Is it possible to give cyclamen. Cyclamen - a gift with a magical effect

An attractive and stately plant - cyclamen - for a long time pleases the eye with its beautiful flowers. In total, there are about 20 of its species, but only 2 are used in everyday life - European and Persian. This is a legendary flower, which the Greeks called the sleeping summer and associated many superstitions with it. Signs about cyclamen can have both positive and negative interpretations.

Cyclamen is a popular house flower

A bit of history

In honor of this noble plant, many legends were composed. One of them says: “Having built the temple, King Solomon wanted to make himself a crown. The masters offered him crowns of various shapes, from different materials, but the king did not like any of them. He was upset and decided to take a walk in the fields, where the whole earth was covered with flowers of incredible beauty. Each flower tried to show its best side and attract the king's attention by offering itself as a crown, but the ruler was not eager to have his head covered with narcissistic flowers.

Returning to his temple, he saw a small, beautiful pink cyclamen hiding behind the rocks. King Solomon was delighted and decided to make himself a crown in the shape of this shy plant. The king understood: this crown would be a reminder to him that the people must be ruled wisely, reasonably, but with restraint.

According to this legend, the flower was able to attract the attention of King Solomon himself, who is known for his wisdom and his mind. This is what distinguished it from a number of other plants.

Existing signs

There are various signs about this type of flowers. Almost all of them are positive.

  1. A plant at home helps a woman become even more beautiful, elegant and delightful, irresistible and desirable. This will turn the head of any man.
  2. This flower changes your aura, which releases your hidden possibilities, helps to get rid of the influence of public opinion, dropping masks, allows you to meet with yourself.
  3. Cyclamen absorbs all negative energy and processes it into positive.
  4. If this flower is placed in the office, it will help develop your leadership skills and energize you to achieve success.
  5. The flower has a good effect on the endocrine system: it treats infertility, problems with potency and general hormonal levels.
  6. The plant will help you calm down in a stressful situation and give you more tolerance.
  7. Cyclamen will help you get rid of insomnia and nightmares, all fears, protect you from disappointments, bad thoughts, envy.
  8. If the man in the house is too slow and often depressed, then this plant can harm the situation. In this case, it is better not to keep cyclamen at home.

The energy of flowers in feng shui

Cyclamen can be grown at home. But, according to Chinese teaching, cyclamen embodies the elements of Water and Earth, where the first dominates, so this type of plant should not be placed next to the heating appliances that are in your home.

The color of the plant affects human feelings. Pink flowers are responsible for romance and emotionality, crimson flowers help to experience strong feelings, and white ones will improve things in any area of ​​​​your activity.

The best location is on the right side of the headboard in your bedroom. When you are mentally exhausted or depressed, the energy of the plant will improve your health some time after acquiring it.

There is also such a superstition: if there is a cyclamen in the house, then no spells will work. The plant will protect your home from bad weather and the elements.

All leaders should have a plant, because their job is to communicate with a large number of people, in this case the flower helps to find a common language with other people.

White cyclamen brings success in all areas of activity


Cyclamen is a flower of pride and self-respect, love, protection from evil spirits, envy. If you want to become more liberated, feminine, attractive, you should buy this flower. It helps to focus on yourself, your inner "I". Properly caring for the plant, you can not worry that negative energy will reign in your house - the flower will destroy it.

One of the ancient legends tells that the wise King Solomon, having built a temple, decided to invent a crown for himself. Many skilled craftsmen gathered at the court, each of them offered the king his own version of the crown. However, they were all too pretentious and did not attract the attention of Solomon.

The disappointed king decided to take a walk in the fields surrounding the palace. He saw that the whole earth was covered with a beautiful flower carpet. It turns out that the flowers heard that Solomon needed a new crown. Each of them tried to get into his eyes and offer themselves as a crown. But Solomon was distinguished by modesty and did not want his head to be crowned with narcissistic and puffy flowers. On his way to the newly built temple, the king saw a timid pink cyclamen hiding in the mountains. Then he realized that he needed a crown in the shape of this flower. The wisest Solomon decided that such a crown could be a reminder that you need to rule justly, while maintaining modesty. After the death of the king, cyclamen became sad and bowed his lovely head even lower.

The magical properties of cyclamen

Attributed to cyclamen and magical properties. It is believed that he has the ability to drive away bad dreams, dispel causeless fear, protects a person from disappointment, envy and evil spells.

To protect against evil forces, it is better to put cyclamen in the bedroom, on the right side of the head of the bed. At the same time, the flower has the most beneficial effect at a time when a person is sleeping. If the owner of the flower is immersed in a state of chronic depression, then under the influence of cyclamen, the disease can recede after 7 nights.

Cyclamen is credited with the ability to create an energy field around itself, within which a person is protected from any negative influences. If he nevertheless fell under the influence of evil forces outside the field, cyclamen will help him cleanse himself of their negative influence. True, he guards only the family of his masters; his magical power does not apply to guests.

If there is a disappointment in love, you need to carry a cyclamen flower with you, it will help heal heart wounds. White and light pink flowers strengthen the spirit of a person during turmoil. They are credited with the most powerful magical properties. Scarlet and purple flowers bring happiness in love.

A beautiful delicate flower - cyclamen has violent magical powers and the ability to heal people from many diseases. Many people know an amazing plant under other names: dryakva, alpine violet. In scientific language, cyclamen sounds like Cyclamen. In magic, a flower is assigned love, powerful energy and reliable protection from an evil spirit. It drives away a bad dream, frees thoughts from fears and repels feelings of envy, unkind thoughts.

magical properties

Among magicians, a unique flower - cyclamen is famous as a natural antidepressant, which gives self-confidence, as well as strength and wisdom to cope with even the most difficult situation.

Alpine violet gives happiness in the family, protects from negative energy, evil spells, envy and bad thoughts. In a house where a flower grows, there are always friendly relations, peace and tranquility. The sacred plant creates reliable protection only for family members; its magical power does not apply to guests. Plus, cyclamen also acts as a source of happiness in the hearts, it drives away sadness, despondency and bad mood from people. White and pink cyclamen have the strongest magical power; under their influence, you can improve your condition even with severe stress and depression.

Magicians have noticed that alpine violet perfectly purifies the air in the room, and it can rightly be considered a “home amulet”. The magical plant has a positive effect on people who constantly doubt their own abilities, strengths, have low self-esteem and, against this background, do not strive for a better life. The magical field of cyclamen inspires confidence, reveals the hidden talents of people and creates a positive atmosphere for the implementation of conceived ideas. Dryakva is especially important for creative and vulnerable natures who are prone to self-flagellation and depression.

What are the signs?

A man will forget about problems with potency if there is such a flower on his windowsill.

Mostly beliefs endowed with positive qualities are associated with the home flower. It is believed that if you put a pot of cyclamen on the windowsill, then men will magically stop experiencing problems with potency and increase vitality. In addition, there is a sign that if alpine violets grow in a house or yard, then spells cannot be cast on this shelter.

The magical properties of a unique plant also affect women. It makes them more elegant, more beautiful and more delightful. The fair sex becomes desirable and can get the attention of any man. The main uniqueness of cyclamen is the ability to absorb negative energy and transform it into positive.

healing power

Endowed with a magical flower and strong healing qualities. The juice of the plant soothes, eliminates inflammatory foci and acts as an effective antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on many pathogenic microorganisms. Infusions, decoctions of cyclamen help to get rid of insomnia, emotional excitability, they are also used to relieve pain discomfort that accompanies intestinal colitis, gout, sinusitis, headaches. In addition, dryakva is an excellent remedy for hemorrhoidal cones and an excellent cure for gynecological diseases. The flower improves immunity and restores the cycle in the female body.

Whom will it harm?

A sign that a flower is not suitable for a person is dizziness.

It is important to remember that cyclamen is considered poisonous, so it must be used with extreme caution. Do not use the magic plant for children under 10 years old, pregnant and lactating women. In magic and folk medicine, the dryakva will not bring the expected benefits, but will only harm people with personal intolerance to this flower. If you experience dizziness, nausea and other undesirable effects, you need to take the pot of cyclamen out of the house.

Cyclamen (Alpine violet, Dryakva) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the subfamily Myrsiniaceae of the Primrose family. The birthplace of the flower is Asia Minor and South Africa.

Plant height - about thirty centimeters. The tubers are flat and rounded. Tuber diameter - fifteen centimeters. The leaves are heart-shaped, the color of leaf shoots is light green or dark green. The diameter of the leaf blade can be up to 14 centimeters. The leaf is held on a long brown petiole.

Reference! Cyclamen blooms in early spring.

The flower of the plant is 5-petal, bisexual, the lower petal is slightly bent back. The color of cyclamen flowers is from light pink to purple. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of alpine violets has not been thoroughly studied.. But it is known that the composition of the plant includes the following substances:

Medicinal and beneficial properties

has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which allows you to use it for sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

Important! The composition of cyclamen juice includes an alkaloid, which, upon contact with the mucous membrane, turns into cyclamiretin. This substance is able to destroy the pathogenic flora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Traditional medicine uses plant sap in alcohol tinctures for rubbing. Thus, cyclamen has an analgesic effect in inflammatory processes of bone tissue, joints, rheumatism, gout.

It has not been proven, but there is an opinion that cyclamen juice harmonizes the hormonal background of the body:

  1. normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  2. enhances male potency;
  3. helps with infertility.

Cyclamen juice has an effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes the heart rhythm.

Preparations containing cyclamen are used for the following disorders in the body:

  • violation of the immune system;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • migraine;
  • jaundice;
  • hair loss;
  • snake bites, poisoning.

Poisonous or not?

Cyclamen is a poisonous plant. Its tubers contain a poison similar to that of curare. For medical purposes, cyclamen is used with great care.

Birds do not live in forests where cyclamen grows in abundance (Krasnodar Territory, foothills of the Caucasus).

But at the same time, it has a negative side effect on human vision. The negative effect of cyclamen is due to the effect on the vessels of the retina. Eye pressure is disturbed, glaucoma begins. Blood is poorly supplied to the crystal of the eye, it begins to fade, a cataract develops.

Important! Poisonous cyclamen juice should not be instilled into the nose of young children, pregnant women, people with cardiovascular diseases.

Can you keep it at home?

  • Cyclamen are poisonous plants. If there are children and animals in the house, then you should refuse to keep the flower in the house.
  • With all the manipulations carried out with the flower and tuber of cyclamen during the preparation of the medicinal infusion, it is important to work in protective equipment (gloves, glasses).
  • Remove children from the process.
  • Like all poisonous plants, cyclamen should not be in the kitchen.

Cyclamen-based medicines prepared at home are contraindicated:

  1. children under the age of 10;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. nursing mothers;
  4. people sensitive to the components of cyclamen.

You can not use pure plant juice in medicinal products for the best result. This will lead to burns in the mucosa.

Folk remedies for treatment based on a flower

For the preparation of medicines based on cyclamen, its tuber is used.. And since it contains poison, you need to be extremely careful when in contact with the root of the alpine violet. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling cyclamen juice.

Before the first use of a traditional medicine recipe that uses cyclamen, a consultation is taken with the attending physician.

Sinusitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx.

How does it work? Cyclamen tubers contain a biologically active substance of the saponin group(cyclamine), interacting with the mucosa, cyclamine has an irritating effect. At the same time, it causes an active reflex secretion. There is a natural cleansing of the maxillary sinuses.

Drops simple

  1. The cyclamen tuber is pre-washed.
  2. Fresh tuber is finely ground on a grater.
  3. Take 1 part of cyclamen gruel, add 10 parts of water, squeeze through 4 layers of gauze.
  4. 1-2 drops are instilled into each nostril.
  5. The procedure is carried out before going to bed.

Attention! If the tuber of the plant turns out to be dry, then you can not squeeze the juice out of it, but simply pour it with water. Then it must be kept in the refrigerator for two days.

Details on the preparation of simple drops from cyclamen are described in this video:

Drops are complex

  1. The components taken in equal proportions are mixed together: cyclamen juice, onion, kalanchoe and aloe.
  2. The solution is instilled into the nose, 2 drops in each nostril 2 times a day.

On vegetable oil

  1. A mixture of juices, as in the previous recipe, is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10 and instilled into the nose.
  2. After the procedure, the nasal cavity is washed with saline.

As a remedy for neurosis

Cyclamen has sedative properties, therefore, is widely used in the fight against neuroses. It helps to improve the psycho-emotional state. Apply infusions and tinctures with cyclamen in case of depression, stress, nervousness, with general weakness, increased psychological and emotional excitability. The ointment should be used with great care.


Cyclamen is a magical pantry of health. If there are no remedies for a cold in the house, there is always an indispensable “healing friend” at hand. You just need to go to the windowsill, dig out the tuber of the flower, prepare the medicine. And if there are contraindications, then you can just admire the wonderful flowering of alpine violets.

The indoor plant cyclamen is also known as the alpine violet or dryakva. At first it was wild, but over the years it has been domesticated and grown on windowsills or in the garden. Signs about cyclamen are widespread, confirming its magical properties.

Plant appearance

Cyclamen is a small flower suitable for the home. It grows slowly, propagates by seedlings. The bud resembles lowered leaves only pink. The leaves are green, rounded with a pointed end.

The flower is quite capricious, requires special conditions. There are several types of home plants. All of them love warm and slightly humid air.

There is a beautiful legend. Once I was looking for the most beautiful crown in the world. Not a single master could please him, even garden plants did not please the ruler. But Solomon immediately liked the proud and beautiful cyclamen. He decided that his crown should be in the shape of this flower.

Famous superstitions about the view

There are several common signs about the home flower of cyclamen.

  1. In a house where there is a plant, there is an unfavorable environment for men. They feel uncomfortable, do not show love for a woman. If you buy cyclamen in marriage and bring it into the house, this will lead
  2. At the same time, for unmarried women and young girls, it has a good effect on the emotional sphere and sensuality. Cyclamen reveals sexual potential, helps to achieve harmony with oneself.

To some extent superstitions contradict each other. Folk sages get out of the situation like this: if a girl holds culture even before marriage, then it will not affect the relationship. And if the spouse decided to breed cyclamen, then wait for trouble. Especially if the husband is not confident in his abilities or is going through a crisis.

The validity of the signs about the plant is controversial. Therefore, everyone acts at his own discretion. In addition to the above signs, there are others that are more positive and associated with the magical properties of an indoor flower.

Healing properties

The main advantages of keeping cyclamen in the house in terms of energy are considered to be that it cleanses the atmosphere of the home and enhances it, bringing:

  • Love;
  • calm;
  • harmony;

In a family where cyclamens are bred, no one quarrels, there is no conflict of generations. Usually culture has a positive effect on fertility - there are many children in families. Also, the plant enhances the potency of men.

Negative influences are absorbed by cyclamen, which is cared for. The plant rebounds damage, evil eye, black envy. Increases self-confidence, helps to fight unreasonable fears and mental anguish. improves mood.

He is considered reliable. If a person has accumulated bad thoughts or experiences, he should take care of the flower: water it, wipe the leaves. In the process, often visit original ideas that are successfully implemented. Alone with him, you will be able to throw off the imposed stereotypes and masks in order to understand what you really want at a particular moment.

Buying and choosing a place for a flowerpot

A good place for the location of cyclamen is the bedroom. The pot is placed on the cabinet at the head of the bed on the right. At such a distance, he can influence the mental state, improve relations between spouses. The first positive effect appears after 7-10 days.

A few helpful tips:

  • need to be kept away from other species by 2.5 m;
  • the radius of the flower's magic is about 5 m;
  • outside the radius of cyclamen, a person is not protected;

You can buy an adult plant or a small sprout. The main thing is to carefully care for him and make sure that he does not wither. All family members can do this. After the purchase, they bring it home and put it in the central room of the house or apartment.

At first the flower gets used. Then you need to look at it carefully for 3-4 minutes, thinking about what positive emotions the plant causes in you. After energy charging, cyclamen is put in a permanent place.

Spells and evil spells do not work in the field of effect of the flower. It used to be believed that the species protects the home from natural disasters, intrigues of bad weather or destruction by the hands of enemies. In the folk tradition, cyclamen is a combination of wisdom and modesty.

In addition to energy instructions, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of gardening: transplant, water in time, choose a lighted and warm place for the plant. Then it will delight with bright flowering, and for the superstitious it will become a home amulet or talisman. To feel the magical effect to the fullest, it is necessary to take care of the flower alone.