Kuprin's life and work summary. The life and work of Kuprin: a brief description

Alexander Kuprin is a great Russian writer who left a rich legacy of works to humanity. Observant, subtle and sensitive by nature, Alexander Ivanovich reflected in his works the life and morality of that time.

He was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the family of a minor official in small town Narovchat, which is located in the Penza province. His father died a year after Alexander was born. Three children remained in the arms of mother Lyubov Alekseevna - older sisters and Sasha himself. The girls are sent to a boarding school, and Lyubov Alekseevna leaves with her son for Moscow.

It is worth noting that the writer’s mother is a native of the ancient family of Tatar princes Kulanchakov. She has a strong character, stubborn, she loves her children very much. Life in Moscow was hard, miserable, and the mother enrolled her six-year-old son in the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (1876). It was not easy for Alexander, the boy was sad and homesick, and even thought about escaping. He read a lot, knew how to invent stories, and was popular for this. Alexander composed his first creation, a poem, at the age of seven.

Gradually, life got better, and Kuprin decided to become a military man. After graduating from the boarding school in 1880, he immediately entered the Second Moscow Military Academy. Eight years later he studies at the Moscow Alexander Military School. The years of study were not in vain for Alexander Ivanovich; later he would write and expose them in his works. There will be a lot of thoughts about honor, uniform, courage, the characters of the heroes, as well as corruption.

He continued to read and study literature, and in 1889 his first story, “The First Debut,” was published. In 1890, after completing his studies, Kuprin entered service in an infantry regiment as a second lieutenant. Its new location is Podolsk province. Four years later, Alexander Ivanovich retired. Having no specialty, Kuprin tries himself in various fields activities.

This person, greedy for impressions, takes on any job, he is not afraid of anything, everything is interesting to him. His character is explosive, but he is ready for an adventure. It was important for him to communicate with people, to get used to their atmosphere of life, to capture the feelings, character and subtleties of each person. Then Kuprin will skillfully reflect his observations in his works.

Soon he meets, and. Publications in Moscow and St. Petersburg begin to publish his works, notes, and essays. In 1901, Alexander Kuprin married Maria Davydova, and a year later their daughter Lida was born. In 1905, the story “The Duel” was published. In addition to the army impressions set out in his works, Kuprin writes about love, about animals (“White Poodle” 1902), becomes popular, and is published a lot. In 1907, after a divorce from his first wife, Alexander Kuprin remarried Elizaveta Heinrich. Daughter Ksenia is born.

Alexander Ivanovich served in Finland in 1914, but was discharged due to health reasons. (1914-1918), then he and his wife Elizaveta and daughter Ksenia set up an infirmary at home. They provided assistance to wounded soldiers. Kuprin perceived the revolution negatively. He was on the side white movement, although at first he tried to cooperate with the Bolsheviks. Like many others creative personalities, Kuprin and his family leave Russia, they go to France. Alexander Ivanovich continues to create, but not so productively; he misses his homeland. Actively participates in the anti-Bolshevik press.

In the spring of 1937, the writer and his family returned to their homeland. He was greeted warmly and cordially. Unfortunately, the writer was seriously ill and died a year later. He died on August 25, 1938 in the city of Leningrad. Most popular works Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin:

"Duel", " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya", "Pit".

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin- Russian writer of the early 20th century, who left a noticeable mark on literature. Throughout his life he combined literary creativity with military service and travel, he was an excellent observer of human nature and left behind him stories, tales and essays written in the genre of realism.

Early life

Alexander Ivanovich was born in 1870 noble family, however, his father died very early, and therefore the boy’s growing up was difficult. Together with his mother, the boy moved from the Penza region to Moscow, where he was sent to a military gymnasium. This determined his life - in subsequent years he was in one way or another connected with military service.

In 1887, he entered to study as an officer, three years later he completed his studies and went to an infantry regiment stationed in the Podolsk province as a second lieutenant. A year earlier, the first story of the aspiring writer, “The Last Debut,” was published in the press. And during four years of service, Alexander Ivanovich sent several more works to print - “In the Dark,” “Inquiry,” “ Moonlit night».

The most fruitful period and recent years

After retiring, the writer moved to live in Kyiv, and then traveled for a long time around Russia, continuing to gather experience for the following works and periodically publishing short stories and novellas in literary magazines. In the early 1900s, he became closely acquainted with Chekhov and Bunin and moved to northern capital. Most famous works writers - “Garnet Bracelet”, “The Pit”, “Duel” and others - were published between 1900 and 1915.

At the beginning of the First World War, Kuprin was again called up for service and sent to the northern border, but he was quickly demobilized due to poor health. Alexander Ivanovich perceived the revolution of 1917 ambiguously - he reacted positively to the abdication of the tsar, but was against the Bolshevik government and was more inclined to the ideology of the Socialist Revolutionaries. Therefore, in 1918, he, like many others, went into French emigration - but still returned to his homeland a year later to help the strengthened White Guard movement. When the counter-revolution suffered a final defeat, Alexander Ivanovich returned to Paris, where long years lived quietly and published new works.

In 1937, he returned to the Union at the government invitation, because he greatly missed the homeland he had left behind. However, a year later he died from incurable esophageal cancer and was buried in St. Petersburg.

The life and work of Kuprin present an extremely complex and motley picture. It is difficult to summarize them briefly. All life experience taught him to call for humanity. All Kuprin's stories and stories have the same meaning - love for a person.


In 1870 in the dull and waterless town of Narovchat, Penza province.

Orphaned very early. When he was one year old, his father, a small clerk, died. There was nothing remarkable in the city, except for the artisans who made sieves and barrels. The baby’s life went on without joy, but there were plenty of grievances. He and his mother visited acquaintances and obsequiously begged for at least a cup of tea. And the “benefactors” stuck their hand in for a kiss.

Wanderings and studies

Three years later, in 1873, the mother and her son left for Moscow. She was taken to a widow's house, and her son from the age of 6, in 1876, to an orphanage. Later Kuprin will describe these establishments in the stories “The Runaways” (1917), “Holy Lies”, “At Rest”. These are all stories about people whom life has mercilessly thrown out. This is how the story about the life and work of Kuprin begins. It's difficult to talk about this briefly.


When the boy grew up, he was able to be placed first in a military gymnasium (1880), then in a cadet corps and, finally, in a cadet school (1888). The training was free, but painful.

So the long and joyless 14 war years dragged on with their senseless drills and humiliations. The continuation was adult service in the regiment, which was stationed in small towns near Podolsk (1890-1894). The first story that A. I. Kuprin will publish, opening military theme, - “Inquiry” (1894), then “Lilac Bush” (1894), “Night Shift” (1899), “Duel” (1904-1905) and others.

Years of wandering

In 1894, Kuprin decisively and dramatically changed his life. He retires and lives very meagerly. Alexander Ivanovich settled in Kyiv and began writing feuilletons for newspapers, in which he depicts the life of the city with colorful strokes. But knowledge of life was lacking. What did he see except military service? He was interested in everything. And Balaklava fishermen, and Donetsk factories, and the nature of Polesie, and unloading watermelons, and a flight to hot-air balloon, And circus performers. He thoroughly studied the life and way of life of the people who made up the backbone of society. Their language, jargons and customs. It is almost impossible to briefly convey Kuprin’s life and work, rich in impressions.

Literary activity

It was during these years (1895) that Kuprin became a professional writer, constantly publishing his works in various newspapers. He meets Chekhov (1901) and everyone around him. And earlier he became friends with I. Bunin (1897) and then with M. Gorky (1902). One after another, stories come out that make society shudder. “Moloch” (1896) is about the severity of capitalist oppression and the lack of rights of workers. "The Duel" (1905), which is impossible to read without anger and shame for the officers.

The writer chastely touches on the theme of nature and love. “Olesya” (1898), “Shulamith” (1908), “Garnet Bracelet” (1911) is known throughout the world. He also knows the life of animals: “Emerald” (1911), “Starlings”. Around these years, Kuprin can already support his family on literary earnings and gets married. His daughter is born. Then he gets divorced, and in his second marriage he also has a daughter. In 1909, Kuprin was awarded the Pushkin Prize. Kuprin's life and work, briefly described, can hardly fit into a few paragraphs.

Emigration and return to homeland

Kuprin did not accept the October Revolution with the instinct and heart of an artist. He is leaving the country. But, publishing abroad, he yearns for his homeland. Age and illness fail. Finally, he finally returned to his beloved Moscow. But, after living here for a year and a half, he, seriously ill, died in 1938 at the age of 67 in Leningrad. This is how Kuprin’s life and work end. The summary and description do not convey the bright and rich impressions of his life, reflected on the pages of the books.

About the writer's prose and biography

The essay briefly presented in our article suggests that everyone is the master of their own destiny. When a person is born, he is caught up in the flow of life. It carries some people into a stagnant swamp and leaves them there, some flounder, trying to somehow cope with the current, and some simply float with the flow - wherever it takes them. But there are people, like Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, who stubbornly row against the tide all their lives.

Born in a provincial, unremarkable town, he will love it forever and will return to this simple, dusty world of harsh childhood. He will love the bourgeois and meager Narovchat inexplicably.

Maybe for the carved frames and geraniums on the windows, maybe for the vast fields, or maybe for the smell of dusty earth washed down by the rain. And maybe this poverty will draw him in his youth, after the army drill that he experienced for 14 years, to recognize Rus' in all the fullness of its colors and dialects. Wherever his paths will take him. And to the Polesie forests, and to Odessa, and to metallurgical plants, and to the circus, and to the skies on an airplane, and to unload bricks and watermelons. Everything is learned by a person full of inexhaustible love for people, for their way of life, and he will reflect all his impressions in novels and stories that will be read by his contemporaries and that are not outdated even now, a hundred years after they were written.

How can the young and beautiful Shulamith, the beloved of King Solomon, become old, how can the forest witch Olesya stop loving the timid townsman, how can Sashka the musician from “Gambrinus” (1907) stop playing. And Artaud (1904) is still devoted to his owners, who love him endlessly. The writer saw all this with his own eyes and left us on the pages of his books, so that we could be horrified by the hard steps of capitalism in “Moloch”, the nightmarish life of young women in “The Pit” (1909-1915), terrible death beautiful and innocent Emerald.

Kuprin was a dreamer those who love life. And all the stories passed through his attentive gaze and sensitive, intelligent heart. While maintaining friendship with writers, Kuprin never forgot workers, fishermen, or sailors, that is, those who are called ordinary people. They were united by inner intelligence, which is given not by education and knowledge, but by the depth of human communication, the ability to sympathize, and natural delicacy. He had a hard time emigrating. In one of his letters he wrote: “What more talented person, the more difficult it is for him without Russia.” Without considering himself a genius, he simply missed his homeland and, upon returning, died after a serious illness in Leningrad.

Based on the presented essay and chronology, you can write short essay“The life and work of Kuprin (briefly).”

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26 (September 7), 1870 in the city of Narovchat (Penza province) into a poor family of a minor official.

1871 was a difficult year in Kuprin’s biography - his father died, and the poor family moved to Moscow.

Training and the beginning of a creative path

At the age of six, Kuprin was sent to a class at the Moscow Orphan School, from which he left in 1880. After this, Alexander Ivanovich studied at the military academy, the Alexander Military School. The time of training is described in such works by Kuprin as: “At the Turning Point (Cadets)”, “Junkers”. “The Last Debut” is Kuprin’s first published story (1889).

From 1890 he was a second lieutenant in an infantry regiment. During the service, many essays, short stories, and novellas were published: “Inquiry,” “On a Moonlit Night,” “In the Dark.”

Creativity flourishes

Four years later, Kuprin retired. After this, the writer travels a lot around Russia, tries his hand at different professions. At this time, Alexander Ivanovich met Ivan Bunin , Anton Chekhov And Maxim Gorky.

Kuprin builds his stories of those times on life impressions gleaned during his travels.

Kuprin's short stories cover many topics: military, social, love. The story “The Duel” (1905) brought Alexander Ivanovich real success. Love in Kuprin’s work is most vividly described in the story "Olesya"(1898), which was the first major and one of his most beloved works, and the story of unrequited love - "Garnet bracelet" (1910).

Alexander Kuprin also loved to write stories for children. For children's reading he wrote the works “Elephant”, “Starlings”, “White Poodle” and many others.

Emigration and last years of life

For Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, life and creativity are inseparable. Not accepting the policy of war communism, the writer emigrated to France. Even after emigration, in the biography of Alexander Kuprin, the writer’s fervor does not subside; he writes novellas, short stories, many articles and essays. Despite this, Kuprin lives in material need and yearns for his homeland. Only 17 years later he returns to Russia. At the same time, the writer’s last essay was published - the work “Native Moscow”.

After a serious illness, Kuprin died on August 25, 1938. The writer was buried at the Volkovsky cemetery in Leningrad, next to the grave Ivan Turgenev.

Chronological table

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