That is why in a purely Muslim country, for example, almost all of the believers are Muslims.

Geography and family usually affect whether a person becomes religious at all, but there are a number of other reasons why people believe in God already at a more mature conscious age.


Faith in God often gives people some moral support from above. For single people, the need for this is slightly higher than for people who have loved ones. This is the reason that can affect the acquisition of faith, although before that a person could be an atheist.

Any religion has such a property that adherents feel involved in something worldly, great, sacred. It can also give confidence in the future. It is worth noting that confident people are less dependent on the need to believe than insecure people.


People can hope for different things: for the salvation of the soul, a long life, or for the cure of diseases and purification, for example. In Christianity, there are fasts and prayers. With their help, you can create hope that everything will be really good. It brings optimism in many situations.

Some cases

As mentioned above, a person can strongly believe in God. Often this happens after very extraordinary life events. After the loss of a loved one or illness, for example.

There are cases when people suddenly think about God, when they come face to face with danger, after which they are lucky: with a wild animal, a criminal, with a wound. Faith as a guarantee that everything will be fine.

Fear of death

People are afraid of many things. Death is something that awaits everyone, but usually no one is ready for it. It happens at an unforeseen moment and makes everyone close to grieve. Someone perceives this end with optimism, but someone does not, but nevertheless it is always very uncertain. Who knows what is on the other side of life? Of course, one would like to hope for the best, and religions just give this hope.

In Christianity, for example, hell or paradise comes after death, in Buddhism - reincarnation, which is also not an absolute end. Belief in the soul also implies immortality.

We have discussed some of the reasons above. Of course, we should not discard the fact that faith is causeless.

Opinion from outside

Many psychologists and scientists assume that it doesn't matter if God really exists, but what matters is what religion gives to each person. For example, American professor Stephen Rice conducted an interesting study, where he interviewed several thousand believers. The survey revealed what beliefs they hold, as well as character traits, self-esteem, and much more. It turned out that, for example, peace-loving people prefer a good God (or try to see him like that), but those who think that they sin a lot, repent and worry about this, prefer a strict God in a religion where there is fear punishment for sins after death (Christianity).

The professor also believes that religion gives support, love, order, spirituality, glory. God is like some kind of invisible friend who will support in time or, on the contrary, scold, if it is necessary for a person who lacks composure and motivation in life. Of course, this all applies more to people who need to feel some kind of support under them. And religion can provide that, as well as the satisfaction of human basic feelings and needs.

But scientists from Oxford and Coventry University tried to identify a connection between religiosity and analytical/intuitive thinking. It would seem that the more analytic in a person, the higher the likelihood that he is an atheist. However, the results showed that there is no relationship between the type of thinking and religiosity. Thus, we found out that the inclination to faith in a person is determined rather by upbringing, society, environment, but is not given from birth and does not arise just like that.

Instead of a conclusion

Let's summarize why people believe in God. There are many reasons: to find answers to questions that cannot be answered in any way, because they “catch” it from parents and the environment, to fight feelings and fear. But this is only a small part, since religion really gave a lot to humanity. Many people believed in the past, will be in the future. Many religions also mean the creation of goodness, from which you can get pleasure and peace. Between an atheist and a believer, the difference is only in the presence / absence of faith, but this does not reflect the personal qualities of a person. This is not an indicator of intelligence, kindness. And even more so does not reflect social status.

Unfortunately, scammers often profit from a person's inclination to believe in something, posing as great prophets and not only. You need to be careful and not trust dubious persons and sects, which have become very numerous lately. If you observe reasonableness and treat religion accordingly, then everything will be in order.

Let's talk about faith today. This topic, of course, is very sensitive, since everyone has their own faith, their own views, and thoughts on this matter, but it’s worth talking about it ...

For our dear reader to understand, we will try not to offend anyone and discuss this topic from a neutral position, but to leave it completely uncovered, it would be wrong on our part, because it is faith in God for many that is happiness.

Since ancient times, people have understood how strong faith is. Our ancient ancestors believed in anything. Due to the impossibility of explaining such phenomena as, for example, thunder, lightning, rain, drought, people invented gods for themselves.

In ancient times, each phenomenon was favored by one or another god. For example, from the mythology of Ancient Greece, we know that there was a god Zeus - the supreme god, the god of thunder and lightning, who led a whole pantheon of deities. When the god Zeus was dissatisfied, for example, with the behavior of people, he sent thunder and lightning to the earth, which a simple man in the street saw, explaining natural phenomena that are understandable to modern man. Or the goddess Atropos, who cut the thread of fate, cutting off human life, symbolized death ... But if earlier people believed in gods to explain certain phenomena, then in the modern world, people believe in God for completely different reasons.

Despite the achievements in science, the big step of human thought and the awareness of being, human faith has remained one of the most powerful guiding paths in life. Many find happiness in their faith, which is why they need it so much. However, this is not the only reason why we believe in God to this day. Faith gives us very, very much. Here are just some of the aspects that faith gives us:

  • Explanation and understanding . Nowadays, faith and religion for many people, as well as for our ancestors, is an explanation of phenomena that are incomprehensible to the mind. For example, if a person fell ill, it means that God sends him trials, received money - God rewarded him, got married - God accompanied happiness, etc. Every person needs faith, because it is faith in something higher, faith in God, that gives us often the meaning of life, which is not understood by simple logic.
  • Peace. Faith in a higher consciousness, faith in God gives us peace. For example, when a person is hard at heart, he says a prayer, reads the Bible, Koran, Torah, Vedas or other holy scripture. After reading the lines from these books, thus turning to God, a person finds the answer to his question, either between the lines of the sacred book itself, or in himself. No matter how fantastic it may seem, the fact remains.
  • Morality. In all religions there is such a thing as morality. Those. it is a kind of decree on how a person should act according to his conscience. After all, it also happens that we do not know how to do the right thing, and religion helps us in this with simple covenants and instructions, like “do not kill” and “human life is sacred.” If we didn’t believe in it, then, imagine what would happen?!
  • Love. Usually religions talk about love for God and love for neighbor, about love for everything that surrounds us. Those. it turns out that believing in the existence of a higher power, recognizing it, we also recognize love. But love is a very important feeling in the life of every modern person, you must admit it is so! And when there is love for God, and for everything that surrounds you, then everything falls into place and all problems go away.

Faith brings you closer. Faith is divisive. Because of faith, people staged the largest Crusades, where thousands died. But faith was, is and will be an inexplicable and mysterious phenomenon. That is why people often ask the question: Why does a person believe in God, and someone else. Psychologists, scientists and religious figures have their own points of view on this matter.

Scientific point of view on the question of faith

Researchers of the phenomenon of faith argue that religiosity is inherent in a person as an acquired, and not innate quality. By its nature, the child trusts senior authoritative personalities from his environment (father, mother, other relatives) very much, in connection with which, like a sponge, he absorbs and unquestioningly trusts the knowledge that the older generations pass on, and subsequently it can be concluded that faith is transmitted as a legacy for hundreds of years. But still, scientists do not give a clear answer, where does this chain begin and what are the prerequisites?

Faith in God from the side of psychology

Many psychologists describe the original idea of ​​the Supreme or God from a completely different angle than scientists. And in explaining faith, they cite human instincts, that is, what is innate, and not acquired as a result of development and

After his birth, a person begins to act instinctively: he takes his first independent breaths and begins to scream. Scientists stopped their gaze on the study of the cry of the baby. It turns out that the child is screaming, realizing the presence of an adult nearby. That is, he understands that there is someone stronger than him, someone who is able to protect and save from the threats of the outside world. Let the newborn not know exactly who this person is, but he relies on him. Thus, an analogy is drawn between the relationship of adults with the Lord. Giving in to prayer and believing in a higher being, a person seems to calm himself by the presence of a stronger patron, someone who will help in any troubles and troubles.

A person must believe, even taking into account the unproven theory of the existence of God, psychologists say. Often, faith wakes up in people at the most difficult and urgent moments of their life path. “Every soldier prays while sitting in a trench,” and this quote perfectly reflects the statement of modern doctors. And yet, a person comes to faith not only due to difficulties or need in the Lord, but also due to the banal human fear of the Almighty and the punishment that he can send to the soul of an infidel, if he

Why and why a person believes in God, according to religious figures

Christian priests with full confidence answer this difficult to understand and slightly tricky question. "Faith helps a person to come to God, it is easier to live with faith." But priests, like scientists, cannot answer all the questions of interest to the modern atheist. “But why should a person go to God?” Here the holy fathers do not give precise definitions and interpret the Bible vaguely, moving away from the exact wording.


A clear answer to the question "Why does a person believe in God?" neither scientists, nor religious scholars, nor people themselves can give, regardless of the strength of their faith. Even the greatest minds have not taken the path of comprehending this seemingly simple truth. And yet instincts, psychology, or something more guide people in their belief in a higher mind? What do you think?


Why do people believe in God? - a question that does not have a specific answer. One thing is clear, if the question is asked, it means that the answer has not been found. Rather, this is a problem that does not imply an unambiguous solution.

As long as there are questions about the meaning of life and the meaning of death, it is too early to abandon God (or the idea of ​​him). People need some ready-made answer to the damned questions. Arthur Schopenhauer, the founder of irrationalism, said that religion is a philosophy for the poor. Nietzsche's teacher was not particularly tolerant, but if you look at what is happening in the world now, you will involuntarily think: after all, faith in God is not so bad. In any case, better than, for example, belief in horoscopes. However, the prelude dragged on. Let's move on to the main thing: why do people believe in God? We offer three options to choose from.

The world is absurd without God

If we establish ourselves in the thought that there is no God, then we will become somehow sad. God - the source of the highest meaning cannot be in the world, it must be separated from the hustle and bustle and milk fights. The divine presence fills life with meaning, independent of human troubles. An important addition: it would be possible to develop atheistic metaphysics, but this is not the time and place. The task is different.

hope for the best

Man is weak, God is strong. Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt therapy, said that God is a projection of human impotence before the world. Let's imagine that there is no other life and there is no other, divine reality, and after that how do you order a person to live? Well, if life satisfies a person: he has a decent job, family, and what if not. If he is sick. For example, some kind of disease that greatly interferes with life, but does not kill. So this life is all suffering, and there is no other life. Not everyone can withstand such a verdict.

The justification of evil is the central problem of any religion. People say: if there is a God, then why is there so much evil in the world? Thus, evil opposes the existence of God. But in fact, the physical world is full of imperfections. The task of the idea of ​​God is not to eradicate evil, but to endow it with a moral dimension. The world with God and the world without Him are different realities. Where there are no absolutes, there are no hopes. On the contrary, when we understand that earthly life precedes another, then evil is overcome, and despair recedes.

God as a cultural code

The diversity of cultures gives rise to the variability of the gods. And not everyone has yet tasted the goodness of monotheism; in some corners of the world there are also pagans. The main thing is not the number of supreme beings ruling the world, but their function, and the function, regardless of the number, is to give people hope. As long as human existence is fragile and uncertain, as long as there are "damned questions", there will be God. God as a cultural construct is eternal, because death is insurmountable, and it is impossible to reconcile with it. A person needs an authoritative assistant in this difficult matter, while God cannot be replaced even by omnipotent science. But progress cannot be stopped, let's see what happens in the future.

In the meantime, many people continue to believe in God. And some of them cannot even imagine their lives without this faith. To believe or not to believe in God is, of course, a personal matter for everyone. But, you must admit that the presence of faith (and not necessarily in God) in a person's life makes his being more holistic and meaningful.