Requirements for the second category of doctor. The procedure for obtaining qualification categories in medicine

Certification is a serious stage in the life of every medical worker. This is an opportunity to demonstrate your qualifications and experience, change your status in the team and receive a salary increase. However, the certification procedure often causes an ambiguous reaction among nurses, often accompanied by fear.

Instead of wasting time on unproductive worries and actions, let's analyze the most common mistakes and outline ways to overcome them!

Note! The report should not be a detailed listing of the nurse's actions according to functional responsibilities. Often it looks like a day in the life of a nurse and ends with the words “My work day is over”, but the report has not been started...

When preparing a report, you should remember that this is not just a presentation of available data for a certain period, but an analysis of your own activities!

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 No. 240n “On the procedure and timing of certification for medical and pharmaceutical workers to obtain a qualification category” “... a report on the professional activities of a specialist for the last year of work for workers with secondary vocational education must contain conclusions specialist about his work, suggestions for improvement organization of the provision and quality of medical care to the population, reliable data in the description of the work performed by the specialist.”

Start by studying the legal documents governing the procedure and conduct of certification.

Think about the results you have achieved over the past period. Include all achievements in the list, even those that seem not very significant to you. What professional problems have you managed to solve in the period since your last certification? What difficulties do you face in your professional activities? How do you overcome them? What results of your work do you consider the most significant? Compare the results of your professional activities with the requirements for the first or highest qualification categories.

Note! The report is written in the first person. The expressions “the nurse must do, the nurse does...” are not used, because this is your report!

Note! To write a report, a business style is used, according to which the main emphasis is on the accuracy of the transfer of information, avoiding ambiguity of interpretation. Business style text should be as concise as possible: everything is clear, specific, and to the point.

Avoid colloquial, slang words and expressions, such as “distributing referrals for tests”, “participants in Afghanistan”. And this example of a description of the vaccination work “... shops and tents according to schedule,” as they say, without comment!

Express your thoughts precisely so that you don’t have to guess what is hidden behind such phrases, for example: “I completed an advanced training course in the treatment room with the assignment of 1st category” or “...before the appointment I prepare the instruments: thermometers, a couch, furniture.”

Remember that literacy is your calling card for those who will read your work!

Note! Nurses often report a large number of facts and figures that do not provide any meaningful information. These include:

  • a listing of all furniture, without exception, that is in the office;
  • listing not only nursing, but also all medical procedures that are performed in the unit;
  • indication of all addresses of houses on the site with number of storeys and other details, etc.

You should not provide in full, much less attach to the report, standard instructions for the disinfection of certain medical products, etc. The only exceptions can be materials developed by you personally and that are unique. In this case, they should be placed in the application.

Note! It is completely unacceptable to fill the report with lengthy quotes from various textbooks and teaching aids (for example, the definition and main stages of the nursing process; definition, types and methods of disinfection, etc.).

Note! The report should not be a continuous text. The clear structure of the text will facilitate its perception by experts and members of the certification commission who will evaluate it. It is much easier to write work in logically completed parts.

  1. Brief biographical information.
  2. Brief description of the place of work.
  3. Results of professional activity.
    1. Quantitative and qualitative indicators.
    2. The most commonly used techniques, manipulations performed, etc.
    3. Health education, patient education
    4. Sharing experience.
  4. Training.
  5. Public and socially significant activities.
  6. Conclusions.
  7. Goals and objectives of further professional development.

So, the structure of the certification work is clear, let's look at the content of each part.

1. Brief biographical information (no more than 1 page)

Indicate what and when you graduated, specialty, where you worked, length of service in this organization and in the position held, availability of a qualification category (which one, in what year it was awarded), list advanced training courses (year of graduation, full name of the course and institution in which the course carried out), the presence of certificates and achievements in work marked with awards or certificates.

2. Characteristics of the place of work (no more than 1 page)

First, briefly tell us about the medical organization where you currently work: the number of beds, the number of visits, note those features that distinguish it from other organizations of this kind.

Give a brief description of the unit (department, office, etc.) in which you work. Tell us about the main tasks and principles of its work.

3. Results of professional activity
(main part of the work, volume 3-5 pages)

Quantitative and qualitative indicators. Tell us about your activities over the past year. Select indicators that characterize your work (working with patients, performing manipulations, filling out documentation, etc.).

Note! There is no need to talk in too much detail about the ventilation of offices and their cleaning; it is better to concentrate on the results that lead to improved health of patients.

Present quantitative data in the form of a table for clarity; you can enter data for the previous reporting period into the table in order to carry out an analysis (this could be the number of manipulations, the structure of the contingent, the dynamics of morbidity, etc.). You can compare your performance with similar ones in your department, institution, or region. Accompany each table with text explaining the figures and draw conclusions.

  • What has changed (or not changed)?
  • For what reason?
  • What changes does this bring to your work?
  • What has been done, what else do you need to do?
  • What tasks does the team face, and what tasks do you set for yourself?

The structure of diseases, approaches to diagnosis and treatment are changing, new regulatory documents are appearing, therefore, it is necessary to change the tactics of patient education, prevention work, etc.

Note! The list of regulatory documents regulating your activities must be complete and up-to-date. It is absolutely unacceptable to indicate orders that are no longer valid!

The most commonly used techniques, manipulations performed, etc. Tell us about the new methods and technologies that you use in your work. You should not provide the entire instructions for the new device or a detailed description of the new manipulation. Better yet, tell us what difficulties you encountered while mastering it, what did you need to learn? If you have trained other nurses, mention it. Maybe you have related specialties and can replace your colleagues, tell us.

Note! The phrase found in almost every report: “I use innovative technologies in my work” has no right to exist without a list of these same technologies. Otherwise, it does not carry any semantic load!

Anti-epidemic measures. Explain how workplace safety and patient safety are ensured.

Note! information must be relevant to the assessment yours qualifications.

Tell us how infection safety is controlled in the workplace and what your role is. Describe your actions in the event of an emergency.

Sanitary education work, patient education. This section of the professional activity of a nurse has received special attention in recent years. In the reports opposite, the nurses are extremely brief.

Be specific about the conversations you have with patients. Do you develop memos, and if so, on what topics? Do you plan conversations? Do you participate in the publication of health bulletins, design of health corners, etc.? Do you participate in patient schools, give lectures (for example, in schools), etc.? It is necessary to indicate the topics and quantity for the reporting period (in the table).

Sharing experience. For an applicant for a qualification category, it is very important not only to do everything well himself, but also to teach his colleagues. Describe how you pass on your experience. It could be:

  • working with students during practice;
  • teaching activities;
  • participation in the adaptation of young specialists;
  • mentoring (officially assigned, indicating last names);
  • availability of printed works, etc.

4. Advanced training (volume 1-2 pages)

Advanced training includes participation in conferences, seminars, master classes, and professional competitions. How do you improve your professional skills? What place does self-education play in this?

Note! Generalizations are not allowed in this section of the report; information must be extremely specific! For example: “...I actively participate in nursing conferences” (in what way, are you a speaker, organizer or listener?) or “...I regularly read specialized literature” (specify which one, make a list for the last year).

Be sure to indicate the dates and topics of conferences, seminars and other similar events, as well as the topics of reports, if you gave them.

5. Public and socially significant activities

This includes work in a trade union, the Council of Sisters, membership and participation in the work of a nursing association, etc. Describe in detail what your activities are and what exactly you did.

6. Conclusions

If you did not ignore the analytical part of the report, then the conclusions are almost ready. Now we need to briefly formulate them! From all sections, select your achievements, new skills, evidence of your professional activity, evidence of participation in various events. It is these briefly formulated data that indicate your compliance with the declared qualification category.

Goals and objectives of further professional development

Since your professional path does not end with the assignment of a category, you should outline further goals and objectives. They also follow from the analysis you have done. What else are you planning to do, what do you need to work on, what do you need to study, etc.?

Note! You formulate tasks for yourself, not for the entire organization.

Design rules

Note! The report should be drawn up correctly and aesthetically – it is a document! It is unacceptable to have fonts of different types, colors and sizes.

The total volume of the report is no more than 15-20 pages. MS Word editor, Times New Roman font, font size (point) 14, line spacing 1.5. The text should not be overloaded with italics and other fonts. Contents with page numbers are required. Report pages, including illustrations and appendices, are numbered in order. The report may be accompanied by illustrations, photographs, methodological recommendations developed by you, memos, your publications and other visual material. The volume of applications is up to 10 pages.

Note! You, the senior nurse and the head of the hospital's nursing service, sign the report on the last page.

The certification procedure fully complies with the well-known Russian proverb: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind!” So, first of all, put your “clothes” in order - your certification report. Then proceed to prepare your mind. For the interview, refresh your memory of the main provisions of the regulatory documents that regulate your work, pay attention to the provision of emergency care and anti-epidemic measures.

Remember all your professional and life successes - this will give you self-confidence. Get ready to evaluate yourself objectively, to find out what you are really worth - this is a bold step of a strong personality. Take certification as an opportunity to unleash your potential and luck will always be with you!

A doctor’s qualifications are determined during certification procedures and make it possible to identify the level of compliance of theoretical knowledge and practical skills with the qualification characteristics of the relevant specialty. Certification for assignment of a category is carried out on the initiative of the medical worker himself; it is a good incentive for his professional growth. Subsequently, the established category gives the doctor the right to provide medical services specific to this specialty, affects the amount of wages, increases the doctor’s prestige, and contributes to his further advancement in the profession.

Qualification categories and procedure for obtaining them

The qualification of a doctor can be assigned for a main or combined position and is determined in accordance with the requirements for the second, first and highest categories.

During the certification procedures, the employee must undergo professional retraining (training courses and internships in leading medical institutions), then personally attend a meeting of the certification commission, where the assessment report on the work done, testing and an interview are carried out. When assigning a category, the education and experience of the doctor in the certified position are also taken into account, which must meet the requirements:

The second category is 3 years of experience, higher and secondary vocational education;
- first category – experience of 7 years if you have a higher education and 5 years if you have a secondary vocational education;
- highest category - experience of 10 years if you have a higher education and 7 years if you have a secondary vocational education.

Category validity period

The validity period of the assigned qualification category is 5 years from the date of signing the order. If it is impossible to be certified after 5 years (maternity leave, temporary disability), its validity period can be extended only if the certification commission agrees with a petition to extend the category, signed by the chief physician of the institution where the doctor works.

But in fact, the assignment of one category or another does not always directly correspond to the real level of qualifications of the doctor. Often, a higher category reflects the commission’s leniency towards your “long” medical experience or the presence of “necessary contacts”. A lower category may indicate a conflict situation with the chief physician or doubts about one’s competence and fear of the exam.

Ranking doctors by category, in my opinion, is typical only for free medicine. Where medical personnel receive a salary depending on the complexity and volume of work performed, where clear prices for examination and treatment are established, the doctor must only have a license confirming his admission and ability to provide the services offered.

However, modern culture, even in a society of "free medicine", is based on the principle of individual competition. Therefore, there have always been, are and will be doctors who have ambitions and strive for success (including defending a higher qualification category). A higher qualification category evokes a feeling of legitimate pride, promotes self-affirmation, increased respect/envy among colleagues and little material reward.

What is needed for category certification?

1. Have an idea.

For lovers of bureaucratic documents, here are the following:

  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” dated July 25, 2011.
  • Letter of the Ministry of Health No. 2510/11568-01-32 “On the application of the regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” dated November 13, 2001.
  • Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 810n “On the central certification commission” dated July 25, 2011.

Be sure to look through the polemical article by Professor N. Melyanchenko “Doctor qualifications - an economic category.” From the article you will learn why there are no qualification categories in foreign countries and what the admission system is.

From January 1, 2016, certification is canceled and accreditation of doctors is introduced. The next article by Professor N. Melyanchenko will give you the opportunity to prepare for competition in the world of admissions and licenses.

2. Meet the qualification requirements for your specialty.

Qualification requirements for doctors are described in detail, including specific literature, in the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 579 “On approval of the qualification characteristics of medical specialists” dated July 21, 1988 - read.

The qualification characteristics of specialists with secondary medical education are disclosed in Appendix 4 to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 249 of August 19, 1997 - read.

It is extremely important that the education received and the specialty (basic, basic and additional) do not contradict the nomenclature of specialties, and that the specialty in which you are going to defend the category corresponds to the position of the specialist. Otherwise, problems will arise both with protection and with payment for the qualification category. You can familiarize yourself with the range of specialties in the subsection “Admission to activity”.

3. Complete training at the faculty of advanced training for doctors.

This is a mandatory requirement. Doctors who have not undergone advanced training in the certified specialty in state educational institutions over the past five years are not allowed to undergo certification. I advise you to immediately choose a certification cycle, so that after completing the training and successfully passing the exam, you will also receive a certificate.

The list of institutions where you can undergo advanced training is contained on the Russian Medical Universities page. Please note that some information cards include the current schedule of study cycles. There is also a list of the required minimum things and documents that will be required for training.
4. View examples of completed certification work for doctors and nurses.

Completed certification works of doctors and nurses are posted on the website as an example and are not intended for copying or replication. The inability to independently comprehend the results of one’s activities is a reflection of intellectual and professional wretchedness.

  • Examples of doctors' certification reports
  • Examples of nurses' certification reports

5. Write a certification paper.

It should be said that the vast majority of certification works of doctors are uninteresting. Because usually colleagues limit themselves to a simple listing of statistical facts. Sometimes, to add volume, statistics are diluted with inserts from textbooks. Some doctors actually engage in outright plagiarism: they go to the archives, take reports from other doctors for the past years and just change the numbers. I even saw attempts to hand in sheets copied on a Xerox machine. It is clear that such a “creative approach” only evokes contempt. Well, completely stupid and lazy medical workers simply buy (for example, via the Internet) ready-made certification papers.

  • What to write about in your certification report is described in the document “Approximate scheme and content of certification work”
  • You can find out what the certification work should look like from the file “Standards and requirements for the preparation of a certification report”

6. Submit the necessary documents to the certification commission.

The papers that must be submitted to the certification commission are contained in the List of Documents for Medical Certification.

Good luck!

List of orders for certification

The very first order that I know of is dated January 11, 1978. This was the order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 40 “On the certification of medical specialists.”

Four years later, the USSR Ministry of Health issued order No. 1280 “On measures to further improve the certification of doctors.” The order provided for 2 types of certification: mandatory and voluntary ().

At the beginning of 1995, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation issued Order No. 33 “On approval of the regulations on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation.” This order left only one certification - voluntary.

In 2001, Order No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” was issued.

After 10 years, the old order was replaced by a new one - Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories,” which is still in effect today.

4.1 /5 (ratings: 21)


The Galaganovs are medical workers. Natalya Vasilievna is an ambulance paramedic, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich is a surgeon. They devoted many years to rural healthcare in the Primorsky Territory. The married couple has 20 years of strong marriage behind them, 18 of which were joint work at the Yakovlevsky Central District Hospital.

On August 4, 2013, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2013 No. 240n “On the procedure and timing for medical workers and pharmaceutical workers to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category” (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure). In this regard, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2011 No. 808n “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers” has become invalid. Today we will tell you what has changed in the certification procedure for medical and pharmaceutical workers, and compare the previous and current procedures .

General provisions

The procedure establishes the rules for certification by medical and pharmaceutical workers. This procedure applies to specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education, specialists with higher professional education engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities.

As before, certification of specialists is carried out for positions provided for by the current nomenclature of positions for medical and pharmaceutical workers, in three qualification categories (second, first and highest) once every five years. At the same time, the qualification category assigned to the employee is also valid for five years from the date of publication of the relevant administrative act. Specialists can apply for assignment to a higher qualification category before the expiration of the specified period, but not earlier than three years from the date of assignment of the qualification category.

The work experience requirements for obtaining qualification categories have been adjusted. Work experience in a specialty now does not depend on the education received by the employee. Thus, to obtain the second qualification category, at least three years of work experience in the specialty (in a position) is required, to obtain the first category - at least five years of experience, and of the highest category - at least seven years of experience.

For comparison, let’s say: previously, in order to obtain the highest qualification category, it was necessary to have at least 10 years of experience for specialists with higher professional education and at least seven years of experience for specialists with secondary vocational education.

In addition to experience, the Procedure establishes requirements for theoretical knowledge and practical skills of specialists. In particular, based on P. 8 of the Procedure, a specialist applying for the second qualification category must:

  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information, have the skills to analyze quantitative and qualitative performance indicators, and prepare a report on the work.
To obtain the first qualification category, a specialist must:
  • have theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities and related disciplines;
  • use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and own diagnostic and treatment equipment in the field of their professional activities;
  • be able to competently analyze professional performance indicators and navigate modern scientific and technical information;
  • participate in solving tactical issues of organizing professional activities.

To receive the highest qualification category, based on clause 10 of the Procedure, a specialist must:

  • have high theoretical training and practical skills in the field of their professional activities, know related disciplines;
  • use modern methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and own diagnostic and treatment equipment in the field of their professional activities;
  • be able to competently evaluate data from special research methods in order to establish a diagnosis;
  • navigate modern scientific and technical information and use it to solve tactical and strategic issues of professional activity.

Formation of certification commissions

To carry out certification, as before, commissions are created, which, depending on the bodies that form them, can be central, departmental and territorial. The rules for the formation of commissions and their composition are regulated in detail by the Procedure.

The certification commission consists of a coordinating committee (hereinafter referred to as the committee), which carries out the functions of organizing the activities of the certification commission and expert groups by specialty (hereinafter referred to as expert groups), which review documents and conduct the qualification exam.

The certification commission includes:

  • leading specialists of organizations engaged in medical and pharmaceutical activities;
  • representatives of medical professional non-profit organizations, employers;
  • representatives of the government body or organization forming the certification commission, and other persons.
The personal composition of the certification commission is approved by an administrative act of the government body or organization that created the certification commission.

General management of the activities of the certification commission is carried out by the chairman of the commission, who is also the chairman of the committee. The deputy chairman of the certification commission is recognized as the deputy chairman of the committee and acts as the chairman of the certification commission in his absence.

There remains the position of the executive secretary of the commission, who registers and reviews documents received by the certification commission of specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category, for compliance with their requirements for the list and execution of documents, generates materials for sending to expert groups, and prepares materials for meetings and draft committee decisions.

The expert group also has a chairman, deputy chairman and executive secretary.

Let us note that the Procedure defines in sufficient detail the functions of both the committee and the expert groups. For example, the committee coordinates the work of expert groups, determines methods, methods and technologies for assessing the qualifications of specialists, prepares and submits for approval to the body that created the certification commission a draft administrative act on assigning qualification categories to specialists. Expert groups, in turn, review documents submitted by specialists, prepare conclusions on reports, conduct knowledge tests and interviews, and make decisions on assigning qualification categories to specialists.

Based on clause 18 of the Procedure, meetings of the committee are held, if necessary, by decision of its chairman, and meetings of expert groups - at least once a month. A meeting of a committee or expert group is considered valid if more than half of the members of the committee or expert group, respectively, are present.

Decisions of the committee and expert group are made by open voting by a simple majority of votes of the members present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the meeting of the committee or expert group is decisive ( clause 19 of the Order). Let us note that in the previously applied certification procedure, the presence of at least 2/3 of the commission members was necessary to make a decision, and in the event of a tie vote, the decision was considered made in favor of the specialist.

Decisions of the committee and expert group are documented in protocols, which are signed by all members of the committee and expert group present at the meeting of the committee and expert group, respectively.

Procedure for certification

Specialists who have expressed a desire to undergo certification to obtain a qualification category submit a set of documents to the certification commission. The list of documents included in the qualification documentation has remained virtually unchanged, but there is one exception: now, instead of a qualification sheet, the specialist must submit an attestation sheet.


In the previously existing procedure for obtaining qualification categories, it was established that the head of a medical or pharmaceutical organization must create conditions for specialists to obtain qualification categories when interacting with the commission, submitting documentation and notifying the specialist. Now there are no such assistance responsibilities.

An innovation in terms of document submission is the need to submit a duly certified translation into Russian of documents issued on the territory of a foreign state and drawn up in a foreign language.

Also new is the ban on participation in the sending of documents by an official of an organization authorized to interact with the organization in which the specialist carries out professional activities with the certification commission. The procedure establishes that only the specialist himself can send documents by mail or submit them in person. In addition, the requirement to bind documents has been eliminated.

Documents must be sent to the government body or organization that created the certification commission by mail or presented in person by a specialist no later than four months before the expiration of the existing qualification category. If this deadline is violated, the qualification exam may be held later than the expiration date of the existing qualification category.

For your information

Clause 16 of the Procedure establishes that certification can be carried out using telecommunication technologies (remote certification) and in the form of an on-site meeting.

The rules and deadlines for certification have been adjusted. In particular, on the basis of clause 22 of the Procedure, documents received by the certification commission are registered by the executive secretary of the committee on the day they are received by the certification commission. Within seven calendar days from the date of registration of documents, they are submitted for consideration to the chairman of the committee (previously, documentation was registered after a seven-day check of its compliance with the completeness requirements).

If the documents required by the Procedure are missing or they are incorrectly executed, the executive secretary of the committee must send a letter to the specialist about the refusal to accept the documents, explaining the reason for the refusal, also within seven days (previously this period was 14 calendar days). In this case, the specialist can send the documents again. At the same time, he was previously given a month to correct the shortcomings, but now such a period is not set at all.

The chairman of the committee, no later than 14 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, determines the composition of the expert group for certification and sends the specialist’s documents to its chairman (clause 23 of the Procedure). In this case, the expert group must review them no later than 30 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, approve the conclusion on the report and set the date and place for the knowledge test and interview (previously, the period for reviewing documents was 14 calendar days).

Please note that the requirements for the content of the conclusion to the report have changed. In particular, based on clause 24 of the Procedure, it is no longer necessary to take into account:

  • duration and timing of the last advanced training;
  • forms of self-education used by a specialist;
  • compliance of the volume of theoretical knowledge, actual diagnostic and therapeutic practical skills with qualification requirements.
The decision of the expert group to set the date and place for the knowledge test and interview is communicated to the specialist no later than 30 calendar days before the date of the knowledge test and interview, including by posting the relevant information on the official website on the Internet or information stands of the government agency authorities or organizations that created the certification commission.

Test knowledge control and interviews are carried out no later than 70 calendar days from the date of registration of documents.

Based on clause 27 of the Procedure, based on the results of the qualification exam, the expert group can make one of two decisions: to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist. Let us recall that previously there were several types of decisions made by the expert group. For example, it was possible to increase the second qualification category by assigning the first, confirm a previously assigned qualification category, remove the first (highest) qualification category and assign a lower category, or deprive a specialist of a qualification category.

The decision to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist is made by the expert group no later than 70 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, documented in the minutes of the meeting of the expert group and entered into the specialist’s certification sheet by the executive secretary of the expert group. If a specialist is refused to assign a qualification category to a specialist, the protocol shall indicate the grounds on which the expert group made the appropriate decision. A decision to refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist can be made on the following grounds:

  • the presence in the conclusion of the report of a negative assessment of the theoretical knowledge or practical skills of the specialist necessary to obtain the qualification category declared by him;
  • the presence of an unsatisfactory assessment based on the results of the knowledge control test;
  • failure of a specialist to attend a knowledge test or interview.
The completed protocol containing the decision to assign or refuse to assign a qualification category to a specialist is sent by the chairman of the expert group to the committee within five calendar days from the date of its signing. The latter, no later than 90 calendar days from the date of registration of documents, prepares and submits for approval an administrative act on assigning a qualification category to a specialist (clause 31 of the Procedure).


An administrative act on assigning a qualification category to a specialist must be issued by the government body or organization that created the certification commission no later than 110 calendar days from the date of registration of the documents. Previously, the order to assign a qualification category to a specialist was issued within a month from the moment the commission made the decision.

The specialist must receive, by post or in person, an extract from the administrative act on assigning him a qualification category no later than 120 calendar days from the date of registration of the documents.

Please note that the Order has increased the period for appealing the decision of the certification commission from 30 days to a year. The period for appeal is counted from the date the certification commission makes the decision.

As we can see, the procedure for certification of medical and pharmaceutical workers has undergone significant changes in terms of the timing of certification, the procedure for processing documents and certification results. Moreover, unclear points remain. In particular, it was previously stipulated that the specialist, within a week from the date of issuance of the order to assign him a qualification, would be drawn up and issued a corresponding document. Now the specialist is given only an extract from the order assigning him a qualification category, and not a word is said about the document. We believe that these points will be clarified by the competent authorities during the implementation of the Procedure.

Nomenclature of specialties of specialists with higher and postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education in the field of healthcare of the Russian Federation, approved. By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2009 No. 210n.


Specialists who literally save or recreate snow-white teeth from scratch - dentists - have not only specializations, but also categories.

What category does a dentist start with at the beginning of his career and what category can a dentist receive after a few years and does this have any advantages? Let's try to figure it out.

Dentistry is an interesting science. True, the majority are ready to treat it with interest, while being as far as possible from the representatives of this very dentistry. Nevertheless, many young people with an interest in medicine consider dentistry as a future profession.

Receiving a higher category of dentist is a consequence of development in the profession, and first you need to become such a doctor. And it must be said that becoming a dentist is very, very difficult. This is a fairly long process and it requires a lot of effort and hard work, just like any medical profession. Getting into medical school is not easy, completing it successfully is even more difficult. But, still, the game is worth the candle and becoming a dentist is a very worthy choice. This is one of the highest paid specializations among doctors. Not to mention that this is a very interesting activity, although it is not suitable for everyone.

Categories of dentists

So, to become a dentist, you need to graduate from medical school. By the way, at the university you will need to choose your specialization. Indeed, in addition to categories, there are also specializations of dentists. - therapist, periodontist, orthodontist, pediatric dentist and others.

After finishing your studies at the university, you need to complete your internship and you can start working as a dentist. As experience is gained, the dentist's qualifications also increase. But how can one determine what level this qualification is at, what kind of work experience the doctor has? For this purpose, there is such a thing as categories of dentists.

Dentists, as well as doctors of other specialties, can obtain their qualification categories in accordance with the legally established procedure and the list of requirements for each category of dentists.

There are many categories among working professions - from the first to the sixth. For dentists, everything is much narrower. There are second, first and highest categories of dentist. Their receipt is regulated by Federal Law, as well as orders of the Ministry of Health.

Basic category of dentist

First, doctors are awarded the second category - this is the basis, then the first, and the most experienced and skilled receive the highest.

To receive his category, a dentist must meet certain requirements. For the second category, a dentist’s work experience in his specialty must be at least three years, he must have good theoretical and practical training, and be proficient in modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental diseases.

For the first category of dentist, the work experience must already be at least seven years; the specialist must have strong theoretical and practical training and the necessary practical experience. A dentist of the first category must be well acquainted with disciplines related to his specialty. Must, in addition to mastering modern methods of dentistry, also actively participate in the scientific and practical activities of his medical institution.

The most difficult - the highest category of dentists implies at least ten years of work experience, the presence of high professional practical and theoretical training. It goes without saying that a specialist must, like doctors of previous categories, be fluent in all modern methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of patients with dental diseases.

A doctor of the highest category must be well acquainted with related disciplines, must have good performance in his professional work, must take direct part in the scientific and practical work of the medical institution where he works and pay close attention to improving his qualifications.

Obtaining the dentist category

Obviously, to obtain a category, experience is key. But simply completing training as a dentist and then working in your specialty will not work. Regular advanced training, retraining and constant updating of knowledge will be required. And, of course, this is not a guarantee, because the decision to recognize a specialist as an even greater specialist is not made automatically, but on the basis of the decision of the certification commission.

If a specialist is confident that he can qualify for an increase in his category, he needs to prepare the following documents:

  • application addressed to the chairman of the local certification commission. It must indicate which qualification category the specialist is applying for, whether he has already assigned categories, if so, then its date must be indicated;
  • a printed qualification sheet, which is certified by the human resources department of the medical institution where the specialist works;
  • certification report on professional activities, which must be agreed upon with the specialist’s supervisor and certified with a seal. This report includes an analysis of the doctor's professional work activity over the past 3 years.

The report should look like this:

  • The first chapter includes information about the medical institution where the dentist works, about the dental department of this institution, the technical equipment of the dental office and, directly, the doctor’s workplace.
  • The second chapter contains a report on the dentist’s activities for three years. Here it should be analyzed what the dynamics of the work are, whether it is positive. It should be covered how a dentist masters modern technologies and treatment methods. It also provides statistics and qualitative and quantitative performance indicators in the form of tables or graphs. Brief conclusions (1-2 sentences) should be drawn for tables and graphs. It would be welcome if it is mentioned what treatment methods the specialist uses in his work.
  • The third chapter contains an analysis of new methods of prevention and treatment.

As you can see, the category of dentist is not a standard stage in the life of a specialist, but significant work that involves not just work experience, but also constant training throughout the entire period of one’s career. And yet, for a dentist, the category is an opportunity to celebrate high professionalism in one’s life. Therefore, it's worth it!