Matrenin yard based on real events. Analysis of Solzhenitsyn's story "Matrenin Dvor

"Matrenin yard" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

“A village does not stand without a righteous man” - this is the original title of the story. The story echoes many works of Russian classical literature. Solzhenitsyn seems to transfer any of Leskov's heroes to the historical era of the 20th century, the post-war period. And the more dramatic, more tragic is the fate of Matryona in the midst of this situation.

The life of Matrena Vasilievna, it would seem, is ordinary. She devoted all of it to work, selfless and hard work of the peasant. When the construction of collective farms began, she went there too, but because of her illness they let her out and now they were already attracted when others refused. And she did not work for money, she never took money. Only later, after her death, her sister-in-law, with whom the narrator settled, will remember evilly, or rather, recall to her this strangeness of hers.

But is the fate of Matryona so simple? And who knows what it's like to fall in love with a person and, without waiting for him, marry another, unloved, and then see your betrothed a few months after the wedding? And what is it like then to live side by side with him, to see him every day, to feel guilty for his and his life that did not work out? Her husband did not love her. She bore him six children, but none of them survived. And she had to take on the upbringing of the daughter of her beloved, but already a stranger. How much warmth and kindness accumulated in her, she invested so much in her adopted daughter Kira. Matrena went through so much, but she did not lose that inner light that shone in her eyes, cast a smile. She did not hold a grudge against anyone and only got upset when she was offended. She is not angry with her sisters, who appeared only when everything in her life had already become well. She lives with what she has. That is why she did not accumulate anything in her life, except for two hundred rubles for the funeral.

The turning point in her life was that they wanted to take away her upper room. She did not feel sorry for the good, she never regretted it. It was terrible for her to think that they would break her house, in which her whole life had flown by in an instant. She spent forty years here, she also endured two wars, a revolution that flew by with echoes. And for her to break and take away her room means to break and destroy her life. For her, this was the end. The real ending of the novel is not accidental either. Human greed destroys Matryona. It is painful to hear the author's words that Thaddeus, because of whose greed the case began, on the day of his death and then the burial of Matryona, only thinks about the abandoned log house. He does not pity her, does not cry for the one whom he once loved so passionately.

Solzhenitsyn shows the era when the foundations of life were turned upside down, when property became the subject and goal of life. It is not in vain that the author wonders why things are called "good", because this is essentially evil, and terrible. Matryona understood this. She did not chase outfits, she dressed in a rustic way. Matryona is the embodiment of true folk morality, universal morality, on which the whole world rests.

So Matryona remained not understood by anyone, not truly mourned by anyone. Only Kira cried alone, not according to custom, but from the heart. They feared for her sanity.

The story is masterfully written. Solzhenitsyn is a master of subject matter detailing. From small and seemingly insignificant details, he builds a special three-dimensional world. This world is visible and tangible. This world is Russia. We can say exactly where in the country the village of Talnovo is located, but we perfectly understand that in this village is all of Russia. Solzhenitsyn combines the general and the particular and puts it into a single artistic image.


  1. The narrator gets a job as a teacher in Talnovo. Settles at Matrena Vasilievna.
  2. Gradually, the narrator learns about her past.
  3. Thaddeus comes to Matryona. He takes care of the upper room, which Matryona promised Kira, his daughter, brought up by Matryona.
  4. While transporting a log house across the railroad tracks, Matryona, her nephew and Kira's husband die.
  5. Because of the hut and property of Matryona, disputes have been going on for a long time. And the narrator moves in with her sister-in-law.

The analysis of the story "Matryona Dvor" includes a description of its characters, a summary, the history of creation, the disclosure of the main idea and problems that the author of the work raised.

According to Solzhenitsyn, the story is based on real events, "completely autobiographical."

In the center of the narrative is a picture of the life of the Russian village in the 50s. XX century, the problem of the village, reasoning on the topic of the main human values, questions of kindness, justice and compassion, the problem of labor, the ability to go to the rescue of one's neighbor who found himself in a difficult situation. All these qualities are possessed by a righteous person, without whom "the village is not worth it."

The history of the creation of "Matryonin Dvor"

Initially, the title of the story sounded like this: "A village does not stand without a righteous man." The final version was proposed at an editorial discussion in 1962 by Alexander Tvardovsky. The writer noted that the meaning of the title should not be moralistic. In response, Solzhenitsyn good-naturedly concluded that he was unlucky with names.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918 - 2008)

Work on the story was carried out over several months - from July to December 1959. Solzhenitsyn wrote it in 1961.

In January 1962, during the first editorial discussion, Tvardovsky convinced the author, and at the same time himself, that the work should not be published. Nevertheless, he asked to leave the manuscript in the editorial office. As a result, the story saw the light of day in 1963 in Novy Mir.

It is noteworthy that the life and death of Matryona Vasilievna Zakharova are reflected in this work as truthfully as possible - exactly as it was in reality. The real name of the village is Miltsevo, it is located in the Kuplovsky district of the Vladimir region.

Critics warmly welcomed the work of the author, highly appreciating its artistic value. The essence of Solzhenitsyn's work was very accurately described by A. Tvardovsky: an uneducated, simple woman, an ordinary worker, an old peasant woman ... how can such a person attract so much attention and curiosity?

Maybe because her inner world is very rich and sublime, endowed with the best human qualities, and against its background everything worldly, material, empty fades. For these words Solzhenitsyn was very grateful to Tvardovsky. In a letter to him, the author noted the importance of his words for himself, and also pointed out the depth of his writer's view, from which the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe work was not hidden - the story of a loving and suffering woman.

Genre and idea of ​​the work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn

"Matryona Dvor" refers to the genre of the story. This is a narrative epic genre, the main features of which are the small volume and unity of the event.

Solzhenitsyn's work tells about the unfairly cruel fate of an ordinary person, about the life of villagers, about the Soviet order of the 50s of the last century, when after the death of Stalin the orphaned Russian people did not understand how to live on.

The narration is conducted on behalf of Ignatich, who throughout the entire plot, as it seems to us, acts only as an abstract observer.

Description and characteristics of the main characters

The list of characters in the story is not numerous, it comes down to several characters.

Matrena Grigorieva- an elderly woman, a peasant woman who worked all her life on a collective farm and who was released from heavy manual labor due to a serious illness.

She always tried to help people, even strangers. When the narrator comes to her to rent a place, the author notes the modesty and disinterestedness of this woman.

Matryona never deliberately looked for a tenant, did not seek to cash in on it. All her property consisted of flowers, an old cat and a goat. Matrona's dedication knows no bounds. Even her marital union with the groom's brother is explained by the desire to help. Since their mother died, there was no one to do housework, then Matryona took on this burden.

The peasant woman had six children, but they all died at an early age. Therefore, the woman took up the education of Kira, the youngest daughter of Thaddeus. Matryona worked from early morning until late at night, but she never showed her displeasure to anyone, did not complain about fatigue, did not grumble about her fate.

She was kind and responsive to everyone. She never complained, did not want to be a burden to someone. Matrena decided to give her room to the grown-up Kira, but for this it was necessary to divide the house. During the move, Thaddeus' things got stuck on the railroad, and the woman died under the wheels of the train. From that moment on, there was no person capable of selfless help.

Meanwhile, Matryona's relatives thought only about profit, about how to share the things left from her. The peasant woman was very different from the rest of the villagers. It was the same righteous man - the only one, irreplaceable and so invisible to the surrounding people.

Ignatich is the prototype of the writer. At one time, the hero was serving a link, then he was acquitted. Since then, the man set out to find a quiet corner where he could spend the rest of his life in peace and serenity, working as a simple school teacher. Ignatich found his refuge at Matrena.

The narrator is a private person who does not like excessive attention and long conversations. All this he prefers peace and quiet. Meanwhile, he managed to find a common language with Matryona, however, due to the fact that he understood people poorly, he could only comprehend the meaning of the life of a peasant woman after her death.

Thaddeus- former fiance of Matryona, brother of Yefim. In his youth, he was going to marry her, but he went into the army, and there was no news of him for three years. Then Matryona was given in marriage to Yefim. Returning, Thaddeus almost killed his brother and Matryona with an ax, but he came to his senses in time.

The hero is cruel and unrestrained. Without waiting for the death of Matryona, he began to demand from her part of the house for her daughter and her husband. Thus, it is Thaddeus who is to blame for the death of Matryona, who fell under a train while helping her family pull their house apart. He was not at the funeral.

The story is divided into three parts. The first tells about the fate of Ignatich, that he is a former prisoner and now works as a school teacher. Now he needs a quiet haven, which the kind Matryona gladly provides him.

The second part tells about the difficult events in the fate of the peasant woman, about the youth of the main character and the fact that the war took her lover from her and she had to connect her fate with the unloved man, the brother of her fiancé.

In the third episode, Ignatich learns about the death of a poor peasant woman, tells about the funeral and commemoration. Relatives squeeze tears out of themselves, because circumstances require it. There is no sincerity in them, their thoughts are only occupied with how it is more profitable for themselves to divide the property of the deceased.

Problems and arguments of the work

Matrena is a person who does not require a reward for her bright deeds, she is ready for self-sacrifice for the good of another person. They do not notice it, do not appreciate it and do not try to understand it. Matryona's whole life is full of suffering, starting from her youth, when she had to join her fate with an unloved person, endure the pain of loss, ending with maturity and old age with their frequent illnesses and hard manual labor.

The meaning of the life of the heroine is in hard work, in which she forgets about all her sorrows and problems. Her joy is caring for others, helping, compassion and love for people. This is the main theme of the story.

The problem of the work is reduced to questions of morality. The fact is that in the countryside, material values ​​are placed above spiritual values, they prevail over humanity.

The complexity of Matryona's character, the sublimity of her soul is inaccessible to the understanding of the greedy people surrounding the heroine. They are driven by a thirst for hoarding and profit, which obscures their eyes and does not allow them to see the kindness, sincerity and selflessness of the peasant woman.

Matryona serves as an example that the difficulties and hardships of life temper a strong-willed person, they are unable to break him. After the death of the main character, everything that she built begins to collapse: the house is pulled apart in pieces, the remnants of miserable property are divided, the yard is left to fend for itself. No one sees what a terrible loss has occurred, what a wonderful person has left this world.

The author shows the frailty of the material, teaches not to judge people by money and regalia. The true meaning lies in the moral character. It remains in our memory even after the death of the person from whom this amazing light of sincerity, love and mercy emanated.

The author's title of the story is "There is no village without a righteous man", however, the editor-in-chief of Novy Mir, where the work was published in 1963 (No. 1), A. Tvardovsky insisted on the name "Matrenin Dvor", which, from the point of view of expression the author's position is incomparably weaker, since for Solzhenitsyn the main thing was the assertion of the impossibility of the existence of a life devoid of a moral principle, the personification of which among the people was the main character of the story for him.

The story "Matryona Dvor", the analysis of which we will carry out, in terms of reproducing the events of reality, retains complete authenticity: both the life and death of Matryona Vasilievna Zakharova are presented in the work with documentary accuracy; in life, the action took place in the village of Miltsevo, Vladimir Region. Thus, the plot of the story and the images of the characters are not invented, one of the characteristic features of Solzhenitsyn's work manifested itself here: the writer gravitates towards real facts, the artistic comprehension of which in his works is carried out in the direction of revealing the philosophical foundations of life, turning everyday life into being, revealing characters in a new way heroes who explain their actions from positions not of momentary, vain, but eternal.

The image of the railway in Russian literature has a long tradition, and Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryona's Dvor" continues these traditions. Its beginning, as it were, interests the reader: why, at the crossing, "for a good six months after that, all the trains slowed down, as it were, to the touch"? Then"? However, the further narration removes some mystery from the events that almost caused the trains to stop, and it turns out that here, at this crossing, the same Matryona died a terrible death, which during her lifetime was little appreciated by those around her, considering her as "funny" and "stupid" , and after death, they began to condemn at all for the fact that she was so "wrong".

The image of the main character of the story "Matryona Dvor" is drawn by the author in the highest degree realistic, his Matryona is not embellished at all, she is depicted as the most ordinary Russian woman - but already in the way she "maintains" her hut, the unusual mental warehouse of this woman is manifested: "Spacious the hut, and especially the best window-side part of it, was lined with stools and benches - pots and tubs with ficuses. They filled the loneliness of the hostess with a silent but living crowd, "says the author, and the reader sees this world of life - for the hostess - of nature, in which she good and calm. She carefully created this world of hers, in which she found peace of mind, because her life was unusually difficult: “Not understood and abandoned even by her husband, who buried six children”, “Many injustices were heaped with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered disabled; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory - she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get a pension for her husband ... "- this is what this woman's life was like.

However, as the author emphasizes, all these life trials did not turn Matryona Vasilievna into an embittered person, she remained light, able to enjoy life, looking at the world openly and joyfully, she retained her “radiant smile”, she learned in any situation to find an opportunity to enjoy life , and, as the author writes, "I noticed: she had a sure means to regain her good mood - work." Any injustice that spoiled her life was forgotten in the work that transformed her: "And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, but having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile." Perhaps that is why she could not refuse anyone who asked (almost demanded ...) her help in the work, that she experienced the joy of work? And neighbors and relatives took advantage of this, and it turned out that Matryona’s hands didn’t reach their garden - they had to help others, who almost openly despised her for this help: “And even about Matryona’s cordiality and simplicity, which the sister-in-law for recognized her, she spoke with contemptuous regret.

The author also shows Matréna as a person in whom the true, not exposed, spiritual values ​​of the Russian people are concentrated: kindness, true love for people, faith in them (despite the unfair attitude towards oneself), some kind of even holiness - only the holiness of everyday life, in which it is unusually difficult for a person to preserve the moral principle in himself. It is noteworthy that the author mentions this when speaking about the place of religion in the life of the heroine: “Perhaps she prayed, but not ostentatiously, embarrassed by me or afraid to oppress me ... in the morning on holidays, Matryona lit a lamp. She only had sins less than that of her rickety cat. She strangled mice..." The following detail, noticed by the author, speaks of the heroine's spiritual beauty: "Those people always have good faces, who are at odds with their conscience... Matryona."

The heroine of the story "Matrenin Dvor" Solzhenitsyna dies under the wheels of a train because of someone else's greed, because of her desire to help others, seemingly native people. However, these "relatives and friends" swoop like kites on a poor (if not beggarly) "inheritance", arrange from crying over the body of the murdered "accusatory cries against" each other, trying to show that it was they who loved the deceased most of all and most of all for her mourn, and at the same time their crying goes beyond "ritual norms", "coldly thought out, from time immemorial routine." And at the commemoration, for which "bad-tasting pies were baked from bad flour," they argued about who would get what from the deceased's things, and "it was a matter of writing to the court" - the "relatives" were so intransigent. And after the funeral, Matryona’s sister-in-law remembers her for a long time, and “all her reviews about Matryona were disapproving: she was unscrupulous; she didn’t chase after the plant; and she wasn’t careful; and she didn’t even keep a pig, for some reason she didn’t like to feed; and stupid, helped strangers for free ... "But it is precisely this, in the eyes of the author Matryon, that she is opposed to all the other heroes of the story, who lost their human appearance in the pursuit of "furnishing" and other blessings of life, who valued only these most notorious blessings in life, who do not understand, that the main thing in a person is the soul, which is the only one worth bothering about in this life. It is no coincidence that, having learned about the death of Matryona, the author says: "A dear person was killed." Native - because he understood life in the same way as he himself, although he never spoke about it, maybe simply because he didn’t know such words ...

The author at the end of the story admits that while Matryona was alive, he did not manage to fully understand her. Tormented by his guilt because "on the last day I reproached her for her quilted jacket", he tries to understand what was the attraction of Matryona as a person, and the reviews of her relatives about her reveal to him the true meaning of this person in his own life and the lives of those , who, like himself, never managed to understand her during his lifetime: "We all lived next to her and did not understand that she is the very righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, there is no village. Not a city. Not all our land." This recognition characterizes the author as a person who is able to admit his mistakes, which speaks of his spiritual strength and honesty - unlike those who, during their lifetime, used the kindness of Matryona's soul, and after death despised her for the same kindness ...

On the way to publication, Solzhenitsyn's story "Matrenin Dvor" underwent changes not only in the title. The date of the described events was replaced - at the request of the editors of the magazine, the year 1953 was indicated, that is, the Stalin era. And the appearance of the story caused a wave of criticism, the author was reproached that he one-sidedly shows the life of a collective farm village, does not take into account the experience of the advanced collective farm neighboring the village where Matryona lives, although it is about its chairman that the writer at the very beginning says: "His chairman, Gorshkov, brought fairly hectares of forest under the root and profitably sold to the Odessa region, on which he raised his collective farm, and received a Hero of Socialist Labor for himself "... Probably, the pathos of Solzhenitsyn's work, which showed that the "righteous man" left this land, did not suit those who determined the "meaning" of the story, but its author has nothing to do with it: he would be glad to show a different life, but what if it is such as it is? The writer's deep concern for the fate of the people, whose "righteous" people live misunderstood and die such a terrible death, is the essence of his moral position, and Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin Dvor", which we have analyzed, is one of his most significant works, in which this anxiety is particularly acute.

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 1

1. The story "Matryonin Dvor":

B) is based on fiction;

C) based on eyewitness accounts, contains elements of fiction.

2. The story is told in:

A) in first person

B) from a third party;

C) two narrators.

3. Function of exposition in a story:

A) introduce the reader to the main characters;

B) intrigue the reader with a mystery that explains the slow movement of the train along a segment of the railway track;

C) to acquaint with the place of action and indicate the involvement of the narrator in what happened


4. The narrator settled in Talnovo, hoping to find patriarchal Russia:

A) and was upset when he saw that the inhabitants were unfriendly towards each other;

B) and did not regret anything, because he learned the folk wisdom and sincerity of the inhabitants of Talnovo;

C) and stayed there forever.

5. The narrator, paying attention to the description of everyday life, talking about a middle-aged cat, a goat, mice and cockroaches living freely in Matryona's house:

A) did not approve of the inaccuracy of the hostess, although he did not tell her about it so as not to offend;

B) emphasized that the good heart of Matryona felt sorry for all living things, and she sheltered in the house of those

who needed her compassion;

C) showed the details of village life.

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 2

1. Unlike the detailed description of Thaddeus, the portrait of Matryona is stingy with details:

“The round face of Matryona, tied with an old faded handkerchief, looked at me in the indirect soft reflections of the lamp ...” This allows:

B) indicate its belonging to the villagers;

C) to see a deep subtext in the description of Matryona: her essence reveals not a portrait, but how she lives and communicates with people.

2. Reception of the arrangement of images with a gradual increase in significance, which the author uses in the finale of the story ( ) is called:

3. What the author is talking about: “But it must have come to our ancestors from the Stone Age itself, because, heated once before dawn, it keeps warm food and drink for livestock, food and water for humans all day long. And sleep warmly.

5. How does the fate of the narrator of the story "Matryona Dvor" resemble the fate of the author A. Solzhenitsyn?

5. When was the story "Matryonin Dvor" written?

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 3

1. Matryona told the narrator Ignatich the story of her bitter life:

A) because she had no one to talk to;

B) because he also had to go through difficult times, and he learned to understand and sympathize;

C) because she wanted to be pitied.

2. A short acquaintance with Matryona allowed the author to understand her character. He was:

A) kind, gentle, sympathetic;

B) closed, taciturn;

C) cunning, mercantile.

3. Why was it hard for Matryona to give the upper room during her lifetime?

4. What did the narrator want to work in the village?

5. Indicate on whose behalf the narration is being conducted in Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin Dvor"

B) objective storytelling

D) bystander

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 4

A) went for holy water at Baptism;

B) she cried when she heard Glinka's romances on the radio, taking this music with her heart;

C) agreed to give the upper room for scrapping.

2. Main theme of the story:

A) revenge of Thaddeus Matryona;

B) the alienation of Matryona, who lived closed and lonely;

C) the destruction of Matryona's court as a haven of kindness, love and forgiveness.

3. Waking up one night in the smoke that rushed to save Matryona?

4. The sister-in-law, after the death of Matryona, said about her: "... stupid, she helped strangers for free." Were people strangers to Matryona? What is the name of this feeling, on which Rus' is still based, according to Solzhenitsyn?

5. Indicate the second name of Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin Dvor"

A) "The case at the station Krechetovka"

B) "Fire"

C) “A village does not stand without the righteous”

D) "business as usual"

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 5

A) highlight the hero's solidity, dignity, fortress.

B) to show the resilience of the once “tar hero”, who did not waste his spiritual kindness and generosity;

C) more clearly reveal the anger, hatred, greed of the hero.

2. The narrator is:

A) an artistically generalized character showing a complete picture of events;

B) the character of the story, with his life story, self-characterization and speech;

C) a neutral narrator.

3. What did Matryona feed her tenant?

4. Continue.“But Matryona was by no means fearless. She was afraid of fire, she was afraid of lightning, and most of all for some reason .... "

a) "The village of Torfoprodukt"

b) “A village does not stand without a righteous man”

c) "Backless Matryona"

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 6

1. Depicting the lamentation of relatives for the deceased Matryona,

A) shows the proximity of the heroes to the Russian national epic;

B) shows the tragedy of events;

C) reveals the essence of the sisters of the heroine, who, in tears, argue for the inheritance of Matryona.

2. A tragic omen of events can be considered:

A) the loss of a rickety cat;

B) the loss of the house and everything connected with it;

C) discord in relations with sisters.

3. Matryona's clock was 27 years old and they were in a hurry all the time, why didn't this bother the hostess?

4. Who is Kira?

5. What is the final tragedy? What does the author want to tell us? What worries him?

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 7

1. Solzhenitsyn calls Matryona a righteous woman, without whom the village does not stand, according to the proverb. He came to this conclusion:

A) since Matryona always spoke the right words, her opinion was listened to;

B) because Matryona observed Christian customs;

C) when the image of Matryona became clear to him, close, like her life without the pursuit of good, for outfits.

2. What words begin the story "Matryonin Dvor"?

3. What connects the story "Matryonin Dvor" and?

4. What was the original name of the story "Matryonin Dvor"?

5. What hung "on the wall for beauty" in Matryona's house?

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 8

1. Matryona cooked food in three cast-iron pots. In one - for himself, in the other - for Ignatich, and in the third - ...?

3. What sure remedy did Matryona have to regain her good mood?

4. What event or omen happened to Matryona at Baptism?

5. What is the full name of Matryona .

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 9

1. What part of the house did Matryona bequeath to her pupil Kira?

2. What historical period is the story about?

a) after the revolution

b) after World War II

3. What music heard on the radio did Matryona like?

4. What kind of weather did Matryona call duel?

5. " From the red frosty sun, the frozen window of the canopy, now shortened, filled with a little pink, - and Matryona's face warmed this reflection. Those people always have good faces, who….” Continue.

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 10

1. What was Thaddeus thinking about as he stood at the tombs of his son and the woman he had once loved?

2. What is the main idea of ​​the story?

a) depiction of the severity of the life of the peasantry of collective farm villages

b) the tragic fate of a village woman

c) loss of spiritual and moral foundations by society

d) displaying the type of eccentric in Russian society

3. Continue: “Not understood and abandoned even by her husband, who buried six children, but did not like her sociable character, a stranger to her sisters, sister-in-law, funny, stupidly working for others for free - she did not accumulate property to death. Dirty white goat, rickety cat, ficuses…
We all lived next to her and did not understand that she was the one .... "


5. What artistic details help the author create the image of the main character?

a) lopsided cat

b) potato soup

c) a large Russian stove

d) a silent but lively crowd of ficuses

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 11

1. What is the meaning of the namestory?

a) the story is named after the scene

b) Matrenin yard - a symbol of a special structure of life, a special world

c) a symbol of the destruction of the world of spirituality, goodness and mercy in the Russian village

2. What is the main idea of ​​this story? What Solzhenitsyn puts into the image of the old woman Matryona?

3. What is the feature of the image systemstory?

a) built on the principle of pairing of characters

b) the heroes surrounding Matryona are selfish, callous, they used the kindness of the main character

c) emphasizes the loneliness of the main character

d) designed to highlight the character of the main character

4. Write what was the fate of Matryona.

5. How did Matryona live? Was she happy in life?

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 12

1. Why didn't Matryona have children?

2. What was Thaddeus worried about after the death of his son and former beloved woman?

3. What did Matryona bequeath?

4. How can you characterize the image of the main character?

a) a naive, funny and stupid woman who has worked for others for free all her life

b) an absurd, poor, miserable, abandoned old woman

c) a righteous woman who has not sinned in any way against the laws of morality

a) artistic details

b) in a portrait

c) the nature of the description of the event underlying the story

e) internal monologues of the heroine

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 13

1. What type of traditional thematic classification does this story belong to?

1) Village 2) military prose 3) intellectual prose 4) urban prose

2. What type of literary heroes can Matryona be attributed to?

1) an extra person, 2) a small person, 3) a premature person, 4) a righteous person

3. The story "Matryonin Dvor" is written in the following traditions:

4. The episode of the destruction of the house is:

1) opening 2) exposition 3) climax 4) denouement

5. Traditions of what ancient genre can be found in the story "Matryonin's yard"?

1) parables 2) epics 3) epic 4) lives

Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Option 14

1. What is the original title of the story?

1) “Life is not a lie” 2) “A village does not stand without a righteous man” 3) “Be kind!” 4) "Death of Matryona"

2. The specific subject of the narrative, indicated by the pronoun "I" and the first person of the verb, the protagonist of the work, the intermediary between the image of the author and the reader is called:

3. Words found in the story "Mismatch", "to the ugly", "room" are called:

1) professional 2) dialect 3) words with a figurative meaning

4. Name the technique that the author uses when depicting the characters of Matryona and Thaddeus:

1) antithesis 2) mirror composition 3) comparison

5. Reception of the arrangement of images with a gradual increase in significance, which the author uses in the finale of the story ( village - city - all our land) is called:

1) hyperbole 2) gradation 3) antithesis 4) comparison


Option 1

1 - a

3 - in

4 - a

5 B

Option 2

2- gradation

3 - About the Russian stove.

Option 3

3. “It was not a pity for the chamber itself, which stood idle, as in general, Matryona never spared her labor or goodness. And this room was still bequeathed to Kira. But it was terrible for her to start breaking the roof under which she had lived for forty years.

4. teacher

Option 4

3. She began to throw ficuses on the floor so that they would not suffocate from the smoke.

4. The righteous

Option 5

1. V

2. 2.

3. “Cardboard not peeled”, “cardboard soup” or barley porridge.

4. Trains.

5. b

Option 6

3. If only they didn’t fall behind, so as not to be late in the morning. ”

4. pupil

5. Matryona perishes - Matryonin's yard perishes - Matryonin's world - a special world of the righteous. The world of spirituality, goodness, mercy, about which they also wrote. No one even thinks that with the departure of Matryona, something valuable and important passes away. Righteous Matryona is the moral ideal of the writer, on which the life of society should be based. All the actions and thoughts of Matryona were consecrated with a special holiness, not always clear to others. The fate of Matryona is firmly connected with the fate of the Russian village. There are fewer and fewer Matryonas in Rus', and without them " do not stand the village". The final words of the story return to the original title - " A village does not stand without a righteous man”and fill the story about the peasant woman Matryona with a deep generalizing, philosophical meaning. Village- a symbol of moral life, the national roots of man, the village - the whole of Russia.

Option 7

1. IN

2. “At one hundred and eighty-four kilometers from Moscow along the branch that goes to Murom and Kazan, for a good six months after that, all the trains slowed down, as it were, to the touch.”

3. It was he who gave it that name.

4. A village does not stand without a righteous person.”

5. Ruble posters about the book trade and about the harvest.

Option 8

1. goat.

2. About electricity.

3. Job.

4. The pot of holy water is missing.

5. Grigorieva Matryona Vasilievna

Option 9

1. Upper room.

2. d) 1956

2. Glinka's romances.

3. Blizzard.

4. "At odds with your conscience."

Option 10

1. “His high forehead was darkened by a heavy thought, but this thought was to save the logs of the upper room from the fire and from the machinations of the Matryonov sisters.”

2. V)

3. "... the righteous, without whom, according to the proverb, the village does not stand."

4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Matryona? What did Ignatic understand for himself?

5. e) "radiant", "kind", "apologising" smile

Option 11

1. V

2. the moral ideal of the writer, on which the life of society should be based. All the actions and thoughts of Matryona were consecrated with a special holiness, not always clear to others. The fate of Matryona is firmly connected with the fate of the Russian village. There are fewer and fewer Matryonas in Rus', and without them " do not stand the village»

Option 12

1. Died

2. save the logs of the upper room from the fire and from the machinations of the Matryonov sisters.

3. The true meaning of life, humble

4. IN

Option No. 60134

When completing tasks with a short answer, enter in the answer field the number that corresponds to the number of the correct answer, or a number, a word, a sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be written without spaces or any additional characters. The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers. Write your answers without spaces, commas, or other extra characters. For tasks 8-9, give a coherent answer in the amount of 5-10 sentences. Performing task 9, select for comparison two works of different authors (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in the given direction of analysis.

Performing tasks 10-14 is a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers. When completing tasks 15-16, rely on the author's position, if necessary, state your point of view. Justify your answer based on the text. Performing task 16, select for comparison two works of different authors (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in the given direction of analysis.

For task 17, give a detailed reasoned answer in the genre of an essay with a volume of at least 200 words (an essay of less than 150 words is scored with zero points). Analyze a literary work, based on the position of the author, involving the necessary theoretical and literary concepts. When answering, follow the rules of speech.

If the option is set by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to the tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of the short answer assignments and will be able to grade the uploaded answers to the long answer assignments. The points given by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

Name the genre to which the work of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor" belongs.


Indicate the name of the literary movement, which is characterized by an objective depiction of reality and the principles of which are reflected in the Matryonin Dvor.

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"


What term denotes words that are far from the literary norm, found in Matryona's speech (“lubota”, “flying”, “gatherings”, etc.)?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"


Establish a correspondence between the characters of "Matryonin Dvor" and their characteristics.

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


In your answer, list the numbers of the correct options in the appropriate order without spaces or commas.

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"


In the above fragment, the spiritual qualities of Matryona are opposed to the soullessness of bureaucrats. What term is used to describe this opposition?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"


What is the name of an expressive detail in a literary text (a pack of "important" pieces of paper, Matryona's wicker body, etc.)?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"


What technique does the narrator use when describing the work of the “cared-for” Matryona (“There were troubles - to get these certificates ... and certify the certificate ... and then take it all to the social security; and overwear, correcting what was done wrong; and still wear ".)?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"


What character traits of Matryona are revealed in the above fragment?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

What works of Russian literature depict the conflict between a “private” person and the state, and what brings these works closer to “Matryonin’s Dvor”?

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks B1-B7; C1, C2.

That autumn, Matryona had many grievances. Before that, a new pension law was issued, and her neighbors advised her to seek a pension. She was lonely all around, and since she began to get very sick, they let her go from the collective farm. There were many injustices with Matryona: she was sick, but was not considered an invalid; she worked for a quarter of a century on a collective farm, but because she was not at a factory, she was not entitled to a pension for herself, and she could only get it for her husband, that is, for the loss of a breadwinner. But her husband had been gone for fifteen years, since the beginning of the war, and now it was not easy to get those certificates from different places about his salary and how much he received there. There were troubles - to get these certificates; and so that they wrote all the same that he received at least three hundred rubles a month; and to assure the certificate that she lives alone and no one helps her; and what year is she; and then wear it all to the social security; and re-wear, correcting what was done wrong; and wear more. And find out if they will give a pension.

These worries were made more difficult by the fact that social security from Talnov was twenty kilometers to the east, the village council - ten kilometers to the west, and the village council - to the north, an hour's walk. From the office to the office and drove her for two months - then after a dot, then after a comma. Each pass is a day. He goes to the village council, but today there is no secretary, it’s just that he’s not there, as it happens in the villages. Tomorrow, then go again. Now there is a secretary, but he does not have a seal. Third day go again. And go on the fourth day because blindly they signed the wrong piece of paper, Matryona's papers are all chipped in one bundle.

They oppress me, Ignatich,” she complained to me after such fruitless penetrations. - I took care of it.

But her forehead did not remain clouded for long. I noticed that she had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug carts. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

Now I have laid a tooth, Ignatich, I know where to get it, ”she said about peat. - Well, the place, lyubota one!

Yes, Matryona Vasilievna, isn't my peat enough? The car is complete.

Fu-u! your peat! so much more, and so much more - then, it happens, that's enough. Here, as winter spins and a duel through the windows, you don’t drown so much as blow it out. Letos we trained peat teams! Wouldn't I have dragged three cars even now? So they catch. Already one of our women is being dragged through the courts.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

Solutions to tasks with a detailed answer are not checked automatically.
On the next page, you will be asked to check them yourself.

At the beginning of the poem, a description of the desert is given. What is a similar description in a work of art called?


In the desert stunted and stingy,

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,

By noon, melting from the heat,

And freezes in the evening

Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him

Will run into the tree of death

And if the cloud irrigates,

Wandering, its dense leaf,

From its branches, already poisonous,

But man man

And he obediently flowed on the way

And by morning he returned with poison.

He brought the tar of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves,

And sweat on a pale brow

It flowed in cold streams;

Brought - and weakened and lay down

Under the arch of the hut on the basts,

And the poor slave died at the feet

Invincible lord.

And the prince fed that poison

Your obedient arrows

And with them death sent

To neighbors in alien confines.

A. S. Pushkin, 1828


What technique does the poet use in the phrase "Anchar, like a formidable sentinel, costs..."?

Read the lyric below and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.


In the desert stunted and stingy,

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,

By noon, melting from the heat,

And freezes in the evening

Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him

And the tiger will not come - only a black whirlwind

Will run into the tree of death

And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,

Wandering, its dense leaf,

From its branches, already poisonous,

Rain flows into combustible sand.

But man man

He sent to the Anchar with an imperious look:

And he obediently flowed on the way

And by morning he returned with poison.

He brought the tar of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves,

And sweat on a pale brow

It flowed in cold streams;

Brought - and weakened and lay down

Under the arch of the hut on the basts,

And the poor slave died at the feet

Invincible lord.

And the prince fed that poison

Your obedient arrows

And with them death sent

To neighbors in alien confines.

A. S. Pushkin, 1828


What is the name of the figurative definition, which serves as a means of artistic expression (“whirlwind black", "sand combustible" and so on.)?

Read the lyric below and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.


In the desert stunted and stingy,

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,

By noon, melting from the heat,

And freezes in the evening

Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him

And the tiger will not come - only a black whirlwind

Will run into the tree of death

And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,

Wandering, its dense leaf,

From its branches, already poisonous,

Read the lyric below and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.


In the desert stunted and stingy,

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,

By noon, melting from the heat,

And freezes in the evening

Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him

And the tiger will not come - only a black whirlwind

Will run into the tree of death

And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,

Wandering, its dense leaf,

From its branches, already poisonous,

Rain flows into combustible sand.

But man man

He sent to the Anchar with an imperious look:

And he obediently flowed on the way

Read the lyric below and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.


In the desert stunted and stingy,

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,

By noon, melting from the heat,

And freezes in the evening

Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him

And the tiger will not come - only a black whirlwind

Will run into the tree of death

And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,

Wandering, its dense leaf,

From its branches, already poisonous,

Rain flows into combustible sand.

But man man

He sent to the Anchar with an imperious look:

And he obediently flowed on the way

And by morning he returned with poison.

He brought the tar of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves,


In the desert stunted and stingy,

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,

By noon, melting from the heat,

And freezes in the evening

Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him

And the tiger will not come - only a black whirlwind

Will run into the tree of death

And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,

Wandering, its dense leaf,

From its branches, already poisonous,

Rain flows into combustible sand.

But man man

He sent to the Anchar with an imperious look:

And he obediently flowed on the way

And by morning he returned with poison.

He brought the tar of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves,

And sweat on a pale brow

It flowed in cold streams;

Brought - and weakened and lay down

Under the arch of the hut on the basts,

Read the lyric below and complete tasks B8-B12; SZ-S4.


In the desert stunted and stingy,

On the ground, the heat of the red-hot,

Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

Worth - alone in the entire universe.

The nature of the thirsty steppes

She gave birth to him on the day of wrath

And green dead branches

And watered the roots with poison.

Poison drips through its bark,

By noon, melting from the heat,

And freezes in the evening

Thick transparent resin.

Not even a bird flies to him

And the tiger will not come - only a black whirlwind

Will run into the tree of death

And rushes away, already pernicious.

And if the cloud irrigates,

Wandering, its dense leaf,

From its branches, already poisonous,

Rain flows into combustible sand.

But man man

He sent to the Anchar with an imperious look:

And he obediently flowed on the way

And by morning he returned with poison.

He brought the tar of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves,

Expand the topic of the essay fully and multidimensionally.

Argument your theses by analyzing the elements of the text of the work (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Identify the role of artistic means, which is important for revealing the theme of the essay.

Consider the composition of the essay.

Avoid factual, logical, verbal errors.

Write your essay clearly and legibly, following the rules of writing.

C17.1. What is the author of the comedy The Inspector General laughing at and sad about?

C17.2. What is the reason for the special emotionality of the works of N. A. Nekrasov, addressed to the folk theme?

C17.3. What moral issues does M. Gorky solve in the story "Old Woman Izergil"?

C17.4. What are the features of the lyrics of one of the modern poets? (At the student's choice.)

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