“Analysis of the story I. A


The story of I. A. Bunin "The Chapel" is included in the famous cycle "Dark Alleys". All the stories in this cycle are devoted to one theme - they describe the various manifestations of love between a man and a woman. It was in "Dark Alleys" that Bunin expressed his attitude to this feeling, outlined his "philosophy of love." To some extent, Bunin's view already reflects the name of the cycle. The “dark alleys” of love are what is deeply hidden inside every person, these are his instincts and desires, his emotions, which he sometimes does not understand and cannot control, but which largely determine his life.

The story "The Chapel", dated July 2, 1944, is one of the shortest in the cycle. But, at the same time, and one of the most philosophical, deep, in my opinion. Just a few lines, and how many author's thoughts, thoughts of a mature person stand behind it ... The writer's thoughts here are not only and not so much about love, but about the essence of human existence, about the meaning of life, about the laws of the universe.

"The Chapel" is a story-remembrance. Despite the fact that the story is told in the present tense, we understand that the narrator is remembering an incident from his childhood. Interestingly, it is important for Bunin to convey precisely the “childish” perception of everything described. Perhaps this is due to the fact that children feel more acutely and subtler, their mind and soul are not yet so blinkered and blind as in adults?

The eyes of the children in the story reveal a strange, but very striking contrast. On the one hand, they see the triumph of life. The narrator recalls a sunny summer day, saturated with light, colors, warmth and light. On the other hand, children are interested in something else - they are attracted by an abandoned cemetery and the windows of a dilapidated chapel.

From the very first lines of the work, Bunin shows that life is a combination of contrasts, opposites, a compromise between light and darkness, good and evil. And it is impossible to say unambiguously where one ends and the other begins.

So, the whole cemetery was overgrown with flowers and herbs: "mounds in tall flowers and herbs." Against this background of the triumph of life, the dilapidated chapel looks even more lonely. It is she who attracts children, like a magnet, or rather what is inside, behind a narrow broken window. The narrator says that he and his friends cannot see anything, they only feel a cold breath - the touch of another world. Children still cannot rationally explain their curiosity, but at the level of feelings they understand that they are touching something very important, otherworldly, hidden - some great secret: “Everywhere it is light and hot, but there it is dark and cold ...”

Their reverent interest is enhanced by the fact that inside the chapel are the bodies of long-dead people. Perhaps at this moment the children first touched one of the most important issues of mankind - the issue of death. Of course, they still do not understand all its depth and tragedy, but something makes them continue to peer deep into the chapel, where “cold boxes” with bodies lie.

And again we are faced with a contrast - approaching death, children learn to know life, its very basis - love: “... we have the sun here, flowers, grass, flies, bumblebees, butterflies, we can play, run, we are scared, it's fun to squat, and they always lie there in the dark ... "

The author emphasizes that among the coffins with "grandparents" there was a coffin with a young uncle, "who shot himself." Why did he do it? The narrator conveys a brief dialogue that apparently took place between the children. One of them explains that this person was very much in love, and “when they are very much in love, they always shoot themselves…” Just a few words, childishly naive and simple, and no more explanations and comments. But nothing more is needed - behind these words lies a huge life of the soul, a deep human tragedy, a very strong and vivid feeling.

These words, in essence, can explain Bunin's understanding of love. This feeling, the writer believes, is always associated with tragedy, with the dark and the unconscious, it is built on contrasts, just like life itself. Contrast, a combination of the incompatible - this is the universal law of human existence in general and in all its particulars, Bunin, the philosopher and writer, tells us. This is confirmed by the final lines of the work: "And the hotter and more joyful the sun bakes, the colder it blows from the darkness, from the window."

The name of the story - "The Chapel" - of course, is not accidental. This dilapidated building stands, as it were, on the verge of two worlds, life and death, light and darkness. The chapel is designed to remind of the eternal, the sublime, the secret - the most important thing in life. The author also tells us about this, urging the reader to stop, think, reflect ...

List of used literature:

1. All Russian Literature: Textbook / Author-compiler I. L. Kopylov. - Minsk: Modern writer, 2003. - S. 404-412.

2. Literature: A textbook for applicants to universities / Under the general editorship of V. E. Krasovsky. - M .: Eksmo, 2005. - S. 430 -435.

3. Russian literature. 20th century: Reference materials / comp. L. A. Smirnova. - M .: Education, 1995. - S. 16 - 40.

Other writings on this work

"Unforgettable" in the cycle of stories by I. A. Bunin "Dark Alleys" "Dark Alleys" (writing history) Every love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided (according to the story by I.A. Bunin "Dark Alleys") Bunin's heroes live under a rock star The unity of the cycle of stories by I. A. Bunin "Dark Alleys" Ideological and artistic originality of Bunin's book "Dark Alleys" Love in the works of I. A. Bunin The motive of love "like a sunstroke" in the prose of I. A. Bunin Features of the theme of love in the cycle of I. A. Bunin "Dark Alleys". Poetry and tragedy of love in I. A. Bunin's story "Dark Alleys" The problem of love in the story of I. A. Bunin "Dark alleys" Review of the story by I.A. Bunin "Raven" The originality of the disclosure of the love theme in one of the works of Russian literature of the XX century. (I.A. Bunin. "Dark alleys".) The theme of love in the story by I. A. Bunin "Dark Alleys" The theme of love in the cycle of stories by I. A. Bunin "Dark Alleys"

Artistic space in I.A. Bunin's story "The Chapel"

On July 2, 1944, in distant France, I.A. Bunin, aging far from Russia, wrote the final short story of the Dark Alleys cycle - The Chapel.

Its plot is extremely simple: the children from the old manor, who ran away on a hot summer day in the field, found themselves in an abandoned cemetery near a collapsing brick chapel and are trying to connect this world and the other world in their minds. All this is “very interesting and surprising” for them. Children, trying to realize the connection between the present and the past (“they are creepy, but also fun”), involuntarily think about their future, and in an incomprehensible way for them (but perhaps only for them?) Their future and someone else's past ... are connected.

Absolutely right is L.A. Smirnova, who claims that Bunin, as a “writer, was worried about the human worldview, born of a vain current life, but striving for the eternal questions of being” 1 . The writer himself defined the genre of this work as a short story. It is significant that it is not short, but short. Maybe, as a moment of a person's insight, a moment of finding the truth?

The trajectory of the path of children in the artistic world of this work is very interesting: from the closed space of the old manor, they fall into the field. There is an expansion of space horizontally. With “sharp eyes” children peer into the world that has opened up before them and see a long-abandoned cemetery, a crumbling chapel ... Boring life in the estate and free life outside of it, in the bosom of nature, suddenly combine into one: here . And all because it appears there , below ground level, where they look through the "long and narrow broken window" of the chapel. The space mastered by the heroes is expanding again, only now vertically. (This turns out to be a kind of cross. The cross of fate, its predestination, the impossibility of avoiding questions about life and death? Maybe ...)

The basis of the composition of the story is thus obvious. This is the antithesis. Here - there, own - someone else's. It is light, hot, understandable and close to the smallest details (flowers, grasses, flies, bumblebees, butterflies), you can play and run ... It is dark, cold, you can’t see anything, “some grandparents and some other uncle. And the more children think about this alien there, the more frightening they are: after all, they " Always lie there in darkness, as at night." And the boxes in which they lie are now not only iron, but also “thick” (you won’t get out!), And “cold” ... Some grandparents are “all old”, and this is understandable ... But uncle - “ uncle is still young...

With this ellipsis, I.A. Bunin masterfully shows how the building of a justly arranged world erected by them collapses in the minds of children: the old ones are there, the young ones are here.

It turns out that not always! "Why did he shoot himself?" Exactly not why and why … It should not be! But - alas! - it happens ... Maybe that's why the window (this kind of border between here and there ), through which the children "look with keen eyes", broken and from there coldone blow? Oh my God! The gaze, seeking the Savior, involuntarily rises upward ...

“In the blue sea of ​​the sky, white beautiful clouds stand here and there in islands ...” Good! "... a warm wind from the field carries the sweet smell of flowering rye."Amazing! This is Life. You need to appreciate it, enjoy every moment of it, but do not forget that the window is open ...

After all, "the hotter and happier the sun bakes, the colder it blows from the darkness, from the window."

I just feel it physically! Bravo, Ivan Alekseevich!

1 – p. 28 “Russian Literature. XX century. Reference materials". A book for high school students. Compiled by L.A. Smirnova. Moscow "Enlightenment", 1995.

Sections: Literature

Goals: revealing the peculiarities of Bunin's understanding of love, the author's position, the writer's artistic style; activation of research activities of students, development of creative reading skills, deepening the understanding and experience of the events of the story.

Equipment: PC, m/m projector, interactive whiteboard.

Writing on the board: "The mental structure of a true poet is expressed in everything down to punctuation marks." A.A. Blok

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introductory speech of the teacher: Today in the lesson we will do a holistic analysis of the text of a work of art. This is the story of I.A. Bunin from his famous cycle "Dark Alleys". All the stories of this cycle are devoted to one theme - they describe the various manifestations of love between a man and a woman. It was in "Dark Alleys" that Bunin expressed his attitude to this feeling, outlined his "philosophy of love." To some extent, Bunin's view already reflects the name of the cycle.

The “dark alleys” of love are what is deeply hidden inside every person, these are his instincts and desires, his emotions, which he sometimes does not understand and cannot control, but which largely determine his life.

The story is dated July 2, 1944, it is one of the shortest in the cycle. But, at the same time, and one of the most philosophical, deep. Just a few lines, and how many author's reflections, reflections of a mature person stand behind it ... The writer's thoughts here are not only and not so much about love, but about the essence of human existence, about the meaning of life, about the laws of the universe.

3. Reading the story (a trained student reads, each student has a text on the desk)

4. Analysis of the story on the questions:

Determine the artistic time and artistic space of the story.

Let's recreate the picture drawn by Bunin.

On the board is a sheet of drawing paper divided into two halves, blue and green. We glue pre-prepared layouts (chapel, clouds, sun, flowers, crosses, children, chapel window) onto whatman paper.

The scene is an abandoned cemetery. Why is the cemetery abandoned?

The cemetery is family, most likely belonged to the gentlemen from the estate: either everyone died, or went abroad)

Together with the word “abandoned”, the theme of oblivion enters the story. Everything froze. Like in a movie - freeze frame. How does the author use syntactic means to show that time has stopped? Consider the first sentence of the text. Describe it.

There are four subjects in the sentence (day, field, cemetery, chapel), the sentence is one-part, nominal.

Why is there no predicate?

No movement, time has stopped.

Through children's perception, children came to the cemetery.

This story is a memory story. Despite the fact that the story is told in the present tense, we understand that the narrator is remembering an incident from his childhood. Why do you think?

Interestingly, it is important for Bunin to convey precisely the “childish” perception of everything described. Perhaps this is due to the fact that children are sharper and thinner feel. Children's look is not cloudy, natural. Children feel sharper and thinner, their mind and soul are not yet as blind as adults. Adults have an unnatural, stereotypical view of life, they do not see the acuteness of being.

What is revealed to the eyes of children? To answer this question, you need to carefully re-read the text and divide it into two parts, because children see two pictures.

Contrast, antithesis.

What is an antithesis?

The eyes of the children in the story reveal a strange, but very striking contrast. On the one hand, they see the triumph of life. The narrator recalls a sunny summer day, saturated with light, colors, warmth and light. On the other hand - an abandoned cemetery, darkness, suspense, mystery.

Let's continue filling in the table.

What is between these two worlds?

A chapel, or rather a broken window at ground level, which divides the children's space into “own” and “foreign”, which is always fraught with some kind of danger. The window is the border between two worlds.

And at the window, the cemetery is also a border connecting the present and the past.

When enemies came, people first of all guarded the cemetery, because this is the memory of the family, ancestors, because the cemetery is the history of a whole family.

V. Kataev, a famous Soviet writer, said: “Who am I? A grain of sand on the face of the universe.” And, indeed, a person is just a small grain of sand in a huge crowd of people inhabiting the Universe.

How do children evaluate what they see in the window?

Creepy and fun

What does it say about what children are interested in?

They look with LOOKING eyes, i.е. are peering.


1) well seeing distant and small objects;

2) intent, insightful.

Which of the two meanings corresponds to the word from the given text? (2)

What attracts children? Why are they creepy, funny, interesting and surprising at the same time?

It's creepy, p.h. the word death frightens, but in this there is some kind of mystery, an unknown that you want to unravel. The interest is reinforced by the fact that inside the chapel are the bodies of long-dead people. Of course, they still do not understand all its depth and tragedy, but something makes them continue to peer deep into the chapel, where “cold boxes” with bodies lie.

What do children discover for themselves there, in the unknown world outside the window, in the depths of the chapel?

1. Death is next to life (according to Bunin, the first step to death is the cry at birth).

2. Not only the old die, but also the young.

3. You can die from love.

Approaching death, children learn to know life, its basis is love. The author emphasizes that among the coffins with "grandparents" was a coffin with a young uncle, "who shot himself."

Why did he do it?

One of the children explains that this person was very much in love, and “when they are very much in love, they always shoot themselves…”. Just a few words, childishly naive and simple, and no more explanations and comments. Behind these words lies a huge life of the soul, a deep human tragedy, a very strong and vivid feeling.

They can also explain Bunin's understanding of love. This feeling, the writer believes, is always associated with tragedy, with the dark and the unconscious, it is built on contrasts, just like life itself. Contrast is the universal law of human existence in general and in all its details.

What connects life and death? What images connect artistic time and space in this story? Analyze everything we talked about today and give a title to the story. Get ready to justify your opinion.

The chapel is a house of prayer, a temple without an altar, where you can read prayers.

The chapel connects two spaces: temporary and eternal - life and death. Coming to the cemetery, relatives commemorate the deceased in the chapel, read prayers, light candles.

The collapsing chapel suggests that earthly existence is not eternal. Death is terrible, you need to cherish life and what it gives. Treasure every hour of life and live with dignity.

5. Homework: Write an essay - a reasoning according to the statement of D. Granin: “Compare the hour of the earth with the hour of death”

Eternal themes in Bunin's story "The Chapel"

... Love and death are inextricably linked.

1. Revealing Features Bunin's understanding of love, the author's position, the writer's artistic style.

How old was Bunin who wrote the story?

Emigrated in 1920, 25.01

History is part of his life. The process is thin. creativity for Bunin is the process of poetic transformation of reality in memories, reflections on the past. So ingeniously French old age and Russian childhood are combined in the story - two spaces and two times. In one memory, in one small episode - a moment and eternity.

74 years old, that is, in adulthood, and you know that Bunin did not return to Russia, to his homeland, unlike other writers, so he saw this estate before the revolution, as a child (late 1870 - early 1880).

The best works are those that turned out to be the fruits of memory. In a foreign land, memory remained the only creative force. “The former world, to which I was once involved, is not for me the world of the dead, it is resurrecting for me more and more. Becomes the only and more and more joyful, no longer accessible to anyone, the abode of my soul.

Let's remember where Bunin spent his childhood?

In Yelets, for 19 years he lived without a break in the village of Butyrki. His life enriched and nourished - the origins and prototypes of his stories. There, in the deepest silence of the field, in the summer among the bread, approaching the very thresholds, and in the winter among the snowdrifts, his childhood passed - full of poetry, sad and peculiar.

The ancient city cemetery was described by Ivan Bunin in a number of works (such as "Easy breathing"), in reality, his acquaintances, friends, high school students are buried here..) - LOCAL STUDIES

Analysis of the composition of the story. Consider the elements of composition.

What is the beginning of the story? (work with text)

Landscape sketch, exposition.

On what principle is it built? Find keywords

Antithesis, (as in Tolstoy's story "After the Ball");

Summer day - an old manor, an abandoned cemetery, a lonely wild, decaying chapel ..

What is the nature of this series of epithets?

Sadness, sadness, depression, thoughts of frailty are a minor series of epithets.

What word, not being an epithet, is close to this series?

mounds, neglected, forgotten, nameless.

Conclusion: what do we see in the exposition?

At the beginning of the work - a picture of an old, dying manor, a collapsing chapel

What is the impression?

But, perhaps, this is not death triumphing over life, but time triumphing over life.

It seems that death triumphs over life: very expressive epithets speak about this (old, abandoned, lonely, collapsing, broken ...).

The surrounding nature is struggling with destruction, but time is omnipotent and invincible. Let us recall Derzhavin: “it will devour all eternity with a vent ...” “The River of Times” destroys, it seems, everything that gets in its way. But does she have power over human memory, love? We will talk about this.

Determine the plot of the story

(children in front of the window)

What completes the minor series?

broken window

What is the meaning of the verb LOOKING?

Interesting, curious, but scary.

They look with keen eyes - a rare epithet, but it is often found in Bunin.

everyone notices and sees, penetrating deep into.

Fear, how curious - this is the formula for the state in which children are. Although the look is keen, but there is nothing to be seen. Why?

there is a mystery, another world.

Does the narrator change at this point?

But everywhere it is Bunin.

This is Bunin's childhood, he is one of this gang of guys, he is also watching.

First we see what is happening through the eyes of an adult, then through the eyes of children.

What is the origin of Bunin?

This bothered him to a certain extent.

By origin, he belonged to a noble family of nobles), but due to poverty and fate, he was brought up in a different environment.

How does style change with the advent of children?

The style becomes different with the advent of children: “You can’t see anything there, it only blows cold from there.” This is children's speech with special vocabulary, sentence construction: “it blows cold”, “shoot themselves”, “grandparents”, “creepy and fun”, etc. Little heroes ask children's questions (“Why did he shoot himself?” ), follow the logic of children (“... and when you are very in love ...”) and childishly, as in fairy tales, divide the world into “one’s own” (these are flowers, herbs, the sun) and “alien” (iron boxes, cold, someone else’s death ). The children's dictionary is replenished. Not sarcophagi show through in the dark, but iron boxes. They do not have ancestors, but some grandparents not suicidal but uncle who shot himself. This is the language of the child narrator. A iron boxes- signs of cold and darkness.

· Research work. What did they see? (in writing)





Light, warmth

darkness, night

Darkness, cold

play, run



It's cold blowing

We feel, involuntarily, some kind of trembling appears. Physically alive feel it

This is WE standing HERE

We look REALLY, down to earth, where it is light, hot, butterflies, bumblebees, PLAY

Otherworldly, fantastic, as if aloof and separated by some visible or invisible feature.

What main opposition are they variations on?

Life death

Here - there

What conclusion can we draw from these comparisons?

Life is not endless, the cold, as it were, warns, makes it clear that you need to live in this world, rejoice, do good, take care of your soul ...

Thus, everything in life, nature is interconnected and is in harmony, balance. The world in Bunin's stories is internally contradictory and harmonious at the same time. So is the person who is a part of it. It is no coincidence that the human condition is most often depicted by Bunin with the help of an antithesis.

... Bunin has not a word about the soul, it is immortal - Orthodoxy teaches

What does not release the heroes from the chapel?

Mystery, unusualness of that world.

Why don't they try to cross the border?

The secret will disappear, for the sake of which they look where the “cold blows” come from.

THERE IS NOTHING TO BE SEEN.. How could they see?

According to the stories of adults, earlier and suddenly touched, maybe. his box was different from others where the elders are buried, or stood aside from everyone ..

Conclusion: what does the chapel mean for the heroes?

The chapel is a touch to the mystery, a broken window into eternity, it cannot be unraveled, because the author admits: ALL THIS IS VERY INTERESTING AND AMAZING.

Bunin's stories are mostly plotless, where plot elements are blurred, barely perceptible. However, it can be noted…

Find the climax of the story in the text, read it.

They saw: a young uncle was lying.

find the solution, read

Why lies? Fell in love - shot himself. (dialogue)

Why is there a young uncle among old grandparents?

Love Theme

Did grandparents not love if they lived to old age?

He was VERY in love

Why YOUNG uncle? Only he is alone, and the rest are all old?

So he is SPECIAL

Grandparents are natural: old age..diseases..die..

He was VERY in love

What is it, love, according to Bunin?

- the concept of Bunin's love -

The repetition of the "concept of Bunin's love", in which stories can it be traced ???) Name

moment, sunstroke...

love is fleeting, according to the writer, the only value on earth, the brightest thing in a person's life.

But young man - why? This is unnatural .. According to the logic and laws of nature, he should have died old. But why young? This is absurd, unacceptable... It is illogical.. Here is a question, intrigue, increased interest.

Therefore, the reason must be investigated.

But why did he shoot himself? Unrequited love? Or the object of love died, perished? Did you marry someone else? Gone forever?

How do you see your uncle?

Love makes an uncle significant in our eyes, primarily because he shot himself because of love.

And this, according to Bunin, was inevitable, otherwise - prose.

Bunin does not feel sorry for his uncle, he is proud of him, admires him.

Why doesn't Bunin explain the reasons for his uncle's suicide?

Bunin does not explain in detail in "The Chapel" why the young uncle shot himself. Just out of love. For him, this is not so important, these are indirect reasons, the main reason is love.

Whereas Tolstoy, a master of psychological analysis, inner experience, in the story "The Devil" tells in detail how Yevgeny Irtenyev fought with himself, how he experienced what was going on in his soul before committing suicide.

Early Homework): The protagonist marries a noblewoman, but he loved a peasant woman and could not get rid of this feeling. He understood that his wife Liza had nothing to do with it, it was not her fault, there was no need to offend her, but the hero could not cope with his feelings. The peasant woman, like the devil, attracted Irtenev to her, did not let go. Tolstoy has 2 options for the finale of the story: 1st option: the hero killed himself, 2nd option - she ended up in hard labor.

What is important for Tolstoy?

For Tolstoy, the inner state of the hero is important.

Bunin's characters were given exceptional sharpness of sensual reactions, which was characteristic of the author himself. That is why the writer almost does not resort to the form of an internal monologue. Bunin's manner is far from Tolstoy's methods of "dialectics of the soul", it is also unlike Turgenev's "secret psychologism". The movements of the soul of Bunin's heroes defy logical explanation.

Whatever preceded, the ending is the same - suicide. A suicide is sinful, but how were suicides buried?

They were buried separately, behind a fence, they were not buried

And why is he buried here along with everyone else?

Kinship, rich, in the crypt

Color: blue, white, golden

Delicate colors, barely perceptible outlines of objects, the finest smells are associated with the motif of eternity, with the life of the spirit.

Sweet smell of blooming rye

We understand that in vain he shot himself - the antithesis comes through, because the world is beautiful. Read the end of the story. Name the keywords. Let's comment on the key words of the final

Right after…..white clouds, warm wind, sweet smell..

Bunin shows that life is a combination of contrasts, opposites, a compromise between light and darkness, good and evil. And it is impossible to say unambiguously where one ends and the other begins.

What conclusion do we come to?

We come to the conclusion that the work built on oppositions speaks of the eternity of the unshakable laws of life, of the natural progressive course of time, of memory and oblivion.

The last lines give us the right to say that Bunin is a singer of life or death?

Bunin is extremely complex and controversial, not only as a person, but also as an artist. Therefore, we have the right to talk about a major final.

The last lines give us the right to say that, after all, Bunin is a singer of life, its bright and tragic sides, inquisitive knowledge, its eternal modulations, all its secrets ..

What poem do you know that resonates with the last lines?

The last lines again echo Tyutchev's "I remember the golden time ..": there is a rare epithet SWEET both there and here.

(tragedy, devastation, death, extinction, cosmic spectacle)

I remember the golden time

I remember a dear edge to my heart.

The day was evening; we were two;

Below, in the shadows, the Danube rustled.

And on the hill, where, whitening,

ruin of castles looking into the distance

You were standing young fairy,

Leaning on mossy granite,

foot infantile touching

Wreckage piles of age;

And the sun lingered, saying goodbye

With the hill and the castle and you.

And the wind is quiet in passing

with your clothes played

And from wild apple trees color by color

He hung on the shoulders of the young.

The edge of the sky is smoky extinguished in the rays;

The day was burning out; sang louder

River in the faded banks.

And you with carefree gaiety

Happy seeing off the day;

AND sweet life fleeting

A shadow passed over us.

What is the idea at the end of the story?

An idea is a movement from life to death, from the past to the future through the present, from the temporal to the eternal. And everything comes back to normal again and again.

Describe the topic of the story.

Theme: love and death, but not in conflict, not in confrontation, but in an interesting and surprising unity. Love is stronger than death. Life is fragrant on earth, children talk about love.

Let's turn to the analysis. Story time.

Group work:

Present - summer, day, sun

Past - night, cold, darkness

The future is associated with the images of children.

1. Using the dialogue and elements of "indirect" speech included in the descriptive part of the text, characterize the characters. How does the character system help the author to reveal the theme of the work?

From the "indirect" speech: "we have the sun here, grass ... and my uncle is young."

The characters are children who are interested in everything in the world and wonder: flowers, bumblebees, butterflies. Death, on the other hand, is perceived as “creepy”, but “fun”, and the coffin is seen as a “cold pearl box”.

Children are curious: “why did you shoot yourself?”

Children are wise: "when very much in love, they always shoot themselves."

Children are nameless, but the truth is spoken through their lips: love and death are from the eternal.

At the end of his life, Bunin said that every person is given God's intention. Its fulfillment is our merit before God. Uncle, perhaps, had a talent, but immediately cut off everything, did not fulfill God's intention. Didn't feel joy, pride from it

Simple, at first glance, the story. But what a capacious one, it rises to incredible philosophical heights ..

What is the meaning of the title of the story "The Chapel"?

a sense of eternity, mystery, time.

Think about the argument to which problem this story will be.

The problem of the transience of life, life and death, good and evil, youth and old age, unrequited love (possibly), tragic love, Bunin's concept of love

3. Before us is the story “Dark Alleys”, which gave the name to the book, which arose, as we have already said, from Ogarev’s lines: a paraphrase of Ogarev’s poem.

All around the scarlet rose hips bloomed,

There was an alley of dark lindens.

Are, from your point of view, the key words of the story "The Chapel" connected with the words in the title of the cycle - "Dark Alleys"?

4. In 1903, he writes the poem "Portrait" / group work: compare the poem "Portrait" and the story "Chapel":

1. What do they have in common?

2. What general motives and feelings of the lyrical hero are expressed in the poem?

large clear eyes, a coquettishly simple hairstyle, a cape on the shoulders, a sweet look, cheerful amazement. joyful, amazingly lively eyes of a schoolgirl.

in the indifference (or perhaps in the soullessness) of the surrounding nature, which continues to live in spite of death...

Time of year and day (summer, noon)

The antithesis of "life - death", capacious epithets: living, clear (eyes), fresh (clay), spacious, county (cemetery), strong, heavy, smooth (oak cross), bare (trees), cold (wind) - create a visible memorable picture, awaken in the soul an excitement that is difficult to cope with. An aching melancholy - and something sublime, deeply tragic.

Graveyard, chapel above the crypt,

Wreaths, lampada, images,

And in a frame entwined with crepe,

Large, clear eyes.

Through the dust on the windows, hot light

Inside the chapel is on fire.

“Why am I in the crypt, at noon, in the summer?” -

The invisible one speaks.

Coquettishly simple hairstyle

And a cape on the shoulders ...

And there are drops of wax everywhere

And crepe bows on candles.

Wreaths, lamps, smells of decay ...

And only this sweet look

Looks with cheerful amazement

To this funeral nonsense.

The poem and the story under consideration touch upon the problems of love and death, youth and corruption, the absurdity of the death of a young beauty (cf.: "Why am I in a crypt, at noon, in summer?"

Reflection. Do you agree with the statement made by the epigraph to our lesson, "Love and death are inextricably linked."

Summary of the lesson. The flame of love flares up, burns and burns out in “The Life of Arseniev”, then it is engaged again in “Dark Alleys”, where the tragedy of love is shown and the fact that human life is all under the power of love, and love is great happiness, even if it is not divided and ends death. Death and life are an old conflict, but in Bunin's work this conflict has its own way and its resolution. The theme of death is as central to him as the theme of Motherland and love, it is like a black frame of that without which "it's too terrible in this world."

Compilation of syncwine. Sinkwine is a kind of miniature poem of 5 lines, which has a certain structure:

Rules for compiling syncwine.

the right line is one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;

the second line - two words, adjectives, describing the main idea;

the third line - three words, verbs, describing actions within the framework of the topic;

the fourth line is a phrase of several words showing the attitude to the topic;

the fifth line is the words associated with the first, reflecting the essence of the topic.

Bunin was a singer of a great feeling of love, the most powerful force that binds people. No matter what everyday accidents and troubles this feeling is born, no matter how tragic finals it goes, “there is no unhappy love”, this feeling is sacred, “love and then great happiness when it remains unrequited”. The understanding of love as a passion that captures all thoughts, all the spiritual and physical potentials of a person was characteristic of Bunin. So that love does not exhaust itself, does not run out of steam, it is necessary either to part, or death. If the heroes themselves do not do this, then fate intervenes, fate, one might say, in order to save feelings, killing one of the beloved. The closeness of love and death, their conjugation was for Bunin an obvious fact, never subject to regret. “Love is beautiful” and “love is doomed” - these concepts finally combined, coincided, carrying in the depths, in the grain of each story, including in the Chapel, the personal grief of Bunin the emigrant.

"Dark Alleys" - the hero is glad that he left Nadia in time, until love passed.

"Caucasus" - the husband shot himself from unrequited love.

"Styopa" - the hero escapes to Kislovodsk.

"Rusya" - the mother forbade the love of a student and daughter.

"Antigone" - an aunt separated a milliner and a nephew.

"Business cards" - fleeting love.

"Zoyka and Valeria" - a tragic end from unrequited love.

"Tanya", 1917, the revolution destroyed love.

"Galya Ganskaya" - suicide - poisoned herself.

"Heinrich" - the writer killed the journalist who fell out of love with him.

"Natalie" - absurdity separated, and then death during childbirth.

"Dubki" - killed his wife for treason.

The steamboat "Saratov" - the husband killed me.

"Raven" - the father separates his son from his beloved.

"Clean Monday" - went to the nuns.

Bunin's conclusions are gloomy: love is a beautiful, but fleeting guest on our earth. Let it last a little longer - prose and vulgarity will eat it up, there will be a rapid devaluation of feelings.

Lyudmila Alexandrovna Zolotoreva - teacher of the Lyceum "Suzuki", Barnaul.

Lesson - Thumbnail Analysis

Bunin's cycle of short stories "Dark Alleys" is studied in the 11th grade. However, the final short story-miniature "The Chapel" can be discussed much earlier - in the 9th or 10th grade. The meanings that are revealed during the analysis make it possible to connect Bunin's miniature with the main works of the program - for example, to read it after analyzing Pushkin's poem "Do I wander along the noisy streets ..." (grade 9) or after studying the novels of Goncharov and Turgenev (10 th class).

Two or three lines can be written about human life.
I.A. Bunin

... Love and death are inextricably linked.
I.A. Bunin

At the beginning of the lesson, students receive the text of the novel.

Introduction by the teacher. The story about the circumstances of the work of I.A. Bunin over the cycle "Dark Alleys". The teacher then reads the short story.

After listening to the story, the students talk about what mood this work aroused in them - sad, elegiac, minor. They drew attention to the fact that the miniature resembles a poem in prose, contains many features of a lyrical work: it is an emotional coloring, a concentration of thoughts and feelings, a special rhythm, and melody.

What associations does the word “chapel” evoke in us? Peace, silence, prayer. It is a symbol of eternity, a place that separates the world of the living and the dead. This is the hour of remembrance, revelation, communication with God, eternity, the hour of departure from external fuss, detachment from the world - the moment of truth for a person.

We turn to the analysis of the composition. It is easy to see that it is based on an antithesis: cold and heat, darkness and light, old and new, youth and old age, day and night, children and adults are opposed ... Children are both creepy and fun, they experience both surprise and fear, being in the earthly, bright, sunny world and wanting to look into the other world... Around - the lush growth of herbs and at the same time - the chapel "destroying". So, we are convinced that the work is riddled with contrasts. Summarizing all that has been said, we single out the dominant antithesis: life death.

At the beginning of the work - a picture of an old, dying estate, a crumbling chapel. It seems that death triumphs over life: very expressive epithets speak of this (old, abandoned, lonely, decaying, broken...). The surrounding nature is struggling with destruction, but time is omnipotent and invincible. The “River of Time” seems to destroy everything that gets in its way. But does she have power over human memory, love?

We notice that there is more than one narrator here: we see what is happening not only through the eyes of an adult, but also through the eyes of children. The style becomes different with the advent of children: “You can’t see anything there, it only blows cold from there.” This is a children's speech with special vocabulary, sentence construction: “it blows cold”, “shoot themselves”, “grandparents”, “creepy and fun”, etc. Little heroes ask children's questions (“Why did he shoot himself?”), follow children's logic (“... and when he is very in love ...”) and childishly, as in fairy tales, divide the world into “his own” (these are flowers, herbs, sun) and “alien” (iron boxes, cold, alien death).

They do not try to cross the border: the secret will disappear, for the sake of which they look to where the “cold blows” come from. The children's story ends with a remark: "... they always shoot themselves ...".

If we turn to the analysis of artistic time, we can see that these are two different worlds: summer, day, sun (present) and night, cold, darkness (past). As you can see, the basis of the miniature is again an antithesis. But two more “forms” of time are also contrasted: “always” (it is significant that this word frames the work) and “for a long time”, “young” and “old” (the last epithet also applies to the decaying, abandoned estate). We come to the conclusion that all three tenses coexist in miniature: the present, the past and the future associated with the images of children. In addition, all the verbs of the story are in the present tense. It creates an amazing feeling that this story is being told by a middle-aged man who recalls his childhood. But how harmoniously intertwined memories and as if today's experiences!

So, in miniature there is a movement from life to death, from the past to the future through the present, from the temporal to the eternal. And everything comes back to normal again and again.

At the beginning of the lesson, I give the task to two students to write out words - signs of artistic space. The guys come to the conclusion that opposition dominates here too. A field, a garden, a manor, “the blue sea of ​​the sky” - here. Here- sun, flowers, heat. There- dark and cold, there are “iron boxes”. The border between the two worlds is the image of a window, characteristic of Bunin's artistic world. In addition, in the miniature there is a uniform alternation of darkness and light, cold and sun, "one's own" and "foreign" worlds, past and present, life and death. Thus, everything in life, nature is interconnected and is in harmony, balance. And the last sentence confirms this (we write it down): “And the hotter and more joyful the sun bakes, the colder it blows from the darkness, from the window.” It is all built on oppositions: hotter-colder, sun-darkness, baking-blowing, than-that. And if you combine these words with each other, then the scales, the swing, symbolizing the balance, the harmony of life, will “appear”.

So ingeniously French old age and Russian childhood are combined in the story - two spaces and two times. In one memory, in one small episode - a moment and eternity.

We come to the conclusion that the work built on oppositions speaks of the eternity of the unshakable laws of life, of the natural progressive course of time, of memory and oblivion.

After commenting on the epigraphs for the lesson, students receive homework assignment: answer the question in writing: “What is the meaning of the title of Bunin’s story “The Chapel”?”

I.A. Bunin


A hot summer day, in a field, behind the garden of an old manor, a long-abandoned cemetery - hillocks in tall flowers and a lonely, all wildly overgrown with flowers and herbs, nettles and tatars, a crumbling brick chapel. The children from the estate, squatting under the chapel, look with keen eyes into the narrow and long broken window at ground level. You can't see anything there, only the cold wind blows from there. Everywhere it is light and hot, but there it is dark and cold; there, in iron boxes, lie some grandparents and some other uncle who shot himself. All this is very interesting and surprising: here we have the sun, flowers, grass, flies, bumblebees, butterflies, we can play, run, we are scared, but it’s also fun to squat, and they always lie there in the dark, like at night, in thick and cold iron boxes; grandparents are all old, and my uncle is still young ...

Why did he shoot himself?

He was very in love, and when he is very in love, they always shoot themselves ...

In the blue sea of ​​the sky, white beautiful clouds stand here and there in islands, a warm wind from the field carries the sweet smell of flowering rye. And the hotter and happier the sun bakes, the colder it blows from the darkness, from the window.