Stoloto ticket 6 out of 45. Gosloto forecasting secrets: number selection

Getting a circulation table for any Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw on the Lotopobeda lottery portal is as easy as checking a ticket. Just enter the number of the circulation you are interested in in the form on this page and click the "Get the circulation table" button. Under the form, the result will immediately be displayed - the numbers of balls drawn in this draw.

Why might Gosloto 6 out of 45 circulation tables be needed? They can be useful in different situations. For example, in this way experienced players can check the ticket - just compare the winning combination of the draw with the combination in your ticket and determine the number of matched numbers. If there are two or more than two, the ticket won. Also, draw tables are useful if you collect statistics on numbers falling out to determine which numbers fall out more often and which ones less often, and by how much.

What data is contained in circulation tables

You no longer need to look through multiple pages of results, all the results are collected in the same place. All information about the draws comes directly from the Stoloto lottery company, so the draw tables do not contain errors. If you are busy developing your own game system in Gosloto 6 out of 45 (based on the most frequently drawn numbers or, conversely, on the most rarely drawn numbers, it doesn’t matter), a function such as receiving draw tables will surely make your job easier.

For those who regularly play Gosloto lotteries 6 out of 45, 5 out of 36, 4 out of 20 or 7 out of 49, it is probably very important to learn how to win at Gosloto. I guess you had to, you saw happy faces winners and thought at the same time: “Some know how not only to play, but to win!” What helps people win, what should be the mood, the set of circumstances? What is needed to win: mathematical calculation or banal luck?

In this article, you will learn how to find best combinations, what are the secrets of how to use the winning number generator system.

Gosloto 6 out of 45, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 7 out of 49

How to combine numbers, what techniques and knowledge you need to apply in order to predict big win. Of course, small amounts do not count, they can be won quite easily. But when the Jackpot is at stake, or a car, a fancy apartment or large sum money, then the desire to take part in the Gosloto lottery and receive a prize increases many times over.

Four variants of Gosloto attract the attention of those who have not lost faith in their luck, for those who want to take risks in order to get a lot at once. Also, the lottery is a great way to have fun, so why not challenge yourself? The 6 out of 45 lottery is considered the most popular because it can be played twice a day at 11 am and 11 pm. You can follow the game in live on the official website of Gosloto. The prize fund here is one of the highest in the country.

On the Internet you will find a lot of information on how to win the Gosloto lottery, how to tune in, how to choose the right combination of numbers. But for you to be really lucky, you need to know a few rules that will help you. We conducted a survey among those who have already won, they shared their emotions and talked about what tricks helped them get large sums money.

Secrets of how to win Gosloto Jackpot 6 out of 45

Here are the reviews of the survey participants who know better than anyone what really helped them, how to attract good luck and not just play, but win.

Learn how to not just play, but win. Here you will find tips from Gosloto winners:

  • Do not share your inner feelings with anyone. Luck does not like discussion. You will only dissipate the positive energy that you need, on the contrary, to accumulate in yourself. It is best not to even tell anyone that you have bought a ticket. Tell me later if you win. Well, if you are not lucky, then you will be less upset and will not see mocking looks that block your subconscious and will not allow you to tune in to win next time;
  • check frequently falling numbers that are published on the site Here are selected numbers that win more often than others. This is very helpful information which will help you win;

  • Don't focus on the first few. Many choose the numbers that are contained in their dates of birth. And these are usually numbers from 1 to 31. Compare even with the statistics given above: the number 44, 43, 38 falls out most often. That is, if you bypass these numbers only because you were born on the 31st, then luck will bypass side of you;
  • It is very important to treat the lottery like a game. This is the advice of almost all survey participants. If you worry, worry, get upset about losing, then nothing will come of it. Good luck loves the merry and comes to those who take losses lightly;
  • Don't waste your last money on a ticket. You should not depend on winning and risk everything you have. Remember the saying: “Money goes to money.” So, in the case of winning, this principle works 100%. You should have enough money in your pocket or purse that will allow you to remain joyful and calm in case of failure. Money should attract winnings, because the one who has them will be able to properly dispose of them;

  • The energy of money, though not noticeable, but it definitely exists. Just as we cannot see an electric current, but no one denies that it exists. Money does not like those who are afraid of it, who speak negatively about it, who use such phrases as: “Money is evil”, “Money ruins everything”, “All problems are because of money”, etc. Repeating this , you thereby convince your subconscious of this and repel luck. Work on your thoughts in this direction;

  • play regularly, allocating some of the budget for lottery tickets. One or two times won't help you win. Do not be upset by losses, because each new loss brings you closer to a really significant win. According to statistics, those who play only a few times in their lives rarely win;
  • plan what you spend your money on. They come to those who know how to dispose of them. Visualize winning, visualize money coming into your life, filling your pockets, visualize yourself happy in the midst of an abundance of money.

Gosloto 5 of 36 winning number generator system

To win 5 out of 36 in Gosloto, you can use all the previous tips. But there are a few more techniques that are used by people who know how to use their intuition. Have you ever been surprised that some things you can foresee in advance? Have you managed to avoid trouble at least once in your life by receiving a certain sign? The ability to recognize these signs is the key to making friends with your subconscious and using intuitive prompts. Continue to develop this gift to win the lotteries and receive bonuses from life.

Many who have already won say that on the eve of buying a lottery ticket they try to meditate, imagine a winning field, read the numbers that appear in the mind in the form of clues. This can be done before going to bed or just plunging into yourself.

Look at the archives of Gosloto draws for 2017 and 2018, conduct an analysis, trying to understand how the numbers are located, which combinations of numbers win most often.

Here are the stats for latest draws Gosloto in 2018:

Please note that in most cases the winning numbers are those that are not in a row. Out of each ten, one or two digits occur. Try to find some pattern that can be traced in combinations of numbers.

And a few more tips:

  • never choose only even or only odd numbers. Try to combine them with each other.
  • Distribute the numbers evenly across the field of the lottery ticket. Very rarely they are located in only one part.
  • Buy multiple tickets at once to increase your chances of winning.

And remember: only those who believe in luck are lucky! First you need to believe that you can very well become the owner of a large cash prize and then buy a Gosloto ticket!

History of the Gosloto Lottery 6 of 45

The history of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery began in November 2008. In the very first year of its existence, Gosloto 6 out of 45 set a record that none of them could then break. Russian lotteries for for long years. Albert Begrakyan won over 100 million rubles!!! In just the first year of its existence, this lottery gave the country more than 12 millionaires.

Despite such a number of prizes, the hundred millionth record was broken only in 2014. then Valery from Omsk won 6 out of 45 more than 184 million rubles in Gosloto. Oddly enough, this record of lottery generosity did not last long and was broken in the same 2014. Michael from Nizhny Novgorod won 6 out of 45,202,441,116 rubles in Gosloto and still remains the absolute record holder in terms of winnings.

The super prize of this lottery increases from circulation to circulation and reaches tens of millions of rubles. The number of millionaires in Russia increased by 67 thanks to this lottery.

The procedure for drawing the lottery "Gosloto 6 out of 45"

How much does it cost to place a bet in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery modern equipment from the Greek company Intralot. This company supplies equipment all over the world and has long won good reputation in countries such as: Australia, Spain, USA, etc.

Thanks to this equipment, the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery is carried out in real time. This means that information about each ticket is instantly entered into the database. Everything is stored there from the cost and place of sale of the ticket, to the number of bets made and combinations. As a result, after the drawing, you can instantly determine the number of winning tickets and the amount of winnings in each category.

How to play Gosloto 6 out of 45?

One receipt of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery can take part in several draws at once. At the bottom of the coupon, you can mark the desired number of runs (but not more than 9).
You can play in all six playing fields of the coupon: A, B, C, D, E, E.
The bet consists of 6 (or more) non-recurring numbers from 1 to 45.

There are several ways to play Gosloto 6 out of 45:

You can place a standard bet by marking only 6 numbers in the coupon field.
Also in this lottery you can make a detailed bet and mark more than 6 (but not more than 19) numbers in one playing field.
If you are betting on a lottery site, you can choose automatic bid and the computer itself will choose the numbers on which the bet will be placed.

When do they stop accepting bets?

Bets are accepted until the end of sales - daily until 10:40 and 22:40 Moscow time. If the bet was made after this time, then it is automatically transferred to next draw.
Half of the funds received from the bets made go to the formation of the prize fund of the game.

How are the draws of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery

You can play Gosloto 6 out of 45 every day! Draws are held twice a day at 11:001 and 23:00 Moscow time. lucky numbers determined using a random number generator.

The prize fund of the Gosloto 56 out of 45 lottery is distributed depending on the numbers drawn. Win bets in which the player managed to guess from 2 to 6 numbers of the dropped combination. for 2 guessed numbers you get 50 rubles. First of all, winnings for 2 guessed numbers are distributed. then prize fund distributed according to the following formula:

The amount of winnings for 6 guessed numbers is determined after the winnings for 2, 3, 4 and 5 guessed numbers are distributed.
The super prize for 6 guessed numbers constantly accumulates and cannot be less than 150,000 rubles. If in this draw no one managed to guess the coveted 6 numbers, then the accumulated winnings go to the next draw. This is how the huge winnings of the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery are formed.

How to find out the result of the draw and check the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket

you can see the results of the draw on our website or check your ticket by calling +7 499 27-027-27.
How to get a lottery win?

To receive your winnings, you need to contact the lottery representative along with winning ticket and passport.
When buying a ticket, you can specify the amount of winnings paid out at that particular point of sale of lottery tickets.
After 6 months from the date of the draw, you can receive the winnings only at the central office of the lottery.
winnings over 1 million rubles are paid only by bank transfer.
The winner of this lottery will be required to pay a 13% tax on their winnings.

The drawings are held in a room with transparent glass walls, in which five lottery drums and six surveillance cameras are installed (one camera above each lottery drum and one general view camera).
Each lottery drum is equipped with an autonomous security system Solution, which eliminates the possibility of external interference in the drawing process and ensures the randomness of the balls falling out in real time.

The room in which the lototrons are located. Access to it by unauthorized persons is prohibited. Everything that happens can be observed through the glass wall.

Between the reception desk and the area for participants of the lottery there are two screens that show the current drawings fast lotteries and announcements of accumulated super prizes.

This is how the entrance to the Stoloto lottery center looks like from Volgogradsky Prospekt. In the evening, the inscription is illuminated and clearly visible from the road.

All lottery drums are automatically recharged live.

Four lotteries are drawn on special lottery drums: for Gosloto 4 out of 20, Gosloto 5 out of 36 and Sportloto Matchball, this is a lottery drum with two spheres, for Zodiac - with four spheres.

One of the lottery drums is used to draw two lotteries at once (Sportloto Matchball, Gosloto 4 out of 20).

Balls for lottery drums are carefully controlled and certified by the manufacturer. Their characteristics make it possible to observe the principle of randomness when determining the winning combination: the structure of the material from which the balls are made must be homogeneous, the weight must not differ by more than 0.3 g, and the shape must be close to an ideal sphere.


All lottery drums on which the drawings of the All-Russian state lotteries V lottery center, produced by the world famous company Smartplay International.
Smartplay International has been operating in the lottery market for over 20 years. Its equipment is used by about 200 companies in 85 countries around the world. Especially for the Russian project, self-charging lottery drums were developed.

"Standards and Qualifications" - a document confirming the compliance of Smartplay products with ISO standards, its membership in the World Lottery Association and The North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries.

"Standards and Qualifications" - a document confirming the compliance of Smartplay products with ISO standards, its membership in the World Lottery Association and The North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries.

ISO 9001:2008 is a certificate from ISO, an independent non-governmental international organization for standardization, confirming high quality Smartplay products.

Certificate of Randomness - a manufacturer's certificate that guarantees that the equipment and balls produced by him meet the requirements of randomness when conducting lotteries.

Certification of Membership in Good Standing is a certificate confirming the impeccable reputation of Smartplay and its membership in the World Lottery Association.

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for drawing the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the first sphere of the lottery machine).

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for drawing the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the second sphere of the lottery machine).

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for drawing the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the first sphere of the lottery machine).

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for drawing the Gosloto "5 out of 36" lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the second sphere of the lottery machine).

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for drawing the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards.

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for drawings of the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards.

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for lottery draws "6 out of 36", confirming their compliance with the necessary standards.

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the Sportloto Matchball lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the first sphere of the lottery machine).

Check ticket


Dear fans of the game in gosloto 6 out of 45, let me bring to your attention alternative ways checking lottery tickets. How do you know to check gosloto ticket 6 out of 45, you need to go to a kiosk that sells lottery tickets, or buy a certain press or watch a TV show broadcast on TV. All these methods are not very convenient and time consuming.
Thanks to our site, you can check online gosloto tickets 6 out of 45 online using more acceptable methods that require you to spend the very minimum of your time. It is also worth adding that all these services are available for free without registration.

How can I check Gosloto 6 out of 45 tickets?

There are several ways to check the tickets you have purchased on our portal. Thus, everyone will have the opportunity to choose the most convenient option for themselves. You can check your gosloto tickets 6 out of 45:

  • By ticket number;
  • By combination of numbers;
  • In the circulation table;
  • Watching TV shows online.

Most fast way- this is the first. You are required to enter the ticket number into the window, and in a second you will know if you managed to win.
Checking a ticket by number is quite convenient, but for those who are interested in knowing the details, it is better to use the second option. When choosing the 2nd method in a special field, you need to find a combination of the numbers indicated on your ticket and start the check.
The third type of verification contains even more detailed information. Players in lottery gosloto 6 out of 45 can choose the circulation using a special table to check the ticket. The circulation table contains information about winning combinations, the number of winners, as well as the amount of winnings.
The fourth method is suitable for people who, due to circumstances, do not have time to watch the broadcast of their favorite TV show of State Loto draws 6 out of 45. In addition, online viewing It is also convenient because at any time it is possible to pause or re-view a certain fragment.

As you can see, Gosloto 6 out of 45 is easy not only to play, but also to check tickets. To do this, you just need to make a couple of mouse clicks, you can also. Thanks to our site, you can instantly get the information you are interested in, and completely free of charge.