What is the difference between the Chinese version of the phone and the international one. Differences between China and Japan - a comparison of two cultures

How is a Japanese different from a Chinese? It is quite difficult for the average resident of a European country to answer this question. However, for the Asians themselves, the differences between the representatives of these nations are simply obvious. Let's find out how the Japanese differ from the Chinese in appearance. Photos of these nationalities, which will reveal the differences, will also be presented in the material.

Why is it so difficult to distinguish representatives of Asian nations?

It is worth noting that the Japanese and Chinese have extremely similar phenotypes. China is a populous country. Dozens of different ethnic groups live on its territory. Currently, there are more than 50 separate nationalities in China. Among them there are those who are completely different from the Chinese, but more like the Mongols. Based on this, it is extremely difficult to form an idea of ​​the phenotype of the average Chinese.

As for the Japanese, the territory of the islands, where representatives of this nation live, has repeatedly been subjected to an influx of migrants from the same China, as well as Korea. It so happened historically that these phenotypes were somewhat "mixed" with each other. That is why it can be difficult for us to determine how the Japanese differ from the Chinese in appearance.

Differences in appearance

How is a Japanese different from a Chinese? It is believed that the Japanese in the predominant majority have oval faces. Compared to the Chinese, they have a pronounced nose. The eyes of the Japanese are large and have a wide slit. In addition, it has been proven that the Chinese have not so large heads.

What is the main difference between the appearance of a Chinese and a Japanese? As practice shows, most Chinese have wide, prominent cheekbones. Exists interesting idea to differentiate the faces of the represented nationalities. So, the Chinese believe that their appearance is similar to that of a cat. The Japanese are more like fish, because their eyes are slightly protruding.

skin tone

IN Japanese culture It is customary for women to use pale and white tones in makeup. For this reason, women in this country are actively using cosmetics that allow you to "whiten" the skin.

On the contrary, Chinese women tend to maintain a natural appearance. They practically do not use cosmetics. The Chinese have naturally darker skin than the Japanese.


What is the difference between a Japanese and a Chinese, besides appearance? Anthropologists say that the average Chinese is shorter than the Japanese. According to scientists, modern Japanese, on average, are 5-10 cm taller than Chinese. Research in this area shows that this trend will only increase over time. However, back in the middle of the last century, the Chinese and Japanese were about the same height.


How does a Japanese differ from a Chinese, according to behavior? The Chinese are considered the most impulsive and "loud" among all representatives of the Asian type of appearance. Against the background of other nationalities of the presented phenotype, they are distinguished by active gesticulation during a conversation, bright facial expressions, and activity when in public places.

The Japanese are distinguished by extreme restraint in all spheres of life. Representatives of this nation try to show interest in a conversation with an interlocutor, they never interrupt a participant in a conversation in mid-sentence. The Japanese are delicate in doing business. In public places, they try to be quiet and modest.

The sound of speech

Japanese speech is dominated by low, muffled tones. During the dialogue, they do not prefer to focus on individual words, do not raise their voices.

The Chinese, regardless of nationality, have an abundance of high tones and sonorous sounds in their pronunciation. Representatives of this nation usually speak quickly and reinforce their own speech with appropriate emotions, as well as active body movements.

Clothing style

The cardinal differences between the Chinese and the Japanese can be traced in the use of clothing in which they are shown in public. The style of the Japanese is more towards American and European. Most citizens of this country are different good taste. The Japanese prefer clothes from world famous brands over things that can be purchased on the regular market.

The Chinese have their own distinct style. Representatives of this nation absolutely do not feel embarrassed when they appear in public in home outfits. For example, a resident of the Celestial Empire can easily be found on the street, walking in an ordinary bathrobe.

Chinese men prefer comfortable and practical clothes. They have a habit of going out to people in tracksuits. In general, the style of the Chinese is not particularly pretentious and focuses on placing the right accents when shaping the image.

We often say: Eastern culture- but at the same time we ourselves are confused, we mean China or Japan. And by the way, they are different. I suggest you look at the material that will teach you to distinguish between these two countries once and for all.

Home and away

People don't take off their shoes in China
Unlike the Japanese and Koreans, the Chinese do not take off their shoes when they enter the house. But there are exceptions, so when entering the house, it is better to check.

Shoe off in Japan
In all homes, many hospitals, restaurants, and some offices, shoes must be removed. Therefore, socks should always be whole and clean. According to the rules of decency, shoes must be deployed with socks towards the exit. If you forget to do this or do not pay attention out of ignorance, then the owner or staff of the institution will do it for you. It is noteworthy that if you are going to visit the restroom, you will find special slippers for this.


People don't bow in China
Unlike the Japanese, the Chinese do not bow whenever they want to greet or say goodbye to someone. A Chinese can bow only in case of very great respect for a person, at a special ceremony or holiday. During the dynasties, if a guest came to the emperor, he had to make a deep bow and touch his head to the floor nine times. There were no other offerings.

In Japan they bow
Bowing is an integral part of Japanese life. They, without noticing it, bow even while talking on the phone. Bows are divided according to depth and duration: salutatory bow - 15 °, respectful - 30 °, bow of the highest respect - 45 ° and bow - touching the head to the floor.


In China - Confucianism / Taoism / Buddhism
Since the beginning of Chinese history, no one religion has been dominant and has not required unconditional adherence. One person could practice several religions at once.

In Japan, Shinto
The national religion of Japan is Shinto. The Japanese believe that everything around them is endowed with a deity and spirits, even stone. Shinto also believe in magic, totemism (worship of individual animals) and fetishism (belief in supernatural power amulets and talismans).

martial arts

In China - wushu and kungfu
Wushu (translated - " martial arts”) is a Chinese gymnastics that combines all types of martial arts. The word "kungfu", which is often also used to refer to martial arts, in China was called any kind of activity in which one can improve, from martial arts to singing and cooking. Actually, kung fu is work on oneself.

In Japan - sumo, judo, aikido, karate, jiu-jitsu
The art of killing, or the so-called bu-jutsu, - historical basis of all martial arts in Japan. All self-respecting samurai and ninja were trained in this. The main goal was to quickly and effectively neutralize the enemy. This is a fight in which there were no rules, because in battle all means are good. And to complete the battle - do not shake hands, but simply kill.


In China - Peking duck, dim sum, fried rice, century egg and turtle soup
We only know five flavors. A feature of Chinese cuisine is the presence of as many as eight: in addition to sweet, sour, spicy, bitter and salty, any Chinese will call you a fragrant taste (a properly cooked dish has a special aroma), fresh (similar to the taste of rice and bread) and golden (similar to the taste of kumquat). ).

In Japan - sushi, rolls and sashimi
The main delicacy of Japanese cuisine is raw fish dishes, the most popular of which are sushi and rolls. During the cooking process, the fish is not subjected to heat treatment to preserve its natural taste. Also in Japan they like it when a meal consists of many small dishes - so that you can appreciate the art of the cook and at the same time not overeat. IN classic version there were 15-20 small dishes on the table of a Japanese aristocrat.


Sitting on chairs in China
It is generally accepted that " oriental people» prefer low surfaces: mats, pillows, countertops, barely rising above them. However, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire prefer to sit on chairs, rather than kneeling on the floor, like the Japanese. The tradition came from the nobles, who wanted to be higher since the end of the 6th century: after all, the higher the person, the higher his status. Every Chinese dreamed of the day when he would sit on a chair. Gradually, they became a common part of the Chinese interior in families of different social circles.

In Japan they sit on their knees
Seiza ("sitting on your knees") in Japan is a whole science that can be learned. This position is an integral part of a number of traditional Japanese rituals, such as the tea ceremony, meditation, some martial arts, and calligraphy.


In China, qipao and hanfu
The traditional Chinese dress is called hanfu (clothes of the Han Dynasty, 3rd century BC). It is a set of clothes - from underwear to a robe with a belt. Hanfu was worn by both men and women. Pretentious and even luxurious, it showed all the splendor of the famous silk fabrics. After the Manchus seized power in the 17th century, traditional Chinese clothing was replaced by changshan for men and qipao (flag dress) for women. They lingered for three centuries until Mao had everyone dressed in uniform. However, now the wearing of national clothes in China is being revived. In general, Chinese costumes look brighter, fancier and more intricate than Japanese ones. Although it was Hanfu that served as the basis for the kimono.

In Japan, the kimono
Of course, today a kimono is not an everyday outfit, but a couple of suits hang in the closet of every resident of the Land of the Rising Sun in case of a holiday, wedding, graduation or other celebrations. Kimono highlights only the shoulders and waist, since the ideal beauty of the Japanese is "the less bulges and bumps, the more beautiful." The kimono is considered to be the national dress. mid-nineteenth century.


In China, acupuncture (acupuncture)
Acupuncturists believe that each organ has its own zone on the human body - the so-called meridian. For example, if your liver hurts, then acupuncture is performed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet or ears. There are about 700 points on our body, each of which has its own name and is located on its own meridian. By inserting needles into these points, specialists act on energy, eliminating pain in the corresponding organ.

In Japan, shiatsu (hand pressure)
Shiatsu was born only in the 40s of the 20th century, when the physician Tokujiro Namikoshi noticed how his mother, who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, presses on the sore spots, massages, rubs them and she feels better. He devoted himself to the study of this issue and developed a special method of treatment based on point pressure with the fingers - shiatsu, one of the types of manual therapy.


In China, a dragon
One of the main representatives Chinese culture- Collective character. They describe it through similarities: the head of a camel, the horns of a deer, the eyes of a demon, the neck of a snake, the scales of a carp, the claws of an eagle, the paws of a tiger and the ears of a cow. Unlike the European dragon, he is not exactly kind, but at least wise. The Chinese dragon is easy to distinguish from the dragons of other cultures: it has five toes. In total, nine types of dragons “live” in China: heavenly, spiritual, underground, treasure dragon, winged, dragon living in water, horned, yellow, who came from the Lo River in order to teach other creatures to write, and royal.

In Japan, sakura
Sakura - national symbol Japan. Traveling around the country, you may notice the image of cherry blossoms on the coat of arms of the police and the armed forces. The botanical name is small-serrated cherry. Every year, observing the beauty and fragility of cherry blossoms, the Japanese philosophize that beauty is not eternal.


Terracotta Army in China
Qin Shi Huang was the most cruel emperor of China. And yet very faithful. Even during his lifetime, he began to carefully prepare for the transition to the afterlife. On his behalf, they made and placed in a column 6000 clay warriors in human growth and in full armor, so that they guarded the rest of the emperor after death. The clay army has reached the descendants, and no matter how hard you try, you will not find even two identical ones here, because the faces were molded with real prototypes so that after death the souls of warriors would find refuge in the statues. The most amazing thing is that the terracotta army guards the empty tomb to this day, because the sarcophagus of Qin Shi Huang is still being searched all over China.

In Japan, samurai and ninja
The word "samurai" comes from the verb haberu, literally translated - "serve, support." Many people think that samurai are an elite class of warriors, but they were just bodyguards for their master and servants in Everyday life. Farmers, and only then warriors (who always walked around the field after the battle and cut off the heads of corpses in order to please the master with the number of enemies killed). A ninja is a scout, saboteur, spy, spy and assassin in medieval Japan. Ninja, unlike samurai, were not subject to the feudal system, so they had no chance career development, they always remained in the shadows. During the heyday of the ninja, which fell on the Middle Ages, there were about 70 clans in Japan. The profession was inherited: from father to son or daughter. Female ninja also existed, they were called kunoichi.

Dragon against sakura.

1. Home and away

People don't take off their shoes in China

Shoe off in Japan

2. Ceremonies

People don't bow in China

In Japan they bow

3. Religion

In Japan, Shinto

4. Martial arts

In China, wushu and kungfu

5. Food

6. Life

Sitting on chairs in China

In Japan they sit on their knees

7. Clothes

In China, qipao and hanfu

In Japan, the kimono

8. Medicine

9. Symbols

In China, the dragon

In Japan, sakura

10. Warriors

Terracotta Army in China

In Japan, samurai and ninja


Alina Zainabitdinova

26.09.2016 23:35

We often say: Eastern culture - but at the same time we ourselves get confused, we mean China or Japan. And by the way, they are different. Here is the material that will teach you to distinguish between these two countries once and for all.

1. Home and away

People don't take off their shoes in China

Unlike the Japanese and Koreans, the Chinese do not take off their shoes when they enter the house. But there are exceptions, so when entering the house, it is better to check.

Shoe off in Japan

In all homes, many hospitals, restaurants, and some offices, shoes must be removed. Therefore, socks should always be intact and clean. According to the rules of decency, shoes must be deployed with socks towards the exit. If you forget to do this or do not pay attention out of ignorance, then the owner or staff of the establishment will do it for you. It is noteworthy that if you are going to visit the restroom, you will find special slippers for this.

2. Ceremonies

People don't bow in China

Unlike the Japanese, the Chinese do not bow whenever they want to greet or say goodbye to someone. A Chinese can bow only in case of very great respect for a person, at a special ceremony or holiday. During the dynasties, if a guest came to the emperor, he had to make a deep bow and touch his head to the floor nine times. There were no other offerings.

In Japan they bow

Bowing is an integral part of Japanese life. They, without noticing it, bow even while talking on the phone. Bows are divided according to depth and duration: salutatory bow - 15 degrees, respectful bow - 30 degrees, bow of the highest respect - 45 degrees and bow - touching the head to the floor.

3. Religion

In China - Confucianism (Taoism, Buddhism)

Since the beginning of Chinese history, no one religion has been dominant and has not required unconditional adherence. One person could practice several religions at once.

In Japan, Shinto

The national religion of Japan is Shinto. The Japanese believe that everything around them is endowed with a deity and spirits, even stone. Shinto also believe in magic, totemism (worship of individual animals), and fetishism (belief in the supernatural power of amulets and talismans).

4. Martial arts

In China, wushu and kungfu

Wushu (translated as "martial arts") is a Chinese gymnastics that combines all types of martial arts. The word "kung fu", which is often also used to refer to martial arts, in China was called any kind of activity in which one can improve, from martial arts to singing and cooking. Actually, kung fu is work on yourself.

In Japan - sumo, judo, aikido, karate, jiu-jitsu

The art of killing, or the so-called bu-jutsu, is the historical basis of all martial arts in Japan. All self-respecting samurai and ninja were trained in this. The main goal was to quickly and effectively neutralize the enemy. This is a fight in which there were no rules, because in battle all means are good. And to complete the battle - do not shake hands, but simply kill.

5. Food

In China, Peking Duck, Dim Sum, Fried Rice, Centenary Egg, and Turtle Soup

We only know five flavors. A feature of Chinese cuisine is the presence of as many as eight: in addition to sweet, sour, spicy, bitter and salty, any Chinese will call you a fragrant taste (a properly cooked dish has a special aroma), fresh (similar to the taste of rice and bread) and golden (similar to the taste of kumquat). ).

In Japan - sushi, rolls and sashimi

The main delicacy of Japanese cuisine is raw fish dishes, the most popular of which are sushi and rolls. During the cooking process, the fish is not subjected to heat treatment to preserve its natural taste. Also in Japan they like it when a meal consists of many small dishes - so that you can appreciate the art of the cook and at the same time not overeat. In the classic version, there were 15-20 small dishes on the table of a Japanese aristocrat.

6. Life

Sitting on chairs in China

It is generally accepted that "oriental people" prefer low surfaces: mats, pillows, tabletops, barely rising above them. However, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire prefer to sit on chairs, rather than kneeling on the floor, like the Japanese. The tradition came from the nobles, who wanted to be higher since the end of the 6th century: after all, the higher the person, the higher his status. Every Chinese dreamed of the day when he would sit on a chair. Gradually, they became a common part of the Chinese interior in families of different social circles.

In Japan they sit on their knees

Seiza ("sitting on your knees") in Japan is a whole science that can be learned. This position is an integral part of a number of traditional Japanese rituals, such as the tea ceremony, meditation, some martial arts, and calligraphy.

7. Clothes

In China, qipao and hanfu

The traditional Chinese dress is called hanfu (clothes of the Han Dynasty, 3rd century BC). It is a set of clothes - from underwear to a robe with a belt. Hanfu was worn by both men and women. Pretentious and even luxurious, it showed all the splendor of the famous silk fabrics. After the Manchus seized power in the 17th century, traditional Chinese clothing was replaced by changshan for men and qipao (flag dress) for women. They lingered for three centuries until Mao had everyone dressed in uniform. However, now the wearing of national clothes in China is being revived. In general, Chinese costumes look brighter, fancier and more intricate than Japanese ones. Although it was Hanfu that served as the basis for the kimono.

In Japan, the kimono

Of course, today a kimono is not an everyday outfit, but a couple of suits hang in the closet of every resident of the Land of the Rising Sun in case of a holiday, wedding, graduation or other celebrations. The kimono highlights only the shoulders and waist, since the ideal beauty among the Japanese is "the less bulges and bumps, the more beautiful." The kimono has been considered the national dress since the middle of the 19th century.

8. Medicine

In China, acupuncture (acupuncture)

Acupuncturists believe that each organ has its own zone on the human body - the so-called meridian. For example, if your liver hurts, then acupuncture is performed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet or ears. There are about 700 points on our body, each of which has its own name and is located on its own meridian. By inserting needles into these points, specialists act on energy, eliminating pain in the corresponding organ.

In Japan, shiatsu (hand pressure)

Shiatsu was born only in the 40s of the 20th century, when the physician Tokujiro Namikoshi noticed how his mother, who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, presses on the sore spots, massages, rubs them and she feels better. He devoted himself to the study of this issue and developed a special method of treatment based on point pressure with the fingers - shiatsu, one of the types of manual therapy.

9. Symbols

In China, the dragon

One of the main representatives of Chinese culture is a collective character. They describe it through similarities: the head of a camel, the horns of a deer, the eyes of a demon, the neck of a snake, the scales of a carp, the claws of an eagle, the paws of a tiger and the ears of a cow. Unlike the European dragon, he is not exactly kind, but at least wise. The Chinese dragon is easy to distinguish from the dragons of other cultures: it has five toes. In total, nine types of dragons “live” in China: heavenly, spiritual, underground, treasure dragon, winged, dragon living in water, horned, yellow, who came from the Lo River in order to teach other creatures to write, and royal.

In Japan, sakura

Sakura is the national symbol of Japan. Traveling around the country, you may notice the image of cherry blossoms on the coat of arms of the police and the armed forces. The botanical name is small-serrated cherry. Every year, observing the beauty and fragility of cherry blossoms, the Japanese philosophize that beauty is not eternal.

10. Warriors

Terracotta Army in China

Qin Shi Huang was the most cruel emperor of China. And yet very faithful. Even during his lifetime, he began to carefully prepare for the transition to the afterlife. On his behalf, they made and placed in a column 6000 clay warriors in human growth and in full armor, so that they guarded the rest of the emperor after death. The clay army has reached the descendants, and no matter how hard you try, you will not find even two identical ones here, because the faces were molded from real prototypes so that after death the souls of the warriors would find refuge in the statues. The most amazing thing is that the terracotta army guards the empty tomb to this day, because the sarcophagus of Qin Shi Huang is still being searched all over China.

In Japan, samurai and ninja

The word "samurai" comes from the verb haberu, in literal translation - "to serve, to support." Many people think that samurai are an elite class of warriors, but they were just bodyguards for their master and servants in everyday life. Farmers, and only then warriors (who always walked around the field after the battle and cut off the heads of corpses in order to please the master with the number of enemies killed).

Ninja is a scout-saboteur, spy, spy and assassin in medieval Japan. Ninja, unlike samurai, were not subject to the feudal system, so they did not have a chance for career growth, they always remained in the shadows. During the heyday of the ninja, which fell on the Middle Ages, there were about 70 clans in Japan. The profession was inherited: from father to son or daughter. Female ninja also existed, they were called kunoichi.

Alina Zainabitdinova

For example, in the family of my old acquaintance from Harbin, a large floor clock broke down. The watchmaker does not have the parts needed for repair. But Fan lived in their yard - a master with golden hands, who kept a shop for repairing all sorts of things, from umbrellas and shoes, to gramophones and the most complex (at that time) electrical appliances.

He takes this spoiled detail, finds the necessary material for her, dear, pores over it without interruption for at least three days in a row, but he fixes the clock! In our words, the Chinese are a very smart people. The main thing is to clearly explain the problem and carefully check the result.

The same Russian from Harbin told me a story about how he managed to get out of a very delicate situation with the help of the Chinese "copymaker Fan", as he called the local craftsman. My narrator was then about fifteen years old. In the summer, his parents went to their friends' dacha on the opposite bank of the Songhua. And the lad Petya broke his grandmother's favorite vase, brought back from Russia! Moreover, it smashed not just into fragments - most of the vase crumbled almost into grains of sand. There was no way to glue it down. And in ten days, a rested grandmother and mother will return with a fresh tan, and father with a large and very strong leather belt! What to do?

The question "who is to blame" did not cause doubts - he is to blame. But our second eternal Russian question made my interlocutor come to Fang-Shi Fu, who five days later gave Petya almost the same old vase intact. How did he restore it, did he glue it together? No, he found a potter he knew, and he made him exactly the same vase in two days (including firing). It took three more days to paint.

The result - the parents did not notice anything, and Petya worked off his debt, helping to solve homework in mathematics for the son of master Fan.

Modern China demonstrates the use of the abilities of "Master Fang" on a countrywide scale! The industrious and savvy Chinese working class is doing modern equipment normal marketable products. Whether it is produced under license from a Western developer, or just “peeped” and “copied” is another question. The main thing is that a lot of goods are produced - different in price and quality, and for every taste.

How could a backward and almost entirely “opium-addicted” China just a hundred years ago be so transformed? I cannot answer you. This is the mystery of China! Although I'll venture to voice my version.

The Chinese nation had excellent potential for development! Here are a few "purely Chinese qualities", thanks to which China was able to implement the positive changes that the whole world is now seeing.

1. The Chinese have a very well developed visual memory. And it has always been, because remembering 2000 or 4000 hieroglyphs (these strange squiggles) - great work. And in ancient times, up to 6000 hieroglyphs were used in China.

2. Our neighbors have a very well developed auditory memory and articulation - the Chinese language is very tonal, and therefore difficult for us Europeans.

3. Diligence and striving for success. Work, work and work, push ahead and beside those walking, and go faster than them to their own, personal success.

4. Respect for the printed word, for the leadership of the country and his immediate superior. They have such a saying that works, and not just written in textbooks: "The people must be afraid of their Emperor, and the Emperor must be afraid of his People."

5. Absence of moral and ethical restrictions in doing business.

6. Family, clan. The help of the family is tangible everywhere - to arrange a job for a nephew, and to raise money for an apartment for a young family ...

7. Careful attitude to your health. Do not do anything that can harm your health. After all, how do we talk? “We live once - we have to try everything!”, And we rush into all serious sins. The Chinese also say: "We live once - why harm yourself!", And most of the temptations are rejected. They don’t have our recklessness, so there are much more old people on the street! And in their 75-85 their veterans still walk quite normally, they want to communicate, they enjoy life! In our country, dashing and reckless, most simply do not live up to such years.

8. There is another, most important, eighth quality that distinguishes the Chinese from the Russians - this is caution in everything! Favorite Northern Chinese proverb: "Mang Zou" (go slowly).

Here are what I think are the main Chinese qualities who helped them build Great China”and which it would not be a sin for us to adopt from our neighbors.

How to distinguish a unique iPhone from a fake?

In our time, virtually every day on the market there are an unlimited number of different new products in the mobile industry. Each manufacturer tries to amaze customers with the functionality and technical features of their own phones. But no matter what the developers of the originals come up with, engineers from China can easily create the smallest phone, and why not, because they can fake everything.

New! iPhone 7 - an exact Chinese copy on a quad-core MTK6582 processor

The complexity of the design or the popularity of the brand, under no circumstances will prevent you from making a copy of it. Have you ever paid attention to the number of clones of such recognizable phone manufacturers as: Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, and if you take Apple products with their well-known Iphone, then here the Chinese iPhones simply outshone themselves. Theirs is just a sea, not even an ocean!

A low price and a good resemblance to the original, which is virtually unrealistic to see with the naked eye from time to time, makes an iPhone clone good product For mass implementation, you see, not everyone can afford to buy an expensive phone. But if you are already going to get a real product from Apple for yourself, then here you need to be as careful as possible, not everything is an Iphone that has an apple logo. When buying this device from your hands or from some suspicious merchant, you need to painstakingly look at the phone for build quality, and it’s even better to take the original with you, or, in the last case, use the help the most experienced person and check the phone for authenticity. The cost of fakes is very small, but cunning retailers can easily fool your head and realize the magic of Chinese thought at exorbitant prices.

Methods distinguish Chinese iPhone from the original:

1. The very first thing you need to pay attention to is the box, it must certainly be sealed in a transparent film. But if it has already been opened, then carefully inspect the devices, even if the phone is 100% original, it is possible that the high-quality equipment was changed to a cheap copy of it. Check the data written on the box with the data in the phone.

2. Examine the stickers on the box, they should be charmingly glued evenly, not upside down and not crooked, in fakes, the opposite is often observed.

3. The original charger has a weight of about 55-60 grams, it also has the inscription FLEXTRONIX (manufacturer) or FOXLINK. The Chinese fake weighs almost 2 times less and is almost always marked with hieroglyphs.

4. On the Data cable (USB), there should be no fasteners at all, especially on the side of connecting to the phone.

5. In most models, copies have a small screen size, in any case, smaller than the original (3.5 inches), this is the first thing that catches your eye when examining the device.

6. With headphones, things are a little more difficult. Here you need to know how the true ones sound, the sound is obviously better and more pleasant.

7. How else to really distinguish a Chinese iPhone by external signs. Carefully look through all the available apple logos, the Chinese often make an obvious mistake, the apple is bitten off from the other side.

8. The docking station, or, as it is often called, the cradle has a weight of about 80 grams. It has built-in two recording channels, has a grayish rubber coating on the bottom to prevent slipping, and is engraved with "Designed by Apple in California Assembled in China" and an apple logo. Usually, a docking station from China does not have the ability to output sound and it is slightly lighter than the original. And most importantly, the inscription is smooth to the touch, which means that it is simply applied to the surface, and should be squeezed out, although in some cases the creators of copies do not burden themselves and simply do not apply it.

9. For fakes, in order to remove the battery or change the SIM card, it’s enough just to remove the back cover, for a real iPhone, the case has a solid shape, and in order to remove the battery, you need to whole line dismantling procedures.

The original has a special tray for a SIM card, which comes out when pressed into the hole using the included key, you can also use a paper clip, etc.

10. And finally, the most important thing: to distinguish a unique iPhone from a Chinese fake, you need to check the operating system. In a real iPhone, there is a Macintosh (iOS), but copies cannot be shaken by this by any means, usually various wonders of Chinese thought are poured into them, which are terribly slow and believe me, you will immediately notice it.

Turn on the webcam on the laptop.

We increase the RAM of the computer.

Wifi does not work on the phone, how to solve the problem?


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