Stories of good deeds and deeds of people. These acts of kindness should not leave you indifferent A noble act in my life

Every day, the news is a heavy burden on us - war, crisis, natural disasters, crime, terrorist attacks ... And even the most desperate optimists often cannot deny themselves the hackneyed phrase: "Stop the Earth - I'll get off." But among all this negativity, it is not uncommon to come across truly wonderful stories about selfless people with huge hearts. News about them makes you perk up and make sure that everything is not so bad on our planet. You can be human at any time.

We publish a fresh selection of good stories that will certainly inspire optimism in you.

1) The ex-cop, risking his life, saved the baby from an accident

10) Readers of "KP" help the family where the triplets were born

And, of course, we cannot fail to note the kindness of our readers! As soon as we published a touching photo of young parents from Yaroslavl, who unexpectedly had three boys at once, there were people with big hearts who wanted to help. The fact is that the family already has two children. Plus three newborns. Total - five kids! Of course, the breadwinner (dad works as a simple mechanic) will not hurt the help. Honestly, we are very pleased that our readers are so responsive!


11) The cat saved the baby

It's not just people who are compassionate. But also animals! People save them, and they save people. Here, for example, on January 10, a touching story happened in Obninsk. There, the cat Murka warmed a two-month-old baby abandoned at the entrance. When an ambulance arrived for the baby, Murka ran out to escort her ward to the doctors' car ... By the way, the baby was taken to one of the city hospitals in Obninsk. He is perfectly healthy, feels good, nothing threatens his life. The police are trying to find his parents.

12) A mongrel protected a 2-year-old boy

And this incident occurred in the suburbs in mid-November. Mom was walking with a child in a stroller near the house when a hefty dog ​​rushed at them. And then, as if out of nowhere, a large red-haired mongrel blocked the path of an aggressive dog. She closed the stroller with the baby and rushed at the dog. In this battle, the mongrel was wounded... But the grateful woman did not abandon her savior. She told his story online. Animal activists gave the dog for overexposure to a private house and raised money for his treatment. Now Akimu (that's the name of the hero) is looking for a loving owner.


13) The homeless man bought food for the poor with the money donated to him

Of course, there are many stories abroad that touch hearts. For example, at the end of December in the California district of Orange there was such a case. A video blogger gave a hundred dollar bill to a homeless man. He was sure that he would buy a drink with this money. And filmed what was happening on camera. But the blogger was wrong. The homeless man bought the full amount of food. And then he went to the park and fed other homeless people. This act made such a strong impression on the "experimenter" that he apologized to the homeless man for his "test".

14) The waiter was left “tip” 11 thousand dollars

This story happened in early January in the American city of Phoenix (Arizona). A restaurant visitor left $11,000 for a tip for the waiter. He wrote him two checks. The benefactor did not give his name. The only thing - paying the bill, wrote on the check "In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ."

15) The tramp gave the last money to the student

An interesting incident occurred in the UK in mid-December last year. A homeless man gave his last money to a 22-year-old student so that she could get home (the girl lost her bank card late in the evening). His generosity made a great impression on Dominique Harrison-Betson. The student decided to help the tramp. She told this touching story on her Facebook page and organized a fundraiser. The fact is that a homeless person could not get a job because he did not have an address. In order to live in a normal apartment, you need to make a down payment, which, of course, he did not have. As a result, Dominique collected 12.5 thousand pounds on the social network. This is just enough for a compassionate tramp to get off the street and start a new life.

Yes, yes, good always comes back like a boomerang. Let's be generous! This is good for everyone...

Each of us at least once in our lives provided help and support not only to a loved one, but also to a stranger. Perhaps it was a grandmother whom we helped to cross the road, a beggar in the subway, or a mother with a child who was unable to open the heavy iron door in the front door on her own.

Why do people do good deeds? It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give an unambiguous answer to this question. But, perhaps, the realization that we have made someone's life at least a little better also warms our hearts.

Despite the fact that kindness lives in the soul of each of us, we do not always show it, because we are too carried away by our own problems. And then only examples of other people's positive actions can make us think, look around and lend a helping hand to our neighbor.

This is probably why so many articles appear on the Internet today, the main characters of which are people who have done good deeds. The record holder for the number of such stories published in the media is the United States.

Stories of good deeds that have come down to us from abroad

We regularly read in the news about how people in the United States help the homeless, save the lives of their compatriots and animals in trouble, donate money to the poor and buy gifts for orphans. No one knows how true these stories are, but many would like to believe they are.

Here are just a few of the more famous examples of good deeds done by Americans:

  • The story of Josette Durand and her son Dylan. Josette Durand cooked two meals a day for Dylan at school. One of the portions, as it turned out later, the boy gave to his poor friend, who had nothing to pay for food in the dining room. Upon learning of Dylan's generosity, members of the school's volleyball team raised a $400 donation for him. But the Duran family decided to pay for the lunches of other poor schoolchildren with these funds, so that they also had the opportunity to eat in the canteen on an equal basis with everyone else.
  • Good shoes from Lawrence de Prima. NYPD officer Lawrence de Prim is another great example of someone who did a good deed. While at his post, the officer noticed a homeless man who, on a cold day, did not have not only shoes, but also socks on his feet. After talking with the tramp, Lawrence found out the size of his shoes, after which he went to the nearest store and bought him socks and boots. The policeman then carefully put the shoes on the frozen man's feet.
  • Carol Suchman Toy Store. Carol Sachman is not at all a famous person who has done a good deed, but an ordinary wealthy American woman. One day, while walking through Manhattan, she accidentally wandered into a toy store that was on the verge of bankruptcy. Without thinking twice, Carol bought all the toys in the range and asked to pack them. After the woman sent a parcel with these gifts for children to the city department of the New York department that provides assistance to orphans.

These are the stories of people who have done good deeds in the United States, but in fact, there are also many good, noble and sympathetic citizens in other countries of the world. For example, many probably well remember the case of a British student, Dominique Garrison-Betson, who was lent money to travel home by a local tramp named Robbie.

Good deeds and deeds of people in Russia

The inhabitants of our country also do thousands of good deeds every day, but these deeds often go unnoticed. Mentions of them can sometimes be found only in individual forums. In order to change this situation and tell about as many noble deeds of our compatriots as possible, as well as arouse the desire to help in the hearts of other people, our site exists.

I must say that kindness and responsiveness in Russia are somewhat different than abroad. Often these are not just good deeds performed by people in the world, in the usual sense of the word, but original, bold and creative actions.

Such as for example:

  • Spiritual drawings in the snow for schoolchildren, created by the Izhevsk janitor Semyon Bukharin.
  • A good St. Petersburg trolleybus with sweets, gifts and a New Year's performance from the conductor Viktor Lukyanov.
  • The opening, if not by a Russian, but by a Ukrainian young entrepreneur Vladislav Malashchenko, of the world's first bakery, where employees with mental disabilities work.

Snow creativity of Semyon Bukharin

The works of Semyon Bukharin, the janitor of the 25th Lyceum of the city of Izhevsk, can be safely called works of art. This man paints pictures with a broom and a shovel in the snow.

Inspired by the students' stories about the works they study in literature lessons, Semyon creates his own artistic masterpieces. These are variations on well-known literary subjects, portraits of Gogol and Pushkin, and sometimes just tanks, drawn in order to support high school students who left for military training.

It is with the aim of raising the mood of the students and teachers of the lyceum, as well as to provide moral support to those students who, for some reason, leave the lessons sad, and Semyon Bukharin draws his paintings. And this is really a worthy example of what kind of deeds a good person does for others. “It’s more fun with children,” Semyon tells reporters. “I love them, they love me.”

The story of Viktor Petrovich Lukyanov, who works as a conductor on trolleybus route No. 8 in St. Petersburg, is a fascinating story about a man who did a good deed, and not alone.

The man has a whole track record of noble deeds:

  • To please his passengers, he repeatedly decorated the workplace with balloons and other decorations for various holidays. And on New Year's Eve, the man even once changed into a Santa Claus costume.
  • From his personal funds, Viktor Petrovich paid for the travel of "honored residents of the city." So the conductor calls the disabled, pensioners and pregnant women.
  • Even "hares" Viktor Lukyanov gave sweets, which helped to awaken the conscience in many of them and pushed them to pay the fare.

The always polite and friendly conductor, who learned the word thank you in 79 languages ​​of the world, has become a real legend of St. Petersburg. That is why, when a man was about to quit his job due to a conflict with his superiors, local residents made a petition in order to keep Viktor Petrovich in his position.

And justice prevailed! The request of grateful passengers was heard, and Deputy Alexander Sidyakin stood up for the conductor. As a result, Viktor Lukyanov is still working on the eighth trolleybus route, and his management now treats the legendary employee more favorably.

BakeryGood Bread From Good People

Vladislav Malashchenko is a young entrepreneur from Kyiv who opened a unique bakery in this city called Good Bread From Good People a year ago. This establishment is notable for the fact that only people with mental disabilities prepare fragrant bread and delicious cakes for visitors here. Who are the bakery workers?

These are girls and boys suffering from:

  • down syndrome;
  • autism;
  • delayed intellectual development.

Vladislav himself is mastering the profession of a correctional teacher. Therefore, he does a lot of work with special people who are able to see the world around them in a completely different way.

Having gained experience of communicating with such students, the young man realized that each of them is talented in his own way, but he simply does not have the opportunity to reveal these abilities. Modern society does not accept such people, and therefore they have to spend most of their time at home.

Vladislav set himself the goal of allowing people with mental disabilities to prove themselves by officially employing them in a bakery. And grateful employees proved that they are really capable of much. During the operation of the institution, there was not a single dissatisfied client, and other Ukrainian organizations also picked up the idea of ​​a young entrepreneur.

Stories that tell about the nobility, responsiveness and selflessness of people are really inspiring. This article lists only a few of them, but these examples are enough to understand why people should do good deeds.

Because it makes life better for those around you. Because good tends to boomerang back to its sender. Because one truly noble deed can become the first link in a chain of other good deeds, the length of which can increase indefinitely!

Material wealth is valuable today. Nobility is a manifestation of spiritual wealth, so it is not appreciated. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly rare to meet people who possess the set of qualities that all aristocrats used to have. Do you want to learn how to become like a blue-blooded person? Then read the article.


Nobility is a set of positive qualities that make a person exalted in the eyes of others. What does it include? Honesty, frankness, sincerity, kindness and care. People who combine this set of qualities do not pursue profit. They know how to distinguish real values ​​from fake ones. For a good person, money is not an object of desire, but a vital necessity. True nobility is shown in small things. A person who helps not only relatives and friends, but also strangers, does not flaunt his positive character traits, and also performs only honest and fair deeds, is worthy of respect. A noble soul will always tell you what to do in a difficult life situation and at the same time not fall into the dirt on your face.

Congenital or acquired?

Nobility is a set of character traits. Contrary to popular belief, nobility can be acquired not only at birth, but also developed independently. Everything will depend on the upbringing of the person, as well as on the environment. It is the people around you that lay the foundation of character. Therefore, parents should pay increased attention to the upbringing of their child, so that later it can apply nobility in life. A child must be taught from childhood to work and to discipline. It is necessary to explain to the baby that helping others is not an obligation, but a necessity. Be sure to instill in the child the concept of what is good and what is bad. And the development of good manners will help to complete education. And in order for the process of education of a young pupil to go better, parents should not only talk about what nobility is, but also show its manifestation by their own example.

Positive features

A person who considers himself noble must prove his words in practice. And the following traits should also be present in his nature:

  • Charity. A person who spares no effort and time to help others is worthy of respect. Such people can show their positive character traits by helping the homeless, orphans, or those who are in a bad financial situation. Moreover, the help of such people is not always expressed in material support.
  • Desire to improve the world. A person who wants all the people on the planet to be happy is worthy of wearing the title of noble. This is encouraging, since most of the inhabitants of our country do not set themselves any goal. They senselessly burn through life, not thinking about why they came into this world.
  • Responsibility for your words. Everyone must keep their promises. But few people do it. People think that a given promise is easy to take back. A person who does not keep his word cannot be called noble.

Personal qualities

  • Courage. A person who creates and wants to do good should not be afraid to openly express his desire. As the people say, they do not look for good from good. Therefore, sometimes nobility is not perceived appropriately by others who are used to seeing a catch in everything.
  • Nobility is courage. A person who is able not only to show courage once, but also to show it at a crucial moment, for example, on the battlefield, has courage, and a person who is afraid to take a girl home at night does not have it.
  • Kindness. Only a sincerely kind person can be noble. Such people will treat well not only those who deserve it, but also those who do not deserve it.
  • Simplicity. The nobility of people is manifested in the absence of arrogance and kitsch. The simpler a person, the kinder and more sincere he is.

Features of the principles of nobility

  • The same for all countries. Nobility is a person's behavior, which, in connection with positive character traits, makes a person inimitable. Good behavior and attitude should be shown to the inhabitants of all countries. Regardless of a person's education, social status or political preferences, each person is equal to the other. The one who understands this and puts it into practice is a noble person.
  • They have a standard. In any country there are legends about a fictional or living person who is a symbol of nobility. The most famous such person is Robin Hood.
  • Created by a group of people. Each person can behave as he wants, if his behavior does not affect the interests of other people. But in order to become a noble person, a person must adhere to generally accepted standards and norms of behavior.
  • Does not tolerate pretense. A person who wants to become noble will never set himself the goal of showing off in front of someone. The desire to help must be sincere and personal. It is impossible to force someone to become noble.

How nobility manifests itself

There are no ideal people. But there are people who behave nobly. The dignity of nobility is not in its encouragement, but in the fact that a person improves this world by his actions. To do good and act noble, you can make grand gestures. For example, a person can adopt a child from an orphanage. This is a good deed that will make the life of the baby happy. What if you can't take a child? You can adopt a homeless kitten or puppy. Such deeds are also noble. A person should help others to the best of their ability and ability. For example, film actors do charity work. If they do not flaunt their activities, but simply help people, then this is very noble. But every person living in the world who cannot give large sums for the treatment of sick children or adults can still take part in some charity event. For example, plant trees around the city or spend a community work day in a nearby park.

Sacrifice is nobility?

Some people confuse concepts. And if nobility and honor are words consonant with each other in meaning, then sacrifice and nobility are not the same thing. Yes, a person who does gratuitous good deeds spends his free time doing them. However, you should always use common sense. For example, often single mothers devote all their free time to a child. What seems to be unusual here? But after all, when the child grows up, the mother will begin to demand attention from him to his own person. An elderly woman will not be able to realize anything and will blame the child for this. After all, he took all her free time. Find nobility here? He is not here. And there are many such examples. A person who once helped you, and then for 10 years will pretend to be a victim, has nothing to do with nobility.


When it comes to generosity, what comes to mind first? Well, of course, knights and noble ladies. Men are associated with the word "nobility". Why? Previously, this system of qualities was inherent in people with "blue blood". They performed at tournaments, demonstrating their courage, challenged them to a duel, defending their honor, and won the hearts of ladies by performing feats. Today, examples of nobility are less common. But this quality is now inherent not only in men, but also in women. The concept itself has become broader. The phrases "noble profession" and "noble deed" can be found in everyday speech. What professions can be called noble? Teachers, doctors and educators are those professions that people choose not for the sake of financial well-being. And what kind of actions can be called noble? Those that a person does not for the sake of acquiring some kind of regalia, but in order to help someone. What could it be? For example, gratuitous assistance to neighbors on the landing or the organization of a children's holiday in an orphanage.

Future and nobility

Have you ever thought about the future of our society? What will it look like in 10 or 50 years? Will good, sincere people remain in our country, or will corruption enslave everyone who has not yet reached its clawed paws? The nobility of a man today is helping others, and especially ladies. But if good manners are gradually becoming a thing of the past, is it worth waiting for the nobility not to follow their example? Let's hope not. Kindness is what distinguishes a decent person. Courage, pride, faith in oneself and one's homeland - these qualities are also needed by a person who wants to claim nobility. But it's easier here. These qualities are necessary for a person in order to occupy a decent position in society. But for some reason, people change dramatically when they acquire power. It is said that she spoils people. Is it so? No. It's just that a person begins to allow himself what he did not allow before. It turns out that his true nature comes out. In order not to kill nobility, parents must properly educate their children. Teach the younger generation to work, talk about good manners and etiquette. And most importantly, do not forget to demonstrate everything by your own example.

  1. (38 words) In Pushkin's novel The Captain's Daughter, Peter acted nobly when he gave his sheepskin coat to Pugachev. Grinev neglected class barriers and helped the common man without demanding anything in return. This is the true nobility of the soul. Respecting him, the chieftain even spared the enemy.
  2. (50 words) In Kuprin's work "The Miraculous Doctor", the hero saved strangers from death in a damp basement. He gave them free medicines and left the money on the table, even though he was not asked for anything. I see nobility in his act, because Pirogov helped the Mertsalov family free of charge and voluntarily, without expecting praise.
  3. (57 words) In Kuprin's work "Duel" Romashov was truly noble in relation to Shurochka. He agreed not to shoot her husband in a duel due to the mere request of a woman who parted with him forever. For this quality, he paid the price, having received a mortal wound from a treacherous enemy. However, his example still inspires me to meet people halfway and keep my word.
  4. (39 words) In Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana is a very noble girl. In order to remain faithful to her husband, she rejects her first and only love. Her decision elevates her above a society where everyone boasts of their origin, but is not a truly noble person.
  5. (54 words) In Dostoevsky's novel "Poor People" the hero is a small man, a modest tradesman, but it is his heart that is distinguished by nobility, but more noble and rich people will never be able to equal him. Makar alone takes part in the fate of the unfortunate Varenka and gives the girl all his savings, not out of self-interest, but out of pity and love for her.
  6. (57 words) In Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth", Starodum teaches the reader about nobility, speaking about true and false virtues. Power, origin and wealth in his time meant nothing in comparison with talent, courage and intelligence. So he favors the wise and meek Sophia and punishes the vicious and ignorant Prostokovs. He united loving hearts and exposed deception - this is nobility.
  7. (53 words) In Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" Chatsky is noble, but the venerable nobles do not even have a remote idea of ​​​​this quality. Alexander denounces cruelty, hypocrisy and ignorance, tries to defend the rights of the peasants, and the Famus society only tries to denounce him and defends only his position. Noble is only one who is not indifferent to the world and people.
  8. (36 words) In Pushkin's Dubrovsky, the hero is a noble robber who takes away ill-gotten wealth from wealthy people and passes it on to poor and oppressed brethren. His gang rebelled against social injustice, so Vladimir's rightness is beyond doubt.
  9. (50 words) In Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man", the hero proves his nobility in deeds, and not on a family tree. Andrei defends his homeland, sacrificing everything: he lost his family, freedom, health and incentive to live on. However, Sokolov did not break down and got out of captivity. When he returned, he adopted an orphan. All this characterizes a noble and strong-willed man.
  10. (38 words) In Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryona Dvor", the heroine raised someone else's girl as her own daughter. Matrena devoted herself entirely to raising Kira. She even died helping her drag her own belongings across the tracks. Such selfless love is only possible with a noble heart.
  11. Examples from life, cinema and media

    1. (36 words) I will remember for the rest of my life the noble deed of my relative, who donated his share of the inheritance to his sister, because she was raising a disabled son. Although he huddled in rented apartments, he never regretted his choice.
    2. (47 words) We owe to the noble intentions of the Tretyakov brothers the largest art gallery in our country, which today bears their name. Patrons and collectors have collected the rarest museum exhibits from all over the world for their beloved city. They did all this not for themselves, but for the entire fatherland, showing pictures to everyone.
    3. (45 words) I consider my friend a truly noble person. Once I accidentally broke his mother's favorite watch when I was visiting. So he took my blame on himself so that his parents would not think anything bad of me. He got a great deal, but he did not betray me.
    4. (45 words) In Anton Megerdichev's film Upward Movement, the coach showed nobility by assembling a team not from the privileged CSK, but from all over the Soviet Union. He gave a chance to athletes from the outskirts of a huge country to prove themselves and take place in basketball. In gratitude for this, they played to the limit of their abilities.
    5. (51 words) In O. Trofim's film "Ice", Sanya acquires nobility along with love. When he sees his unwitting "patient" fall on the ice, he drops everything and races to international competitions to help her get back on her feet. He helps Nadia, they perform triumphantly together. This example proves that it is never too late to become noble.
    6. (51 words) In Dzhanik Faiziev's film "The Legend of Kolovrat", the main characters, real warriors, showed nobility, sacrificing their lives to save children. They gave battle to the hordes of foreign invaders and held back the onslaught until the guys escaped by rafting down the river. This feat may not go down in history, but it will certainly inspire people to be kinder and nobler.
    7. (41 words) For me, nobility is the desire to take care of others, backed up by real deeds. For example, my relatives regularly transfer money to families with sick children who need help. They do it anonymously, without publicity, and in this modest act of kindness, I see the true good.
    8. (54 words) I read in the newspaper about a man who set up a dog shelter on his land. From the city, people brought to him those animals that had nowhere to live. In the spacious yard they found a home and care, as well as a chance to settle in a loving family. It is very noble of him to take on the problem of stray dogs.
    9. (47 words) In a magazine I saw an article about the life of Alexei Tolstoy. It said that the writer received a 100,000th prize in 1943. Then there were hard times, and the author decided to help his country by giving money to build a tank for the defense of his homeland. This is a very noble decision that saved more than one life.
    10. (48 words) I read on a blog that Elon Musk, an inventor and engineer, is planning to launch a satellite that will distribute free internet everywhere. This measure will allow millions of people to gain knowledge and skills that are currently inaccessible to them due to the lack of affordable education. I believe that this is one of the noblest designs in the history of mankind.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Every day, all over the world, ordinary people do good deeds to help others. No one will know about some actions, and some get publicity and become an example for us. Here are a few good deeds that stood out in 2016.

1. The world boxing champion spent his fee on housing for fellow villagers

Manny Pacquiao is the only boxer in the world to become world champion in eight different categories. The Filipino spent his first large fee on the construction of houses for fellow villagers in his native village of Tongo. A thousand houses have already been built in Tongo with the money of a boxer. But before the stellar career, Manny Pacquiao was a poor Filipino boy.

2. A Danish woman sheltered and saved a boy from starvation

A native of Denmark, Anja Ringgren Loven, met an emaciated African boy on the street almost a year ago. His parents kicked him out of the house, considering him a "sorcerer". She took him to live in her orphanage, which she organized with her husband. Prior to this, the couple has already taken in 35 children under the age of 14.

When the photo of the emaciated boy got into the network, money began to be transferred in support of Anya from all over the world. In total, they raised $ 1 million, which the spouses want to spend on the construction of a children's clinic and a large orphanage.

Within a year, the boy recovered and now looks like a healthy child. According to the foster mother, "he enjoys life."

Posted by Anja Ringgren Lovén (@anjaringgrenloven) Apr 30, 2017 at 5:55 pm PDT

3 A Syrian Man Stayed In Aleppo To Take Care Of The Animals

Ala Jalil protected other residents of Aleppo, risking his life. When the population left the city, he stayed behind to take care of their pets. During the year he had more than 100 cats in the shelter. Ala visits the neighboring villages to the animals and spends $4 a day feeding them.

“He who shows mercy to a person is merciful to all living things,” said Mohammed.

4. The girl who was left alone on her birthday was supported by thousands of people

None of the invited guests came to the American Halle Sorenson on her 18th birthday. Her sister Rebecca on a social network asked to support the birthday girl. Surprisingly, thousands of people responded. They sent Halle 10,000 cards and gifts. Parcels even came from soldiers from Afghanistan and NASA.

5. A resident of Altai saved a deer at the risk of his life

A resident of Barnaul, Ivan Drachev, while fishing, saw a deer floundering in a hole. The animal was already exhausted. The deer fell under the water right in the middle of the channel. Rybak called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but they refused to help. Then he decided to save the animal himself.

Ivan called his father and asked him to bring an anchor rope and an axe. They carefully approached the hole from both sides and threw a rope around the animal's neck, then turned it over on its side. At random, the front hooves of the animal hit the ice. For about 20 meters, the men dragged the deer to the shore. Then the same number of people pulled him to the center of the island.

The fishermen rubbed the frozen animal to keep it warm. And the deer laid his head on Ivan's knee. “He understands everything,” says the savior. After some time, the strength returned to the deer, he was able to get up and go into the forest.