History of the border service. The border guard is a profession of strong spirit and strong body


The Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR are troops designed to guard and protect the water and land borders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, to prevent and suppress encroachments on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

Like any other troops, the border troops have their own history.

What is the history of the border troops in the 20th century?

Until the seventeenth year, the guards of the border did not celebrate the Day of the border guard, as is customary today, but celebrated the so-called temple holiday, which each branch of the army had. The border guards were instructed to solemnly celebrate it on the day of the Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos on November 21 (December 4, according to a new style). There was a deep meaning in the definition for the guards of the border of this particular solemn day: the qualities inherent in the Mother of God - purity, purity, incorruptibility ...

May 28, 1918 Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the establishment of the border guard of the Republic of Soviets. It was this date that was later chosen for the professional holiday of soldiers in green caps - the Day of the Border Guard.

However, the provisions of the rules for the tsarist border guards were almost completely taken as the basis for the text of the Leninist document, albeit with some changes in the spirit of the revolutionary time.

After the end of the Civil War, Felix Dzerzhinsky formulated the basic principle of ensuring the protection of socialist borders: "The border is a political line and a political body must protect it." In accordance with the new trends, the STO in 1920 decided to transfer the protection of all borders to the jurisdiction of the Special Department of the Cheka. Parts of the troops that provided military cover for the borders also passed into the operational subordination of the Dzerzhinsky department. So the border guards for many years became security officers.

The new instruction to the units of the Cheka troops guarding the borders emphasized that the primary task of the special border agencies of the Cheka was to protect the border in a "military-political respect." At the same time, the task of serving the customs authorities and combating smuggling, although listed as the fourth point in the guiding document, actually came out on top.

The civil war and foreign military intervention somewhat slowed down, but did not stop the search for the most suitable form of organizing the border service and the creation of border troops in the new historical and socio-political conditions.

Among the first leaders of the border guard was Andrey Nikolaevich Leskov, the son of the famous Russian writer Leskov. He gave over 30 years to the Russian border guard service. Colonel of the tsarist army, an excellent staff officer, made a great contribution to the training of command personnel for the border troops. In 1923, he developed the Instruction for the Protection of the North-Western Borders, temporarily holding the position of Chief of Staff of the Petrograd Border District during this period.

On September 6, 1918, a border uniform was introduced, in particular, caps, hats with a green top. The end of the civil war and the conclusion of agreements with neighboring states on the establishment of diplomatic relations and cooperation opened up the opportunity for the Soviet government to deal more intensively and purposefully with the organization of the border service along the entire perimeter of the state border of the Republic.

The question of training the commanding staff for the OGPU troops arose sharply. In 1923 the Higher Border School was opened. During these years, the checkpoint service of the border troops was formed.

Just one example. In December 1935, a cunning Japanese diplomat tried to smuggle two female spies out of the country through the Negoreloye checkpoint in two suitcases. The border guards received information about the upcoming action in an operational way. But it was forbidden to inspect diplomatic baggage. Then the border guards decided in every possible way to delay the process of paperwork and compliance with customs formalities. During the inspection, the suitcases were rudely tossed, "accidentally" dropped, even imperceptibly pricked with an awl. In the end, the illegals could not stand the lack of fresh air and their literally bent position and found themselves.

One of the most important tasks of the Soviet Republic in strengthening the borders and protecting them was the organization of the maritime border guard, which was completed by the end of 1923.

Captain 1st rank M.V. Ivanov became the organizer of the maritime border guard. Under his leadership, the Finnish-Ladoga flotilla was formed in the Baltic, Peipus and Pskov lakes, which marked the beginning of the revival of the naval forces of the border troops.

With the end of the civil war, when the external fronts were liquidated, the frontier troops concentrated their efforts on the fight against spies sent into our country by foreign intelligence services. For three years (1922-1925), 2,742 violators were detained only on the site of five border detachments of the western border, of which 675 turned out to be agents of foreign intelligence. The best traditions of the border troops were carefully preserved and passed on and new ones were born.

In March 1926, Andrei Babushkin, a Red Army soldier of the Nakhichevan border detachment, died in an unequal battle with an armed gang trying to break through the border. In the same year, the outpost where he served and accomplished his immortal feat was named after the brave warrior. Currently, 78 border outposts and 18 ships bear the names of border guard heroes.

In 1929 - the conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway, which broke out on July 10 and ended with the defeat of the group of Chinese troops by mid-December of the same year. Border guards, together with the troops of the Special Far Eastern Army and the sailors of the Amur military flotilla, made a significant contribution to the restoration of a normal situation on the CER.

In the 1930s, the use of service dogs in border protection was becoming increasingly important. Service dog breeding and tracking in the border troops is becoming an independent area of ​​operational and service activities.

Perhaps, in our country it is difficult to find a person who would not have heard of the border guard Karatsupa. We do not take into account the current youth, who choose not the advertised "Pepsi", but something stronger. The legendary Nikita Fedorovich Karatsupa in the Museum of the Border Troops of the FSB of Russia (13 Yauzsky Boulevard) has a separate stand. His combat score is impressive: he participated in 120 armed battles with saboteurs, detained 338 border violators, personally destroyed 129 scouts who did not want to surrender. He changed five dogs, a stuffed animal of one of them - the legendary Hindu - is on display at the Museum of the Border Troops. Karatsupa himself emerged from all fights with enemies unscathed, rose to the rank of colonel, and in 1965 was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The outpost of Poltavka of the Grodekovsky border detachment, where N.F. Karatsupa served, was named after him. His son and grandson served on the border. In the last years of his life, Nikita Fedorovich worked as a senior researcher at the Central Border Museum.

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Labor and Defense of the USSR of July 21, 1932, the first aviation detachments were formed as part of the border guard and the OGPU troops in 1932-1934.

In the mid-1930s, the actions of the Japanese on the Far Eastern border intensified. On October 12, 1935, a detachment of Japanese soldiers crossed the border at the section of the Bagpipe outpost. The border detachments were forced to join the battle. An equestrian group led by the squad leader Valentin Kotelnikov arrived to help them. The Japanese were expelled from Soviet territory. The squad leader was killed in action. Upon learning of his death, his cousin Pyotr Kotelnikov volunteered to serve in the border detachment. This example marked the beginning of the patriotic youth movement "Brother to replace brother."

In July 1938, in the Far East, in the region of Lake Khasan, the Japanese unleashed a military conflict. In the battles near the Zaozernaya and Bezymyannaya heights, along with the troops of the rifle corps, which carried out the defeat of the aggressor on August 11, the fighters of the Posyet border detachment participated.

In May 1939, the Japanese military command unleashed large-scale military operations on the territory of the Mongolian People's Republic. In the battles to repel the attack and defeat the aggressor in the area of ​​​​the Khalkhin-Gol River, a combined battalion of border guards participated in the Soviet troops.

The Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940 was a severe test for the Red Army. Several consolidated regiments of the border and internal troops of the NKVD were sent to the Karelian front to help the warring units and formations of the Red Army. One of the units of the border guards was surrounded in a forest. On offers to surrender, the border guards responded with a categorical refusal. So that in the future the enemy would not offer negotiations on surrender, the Chekists hung out between the pines a banner made from soldier's underwear, on which they inscribed in Finnish - "The Bolsheviks do not surrender. Victory is ours!". For 45 days the border guards fought under this banner until help came.

For the successful completion of the tasks of the command, the 4th, 5th, 6th border regiments and the Rebolsky border detachment were awarded the Order of the Red Banner. 1961 border warrior was awarded orders and medals, 13 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On this topic: Weapons of the Russian warrior First Russian border guard
About Demyan Kudenevich himself, possibly the first Russian border guard

At that time, when the wretched youth Ilyusha was still sitting on the stove in a village near Murom, chained, it seemed, by an incurable disease, another name thundered through Rus'.


V. Vasnetsov. No man is an island

How did it come to us? This in itself can be considered a miracle. Indeed, from so many "heroes of bygone times there are sometimes no names left." In the dark ages of the Tatar region, lazy scribes, moreover, often indifferent to the military glory of the Fatherland as "the glory of this world", from list to list threw out the details of the battles from the annals, leaving only general words like "And there was a slaughter of evil and fierce", so what to judge entire areas of military affairs, the features of tactics or military ethics, the details of the field life of pre-Mongol Russia, we are often forced by rare hints-slips of the tongue in the texts of the sources. And we must bow low to the ever-memorable Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev, an officer of the Petrine school, the first researcher of our annals, who found among the Ural schismatics a complete version of the ancient Kiev annals of the late 12th century, which preserved the memory of, perhaps, the first Russian border guard Demyan Kudenevich

1147. That was a vague and unkind time in Rus'. Until recently, there was a great power, glorious for powerful and wise rulers, decorated with temples, seething with rich trades, formidable for unfriendly neighbors; but not even fifteen years have passed - and now it lies in the dust, torn to pieces, repeatedly robbed by a emboldened enemy; the outskirts are again shrouded in the smoke of conflagrations, and numerous crushed rulers of cities and lands challenge each other for illusory power over it, turning its meadows and fields into fields of internecine warfare.

Just then another strife broke out in the south. Having overthrown Igor Olgovich, unloved by the "kiyans", Izyaslav Mstislavich, the eldest among the grandchildren of Vladimir Monomakh, became the prince of Kyiv; but the sons of the great ruler were still alive, including Yuri ("Gyurgi") of Suzdal, known to descendants as Dolgoruky, who rightfully should have belonged to the Kiev "golden" throne.

Preparing for a campaign against Kyiv, Yuri entered into an alliance with Igor's brother Svyatoslav. In the meantime, his son Gleb was sent to help Olgovich. Due to the fact that the "Suzdal" prince had to hold large forces against Novgorod, and against Smolensk, and against Ryazan, most of Gleb's detachment going south was made up of Polovtsian mercenaries.

Unlike other Monomashichs, Yuri, married by his first marriage to the daughter of the Polovtsian Khan Aepa, sought to be friends with the nomads. This brought him closer to the Chernigov princes - the Olgovichi, who traditionally relied on the steppes. His Polovtsian shurya willingly responded to the call. What is the risk in raids, isn't it better to travel around Rus' openly, carrying your bunchuk near the banner of a Russian ally?! The prey is the same - Kursk, Kyiv and embassy men and women.

Fighting with the Chernigov relatives of the late Igor, Izyaslav tried to avoid a collision with the powerful ruler of the North-East. He even offered Gleb Yuryevich an inheritance in the Kiev region, and the prince seemed to be ready to agree, but his voivode Voloslav gave the lord another piece of advice.

In Pereyaslavl South, the fatherland of all Monomashichs, at that time the young son of Izyaslav Mstislav was sitting, according to Voloslav, a real baby. Shortly before, in order not to expose the boy to military dangers, his father transferred him here from Kursk, in fact ceding the city to the enemy. It seemed to Voloslav that it would not be difficult to knock the boy out of Pereyaslavl, so that Gleb would still receive an enviable lot, but "not by the grace of Izyaslavl." Dreaming of the laurels of a city-owner, Yurievich agreed. The attack was decided before dawn.

It was deep autumn, and the people of Pereyaslavl did not expect trouble. The time for the usual raids has already passed. In addition, in the summer Izyaslav made peace with the Polovtsy, and Chernigov, as you can hear, have already disbanded the squad and now they will not turn up until the onset of the sleigh path. And in general, at this time of the year, the wars in Rus' usually died down. The main striking force of any rati - heavily armed horsemen ("gunners", that is, boyars) with their detachments ("spears") and princely servants ("mercifuls" and "youths") - traveled around the villages to collect dues for themselves and their master, and at the same time to take a break from the labors of the summer campaign. Therefore, when the city guards, guarding the Chernigov road, having found an army crouching in the predawn darkness on the approaches, drummed on the gate, confusion arose in Pereyaslavl. The tocsin bell on the tower tolled wildly, and an avalanche of horsemen was already pouring into the streets of the suburban settlements with a screech and whistle.

It is difficult to say whether the young Mstislav would have been able to hold the walls of the "circumvention city" until the arrival of his father's help, if the knight Demyan Kudenevich had not happened at that time in Pereyaslavl.

In strength, Demyan was similar to Hercules, but he was famous primarily for the fact that for many years, not wanting to participate in strife and shed Russian blood, he refused to serve the princes and waged his own war with the Steppe.

From his youth, Demyan, like everyone else in these places, served the Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolodovich, nicknamed Monomakh, under whose banner he was cut even under Luben. I remembered the campaign of the seven princes during Great Lent to the lower reaches of the Don, to the khan's winter quarters. He also remembered the terrible battle from morning until evening on Good Friday, March 27, against all the forces of the "Polovtsian land", when the Salnitsa river overflowed with Polovtsian blood ... Demyan and Monomakh's son Mstislav the Great served all the short time of his glorious reign. Then he began to serve Yaropolk Vladimirovich, but in those years the whole Russian land was already "inflamed" and the united front of defense against the "Wild Field" broke up, and other princes themselves began to bring filthy ones, like Oleg Chernigovsky - the damned "Gorislavich". And Demyan chose a different path.

The legacy of the great Monomakh went to dust. The Polovtsians grew bolder quickly. The current princes were not up to the border. Only he, Demyan Kudenevich, in spite of everything, continued to be faithful to the Monomakh testament, like a lone wolf prowl along the steppe border. Fortunately, nothing tied him to the place. Black smoke in the sky, gray ashes on the ground scattered the parental tower, when the Olgovichi, together with the filthy ones, dawned on the city of the long-suffering Posulye. The souls of all whom Demyan loved in this world flew off to the mountain heights. There was no time to start a family in the princely service, but now Demyan gave up on this at all - it’s not fate!

A fierce fire burned the soul with a thirst for revenge. I remembered my mother, hacked to death right on the porch; father, left with an arrow in his throat on the flaming visor of his native Pryluk; younger sisters, taken away by a path salted with tears to the Crimean slave markets; brother who fell from the Russian sword. My heart was filled with inescapable torment, my fists were cast iron from rage. It happened once: his mind was clouded with rage, Demyan rushed alone to a whole gang of steppe riders, that, not expecting the worst and not at all hiding (they were returning from service), they rode past the beaten road, hung with prey and chasing captives ... He came to his senses, surrounded by corpses, spattered by a stranger blood. The surviving Polovtsy were carried away without looking back in clouds of dust. Dismounting from his horse, Demyan began to cut the bonds and break the stocks of the prisoners.

Thus began his fame. But how much can you fight alone, even if God has endowed you with fabulous power? Gradually, a small squad crept up: the squire Taras - also, to match the owner, "a strong husband", several servants-comrades. Everyone has their own way to the detachment, their own account with the "raw-eaters".

And so they carried their voluntary and disinterested service. Not by number, but by skill. On dewy mornings they searched for sakmu - a trace of a raid in tall grasses, read footprints on river banks. During the day, they vigilantly peered into the trembling haze on the horizon - is the dust raised by the trotting cavalry smoking? Having looked out for the Polovtsian "chad" going on a raid, they guarded her at the ford or in a deaf yaruga. If it was too big, they rushed with the news to the nearest town.

From the Dnieper Warrior, from the banks of the Trubezh and Khorol along the Seim beyond Kursk and even further east - to Vorgol and Yelets, to Ryazan Voronezh and the extreme Semiluki on the Don, to the very Chervleny Yar, their paths lay. Once, helping out full, we visited Khoper, where in those years even from Ryazan only the most desperate "watchmen" used to go.

It used to be that they themselves went "into the field". The Polovtsian towers disturbed, drove away the herds, got "tongues" on the pastures of Aurélie, from Aydar and Kalitva. Many dashing horsemen, greedy for other people's goods, they laid on the green grass-ant or in a fluffy snowy feather bed, flying like an avalanche from ambushes, removing sentries and slaughtering entire gangs at overnight stays, they saved more than one hundred Christian souls from evil bondage and death ... All around their glory thundered across the steppe border. Baptized people loved old Demyan. In the boyar mansions and in the wretched hut of a coal burner or beekeeper, in the townsman's hut and in the yurt of his brother-torchin, there was honor and a place for his people. But the Polovtsy were afraid of Demyan in panic. His strength seemed inhuman, but the magical inevitability of his attacks was even more frightening. “Demyan knows the word. He can turn into a wolf, hide like an ermine, fly away like a falcon or crawl away like a snake, or even become invisible,” they said with apprehension at the Polovtsian night fires. “We don’t see him, but he may already be here, looking out from those bushes…" And the Kipchaks felt terrified.

Demyan was not buried in the city, he spent the night behind the fortress wall. With the first blow of the alarm, he and his squad were on their feet. In a minute they saddled their horses, raised their armor and were ready for battle. Having left for the square in front of the citadel, Kudenevich looked at the turmoil reigning around, at the servants rushing about with torches, at the galloping half-dressed warriors, at the glow already rising from behind the wall; twitched his gray mustache disapprovingly: "It's a long time to ripen," and set off towards the gate. The horses perked up their ears, snoring, sensing the impending bloodshed. "Well, let's pull with God!" Dimly flashed, coming out of the sheath, a giant-sized sword. The gates swung open heavily, and the seven silently rushed down the street, crossing their sabers right and left; crashed into the swirling crowd, and the slashing splashed in a clang, thud and screams. In the thick of it, someone huge was tossing and turning, smashing shields and bodies with his sword. Suddenly, the roof of a barn flared up nearby, illuminating a familiar formidable figure. Shouts were heard: "Demyan! Demyan is here!"

This turned out to be enough. The Polovtsy's hair began to stir under their Malachai. Hundreds of sips with horror picked up: "Demyan is here!" Not remembering himself, the Polovtsy threw not only prey, but also weapons. The Glebov squad also had to turn their horses. Moreover, the Pereyaslavites had already poured out of the gate, and in front of him was the young Izyaslavich himself - under a scarlet banner, on a white horse.

The sun rising above the hazy horizon illuminated the picture of the chase, stretching across the fields to the northeast - to the Chernigov line. Ahead, the Ugric horse of Mstislav stalked in the quarry like a white bird. The princely basket with crimson wings hovered over his shoulders. Demyan's tall black maned argamak followed with a heavy clatter. The rest followed, slashing and throwing lassoes at the lagging enemies.

So they rushed, "cutting people like grass," until they reached an impenetrable swamp near the border town of Nosov, through which only a narrow path ran. Glebov's armorers, in order to save the prince and their honor, laid siege to the horses, lining up in a battle line, passing on those who were not burdened by the nobility of origin or duty of service.

The last fight was fierce. Demyan put many here - including the brave Voloslav. But he himself did not escape from the Suzdal swords in the hands of the descendants of the Varangians. Heavily wounded, the old knight barely reached Pereyaslavl.

The prince ordered him to be brought into his chamber, he looked after him as if he were his own. Even yesterday, while treating a guest about whom he had heard so much, he asked him to tell about his exploits; and he promised: "I'll just rest from the road." Now Mstislav, in despair, consoled the dying man: "We will still fight with you," he called the voivode to the squad. Kudenevich only smiled at that: “Now I can only ask Archangel Michael to join the squad. If they take it ... - He breathed impulsively, squeezed the prince’s hand:

I'm dying. I leave you a border. Remember your great grandfather. Take care…"

The stern soul of Demyan flew off to the righteous villages. Prince Mstislav Izyaslavich remained on sinful earth. All his life he remembered this moment and tried to fulfill the covenant of the old knight. Four years later, on his father's orders, for the first time he himself led an army against the Polovtsy, and he was crowned with the glory of the winner of the "nasty". He had a heavy share - surrounded by countless enemies, to exchange a rare military leadership talent for fratricidal wars, only occasionally getting the opportunity to meet in battle with the steppes. After all, the second generation fought then for the Kiev "table". But he didn't give up! In 1170, having barely become the Grand Duke, he gathered the South Russian princes and led them to the Steppe in a monomashic way - to an unheard of hitherto, almost without loss, victory at Orel ...

The Monk Ilya Muromets, whose relics rest in the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, lived in the second half of the 12th century and died presumably during the pogrom of Kiev by the Chernigov-Polovtsian troops in 1203. This conclusion was made after studying the relics of the reverend, recently carried out by Ukrainian scientists.
Border fortress on the Sula river. A major Polovtsian attack was repulsed around 1106.
Russian volost, which was part of the Principality of Pereyaslav, the basis of which was the border fortifications along the Sula River.
A squad consisting of men of the same kind.
A fortress on the banks of the Dnieper, at the mouth of the Sula River.
The area located in the middle reaches of the Don and along its tributaries below the confluence of the Lesnoy and Polevoy Voronezh. Here, in the wooded floodplains, the Don Cossacks probably originated.
Torks are a nomadic tribe, enemies of the Polovtsians. Displaced by them from the steppe, they were settled along the Ros river, on the right bank of the Dnieper and on the left - south of Pereyaslavl. In the service of the Russian princes, they guarded the border.
Self-name of the Polovtsy.

There are many significant dates in the history of Russia's border protection, which, like bright milestones, mark the stages of its glorious and long journey. One of them is October 15, 1893. On this day, the Russian Emperor Alexander III signed a decree on the creation of a Separate Corps of Border Guards. October 15 (27), 2016 marks the 123rd anniversary of the Separate Border Guard Corps.

The beginning of the formation of OKPS

On October 15, 1893, a quarter-century history of the Separate Corps of the Border Guard begins. On this day, Emperor Alexander III signed a decree on the formation of the Corps, the commander of which was General of Artillery Svinin Alexander Dmitrievich.

The formation of an independent governing body of the border guard was of great importance for its further formation and development. The border guard has become an independent branch of the military, controlled by competent military people on the basis of a clear military organization. A prerequisite was created for more effective actions of the border guards in solving the problems of protecting the border. At the same time, the large length of the state's borders led to the creation of border districts, which significantly increased the efficiency of managing border guard units.

Press Service of the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in South Ossetia

Improving border surveillance

Early 20th century It was a time of active search for ways to further improve border supervision based on an analysis of the experience of the past and the intensification of theoretical thought, the introduction into practice of border protection of everything advanced that has been achieved in this matter. At this time, all legal documents regulating the activities of OKPS were re-developed. In the course of the reforms, a fundamentally new concept of border protection was developed. For the first time in the entire centuries-old history of the border service, covert methods of combating smuggling and border violations (intelligence service) were put in the first place.

All commanders and commanding officers of the corps were to be engaged in the intelligence service. The head of the district oversaw the intelligence and organization of intelligence work and sent subordinates to collect information. The staff officer for assignments under the head of the district was responsible for setting up the specific work of the smuggling agents. The brigade commander led the reconnaissance.

And it was directly led by the commanders of departments, detachments, senior sergeants and assistant chiefs of posts. So, the commander of the detachment was obliged to know the name, surname and local nickname of each smuggler in the area of ​​​​his detachment and, above all, the leaders of the smugglers.

The adoption of the "Instructions for the Service of the OKPS Officials" was a very big step in streamlining the entire border service. It defined the state border as a line separating the territory of the Russian state from neighboring countries. The purpose of protecting the state border, the rights and obligations of the border guards, the procedure for managing it, the types and methods of actions of the guards, as well as the types of outfits are disclosed. The concept of "strengthened border protection" was introduced.

OKPS in numbers

OKPS was a very effective and combat-ready structure, as evidenced by the fact that during the years of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, parts of the Zaamursky district of OKPS, along with fulfilling their main task of protecting the Chinese Eastern Railway, took an active part in hostilities. They prevented 128 railway sabotage and withstood more than 200 combat clashes with the enemy. Constant combat readiness was required by almost daily skirmishes with the Honghuzi (Chinese bandits) who hunted in the right-of-way of the Chinese Eastern Railway.

All activities of the border guard had a combative character. For example, in 1894-1913, the border guards had 3595 armed clashes, as a result of which 177 soldiers were killed and 369 were injured. In turn, the soldiers destroyed 1302 and wounded 1702 intruders. During these years, there were about 240 thousand cases of detention of contraband worth more than 7 million rubles.

Due to the complexity of the service, the personnel of the border units were mainly recruited from volunteers. Among those who served in the border guards of Russia, there were natives of Ossetia.

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Press Service of the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in South Ossetia

Zaurbek Dulaev and other Ossetians who served in OKPS

A bright personality in the officer cohort was Lieutenant Colonel Zaurbek Dulaev. When, on the occasion of the war with Turkey, the Ossetian cavalry division was formed, the young Zaurbek was enlisted as a horseman. On the battlefields in 1877-1878. he repeatedly showed courage and courage and was awarded the St. George crosses of the 4th, 3rd and 2nd degrees, received a silver medal with the inscription "For Courage".

The brave warrior was noticed by the authorities and after the end of the war he was enrolled in His Majesty's Own Convoy, and after the assassination of the Emperor, he was transferred to the Terek militia.

In 1886 he joined the frontier service. Since that time, the border troops have become for him the main place of service. Performing his duties with distinction in various border units in the Caucasus, Dulaev was repeatedly noted by his superiors. He was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 3rd class, St. Anna 3rd class. and St. Anna 2nd century. In 1899 he became a captain, and in 1903 - a lieutenant colonel. Since 1904, Zaurbek Dulaev commanded the department of the Erivan brigade of the Border Guard Corps, and since 1908 he commanded the department of the Alexander Border Brigade.

Zaurbek Dulaev is not the only Ossetian who honorably served in the border guards of Russia, history has preserved the names of other brave Ossetian warriors: Dulaev Zaurbek, Kozyrev Elmurza (Elmurza) Zaurbekovich, Kanukov Vasily Ilyich, Tuganov Abubekir Kazievich, Kusov Khadzhinago misostovich, Kokaev Ivan Islamovich , Khatagov Fedor Savelyevich, Dzodziev Timofey Borisovich - they and many other Ossetians were repeatedly noted and awarded for their courage and bravery.

Completion of the history of OKPS

With the announcement of mobilization on the eve of the First World War, all border brigades became part of the active army, forming cavalry regiments and foot battalions. Moreover, the border brigades and departments of the European and Transcaucasian borders were to be disbanded, and the sums of money and accounting books were handed over to the headquarters of the corps.
On July 13, 1914, the title of chief of the OKPS was replaced by the title of commander in chief of the OKPS.

On January 1, 1917, the OKPS was renamed into the Separate Border Corps (OPK), border guard districts and brigades - into border districts and brigades, guards - into border guards.
On March 30, 1918, the Department of the Defense Industrial Complex was liquidated. Instead, the Main Directorate of the Border Guard (GUPO) of the Soviet Republic was formed under the People's Commissariat of Finance.

Thus ended the history of the Separate Corps of the Border Guard.

Few people know a curious historical fact - the art collection of the brothers Pavel Mikhailovich and Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov began with the purchase of two paintings: a painting by the artist Vasily Grigorievich Khudyakov "Clash with Finnish smugglers" and a painting by Nikolai Schilder "Temptation".

Thus, the beginning of the famous Tretyakov Gallery was laid by a canvas depicting a fight between the ranks of the Border Guards and foreign adversaries.

The Great Patriotic War is a special page in the history of the maritime units and formations of the border troops. As part of the Navy, they bore the brunt of the struggle against the insidious and cruel enemy on their shoulders, not disgracing their honor and multiplying the glorious military traditions of the guards of the sea borders of the Fatherland. In the North and the Baltic, the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean, they fought heroically, showing courage and ingenuity, dedication and professional skills, camaraderie and readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of Victory. The legendary feats of sailors-border guards will forever remain in the history of the troops, being an example of serving the Fatherland to all subsequent generations of border soldiers.

From the history of the Border Service of the Russian Federation...

On December 3, 1991, the Law of the USSR “On the reorganization of state security agencies” was adopted, on the basis of which the KGB of the USSR was abolished and the Committee for the Protection of the State Border was formed with the status of an independent union department.

On February 18, 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 145, on the basis of the All-Union Institute for Advanced Training of Officers of the Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR, the Order of Lenin Red Banner Academy of the Border Troops was established.

03/20/1992 At a meeting of the heads of states - members of the CIS in Kiev, an agreement was signed on the creation of the Joint Command of the Border Troops, the "Regulations on the Joint Command of the Border Troops" were approved, and the Agreement on the Status of the Border Troops of the CIS was adopted.

Published: August 21, 2010

Early 19th century was marked by a sharp increase in international tension caused by the policy of the leading European powers.
Since 1800, England began to impede the maritime trade of other states. This caused the formation of an alliance of four northern countries: Russia, Sweden, Prussia and Denmark, interested in restoring Catherine's armed neutrality. England mistook this for a declaration of war and imposed an embargo on all Allied ships in English ports, including Russians. It seemed that war was inevitable. But the death of Emperor Paul I on March 11, 1801 changed a lot. Alexander I, who ascended the throne, was a supporter of a peaceful policy.

Published: August 21, 2010

With the outbreak of the First World War, the border guards became part of the active army (except for the two Central Asian brigades) and fought on various fronts. According to the research of the professor of the Academy of the General Staff of the tsarist army, General N.P. Golovin, in the First World War, the Cossack troops and border guards were the most persistent and combat-ready.

Many of them became Knights of St. George. After the February Revolution, when power in Petrograd passed to the Provisional Government, the border guards were asked to "remain completely calm." Despite the revolutionary upheavals, the service continued. However, the situation on the border and in the corps has changed dramatically. The corps commander N.A. Pykhachev and the chief of staff N.K. Kononov, as well as many generals and officers, were removed from their posts. The collapse of the body began.

Published: August 21, 2010

There is a huge globe in General Pronichev's office. The borders of Russia are one and a half equator.
Colonel-General Vladimir Pronichev, First Deputy Director of the FSB of Russia, Head of the Border Service, answers KP's questions.
The main border guard of Russia is elusive for journalists. Not because it's "secret". It's just that in Moscow he happens in between business trips, and this time is rarely calculated in whole days. The border economy is equal to one and a half equators of the Earth, but you cannot stretch it into a thread. Still go get to the distant outposts. But the general gets there - it was not in vain that he himself began his service once in those parts where not the authorities fell on his head, but snow avalanches ...

Published: August 21, 2010

After the death of Peter I in 1725, Russia faced the task of ensuring the security of the southern borders of the state and access to the Black Sea. The solution of these problems was directly related to the relations between Russia and Turkey, with the further development and strengthening of the domestic fleet.

After the accession to the throne of Anna Ioannovna, they began to show great concern for the fleet.

In 1732, under the chairmanship of A. Osterman, the Military Naval Commission was created, which identified many incapable ships and vessels, and also outlined a program for updating the ship's composition. She proposed to have 27 ships, 6 frigates, 2 ferries, 3 bombardment ships and 8 packet boats in the fleet. Instead of the previously existing three large fleet flags (white, blue and red), a single white flag with a blue St. Andrew's Cross was introduced on all ships of the navy. The fleet renewal program was successfully implemented. By 1740, the renewed fleet of Russia consisted of 12 ships of the line, 26 ships of the lowest rank and 40 galleys. In 1757 there were already 21 battleships and 6 frigates. These forces were enough to take care of the protection of the borders of the state in peacetime.

Published: August 21, 2010

A special page in the history of the Border Troops is participation in the war in Afghanistan. The border troops of the KGB of the USSR did not officially participate in the war in Afghanistan. And the officers, ensigns and soldiers who died in Afghanistan were considered dead while guarding the border of the USSR with Afghanistan.

The border guards outwardly were no different from the 40th Army. Soldiers and officers went in the same uniform, shoulder straps were changed to combined arms. Perhaps the only peculiarity is that all the services of the rear and support of military operations, as well as all border aviation, were located on Soviet territory, at the locations of border detachments.

Published: August 21, 2010

The emergence of military medicine of the Border Guard of the Russian Empire began when the Russian government headed for the transition from the Border Customs Guard to the border troops.
On August 15 (27), 1827, Emperor Nicholas I approved the "Regulations on the organization of the Border and Customs Guard with a general view of it ...".

The regulation of 1827 did not provide for medical positions and medical institutions in the state of the Border Customs Guard. "Treat the lower ranks" was prescribed in civilian hospitals and military hospitals of the field army for a fee. Government expenses for the treatment of officers and members of their families were not provided, although the border service demanded that every patrolman and guard mobilize all physical and moral strength.

Published: August 21, 2010

The state border of the Soviet Union stretched for thousands of kilometers. It passes through the tundra, through the steppes and forests, through the sultry sands of the desert, through the inaccessible taiga spurs of mountain ranges, along the surface of the seas and river banks. It stretched out in an endless chain of outposts, sea and air patrols. At every kilometer of the border, from the subtropics to the northern tundra, it is guarded by the faithful sons of the Motherland - the Soviet border guards. In the heat and cold, in the rain and blizzard, day and night, soldiers in green caps vigilantly carry out their honorable and permanent watch, sacredly fulfilling the oath of allegiance to their people.

Published: August 21, 2010

Memoirs of an officer - a witness to the events of March 1969 on the Ussuri

Yuri Vitalievich Sologub - retired colonel.

Recent reports on the final settlement of border problems between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China involuntarily made me recall the events of almost 40 years ago. After all, they took place just in those places of the Far East, which were the subject of a long-standing dispute between one state and another. And I wanted to put everything on paper as it was, without hiding. Moreover, I hope that the readers of NVO will understand: all this is being told by a retired tank colonel, and not a writer or a journalist. So please do not judge strictly for the quality of the written ...

Published: August 21, 2010

Serpent Shafts

In the III-VII centuries. to protect against steppe nomads moving to the west and replacing each other, the Dnieper Slavs erected a system of ancient defensive structures along the borders of their territories - the Serpentine Walls. The ramparts ran south of present-day Kyiv along both banks of the Dnieper along its tributaries. Their remnants have survived to this day along the rivers Vit, Krasnaya, Stugna, Trubezh, Sula, Ros, etc.

The name Zmiev Val comes from folk legends about ancient Russian heroes who pacified and harnessed the Serpent (an allegory of the image of formidable nomads, evil and violence) to a giant plow, which plowed a ditch-furrow that marked the borders of the country. According to another version, the Serpent Shafts are named for their characteristic serpentine configuration of location on the ground. Similar structures are also known in the Dniester region under the name "Troyan ramparts".

Published: August 21, 2010

In severe trials of the Great Patriotic War

On June 22, 1941, the aviation units stationed on the western border, like all land and sea units of the border troops, were suddenly attacked by fascist troops.

The personnel of the 10th and 11th air squadrons, the 7th naval air squadron and the 6th separate air squadron from the very first days of the war fought side by side with units of the Red Army Air Force and the Naval Forces, invariably showed high flying skills. The skills acquired in the process of combat training in peacetime were especially useful to flight personnel in wartime. Bombing from various heights, air firing from machine guns at a cone and at targets on the ground, etc. - these elements, although not directly required for border protection, were carefully practiced by personnel. As it turned out, this method of training border guard pilots was justified.

Published: August 21, 2010

The 18th century is the time of Russia's major territorial acquisitions, military successes, the formation of the Russian Empire, and administrative reforms. These deeds are associated primarily with the names of Peter the Great, Catherine II and the outstanding Russian commanders A. V. Suvorov and P. A. Rumyantsev.

Published: August 21, 2010

There are many significant dates in the history of Russia's border protection, which, like bright milestones, mark the stages of its glorious and long journey. One of them is October 27, 1893. On this day, the Russian Emperor Alexander III signed a decree on the creation of a Separate Corps of Border Guards. October 15 (27), 2003 marked the 110th anniversary of the Separate Corps of Border Guards.

Published: August 21, 2010

KONIGSBERG ORDER OF LENIN AND THE RED STAR BORDER DEPARTMENT, one of the most famous military units of the NKVD of the USSR and the modern Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia, heir to the military glory of the 95th Border Order of Lenin of the Border Regiment of the NKVD of the USSR and the 31st Border Königsberg Order of the Red Star of the Border regiment of troops of the NKVD of the USSR, the connection of the modern Red Banner Border Guard Department of the FSB of Russia in the Kaliningrad region.

Published: August 21, 2010

Over its almost 180-year history, the Border Troops of Russia have repeatedly been reassigned to various ministries and departments and have had different names; border guard, border guard, Border troops, bodies and troops of the Federal Border Service, Border Service of the FSB of Russia.

Accordingly, the names of the governing body of military medicine also changed: the Medical Unit of the Separate Border Guard Corps (OKPS), the Sanitary Inspectorate of the Main Directorate of the Border Guard, the Sanitary (later Military Medical) Department of the Main Directorate of Border Troops, the Military Medical Directorate of the Federal Border Service.

Published: August 21, 2010

The first mention of the state border guard in Rus' dates back to 1512, when, after another attack by the Crimean Khan, Grand Duke Vasily III "established his land with outposts." It was from that time that the protection of the borders of the Russian state began to be called the border service.

Published: August 21, 2010

A separate corps of the border guards of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the last century had a far from rich selection of weapons in its arsenal. It usually consisted of a dragoon saber and a Berdan single-shot rifle. More, as it seemed to the then officials, was not needed, since the then-current "Rules on the Separate Border Guard Corps" and "Instructions for the Service of OKPS Officials" made the use of firearms incredibly difficult. They ordered "not to kill a person, but to injure if possible" and "to use weapons only when it is really necessary and, moreover, with the greatest caution and prudence." The border guards were supposed to avoid directing shots to the adjacent territory, shooting while on the border line, and if they still had to shoot, then in such a way "so that the bullets do not ricochet to the wrong side."

Published: 05 April 2010

“Border guards are sacrificial troops”

The first border guards can be considered three heroes who defended Rus' from the visits of malicious "foreign tourists". But legends are legends... The very first documentary evidence is dated 1512. Then, after another attack by the Crimean Khan, Grand Duke Vasily the Third established his lands with outposts. And on February 16, 1571, Ivan the Terrible determined the border charter of the village and guard services.

Published: 30 March 2010

My grandfather, Avramchuk Dmitry Sergeevich, on June 21, 1941, took over as operational duty officer for the Augustow border detachment. Quite recently, I found several pages written by him with memories of the first day of the war. He wrote, as far as I understood, at the request of one of the children of colleagues. If you are interested in the details - I will reprint. By the way, he recalled that the outposts were raised in advance and were waiting for an attack. No one in the troops at the level of the border detachments kept their mouths shut about the possible outbreak of war, and reports about this regularly went to Moscow without repressive consequences.

Published: 30 March 2010

TASS-DOSIER /Valery Korneev/. On May 28, Border Guard Day is celebrated annually - a professional holiday for personnel and veterans of the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia (PS FSB of Russia).

Head of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia - First Deputy Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Vladimir Kulishov (since March 2013).

History of the border troops

Specialized border troops appeared in Russia during the formation and strengthening of the Moscow principality in the XIV-XV centuries. Since 1512, the protection of the borders of the Russian state was called the "border service", in 1571 the "Boyar verdict on the village and guard service" was established - the first charter of the border guards. In the Russian Empire, these units were called customs, since 1832 - border guards.

After the October Revolution of 1917, by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of May 28, 1918, a border guard was created (since 1958 this date was celebrated in the USSR as the Day of the Border Guard), on February 1, 1918, renamed the border troops. Until 1920 they were under the jurisdiction of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs.

In 1920, the Soviet government, restoring the protection of the state border, entrusted this task to the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK, later GPU and OGPU) and its Special Department. The formation of the structure of the troops and their leadership was completed by 1924-1926. From August 1937, the protection of the state border of the USSR was assigned to the Border Troops of the NKVD (from February 1946 the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from October 1949 the Ministry of State Security, from March 1953 the Ministry of Internal Affairs, from March 28, 1957 the KGB under the Council of Ministers, from July 1978 KGB) USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. border guard troops participated in battles as part of the army, navy and air force. More than 17 thousand border guards were awarded orders and medals, 158 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On December 3, 1991, by decree of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, the border troops were withdrawn from the KGB and subordinated to the Committee for the Protection of the State Border of the USSR.

On June 12, 1992, by decree of the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, the border troops of the Russian Federation were formed on the basis of the border troops of the USSR.

In 1993, by decree of President Boris Yeltsin, the Federal Border Service (FPS) of Russia was created - the main command of the border troops. By decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin dated March 11, 2003, the FPS was abolished from July 1, 2003, its functions were transferred to the Federal Security Service (FSB), within which the Border Guard Service was created.

At present, employees of the 41st Directorate of the PS of the FSB of Russia control almost 61 thousand km of the state border of Russia.

In service with the Coast Guard of the PS of the FSB of Russia are:

  • about 100 ships (patrol ships of projects 1135 Burevestnik, 22460 Rubin and 22120 Purga, patrol boats Commander, Uragan, etc.),
  • about 80 aircraft and helicopters (Il-76, An-26, An-72, Mi-8, etc.).

By order of the FSB of Russia, ice-class patrol ships of project 22100 "Ocean" are being built.

According to the interstate agreement of September 30, 1992, Russian border guards stationed on the territory of Armenia guard the border of this state with Turkey and Iran. In addition, the basing point for patrol ships of the coast guard of the PS of the FSB of Russia operates in the city of Ochamchira (Abzakhia).

Personnel are trained for the service by the Border Academy of the FSB of Russia in Moscow, the Moscow, Golitsyn, Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Khabarovsk border institutes of the FSB of Russia, as well as the Institute of the Coast Guard of the FSB of Russia in Anapa (Krasnodar Territory) and the First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB of Russia (St. Petersburg). ).