Turnip in a modern way for children. Funny fairy tale scene about a turnip

Presenter: Russian folk tale "Turnip"! ..
planted by grandfather...
Grandfather: Eat me Flies! ..
Presenter: ... Turnip ...

Turnip: Both-on! ..
Presenter: Turnip has grown, ..
Turnip: Both-on! ..
Presenter: ... big pre-big! Grandpa came...
Grandfather: Eat me Flies!
Presenter: In the garden ... and he took the Turnip ...
Turnip: Both-on! ..
Leading: ... he took her by the tops, tensed, tightened, but how he pulled.
Pulls, pulls, but can not pull. But then his grandmother came up to him ...
Grandma: I'm always ready!
... hugged from behind and very sexy whispered in the ear Grandmother ...
Grandma: I'm always ready!
Grandma: I'm always ready!
Presenter: Here Grandfather weakened ...
Grandfather: Eat me flies! ..
Presenter: ... and Grandfather tensed up in another place ...
Grandfather: Eat me flies! ..
Presenter: And because of the tops, Repka mockingly ...
Turnip: Both!
Presenter: Out of nowhere, Granddaughter ran into the garden ...
Granddaughter: Well, never mind!
Presenter: ... she managed to say when she saw this picture, and clung to Grandma ...
Grandma: I'm always ready!
Presenter: ... she moaned louder in Grandfather's ear ...
Grandfather: Eat me flies! ..
Presenter: ... he said nervously and began to rhythmically pull the turnip tops ...
Turnip: Both-on! ..
Presenter: ... she exclaimed nervously, but did not give in to Grandfather ...
Grandfather: Eat me flies! ..
Presenter: ... he cursed. And then a bug came running to his voice ...
Bug: You yourself are dogs! ..
Presenter: ... she barked at those present and clung to the Granddaughter ... Granddaughter: Well, never mind! ..
Presenter: ... she was indignant and pulled Grandma ...
Grandma: I'm always ready! ..
Presenter: ... she kept talking about her feelings to Grandfather ...
Grandfather: Eat me flies! ..
Presenter: ... already quietly freaking out, he continued to tear Turnip ...
Turnip: Both-on! ..
Presenter: ... that one was not given to him. But suddenly she appeared, walking on her own,
Cat: Hello, my Murka and goodbye! ..
Presenter: ... she clung to the Bug ...
Bug: You yourself are dogs! ..
Presenter: ... she got angry and clung to the Granddaughter ...
Granddaughter: Well, never mind!..
Presenter: ... she was surprised again and took hold of Babka more tightly ...
Grandma: I'm always ready! ..
Presenter: ... she moaned sexually, hugging Grandfather from behind ...

Grandfather: Eat me flies...!
Presenter: ... he groaned in unison and once again hit Turnip on the tops ...
Turnip: Both-on! ..
Presenter: ... she exclaimed, getting high, and remained hanging around in the garden ...
Presenter: Suddenly, the Mouse came out from behind the barn with a wide step ...
Mouse: Pee-pee-pee-peep, be kind, who is the last one here? ..
Presenter: ... tried, oh, she asked and grabbed the cat by the tail ...
Cat: Hello, my Murka, and goodbye, damn it! ..
Presenter: ... she snorted indignantly, but how she would slash the Beetle with her claws! ..
Bug: You yourself are dogs! ..
Presenter: ... she squealed offendedly and immediately gnawed at her granddaughter
Granddaughter: Well, never mind!
Presenter: ... she was stunned and slapped Babka on the backside ...
Grandma: I'm always ready! ..
Presenter: ... she groaned in pain at the top of her voice, but how Grandfather will pull for ...
Grandfather: Eat me flies! ..
Presenter: ... he got angry, and pulled the Turnip like that ...
Turnip: Both-on! ..
Presenter: ... she was indignant and left her usual place in the garden, freeing herself from the rapists.
That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - thank you all! Actors bow!

Corporate culture is an important environmental factor in any company. If the principles of corporate culture are correctly formed in the organization, people work with full dedication, and the company achieves its goals faster. - Another way to strengthen the friendly atmosphere and establish warm relations in the team.

There are many reasons for such events: calendar celebrations, anniversaries of the company, completion of important projects, birthdays of employees. Professional hosts, variety artists, singers, dance groups are invited to celebrate the holidays.

A more sincere version of the holiday is guaranteed if you come up with a program yourself and, moreover, directly participate in it. And there is not much time to carve out the celebration, because it is not necessary to have a carefully rehearsed script. Fairy tales in a new way for corporate parties will help create a good mood for everyone.

Such performances do not require serious preparation, on the contrary, impromptu, improvisation is the most valuable thing in such productions. Costumes and scenery are selected stylized. Roles can be distributed according to the nature of the characters, but it can also be done by lottery. Rehearsals are not needed. Success largely depends on the leader. Reading a fairy tale, placing pauses and accents, he helps the artists.

There are several types of such fairy tales - shifters. A fairy tale based on pantomime does not involve memorizing texts. Each actor, getting used to his role (often an inanimate character), tries to illustrate the leader's story with gestures and body movements. Costumes and props are optional. Scenarios of fairy tales in a new way for a corporate party can be found on the Internet, or you can come up with your own.

Tale-pantomime for a corporate party

  • Characters:
  • Leading;
  • King with Queen;
  • Prince and Princess;
  • two horses;
  • Oak and Puddle;
  • Veterok and Crow;
  • two frogs;
  • Robber Serpent.

Act one

Presenter (V.): The curtain opens!

(runs across the stage Curtain, simulating the opening of curtains).

V .: Before us is a clearing covered with snow, and on it is a mighty sprawling and slightly pensive Oak.

(Oak appears, swinging its mighty arms-branches).

V .: On its strong branches, a young, imposing and slightly pensive Crow settled comfortably.

(The Crow appears and, croaking, “sits down” on the Oak).

V .: At the roots of a mighty oak there is a wide, full-flowing, ice-covered Puddle.

(If conditions do not allow Puddle to lie down, you can put a chair for her).

V .: in the Puddle, two cheerful green Frogs freely croaked.

(Two Frogs jump out and, croaking, sit down on different sides of the puddle; the Crow continues to croak, and the Oak continues to sway).

Q: Thunder rumbles in the distance.

(Thunder appears, making loud noises, shouting: “Fuck-bang!”).

B: The curtain is closing!

(The curtain walks across the stage with its arms raised, simulating the closing of the curtains.)

Action two

Q: The curtain opens! (The curtain returns to its place, repeating its movements only with its back forward).

V .: In a snowy clearing, on the branches of a mighty sprawling Oak, a pretty Crow sits, croaking at the top of its throat. At the foot of the oak, a full-flowing puddle spread out, on which two croaking frogs were attached.

(Participants repeat their movements, synchronously accompanying the text).

V .: A fresh breeze blew, tickled the feathers of the Crow, refreshed the wet paws of the Frogs.

(The breeze raises the hair on the head of the Crow and waves his arms at the Frogs).

Q: A beautiful princess appears. She carelessly jumps across the clearing and catches snowflakes.

(The princess duplicates the text with appropriate movements).

V .: Suddenly, Horse No. 1 neighed somewhere nearby. The Prince Charming rode out into the clearing, sitting on a young stallion.

(The first Horse appears with an exclamation of “I-ho-ho!” and the Prince Charming is riding on it).

W .: The prince and princess met eyes and were dumbfounded. They immediately fell in love with each other at first sight.

(Prince and Princess first freeze, peering intently, then bow).

V .: The curls of a young couple were gently ruffled by a fresh breeze. Having played enough with the lovers, a fresh breeze sat under the wing of the Crow.

(The breeze repeats the movements in the text).

V .: Suddenly, thunder was heard, and the Oak trembled with all his mighty body. Crow flies south with a panicked croak, and a fresh breeze follows. The frightened Frogs croaked.

(All listed actors portray and voice their roles).

V .: The Terrible Robber galloped on his horse No. 2. He takes the princess with him.

(The Robber on a Horse embraces the Princess and drags her along.)

V: Everything is quiet. The prince sobs and makes an attempt to drown himself in a puddle of grief.

(Prince lays his head on Puddle's lap and sobs loudly).

B: Curtain!

(The curtain runs backwards across the stage.)

Act Three

B: The curtain opens! (The curtain passes over the stage again, simulating the opening of the curtains.)

V .: Within the walls of the castle, the King and Queen are weeping, mourning their missing daughter. Everyone is crying, including Oak and Puddle.

(The King and Queen appear arm in arm, with loud sobs. Everyone greets them with bitter exclamations.)

V .: The Prince asks the blessings of the King and Queen and rushes in search of the Princess.

(Prince gets on one knee in front of the Queen and she overshadows him with a cross).

V .: Thunder rumbles again and the Robber appears on his Horse. The Prince and the Rogue are fighting.

(Scene of the battle between the Prince and the Robber on horseback).

V .: The robber is defeated! A crow returns from the south and a fresh breeze. A fresh breeze brings the young princess.

(The robber runs away, Veterok appears with the Princess in his arms).

Host: The king and queen saw the prince and the princess and rushed to kiss everyone.

(The King and Queen kiss all the heroes of the fairy tale present).

V .: Then they heard the chimes. After all, they completely forgot that today is the New Year, but they realized it in time and began to drink champagne.

Such a fairy tale can be adapted to any season and any holiday.

A slightly complicated version of a fairy tale in a new way for a corporate party - by roles with text. The remarks are quite small and are repeated constantly throughout the production, after each mention of the leading character, creating a special charm for the actors.

"Turnip" - a fairy tale with voiced roles

For a fairy tale - improvisation, you need to prepare some props:

  • curtain (held by two participants);
  • beard for grandfather;
  • apron for grandmother;
  • a hat with a tail for a turnip;
  • elements of a dog, mouse and cat costume.
  1. Characters:
  2. Leading;
  3. Turnip with the replica "Oba-na, that's what I am ...";
  4. Grandfather - “I would have killed, e-mae”
  5. Grandmother - “Where are my 17 years old?”;
  6. Granddaughter - "I'm not ready";
  7. Dog Bug - “Well, damn it, you give, dog work”;
  8. Cat - “Get the dog off the playground! I'm allergic to her fur! I can't work without valerian!
  9. Mouse - All right, gore you a mosquito?

Not bad if the role of the mouse solving the whole problem went to the leader or hero of the occasion.

Host (V.): There is a theater in Japan where all the roles - male and female - are played only by men. Today you have such a theater of 7 actors on tour (invites those who wish) with a fairy tale in a new way for the Repka corporate party. .

A small curtain is erected and the artists hide behind it.

V: Dear viewers! See a fairy tale in a new way, don't you want to? Surprisingly familiar, but with some additions ... in one, well, very rural, area very far from fame, there lived a grandfather.

(Grandfather appears).

Grandfather: I would have killed, e-Mae!

V .: and the grandfather planted a turnip.

(Repka emerges)

Turnip: Oh-ba-na! Here I am!

V .: Our turnip has grown big, big!

(Repka emerges from behind the curtain)

Turnip: Both-na, here I am!

V .: Grandfather began to pull a turnip.

Grandfather: (leaning out from behind the curtain) I would have killed, e-mae!

Turnip: Both-na, here I am!

V .: Grandfather called Grandma.

Grandfather: I would have killed, e-Mae!

Grandmother (surfacing over the curtain): Where are my 17 years old?!

V .: Grandma came ...

Grandmother: Where are my 17 years old?

Host: Grandmother for grandfather ...

Grandfather: I would have killed, e-Mae!

V .: Grandfather for a turnip ...

Turnip: Both-na, here I am!

Leading: They pull, they pull - they cannot pull it out. Calling Grandma...

Grandmother: Where are my 17 years?

Host: Granddaughter!

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

V .: Sponges did not make up? Granddaughter came...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready yet!

V .: took up Grandma ...

Grandmother: Where are my 17 years?

V .: Grandmother for Grandfather ...

Dedka: I would have killed, e-mae!

V .: Grandfather for a turnip ...

Turnip: both, here I am!

V .: they pull, they pull - they can’t pull it out ... Granddaughter calls ...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready!

Host: Bug!

Bug: well, damn it, give, dog work!

Leading: Bug came running ...

Bug: Well, damn it, you give, dog work ...

Host: I took it on my granddaughter ...

Q: I'm not ready...

Host: Granddaughter for Grandmother ...

Grandmother: Where are my 17 years?

V .: Grandmother for Grandfather ...

Grandfather: I would have killed, e-Mae!

Host: Dedka for Turnip ...

Turnip: Both-na, here I am!

V .: pull-pull - they can’t pull it out ... took the Bug ...

Bug: well, damn it, you give, dog work!

B: A cat!

Cat: Get the dog off the playground! I'm allergic to her fur! I can't work without valerian!

Leading: a cat came running and how it will grab onto the Bug ...

V .: The bug squealed ...

Bug: (screeching) Well, damn it, you give dog work!

V .: took on the granddaughter ..

Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...

V .: granddaughter - for Grandmother ...

Grandmother: Where are my 17 years?

Host: Grandmother - for Grandfather ...

Grandfather: I would have killed, e-Mae!

V .: Grandfather - for a turnip ...

Turnip: Both!

V .: They pull, they pull, they cannot pull. Suddenly, a Mouse appears from the barn with a wide step ...

V.Y: Out of necessity, she went out and did it under the Cat.

Cat: Take the dog away. I have an allergy to wool, without valerian - I don’t work!

Leading: How to scream with indignation ... Mouse ...

Mouse: All right, gore you a mosquito?

V .: grabbed the Cat, Cat ...

Cat: Remove the dog, I'm allergic to his fur, I can't work without valerian!

Leading: the cat again grabbed the Bug ...

Bug: Well, you fucking give, dog work!

Leading: The bug grabbed her granddaughter ...

Granddaughter: I'm not ready ...

V .: Granddaughter flies to her grandmother ...

Grandmother: Where are my 17 years?

V .: Grandma broke Grandfather ...

Grandfather: e-May, I would have killed!

V .: here the mouse got angry, pushed the people away, grabbed the tops tightly and took out the root crop! Yes, you see, according to all the signs, this is not a simple mouse!

Mouse: All right, gore you a mosquito?

Turnip: Both-na, that's what I am ...

(The turnip jumps out and falls. Wiping her tears, The turnip hits the floor with a hat.)

All artists go to bow. The tour of the Japanese theater ended with thunderous applause. Have you decided to aim at a more serious production? You can put a fairy tale in verse in a new way for a corporate party, the video offers a more complicated and no less interesting version of the Turnip fairy tale. We suggest reading.

For various holidays with friends or at work, I really want to organize everything so that the party is not banal and will be remembered by everyone for a long time. One of the best solutions for such a holiday is to stage a small skit.

If you do not have experience in holding such events, then you can take as a basis a simple fairy tale for the smallest - "Turnip" and put on a real performance "Turnip in a new way". Everyone knows the script, there are many heroes, but you can practically not learn the words. Acting characters can really be chosen at the most important event. How can all this be done?

First of all, on separate pieces of paper we write replicas for each hero.

Turnip. It won't be enough!

Grandfather. Squad, line up!

Grandmother. Hold on dear!

Granddaughter. Do not make a cult out of food.

Bug. The meat was not reported.

Murka. It's not my fault, he came.

Mouse. Hey, let's go!

For safety net, it would be good to take a book with this fairy tale. Although "Turnip in a new way" will be shown, the script and the main text in it are ordinary. In addition, as a director, one more task will fall on your shoulders - to be one of the main characters, namely the Storyteller. Therefore, you need to take a fairy tale and read it aloud three times with expression. Once again I repeat that you need to read not once, not to yourself, but three times and be sure to read it out loud. So, without noticing it yourself, you will remember every word and will not be confused in front of the audience.

Now we need to think about the outfits for the heroes. Here you can go two ways. The easiest way is to make small paper hats, like painters, on which to write the name of each of the characters. In another case, the choice of outfit will have to be approached more thoroughly. Try to stock up on masks, tails, scarves, jackets, blouses, caps can be used, that is, everything that is needed to create an unforgettable look.

Any of these options is interesting, but the more the costume will reincarnate the artist, the better. At least half of the success often depends on how spectacular the performance is! And the audience will remember the orange sweater on Turnip for a very long time. And also take a tablet with you, where the script for the fairy tale "Turnip" will be completely written.

Do not be lazy and first write out everything that you think is necessary for each of the characters. Carefully collect all the props and don't forget to take them with you on the day of the performance. For these purposes, you can choose one of your relatives or colleagues as assistants. Such a person will become your assistant.

Now about the rehearsal - it, as such, will not be. The whole scene will be played without preparation.

So, turnip script.

The Storyteller comes out to the audience with the text of the fairy tale in his hands.

Storyteller. Dear guests! I want to offer you a new entertainment, to everyone's surprise! To participate in it, I invite one of the most daring to come out!

One person enters the impromptu stage. This is the first future character - Turnip.

Storyteller (addressing this person). Now I ask you to choose the most wise of the men present here.

The turnip brings the next character on stage - Dedka.

Storyteller (Dedke). The wisest one has another task: among the girls in the hall, he must choose the most persistent.

2 the hero brings to the stage, as you already understood Grandma.

Storyteller (Babke). Now you need to invite the most daring girl to the stage.

Grandma invites granddaughter.

Storyteller (Granddaughter). And you have to find the most economic among men.

So the participant of the performance brings the future Zhuchka onto the stage.

Storyteller (Bug). The most economic one should choose the most fashionable girl.

Now the cat is brought onto the stage.

Storyteller (Cat). Now you need to choose the strongest man in the hall.

Thus, the Mouse is chosen.

Storyteller. Here in front of you, dear viewers, are the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way." The scenario is not quite simple, everyone needs to learn their words and change clothes.

Assistant or you distribute costumes yourself. Artists change clothes right in front of the auditorium, those who wish can help them.

Storyteller. Attention all artists! I will tell a fairy tale, and you will help me. As soon as I say the name, immediately let him speak his words. Let's try. planted by grandfather...

Grandfather. Squad, line up!

Storyteller. Turnip!

Turnip. It won't be enough!

Storyteller. A big, huge turnip has grown!

Turnip. It won't be enough!

Storyteller. Grandfather became ...

Grandfather. Squad, line up!

Storyteller. Turnip!

Turnip. It won't be enough!

This is how the participants pronounce their lines for each name of the hero. You can ask each of them to say their words before the start of the tale as a practice. During the reading, you will need to support the participants in the play "Turnip in a New Way". Keep the script in front of your eyes at all times. Sometimes, at a crucial moment, you can forget the simplest words.

So, with the help of a simple children's fairy tale, you can make any family celebration or unforgettable. Moreover, many people strive to demonstrate acting talent, even in a small amateur production.

skits funny.

This type of entertainment, how to play funny fairy tale scenes at a birthday party, at a corporate party, appeared relatively recently and immediately gained popularity. And everyone wants to participate, especially if there are elements of dressing up.

Professional hosts and toastmasters are best trained in this regard. They always have a certain set of things to transform: wigs, funny glasses, costumes, skirts, funny ties, balloons, sabers, weapons, musical instruments, masks, etc.

But at home, you can also play funny scenes. Firstly, you can also find something suitable for dressing up, and secondly, the main thing is internal transformation, the ability to improvise, use your sense of humor and just fool around.

That's why funny, funny fairy tales skits go to "Hurrah!" in a close, friendly company, in the circle of friends and relatives when celebrating a birthday, a holiday at home, at a corporate party.

Your attention is invited to play the well-known fairy tale scene "About the turnip" and make it funny and cool. My recommendations for organizing this type of entertainment:

  1. The main thing is to correctly distribute the roles between the guests, taking into account their acting abilities.
  2. If possible, dress the actors in the appropriate costume or add some kind of clothing attribute so that you can see who it is?
  3. Can widely use cosmetics or make-up
  4. It is better that everyone has a text on a piece of paper or a piece of paper
  5. The facilitator reads the text of the fairy tale about the turnip, stopping at the place where the participants should say their line.
  6. That is, with each mention of the role that guests play in a fairy tale skit, you need to say your own words or phrase. Naturally, you need to do this not just like that, but artistically and funny.

Here is the actual text for the fairy tale scene:

- Grandfather planted a turnip.
- A large turnip has grown.
- The grandfather went to pull the turnip.

- Pulls - pulls, but you can not pull

-Grandpa called grandma.
- Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- The grandmother called her granddaughter.
- Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- Granddaughter called Zhuchka.
Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- Bug called the cat.
- A cat for a bug. Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. They pull - they pull, but they cannot pull it out.
- The cat called the mouse.
- Mouse for a cat. A cat for a bug. Bug for granddaughter. Granddaughter for grandmother. Grandma for grandpa. Grandfather for a turnip. Pull - pull - and pulled out a turnip.

In addition, you can assign yourself or guests to choose the phrases that they should pronounce when their role in the fairy tale is mentioned:

turnip- Man, remove the pen, I'm still 18 and not!

And here I am!

Dedka- Would kill!

We make a deluge and run away!

I have become old, my health is not the same!

Right now, such a booze will go!

grandma- Recently, my grandfather does not satisfy me! (Preferred)

Run Run!

Granddaughter-I'm ready!

Grandfather, grandmother, let's hurry up, I'm late for the disco!

bug- I'm not a bug, I'm a bug!

Dog work!

Maybe smoking is better?

Cat– I don’t work without valerian!

Get the dog off the playground, I'm allergic!

mouse- Finally!

Guys, maybe in a pile?

These fairy tales scenes funny will take a worthy place in your collection of adult entertainment at home, for corporate parties.

Among other things, there are other versions of this fairy tale scene. They will appear on this site soon.


Characters: Presenter, Turnip, Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse.


Leading - girl in a smart dress.

turnip - bright yellow lush sundress, 4-5 braids on the head, into which bright green ribbons are woven.

Grandfather- Russian folk shirt, belt, watering can.

grandma- Russian folk sundress, beads, a scarf is tied on the head, a laptop is in the hands.

Granddaughter- a brilliant outfit, a bow on her head, a small handbag in her hands.

bug- dog costume, additional antennae on the head, face painting.

Murka- cat costume, face painting.

Mouse - preferably the biggest boy in the class. Mouse costume, in the hands of a dumbbell.


Dear viewers:

teachers, parents,

Now our class

A story will tell you about Repka.

We will try very hard

And let's deal with anxiety!

So let's go-and-and-and-and-and!

Leading: Grandfather Tried to plant Turnip.

The grandfather comes out from behind the scenes, dragging Turnip along with him. The turnip kicks, rests with all his might.

Grandfather: What kind of vegetables are so harmful! He wanted to plant a cucumber, he refused. He asked for a carrot - she has things to do, you see! At least Turnip would grow a normal one, otherwise the grandmother grumbles that I'm a slacker ... (Turnip) Sit down. (Rip shakes his head) Sit down, I say! (The turnip squats down) Grow!

turnip(coquettishly): I don't want to!

Grandfather: Oh oh oh! How capricious we are! Grow!

Turnip: Well, fill me up or something ...

Grandpa is watering.

Turnip: Feed now.

Grandfather: Eh ... candy will you?

Turnip: Give me your candy, honey!

Turnip eats candy, grandfather goes backstage.

Leading: Turnip has grown big-very big. And what's the point. Not sweet. And besides, it's harmful...

The turnip reluctantly, slowly rises, stretches to its full height, stretches, demonstrates how big it is!

Leading: Grandfather came to pull Repka ...

Phonogram "Track 2 TURP"

Grandfather is trying to pull the Turnip out. The turnip is outraged.

Turnip: What are you doing? I am an advanced Turnip, I will complain! I'll go to court ... Save-and-and-and-those! I pull out-yu-yu-yu-yu-yut!

Grandfather: Here, let me pull you out, and go wherever you want.

Turnip: Well, I do not! The Russians don't give up!

Leading: Pulls, pulls, can't pull. Grandfather called Grandma.

Grandfather: Grandma, come here.

Phonogram "Track 3 BABKA"

Grandma comes out. She has a laptop in her hand. Granny's face is horrified at the fact that she has problems with the computer. The grandmother performs an impromptu dance to the music.

grandmother: How these viruses tortured me, if you knew. What do you have here? Turnip? Oh what a device! Let's scan it, archive it and send it to Baba Nyura by email!

Grandfather: Let's take it out for a start and cook porridge!

Phonogram "Track 2 TURP"

Start to pull together

Leading: Pull-pull... They can't pull it out.

Grandfather: Call, Grandma, the younger generation!

Leading: Grandma called her granddaughter.

grandmother: Granddaughter! Come here, here you need to extract one file ...

Phonogram "Track 4 VNUCHKA"

Granddaughter enters.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, help pull the turnip out.

Granddaughter: Oh, why did you plant a turnip? You'd be better off planting potatoes. And preferably immediately fries. Like at McDonald's. Well, oh well, let's get her out quickly, otherwise I have to run to the disco. I'm already late.

Phonogram "Track 2 TURP"

Leading: They pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out ... Granddaughter called Zhuchka.

Granddaughter: Bug, come to me!

Bug comes out. On his head is a headband with beetle antennae.

Phonogram "Track 5 Bug"

Bug: I'm not a bug. I (proudly)- Bug!

All(horrified): Insect???

Bug: No panic. I joked. Bug, I'm Bug. How can I help?

Granddaughter: Let's pull the turnip together!

Phonogram "TRACK 2 TURP"

Leading: Pull - pull. They cannot pull out. Called Zhuchka Murka.

Bug: Murochka, Murochka, come here, dear!

Murka comes out.

Phonogram "TRACK 6 MURKA"

Murka: That's how you, Bug, spoke: "Murochka!" And yesterday she drove me up a tree, tore out tufts of wool! F-f-f-f-f... (Hisses at the bug)

bug(attacks Murka): Woof woof woof!

Granddaughter: Girls, don't fight! Let's pull the turnip better!

Phonogram "TRACK 2 TURP"

Leading: Pull - pull. They can't pull out! She called Murka Mouse.

Murka: Mouse, run here! There is a deal!

The mouse enters. Big, pumped up muscles, stern face.

Phonogram "Track 7 MOUSE"

He stops, realizing that he isn't intimidating enough. Covers mouth with hand. He makes a second attempt in a rough voice: “I’ll tell you a secret!” The result satisfies the mouse, the mouse raises the index finger up: "Oh!" Like, now it's good, and continues the speech.


I'll tell you a secret:

There is no beast stronger than Mouse!

Now I'll get you a turnip!

Everyone will respect the Mouse

Stop offending!

Approaches Murka, makes a “goat”: U-tu-tu-tu-tu ...

Murka is scared.

Mouse: Equal! Quietly! (all heroes follow Mouse commands) We pull!

Phonogram "TRACK 2 TURP"

In the second part of the phonogram, the characters count up to three in chorus: “And one, and two, and three!” On the count of three turnips are pulled out.

Leading: Pull - pull. They pulled out a turnip!!! It hasn't even been a year!

Turnip: Well, thank you! Well I went... (gets up and runs backstage)

All: Where?!!! Hundred-oh-oh-oh!

Everyone, catching up with Repka, runs backstage like a snake.


Here is the end of the story.

And who listened - well done!

Phonogram "Track 1 INTRODUCTION"

All the actors take their bows.


A source of information:

music for the production is taken from http://www.mp3sort.com/forum/forum29.html