Presentation on the topic "The Thunderstorm" by A.N. Ostrovsky - the history of creation"

Travel along the Volga

In 1856-1857 A.N. Ostrovsky participated in the famous

"Literary Expedition" organized by the sea

ministry. A trip along the Volga, a stay in the Volga

cities expanded the playwright's understanding of Russian

reality. This marked the beginning of work on

drama "The Thunderstorm".

The history of the creation of the drama "The Thunderstorm"

The play was written quickly: it began

in July, and completed in October 1859.

The playwright recreated unusually bright, lively and recognizable characters in life. Residents of several Volga cities argued where the events shown in the drama “The Thunderstorm” actually took place.

“The Volga gave Ostrovsky abundant food,

showed him new themes for dramas and comedies

and inspired him..." (participant of the "Literary

expedition" S.V. Maksimov ) .

Genre originality of the play

2) a literary genus that belongs simultaneously to theater and literature.

Drama Feature:

conflict, division of the plot into

stage scenes, continuous

chain of statements by characters, lack of narrative

Main conflict

A.N. Ostrovsky showed how “a protest against centuries-old traditions is brewing

and how the old Testament way of life begins to collapse

under the pressure of life's demands."

The conflict between the "dark kingdom" and the new

a person who lives according to the laws of conscience.

System of artistic images

Literary characters

"Dark Kingdom"

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna

Dikoy Savel Prokofich

wanderer Feklusha

tradesman Shapkin

maid Glasha

"dark kingdom"


Meaning of names in drama

Ekaterina - colloquial Katerina,

translated from Greek: pure, noble.

Varvara - translated from Greek: foreigner, foreigner.

Martha - from Aramaic: lady.

Boris – abbreviation of the name Borislav, from Bulgarian:

fight, from Slavic: words.

Savel - from Savely, from Hebrew: requested

Tikhon - from Greek: successful, calm.

The city of Kalinov and its inhabitants

The action takes place in the city

Kalinov, located on

bank of the Volga. Downtown-

Market Square, nearby

old church. Everything seems peaceful and calm, but rudeness

and differ in cruelty

masters of the city.

  • Tell us about the residents of Kalinov.
  • What kind of order reigns in the city? (Confirm your answer with text).

Life and customs of the “dark kingdom”

"Nothing sacred, nothing pure,

nothing right in this dark

world: dominating it

tyranny, wild, crazy,

wrong, drove everything out of him

consciousness of honor and right..." (N. Dobrolyubov)

1. Do you agree with this critic’s statement?

2. Prove the validity of N. Dobrolyubov’s words.

"The tyrants of Russian life"

Dikoy Savel Prokofich - typical

representative of the “dark kingdom”.

  • What does the word "tyrant" mean?
  • What is your idea of ​​the Wild?
  • What causes the unbridled

the tyranny of the Wild?

  • How does he treat others?
  • Is he sure of his limitlessness?

6. Describe your speech, manner of speaking,

communicate Wild. Give examples.

Let's conclude

Dikoy Savel Prokofich - “shrill man”

“scold”, “tyrant”, which means wild, cool at heart,

powerful person. The goal of his life is enrichment. Coarseness,

ignorance, abuse, and swearing are familiar to the Wild. Passion

the swearing becomes even stronger when they ask him for money.

"The tyrants of Russian life"

Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna is a typical representative of the “dark kingdom”.

1. What is your idea about this


2. How does she treat her family?

What is her attitude to the “new order”?

3. What are the similarities and differences between the characters?

Wild and Kabanikha?

4. Describe Kabanova’s speech, manner of speaking, and communication. Give examples.

Let's conclude

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is the embodiment of despotism,

covered with hypocrisy. How correctly he described her

Kuligin: “Prude... He gives beggars, but completely eats up his family!” Love and maternal feelings do not exist for her.

to your children. Kabanikha is the exact nickname given to her by people. She is a “guardian” and protector of customs and

orders of the “dark kingdom”.

Young heroes of the play


Describe each literary character .

Let's conclude

Tikhon is kind and sincerely loves Katerina. Exhausted

reproaches and orders from his mother, thinks about how

get out of the house. He is a weak-willed, submissive person.

Boris is gentle, kind, really understands

Katerina, but I am unable to help her. He's incapable

fight for his happiness, chooses the path of humility.

Varvara - understands the pointlessness of protest, for her

lies are protection from the laws of the “dark kingdom.” She ran away

from home, but did not submit.

Curly is desperate, boastful, capable of sincere feelings, and is not afraid of his owner. He is everyone

fights for his happiness.

Katerina's struggle for happiness

  • How is Katerina different from others?

heroes of the drama "The Thunderstorm"?

2. Tell the story of her life. Bring

examples from the text.

3. What is the tragedy of her situation?

4. What paths does she look for in the struggle for happiness?

Katerina's struggle for happiness

  • Comment on the illustration

to the work.

  • Why is Katerina left alone?

with your grief? Why didn't Boris take her with him?

3. Why didn’t she return to her husband?

  • Are Boris and Tikhon worthy of her love?
  • Did Katerina have another way out?

except death?

Katerina's struggle for happiness

  • Why did Katerina decide to publicly repent of her sin?

2. What role does the thunderstorm scene play?

3. Read the monologue expressively

Katerina in the scene of repentance. Which

the role it plays in revealing the ideological

The meaning of the name of the drama "The Thunderstorm"

Thunderstorm is an elemental force of nature,

scary and not fully understood.

A thunderstorm is a thunderstorm condition

society, a thunderstorm in people's souls.

A thunderstorm is a threat to the departing, but

to the still strong world of boars and wild ones.

Thunderstorm is a Christian belief:

the wrath of God, punishing sins.

Thunderstorm is ripening

new forces in the fight against

old relics of the past.

Finale of the play

  • Prove that the development of the action

inevitably leads to a tragic end?

  • Could Katerina find happiness in her family? Under what conditions?
  • What is the heroine struggling with: a sense of duty or the “dark kingdom”?
  • Read Katerina’s last words expressively. Who is to blame for her death?

"Thunderstorm" in Russian criticism

N.A. Dobrolyubov: “Katerina is a ray of light in a dark kingdom.

At the tragic end...a terrible challenge was given to tyrant power.

In Katerina we see a protest against Kabanov’s concepts of

morality, protest brought to the end...” (N.A. Dobrolyubov “A Ray of Light in a Dark Kingdom.”

D.I. Pisarev: “Education and life could not be given to Katerina

no strong character, no developed mind... She cuts

tied knots is suicide, which is completely

unexpected for herself."

(D.I. Pisarev “Motives of Russian Drama”)

What is your opinion and why?

The creation of “Groza” was preceded by
Ostrovsky's journey through
Upper Volga, undertaken in
the instructions of the Maritime Ministry.
The result of this trip was
Ostrovsky's diary, much
revealing in his perception
provincial life
Upper Volga region
“It starts from Pereyaslavl
Merya,” he writes in
diary, - earth, abundant
mountains and waters, and people and
tall, and handsome, and smart, and
frank and obliging and
a free mind and an open soul.

“We are standing on the steepest mountain,
The Volga is under our feet, and
ships go back and forth
sometimes on sails, sometimes by barge haulers,
and one charming song
pursues us irresistibly...And
there is no end to this song...
Impressions from the Volga region
cities and villages, from
beautiful nature, meetings
with interesting people from
people accumulated for a long time
in the soul of a playwright and poet,
before I was born like this
a masterpiece of his work, like

For a long time
time it was believed that
plot of the drama “The Thunderstorm”
Ostrovsky took from life
Kostroma merchants, and in
the work is based on
the sensational case of the Klykovs.
Until the beginning of the 20th century
many Kostroma residents are sad
pointed to the place
Katerina's suicide gazebo at the end of the small
boulevard, in those years
literally hanging over
Volga. They also pointed to the house,
where she lived.

A.P. Klykova was extradited
sixteen years old in a gloomy merchant
a family consisting of elderly parents,
son and daughter. Mistress of the house, stern
Old Believer forced her young daughter-in-law
refused to do any menial work
asking her to see her family.
At the time of the drama, Klykova was 19 years old.
In the past she was raised by her beloved
grandmother, she was a cheerful, lively girl,
cheerful. Her young husband, Klykov,
carefree, apathetic person, could not
protect the wife from her mother-in-law's nagging and
treated them indifferently. Children have
There were no fangs.
And then another one stood in Klykova’s way
man, Maryin, postal worker
offices. Suspicions and scenes began
jealousy. It ended up that on November 10
1859, the body of A.P. Klykova was found in
Volga. A noisy lawsuit arose,
received wide publicity.

Many years passed before
creativity researchers
Ostrovsky was definitely identified,
that “The Thunderstorm” was written before
how the Kostroma merchant's wife
Klykova rushed into the Volga. But
the very fact of such a coincidence
speaks of genius
the playwright's insight,
deeply felt
growing in merchant life
Upper Volga dramatic
conflict between old and new,
conflict in which Dobrolyubov
it was not without reason that I saw “something”
refreshing and encouraging.”

Write “The Thunderstorm” Ostrovsky
started in June - July 1859
year and graduated on October 9
the same year. First time play
was published in the magazine
“Library for reading” in
January issue of 1860.
First performance of “Thunderstorm”
took place on stage on the 16th
November 1859 in Maly
theater at benefit performance S.V.
Vasilyeva with L.P. Nikulina Kositsina as Katerina.

Lesson on the topic: “Life and customs of the “dark kingdom” based on Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm.”


1) educational - a deeper acquaintance with the work of A.N. Ostrovsky using the example of the play “The Thunderstorm”; get to know the city of Kalinov and its inhabitants, their morals and customs;

2) developing - improve the ability to analyze what you read, highlight the main thing, taking into account the features of a dramatic work;

3) educational - make students think about the life principles that determine the behavior and actions of the heroes.

Lesson type – a lesson in learning new material

Lesson type – lesson – analysis

Equipment: computer presentation.

During the classes.

    Org moment.

    Teacher's word.

From the first pages of the play we pay attention to the skill of Ostrovsky the playwright.

Let us turn to Levitan’s painting “Evening. Golden Reach." Finding ourselves on the banks of the Volga, in those places where the drama took place, we would see the following picture: fog rises over the river. The lush greenery of the bushes, bathed in the rays of the setting sun, and the golden colors of the water. Church. Peace and quiet...

The role of landscape :

    Enjoying the landscape can soften the morals of the residents of the city of Kalinov (according to Kuligin);

    Show cruel morals by contrast;

    Through their attitude to nature, show the different worldviews of city residents. (D. I appearance 1; D. III appearance 3, Kuligin’s monologues).

    Let us now turn to the text of the drama.

The cruel morals of the city of Kalinov.

Characteristics of the Wild (D. I. 2.3; D. III 2; D. IV 2).

The merchant Savel Prokofievich Dikoy is known in the city as a rude and cruel man. The tradesman Shapkin gives him the following description: “Look for another scolder like ours, Savel Prokofich! There's no way someone will be cut off ».

Sometimes Dikoy himself is not happy with his character: having once scolded a man who came to him for money during Lent, he then kneels and asks for his forgiveness. It is noteworthy that Dikoy acts as a “hero” only in front of his subordinates: by nature he is cowardly and cowardly. "And there’s little honor, because you’ve been fighting with women all your life “- Kabanikha rightly says. Of all the characters in the play, it is to Diky that the definition of “tyrant” is most suitable.

Characteristics of Kabanova (D.I revelation 3.5; D.II revelation 3.5)

Merchant's wife Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha) is the keeper of the foundations of the “dark kingdom”. She believes in the justice of patriarchal laws that justify fear and violence in the family: “After all, out of love your parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, everyone thinks to teach you good ", she tells her children.

Kabanikha feels that her time is running out and is trying with all her might to delay the end, forcing her loved ones to formally observe the “rules of decency.” "Prude, sir! He gives money to the poor, but completely eats up his family “Kuligin says to Boris about her.

Nevertheless, at the end of the play, Kabanikha loses her power: Varvara runs away from home, Katerina commits suicide, and Tikhon publicly accuses her of his wife’s death.

Analysis of Kuligin's monologues,

1. Highlight the words that especially vividly characterize life in the city.

"Cruel morals"; “rudeness and naked poverty”; “You can never earn more than your daily bread through honest work”; “trying to enslave the poor”; “to make even more money from free labor”; “I won’t pay a penny extra”; “trade is undermined out of envy”; “they are at enmity”, etc. - these are the principles of life in the city.

2. Highlight the words that especially clearly characterize life in the family.

“They made the boulevard, but they don’t walk”; “the gates are locked and the dogs are down”; “so that people don’t see how they eat their own family and tyrannize their family”; “tears flow behind these constipations, invisible and inaudible”; “behind these castles there is dark debauchery and drunkenness”, etc. - these are the principles of family life.

How can you evaluate Feklushi’s monologues (d. 1, yavl. 2; d. 2, yavl. 1; d. 3, yavl. )

1). How does the city appear in her perception?Bla-alepye, wondrous beauty, promised land, paradise and silence .

2). What role does this image play? What are the people like who live here?

(Brings darkness and ignorance, her stories inspire fear and distortion of ideas about the world. For the first time in her monologues the thought of the near end of this time is heard.The residents are ignorant and uneducated, they believe Feklusha’s stories, which show her darkness and illiteracy: the story of the fiery serpent; about someone with black face; about time that is becoming shorter (d. 3, yav. 1); about other countries (d. 2, yavl. 1). Kalinovites believe that Lithuania fell from the sky (d. 4, yavl. 1.), they are afraid of thunderstorms (d. 4, yavl. 4).

Let's turn to the image of Kudryash. (D. I, phenomenon 1). What can you say about him?

Mirror image of the Wild.

"Masters of Life"


Wild . You are a worm. If I want, I will have mercy, if I want, I will crush.

Kabanikha . I’ve been seeing for a long time that you want freedom. This is where the will leads.

Curly. Well, that means I’m not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.

Feklusha . And the merchants are all pious people, adorned with many virtues.

Kuligin. It's better to endure it.

Varvara. And I wasn’t a liar, but I learned... But in my opinion, do whatever you want, as long as it’s done well and covered.

Tikhon. Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will!

Boris. I’m not eating of my own free will: my uncle sends me.

How are the characters of Wild and Kabanikha revealed in their speech characteristics?



About him:

"scolder"; "Like I'm off the chain"

About her:

“all under the guise of piety”; “a prude, he lavishes on the poor, but completely eats up his family”; "swears"; "sharpenes iron like rust"


"parasite"; "damn"; "you failed"; "foolish man"; "go away"; “what am I to you - even or something”; “it’s with the snout that he tries to talk”; "robber"; "asp"; "fool" etc.

She herself:

“I see that you want freedom”; “He won’t be afraid of you, and even less so of me”; “you want to live by your own will”; "fool"; "order your wife"; “must do what the mother says”; “where the will leads”, etc.

Conclusion . Wild - abusive, rude, tyrant; feels his power over people

Conclusion . Kabanikha is a prude, does not tolerate will and insubordination, acts out of fear

General conclusion. The Boar is more terrible than the Wild One, since her behavior is hypocritical. Wild is a scolder, a tyrant, but all his actions are open. Kabanikha, hiding behind religion and concern for others, suppresses the will. She is most afraid that someone will live in their own way, according to their own will.

In human society, in contrast to the natural world, there is arbitrariness, rudeness, robbery, money-grubbing, despotism, family despotism, and tyranny.

What is the tyranny of the wild based on?

On power;

Material dependence;

On Domostroevsky family laws, illuminated by the church and antiquity, patriarchal traditions;

On the traditional obedience and ignorance of people.

Are there forces that oppose the tyrant power of the masters of life?

Kuligin, characteristics:

An educated man, a self-taught mechanic, his surname resembles the surname of the Russian inventor Kulibin. The hero subtly senses the beauty of nature and aesthetically stands above other characters: he sings songs, quotes Lomonosov. Kuligin advocates for the improvement of the city, tries to persuade Dikiy to give money for a sundial, for a lightning rod, tries to influence the residents, educate them, explaining the thunderstorm as a natural phenomenon. Thus, Kuligin personifies the best part of the city’s residents, but he is alone in his aspirations, so he is considered an eccentric. The image of the hero embodies the eternal motive of grief from the mind .

He advises “somehow to please” tyrants.

It brings culture and enlightenment to the people, demonstrating the development and independence of thinking.But he is a dreamer, not a fighter: his projects are not feasible. It is characteristic that he spends his energy on inventionperpetual motion machine.

Varvara, characteristics:

And I wasn’t a liar, but I learned... But in my opinion, do what you want, as long asit was sewn and covered.

Tikhon, characteristics:

He loves Katerina, but is a tool in the hands of his mother, weak-willed, characterless, and cannot protect his wife.

“Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will!”

Boris, characteristics:

“I’m walking around completely devastated... driven, beaten, and then I’ve foolishly decided to fall in love.”

“I’m not eating of my own free will: my uncle sends me.”

“If they wouldn’t find us here... it’s time for me, Katya.”

“You villains! Monsters! Oh, if only there was strength!

Lesson summary:

The city of Kalinov, in which the events in the play “The Thunderstorm” unfold, is a collective image of Russian provincial cities. Rudeness, cruelty, violence, hypocrisy, and ignorance flourish among its inhabitants. Sensitivity to the beauty of nature, a poetic, imaginative perception of reality, a desire to change life in the city for the better are characteristic of a few. And yet the foundations of the “dark kingdom” are gradually crumbling. Even his “supporters” feel this:

Kabanova. And it will be worse than this, dear.

Feklusha. We just wouldn't live to see this.

Kabanova. Maybe we'll survive


D/z: Characteristics of the image of Katerina.

1). Episodes for analysis: D II, yavl. 2, 3, 4, 5; D. II, yavl. 10, D. III, appearances 6-8; D.IV, yavl. 3, 4, 5; D. V, yavl. 2, 4.

2). One of Katerina's monologues by heart.

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History of creation, system of images, methods of characterizing characters in A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm” “Ostrovsky’s most decisive work”

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The history of the creation of the play The work has a general meaning; it is no coincidence that Ostrovsky named his fictitious, but surprisingly real city with the non-existent name Kalinov. In addition, the play is based on impressions from a trip along the Volga as part of an ethnographic expedition to study the life of the inhabitants of the Volga region. Katerina, remembering her childhood, talks about sewing on velvet with gold. The writer could see this craft in the city of Torzhok, Tver province.

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The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” A thunderstorm in nature (act 4) is a physical phenomenon, external, independent of the characters. The storm in Katerina's soul - from the gradual confusion caused by love for Boris, to the pangs of conscience from betraying her husband and to the feeling of sin before people, which pushed her to repentance. A thunderstorm in society is a feeling by people who stand up for the immutability of the world of something incomprehensible. Awakening of free feelings in a world of unfreedom. This process is also shown gradually. At first there are only touches: there is no proper respect in the voice, does not maintain decency, then - disobedience. A thunderstorm in nature is an external cause that provoked both a thunderstorm in Katerina’s soul (it was she who pushed the heroine to confession) and a thunderstorm in society, which was dumbfounded because someone went against it.

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The meaning of the title of the play “The Thunderstorm” Conclusion. The meaning of the title: a thunderstorm in nature - refreshes, a thunderstorm in the soul - cleanses, a thunderstorm in society - illuminates (kills).

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The status of women in Russia in the 1st half of the 19th century. In the first half of the 19th century, the position of women in Russia was dependent in many respects. Before marriage, she lived under the unquestioned authority of her parents, and after the wedding, her husband became her master. The main sphere of activity of women, especially among the lower classes, was the family. According to the rules accepted in society and enshrined in Domostroi, she could only count on a domestic role - the role of a daughter, wife and mother. The spiritual needs of most women, as in pre-Petrine Rus', were satisfied by folk holidays and church services. “Domostroy” is a monument of Russian writing of the 16th century, which is a set of rules for family life.

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The era of change The play “The Thunderstorm” was created in the pre-reform years. It was an era of political, economic and cultural change. The transformations affected all layers of society, including the merchants and philistines. The old way of life was collapsing, patriarchal relations were becoming a thing of the past - people had to adapt to new conditions of existence. Changes also occurred in the literature of the mid-19th century. Works whose main characters were representatives of the lower classes gained particular popularity at this time. They interested writers primarily as social types.

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System of characters in the play Speaking surnames Age of heroes “Masters of Life” “Victims” What place does Katerina occupy in this system of images?

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The system of characters in Dikaya’s play: “You are a worm. If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush.” Kabanikha: “I’ve seen for a long time that you want freedom.” “This is where the will leads.” Kudryash: “Well, that means I’m not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.”

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The system of characters in the play Varvara: “And I was not a liar, but I learned.” “In my opinion, do whatever you want, as long as it’s safe and covered.” Tikhon: “Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will!” Kuligin: “It’s better to endure it.”

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Features of revealing the characters of Katerina's characters - poetic speech, reminiscent of a spell, lament or song, filled with folk elements. Kuligin is the speech of an educated person with “scientific” words and poetic phrases. Wild - speech is replete with rude words and curses.

Slide captions:

Ostrovsky began writing “The Thunderstorm” in June - July 1859 and finished on October 9 of the same year. The play was first published in the magazine “Library for Reading” in the January issue of 1860. The first performance of “The Thunderstorm” on stage took place on November 16, 1859 at the Maly Theater during a benefit performance by S.V. Vasilyeva with L.P. Nikulina-
as Katerina.
The creation of “The Thunderstorm” was preceded by Ostrovsky’s trip along the Upper Volga, undertaken on instructions from the Maritime Ministry. The result of this trip was Ostrovsky’s diary, which reveals much in his perception of the life of a provincial
Upper Volga region
Merya begins,” he writes in his diary, “a land rich in mountains and waters, and a people who are tall, and beautiful, and intelligent, and frank, and obliging, and a free mind, and a wide-open soul.
Many years passed before researchers of Ostrovsky’s work established for sure that “The Thunderstorm” was written a month before the Kostroma merchant Klykova rushed into the Volga. Subsequently, similar cases were discovered in Plyos and Kineshma.
But the very fact of such a coincidence speaks of the brilliant insight of the playwright, who deeply felt the growing dramatic conflict between the old and the new in the merchant life of the Upper Volga, a conflict in which Dobrolyubov saw “something refreshing and encouraging” for a reason.
The drama "The Thunderstorm" was created in the conditions immediately preceding the abolition of serfdom. She confirmed N. Dobrolyubov’s thought expressed in the article “The Dark Kingdom”: “Ostrovsky has a deep understanding of Russian life and a great ability to portray sharply
and vividly its most essential aspects.”
History of creation
. Ostrovsky
A.P. Klykova was extradited at the age of sixteen to a gloomy merchant family, consisting of old parents, a son and a daughter. The mistress of the house, a stern Old Believer, forced her young daughter-in-law to do any menial work and refused her requests to see her relatives.
At the time of the drama, Klykova was 19 years old. In the past, she was raised by her beloved grandmother, she was a cheerful, lively, cheerful girl. Her young husband, Klykov, a carefree, apathetic man, could not protect his wife from her mother-in-law’s nagging and treated them indifferently. The Klykovs had no children.
And then another person stood in Klykova’s way, Maryin, an employee of the post office. Suspicions and scenes of jealousy began. It ended with the fact that on November 10, 1859, the body of A.P. Klykova was found in the Volga. A noisy trial ensued and received wide publicity.
Katerina’s strong, protesting character, her irreconcilable struggle ending in death, raise “The Thunderstorm” to the level of a national tragedy.
Ostrovsky calls it drama
, since the heroine of the play comes from a patriarchal bourgeois environment and much attention is paid in the play to the everyday side of life.
For a long time, it was believed that Ostrovsky took the plot of the drama “The Thunderstorm” from the life of the Kostroma merchants, and the basis of the work was the sensational case of the Klykovs.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, many Kostroma residents pointed with sorrow to the place of Katerina’s suicide - a gazebo at the end of a small
, which in those years literally hung over the Volga. They also pointed to the house where she lived.
The play "The Thunderstorm" - drama or tragedy
In the play "The Thunderstorm"
In tragedy "...a particularly intense, irreconcilable conflict, most often ending in the death of the hero. The hero finds himself faced with an obstacle that exceeds his strength." "Literary Dictionary" ed. L.

A tense, tragically acute conflict leads to the death of the heroine
“Only a person of the highest nature can be a hero or a victim of tragedies” (V. Belinsky). "She needs noble characters" (Aristotle)
Katerina’s strong, passionate character allows us to consider her a victim of tragedy
The conflict of the tragedy is “exceptional in its significance, reflecting in the most acute form the leading, progressive trends of socio-historical development.” "Literary Dictionary"
Katerina enters into a struggle not of a private nature, but of a public one: the “dark kingdom” is an awakening personality
Changing the starting position at the end of the tragedy
A thunderstorm swept over the city and at the end of the play everything became different
“We stand on
woe, the Volga is under our feet, and along it ships go back and forth, sometimes on sails, sometimes in barge haulers, and one charming song haunts us irresistibly... And there is no end to this song...”
Impressions from the Volga region cities and villages, from the most beautiful nature, from meetings with interesting people from the people accumulated in the soul of the playwright and poet for a long time before such a masterpiece of his work as “The Thunderstorm” was born.
Disputes about the genre of the play
The controversy surrounding "The Thunderstorm" is determined, firstly, by the nature of the genre, since a work intended for the stage involves various
secondly, by the originality of the content, since the play contains a social and moral conflict; thirdly, by the active development of critical thought in this period.