The motto for the detachment is Russian woman. Squad name and motto

Raspberry Day

Thematic day, it is not clear why it is called so. Cool! During the day, the rules of the game change every hour, every new hour becomes the hour of something. What exactly? Here is one option:

§ 8.00-9.00 sports hour

§ 9.00-10.00 bow hour

§ 10.00-11.00 singing hour

§ 11.00-12.00 pantomime hour

§ 12.00-13.00 gossip hour

§ 13.00-14.00 top-to-bottom

§ 14.00-15.00 silence hour

§ 15.00-16.00 rest time

§ 16.00-17.00 vice versa

§ 17.00-18.00 jumping hour

§ 18.00-19.00 courtesy hour

§ 19.00-20.00 hour of compliments

§ 20.00-21.00 hours of declarations of love

§ 21.00-22.00 kissing hour

§ 22.00-8.00 hours of dreams

The trick is that ordinary (any) squad events are held during the day, but with the implementation of the rules set by the hour. Be sure to participate as much as possible more people: in addition to all the children, all counselors, physical education teachers, circle leaders, in general, everyone who can be attracted. Active support of the game by adults is the key to success (however, as always). The schedule of hours is posted wherever possible: in the dining room, in detachments, etc. It would be nice to report changes on the speakerphone and somehow punish violators of the rules. It’s very cool when the whole camp comes to the line with bows, then everyone doesn’t talk, but sing or explain with gestures, gossip, everyone comes together for dinner in clothes inside out, dress up as boys-girls, move only by jumping, say courtesy to each other, compliments , confess their love and kiss. For counselors, the day of Malinnik continues with an hour of fighting off detachments, an hour of debriefing at a planning meeting, an hour of fun, watching a movie, etc.

I offer you a small selection of possible names:

Squad: Worms

Motto: Break off all the hooks - we are cool worms!

Team: Gryffindors

Motto: Courage, valor, beauty - Here it is our motto. A bunch of adventures are waiting for us, Have fun with us.

Squad: Orange

Motto: We are all slices of an orange. We are friendly and indivisible.

Squad: Bulb

Motto: We don't care

Order: Squirrels

Motto: And our motto is this - Do not let enemies into the hollow!

Squad: The night Watch

Motto: The night watch will always save, We will defeat any enemy!

Squad: 220 Volts

Motto: We can't live without movement, We are always energized, We will kindle your spark, We will recharge everyone around.

Troop: Night Runners

Motto: We are Runners in the Night, if you see, then be silent.

Squad: Champions

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will be successful faster. If another detachment is ahead, we will tell him - Wait a minute!

Squad: Freaks

Motto: In Java we are in a dream. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Eccentric luck awaits!

Order: Penguins

Motto: We penguins are just class, win, try us

Squad: Chicken Coop

Motto: Roosters and hens - different figures

Squad: Turtles

Squad: Lunatics

Motto: We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

Squad: Firefly

Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere - goodness everywhere.

Squad: Ducklings

Motto: Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't scream in vain.

Squad: Kapitoshka

Motto: Rain drops on the roads, but we are not bored at all. We play and sing, we live very cheerfully.

Order: Dandelion

Motto: Stick together so you don't get blown away.

Squad: Rainbow

Motto: We, like rainbows of color, are never apart.

Squad: Bell

Motto: We ring, we ring all day, but we are not too lazy to call.

Squad: Robinson

Motto: We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

Squad: Iskrata

Motto: We are funny guys, because we are sparkling!

Order: Dolphin

Motto: Dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Chip and Dale to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

Squad: Vitamin

Motto: Vitamin is strength, it is vitality, it is life.

Squad: Restless

Motto: Boredom, laziness out of mind - our Restless squad.

Squad: Prometheus

Motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

Squad: Scarlet Sails

Motto: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes, and miracles.

Squad: UFO

Motto: Fly through all the galaxies, do not leave friends in trouble.

Squad: Abana

Motto: We are not punks, not punks, we are Aban's guys.

Squad: Crew

Motto: There is no crew better than us in the camp now!

Squad: Major League

Motto: And our motto is - more action, less words!

Squad: Crossword

Motto: If you want to know us, then try to guess!

Squad: Boomerang

Motto: Launched by a faithful hand.

Squad: Family

Motto: We are a simple class family - everyone in our family is atas!

Troop: Fortune Hunters

Motto: We always need luck, only this way, and not otherwise!

Squad: Both!

Motto: "Both-on!" is a miracle, "Oba-na!" - this is a class, we do not live badly at all, you will miss us.

Order: Barkhan

Motto: We are the movement.

Squad: RMID

Motto: The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth.

Squad: Merchants

Motto: We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of man is in our hands.

Squad: BEMS

Motto: Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

Squad: Spark

Motto: A spark will ignite a flame!

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and kindle others.

Squad: Leader

Motto: If to be, then to be the best!

Squad: We

Motto: When we are united, we are invincible!

Squad: Style

Motto: Choose your style

Squad: Sprite

Motto: Don't let yourself dry up!

Squad: New generation

Motto: If you are not satisfied - object, if you object - offer, offer - do it, take up the matter boldly!

Squad: Philips

Motto: Let's change ourselves for the better.

Squad: Women's battalion

Motto: Our men are men to all men.

Squad: Maximum

Motto: One hundred percent good behavior.

Squad: UN

Motto: Special Purpose Detachment.

Squad: Big Hi!

Motto: We have no problems, guys - we are the "Big Hi!

Order: Amazons and Rabbits
Motto: We have balls for rollers, we are Amazons and rabbits!
Squad: Tide

Motto: Dirt is power, dirt is class, let's take this power and flush it down the toilet!

Squad: Tornado

Motto: Don't run into us, Because we are a tornado!

Squad: Pirates caribbean
Motto: We, pirates, well done - smart, athletic! Jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Squad: Dynamite

Motto: If our camp rumbles, Dynamite did it!

Squad: Tourists
Motto: We stopped by for an hour ...

Motto: If you come to our detachment, you won’t leave without a black eye!

Squad: Forum

Motto: We live on the forum, we sing songs together!

Order: Brigantine

Motto: No boredom, no mud on board the brigantine!

Order: Pins

Motto: Despite all the punctures - our life is full of jokes!

Squad: Smile

Motto: Our motto is just three words - smiling is cool!

Squad: Forest Brotherhood

Motto: We are a cheerful brotherhood - camp "Balchug", building two!

Squad: Constellation

Motto: The stars shine in the sky, In our small country, The stars send us their greetings, Give us warmth and light. We bring joy to people, We sing songs cheerfully!

Squad: Markers of yellow nationality
Motto: The taste and color of felt-tip pens are different!

Squad: Diabetes

Motto: We don't smoke, we don't drink - we love sweets!

Squad: Harem

Motto: We are many, but he is one. How did it happen? Our squad is invincible! It turned out cool! (The last phrase was spoken by the counselor guy)

Squad: Restless

Motto: In a clear sky thunder struck, It's us - Restless! To fix our pranks... The riot police will not help either!

Squad name:220 volt
We can't move without moving
We are always energized
Let's quickly ignite the spark
Let's recharge everyone around.
If you need to do something!
We turn on 220!

Squad name: Keds
For those in sneakers, age is not a hindrance,
Sneakers, sneakers are the key to success!

At least in one we will be sneakers,
All the same, we will come to victory.

Even if there is a hole in the sneaker,
We are still running to win!

Squad Name: Lightning
We are fast as lightning
Used to win
And this time we'll try
Replay all of you!

Order name: Veniki
Eneki, Beniki,
Everyone will be beaten by brooms!

Squad Name: Athletes
We come to win
We're going to practice.
Do you want to get ahead of us -
Don't chase us!

Squad Name: Dynamite
We are great athletes
We are explosive
Who will win today?
Well, of course DYNAMITE!

Squad name: Extreme
We guys are extreme
One victory is not enough for us!
Both on land and in water
We will be the first everywhere !

Squad name: Pirates.
We, pirates, well done - smart, athletic!
Jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Team name: Rescuers
Our motto is four words:
Drown yourself - save another!

Squad Name: Sailors
We are not afraid of storms, storms.
We are heroes by nature.

Squad Name: Danceland
Our dancing is a sport
And the sport healthy mind and body
Let's all dance without worries
Let's go through life boldly.

Squad Name: Samurai
Uki-muki, zyaki-zyaki, murakami and miyaki,
Yamamoto and kinzo, we are in the "good" squad.
We live do not lose heart
Because we follow the code of honor of the samurai.

Squad Name: Musketeers
Know the enemy is our flag,
Clash of swords, honor!
Any Musketeers?

Order name: Kipish
Hey dude, are you listening?
- We are a team - KIPISH!

Squad Name: Assets
Active at night, active during the day
Active always, everywhere and in everything!

Squad name: BEMS

Team Name: New Age Youth
We are the youth of the new age
Always and everywhere we will succeed!
We flew from an ordinary planet,
There is nothing supernatural in us,
But we will be the best, we will win,
We will never forget everyone who helped with this!

Squad Name: Nonstop
No matter what happens -
NonStop always goes ahead!

Squad Name: Adrenaline
We are the ADRENALINE squad
We will win everyone in the world.
We will never give in
We will always be the first!

Squad Name: Brave
We are brave guys
We stand up for ourselves.
We all know, we all see
We will protect the weak too!

Order name: Elephants
Elephants are the strongest!
Elephants are the most powerful!
"Elephants" all obstacles
Will overcome!

Squad Name: Fly
We are a flying team
It's always fun with us!
We are cool guys
We never get bored!
Get the machine gun
A detachment of Ulyo-o-o-o-t is coming to you !!!

Squad Name: Black Hearts
We are the Black Hearts team
Though our hearts are black
But the spirit in them is fighting,
We will fight back any team!

Squad name: Red Bull
We fly above the sky
We are Red Bull and we are victory!
You guys are afraid of us
Our team is stronger than you!

Squad Name: Major League
Squad - Major League!
And our motto is
More action, less words!

Squad Name: Stalker
Obstacles along the way are not a hindrance to us -
Always and everywhere we will succeed!

Squad name: Dolphin
The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: SHOCK
Shock! Hooray! We will always be the first!
We have a hit
We have a throw
We will grind everyone to powder!

Squad: Sailors
We are a mountain for each other
This is our maritime custom.
Greet every morning with a smile
If a friend is in trouble - help out!

I offer you a small selection of possible names:

Squad: Worms

Motto: Break off all the hooks - we are cool worms!

Team: Gryffindors

Motto: Courage, valor, beauty - Here it is our motto. A bunch of adventures are waiting for us, Have fun with us.

Squad: Orange

Motto: We are all slices of an orange. We are friendly and indivisible.

Squad: Bulb

Motto: We don't care

Order: Squirrels

Motto: And our motto is this - Do not let enemies into the hollow!

Squad: Night's Watch

Motto: The night watch will always save, We will defeat any enemy!

Squad: 220 Volts

Motto: We can't live without movement, We are always energized, We will kindle your spark, We will recharge everyone around.

Troop: Night Runners

Motto: We are Runners in the Night, if you see, then be silent.

Squad: Champions

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter! This way we will be successful faster. If another detachment is ahead, we will tell him - Wait a minute!

Squad: Freaks

Motto: In Java we are in a dream. We are on land and in water. We are always moving forward. Eccentric luck awaits!

Order: Penguins

Motto: We penguins are just class, win, try us

Squad: Chicken Coop

Motto: Roosters and hens - different figures

Squad: Turtles

Squad: Lunatics

Motto: We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

Squad: Firefly

Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere, goodness everywhere.

Squad: Ducklings

Motto: Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't scream in vain.

Squad: Kapitoshka

Motto: Rain drops on the roads, but we are not bored at all. We play and sing, we live very cheerfully.

Order: Dandelion

Motto: Stick together so you don't get blown away.

Squad: Rainbow

Motto: We, like rainbows of color, are never apart.

Squad: Bell

Motto: We ring, we ring all day, but we are not too lazy to call.

Squad: Robinson

Motto: We don't need nannies. We are islanders.

Squad: Iskrata

Motto: We are funny guys, because we are sparkling!

Order: Dolphin

Motto: Dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Chip and Dale to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

Squad: Vitamin

Motto: Vitamin is strength, it is vitality, it is life.

Squad: Restless

Motto: Boredom, laziness out of mind - our Restless squad.

Squad: Prometheus

Motto: Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

Squad: Scarlet Sails

Motto: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes, and miracles.

Squad: UFO

Motto: Fly through all the galaxies, do not leave friends in trouble.

Squad: Abana

Motto: We are not punks, not punks, we are Aban's guys.

Squad: Crew

Motto: There is no crew better than us in the camp now!

Squad: Major League

Motto: And our motto is - more action, less words!

Squad: Crossword

Motto: If you want to know us, then try to guess!

Squad: Boomerang

Motto: Launched by a faithful hand.

Squad: Family

Motto: We are a simple class family - everyone in our family is atas!

Troop: Fortune Hunters

Motto: We always need luck, only this way, and not otherwise!

Squad: Both!

Motto: "Both-on!" is a miracle, "Oba-na!" - this is a class, we do not live badly at all, you will miss us.

Order: Barkhan

Motto: We are the movement.

Squad: RMID

Motto: The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth.

Squad: Merchants

Motto: We are businessmen of the market, the fate of man is in our hands.

Squad: BEMS

Motto: Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

Squad: Spark

Motto: A spark will ignite a flame!

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and kindle others.

Squad: Leader

Motto: If to be, then to be the best!

Squad: We

Motto: When we are united, we are invincible!

Squad: Style

Motto: Choose your style

Squad: Sprite

Motto: Don't let yourself dry up!

Squad: New generation

Motto: If you are not satisfied - object, if you object - offer, you offer - do it, get down to business boldly!

Squad: Philips

Motto: Let's change ourselves for the better.

Detachment: Women's Battalion

Motto: Our men are men to all men.

Squad: Maximum

Motto: One hundred percent good behavior.

Squad: UN

Motto: Special Purpose Detachment.

Squad: Big Hi!

Motto: We have no problems, guys - we are the "Big Hi!

Order: Amazons and Rabbits
Motto: We have balls for rollers, we are Amazons and rabbits!
Squad: Tide

Motto: Dirt is power, dirt is class, let's take this power and flush it down the toilet!

Squad: Tornado

Motto: Don't run into us, Because we are a tornado!

Squad: Pirates of the Caribbean
Motto: We, pirates, well done - smart, athletic! Jack of all trades and, of course, strong!

Squad: Dynamite

Motto: If our camp rumbles, Dynamite did it!

Squad: Tourists
Motto: We stopped by for an hour ...

Motto: If you come to our detachment, you won’t leave without a black eye!

Squad: Forum

Motto: We live on the forum, we sing songs together!

Order: Brigantine

Motto: No boredom, no mud on board the brigantine!

Order: Pins

Motto: Despite all the punctures - our life is full of jokes!

Squad: Smile

Motto: Our motto is just three words - smiling is cool!

Squad: Forest Brotherhood

Motto: We are a cheerful brotherhood - camp "Balchug", building two!

Squad: Constellation

Motto: The stars shine in the sky, In our small country, The stars send us their greetings, Give us warmth and light. We bring joy to people, We sing songs cheerfully!

Squad: Markers of yellow nationality
Motto: The taste and color of felt-tip pens are different!

Squad: Diabetes

Motto: We don't smoke, we don't drink - we love sweets!

Squad: Harem

Motto: We are many, but he is one. How did it happen? Our squad is invincible! It turned out cool! (The last phrase was spoken by the counselor guy)

Squad: Restless

Motto: In a clear sky thunder struck, It's us - Restless! To fix our pranks... The riot police will not help either!

It is better to come up with the name of the squad together with the children. But before the discussion begins, the leader should have one or more of his own versions of the name, which children should not immediately name. One of the criteria may be the theme of the change. If, in the opinion of the counselor, his own version is the most successful, then we must try to make the children offer it themselves. That is, direct the discussion to right direction until the end result is reached. Children will be in more be proud of the name of the detachment, if they come up with it themselves.

The name of the detachment and the motto should: correspond to the age of the children, be meaningful, be easy to pronounce.

It also strongly depends on the age of the children: you can’t discuss it with the younger ones for a long time, so you can start a discussion, and after 5–7 minutes offer a couple of your options, as a rule, the kids cling to them. And the feeling that they came up with it together will remain. When choosing a team name and motto, they can give many suggestions, but they themselves do not like anything. The counselor can write all the suggestions on a piece of paper and even include his own option in this list and choose the most suitable one from the list in such a way that the children feel that this is their choice. You can then praise the squad for this interesting name and rehearse the motto. The main thing is that the name should be bright, it catches better. Under the name of the detachment, you can come up with a legend. A legend is a kind of story that describes the origin of the unit's name. The legend may not be very logical (even well, the more incomprehensibility - the more intriguing), but it must be exciting. The legend must have a purpose, for example, to prove its friendliness, gaiety, show knowledge, etc. To do this, during the entire shift, the detachment goes through some tests and at the end achieves the task, well, ... in general, all the good fellows. Under the legend, you can come up with a ritual clearing with an enchanted stump, mysterious notes or sound messages, searching for treasure or lost map fragments (one fragment per day), and other miscellaneous things, in general, everything that children love at this age. Briefly, the counselor comes up with several names in advance, comes up with leading questions ...

For middle ages (if the sentences are already completely obscene), you can use the method of replacing the author (when you pass off your idea as the idea of ​​a person from the detachment), the method of avoiding the idea (when developing someone else's idea, you eventually change it beyond recognition). Ideally, the name should come up with children. Of course, it’s good for the leader to have his own version, but it’s probably not worth pushing through it.

For older ages, it's a good idea to first give (or discuss with the squad) the criteria for the squad's name. It can be romantic, fighting; one cannot make an indecent compound abbreviation out of it; it should be bright and memorable, it should not be long, etc. One of the criteria may be the theme of the shift. Here, too, you can use homemade preparations, you can also use psychological manipulations (but VERY carefully, otherwise they will be caught - then they will not believe). Usually, if the guys don’t immediately have ideas with the name of the squad, then first they come up with a representation of the squad, a corner, a squad song, but then a name is selected for this.

In general, guys quickly come up with good titles if you pre-configure them in the right way. The mission of the counselor is feasible, if only he masters the "art of directing." Here is the main "trick": do not invent anything yourself, but create an atmosphere for children's creativity. Take at least the name of the detachment ... what adult "dopret" to "Space Caries" or "Hedgehog Herd"?

The well-known words of Captain Vrungel's song "As you call a boat, so it will float" can also be applied to the name of the detachment. A well-chosen name of the detachment can greatly facilitate the work of the leader during the entire shift and make the life of children in the camp more interesting. Ultimately, choosing a good name can be the beginning exciting game which children will play until the end of the shift.

It is better to come up with the name of the detachment not from scratch, but starting from any topic. The topic can be taken historical. For example, primitive people, Indians, Vikings, Knights Or Ancient Greeks. The topic can be associated with the profession: astronauts, sailors, journalists, inventors. To choose a topic, you can turn to cartoons and books for help: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Duck Tales, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Or just rely on your own imagination. Of course, much depends on the age of the children in the detachment. Most likely, the name "Nutcracker" or "Cinderella" is not very suitable for the 1st, the oldest detachment.

Choosing a squad name and motto might look like this:

  1. Brainstorming: the counselor writes down without criticizing all the names that the children list. Then he conducts censorship, then voting (it can be done in several stages).
  2. Development of criteria: to begin with, criteria are jointly developed, and then the same brainstorming.

Within the framework of the chosen topic, you can not only come up with a name for the squad, but also arrange a squad room, as well as prepare a business card presentation that the squad will show on the opening day of the shift.

If you decide to choose historical theme, then in this case it can be coordinated with the school history course, which the guys will begin to take in the fall. This can help their learning in school.

It is better to come up with the name of the squad together with the children. But before the discussion begins, the counselor should have one or more of his own versions of the name, which children should not immediately name. If, in the opinion of the counselor, his own version is the most successful, then we must try to make the children offer it themselves. That is, to direct the discussion in the right direction until the final result is achieved. Children will be more proud of the name of the squad if they come up with it themselves.

When choosing a name and motto, it is advisable to use the Brainstorming method (for senior and middle units). At the heart of the "assault" can be:

  • search for associations with the legend camp shift;
  • search for the common interest of the members of the detachment;
  • search for a favorite dish, activities, etc.
  • search for the main quality of character, etc.

You can use the "fantasy binomial" technique: divide the detachment into two groups, one conceives a series of nouns, the second - adjectives. Then, by naming them in turn, they make phrases: an orange alarm clock, a wonderful airship, etc.

In general, the guys quickly come up with good names if they first (on the bus, on the train, on the train) set them up in the right way (sing certain songs, tell a couple of stories from their personal lives, or retell a book).

But the fact that the guys should at least take part in choosing the name of the detachment is for sure! After all, the name of the detachment, like the name of a person, greatly affects both the mood and the performance of the detachment.

The unit name and motto must:

  • match the age of the children;
  • be meaningful;
  • be easy to pronounce;
  • do not violate the traditions of the camp, if any;
  • reflect the common interests of the children of the detachment, their common feature or their aspirations.

The following requirements can be made for the name:

  • the name should fit into the general idea of ​​the camp shift (for example, "Pale-faced brothers" or "33 heroes");
  • the name should reflect the nature of the squad ("Leader");
  • The name of the squad must be accepted by all members of the squad.


  • it is very good if the name consists of 2 syllables! firstly, it’s more convenient to chant, and secondly, it’s better to remember! For example, alpha, rain, etc.
  • before you approve the name with the children, shout it all together! the fact is that the name can be good, but with a unanimous chant, it doesn’t turn out quite right ... for example, in one camp there was a Phoenix detachment. great name, but when they shouted it, it turned out to be enis ... well, fantasy itself added the missing letters! another example (but with a different sign) one squad was called the Leader! and somehow, during football, the girls began to cheer for the guys in a fan style! and began to shout: Forward, for the leader! but it turned out Forward for Peter! This is how it can sometimes be!
  • well, remember that whatever you call the detachment, so it will sail with you! ...or sink. :)
  • bad taste when choosing a name - standard, alien, with the names of counselors, vulgar.
  • the name can be different: funny or intricate - it does not matter, the main thing is that the detachment itself likes it and that the name is kind, perky, bright and even exclusive.

You can also come up with your own “chant” and your own “walker” (march, jump, move part of the way back to front, etc.). It is also important to come up with a distinctive feature of the detachment in order to emphasize the individuality of the team and the belonging to it of the guys included in the detachment. These can be emblems, clothing details, etc.



Sleepwalkers - We walk at night, we walk during the day, we never get tired.

"Firefly" - Although our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.

"Winnie the Pooh" - Even if you burst, even if you crack, Winnie the Pooh comes first.

"Smile" - Living without a smile is just a mistake, smiles everywhere - goodness everywhere.

"Ducklings" - Quack! Quack? Quack! Don't scream in vain.

"Kapitoshka" - Rain drops on the roads, but we are not bored at all. We play and sing, we live very cheerfully.

"Dandelion" - Stick together so as not to be blown away.

"Rainbow" - We, like rainbows of color, are never apart.

"Orange" - Like orange slices, we are friendly and indivisible!

“Bell” - We ring, we ring all day, call, however, we are not too lazy.

"Robinson" - We do not need nannies. We are islanders.

"Sparks" - We are funny guys, because we are Sparks!

"Frogs" - Only those who love the pond are called frogs!

"Elves" - Everything is OK and everything is fine, where the elves are - it will be great!

"Friend", " The Bremen Town Musicians”, “Cheerless”, “Petits”, “Tigers”, “Cheerless”, “38 Parrots”, “Brothers Rabbits


"Dolphin" - Dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind.

"Rescuers" - Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.

"Friendly" - Do not whine, do not cry in the corners, trouble and joy - in half.

"Vitamin" - Vitamin - this is strength, this is vivacity, this is life.

"Restless" - Boredom, laziness out of mind - our squad "Restless".

"Prometheus" - Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

"Scarlet Sails" - The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.

"UFO" - Fly through all the galaxies, do not leave friends in trouble.

"Oba-Na" - We are not punks, not punks, we are Oba-Na guys.

"Crew" - There is no crew better than us in the camp now!

"Major League" - And our motto is - more deeds, less words!

"Crossword" - If you want to know us, then try to solve it!

"Boomerang" - Launched by the right hand.

"Gremlins" - Food always arrives on time, and the gremlins are hungry again.

"Family" - We are a simple class family - everyone in our family is atas!


One two three four -

all the kids live in the world! Five, six - everyone wants to eat!

Seven, eight - we wear all badges! Nine, ten - all kids no.

live together?

"GTO" - Ready for creative rest.

"Fortune hunters" - We always need luck, only this way, and not otherwise!

"Troublemakers", "Dynamite".


"FIF" - "physical culture, initiative, dreamers. It's true, not a myth - there's no one better than FIFA."

"Both on!" - Both on! - it's a miracle, Oba-na! - this is a class, we live not bad at all, you will miss us.

"Barkhan" - The movement is us.

"RMID" - the Republic of boys and girls is stronger than all commonwealths on Earth.

"Kommersants" - We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of a person is in our hands.

"Russians" - For Russia, for the people, for humanity forward.

"BEMS" - Fighting, Energetic, Young, Cute.

"ELEPHANT" - The Best Joy - Ours!

"Spark" - A spark will ignite a flame!

"BEP" - (Great Energy Potential) More energy, more movement!

"Phoenix" - Burn and light others.

"Savages" - We are the savages of the twenty-first century, we will make the devil out of a man!

"Leader" - If to be, then to be the best!

"We" - When we are united - we are invincible!

"Style" - Choose your style

"Sprite" - Don't let yourself dry out!

"New generation" - Not satisfied - object, object - offer, offer - do it, get down to business boldly!

"Joint-Stock Company - 2 building".

Philips - Let's change ourselves for the better.

"Women's Battalion" - Our men are men to all men.

"Maximum" - One hundred percent good behavior.

"UN" - Special Purpose Detachment.

"OMON" - Detachment of Young Mischievous Restless.

"The Rock" - Happiness on the faces, always a smile, separately we are pebbles, together the Rock.

"Ambulance", "First Love", "Ladies", "Mighty Pile", "Idol".

- word or short phrase, which determines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization. Previously, the emblem was originally called the Motto, which was placed on top of other images on the shield and served as a memory of some outstanding event. Today, this term is a short saying that has something to do with the coat of arms.

The motto is placed in the coat of arms at the bottom of the shield or on a ribbon. The color of the ribbon and letters must be the same as the enamels and metals of the coat of arms. - this is a conditional image of an idea in drawing and plastic art, to which this or that meaning is assigned.

In dictionary V. I. Dalia interpreted as a symbol, an allegorical image; representation, allegory, and A. N. Chudinov in dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language (1910) explains: “ emblem- a real image of some abstract concept; symbol".

In this article, you can find the name, motto and emblem for your team, which will be great for sports competitions.

Play, win! Get sick, hold on! We wish you good luck and victories!

Emblems and slogans of teams

Team "Friendship"

Our friendly team

Faster than everyone, stronger than everyone

She wins today

Take the trophy with you.

Team "Cool Peppers"

cool boys

Came to win

And will be today

The whole room to surprise.

Team "Star"

May the stars illuminate the path to victory brighter,

Us guiding star good luck shining,

And our motto: keep up,

Go ahead and win!

Team "Gang"

Our friendly team

It bears the name: "Gang!" "Gang!".

Meet. We go out to fight.

Who is against? Stop and be afraid!

Team "Winner"

Winners are not judged, winners are all honored,

Because in in full force our whole team is here.

We will fight for victory, we will fight to the end,

And our motto: do not give up, do not bend, do not break,

Let our hearts beat in unison.

Team "Champion"

Who will fight the champion?

There are probably none here.

Let's take the trophy calmly

We are a team just tin!

Team "Sport"

We are sports guys!

Are you all rooting for us?

We are good guys!

And show the highest class.

The Falcon team

Falcons are always first

Falcons are always brave

Falcons are always burning,

Fast and powerful.

Team "Adrenaline"

Adrenaline rushes through the body

After all, our team is invincible.

We need a drive now

We only want to be the first!

Team "Forsage"

Speed ​​is us

Speed ​​is ours

We are the furious!

The best and most beautiful.

Team "Positive"

We are always positive

All adversity is nothing.

All is well in the team

No problem, we'll take the trophy.

The Cool Team