Water spell for good luck. Water conspiracy: how to attract love, money and beauty with the help of holy or melt water

The magical power of water. Conspiracies for water

In Russian fairy tales, it is not without reason that they talk about living and dead water. Water is the most unique substance on Earth, capable of bringing illness and failure, or, conversely, health, love and happiness. Water in that form. In which we use it today, it carries a negative, but we can easily fix it ....
In fact, the water conspiracy method, not knowing its scientific justification, has been used since ancient times by healers who say prayers for water. Conspiracies for water in magic are used very often. Water is the custodian and carrier of information, it can store energy, matrices of words, mental images, changing its energy structure depending on what conspiracies for water were uttered, or on what emotions people experienced when they were near water. conspiracies for water are used in numerous branches of magical science: healing, love magic, energy, black magic, mineralogy (lithomagy), divination, elemental magic, etc. conspiracies for water for healing purposes are pronounced with the appropriate mood - the one pronouncing the conspiracy must have an energy boost, a strong desire to heal a person, the ability to direct and concentrate energy. In this case, water conspiracies will be able to heal.

How happiness “leaks”.

First of all, it is necessary to part with illusions. If you take water from a “pure” natural source or order bottled water to your house, it still needs to be cleaned of negativity. During long transportation, languishing in warehouses and store shelves, such water absorbs the negative energy of the environment and surrounding people, and we pour already “lifeless” water into a glass, with a destroyed structure. The water in our taps is a subject of special conversation. Making its way to the surface through rocks, it absorbs the vibration of the soil and information about its energy and biological characteristics, then travels many kilometers through a contaminated water supply, undergoing chemical treatment. The only way to make water beneficial to the body is to change the structure of the water with certain positive words and thoughts.

Treasured Words.

Without any fortune-telling, water can be “charged” thanks to the discovery of the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto. He studied the effects on water in many ways: music, images, electromagnetic radiation from the TV, the thoughts of one person and groups of people, prayers, printed and spoken words. It turned out that such words as kindness, love, mercy, Jesus Christ and those given by him, as well as classical music, bright thoughts, requests and prayers make the crystal structure of water harmonious, beautiful “snowflakes” form. Harsh words, curses, such as a fool, a devil and so on, negative thoughts, metal rock, orders make water crystals take ugly forms, destroying its structure. Just like diets, fitness, cosmetic procedures, conspiracies must be practiced regularly in order for them to bring real benefits.

How and where to speak water:

You can use any container with water for a conspiracy: a glass, a bottle, a kettle - and use one or more of the methods described above. Another option is to put a container of water under a beautiful picture or light source, stick the inscription “Love and Gratitude” on it. It is this combination of words that most cleans the water from negativity and energizes. Note that in all religions of the world it is customary to read prayers and mantras before meals. Now it became clear why: to charge the drink and food with positive energy. We have chosen several universal Orthodox prayers for the water conspiracy as an example, but you can say others. For example: asking for health, read the prayer of St. Panteleimon, if help is needed - “Alive in help”, etc.

Prayer texts for the Conspiracy of Water: Prayer for the gift of wisdom and love

God! How much madness, stupidity and narrow-mindedness are in us,
but wisdom and love are with you!
Give us at least a spark of Your wisdom and Love,
sealed in your word.

Prayer of St. Ignatius.

“Take me, Lord, take all my freedom, all my memory, mind and all my will - everything that I am and that I have. You gave me all this, Lord, and I return it all to You. Everything belongs to You: dispose of it according to Your will. Give me only mercy and your love, and that is enough for me. I place my whole life and death in Your hands.”

Prayer to God.

Help me understand
What is impossible to understand.
Help me find what
That I never lost.
Help me to become
Who I've always been.
Help me to know
Which I know without a doubt.

The methods described above work if you swim in a bathtub, pool, and even the sea-ocean. Moreover, you do not need to say special words for health, others for beauty, others for love, since water pure from negativity effectively affects all parameters at once.
Purify water at home in a calm environment, in a relaxed state. To enhance the result, turn on your favorite classical music, light candles. Avoid reciting prayers in the office. There are too many people there, and you yourself are too tense. Carry a bottle of charged water with you always and everywhere to be nourished throughout the day.

How often to speak water?

Recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that, on average, water retains its beneficial properties for 6 hours, and then begins to absorb the negative again. Therefore, it is best to “charge” water 2 times a day: in the morning and in the middle of the day.

"Ready" water:

The water from the temple has powerful healing properties. It is reprimanded many times a day by a large number of people. Experiments have shown that this water has a clear, beautiful structure. Holy water, which is brought from the temple (and even drawn from the tap) for Baptism, has the same properties. It is well known that it does not spoil for many months and is very useful for both humans and animals and plants.

Rules for reading conspiracies:

The incantations were whispered.
The conspiracy only worked on those who believed in their power.
Conspiracies must be read on an empty stomach, on the threshold or in an open field, facing east.
Easy days are good for conspiracies - Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday.
There are conspiracies that need to be read over running water, into the wind, at sunrise or sunset, under an aspen.
water conspiracies used in energy are designed to cleanse your energy cocoon (soul), strengthen your energy, nourish you with additional strength, help connect to certain egregors, etc.
Energy conspiracies for water for their reading require a suitable day of the week and lunar phase.
The choice of time for reading conspiracies is determined by the goal you want to achieve. For example, it is advisable to read water conspiracies to raise energy tone on the growing moon closer to the full moon, or on the full moon. The day of the week is suitable - Tuesday, because. Tuesday is the day of Mars, the day of active physical and brute astral force. If you want to read water conspiracies to enhance more sublime energy, choose Thursday or Sunday.

conspiracies on water to enhance your energy potential.

Recite on the water so that the breath touches the water, then drink. Conspiracy: “I call on the energies of Mars (or Jupiter, or the Sun), enter the water, and feed me with your emanations through it. Universe, please give me as much energy through this water as I need for (write a case for which you I need energy. Thank you!" Drink water on an empty stomach in the morning.

Conspiracy, if the heart then hurts, then it beats unevenly

It is necessary, when there is no one at home, to pour clean water into a jar or bottle, but only glass, from light glass, stand in the middle of the room and read on the water.

The servant of God (name), having come from the earth, found the lot, went across the field, found health for himself. His heart beats evenly, strongly, strongly, evenly, like water flows, strongly, evenly, like the wind blows, strongly, evenly, like the sun shines, strongly, evenly, like the stars in the sky burn, strongly, evenly. So it would beat every day from this time until the very one, when it is time for him, the servant of God (name), to come, and he will go in an oar boat to the stone chambers beyond the blue lake to find heavenly shelter there. Amen.

Give to drink to the patient on an empty stomach, every day. Take a drink with your left hand, put your right hand on your chest, where the heart is.

From an unknown sickness.

They wash the patient with charmed water for three evenings in a row.
On the third day of Pascha, Saint Marina walked along with Saint Catherine. They carried the Holy Gifts. Whoever remembers these two names for three evenings will return health from the Holy Gifts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from an unknown illness of a baby.

Unfortunately, there are situations when a baby gets sick, and doctors find it difficult to make a diagnosis. In this case, resort to the help of a conspiracy:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Mother of God took the baby Christ in her arms, brought them to the Jordan River, opened silk diapers, washed the Holy Body of the Divine Infant, all ailments, drove all the lessons, to the river, sent them to the water. So it would be that from my child all the ailments descended into the water and left the water for mother earth. Be, all my words, complete, true, speedy. Which word you did not say, which word you retold, which are not spoken, stand up, all the words, in place, strengthened by the Word of God, in a quick hour, by the order of the Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to rid the baby of diseases.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Queen of Heaven washed and steamed her Son in the evening and left the servant of God (name) water. Whoever enters that water, any disease will leave him. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from an unknown disease.

If the disease cannot be cured by doctors, one more sure remedy must be tried. On Wednesday, go to the river early in the morning, when there is still no one on the shore. Fill one vessel with water downstream and the other with water against the current. Immediately pour the water into one bowl and say:
Mother River, give me water to take for health, for lightness, for any trouble.
Carry water silently, without speaking or greeting anyone. Entering the house, pour this water on the patient; he should get better.

Conspiracies on water to get rid of painful periods.

"Don't sweat the soul, the body doesn't hurt, don't whine, don't hurt. Get out of the woman's womb. As if the river were flowing, washing the steep banks, underwater grasses, it would be so easy to be washed by the woman's blood of the slave (name). Amen." Read similar conspiracies for water and drink on the first day of menstruation.

A conspiracy to lose weight in a glass of water.

The plot must be read looking at the waning moon, and if the moon is not visible, then at a glass of water and drink it:
“The moon is waning - I'm losing weight
The moon has beautiful horns - I have a slender body.
By my word. By deed, Luna, by yours"
You need to read 9 times and 9 days in a row.

Drinking conspiracy.

It is necessary to slander the water, and then sprinkle the drunk person with this water. Conspiracy words:
“You, heaven, hear, you see what I want to do over the body of a slave ... (name). You are clear stars, descend into the bridal cup, in my cup is water from a student in the mountains. You are a red month, enter my cage, and in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a tire. You are a free sun, enter my yard, and there are no people or animals in my yard. Stars, you will calm ... (name), pacify the slave ... (name) from wine. My word is strong."
Read three times, spit over your left shoulder.

A love spell on water is considered one of the most powerful and effective rituals for love, so you should be careful with its use.

A love spell on water and its consequences, who made reviews and how to understand that it is starting to act

It is done most often by charging any non-alcoholic drink with a certain energy. It's not hard to charge it. To do this, you need to fill the container and put it on the windowsill under the moonlight. Perform this action on a full moon. Before you leave the drink overnight to recharge, you must first mentally speak it. To do this, run your finger clockwise over the container seven times, while thinking about your dreams and your loved one. Then the dishes are placed on the window and left until the morning.

In order for the love spell to succeed, you need to make sure that no one touches the charmed drink. The next day, the beloved should be invited to visit and treated to a prepared drink. In a few days, the love spell will work, which will not go unnoticed. Before you conduct it, you need to think carefully whether it is necessary or not, since the ritual unmistakably binds a person to the one who performs it.

Conspiracies and prayers for weight loss on water

One of the most effective conspiracies for weight loss is done on water. Its only inconvenience is its duration: it must be done for seven days. It is necessary to carry out a similar ritual on a waning moon on a cloudless night. Before starting, you need to prepare the necessary items: a crystal vase, blue woolen thread, matches and clean water.

On the chosen night, you need to go outside and stare at the moon until it begins to “blur”. After that, you need to stand with your back to the moon and say the words of the conspiracy seven times:

As the beautiful Moon decreases, so will I decrease in volume. In just a moment my weight will melt, in this moment the fullness will go away. As the moon becomes a thin month, so I will lose weight all over. Amen".
After that, you need to return to the house and pour water into the vase. There you also need to throw three burnt matches. The thread should not be tightly tied around the middle and index fingers of the left hand with a figure eight. You need to repeat the ritual every evening for a week. You can remove the thread from your hand only after the allotted time has elapsed. It must be burned at the end, and the ashes scattered in the wind.

Prayers for water at baptism, ulyana mother tatyana

In order to remove the evil eye, damage or slander, you can use an effective ritual for water, which is carried out on Epiphany evening. To do this, you need to use the drunk water (water that no one has drunk yet - flowing, spring, or water from a bucket from which no one has drunk yet).

Going for water, you need to read a prayer: “Hello, water Tatyana, land Ulyana, and the key is Ivan. Give me holy water, from any trouble. Three burnt matches are thrown into the water, mentally asking for healing.

Prayers for water for love, health, removal of damage, good study of the child

In order for the child not to be prevented from concentrating his attention on his studies and achieving good results in this difficult but important process, many parents resort to the help of the Higher Forces. One of the most popular and effective methods is the water prayer. To do this, you need to collect clean, not drunk water in a small saucer and, waiting for the sunset, say the following words on the water:

“Let (name) have no problems with learning, understanding and understanding the new. Let success walk nearby, and any adversity will go away with someone else's eyes. In this water, you need to rinse the pin, or hairpin, which then the child will always need to carry with him.

A conspiracy to sell a house and land, property, an animal, an apartment to read on holy water

It is not uncommon for people to find themselves in a situation where they need to sell something quickly and profitably. In such cases, many enlist magical support. There are conspiracies that are universal in their range of use. They can help you get the best deal when selling any type of property. One of the most effective rituals is considered to be a conspiracy to holy water. To do this, you need to fill a clean bowl to the top with water and go with it to the nearest intersection. In the center of the intersection of roads, the bowl is placed on the ground and the plot is read three times:

“Let luck and success come to my aid. Let all evil thoughts pass by, and sharp tongues will not reach me. I'm going to the right thing, I'm selling (what) I'm doing. I call on all the forces of light, I collect all the help with me. The water is taken back home and placed on the windowsill for the night. In the morning, they wash the subject of sale with charmed water and, with pure thoughts, go to a deal.

Conspiracies for Epiphany water for wealth, read on the full moon

Conspiracies committed on Epiphany holidays are considered the most effective. These days, water can be spoken for anything, including wealth. To do this, you need to collect Epiphany water from an open source in the evening and read the conspiracy: “I, the servant of God (name), take clean water, I leave on the holy night. Heavenly guardian angels, you will protect me, illuminate my soul, close it from adversity, wash it with holy water. Amen!"

In the morning, sprinkle the house with this water and lightly wash the faces of all family members. Use the rest of the water for washing before important events.

A conspiracy to water in the bath from women's diseases on yourself to read

By speaking water correctly, you can get rid of many female diseases. To carry out the ritual, you need to collect clean spring water and put it on the windowsill on the full moon. You need to arrange the water so that moonlight falls on it. The next day, after the water has been charged with the necessary energy, it must be taken to the bathroom. There, standing in front of a mirror, the following conspiracy is read: “I wash myself with clean water, I get rid of female diseases. Water runs easily, carries everything away with it. The charmed water is added to a pre-prepared bathroom, they are thoroughly washed and the water is released. The conspiracy works flawlessly!

Read conspiracies from damage and the evil eye on water

To cleanse yourself of someone else's conspiracy or corruption, you can turn to a water conspiracy for help. To do this, you need to take a glass of holy water and prepare nine church candles and a white thread. Candles are placed in the center of the table in a circle, connecting them with a thread. Water is placed in the center of the formed circle and candles are set on fire.

Further, a conspiracy is read: “As fire illuminates water, so it will sanctify my soul, as it warms water, so it will warm my body. Water is cleansed of dirt, and I am cleansed of evil thoughts. As the water flows away, so will the troubles. Amen!". Candles are extinguished in a glass of water and put away in a white handkerchief. Water should be poured into a place where people do not go, and candles should be burned out in the next nine days.

A conspiracy to water for a man's love to read white magic

In order to forever bewitch your loved one, you need to drink it with charmed water. Water must be taken from a clean spring or underground source. You need to collect it in a transparent container. It is better to perform the ceremony on the full moon, when the moon has the most powerful energy charge.

To conduct the ceremony, you need to go to an open piece of land so that the moonlight is reflected in the water. Having placed a container of water on the ground, you need to say the words three times: “As the servant of God (name) loves the servant of God (name), so he will love in return.” The next day, you need to drink your loved one with this water in its pure form.

A good trade conspiracy to read on holy water in order to quickly sell goods, remove money leakage

If you notice that your trade has gone badly, you can’t sell a product, or there is an obvious leak of money, then you should use the conspiracy for successful trading. To do this, you need to read a prayer in plain water: “Saint Michael, pleaser of all merchants! I turn to You for help, I need Your blessing. Save me and protect me, servant of God (name). Bless me for a good job. With Your blessing I will go, I will start my work. Amen!". With charmed water, you need to sprinkle the goods prepared for sale.

A conspiracy for good luck and money to read on water

Even our ancestors in ancient Rus' used a powerful conspiracy for money and good luck. The ceremony must be carried out independently at home. To do this, take a white saucer without drawings. You need to put a copper coin on it, sprinkle it with wheat and cover it with a green scarf on top. Every three days this saucer should be thoroughly watered with holy water, without touching the handkerchief and saying the words:

“I water the wheat with the water of the holy nurse, and bread and money sprout, prosperity does not leave my house, and my angel helps me in all matters. Amen!". When the grains germinate, they need to be planted in a clay pot and placed in the bedroom, and the coins should be spread out in the wallets of all family members. You can't waste them! a year later, the ritual must be repeated.

Conspiracies from fear to read for children on the water and from hysteria

For the ceremony, you need to bring a candle and holy water from the church. You need to wash your face with water and sprinkle all the corners of the house. Then you need to light a candle in front of the icon of the Lord and read the prayer three times: “The Lord our God, Christ Almighty! You do wonders with your words. Help your slave (name) get rid of fears, do not let her fall into hysterics, protect her from fear. Amen!". The candle must be allowed to burn out, and its remnants should be hidden far away, wrapped in a white scarf.

A conspiracy to fulfill the desire to read on the water

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness on water to read and from a toothache

A similar conspiracy is done at sunset. For its execution, you need to prepare a photo of a person suffering from alcoholism, three church candles and holy water. Candles are rarely exposed. Immediately after they are set on fire, I post a photo in advance, sprinkled with holy water. Then they read the plot itself.

“God help me to remove dependence on the accursed serpent from the servant of God (name). Bless him and save him from the path of the sinner. Forgive him all his sinful deeds. Protect him on the path of righteousness. Amen!". You need to repeat the prayer three times, and then hide the photo until the person gets rid of the addiction. From a toothache, a conspiracy read on drinking water will help: “Pure water, help wash off a toothache!” they read the plot nine times, and then they drink the water.

Water is the most abundant substance on Earth. It can not only influence a person’s life, but also, thanks to magical rituals, bring good luck, financial well-being, health and success. Charmed water is a special carrier and keeper of information. With the help of special prayers and rituals, it is filled with strong energy, thereby becoming a magical liquid that can best affect a person's life.

Charmed water is a special carrier and keeper of information

Rituals should be performed with extreme caution. Despite the fact that the liquid is a malleable substance, the conspiracy to water is carried out exclusively in a positive mood, so that bad energy cannot harm. When conducting a ritual, it is necessary to concentrate on the final result. Do not think about a bad outcome, forget about insults and annoying situations, drink liquids and think about the beautiful. Then unpleasant surprises minutes away from you!

Proper implementation of the plan

You can speak water in various ways. These rituals are innumerable. All of them have been practiced by sorcerers and magicians for more than one century. However, before proceeding with the ceremony, you need to know the general features of the work:

  • Perform rituals only with running or melt water. It is not advisable to use tap, cloudy, dirty, sandy or stoney liquid. If you still had to use the water substance from the tap, a cleansing ceremony is simply necessary for the conspiracy to work!
  • Before using a conspiracy or prayer, you need to memorize the lines, even if they are large enough, this should not stop you. When speaking water, one should not read prayers from books or notebooks. Words should be clear and distinct, without hesitation. In addition, you need to know the step-by-step instructions for the ritual, so as not to go astray and not look for clues.
  • When performing the ritual, retire. No one should interfere with you so that the rite does not break. All thoughts should be turned to the final, positive outcome.
  • No one should know about the conduct of the ritual ceremony. Since the negative energy of an outsider can affect the spell of charmed water. Even after you achieve the desired result, try to keep secret the performed magical ceremonies.

Rituals should be performed only with running or melt water

The life of water is not only in magic, but also in science

For many decades, sorcerers and sorcerers charged water with positive energy, and then used it to achieve all sorts of goals. Today, science has confirmed the fact that liquid crystals are capable of storing and transmitting information.

Many scientists who studied the properties and composition of water proved that the structural part of the liquid can change and react to words, music, electromagnetic radiation and human thoughts. Scientists are sure that such words as tenderness, kindness, love, compassion have positive energy. In addition, pure and bright thoughts of a person, correctly pronounced prayers, light music can turn ordinary water crystals into ordered snowflakes. But rough speech, anger, negativity, harsh music can destroy and destroy these tenderness, thereby giving the composition of the liquid an ugly structure. To prevent this from happening, treat the water with tenderness and affection!

What charmed water is the most powerful?

There is an opinion that water collected from three sources has a colossal magical effect, is able to cure any disease, remove damage and the evil eye. The first liquid crystals must be collected from a river or lake, preferably for the first time on the days of the new moon. Then bring water from the church. A substance that was in holy places on great holidays (Easter, Trinity or Epiphany) has a particularly strong energy property. The final step will be plain tap water. When all three types of liquid are collected, they must be mixed and whispered:

“Crystals to crystals, a blade of grass to a bush, a ray to the sun, well-being to a home. Let profit and prosperity grow like a young moon and water in a stream. May sadness and anger be washed away, and my house be protected by holy water.

Charged water will serve as protection and support! She can wash her face daily, bathe babies with the evil eye and spray all corners of the house, getting rid of negativity and the gaze of ill-wishers.

Charged water will serve as protection and support

Conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

Almost every person has a cherished dream. However, not all wishes are destined to come true. In this case, you can resort to a conspiracy on the water. In this ritual, only spring liquid is used. It is energetically clean. If it is not possible to use such water, then you should purchase it at the store. However, a special ritual for purification is simply necessary. After the liquid is prepared, say a prayer:

“I am a servant of God (name) asking some water to fulfill my sacred dream. Every day I wash my face and get drunk with you, so give me your drops, for happiness, so that my dream comes true. My thoughts are immaculate, there is no malice and resentment in them, and my desires are bright, like a clear day. My crystal key is closed and washed with spring water. As I ask, so let it happen. Amen".

After the prayer has been read, drink the liquid from the dishes, in small sips. Drinking it to think that soon the desire will come true. The ceremony is held after twelve o'clock at night.

Expel negativity with charmed water

If you often have to contact with unpleasant people who radiate a lot of negativity, thereby feeding on your positive energy, then you need to perform a ritual and get rid of the unpleasant sensation. In addition, the performed ceremony will not only fill the void, but also protect you from people with heavy energy.

Before proceeding with the ritual, you need to draw water into a spacious container, but only on the waning moon. Then bend over the bowl, read the prayer five times and wash. Splashed drops of liquid on the floor do not need to be wiped off, they should dry on their own. Conspiracy words:

“The Immaculate Mother of God walks through the dense forest, collects roots and stones, washes them and heals. Cleanse from someone else's, hated and useless. So that unkind people do not say offensive words, do not induce damage and the evil eye. My words and thoughts are strong and unshakable, Amen.”

You can only expel negativity with charmed water on a waning moon

Become attractive, thanks to the charmed water

The dream of most women is to be beautiful and attractive. After performing a ritual on the charmed water, this desire can come true. Any kind of liquid, both spring and tap, is suitable for the ceremony. Prayer words:

“I am a servant of God (name) I want to shine with beauty and captivate the views of people. I want my skin to be filled with natural freshness, so that everyone admires it. Only powerful and strong water can help me with this. All men will be touched by my beauty, and in women my beauty will only cause envy. My eyebrows will be black, my eyelashes will be long, my skin will be white and soft, my hair will be long and thick. With the help of crystalline water, I draw upon myself an outstanding beauty, Amen.

After the ceremony, wash, then drink three sips every morning and moisten the skin of the face.

Restore love with charmed water

If your other half has become indifferent and is gradually moving away from you, then you need to prepare charmed water that will help overcome this problem. The ceremony is performed on a young moon. As soon as dawn comes, take a bowl, pour water and put it in a secluded place so that no one can see. At night, after midnight, take a bowl of liquid, enter the center of the room and say three times:

“Water splashes in the bowl from edge to edge, from the middle to the sides. Washes my silvery hands, separates from each other, does not connect with my beloved. The water will calm down, settle down and connect my silver hands with the hands of my betrothed. We will be together for a long time, inseparable, unshakable, beloved all the time, Amen.

After reading the prayer, you need to sprinkle a few drops of water on your bed, and pour the remaining liquid into the street.

Charmed water will help overcome this indifference of the second half

Charmed water will help rejuvenate the skin of the face and body

The rite of rejuvenation is held on the great holiday of Ivan Kupala. On this day, you should go to a secluded place. Buy water from a spring, honey and seeds (fried). Find a quiet area where you feel comfortable, stop, take off your shoes and untie your hair. Then stand facing the east and say:

"The rays of the sun, which warm the earth, give light and warmth, give my heart a little caress and light."

Then pour some water on it and say in a whisper:

“Voditsa sister, free me from all evil, from bad deeds, from bad thoughts, from cruel angels. Help me always, wash your face and soul.

After reading the prayer, pick flowers, weave a wreath, put it on your head and whisper:

“Twigs of the forest, flowers of the field, grass from the meadow, give me everything that virgin nature has given you.”

After that, sit down, try a spoonful of honey and drink water. Then stand up and throw a few grains of seeds in front of you, saying:

“Let everything be as I ask. Mother nature endowed me with her strength, sunflower seeds are witnesses to this.

Then you can go home. Take a wreath with you, it will act as your amulet, and drink the remaining water and think about fulfilling your desire.

Heal the disease with charmed water

In case of a serious illness or a constant illness, healing will come if you drink healing water. After the ritual, the liquid should be drunk whenever possible, also added to drinks and food. This ritual is the use of holy water. The consecrated liquid has a healing property, and replenishing it with a magical conspiracy, it can heal any ailment.

First of all, you need to go to the temple, purchase three candles and holy water. Approach the icons, light candles and whisper to the Lord for health and well-being, cross yourself and leave the church.

In case of a serious illness, you need to go to the temple, purchase three candles and holy water

Upon arrival home, light a candle, calm down, mentally pacify and think only about healing. Then put the church liquid and icons. And start saying the prayer:

“Holy water, which is similar to God's tear. Give me healing, save me from all ailments and ailments. Pass through my body with a healing stream and cleanse my soul of sinful soot. I believe in your strength and power and I beg you for a cure, Amen."

After the ceremony, try to drink the magical substance as often as possible. The course of treatment is at least fourteen days. To make the ailment completely disappear, repeat the healing ritual again.

Evil eye conspiracy

When the evil eye is imposed, it is necessary to perform a ceremony on the charmed water in order to get rid of bad luck and unpleasant consequences. Purchase melted water matter. After that, at twelve o'clock at night, in the phase of the waning moon, light a church candle, pour liquid into a plate and read the plot:

“My dear, you look like a heavenly queen. You came from the sky, went into the soil, from the soil you came again to the sky. Take some water from the servant of God (name) all the troubles, hardships, a bad look, fierce rumor. Hide everything in the ground where the human foot does not walk, let the darkness bury all negativity and adversity in its depths, Amen.

Waking up in the morning, drink water three times a day, three sips.

Magical water in human life

Every person is eighty percent water. Every day it should be consumed at least two liters. Such conclusions of experts are not accidental. Water substance really has magical properties. It can store and transmit information, assimilate words and thoughts, heal the body, cleanse from moral and energy dirt. The liquid has its own uniqueness. She knows how to change like flames. It can become liquid, solid or gaseous. Able to take the form of vessels and containers in which it was poured. Isn't it a miracle?

Water substance is the source and symbol of life. It is one of the most fertile elements on planet Earth. It can rightly be considered the basis of all creation.

Water substance is the source and symbol of life

Water is a powerful, protective substance

Even not charmed water has the strongest energy. To cleanse an object, it will be sufficient to lower it into water for several days, but change the liquid every day. The end result may surprise you the negative energy of the thing will simply disappear.

You can get rid of negative energy by taking a shower. The only rule is that the shower must go in this sequence: cold, hot and cold again. Taking a warm bath will also help clear the negativity. You need to relax and let go of all bad emotions into the water.

Never spit in the water, so that further punishment does not follow. While on a river or pond, do not utter the word of a curse. Water substance understands and remembers human speech. All unpleasant speeches can turn against you.

So that you and your loved ones are not pursued by failure, trouble, the evil eye and illness, you need to drink crystal clear, charmed water as much as possible. It contains all the energy positive and health.

The most common substance on the planet is water. Its properties are unique. Therefore, it is often used for various magical actions, in particular, these are conspiracies for water. It turns out that not all people are familiar with the influence of this liquid on the fate of a person. If you speak water correctly, it can bring good luck, get rid of ailments, damage, the evil eye, give beauty, attract the attention of a loved one. In addition, love spells are made on it, which are quite effective. If the liquid is charged with negative energy, it can cause irreversible harm.

Among the frequently occurring magical rites are conspiracies for water. Those who perform them pursue different goals. Some perform a ritual for a love spell for a loved one, for beauty, others practice it in order to remove damage or the evil eye. Water is capable of storing and transmitting information. So, how to speak water? With the correct reading of the plot, it turns into the required structure. The main condition for the implementation of the ritual is that it is required to pronounce the words correctly.

It is also important to know that it is necessary to speak spring or holy water. She has a special energy and is ready to absorb information like a sponge. True, the use of piped water is also allowed. In this case, it requires preliminary preparation. You should put a container with liquid in a place free from excessive light for a week, read the following words of prayer:

“I cleanse from negative energy, bad thoughts, damage, the evil eye!”.

After a week, the water can be used for magical rites. It is worth noting that the words of prayer for rituals for love, removal of damage and the evil eye must be memorized, otherwise it is difficult to guarantee the effectiveness of the ongoing conspiracies. It also requires a quiet environment. No one should interfere with the reading of conspiracies. Thus, the place for the ritual must be prepared in advance.

The purpose of the conspiracy is not so important. In any case, its conduct must remain secret. Even when you get the desired result, you should not brag about your victories. It is better if no one knows about such an event using magic. Water conspiracies are a sacrament that only the participant in the ceremony should be aware of.

The key to the success of conspiracies

Thus, it is worth noting the following basic rules for conspiracies in order to achieve efficiency:

  • the use of spring or holy water, as well as from a tap that has undergone preliminary preparation;
  • learning words by heart;
  • read the plot in a whisper, holding the container close to the lips;
  • quiet environment;
  • keeping the ritual secret.

By adhering to these simple recommendations, you can carry out a conspiracy of water for love, removal of damage and the evil eye, which will show the expected result. Another important detail is that the person who performs the magical action must necessarily believe in the ritual being performed. Water is a unique substance that is sensitive to any mood. If doubts arise about the effectiveness of the conspiracy rite, this may adversely affect him. That is why it is highly recommended to engage in such an event only when there is really faith in the actions being performed.

To attract a loved one

Women often follow the dictates of their hearts. Love occupies a special place in their lives. Therefore, representatives of the weaker sex often use water conspiracies to attract a loved one when other methods are ineffective. The choice of ritual depends entirely on the relationship. In the case of regular communication between a girl and a loved one, one ritual is suitable, if the acquaintance is superficial, it is worth giving preference to a magical event designed to conduct a conspiracy at a distance. With closer contact or living in the same house, you can use the following rite:

  • liquid is poured into a glass;
  • a church candle is taken and lit;
  • on the waxing moon exactly at midnight, it is necessary to speak water.

“I need to speak the liquid for tenderness and love. Let (name) not imagine its existence without me. May he never know happiness if I'm not there. Amen!".

These words are repeated three times, then the melted wax is dripped into the glass. After that, the water will be spoken. It is enough to cook any dish from it, which you need to feed your loved one. After the man eats everything with pleasure, the water conspiracy will begin to act.

How to arrange a man at a distance?

There are situations when a guy with whom a girl is in love does not want to reciprocate. If a man does not want rapprochement, it is worth trying to read a prayer at a certain distance. To carry out the plot, you need to fill a glass with water and take a tablespoon of sugar. It is important to wait for the new moon to make water conspiracies.

When midnight comes, you need to sit on the floor and put a container of water and sugar in front of you. Then you need to imagine your loved one, as well as yourself with him. And the couple should be happy. You should give free rein to fantasy and dream for about ten minutes. Having tuned in the right way, you can begin to perform the ceremony.

First, sugar falls into the liquid. Then the vessel is brought to the lips and a spell is pronounced, consisting of the following words:

“Sugar is sweet and pleasant. May I be just as sweet (name). May I always be in his thoughts, cause love and desire. Only with me will he know happiness in life. When sugar dissolves in water, let the feelings in it wake up. When the liquid dries, longing will come to him. Amen!".

The spell must be repeated five times, after which the water is placed in a dark place. In the morning, it pours out on the threshold of a lover or in any other place. The main thing is that he crossed over it. As a rule, such conspiracies for water show high efficiency. You can see results after a few days.

Spell for diseases

The conspiracies of the Altai healer on water are very famous. They are suitable for getting rid of damage and the evil eye, all kinds of ailments, for attracting a loved one, for beauty and love. Rituals are performed on the waning moon, so they take away negative energy. Spring water is best. Read conspiracies for water should be at dawn. You need to say the following words:

“The purity of spring water, save me from everything dashing, protect me from evil deeds and plans, save me from diseases, give me your purity. Amen!".

Having said the spell three times, it is necessary to drink the charmed liquid in a tablespoon daily. This must be done until the situation changes for the better. If the water runs out and the result is not achieved, the plot can be repeated. It is recommended to strictly follow all the recommendations of the Altai healer, otherwise high efficiency is difficult to achieve.

Ritual from bad influence

With regular communication with people who are envious of someone else's happiness, a spell from an Altai healer will also come in handy. It helps to remove damage, protect yourself from a bad word. The spell is recommended to be cast during the waning moon. It is better to collect spring water in the same period. For this, a bowl is used, over which it is worth casting a spell:

“The Virgin Mary walked through the dungeon and washed the roots. May she at the same time cleanse me of evil deeds, provide protection from all evil spirits. Amen!".

You need to read the words seven times, then the liquid is poured onto your own head. Thus, you can get rid of the damage done or the evil eye. Puddles on the floor cannot be wiped, they must dry on their own. If you perform the ceremony correctly, a positive result will not be long in coming.

Ritual for women

Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity dreams of having beauty and attractiveness that lasts for a long time, exciting the views of men and causing envy in women. It takes a lot of hard work to achieve these results. Some use cosmetics for rejuvenation, others ask for help from magic. There is a special ritual for beauty, which is performed using water. It allows you to make women's dreams come true, giving incredible beauty.

The peculiarity of the ceremony for beauty lies in the fact that it can be done on water from the tap. It should be used for washing for three months. Every morning it is necessary to draw the charmed water into the container and read the plot:

“Let me find beauty so that men admire me, to the envy of my rivals. My body and face are seductive, my hair is thick, my eyelashes are long.”

Then it is recommended to start the process of washing for rejuvenation. It is important not to miss a single day, do it every morning. The result can be observed after a few weeks. The main thing is to believe that water conspiracies will really benefit.

Remarkably, water conspiracies are widely in demand. The reason for such popularity is that they are suitable for various situations.

Such rituals help to attract good luck, love, recover from ailments, preserve beauty, carry out the process of rejuvenation, get rid of evil thoughts and deeds. The liquid will be able to absorb information to the maximum if all actions are performed correctly. Spells must be read in a whisper. The conspiracies of the Altai healer for love, for the removal of damage and the evil eye are very famous. They are effective measures that help achieve your goal in a short time. When choosing a ritual, you should trust the one who can be trusted with your own destiny. Its effectiveness should not be in doubt.

Tales of the Altai healer

She is often approached by people of all ages and genders to solve problems in love. Altai healer has a magical art. The conspiracies of the Altai healer for water are very strong. She is able to speak water for love, luck, beauty, getting rid of the evil eye and damage, and also helps to solve various problems in life. As for matters of the heart, the healer immediately warns that you will not be forced to be nice.

Therefore, if a man does not want to live with a woman, no force can force him. Of course, there are quite strong conspiracies that bind two people until death. However, nothing good will come of this if it is done through force. The person who ordered such a conspiracy gets what he wants, as well as torment for both of them. Therefore, you should think more than once before deciding to take such a step.

There was a case when a man wanted to commit suicide, but was saved by his wife. The woman came to the healer for help. She immediately saw that the wife made her husband a love spell against his will. It turns out that he loved her friend all his life, and the woman envied her happiness and screwed him to her, using the help of a strong soothsayer.

As a result, the spell worked, the man became like a man possessed. He was drawn to the unloved, passion flashed simultaneously with disgust. This went on for eight years. The man is addicted to alcohol. He used to leave home several times, but some kind of force still brought him back. Unable to put up and endure, the man decided to end this once and for all, getting rid of the torment in one fell swoop.

The woman is in tears and doesn't know what to do. At first, she felt only the joy of achieving her own goals. Then she gradually began to understand that she was unloved by her husband and he was with her through force. As a result, not only he suffered, but also his wife. And so it went on for several years. The Altai healer advised to let the man go and told him how to do it. Of course, there were doubts, but they must be stopped immediately. After all, the next time you can simply not have time to save your husband, not pull him out of the loop. When the woman let him go, having done everything exactly as the healer said, peace came to the spouses, only separately.

From this it follows that conspiracies on water have a strong impact. This is not a game, but serious actions that are fraught with negative consequences. Therefore, it is worth thinking before indulging in such extremes.

Money can open up incredible opportunities for a person. They are able not only to satisfy his needs, but to give power and perspectives. Therefore, conspiracies for wealth are very popular.

Conspiracies using water have a strong effect. After all, water is a good transmitter and keeper of information.

Conspiracies using water have a strong effect

Negativity in the water

Before using water in the ritual, it must first be purified. But this applies only to the liquid that is drawn from the tap or purchased at the store. After all, it is not clear where she ran and how much negative energy she absorbed into herself.

If spring or holy water is used for the ceremony, then it does not require additional purification.

We speak water

So how do you give positive energy to water? For a conspiracy, you can use any container. It is allowed to take a glass cup, a plastic bottle, you can even speak liquid in a teapot.

Chosen container with water is placed under the morning rays of the sun. A piece of paper is attached to the container, on which the following words are written: grace, love, kindness. The vessel is left for several hours to recharge the positive energy.

Correct execution

Voditsa perceives information well, so you need to work with it extremely carefully. Any wrong move can lead to negative consequences. In order for magic to work in the right direction, certain rules must be observed:

  • You need to believe in the upcoming ritual. Faith endows all spoken words with magical power.
  • The ceremony is performed only in a concentrated state.
  • All words spoken during the ritual must be pronounced by heart. You can't read on paper. Even long conspiracies are recommended to be memorized beforehand.
  • It is necessary to read a prayer only in a quiet and peaceful environment. Nothing should be distracting.
  • All words are recommended to be read in a whisper, singing lightly. Phrases are spoken clearly and distinctly.
  • In order for the liquid to better absorb energy, you should keep your lips as close to the container as possible.

In order for magic to work in the right direction, certain rules must be followed.

Conspiracies for money

Many people want to attract good luck in financial matters. Consider the most effective conspiracies using water to attract wealth:

  • Liquid is poured into the container. Several candles are lit around. We bend over the container and begin to read a prayer:

    “As holy water is, as pure as a tear and healing, so it is miraculous in wealth. I charge water for money, for transactions, for earnings. As water pours into the womb, so drop by drop accumulate wealth. Money to money, business to words. Let it be so. Amen, amen, amen!"

  • Water is drawn into a small basin and the following words should be read above it:

    “Oh, water, you know everything and have power. You washed away distant lands and you can wash away my bad luck forever. Give me eternal wealth and a good life. Amen".

    After that, they wash with this water. You can not wipe your face, you should wait until it dries itself.

  • The next rite is held only on Maundy Thursday. 12 kopecks are prepared and they are thrown into the water. Begin to read the plot:

    “Water is water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. Everyone blesses you in Baptism. I ask you, water of forgiveness. Mother - clean water, I'm sorry, Mother, water, help. As there are many of you in the lake, in the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in every human glass, so I would have a lot of money: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday."

    While reading, it is necessary to interlock the little fingers. Words are pronounced 33 times. After that, the table is washed with this water, the windows and doors are wiped, and the floors are washed at the end. During the ritual, you can not talk to anyone.

  • The following ritual will allow you to attract wealth and good luck. It will require a green candle, water and a copper coin. Voditsa is poured into a shallow bowl and a coin is thrown into it. The candle is lit and as soon as it flares up properly, it is necessary to drip wax into the bowl. Wax must fall on the coin. During this action, you must read the words:

    “As hard turns into soft, so will my wealth increase and be affirmed. From day to day, from week to week, from year to year, from this minute to the end of time.

    After that, water is poured onto the ground, and the coin is used as a talisman that will attract wealth and good luck. It must be stored in a wallet and not shown to anyone.

  • Take a cup of liquid. A little salt is added to it. Stir well so that all the salt dissolves. For the ceremony, only coarse salt is used. In the evening, three sips are taken from this cup, they wash their face and sprinkle a little on their collars. During this procedure, say:

    “Salt salt for silver - I change gold, I collect profit for myself. Salt is red-hot, I will keep wealth for a century. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • It is required to wait for the birth of a new month. On this day, a glass of water is placed behind the curtain. Leave it there until midnight. Then, washing herself, they say to her:

    “Just as you, the month, were thin, but became full, so I have every kind of good, so that it is full.”

Conspiracies with holy water

When using holy water, the rite is more powerful. But it is worth pronouncing conspiracies very carefully, because if the ceremony is carried out incorrectly, instead of good luck in attracting money, negative consequences can be acquired.

  • This ritual is able to fulfill any desire. It is better to read it for money and wealth only when the lack of money really came and it is not clear where to get the money from. Holy water is poured into a glass, and the words are pronounced:

    “Lord, my God, I, the servant of God (name), are in front of you. You created the sun, stars, man, gave him a shadow for every day. You created the sea, the earth, the house and gave a canopy, a figure, a shadow. My shadow is in the water, and the water is in me! I ask her, I give the order: Fulfill my request, give a lot of money to my house, save me from lack of money. From now and forever my house is a full bowl. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After that, the charmed water is sprinkled in the corners of the apartment, and the rest is drunk. This rite attracts money very quickly. Wealth will increase daily. But no one should know that such luck was attracted by a conspiracy.

  • Tired of constantly borrowing money, then you should try to apply the following conspiracy. It must be read with a strong desire, and then wealth will not take long to wait. You will need to take at least three liters of water. It is poured into a bowl. After that, the person conducting the ceremony should stand in another basin and slowly pour water over himself. They say these words:

    “How water flows from me, servants of God (name), flows under my feet, so money would flow into my house, sail under my feet. Key. Language. Lock. Forever and ever. Amen".

When using holy water, the rite is more powerful

Without wiping, a basin of water is taken from under the feet. She cleans the floors. Wiping all corners is highly recommended. After all, it is in them that all the negative energy that does not let money into the house accumulates. If the water remains, then it can be watered with indoor plants or simply poured under a tree. Financial well-being will not take long. Money will begin to come from different sources.

Conspiracy from Vanga

Everyone knows the clairvoyant Vanga. She became known for her abilities. Vanga knew how to predict the future, told the past, and could heal. Her money spell is very strong.

For the ceremony, you will need to prepare holy water and rye bread. There must be a positive attitude.

On a convenient day, you should visit the church and collect holy water. The next morning you need to get up at dawn. Before the ceremony, you can not drink and eat. Voditsa and half a loaf of rye bread are placed on the table. We mentally focus on what we want and say the words three times:

“I wish my house was always full of food and kind people.

Lord, show me the way to riches and I promise

That I will send money to good causes. Let it be so".

For the ceremony, you will need to prepare holy water and bread

A glass of water is drunk, and the bread is divided into as many parts as the person lives with you. Your piece is eaten immediately, and other particles are distributed by the household on the same day. They must eat it during the day. You can't tell them what kind of bread it is. No one should know about the ritual performed. If, due to circumstances, a person cannot eat bread, then during the ceremony, more water is spoken and she should quietly give her a drink to rush.

The result of the performed ritual will not be long in coming. You may be offered a promotion or an unexpected bonus. All money must be spent wisely.

Conspiracy to find money

To become lucky and constantly find coins, it is enough to conduct one simple magic ritual. It is carried out on the banks of the river. As already mentioned, the water element is endowed with an impressive power that can help a person in any field of activity.

For the ritual you will need a handful of coins. They are clamped into a fist and sit on the banks of the river. After that, the spell is read:

“You are water, life-giving water, fast river, great power! Help me, a slave (name), to gain random wealth, to become lucky and happy, so that money always flows into my hands, so that I can find them everywhere - in the forest, and in the mountains, and on the streets. Help me, river-river, I will repay you with my strength, I will be your faithful slave, I will sacrifice gold to you. You hear me, river-river, you respond to my request.

Having finished the pronunciation of words, we swing well and throw coins into the river. It is desirable that there is a strong current. The river should carry them away, then the water element will be able to send a strong cash flow to a person.

There are many different rituals that allow you to attract good luck, money and wealth. The main thing is to find your plot, which will really help. And then luck will always accompany, and money will flow like water.