What Russian proverbs speak of a generous person. Proverbs about Russian people and Russian character

  • They fed herrings, but did not give them to drink.
  • Thrift falls into avarice, and generosity into waste.
  • You have kvass on the street, but you come into the house and you will not find water.
  • He called guests, but bought bones.
  • The lazy one walks three times, and the miser pays three times.
  • You are welcome to our hut to slurp noodles, and after I crumble the beef.
  • You can't borrow fire.
  • From cheap fish - cheap fish soup.
  • Who is a fist by birth, cannot straighten into a palm.
  • Who is stingy and greedy, he is not good in friendship.
  • You can't squeeze out of miserly water.
  • Is the forest not enough for you in the forest?
  • Greed is like a river: the farther, the wider.
  • You can't grab everything in one paw.
  • Plenty of money, and even more.
  • The cat eats fat, and shouts: not enough!
  • Greed is the beginning of every grief.
  • Greed is blind.
  • Greed and importance are a hindrance to the head.
  • The wretched beggar gave his last penny, and he himself left the rich and so. (about the generosity of the poor and the stinginess of the rich)
  • He trembles over a penny.
  • The bootleg is cut from a flea.
  • A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.
  • Thrift is not stinginess.

These were Russian folk proverbs and sayings about greed and stinginess (proverbs about greed and generosity).

About generosity and greed

You can't fill a bottomless tub with water.

Take, the hand will not be cleaned, but given (i.e., it will become scarce).

Rich as Ilyinsky honeycomb, but lives like cattle.

The rich don't feed the poor, but everyone is full.

The rich man will not buy his conscience, but he will destroy his own: he will climb into wealth, he will also forget brotherhood.

He looks into the coffin, and saves money.

He looks into the grave, and trembles over the penny.

Submit to the window - submit to God.

You can't stock up on trash in a failed pit.

In the hands of others, the chunk seems large, but as soon as we get it, it will seem small.

Command God to give, do not command God to ask.

Owns the city, and is dying of hunger.

Spare water - and do not cook porridge.

Here's to you, God, what's not good for us.

You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the good.

You'll trade the crumb from the cookie.

Where the eyes are thrown, it's a pity to leave.

Our grief is buckwheat porridge; I don't want to eat, but it's a pity to leave.

It is bitter to eat, but it is a pity to leave.

The hand that gives will not hurt, the one that takes will not wither.

Plenty of money, and even more.

Money is rolling.

Money is like stones - hard on the soul.

A good master is the master of money, and a bad one is a servant.

More expensive than silver and gold is the soul that is rich in generosity.

They knock each other out of each other's hands.

The soul does not accept, but the eyes are asking more and more.

There is a reserve, but not about you.

There are many, but I want more.

Give free rein to the greedy, he will want more.

Greed for peace is a fierce enemy.

Greed deprives the last mind.

Greed is blind.

He lived in bliss, but rode in a cart.

Life is stingy - wears a thin dress.

I drove into the rear sight, but put on a great cart - and not from a place.

The crop is full and the eyes are hungry.

If I had a belly of seven sheepskins, one would eat everything.

Like a gutless chicken, everyone is hungry.

As I became full, so I learned shame.

When you are full, then know shame.

Which cow died, she was kind to milk.

The spoon is narrow, it carries three pieces: you need to spread it so that it can carry six.

People will drink as they wipe with a handkerchief; and he will drink, as he burns it with fire.

Many, many, and still so many.

To grab a lot - to lose yours.

Nazar licked everything.

Call him brother, and he wants to be big.

Natolok in a bag that he didn’t drag from the place.

You can't stock up on trash in your pit.

The dog of the river does not bark, so all night long he stands above the river and barks.

Don't ask the rich, ask the tardy.

Not as much as you can, as much as you want.

I was glad that the dog pancake.

Live with one hand, this with the other!

He takes everything under his paw.

The wretched beggar gave his last penny, and he himself left the rich and so.

Our eyes are holes, our hands are rakes.

Two mushrooms per spoon, and the third stuck to the stem.

Two scoops per spoon.

Sweets and saliva flow.

On the monastery carpet, he is throwing on the cheek.

Chased after the crumbs, but was left without a chunk.

He chased after the ax handle, and drowned the ax.

You will regret the little bar, you will not tie it with a strap.

If you feel sorry for Altyn, you will be simple with a ruble (i.e., after).

Ass that sheaf, that stack - everything is nice.

Sweaty hand torovat, dry stubborn.

He rolled like a pig to a trough.

The mare appropriated a belt whip.

He sells with a profit, but goes naked.

Let the woman go to heaven, and she leads the cow with her.

Wake me up, mom, tomorrow early! – What is it? - Yes, here's a slice of bread to finish: now I can’t.

The hand of the giver does not fail.

He ate himself, but his eyes are not full.

He loses his good, but wants someone else's.

As much as you can, as much as you want. You can do a lot, you want twice.

Money to a miser is like hay to a dog.

A miserly rich man is poorer than a beggar.

The miser closes tightly, but rarely treats.

The stingy saves - the devil sews money.

The stingy one is saving up for a tory (or: for a mot).

The miser is not stupid: he wants good for himself.

The miser does not save up for himself: he will die, he will not take anything with him.

Miser pays twice.

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

Avarice is harder to heal than a wound.

God will reduce the stinginess of man to the age.

The stingy die, and the children open the chests.

Mean as bees: they collect honey, but they themselves die.

From all over the world you can’t collect flowers.

The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle.

The dog is enough, but there is no satiety.

Gathered, as hungry for jelly. I came with my spoon.

Thank you for that, and even for that.

There are no hundred rubles, and the ruble is not money.

Stands up to his neck in water, and asks for a drink.

The wolf ate the mare and choked on the firewood.

It's bad to eat, and it's a pity to quit.

Yours is only what you gave.

You were called to dinner, and you came to eat.

Torovat, like flint: you can’t hit with a butt, you won’t see a spark.

God gives to the puffy one, but drags the devil to the stingy one.

Three things evoke love: faith, modesty, and generosity.

The bag is tight, but there is a hedgehog in the bag.

The bag is tight, but the little man is stingy.

If you rake it hard, you won’t carry it home.

The rich and the stingy ruble is crying, but the poor and the poor are jumping.

The wretched man needs much, and the stingy man needs everything.

One need oppresses the wretched, two miserly (squalor and stinginess).

Money has no eyes: they don’t see what they give for.

You can’t beg from a stone priest and iron prosvir.

For people, a penny jumps, and for avaricious people, the ruble is crying.

If I die, I'll take it with me.

You can't get a penny from him for a penny.

He has every penny nailed with an altyn (or: ruble) nail.

His teeth froze from avarice.

You can't borrow snow from him in the middle of winter.

The miser loses more.

You can’t beg for ice from a miser even at Epiphany.

The stingy man has a lot of beer, mead, but it's time for him to go completely into the water.

You can't beg for a miser.

A miser has more money, more grief.

The torigo has stinginess at the bottom.

At generous owners, chickens bring two eggs each.

Even if your belly bursts, don't stay good.

What a little, that's not swords in the window.

The more you have, the more you need.

The devil sews the pouch, the miser stuffs it.

What is poorer is more generous.

Whatever got into his claws was gone.

Whatever fell into the hands of the miser was lost.

Looking for someone else, lost his own.

Chur alone: ​​do not give to anyone.

She slurps the peas with an awl, and shakes it off.

The fur coat lies, and the skin trembles.

A generous person does not brag about a gift, a hero does not refuse what has been said.

There is no more generous promise.

I finished all of them, and he rolled one.

There are many dishes, but it's a pity for the belly.

Whistle in the house - call poverty.

During the year, people who have not been there before cannot be invited to the dwelling inherited.

In inclement weather, it is better not to take anything out of the house.

They don’t sweep in the evening - you will sweep happiness out of the house.

Garbage is not thrown out in the evening.

Debt is repaid in the morning, not in the evening, so that money flows.

If you give any animal, you must take at least a small coin.

Jewelry inherited from relatives should not be worn by people who are not related to you by blood.

You can’t put money and a hat on the table - at a loss.

Do not lend on Tuesday, in the evening and on the waning moon.

Do not borrow or return money in the evening.

Do not give alms from hand to hand.

Do not wash the floors after sunset - you will wash your well-being.

Do not raise the money found on an empty stomach in the morning.

You can not transfer money from hand to hand.

You can't sit on money.

You can’t leave your wallet empty, for a divorce you need to leave at least a penny.

Never put a bag with a wallet on the floor.

Do not throw anything out the window, otherwise happiness will leave your home.

A knife placed on the table with the blade up leads to lack of money.

Leaving money on the table overnight is a loss of money.

Leave the keys on the table overnight - lose property.

Leave an empty bottle on the table for the night - to lack of money.

Putting aside "for a rainy day", do not constantly look in the piggy bank, otherwise your wallet will leak.

You need to sweep the floor from the threshold, and not to the threshold, so that you do not sweep the good out of the house.

Sweeping in one apartment with different brooms - disperse wealth in the corners, click poverty.

After sunset, money is not counted so that it does not decrease.

Fold bills in your wallet should be neatly straightened, in ascending order of denomination.

The larger the amount of money, the faster they multiply - money attracts money.

They take a small coin, hold it over the flame of a church candle and say three times: “You will always bring money, I call you a getter.” This coin is sewn into the seam of clothing.

Throw all the little things in the house in the corners, saying: “Let him come to my house!”

All the little change that has accumulated in the wallet for the week must be spent or distributed on Sunday, otherwise you will be rich only in small money.

To achieve wealth, a washing ceremony was carried out: on Maundy Thursday, they wash themselves with water, in which gold and silver things, coins lay.

To attract wealth in the evening after the holiday of Ivan Kupala, they collect all the money in the house and put it on the bedside table near the bed, and the next day, without getting out of bed, they count it several times.

To maintain prosperity in the house and attract money, the owners had to make friends with the brownies and hang a charm at the entrance to the house - a horseshoe, a bag with ferns or coins, a wooden bird of happiness.

In order for wealth not to decrease, nails should be cut only on Tuesday or Friday.

To increase the money in the wallet, an aspen leaf is placed in it.

In order for the children not to know poverty, silver money is placed under the pillow for the newborn and a silver spoon is presented.

If the hand itches, then it is necessary that the money be carried, scratch or rub the back side of the table board with this hand.

When you see a young month to your right, show him the money.

On the growing moon, you need to stroke a gray cat with white paws, saying: "Kitty cradle, give us money, perhaps we need more."

You cannot pass by a coin lying on the road - it must be picked up, but only if it does not lie at the crossroads.

At baptism, babies were brought in and carried out of the church in a casing.

At the first call of the cuckoo on the eve of St. George's Day, a handful of earth, grain or money is thrown over the head.

When receiving a debt, a fig is kept in the pocket with the left hand.

At the beginning of sowing or plowing, in order to soften the land with its poverty and get a rich harvest, it was supposed to eat only oatmeal with kvass.

After receiving a lot of money, blood is dripped onto one of the large bills. It is always carried in a wallet, not spent or exchanged.

After the guests leave, they shake the tablecloth outside so that the money flows.

In order for money to flow into the house, put the broom with the handle down.

In order for money to be found in the house, a coin is placed in each corner of it, and when building a new house, coins were laid in the foundation.


Round, small, nice for everyone.

Small, round jumps from pocket to pocket.

Small, round, sloping, as soon as he runs away, you will not catch up.

Little, round jumps from prison to prison, the whole world jumps; she is not good for anything, but everyone needs her.

They beat us with a hammer and give it to us.

Thin, white, small, round, pretty to the whole world. (Silver coin)

The thing is small, but everyone needs it.


They walk without legs.

For all of us, we are born in abundance into the world, but some of us have a lot, while others do not have us.

How not to be guarded, but shaken.

What burns without a flame?

Counterfeit money

Who made me - does not say, who does not know me - accepts, and who knows - does not let me into the yard.

Next chapter >

1. The rich man did a wake for his father and stepfather, but the poor man could not do it for his own father.

2. Poor, but proud, he has no horse, and he raises his leg in the stirrup.

3. A large tree gives a lot of chips.

4. In need, you will receive help from whom you do not expect.

5. The master gave a horse, but the groom did not allow it.

6. The hungry know the price of bread.

7. You can't pay your debt with thoughts.

8. For the hungry and salt and pepper food.

9. He who had a single cow gave her a jug to urinate.

10. The wake was such that the dogs walked past the food.

11. Patience is wealth.

12. If you are rich, then death will wait.

13. If the neighbor is wealthy, then you will have yours.

14. They also praise the dog of the rich.

15. Whom the guests visit, the cauldron does not empty.

16. He who does not know the measure of his stomach will be disgraced.

17. When a poor man gets rich, his wife will die.

18. The well-fed thought that his comrades were also well-fed.

19. What is missing is expensive.

20. What the happy earns, the unfortunate lives on.

21. What the unfortunate collected, the happy took away.

22. The mind of the noble poor does not kill.

23. Go to bed without eating - get up without debt.

24. They don’t laugh at the ugly, they don’t smile at the poor.

25. An orphan and a churek will bake without fire.

26. The unfortunate got the wealth collected by the happy.

27. In search of what he did not have, the greedy man lost what he had.

28. Do not be born from what is rich, and do not shun him who is poor.

29. Than "yours", "mine" is better.

30. Wealth is dominance.

31. Who died of hunger with gold, who remained with the harvest.

32. The one to whom you are in debt is your king.

33. Small things are hard to spend, big things are easy.

34. Knew how to take away, know how to bring.

35. The more difficult it is to acquire wealth, it is more difficult to save it.

36. For a fool, even wealth is fatal.

37. Let the guy be poor, but conscientious.

38. Kindness without mind is emptiness.

39. Who went bankrupt during the sale, he wised up during the purchase.

40. A good person does not make mistakes.

41. Glory is more beautiful than wealth.

42. Tears do not pay a debt.

43. Whoever is waiting for someone else's dinner will be left without breakfast.

44. The wealth of the mind will not replace.

45. When wealth ends, the mind is added.

46. ​​You won’t earn a ruble without spending a penny.

47. What has fallen - pick it up, but what has been thrown - do not take it.

48. Be afraid of poverty, but she came - do not retreat.

49. Two beggars do not enter the same gate.

50. Whoever shares his piece will not remain hungry.

51. The earth does not love the one who asks for alms.

52. Do not allow a hungry man to look into your barn.

53. He who is accustomed to taking away cannot give.

54. Greedy and the grave is narrow.

55. When you are sick, you feel sorry for yourself, but how you recovered - what you spent.

56. He who always asks is not shy.

57. When they gave flour to the poor, he asked for a cauldron.

58. Greedy counts his income a hundred times.

59. Whose house burned down, spared the ashes.

60. When fools were digging a well, they did not know where to put the earth.

61. A beggar is not afraid of poverty.

62. The cunning one who gives with one hand takes away with two.

63. A miser will knock oil out of water.

64. For a beggar, and Easter does not come.

65. Beggar any shoes in size.

66. Who didn’t have money, he was looking for a wallet.

67. Fifty kopecks paid a ruble.

68. Where there are many merchants, there are many poor peasants.

69. Who was shaking over someone else's piece, and did not finish his own.

70. When you are poor and the priest is deaf to you.

71. The disease of avarice is incurable.

72. Pop - rejoices at the death of a rich man.

73. The sum of a beggar has no bottom.

74. An orphan has a house without a roof.

75. He who does not have his own, shakes over someone else's.

76. Whoever is poor in soul, and wealth will not help him.

77. There is no drought for a beggar.

78. A poor man will not have a guest without talking.

79. An orphan and an orphan in Paradise.

80. Happiness with wealth, poverty with grief.

81. The poor man is not afraid of thieves.

82. Hungry and timid sleep is not calm.

83. Small spool, but expensive.

84. The church has not yet been built, but the poor have gathered.

85. A beggar stands in paradise under the windows.

86. The poor have no end to fasting.

87. Everyone helps the rich, but no one helps the poor.

88. A rich miser is worse than a beggar.

89. One is related to the rich.

90. A miser has no debts.

91. Where stinginess is, friendship is powerless.

92. The rich and stupid do not need advice.

93. A poor man does not visit a miser.

94. No one notices the death of a beggar.

95. The miserly beggar knows.

96. A beggar has many gates.

97. A beggar has nothing to hide.

98. There are no unfamiliar paths for a beggar.

99. The poor people milk their cow even without a calf.

100. The wealth of a beggar is health.

101. Having become rich, remember what you ate when you were poor.

102. Everyone lends money to those who pay their debts on time.

103. What you borrowed from a poor man ahead of time, give it back.

104. Relatives of the poor dress him when they bury him.

105. The beggar was beaten, and they were not allowed to cry.

106. The poor man, having become rich, burned a candle during the day.

107. The rich Easter days do not end.

108. The rich man boasts of his money, the poor of his children.

109. The poor man leaves a sweet piece for the last.

110. Wealth is deaf, poverty is blind.

111. The poor man knows the misfortune of a beggar.

112. The hungry man's dinner is delicious.

113. Hunger has a short conscience.

114. The poor man knows what wealth is worth.

115. Whoever has nothing has short arms.

116. Fear poverty rather than death.

117. No one hears the sighs of the poor.

118. The rich are looking for beautiful things, the poor are looking for warm ones.

119. The rich feed the poor with crumbs.

120. Greed humiliates, modesty adorns.

121. A beggar's penny resounds like a bell.

122. From the crying of an orphan, water boils.

123. Do not be proud of the fact that you are rich today.

124. When hungry, everything is delicious.

125. Rich becomes boring.

126. And a poor son for a rich mother.

127. A poor man dries his wet clothes on himself.

128. Greedy eyes are hungry.

129. In the house of the poor, people are carried away with songs.

130. He who pursued what was his had to share.

131. A beggar's gold is also colorless.

132. A poor man does not believe in a beggar.

133. A greedy dog ​​is put on a yoke.

134. Wealth and happiness do not exist together.

135. The only thing left for the poor is to twist his mustache.

136. A stubborn debtor and a persistent giver are worth one another.

137. A thief does not regret stolen wealth.

138. What you cannot say from wealth and what you cannot eat from poverty.

139. Woe does not depart from the door of the poor.

140. If a poor man has meat, there is no fire; if there is fire, there is no meat.

141. Greedy and the sea is sorry.

142. If you do not quickly use what a bad nobleman gave, then he will demand it back.

143. It is better for a bad belly to burst than for a good meal to remain.

144. The poor man found a treasure, he did not find a place where to hide.

145. Whoever eats in secret will not be satisfied.

146. For a blind cat, a skinny mouse is fat.

147. Who does not go to visit, and does not love the guest.

148. Alamys is more valuable than all riches.

Note: Alamys is a combination of all the highest moral qualities of a person: honor, dignity, nobility, love of freedom, conscience, sense of duty, fidelity, chastity.

Source apsny.ru

From stinginess. (Arabic proverb)

By the generosity of the hand, you can see what a heart is. Give it out the window - God will give it to the doorway (that is, invisibly). You will regret the little bar, you will not tie it with a strap. If you regret the lychka, you will give the strap. If you take pity on the altyn, you will be simple with a ruble (i.e., after). Until the eyes are full, the stomach will not be full. (Kazakh proverb) If you die, you won’t take anything with you. Sweaty hand torovat, dry stubborn. He sells with a profit, but goes naked (either stingy or drunk). A gluttonous camel is ready to eat his blanket. (Kazakh proverb) The people do not forget the distributed good. (Georgian proverb) A hand that can take can also give itself. (Kazakh proverb) With the world on a thread - a naked shirt. A pig is not my brother, and five rubles is not money. He loses his own good, but wants someone else's. Money to a miser is like hay to a dog. The stingy one needs, the stingy one wants. The wretched man needs much, and the stingy man needs everything. The miser is not stupid: he wants good for himself. Stupid - not stupid. Stingy is not stupid. The trembling of the hands betrays a stingy. (Kazakh proverb) A stingy dinner will not be cooked until the guest leaves. (Kazakh proverb) A mean rich man is poorer than a beggar. Both rich and poor. The necessary one (i.e., the wretched one) is stingy, the stingy one is in need. A miserly rich man is poorer than a generous poor man. (Arabic proverb) A miser locks tightly, but rarely treats. The stingy saves - the devil sews money. The stingy one is saving up for a tory (or: for a mot). The miser does not save up for himself: he will die, he will not take anything with him. Miser pays twice. The miser hides his own from himself. (Kazakh proverb) A mean soul is cheaper than a penny. Greed is an infection. She sticks either from neighbors or relatives. (Kazakh proverb) Stinginess is not stupidity. God will reduce the stinginess of a person to the age. The stingy die, and the children open the chests. Miserly, like bees: they collect honey, but they themselves die. It's a pity to shake hands with each other. (Kazakh proverb) Sweet is not enough, bitter is not drunk. The blind man was treated by frying his own wheat. (Kazakh proverb) Death shows bellies (i.e. property). I owe the dog a bone. (Kazakh proverb) There are no hundred rubles, and the ruble is not money. Yours is only what you gave. You won’t bet that you’ll dissolve it liquidly (increase: more will go to the batch). Tore, the tongue is sweet, but the soul is callous. (Kazakh proverb) Torovat, like flint: you won’t hit with a butt, you won’t see a spark. You can't recognize a fat man with a rich man. God gives to the puffy one, but drags the devil to the stingy one. God gives to the puffy one, but the devil takes away from the stingy one. That true hero who did not give his will to passion. (Kazakh proverb) Three things cause love: faith, modesty and generosity There is a bag, and a hedgehog in the bag. The bag is tight, but the little man is stingy. He carried it heavily and did not bring it home. The rich and the stingy ruble is crying, but the poor and the poor are jumping. Money has no eyes. Money has no eyes: they don’t see what they give for. You can’t beg from a stone priest and iron prosvir. Whoever has generous hands, all roads are open to him. Whoever has generous hands, all roads are open to him. (Kazakh proverb) For people, a penny jumps, but for us (i.e., for avaricious people), the ruble is crying. You can't get a penny from him for a penny. He has every penny nailed with an altyn (or: ruble) nail. His teeth froze from avarice. In the middle of winter, you can’t beg for ice from him (or: you can’t buy snow). The glutton's stomach is cracking, and his eyes are still asking. (Kazakh proverb) The petitioner has one cheek on fire, the one who refuses has both cheeks on fire. (Kazakh proverb) An orphan has seven stomachs. (Kazakh proverb) A stingy person is not a negligee: there is something to take. For the stingy, not for the stingy. The miser loses more. The stingy one will get it for two stingy ones. You can’t beg for ice from a miser even at baptism. The miser has many excuses for refusing. (Kazakh proverb) The miser has a lot of beer, honey, but it's time for him to go completely into the water. You can't beg for a miser. You can't thresh grain from a miser. The stingy one doesn’t have boils, so he will vomit in a hurry. A miser has more money, more grief. The toritogo has stinginess at the bottom (or: under a bushel) lies. The generous always has money in his pocket (Lezgin proverb) Generous hosts have chickens with two eggs each. (Kazakh proverb) At generous owners, chickens bring two eggs each. One need oppresses the wretched, two miserly (squalor and stinginess). Seeing gold, and the angel turned off the road. (Kazakh proverb) To treat a mean person is like writing him with tears. (Kazakh proverb) A smart dream leads forward, a foolish meanness pulls back. (Kazakh proverb) Smart is a slave of his honor, Fool is a slave of his property. (Kazakh proverb) A smart man protects his honor, avaricious cattle protects his. (Kazakh proverb) What a little, that's not swords in the window. The more you have, the more you need. The more fat the snake grows, the more it shakes with greed. (Kazakh proverb) Rather than wait for a mean treat, it’s better to take a bone from a dog. (Kazakh proverb) The devil sews the bag, the miser stuffs it. What is poorer is more generous. The wretched beggar gave his last penny, and he himself left the rich and so. What is in the oven, all swords on the table. What is not nice, then the ass in the censer. To shame the stingy, give him yourself. (Kazakh proverb) He slurps peas with a shilom, and even shakes it off. The fur coat lies, and the skin trembles. Do not consider generous those who give someone else's. (Turkmen proverb) A generous person does not brag about a gift, a hero does not refuse what has been said.

Life is a movement from imperfection to perfection. Nature itself suggests this direction to us: all living beings, one way or another, evolve and nothing can remain forever in a static state. Human consciousness is an intermediate level between animal consciousness and divine consciousness. And the highest destiny of a person is the transformation of his animal consciousness, the pacification of his animal instincts and the desire to acquire a divine state of consciousness. What is the difference between animal consciousness and divine consciousness? The consciousness of an animal is based on instincts, which, one way or another, are aimed only at ensuring the viability of a particular creature.

We cannot know for sure in what form consciousness is manifested in animals, but judging by their behavior, we can conclude that they are most often interested only in satisfying their personal physical needs. That is, the main sign of animal consciousness is selfishness. You can, of course, cite as an example, say, a dog, a friend of a person, who can show miracles of fidelity and even sacrifice his life for the sake of his master (not many people are capable of this).

But here, by the way, you can already see how, when interacting with a person, the consciousness of a dog “humanizes”: it becomes more altruistic. This is a vivid example of the fact that evolution is, first of all, the transformation of egoism into altruism. From this follows the following conclusion: that a sign of divine consciousness is altruism. And the higher the level of development of consciousness, the higher the level of altruism.

The collision of animal and divine consciousness, the contrast of their difference was well noted by Shantideva in his brilliant work “Bodhicharya Avatara”: “What will I eat if I give it away? - such is the self-interest of evil spirits. What will I give if I eat? “This is selflessness worthy of the king of the gods.” Very subtle. The consciousness of an egoist puts his person, his personality, as they say, at the forefront, in the center of the universe. And first of all, the egoist seeks to satisfy his needs, and only then, if resources remain, you can think about others. And this is at best.

And at worst, such a thought does not even arise in the mind of an egoist, just as a gust of wind cannot arise in a vacuum. The consciousness of an altruist has a diametrically opposite direction: first of all, he thinks about the good for others, and only when the suffering of all those around him has ceased, he can think about himself. And this is the highest purpose of a rational being. When the consciousness of a being expands to the size of the Universe, it begins to understand that everything in this world is one and the same, and it is impossible to create a personal island of happiness in the ocean of troubles and suffering. For sooner or later waves of suffering will overwhelm this island. Then a person begins to act not in the interests of himself, but in the interests of all living beings.

Generosity is the cause of wealth

“Release your bread on the waters, because after many days you will find it again,” said the Old Testament King Solomon, and wisdom, covered with the dust of centuries, is relevant to this day. The same was said by the Teacher of Gods and People - Buddha Shakyamuni. His words are stated in the Sutra on the Law of Karma, which is recommended for everyone to read: “Offering clothes to monks will cause you to have many good clothes in the future or in your next life.

Offering food to the hungry will cause you to have a large supply of food in your next life. Being miserly and greedy towards those who are in need will cause great suffering from hunger and cold due to lack of food and clothing in your next life. Offering food to the monasteries will be the cause of having a spacious house in your next life.” Who better and clearer than the Tathagata can explain to all living people how wise it is to be generous and how stupid it is to be greedy?

Wealth is measured by generosity.
Andrey Lavrukhin

There are far fewer ungrateful people than people think, because there are far fewer generous people than people think.
Charles Saint Evremond

It is easier to be generous than not to regret it later.
Jules Renard

Many of us will gladly share the latest out-of-fashion shirt with our neighbors.
Leszek Kumor

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Acts of the Apostles, 20, 35

Give, and it will be given to you.
Gospel of Luke 6:38

Doubly gives the one who gives quickly.
Publilius Sir

Who gives twice, let him give quickly.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Doubly takes the one who takes quickly.

Good deeds rendered to the unworthy, I consider atrocities.
Cicero Mark Tullius

The Lord gave us two hands - one to receive, the other to give.
Billy Graham

The so-called generosity is based on vanity, which is dearer to us than everything that we give.
François La Rochefoucauld

The generosity of the rich is often only a special kind of shyness.
Friedrich Nietzsche

With the community of property, there will be no place for noble generosity, and no one will be able to show it in practice, since generosity manifests itself precisely when it is possible to dispose of one's goods.

There is a huge difference between those who know how to give and those who do not know how to protect.

Aristippus of Cyrene remarked: “Really, generosity will never ruin Dionysius: to us, who ask a lot, he gives little, and to Plato, who takes nothing, he gives a lot.”
According to Plutarch

Extravagance imitates generosity.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Although every virtue attracts us to itself, justice and generosity do it most of all.
Cicero Mark Tullius

A generous person has inexhaustible wealth.
Rig Veda

A spiritualized and generous husband, although he will not live long, is counted among the long-livers, and the one who exists with worldly vanity and wretchedness, who is not able to bring benefits to himself or others, will be short-lived and unhappy, even if to a ripe old age will live.
John of Damascus

Spending someone else's, you add glory to yourself, while wasting your own, you only harm yourself. Nothing else exhausts itself more than generosity: in showing it, at the same time you lose the very possibility of showing it and either fall into poverty, arousing contempt, or ruin others, thereby incurring hatred on yourself.
Niccolo Machiavelli

The so-called generosity is usually based on vanity, which is dearer to us than everything that we give.
François de La Rochefoucauld

Jean de La Bruyère

A man is sometimes more generous when he has little money than when he has a lot; maybe to keep from thinking that he doesn't have them at all...
Benjamin Franklin

To understand the luxury of generosity, you have to be poor.
George Eliot

The generosity of a person indicates that he has almost all the other virtues that adorn a member of society; stinginess speaks of the absence of these virtues.
Goncourt brothers

The virtue of the poor is generosity of soul.
Albert Camus

You quickly get tired of being generous, just as quickly you get tired of being sober and reasonable.
Frantisek Lid

Generosity is the generosity of one who has a lot and allows one who has nothing to get everything that he can.
A. Beers

Generosity is determined by the cause of its manifestation.
K. Helvetius

To be generous means to give more than you can; being proud means taking less than you need.
D. Gibran

Real generosity towards the future lies in giving everything to the present.
A. Camus

Generosity consists not so much in giving much, but in giving in time.
J. La Bruyère

Who is gifted with generosity from birth,
He does not think whether he is rich or poor.
A. Navoi

Who is generous without measure - the noise will go about him;
And generosity will be called prodigality.
A. Navoi

He who is generous does not need to be brave.

Generosity knows no bounds.

Read Russian folk proverbs, as well as sayings, proverbs of other peoples of the world about stinginess and generosity for children with explanations.

It is useful for children at any age to tell sayings, proverbs to study folk wisdom and culture of behavior. Such expressions, paired with images with the main characters of famous folk tales, will be understandable to kids and school-age children.

After all, the information is presented in an entertaining way, and also brings up the right thinking through the discussion of what has been said. One of the most important themes in proverbs and sayings is generosity. In Russian short sayings, this quality has always been glorified, and greed and stinginess have been criticized.

Proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess for preschool children, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Sayings about greed, stinginess have short but well-aimed statements. It is difficult for children to understand why their favorite toys should sometimes be allowed to play with others. After all, not everyone is accustomed to share their property from an early age. Kids should be explained that playing together is much more interesting than alone.

And sayings, proverbs carry the essence and understanding of this. If the child himself is not greedy, then other children will share their toys or sweets with him.

  • What is poorer is more generous- It's about the soul. Wealth is not only in money, in the first place are the spiritual qualities of a person. Sometimes the poor are ready to give their last for the sake of saving their neighbor, but the rich will not give even a penny.
  • Do not be generous with words, be generous with military deeds- do not promise much, especially what you are unable to fulfill. It is better to be more silent and do good deeds.
  • It's better to save your own than live someone else's- You can’t spend more than you can earn, otherwise you will have to pay off all your debts.
  • The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle- Greedy people may not use the thing at all, and not give it to another. Even if it would be very useful to others.
  • Do good and throw it in the river- if a person decides to do good, then there is no need to ask for a payment for him later. These things are done free of charge.
  • He will drown himself, but will not give water- in this saying they mention people who are very greedy. They have everything, but they do not agree to lend even some trifle to another.
  • The miser closes tightly, but rarely treats- there are such greedy people that they even keep their family on bread and water.
  • Cry-cry, and hide the gingerbread- the proverb says about people that they tell everyone how hard life is for them, but they themselves have plenty of everything.
  • You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the clothes- it is enough to be content with little, there is no need to be greedy.
  • The whole world is kindred to the generous- good attitude towards kind and not greedy people everywhere.

The best proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess for children of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

In any culture, stinginess has always been ridiculed and condemned. Sharing should be taught to children from an early age. Otherwise, this defect can remain with the child for life.

Many parents try to properly educate their kids and even scold them for being greedy in the presence of others. You can't do this. Do not bring the child to hysterics, explain everything to him in stages using examples or with the help of oral folk art - study sayings, proverbs. But do not call the baby a greedy person and do not shame him in front of other children.

Examples of proverbs, sayings:

  • Pity empty words, but do not skimp on good deeds- do not make promises, rather silently help those in need.
  • The giving hand will not hurt, the receiving hand will not wither is an expression of blessing for good deeds (charity).
  • They entrusted the goat to guard the cabbage- a saying about thieves who, at least someone else's trifle, will bring it to their house.
  • What is in the oven - all swords on the table- teaching how to properly welcome guests.
  • One need oppresses the wretched, two miserly (squalor and stinginess)- any greedy person is worse than a miserable one. He has petty judgments, and he lives for a penny, not even allowing himself anything.
  • Greed pushes to meanness- stingy people, as a rule, are also mean, often discussing others and being jealous.
  • Greed is blind- except for profit, the greedy sees nothing and does not live to the fullest, he denies himself everything.
  • A little satiates, a big one swells- people who have been helped once, out of habit, can again demand help, realizing that it is not necessary to earn a living for themselves. After all, it will be given for free. However, the giver gets fed up and doesn't help anymore.
  • Greedy and stupid - a friend of a pig- if a person has two qualities at once - greed and stupidity, then no one will want to communicate with him at all.
  • Two mice fought over bai garbage- we are talking about greedy petty people who are given small handouts. For the sake of this, they are even ready to quarrel, to do meanness to each other - just to please the giver.
  • A well-fed bear is quieter than a hungry man- if a person constantly lacks something, then he behaves aggressively, demanding the impossible from others.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Try with your child to discuss the actions of greedy cartoon characters or fairy tales. At the same time - never put the interests of your kids lower than the interests of other people's children. Act gently, do not bring up a spineless person. Let the kid try to make the right decision himself. After all, even you are not ready to lend to some enemies, so the baby has the right to choose with whom to share his toys, and with whom it is not necessary.

  • The fur coat lies, and he trembles- the saying refers to a stingy, overly economical person who saves on everything.
  • Miserly as bees: they collect honey, and then they themselves die- there are people who do not allow themselves anything superfluous all their lives and others too, but put the money in a piggy bank.
  • I can’t eat, but it’s a pity to leave- often such people are full because of their greed. They will not leave the table until they have eaten everything that is poured to them.
  • There is no more generous promise It's about those who talk a lot but do nothing.
  • Here's to you, God, what is worthless to us- most often the expression is used when they give all sorts of things that no one needs.
  • Neither myself nor din, nor the other will not give- a statement about petty greedy people who themselves do not use a profitable offer, and dissuade others.
  • If you are in the boat of greed, your companion will be poverty- when a person is stingy, then he does not have any spiritual communication, and he lives not interestingly.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about generosity and greed, avarice: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

If your baby has a heightened sense of ownership, then do not scold him. Such an upbringing will only bring bad consequences. Perhaps he lacks your attention, show more interest in the affairs of the child. Praise him for good deeds. Try to prevent conflicts in advance - do not take his favorite toy on walks so that he does not have to share it with other children.

  • Give to everyone - there will be a lot is a greedy person's excuse not to share or borrow anything.
  • On a generous hand and the falcon sits down Everyone respects non-greedy people.
  • Plenty of money, and even more- this saying mentions people to whom no matter how much you give it will still not be enough.
  • All the generosity of bai is on the tongue- we are talking about high-ranking persons who promise a lot, but do nothing.
  • Rather beg for milk from a chicken- so the people speak of the stingy, who never, to anyone, give or borrow anything.
  • You can't hold two watermelons in one hand- we are talking about the greedy who are ready to take everything, even if they are not able to take it all away.

Proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess with drawings for children: photo

Do not confuse stinginess, greed and wastefulness. When the baby does not follow his toys at all, he distributes them to everyone, and does not even take them from the street after the game. Therefore, the property of children must be respected. Explain how to behave in a given situation. When you take some of your child's things yourself, ask permission first. And when you use it, give thanks. If the kid thinks that he needs this thing at the moment, he has the right to refuse, and you show patience and respect his decision.

Examples of proverbs about greed, generosity:

  • There is a reserve, but not about you
  • More precious than silver and gold is the soul that is rich in generosity
  • Not the greedy one who has little, but the one who wants more
  • Called guests, but bought bones
  • Greed of the last mind deprives
  • Greed pushes to meanness
  • There are many, but I want more
  • You can't rake everything in one paw

Miserable Scrooge McDuck

Tale of the greedy old woman - "Porridge from an ax"

Parents can feel irritable when kids ask a lot of questions, want to learn something new. This is especially true after a hard day at work. Try not to allow yourself this. After all, children learn the world thanks to your help. Give them more time, read fairy tales, sayings, proverbs.

Video: Sayings about greed

Piggy bank of folk wisdom. Traditions, rituals, signs, proverbs, sayings Demus Valery Anatolyevich

About generosity and greed

About generosity and greed

You can't fill a bottomless tub with water.

Take, the hand will not be cleaned, but given (i.e., it will become scarce).

Rich as Ilyinsky honeycomb, but lives like cattle.

The rich don't feed the poor, but everyone is full.

The rich man will not buy his conscience, but he will destroy his own: he will climb into wealth, he will also forget brotherhood.

He looks into the coffin, and saves money.

He looks into the grave, and trembles over the penny.

Submit to the window - submit to God.

You can't stock up on trash in a failed pit.

In the hands of others, the chunk seems large, but as soon as we get it, it will seem small.

Command God to give, do not command God to ask.

Owns the city, and is dying of hunger.

Spare water - and do not cook porridge.

Here's to you, God, what's not good for us.

You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the good.

You'll trade the crumb from the cookie.

Where the eyes are thrown, it's a pity to leave.

Our grief is buckwheat porridge; I don't want to eat, but it's a pity to leave.

It is bitter to eat, but it is a pity to leave.

The hand that gives will not hurt, the one that takes will not wither.

Plenty of money, and even more.

Money is rolling.

Money is like stones - hard on the soul.

A good master is the master of money, and a bad one is a servant.

More expensive than silver and gold is the soul that is rich in generosity.

They knock each other out of each other's hands.

The soul does not accept, but the eyes are asking more and more.

There is a reserve, but not about you.

There are many, but I want more.

Give free rein to the greedy, he will want more.

Greed for peace is a fierce enemy.

Greed deprives the last mind.

Greed is blind.

He lived in bliss, but rode in a cart.

Life is stingy - wears a thin dress.

I drove into the rear sight, but put on a great cart - and not from a place.

The crop is full and the eyes are hungry.

If I had a belly of seven sheepskins, one would eat everything.

Like a gutless chicken, everyone is hungry.

As I became full, so I learned shame.

When you are full, then know shame.

Which cow died, she was kind to milk.

The spoon is narrow, it carries three pieces: you need to spread it so that it can carry six.

People will drink as they wipe with a handkerchief; and he will drink, as he burns it with fire.

Many, many, and still so many.

To grab a lot - to lose yours.

Nazar licked everything.

Call him brother, and he wants to be big.

Natolok in a bag that he didn’t drag from the place.

You can't stock up on trash in your pit.

The dog of the river does not bark, so all night long he stands above the river and barks.

Don't ask the rich, ask the tardy.

Not as much as you can, as much as you want.

I was glad that the dog pancake.

Live with one hand, this with the other!

He takes everything under his paw.

The wretched beggar gave his last penny, and he himself left the rich and so.

Our eyes are holes, our hands are rakes.

Two mushrooms per spoon, and the third stuck to the stem.

Two scoops per spoon.

Sweets and saliva flow.

On the monastery carpet, he is throwing on the cheek.

Chased after the crumbs, but was left without a chunk.

He chased after the ax handle, and drowned the ax.

You will regret the little bar, you will not tie it with a strap.

If you feel sorry for Altyn, you will be simple with a ruble (i.e., after).

Ass that sheaf, that stack - everything is nice.

Sweaty hand torovat, dry stubborn.

He rolled like a pig to a trough.

The mare appropriated a belt whip.

He sells with a profit, but goes naked.

Let the woman go to heaven, and she leads the cow with her.

Wake me up, mom, tomorrow early! – What is it? - Yes, here's a slice of bread to finish: now I can’t.

The hand of the giver does not fail.

He ate himself, but his eyes are not full.

He loses his good, but wants someone else's.

As much as you can, as much as you want. You can do a lot, you want twice.

Money to a miser is like hay to a dog.

A miserly rich man is poorer than a beggar.

The miser closes tightly, but rarely treats.

The stingy saves - the devil sews money.

The stingy one is saving up for a tory (or: for a mot).

The miser is not stupid: he wants good for himself.

The miser does not save up for himself: he will die, he will not take anything with him.

Miser pays twice.

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

Avarice is harder to heal than a wound.

God will reduce the stinginess of man to the age.

The stingy die, and the children open the chests.

Mean as bees: they collect honey, but they themselves die.

From all over the world you can’t collect flowers.

The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle.

The dog is enough, but there is no satiety.

Gathered, as hungry for jelly. I came with my spoon.

Thank you for that, and even for that.

There are no hundred rubles, and the ruble is not money.

Stands up to his neck in water, and asks for a drink.

The wolf ate the mare and choked on the firewood.

It's bad to eat, and it's a pity to quit.

Yours is only what you gave.

You were called to dinner, and you came to eat.

Torovat, like flint: you can’t hit with a butt, you won’t see a spark.

God gives to the puffy one, but drags the devil to the stingy one.

Three things evoke love: faith, modesty, and generosity.

The bag is tight, but there is a hedgehog in the bag.

The bag is tight, but the little man is stingy.

If you rake it hard, you won’t carry it home.

The rich and the stingy ruble is crying, but the poor and the poor are jumping.

The wretched man needs much, and the stingy man needs everything.

One need oppresses the wretched, two miserly (squalor and stinginess).

Money has no eyes: they don’t see what they give for.

You can’t beg from a stone priest and iron prosvir.

For people, a penny jumps, and for avaricious people, the ruble is crying.

If I die, I'll take it with me.

You can't get a penny from him for a penny.

He has every penny nailed with an altyn (or: ruble) nail.

His teeth froze from avarice.

You can't borrow snow from him in the middle of winter.

The miser loses more.

You can’t beg for ice from a miser even at Epiphany.

The stingy man has a lot of beer, mead, but it's time for him to go completely into the water.

You can't beg for a miser.

A miser has more money, more grief.

The torigo has stinginess at the bottom.

At generous owners, chickens bring two eggs each.

Even if your belly bursts, don't stay good.

What a little, that's not swords in the window.

The more you have, the more you need.

The devil sews the pouch, the miser stuffs it.

What is poorer is more generous.

Whatever got into his claws was gone.

Whatever fell into the hands of the miser was lost.

Looking for someone else, lost his own.

Chur alone: ​​do not give to anyone.

She slurps the peas with an awl, and shakes it off.

The fur coat lies, and the skin trembles.

A generous person does not brag about a gift, a hero does not refuse what has been said.

There is no more generous promise.

I finished all of them, and he rolled one.

There are many dishes, but it's a pity for the belly.

Whistle in the house - call poverty.

During the year, people who have not been there before cannot be invited to the dwelling inherited.

In inclement weather, it is better not to take anything out of the house.

They don’t sweep in the evening - you will sweep happiness out of the house.

Garbage is not thrown out in the evening.

Debt is repaid in the morning, not in the evening, so that money flows.

If you give any animal, you must take at least a small coin.

Jewelry inherited from relatives should not be worn by people who are not related to you by blood.

You can’t put money and a hat on the table - at a loss.

Do not lend on Tuesday, in the evening and on the waning moon.

Do not borrow or return money in the evening.

Do not give alms from hand to hand.

Do not wash the floors after sunset - you will wash your well-being.

Do not raise the money found on an empty stomach in the morning.

You can not transfer money from hand to hand.

You can't sit on money.

You can’t leave your wallet empty, for a divorce you need to leave at least a penny.

Never put a bag with a wallet on the floor.

Do not throw anything out the window, otherwise happiness will leave your home.

A knife placed on the table with the blade up leads to lack of money.

Leaving money on the table overnight is a loss of money.

Leave the keys on the table overnight - lose property.

Leave an empty bottle on the table for the night - to lack of money.

Putting aside "for a rainy day", do not constantly look in the piggy bank, otherwise your wallet will leak.

You need to sweep the floor from the threshold, and not to the threshold, so that you do not sweep the good out of the house.

Sweeping in one apartment with different brooms - disperse wealth in the corners, click poverty.

After sunset, money is not counted so that it does not decrease.

Fold bills in your wallet should be neatly straightened, in ascending order of denomination.

The larger the amount of money, the faster they multiply - money attracts money.

They take a small coin, hold it over the flame of a church candle and say three times: “You will always bring money, I call you a getter.” This coin is sewn into the seam of clothing.

Throw all the little things in the house in the corners, saying: “Let him come to my house!”

All the little change that has accumulated in the wallet for the week must be spent or distributed on Sunday, otherwise you will be rich only in small money.

To achieve wealth, a washing ceremony was carried out: on Maundy Thursday, they wash themselves with water, in which gold and silver things, coins lay.

To attract wealth in the evening after the holiday of Ivan Kupala, they collect all the money in the house and put it on the bedside table near the bed, and the next day, without getting out of bed, they count it several times.

To maintain prosperity in the house and attract money, the owners had to make friends with the brownies and hang a charm at the entrance to the house - a horseshoe, a bag with ferns or coins, a wooden bird of happiness.

In order for wealth not to decrease, nails should be cut only on Tuesday or Friday.

To increase the money in the wallet, an aspen leaf is placed in it.

In order for the children not to know poverty, silver money is placed under the pillow for the newborn and a silver spoon is presented.

If the hand itches, then it is necessary that the money be carried, scratch or rub the back side of the table board with this hand.

When you see a young month to your right, show him the money.

On the growing moon, you need to stroke a gray cat with white paws, saying: "Kitty cradle, give us money, perhaps we need more."

You cannot pass by a coin lying on the road - it must be picked up, but only if it does not lie at the crossroads.

At baptism, babies were brought in and carried out of the church in a casing.

At the first call of the cuckoo on the eve of St. George's Day, a handful of earth, grain or money is thrown over the head.

When receiving a debt, a fig is kept in the pocket with the left hand.

At the beginning of sowing or plowing, in order to soften the land with its poverty and get a rich harvest, it was supposed to eat only oatmeal with kvass.

After receiving a lot of money, blood is dripped onto one of the large bills. It is always carried in a wallet, not spent or exchanged.

After the guests leave, they shake the tablecloth outside so that the money flows.

In order for money to flow into the house, put the broom with the handle down.

In order for money to be found in the house, a coin is placed in each corner of it, and when building a new house, coins were laid in the foundation.


Round, small, nice for everyone.

Small, round jumps from pocket to pocket.

Small, round, sloping, as soon as he runs away, you will not catch up.

Little, round jumps from prison to prison, the whole world jumps; she is not good for anything, but everyone needs her.

They beat us with a hammer and give it to us.

Thin, white, small, round, pretty to the whole world. ( silver coin)

The thing is small, but everyone needs it.


They walk without legs.

For all of us, we are born in abundance into the world, but some of us have a lot, while others do not have us.

How not to be guarded, but shaken.

What burns without a flame?

Counterfeit money

Who made me - does not say, who does not know me - accepts, and who knows - does not let me into the yard.

From the book Man with a ruble author Khodorkovsky Mikhail

THE CURE FOR GREED There is an institute in Moscow with such a bleating name - VNIIETO. “The basic scientific center of Russia for the development and production of electrothermal equipment of all kinds,” says its official website. Like most other metropolitan research institutes,

From the author's book

Hurray - GREED! The facts cited in The Week (No. 50, 1991) cannot but lead one to think. According to US News and World Report, in the nine years from 1980 to 1989, the number of millionaires in the United States increased fourteenfold.